Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1940, p. 5

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()pened as Modern Highway . . . the route Fred Brewater once pld· e<l the Bostonian. ·· The Colurnbl&: lcefteld Hlshway reaches the climax or Its sra.ndeur In Jasper National Park. For 75 miles from Jasper Park Lodge to the ·point where the tongue of the Athaba~ka Glacier Jlow1 over the mountain Into the va.ll6y. the scene Ia one or lndeecrlbable beauty and P&&~an~~- SomeUmu Lbt Hl&~l!,&J \ beeomea an avenue tn a forest. ao:meUmes It acurriea by tbe feet" of lce-rlds-cd crests and It keepa com• paby with emerald rlveNJ and It Ia • ·et by cold spray or waterfalls dropptna from hldd~n helghtl. F;verywbere, th e w.hlte plurnea of unconquered peaks pieree the sky and one atartllns portrait passea only to be replaced by another . ~~'! b~eathle ... 1A rbe~ •. I Qaeea. with tracer mens to chat with a «hh inunJUon worker, while Kbtc Georp. 1D look at ane of the death-d~nr prOjeetnes darlnc their Tldt. a. a fador7 where ae· maauracturecJ for Britain. Tracer shells are so called. beC:a.UIMI tbelr Jllcbt Dla)' be a ~ • dn lee that leaves a plain. traiL · Nazi ' DeatiqtF Abandon &I After Narvik Battle Diu ·-... ~. ... to lluUD tbe .Vatlcau, the· ly •• Alllerl. . ~· '¥" ,, · ~· ':·: 5:,·:~~~,: c·:· ·;;:';1"J\)$:;:;t~ NAZI BOMBER PICKS BIB !I"T ' Plots &o eh.anp I,Jte f~ ar pvunmeni of Rumania and Yuro:.lavla have been : discovered 1u: those countries, the Italian press said !\lay 2. B:draanlbiary mDibrJ.." measures were taken in Rumania arter the plot was UDconri=d · n Messanera stated. U was reported that Kinr Carol of · Rumania (Left) had .cone seere&ly ta the Yugoslavia border ilt confer with Prince Paui .. recenf .- of Yaaosla,.Tia CRirhi), and that while the kine was away, Ruma.nJ& was warned :thai Gen;nan action a~inst her was lmpend~DK. . US.A. Appoints First Envoy to Iceland . . . . ' AdftD.t11J'eS or· Thomas' Camphdl, 18 {Lett), and Rocletlek Campbell. za, (IU&bt), nephews of · Ja,n~ Campbell, of Woodstock, Ont., aro beliar followed with lnterest br · WOodstoek residents. Thomas b a seaman .in B..M.S. Gurkha and itoderlck. Is In R.M.S. Warsplte. Warsplte lead tho ~~Dc:Cesaial attack on G~. dest.royers at Narvlk.. Both~ appear to b&v• acaped without. 1DJur7 from ~t esploib of .thelr ships," TH~ winTBY GAZETTE AND CHRONict;E, WEDNESDAY, MAy 8, 1940 ~ttomtiJ ·Genera I Experiment tO Lower Accident Toll ari Immediate attempt to re .. tr1l.ffic aecld.ents and fata.UUa ·.a corps of voluntary authoritec1 to aga1r;st the act and. pract1ee.<:, will be or- York,. Peel and Ontario ;;i,Y:.O.,ft~,:;,:I,Gordon Conant, At~ llDnouneed Prldi.J that most of the at.·-tbe conference to meet the pres"" sltuaUon·, becaure the would be too great, or let- would· ben~. which not be Pfl.S2;ed for · almost a said lllr. Conant. "I am, dl..sposed. · to try out the of co-operation _by val- called at the meet- but who, hereafter, as -rratfle Guar- to be JusWled. it l.s entered In the drlver'a record. In 112t the ~ent \lried the to repon otfenaea or bad practkol, R-' cards were made avatlable at 8el"Yiee sta- tions and pollee ltatlons. ii>Onse W&s riot 1uae. &Dd, ac<:oi'<l·. Ina to Mr • . Bicllell~ report' May 1 caotumce, the plan found to be tmaatlaf&etory ·In tllat many" reports had splt.e aa the mo- tin. 'Jtie depariment u a ·nplar Of' Jts · saf~t.y program bas · re- . exa.mJ.Dtd. an ~~tverap of 1,200 per • year - drivers wbo han~ JJeen, in- volved. ln accJ.deata or whose oper. •tina ..-..t 'Juatuled a check. Since the aocldent. 'reporttna ani! tlnanclt.l reeponatbUity taws "were formed. tn 1no the departm.Mtt has accumulated some 400,000 lhdlvld- ull opon.tlnl record!. on every convtcUOQ. every complaint and Oftr7 aacldont II IDtored. . " siu;MDaJon ot. • ~ _..cen.e 11 rn&d' maad&toiY·und"V lh~ · fbwlclaH•· IJ)ODilliiUIJ'. ~ ·Ol . tho 'act whm there la • oonYl.aUan fOr ma- Jor otteUaU or .& .f&IIUre to satlsf~ lu-enl arlolb& !rim . ., o.cclclent. U"rider thiiiiCUaaliDIIt.e-n,ooo drt.v· era have 1Git ~.~and or the :1'1,000 a~ately 17,000 ht.n been. · \ma"DJ.e tO. nte proof of tlnt.Ddal ftiP""PihiUQt . and come- quentl7 are. 111111 oil the road. · PUNT t.4P81ZES PAIR nuuuua. Police · Save Man North of CorbyWie u They Cling to Craft In Moira River NOT AliJNID B'l' Wd. JCIIPicll, ~. 7.-n · ,... an- ::;.,~~' 1..- al _ .. Unhttllll' the ~ ..... Will ... halt'...,. oil eel Ol>. .... DumJIOr al . N/Jecla ' Ul&l will 1HI '" ' .. ·Iiead Wci~S!fvings Committee 1'.' FoREfcaN ·ExCHANGE AbgUI.ITlON ,ofiDER ). IMPORTAN!-·:NOT~C:E ' - -· . . . ' ... ~ As annwnced by the Mlniater of Finance, the Forei~t~ Excluinge · ~uisl­ tion Or<!er;-1940, h~ been enacted by Onlel'ofn.COUnj:il undo~ the authority of the War Measu~ Act. · I · Unless exempted by t.l-,e Order, every J;e~~ident of Canada. who, on May 1st, 194o;·has any foi.'eip t~n~y ltfh~ ,_,.,aa~~lon, own"':"hip.or control, whether in Callada or outaide Pa11•da; 1.11reQ.uired .!ol't!lm~· to ••II. such foreign currency to an Authorised Dealer (i.e. a bl'ailch, of a chartered bank).'for .payment' in Canlcllaa dollirW at ·.the. Official bliYil!g fate of .tho Forelrit Eltchange COntrol .BOard. ' · r .· · ·"Foreign ctirreney", ior the )lllrt>olle3 of the Order, inoatlll· any cur- rency (excludiq COin) Oth~ ~ 'Catlad!~D Cllrr,!nc;)' and include&. banJt notea, poatalnotea, money «deil, ahequea, travellers! chequee;.:pr)!llald let- ters of credit, bank drafta and other ~ il!.struments payt.ble Ill a~!Y currency other than· Caiuu!Wl _~Mr; ion~ a1io lnelu~oa any amount m foreign eurreney of whl.ch a ~t h&a a l'ifht to obt&tn payment by·ret· son of a de)l<iait; credit or. balanC. of.t.Dy. kind at or with a bank, savings bank, trust company, ·10&11 con:ipaay, ·atoakbroker, .lnve!tment' dealer' or other similar de~itor)'. · · . .. . . · :~.' · The Order d.;.,i not ~uire' the Qi6 o~· any torel~t~ seeurities. The Order doea .;;,, i.ftech.ii; ~~~·currelloy, depo~it or seeuritiea of any !IOn-realdent .~: C411M,a. ~ 1ot:iNler eertalnty, the Oro;!~ ex- pressly declares that _;, no!l-"il~- v;!a1~ Canada for blllin088 .or pleaa- • ure for a period o~ pmodi.not.~.liz inonths In the· year "!'atinuea to be a non-res.idililt:for the1 ~;·of. ·the Otcler unl~ sucli person enters or hu entered Can•da Wltb: itll'i'illtention of• beeommg a per'manent t:eaident. . · ... ~- No rellident is -~ulred· till Mil'~~~~~ eUrtettcy If .If~ :S,atisf.i~. tho Foreign., Exc:hanae Conttol · ~-~~ li~: h~ sue!! .f\>.~1'!! cwrency on May 1st; 1940, solely u U:ORM or arent for a non-res1dent &!'d. tha\ the non•realdent'a lllw.t, th~ .. ~ been atquited. from a .,..tdent- aince 8efltenltier 15th,, 1-.,~·ueept in a .~er approved by the Board. . ' . ' · . • 't ' . . ' . tliidor 'cortain -.lli!ou .atlpW&tl!l ·m "Section 1. (b) of tile O;Qer, a realdent· who Ia not 1 C.Pa.dl•p d- .nil;r be II""" ted exe!Jlptlon;• but only after application for .-ptlon'h •I!PJli'Oved 1l7 the Board. · 1 . · . , No llfe ibluranee eoaiP..,. ~tecl.in Oanada· is requkw, by' the · . · · .' 1 Order to tell any foreip .,...~ wblch It neo-'1 tor the purpose of carry• • · lnt on Ita bUAinlll ciil~e:Qie'•d• . · · · · · .. l ;, , . I 'l . '•·~Jo..;· Further partlculUil ; ~ be. Obtained from )lrane)les of chartered < : .· •. banks. Any rialdillt . !'hci 'lw Ali¥ ' f~' ~-it! · 4Js ·. posa!'sslon; ; · · ownerahip or eonti'Ol.on ¥1-:r: 11~~1140,. ~ <d ~ount,.lhol!ld eon- suit his bank at once In order tq liilltt'&lii ·the extent to ·which· hP II affected by the Ordv. · · FOREIGN llXCitANGE CONTROL BOARD ' . ' I;1W::II Organize Dominion to! Encourage Savings for War Funds ·to~ · . .. 1940 .. ,6-I'UBE .· GiNERAL ELE<muc BIIDIOS (riae.cir.r . U.l - ~.roo.. su...- Ca.lifltt,ta Slqbtb" ~- . Rea-:::$83,95 • . MAYMf.f.· ' : $49~9$ · -..- You oa• . .....

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