Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Mar 1939, p. 4

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co:~fcrence agreed to re .. es:> ' and tntoet. tu New York City a t 8 ' .m ~ld. y, March ;o at which &zne tt ~ 11 consld.er proposals made .,;· tbe a~ o or any othtr augs:1!!4Uons that mlghL be lald be- tore .Jt.~· 1.:. , 1 0 Joh'n" L &.e\\ls head of the C neaotlatlng committee, suggested a plan rot· labot peace which "ould cOm bin& Amer~ca .s major laQor or- ganizations fu 11 united labor move- ment The AP or L committee fhuly Lumed down LewJs' proposal lm- medJatelY after n "a~ made but the :1ttt~e'ii~ .rrom Bat" indicated ' :"'1-L Halifax, M~rch 8 -A hpte~ fire- man di&mWed the nl&ht before the dlsastroua Queen Hcf..el lur. week t.old him ""I'ht!re~ll' l" more than me out of row, John De.sm.oon~1d~;·:;!~::~~~;;:i: ager told a. P'lre !! gaUon today Desmond, who aald t.he man tor drinking, , 0- "-'·• fireman as sayJna 'IC 8 jo~. there11 be a lot out of a job rtreman .s nllllle wa8 Then the hOtel over and whispered o~~tenographer the "~~;;rJ~'i~-~fi;~ Bouffard 5 1emarb, before fire ~otel azid q aln)ed He "noticed ' the drinking, Desmond dt.smls.sed him with notice Desmond ~ told the not know whether e&cape ropes ln the ro;~:t~;;:~l he had noL te&ted h He had been on did not know If A s rfiall blaz•:~:~~~~::t~~~~S; I out dilllculty, 11re, Oeemond imLE ANNIE ROONEY MY E.V~S ARE NOr W>IA,. "THI!.V W~RE­ "TH2RE'5 A PICTURE 0::: ROBERT MAI!l'I:U OlJ 1'\-U!O PAGE - YOU'LC SEE MY NAME lt-.1 BLACK Al-!0 WHITE- , You can't tell the truth wlthoul; shockmg the public ' -Upton Sinclair. By Brandon Walsh "'THE PEARL... NECKLACE WAS A WEDDING PRESENT F'ROM HER HUSBAt-.10 -AAI' 1r MADE MISS LE VIVAT 50 HAPPy-SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SK& w...; DOIN'-5HE ONLy' THOtJGI.n'" .SHE. LOST IT-BUT IF SHE. 101.0 IHE 'POLICE Wl--IAT HAPPENED- EVERyQt>JE. WOU~D I<NOW SHE. WAS MARRIED TO M'R. WAitDe'. Field Crop Competition to Be Sponsored By the S~ilth Ontario Agricultur_al So'ciety Cash for Main Prize Kept at Sante Level General Budget for 1 Fair S.t Definite a:iSUI"ILD.ce thal; the fteld. erop competition, .sponsored thLs )'ear tor tlte first t!me by the SOuth OntaJio Agricultural Society, will be a .success was rtven Prtd&y m~rht '\IVhen the executive held a m.aettnr to make fUrther plana for 1830 actl· '\>'!ties. The m1nim.um number of entries for the compeUtlon whlyh Will be held wtth Erban oats was aa.sured. at the meeting In addltton to definitely placlng tbe field crop competition on tb 1939 progn,m tne falr board la1<2 the groundwork for QJ.e Oshaw~~o Fair which will be beld on Sent 11, 12 and 13. A b~et setUng the maxll:num expenditures 1n the vari- ous phases of the soc.lcty's work 'Wa6 adopted This calls for an out- lay of $f,804, practically the same as In 1938 • More For Hone RMes The feature of the- budget ap~ proprlattons ls the allotment of $fOCI to t&e horse raeblg program tnste!l.d of $325 provided last lear It Js hoped that t.b.e Increased al· lotment wiD Permit better purses :tor the races, thereby attracting a better class of trotters or pacera and also more entries than prevl· Dusl> The Increased expenditure tor hOrse racing Is made I)OSdble through economies effected In other JJnes notably a decrease In PoJwel" and eleetdcat costa SOmewhat Je:Js wm be spent on bu1lding repalra Pickering Men '• Club Enjoys Three-Act Farce Scugog; However, the majOT ltem in the entire bU4Iet, that of prl!e mo.n.:!}', remaJ.ns exactly the .same, the ap.. j:::~· !larch 13.-simpathy propriatiOD ~ t1,500 for Pl1a one to Mrs Georle Hall Item, practically oa.e-thlrd the to- tal budg'*- While the amount set famUy in. the puaine of ' her hus- -.dde for Pr2le money ls not chang.. band wbo died 1n tb.e Osh&wa Gen- ed, there ~ be a Chanp tn the era1 H05P1tal on .~Y after a elassutcatkills so that the money - ~ w111 be e:rpended through altghtly few days lllneu aJthoUih llr. IUferent chaneb had beeil in poor health for time Mr Hall spent most of ~·· ,,.., Trllnlte to B. D. Predo.a early part Of h1l 58 l'e&l'8 here: ImmadJately after Pres.ldi!nt B W. the Ialand where he alwa,ya had a Webber called the meetl,ng to order jote for eveeyone. Be leaves to he paid brlet tribute to the- lDM moum his pua:Jng h1a wife, Conner .. IUffered. by the soc.lety Jn the death Jy Sarah Brown and tour daughters of the Jat.e R. D Preat:on. His k-lb- ute was follOf'led. by aU dlrecto%'3 MD. P G, Joblltt is VisitJn1 atandlng f<n' one mtnute ot .sllence tor a tew weeks. No appointments were made to till Mrs. B Crooks, of Toi'OJlto, the vacane!ea lett by Mr. Preston. spendinr few with her I ····~··· one feature of Pair daurhter who was defJnlteJy decided to Bhov;:s In ~%5Zntries Con.sldenl\Je Ume was: apent on the field crop compeUUoo ques- tion ThJs Is an entirely new ven- ture for the society and Js an effort reeommendW, by the Ontario De- 'P&rlment of Agriculture. The dtrec- tors are CIJTylng out the decision reached at the annual meeting •hen 1t was *~reed that the bdUal tompetttlon 1 &bould be ln. Brban D&t.s Ten entries are required liS a. mlnbnum, lhouah It 0. hoped to have 25 cntr1ea Jn tbJs compeUt!on before th-e cloelng date on Mareh 15 andtbetr ~t the lhere Lop are being hauled to Mr. Orr Jeffrey's now to be .sawed Into Jtun- ber again this spring Our old friends the crows are here again tn numbers, we are giad to hear them again. The Girl's lnltltute waa held on Saturday afternoon at tbe~ home of J4ni John Bumh&Dl on account. of the WDesa of Mrs Oeo, s~;~~i 'lbe meeting opened by ~~ the Ode .. followed by Those who were announced as en- tries are as follows Norman Down, Beber Down, John Dryden, Charlera :P'otllCiilll, D Tb.D.IIlpaon, .J'oh'l Baker, A. E Ol'&U, E. L. Chap. 1nan, Bomer Boake and B. ll/. Web- ber, Tbe commtuee Which 1a M.araare-t Cromer, Mrs Maurice motto on. Trees The answ~ ~ b.Y a newa munlty .m,tng waa aocomP&Diett b7 on lhe rultar ehaqe ot tb1l OOIIlpetltion make definite etforta to enlJat fur.- l'llllllcb' bY ther entrJea, wort.lol' 1n co-opera- tion with E A. InD-. the district. qrlculturat re~tatlve Jn thf.s """"'••· ~'"!}o.l_~ ~ ... Attncu .. PrUeo The prtae llst for tbla compeu- 0.. parikululy attncllve. P.>Jb'll from 418 fa< flrat pr..., .. ~ .. •lahlh prize, • ..,. ~ndlti~QO ,.,.. not unduly ,..,l<lc· 1s that retlatlred leed It I - ) • "!"HE WHITBY GAZETIE AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1939 ADVERTISiiG : fiAVE LECTURE HON. DR. BRUGE ON FIRE HAZARDS HONORED BY For Sale Help Wanted condition Hood r.ot Apply Oazett.e and Ofttce. " " - I ~ Canada at the BOttom in World ~es for Building ) v GOLUMBOS OF UNITED STA Columbu .. Kedron Brother· Appointed to the hood Entertains Ladies tiona! Conciliation at Closing Meet miNion, U.S. andAIIbanoa~1 :1; you the Hyle-bluiag bea~ty <h• lioe aaftsm&oshi,P:- '• Car io the \11\uld. Right ptompl ciCilvery-'.a ~ old car-aod oew fnedOm Aod i~a euy m' buy a monthly poymeots losulmeot PlaJi. """ "I-ll: u u

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