Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1939, p. 5

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' . ' ' PAGE SIX SMALL STATE WITH HITLER'S PLAN FOR Berlin, Oct. 24.- 'lb.e Poland that Germany intends to rear on ~hd wreckage of tbe conquered Polish .I'!!pubUe was said in mformed Nazi clrcles to-day u lltely t.o be charac- terbled by these five featqres: n will be made up of Poles only; it will be smaller than the Russian Poland or before 1914; lt will. how- ever, . reta.n Poland's relgious cen- tre. Czestochowa, and patriotic Cf!R• be, Krakow; it will also Jlkely con- tain a Jewish state centerng abOur. Lubln between the Vtstula s.nd san rivers: it will 'be .saddled from the be1innJnJ of its exlat.enee with a tremendous rmanclaJ burden arls- lna frOm the necessity of reimburs- ing all Pole! crowded out or thtolr homes tn the part.s annexed by Oer- maoy. Officials declare everything ~­ latJ:Da: to Poland ls still lndefinit'!, yet Adolf Bitler's decree publ!.sb:ed em Oct. l~, canflrming annexatfo!l of parts of Poland, u well u pri- ftte t&lt.s With men definitely In the tnow, reveal the picture a.s gtven above.. HIUer·.s decree an- nexed Pomorze, Posen and Polish upper Sllesla, which were German territory before the Versailles aet- tleD>enl ' .... t.hlel. .. Ejeetio.rr • • Poloa wW be ejected from tiOna ann~ by .the Reich. P'>riter, Nul chlel In Danslg, authority ror the atatemeot this wiD. be done "ruthlessly." In their places will settle Germans cori11Di "home tnr.o the Re!cb" from BalUc states under muer's nil.gn.- u.;,. plan. ' Gdynia, now called. Gotenbafeu by.!)ertnans, Is being r.pi!IJy_tl .. r<d of lb. 80,000 Poles. All Poles will be .seWed· tOgether In what nmalns or Poland after GermauJr and SOviet RUssia have helped tbemSelves. ,lluall&'s lllwo Ia evoeytblnc- .... ot ' lllo' demarcallon line lntlu4lns StimiaJ&wow, Lwow, LuCk, Piltsk, .~:~~-~ Nowogrodek. &b., lo, broodly oaty whatever be- Reich to ID14. - ' ' . u.s. , A Juxu,riaal 11-.d ef ....... nkely rroom~. is d~i~bk U.. ., -peace. aa& .. whea. tiD haLl, J'h mub •nd SU(h e1 .W -ha.e lo W , bu&P7 er&DUMd over l.he nanlum.. M ' • ~tlleap. Be ~ llrl~ Tom.Dly u.uUI~::ea h\5 u.e· ,reM· cod Man. Here Is a i;7pleat seene In a ••~f . , . Nmcwp.en Ja B:qlalld., aa l.he boJa han thttr .., ..... ""~'-~ THE WHITBY AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1939 . I LINDSAY WUPLE- WEODED 60 YEARS. STILL RISE EARlY and ~ ""aeQm have; SPent the whole so:Yeara 'ot their h&pPf mar~ tied ure, r~ a.t 5.30 ll.DL and ~­ tlrtpg shortly after lllilit h8<l !OJ- ~en. -::- . The'r life h8.s ~ COJ;UPuitlve]f unevent.ful;-unl.ffected. ~by.tbe bust:~ l.nd perplex.IU.es ,of modern llfe., ThLs In a mea:;ure aecounta~rw ~tbe tact that time bas left Uttte 1mpfessiot1 ___:.. on them. Both hear and see u w.-u F • M • a.s their chlld:ren and are, forced to Work on arm m anpoaa spend no time In 'bed',lhl\)urh m. Up at S.30 °~ey stul r·ae at ~.30 a.m: to do Daily· their fiU'Dl chores, Mr: Reuin -t- . .lng hLs 50~acre farm._ilo~- ex~pt during the harvest season, whUe hla wife proujly relates, r.I sUU help wlth tbe milk1ng, I have never m:3• sed ·once siilce I have been mar- ried." She sllio does the house- wort:, ass'sted by her daUI'hter, Mr~ WUllam MaeMlllan, now. living at Lindsay, Oct. 24 -A UtUe white tarm house clinging to tbe aide or a clean wind-swept bUI, wa.s r.he setting for the celebration of th.! diamond wedding anniversary ut Mr. and Mrs. Thoma! Reazln, ct Salem. Mariposa, On Saturday. In th!.s quiet., past.oral setting, M:r home. · EYidettoe that Mr. Reaaln'a ~- ' LITTLE ANNIE ROONIE. si.g ll ' ~ ~ stl11 good Is Yte fact tp.IJ. and.wom•"-Jso-. worta~ an acUve part 111. Blr. LIVE.·STOGK· tary-manaf!'er of lhe expo.slUon, the he t~ ~tomst!ed crack shots from To- ~ &. U ,, .. early entrY 15 the heavtest it ha! ron •o !'lnd Lindsay at ' a ahciothiJ Their devoUon to church wor.. ever been and more than the usual :~: ~~~e,-~ecs~!~m:~ r!e~e a ::lr bo~~: .~~~Uor: ~~,~~ :~ . SHOW AT. rutrA60 :~=r ~f.=~e::s:;ee:::f:.- . r dro\'e the tact holdlng lhe d sc the congregation pre..ooent:ed tht"' !ll _ I.J (t $100,000 hr Prbea Jn th<> centre right throuab. the dUe -wltlLtwa chesterfield ch&rni and ~ n DEt · ' More than $l00 ooo will be award- droppmg to the ground, and . I end table at & aoclal evening 111 EMBER· ·2- 0 ed. to stockmen ~ cash prlzes. The brot:ght home a gOOM," be -rela~ the ebureh, arranged in their hO": , • ' premiums wm be spread over-cCtm- J)rouoly t. or. ' ' petition ror 36 different breed_, of Ht> ua.s born In Pen~lon township. They have three cbUdren 1 ~J 1 --- cattle hor:;es Sheep and swine. nt~r cambray, 80 years il.ao. a son daughters, M:r3. MacMillan .~ i i Expect Unwually Large which wtll ~tal well over 1:1,000 of the late Mr. and Mrs.: Samtt~- home: Mrs .Enos Metherell. or oa .. - 1 Sh , F h d · Ri'Rzm Mrs. Reazin was ~bOJ"n 1D wood, and one .son, Hezeklah ot OWIDg rom ea · in of Mariposa township. a daughter ~r Wl.et: al.w three grandchildren 1.n.t Clinada An unusually la~~ show tJ this tht late Mr. and Mrs. Be&ek!ah three great .. sran<k:hlldren • Canadian live stoc expec t.e Noble They were married by Rev. year. officials or t.he show stad ·In- Solomon Prosser and moved ~ UJ.elr Chicago, Oct 24. - Pred.k:tlona Eni:rlfos for the purebred an pre."cn t home immecnitely after_ SNOW GROUNDS rLA:\'ES that all prevkn...; records- for nUmber dlvidual fat stock classes of the ex- Actin: Cburdl Workeri 9algary, Oct. 24.-Trans-Canad'l I of entries will be broken are made ~ttion wm be accepted until No- Mr Reazln jolned the LltUe-'Brtt- AtruD.es planes west of Regina ,;U'-' by the management of the Inter- vember 1st, he says; s.nd for the I o O.P ln 189'1 abo~ art,ef It ~ed due to heavy sno'l\fa \1; 1 nat onal Live Stoclr: Exposition "tor International Ora n and Hay Show, ~~;~ rormed Mn;. Reami ha.a been this J•ear·s show which wUl be heU. the largest annual showing of com, acth e In the work or Salem Unite~ ID,I, Wes~m Saskatchewan, Alber', a~ the Chlcag~ Stock Yards De·· smal1 grain, .seeds and hay lnte th~ Church. having taught Sundav and through the Rocky Mountatl'· cember 2 to 9. • country, exhibits may be en rc SrllOol there for the ~t: 25 yeaTS T.C.A. officials said. According to B. H. Heide. secre- unttl No\'ember :10. by Brandon Walsh THE BETTER APPlES G.,... u~l'aebc 1llltler the molt Jllodml methods, In the Great Be4 W1lw onbaniS, M. Whl&bJ• where 1they are hand pt~ and ...._.. fer llae &Dd perleelion ·bf men who know apples. As a 1 '-1\ -.. ...,. fla7. Boot Wilq, """ bave lrldl lhal Is .......... - - llkmlOh ., .a;. ldnd, -'~: " ~ ra, ·on --sniW;-~A~1~~· · ·· · Delivered to vc- tDoOi- Tw.C. We"!dirl . . •" • '"I • " • ,. . . •• :~J , a . r . • SA11SFAcTlON .CO~ . FBESB PACK APPLE JUICE .cASE a:~o oz. ~s :.75c .. . RBD W.DJG o•c;.~S WHITBY PHONE 311 ' ' ,, . ·So. all throU.&h tW. ;Jear: • apple.~.-on, ~or1ter llbenl quui.tlt.le. ol Canadian apple. , • , for eatlna1 Cooklna, entcrtalnln1 • , • and lor-jelly- lnc and ~· You'll eP._joy .them lrn- ~4 you'~ be doln1 your countrr-,• . SERVICE at the Mm" tb:oe, • ~ 'to \ • • • ' And .remeaahez-,-C.:nadJan applee •~ Govern- moql Graded. Aak to~.ee 1thc arade-mark on ·the (IODtainer 'w~ you buy! .,. , • . ~JI.,.fwtln• Sern~ DONil'fiON PJ:r'AllTMENT OF A.CRl(:VLWRE., ' ' • O'JTA~~~ -. B~• ./fiMN C. c.nllner, Mini•""' . ' . ,_.·, - ·~ "" "" ~\' .. ' ' . ' " 1HE WHITBY GAZElTE AND. CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, 25, 1939. For &16 Notice ) SSlONAL. ~ -~ ' . , , W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister, SOllcitor/ Note.tY.,...._, • Successor . to A •• G. Browlilns. K:.C. )!flee: 110 BROCK s'l'iiaBT N. roleJII!o"": ~-;_ _;_ --o.l~ R. DONAi.I:fRuDDY

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