• ~PA~G~E~TW~O~----i"'7'"':C"~~~L---~1li=E=W:H~ITB=Y~GAZE~~I~I~-£iANof:·-~·· :-:- CHR~'- ~WEDNESDAY, CM;:TOBER ZS, 1939 EDITOR&"t POINT OF VIEW l~=~~~::.;~;p:~biiarda In ; a . .,'DOll p(iney_'to leave , :. . . :-. ~ .. ,.= ,.:..., .,_.,,_..,.:.;._ .,-, ~~,. •. iti* Scn1ice ff!J 'the • ,:~-' ' , .... ~ ~'2::"1.:J1_ : t-•, • ~ .... ~ICII8,. : -... . : . ' :": . '• ,._....;..._ J:.(ime .tti~iJ~·t;, ihe ."'!"o~of the Salva-· t!On·A:riny· in' tliti' Jut war in material and sP.irltu&l!h.elp. Jiv_en the men of Canada'• JiiJr1t come.·trom-~e secretar.y·.O£ Whltb;y branch ' or· the' Canadian J:.eslmi_; in .a letter aPPearinr in thla laaue. ' ::;' .'. : . fl>!Appoln~ with TOlfD· C~dl'a action •, laft -weelt In m .,wnr-the ,loQJ·Army CX!l"PII p8mpu1on to holcr a . Tar 'Day ' to raise ~ for war-p1il\i0iea, ·the ex:.iervieemen f~ .~t>Jf<ti!ll '"t·majOrity __ qf clt!Jena kil~·what ithe Army m~&nt to' them wheu ~~~'Jiell' fn.many ways, they would wiJcoaie; tlie opportunity to rive a little fb~Qci8l'1ielp deeplte -the many-calla ·beinl - l.deii'l "-- 'ltlieM... · -- -· ~ .. .. ~ ' . • .!l'he ,fat~that tthe-.money · JDil.ht be sent to,haul~ in·Tor'onto,'it Ia con~od, ' doea'not:eret'ract'froin .uie ami:erlt:i' and e{ .. ' feetlvenesa of the Arm;y'a appeal, because ~all, the Wbltby Corps Ia but .part of a lireat world-wide organization which, im- m~iately aftir ·war- was declared, placed ita entire ruourcee and organisation at the ' diiposal of the Britisll and Frencll rovorn .. m~ia ~ hel_p In the suCceuful proeeeutl011 ofM e war. · The army in Whitb;y 'bas named a repre- selitatlve on the "Red Croea executive and the officers have'· expreued a deaire to help In an;y work here~ )'his Is ch~cterlstlc of the spirit of the Salvation Arm)>- everywhere when there is anythjnr worthwhile to be done. Sritain Ha• Paid U.S. Ple,.ey It ill behooves a few lqialatora of the U'!)ted Statee, now enraged in the neutral- itt debate, to inake .n, laaue at thill time ot<Brltain'~ war debt to that country. • ;:ver,ybod;y knows that durin1 tho last war <the United ·States· p;oid war matel'lals to Britain at a very hi&'h price and (je .. . baa .. • people to1111 add ncarded liab}- fttk Ill• nllll call new Charm• All Too Fl•llil16 A hOII)e lll&rbt ·f(ll" , ~ applu m~~at bt iievtaOpecl q~ -If the 1989 erop Ia not te bt a ~ ·~o~e, tM Dlredw of MarketlnJ ~Ct· ot 'tilt Department l1f ~ultun out. . Tilt -- ffW th-e - lm·· ._n to the Brl· curtailed cO.alltl•, aiicl toalbl; tlte Oiltarlo .... 111bltil aa -~ -...: ••"•rt ot tiM Oiit.Uto Lkilor .ec.tnt ict ill t~..e ter- ritor~• . The JOVtiDIDtDt ac:ti011, wklle 1loall4 to IMd to conf1lct, - tiM ~ f- Of a dovble· etfort to be IM4e to ... rulate the liquor tnttlc Ia tJMM eoetlw and to uphol4 law and or4•.' If botlt pi- l1f llifllatfoil are '9llld, ~ ttl' la'lr relatlnr to tile lllklt lilt, ~ aad III&Dufacture of U.Uor lhoold Jul.,. a wide away. a similar task, and this time it faces the added rtepoaalblllt7 of a peace-time pr<>- rnmme which baa become an imPortant factor In Canadian life. Tlie retold of the Jaat war 'lr&a *CCOihplllhed by the goodwill and ~erotity of the Oanadian people, both neb and poor, an4 It can only be car· rle4 on by similar supPort today. We can· not all be aoldiers, bqt we can all help them, -and hera Ia an opponqnlty. Little N•ed for Pricu Slryr,jtilt•ttitl6 . The Government at Ottewa .did well to -~ a War Time Prices Boerd and lol· hnrllll thla lead many mll!llclpalities are ~ liP C()!Dml"'"' to co-operate with thla ~. which baa wide powars in con· ~ retail prlc01 ~ to prevent hoard· lq. Prvfeeaor Alvin HanHu, political eco- nOIII)' up&rt Of Harvard Univet'!!iiY recent- lY p'l'a 011t the IIPirilon that priee levels d~ tha pt'Oient cionflict will not aoar as tllty did In ·181 .. 18. Jle pointe4 out that tiM Ulilte4 Statea e~~nnot ~~ ~uch an ill4illtNI UPIIur&e aa in the flnt great war, aa Britain lo now more self-snffieient bl ~ to wa:r materlala than then, to IQ' IIOthUir of the DominioDJ. PROFITS.-11 ·~ lelli', on 1M lcmn cmd at the auctions, as well ClllatM~. Bell. 111tatu Ia all liftlllock p!<lduce belteJ: re'- year Ia imd ,.ar out at no additional Cost in keep. W.O..,. io btaJ 011oe1t that will make money for the purchaaor Ia ~ loGnecl hJ tbis Bank. We welcome the oppor- llmllf ef ~ -y to reaponsible farmers who can --~ laftllmenta in pure-bred stock. THE DOMINION BANK EIITAIILISIII:Il 1871 WHITBY BRANCH •• J .. t1. PERRY, Manager s- 1netw.n ln prlcea may bt inavit· allle, aa we-have already oeen, during the pteMftt eonfllct. But inoofar ,. posaible !"::=:=:=:==:::=:=:======:==::: tliq ahoulcl 'be kept within limits which ~------------------, ~ have mated In peace time industrial IJ apaaalon jJWiod.. Theie -• little need tor ~ttiDa" prlcell aUeh aa oceumd ln til• f01111ar ~- ln fact tb,e profiteers 111 191 .. t8 )lave medt It mlrhty unpopular tor Uloee who are now inClined to emulate tiMir actlvltiea. An Allmil.'d61- Act o/ Co-OHNtion .. Prtmlv H•P.~Nri\ '1~~ei1~ .,. to be eonaratuJated ~ ; the dlapoaal of the Ftcltral ~Iii.\. wtila Canacla belnr ni&de tlte ;bi.M.kf' &Jr. tn.inllll' for tile Emp4oe and the exl&*l• ol. the war de~. ~t ,activitlea be atartecl at ot~ce, the offer at tile 1'109lnoe. "'It fnle, ia moet tlma)y ancl the !)clcnfnron ~t, we fat! ave J. mo.t rrat.tul. l\l&t how lOIII the hoepltal will be \l8e!ll u a tralnlnr atatloa J. not kiiOWII, IIi 'tt fa ua4entooa that each atatlona ._, to bt HI up In Westem Canacl• 1n ·the ,JIIi&Qo, tlmt Ule St. Tho!IIU -lnUitutlon III~Ui.the n.-4 .,_, admlrebly and ohon a apldld _,.,.tlon in an 1111erpney which fa ftf'T ~ ~ ~ I lllllllloll. and, under the clrcumltancM, l(alta -tlaL 1.~-Ed-ito_"n_·a_l_M_ot_•--'!"'-'~1 loin the Red Crou and .._. a part- ner In a mat humanltanan enteiprile. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Frwa WHmiY, OCTOBER 27 • 28 • 29 -to- fYrfAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $1.45 $7.50 . $11.50 Ste. AnDe de Beaupre $12..10 F"nt T-nin F._ Whitby 9.44 p.m., Octobe.. 27 RetarD Limit - October 30 'l'lebla Dt4 .... ea ~o• p.m. tniDI bam Ottawa and Moatftal. TO 11iE MARmMES-OCTOBER 26 AD Caaadl&a PaaWc StatloDs bt. New 8nmsW'kk &II Doe"""' Allllltla 87. StalloDs Ia N..,. S...tla ....... ~ t..n N'na ScoU& poi:Dtll llet later_tbaa NoY. L r-.. New •-•li:IL ,.._to - later tiW> Oct. 31. - .,_ 0.. Tnla ....... lloatnol s.oe p.m. _.... .......... m,_...,._, :=, CANADIAN na-nca , NATIONAL REGULAR DAILY SERVICE TO CANA!)IAN AND U..s..A .. POINTS Attt-actlve Round Trip Fares w.....,._ .............. $21.50 Detroit .......... :........... 1 0..10 Balhlo .............. ......... 6..30 Chicaao ...................... 16..00 Tleketa aud. lnlormatlen Mn. G. Drew - Phone 675 Retail Trade Improves Under Stimulus of 'War