Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Mar 1939, p. 6

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' > . ' ' ' . PAGE TEN ' ' SPORTS Argos Defeat and Eliminate . Traditional Rivals from OshaVta '. In Game Ending with F~g~t .Whitby Wins Championship Of · County H·ockey: 'League For 1939~ Win Agg Trophy Whitby downed Claremont by a s-~ eount to win the champloruhip of the SOuth Ontario Count y Lea .. 1ue ·tor 1839 and the Agg Trophy wbJch &oes With it wh.en the two \eaml tan.rled tn a fut close ho:- key pme at Taylor•a Arena last TbundQ nlaht. The playoff turned lnto, audden-death game when ofttclall of bot.h teall'l.$ agreett to hold the uw-otf in one game !n- atead. of the ortglnlillly sched.ule..:l three pmea. Whitby took an l!a rly lead in the fir;tt perlOd when Art Bradley scor- ed an un&Mlsted goal but Cla!'C- monL came back to match H l\'lt.h a taUy by Simpson, who nlso drew dOWn the only Claremont pena lty of the ~riod along with Dick HaU or Whitby. There were no penalUe& m the &eCOQd atama with the tea~ru re- malnJq on even ~erru.<~ as Bra~:: aeored from Moore for Whttby. Spmceley k~t the North~mer ~ o:1 even tr.rttlS with a aoto efforl Whitby ~e the tie t.n the tlno.l se.5Sion wtth Klvel, • membe: o! last year•.a junior ·aquad, corr..lng through with tpe winning tally aa Ros.s and HaU presented a ..;tn:.e- wau defense to the fast Claremont snipers. Klve:J. the thll'd member or the local&' defense trlo. also r,ave a good account af himself on fhe reargu.rd. The flnfl frame wns :tlso marked by tbt!cu,Jfa betwteu HaU and one. of the Claremont sf':<LP.t who ~nt ott for 1tve minut es a.s U1e re;mlt, . ' Tho satne ,., ••• featurrxl by the sensational BOAI~.Pdln~ of runy Calderone, who tOOk over lh e net· ntlndlng dutJel ';ln tbe obsem fl o! PhU Burkart wtth the Midg:ct s ut Cumphellford. , > • Last. l'ear tbe ,Aft Troph) :..-pO.'I - ed in PlckerJna: and Lhe Wh1Lby aggregation d~ zp.ueh r.reo1t ror brlnatnJ: th,e cup to the c.:~tmty town for the flrit time smce t in.: S.OC.L. :w..-; :)rtJnl&ed • year a~o THE WHITBY LIONS iiiDCETS vs. ST. CJITHARINES l"riday, MCII'cb;. 171&: . • - ' ->f:- TIIYLOR'S ll8UI'A 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION. 25~ ·iifid' JOe e "THESE BOYS DESERVE YOUR SUPPOR'r" . e WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1939 or two Whitby players such as I New York R8.nger3 or Just Birds Heard, Ph1lliP5,. Clark. Watson. EYe Centre, they're YOUR team. Brown, Mayne and Eiodge actually I + + + do hall frOm Ute County Town. Now ~at the time reaDy baa come + + + to say "aUf wled~·· (Changed We don't know who Whitby plays that one th1s week) it seems tQ hun next and by the ttiD.e the O.H.A. more than we tJtought. lt. would. SO, makes up its mind as to who, when, at the risk or repetlUon, may we say and where, the weatherman mas - for the last time - best of lucK have gone on strll:e. Lets hope not. to the entire sporting fraternity of But come what may, the Argos are Whitby." ~~~~err mu: : +the prosvolncci.L•'. 1 OSH.4_W_A--:.T-A_,.:.:K_( __ .S Whitby's ent.ry in the _ ..... h\ home the .. """ this ,.., FIRST.6AME. IN by trimming the highly touted ctaremont outfit 1n a sUdden deal.b :• for th: :un:y champion- I PLAY •Off SERIES Originally scheduled as a best director of a contm.ual parade or players from the Ice to the penalty box for the entire evenln!{. Both teams .suffered .1'rom. ' hJs strict rullng.s but. more particularly, the fans suffered for without doubt the strict oficlBlllng marred the game's speed and entertainment qualities. Two and three men in the box at a tJme was nothing unusual and twice durin&' the game both teams were playing with only thTee men to & side..and the go.ill.es. The "COca COlas" showed up as the better-balanced team in the game here last night but they fall· ed to assert their superiority in the scoring sheet to any great extent. Inaccurate shooting and faulty work In frmt of the Whitby net account- ed for most of their lost chances. ClOo<lchlld followed ln raptd-finl moc:e.sslon. and f~ vecy trtvtal of- fences. While Oehawa raa abort- handed Bagnell staled up · the centre io drive in a rebouDd whiCh had resulted from Bandera• great rush. Ten seconds later Bagnell wa.s thumbed off for anotller "cheap" penalty and almost 1m- mediately Whitby acored qa1n. Thomson and' VIpond and Sanders, the only three pl...,. thoy bad on the ice all figuring in the play. n was Sandt!JS who fllpped. t.he laoe.e puck Into the rlggln(f, while the dta· perate "Cokes" were ftin1y looking for tt, to clear away. xa,ne wu thumbed off before the period e.ncl- ed but other than brlngtng tbe total of penalties up to 19, It had no change on the game. Theteams:- ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::~I two-out-of-three series, the plaY-off turned. mto a sudden death at- fair when the managers" or tne W' h "tb L" Cl b two teams agreed to thl.s orrange- Whitby Scores Twice in Closing Minutes of Stem Tussle to Cut-Down ()oh. awa'a Lead to 4-3 fOI' Re- turn Game Friday .. Glad" Clarr:ldge, .. Pete1 ' Oood- chlld, "Red" Krantz: and "J~'· Marsh were to the fore for the homesters whlle Tbomson, Bagnell. sanders. Piper and Heard were 1n the Jtm:ellght for Whitby. WHI'I'BY AR008-Go01, C-; defence, Thomson and Vipond; centre, Heard; wiDaS, Bagnell and Sanders; alternates, Piper, Phillips, Mayne,Brown,Ote. 1 Y IOnS U ment before the game •tart«!. ' • + + "Red" Krantz, last year with the Oshawa "'Ge:nenl.6", scored Osh- awa's first tally while "Pete•· Oood- OSHAWA "OOCA OOLAS"-Oool, McCuaig; defence, Marah and Everett; -centre, "Jlarrtdge: wings, Armstrong and GoodchJd; altern· ates. Bennett, Benham, Krantz, Rowden and Hooper. ·Eliminate Campbelifof.d • .:·to5~~t=~::;~,:~~ · " , fUture years. By, tbe time they fm- And Now Meet St. Cath~nnes ~~tr'~;..:~:~~ ·~~.:e~: - never llk.ely to be time or 1Ce for a O.sha.wa "Coca Colas'" toot: a chlld, another O.H.A. Junior of yes- one-goal lead into Whitby 011 Prl- ter•years tallied twice for the da>· for the retum game of their "COkes." "Lefty" Thomson, BlU series with the "County .Towil" In· Bagnell and Kennle Sanders. all the 4-3 score tn Oshawa Wednesda,y former membfts of OshaW'!L'& JUnior night. O.H.A. teams of various seasons, Referee, E. Hurst,. Olbawa. Enter Finals For Cup-Big Game Here On Friday Night in Taylor's Arena - Whitby vs. Sl Cath- arinea A firmer hold on the Ontario Midget Hockey League champlon- .ship was gained by Whitby Lions Club All Star Midgets on Sat- urday afternoon when they elim- inated Campbellford from the running. On the round Whitby wns seven goals up. Saturday's game which was played In Taylor's Arena, and. witnessed by a fair crowd, end- Ed with a victory for Whtthy over Campbellford by a score or 8-3. The score 1n the latter town on Thur.s- day night was 5-3 fO'r Whitb~. The Whitby made up of the best Midget~ " Lions Club to King Memorial the team at its .!:peed and who, however, sent a strong team Whitby which made qulte a Credit able showing, Whitby ·Midgets will meet st . Catharines 1n Whitby on Friday rught. and ,may go to St. Csthar· ines next TuesdaY~ There .should be & large crowd for the g&m.e here as the boys deserVe ~ encour- agement. If Whtlby win& the League champlonsbip a - bratlon 1S planned by tbe whi~ is doing a_ lot ot good RJD.ong boys of the town and trlct. three game final series. • Whitby Midgets ga\·e a grt>st The game was a typ1ca1 ding-dong scored the goals for WhitbY, 1n the showing on Saturday artemoon ~>J battle from start to f1niSh of the abOve order. down C&mpbellford in two straight. stem batUing type that has char- Despite three successlve penalties ••Booby'" Wlllls, a great little hocker acterized the almost annual meet- for Oshawa players, followed later player. gave a stellar perfonnanc~ lngs between these two rival clubs. by-.. a couple of Whitby repent.ers, on each occasion. These boys may Oshav.-a "COkes" were ahesd almOGt there was only one goal scored ln eas1ly bang up a provincial t1tle for the entire game after scoring the hectic first :>eriod, "Red" in the Whitby wigwam. • the oniy goal in the tnlt.ial .stanza.. Krantz converting Hooper'.s pas.s + + ~ Whitby Ued it up in the second but into a .successful shot on goal. THE 81JMlliA&'l' Flnll'OrW 1. Oshawa, Krantz (HOOper) .. . 8.15 hnaltle.s, Everett. Krantz, Ben· nett, Brown and VIpond. Seeoad Perled. 2. Whitby, Thorman (Bagnell' 13.20 3. Oshawa, Goodchild ........ 18.15 Penalties. Rowden (2), Clarrldge, Benham, Oke and Sanders. TblrdPerfotl Last Round-Up: Orchids to the the "Coca Colas" went ou~ 1n front Another half dozeu penalties were Whitby Argos for sho'-".ng the again. scored twice in the th1rd added 1n the second frame. Midway 4 Oshawa, Armstrong (Clar· 'lrorld that the Counn· Town has n frame to build up a 4-1 lead and through the period, "Lefty" Thom- ridge) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .8.10 GREAT hockey team just l\·hen It looked ~ if they wOUld son took Bagnell'.s pass, wvrked his' 5. Oshawa, Goodchild (Clar· ~ V ~ have a comfortable margin for the way 1n front of the net and scored ridge) .................. 10.40. Individual ment.10n Bemard second tilt of the series the visit- on McCuaJg from fifteen feet out 6. Whitby, Bagnall (Sanders> 15 35 Clark. for ably fdling the .shoes or ing Argos put on a supei.--spurt and Three minutes later "Pete" Good- 7. Whitby, SaUder& <Tbomson, another great goa]-tender. George scored twice 1n the clo.stng mtnnte:s child snarP.d. a loose puck at the VIpond) . ................ _1620 Phllllps, fill' that "never-.say-die" to cut the margin down to a lone blue-line, sprinted t.rolDld the de- spirit going both WB}.'i. tally. fence, tricked the goalie and slapped + + + Strh:Uy Supervir;l!d the puck into the empty cage. A lusty .. :ruzberry" t m a fnendly ··Peg" Hurst who was Ute star The t.hird period saw OSha.\~la. r----.,.-----------------~..,-,------,.jsplrtt> to that hockey player who net-mlnder fDl' Ute Whitby team 600l'e twice to bulld up a big lead, IN THE PENALTY B-o· ·x lites to give the press 90ell-meant lor many sei!SOns, handled the game only to lose it in the closlng min· Penaltles, Bagnell. major and minor, Armstrong, major; Brown. Okl!, Clarrldge, Goodehlld. and Masne. ----. ' ' . ~· , ; advice on how to cover ao assign- &nd while his work was obvl- u...._ Bagnell and Armstrong tang!- . ment. We never tried to tell ~·ou ousl~· impartial, It was stm. far ed. in a. tiff early in the frame and how to play hockey. did we, lelia? from belng above crltlcl5m. :&p- were glnm major penalties. When Practically the total 1931 crop of BANANAS FOR CANADA (tiy D.S.) .L + ,.. + parently anxious that the Ume-.old they retumed, A.rtmtroog ooored Gras Michel bananu ptrin ln the we saki a. long farewell! only too read,y to shake hands after week we didn't figure on a. few it was all over. tt wa& .a rough, - meaning gentlemen <lts nll tough rugged game but there wasn't we promlsed. not to use name.:. a. man on the lee that wasn't. a Isn't a t.hing you can do to sportsman. That's What OOW1t&. who seem to feel that \\'e + + + shou1d try the patience or Whitby There was qutte a ·bit of. ~eelinl bOckey fans for one more week. ca.nied over from that 'tzq~c~affatr -- _+ :J 'f> .,. in Oshawa. Admi~ tb.iln were 'l1l1s 1s one week when there·s a. lot of thlng.s about 'it -th&t'r'f'ere rally plenty of material 1! we can off-colour but you can be aur.-of onJ,y do tt Justice. this much. "Peg" Hjirst ~Caned ' Ulat; + + + game a.s he saw. itt ~.ere iruD,'t;: one Whitby ArKos proved conclusively iota of ra.vourtUBm. and. he h&d.' tb.e on Friday night. that on is t.bleker courage to go tbrouah itlb. tllle~ Of than Soda Pop as they .sculled their the rankest a&Sfgii.D:ienca u.e· O.H.A.. way to another playoff victory ever handed a referee. ' through .sea.s of Coca Cola. And tbe + + + . A bouquet to loca.t hockey fans 1 rivalry which exists between the on Clarrldgt!'s pass and two minutes Wands of Trlnktad, Grenada, St. who finally rallied around the club two clubs .should not fla~ out J.nto later, Clarrldg.e pa.&se4 out rrom. Vlnctnt, st. Lucl&, aDd Dominica. Don't forget ln future rears to rally open warfare. Referee Hum: put a behind and Goodchild was on band representing tbe eastern crouP of round belate the playoffs start Rc- \·ery rigid mterpretaUon on Ute to alap the puck past Clark. the British West tncUes, was ex· member whether they"re playing U1::1 rules. The result was that he was Penalties to Oke Clarrldge and I ported to Canada. I , NEW·S S'ER VICE were quit~ hea.vy at wme Just about; Ulue~llm:;•;. ~~~~~ &tapS. too. gets into the ~ + + + with Oahawa a :~~§~!§~·1111 We're not going into detai.ls about George H. camPbdl t.be rame. You11 find them else- one player on 'Lbe . where. Suffice 1t to say '"twBA a ma.y hall from Ui'e • gloriOul victory". perhaps a coupliJ + • + manvWe, and· he Jt"ice<!da It wu Whltby'.s big hockey night a great deal of it. anc2 the fllll& dld tb.e1r duty nobly. + . ~ ~ '!' . , TJ:tue'a always 60Ulethlng .. dlf- Mr. C&mpbell"a remarta: far ferent" about a Whitby • 06hawa have greatly anJlO)'ed aome claSb, It C&l'rles as many tradt- tam. They realiR, u Kr. c;;~J ttolia u the ArmY·Navy game or surely :mun, that when ttylt long standing feud between talk.s about Imports. it can W. C. Pleid.s and CharJie McCarthy. termed a ease of tbe pot •• ;-~,c: + + + kettle black; , Even that Uttle session at the . ~ + ' + + end was part of the picture. Nobody Better let ... aleepjng dop ... tie. got hurt and Ule princ1pal5 were Georse. And don't forget tbat .. ~ Canadien• • Capabl, Sub.: Goalie_ When ) WIIf. Curle, l"f'(Uiar nttmlndtr "·Uh the lrq uc':s • <i,.anadlens, ~;u.stained a cut tY'f' In a ga 1ne Claude Bourque, A.BO\'E, spranc inLo the breach In rreat pmeH wltb the mually short-handed • rreat J.ate-aea.son drive for the las t playoff slot. aetlon In " number or (IUDts r-arhtr In the sea..s.on of the team at thd thnt. looked nonf' luo GOo d. ' "" • If you are inte~ested in your .Co~~.unity, and in the County you sliou'd read ·THE WH~ITBI GAZETTE . ... '. ~ A D CHID IClE "0 . ntarzo County's Leading Weekly" FEATURING EVERY WEEK County Hews Cou,.try Corre~ndence Live Editorials ' . lllustnted Sunday School Less~n Serial Story $ports Page of Current Events in PiCtures Comics for. Old and Young • Chur~, Lodge, Service Cl~b and Other Hews· NO BETTER. VALUE FOR $1.00 'o UKE A . LETTER FROM HOME EACH WEEK SUB·SCRI:IE TODAY . . ~. THE WHITBY GA!EuE\&Id CHRONICLE ' ' . -. , WHatiY~.' ONTARIO ••

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