Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Oct 1938, p. 6

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. . . . TIME' .GHAN6E _. To the left In the above pictures Is Ex-Mayor an4· to the right Hi,, Worship Mayor Fred T. Rowe; who donate.i the _ Sli- ver cup _ which has been presented to Plrker!nr team In the Ton SoH· ball League for a second year. · Best Plowmen Are Picked On Mohawk Indian Reserve ---- +------------------- Splendid Competition in All CALEDONIA ·EVENS SERIES Cl . T d' TRIMMING AYLMER, 6-1 asses m yen maga Caledoilla, Oct. 11. - Caledonia Match The Prize- evened . thelf Ontario Baseball As· soctatlorl 'futermedtate • semi-final series Wtth ·Aylmer by winning the second contest 6 to 1. u · .. • ··-s··H ·~· nM ···· Winners Belleville, Oct. 8. - With the largest entry list In many years, the Tyendlnaga Plowing Society held Its annual plowing match on the Mohawk Indian Reserve Tuesday. Twenty-one or the best plowmen on the reserve gathered for ihe ·1ntque event, winning of which holds a special slgnlf:cance among the members of the band. Francis John was awarded first prize In class "A", followed by Wil- liam John, Normay Mamcle and Thomas Brant. In class "B", Jack Bmnt finished first, followed by Hilton Leween 11nd Arthur Mara· cle. Class "C" found Louts John the winner, with Ken . Brant second, stewart mn third, and Clayton John fourth: Hugh Burns won the class "D" contest, followed ·by Del- bert Harvey and Ralph Aylesworth. In the .running. Jack carded · an 84. In the tractqr class, special in- which Is pretty ta1r going over· the terest centred around the. entry of Woodbl.ne iOJt course. · .. Mtss Helen Maracle, only female 1 i · · + ... ·• · aspirant to the title · of best plow- . lntercoue8late open· man on the reserve. In the early nC> upsefa.• Most of the 1·rounc!s Miss Maracle a~tracted WIUI . on Varsity and much . admiring attention for her .ne~ly upset : the work .from her male oppol).ents and Kingston w.lth a spectators, but she 'Wi.s ' unfortu- ltlcte:r .from Ham· nate In that part. of her .equlpmen\ ~~~~~~~~~:F~Jierenntal~--~ • triple• broke mJ.dway through .tlfe contest. Toronto. · Cllffcrn1 Maracle plac,ed first. 1n the scalt13 the tractar claas~ , followe_d by ·~ue . ~. . man ClaUB, Thomas Maracle, Len• + .+ · nox Hlll' &nd~Heleit ;:Mar&\:)e. · ~~::~f.~r?"!i ll01ren!d tts way to a win JuV'erillea tbo : had· ~thelr plowtn" iii: .W.CS~i~~m behind · the -superla· contest, and t, lii·Y~-C>ld Gerald ~~:.\;;~~, 1 ,~~:1de&sr · or Herb Weatman, who Brant won tlrat prize, ~lth Howard Intercollegiate football Lewis plac!lig· second. , . : .who.se return her· Judging wa8 .based O!J. quality of new day for the the crown, straightness of fprrows, like McGlll for covi!rb)a .. of. lfl'llll8 and stubblll, .f~~ but It'll be' very ness: - · e~ess and uD!formtty, shape :of· 1~ aD<I f~.~ . . ll: ~ . . Quinn, rof.J'P.eterboro, was In ·cha~ of· judaJDr, Uaitted by H. ·~~e, II\; dian ·agen~;-ot ·.:Deaeronto. · ~t11~asts had a greens one · of -for bowl- 11M on : large F1NB;m)~J:'Of • · . · MIS31Nfi:i~4N -.·:lN 'TREE TOP Corpse of Co~wall Laborer at Top of ·Forty-Foot · Tt~ Cornwall, Oct. 11.-Slung high at top of a 40-foot pine ~. the of JulliiB Lavoy, 20, Eallt com- ihree' laborer, who disappeared May 2, was found yesterday by a part- ndge hunter. . 'Last ntght :Provincial Pollee were at work on the tree top death mys- tery, while C9roner Dr. 0. A. Stew· ari reaerved . decision on an Inquest, pending· pollee Investigation and I'Qisalble autopsy to determine cause of ~ath. · ,;It .remalnll to be proven that wu suicide, and yet I don't aee ~~~~~~~~;~~~~~i~~rlO'Ii'••rcy one could take the body up •aald Coroner Dr. Stewart. .was roped to two limbs. API~ently his belt strap had been )lJs . handa behind hls bp.d di-opped off. Per- nC>t prepared to PBSII .. Tight pitching In the pinches by Lefty _Sipims, who received' exct'llent support, gave Caledonia the win. The Caledonia Infield backed Simms up with three double plays. .Archie Dougherty, veteran Aylmer hurler, allowed only six hits, as against nine allowed by Simms, but three AyJmer errors helped contribute to his de- feat. · London's telephone clock "TIM". which gives the time to all who call up, earned $450,000 I fu tolla . last year. . -UP.·:ro·voTERS Pic:ton to Preaent Daylight ;~. , Saving laaue to Electorate · ' PICton; Oct. 6-The future of I)ay- ·savlng time Will be tn the of the voters. At Tuesday .night's meeting of counell, Soll~i­ toF ·p.' L. Ward was Instructed to · a by-law whereby el-x:tors; town would vote on Day- at the December elec- · DayUght Saving time wns observ· ed ' ll.ere this year when the council passed a by-law following the re- ceipt of a large ·petition ~equest!ng that this town fall In line with other towns and cities in the district. A mlle of sidewalk has been built or repaired, reported chairman <?f streets, Councillor Clifford Gerow. The .sum. of $4,000 had been .spent on 'Walks and .streets. An application for a gas !mnchlse was· laid over unt.U a later date when applicants requested more time In wh!ch to prepare their FIRST TO KNOW! How radio has made Its lnflu- I ence on the younger generation of the country was revealed In a claSsroom o! a c:ty public school yesterday afternoon. tp.e class, one or the upper ~ was beln!l tried through qllils. by a teacher during a brief ht5tory le.!SOn. . · Names ·or the various dictators. ~Jre.sldents and premiers or the European countries had been giv- en by pupils with little more than the customary hesitation such les- sons provoke. "And who Is the Prime Minis- ter of Canada?" prompted th~ teacher. "MaeJtepzle King". supplied one pupil affer some thought on the m!ltter. "Who would be the first citizen or Canada to . be Informed In the FORLORN FIGURE For seven and two-third Innings a superb pitcher and seemingly on the way to his greatest _moment, Dlazy Oean, the Cubs' $185,000 disappoint- ment, trudges from the mound In lhe second world series game, &Her home runs by Crosettl and DIMag- :;-io had settled the issue for the Yank~e dynamiters. · Larry French replaeed Dlz after DIMaggio's blow in the ninth. ·Two r111111 In the second Inning or the second world series game started the Yanks off on the 'Victory road, After DlMaccfo singled and Gehrig walked, Gordon sent a slow roller to short. Both. third baseman Back and shortstop Jarges or the Cubs went aner the ball. comded, . and the ball 'rolled out to left field as Joe · ' and Lou came home. The latter is seen nmnlnr to third, · aa llliclr, LEFT, and Jarges, sit and wonder . . wluit- liap];eiied. ThAt's Dlz Dean ehaslnl' the ball In a ~ effort, to prevent a seore. president of the Council of Osh· aafd Tuea- meetlng to ahould ...... ...., atate:l Hamilton·' Team :. Beata C.G.E. To """·-'-....,~, O.A.S.A. ,, . RUNNiNG Rac,Es ' at ' ject bn ~.~ -~ tht.t\ \b · tton" ·-~ qillte ~ bUt '~ cauaie,OI . IDI t.bat - ':.'l'Odl viCtJ.inS• cl~ ll{le~ lt .we c salt -~ the.·wu a~!e Rev. aennan about tl he unck tlOJ) thl mt.ter. c same ·wt tOok to I . tn ' Italy iownfall arlty b , (OODt ~ Plabs I J'O~~· o of jtn,e · C on satw t•e6 P.O{IJI ~~ ;:r~. I" I Jl'l'UC~a

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