Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1940, p. 6

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VEJ'ERINARIAN . DR. ~e..:s. BLACK : V• • L A Swa ao . llltOOKUN - Olft'&JUQ ' 'IIILEPBOIQD • THE WHITBY GAZETTE- ADVE"RTISING For ~eot RZRT-GABAQII: PCB. BENT, four <loon fl:om BlchWa7. Dry and llaht. AppJy .J. P. Y'll1e, 113 !tent .-. ..-. ... Wanted ~" 1 I I . ?' I !felaQ· -· -·1.--- - ~ INSURANCE LW.DUDLEY .... .... ~ u. ~b--.. ··· Co. Auction Sales PRIDAY, MAY 10--Auctton sale of bousehokl PUmlture. the property of Mrs. Cecil Vice, lot 23, rear con. 6, Wbltby To'Aship. half mile north of ~- sale at o'clock 5taDdard time. see wm. Maw, Auctioneer. Help Wanted WANTED - EXPERIENCED woman, or girl around 25 years of age, for aenerai bouse-tror.t. in home with all convenieneas. App)/ box 100 a .... ,., and Chronicle. Whitby. WANTED- MAN OR BOY wanted for llgbt gardenlng wort. Apply after 5lx o'clock to Geor&e Brown, Audley, Ontario. 5aJesmG Wanted BALESYEN WANTED-FAMILEX Qoallty Products becomln& better tnown every day. We need ~ salesmen to insure the best. possible setv1ee to satlsned custom~. Any ·acuve IIDd. honest man can mate a living selllng 200..necessttl~ which bring repeat ordete' by themselves. "l1lere I& no rl..~ 'J'ith our successful plan. Ask for ftmE Catalogue and InformatiOn. PA:itn.Bx OOXPANY, 570 St. Clement st .. :MONTREAL . Work Wanted WORK WANTED-EXPERIENCED pra.t!ucaJ nurse bousetUper 1n n~ of work by day, w1ll1ng to do bouse cleaning, a1ao teen aa• · bo1 would ute wort. after foui- and Saturday, cutting grass. boeing, ete. App)y 31T Green Street or Phone 8'79. LECION CORNER Brougham· Brougham, May 1-The Y.P. were entertained. at the bome of llr. and Mta, Sydney .Puah on Wednuday . .,.,.. Rev. Mr. Allnut, repre&enUn& the 'Bible Soclety, OOCU;pled St. John's PUlpU oa Sunday afternooo. dellY· _ .- _ ~ a r forcefUl and lmpre&aive 1'11'11. &ats• I • ....... aat mesa.ae. SS,Z g Oomn:U"- .are actively eq&pd ..... - . . .. ..,.~ . in mak1nc arra!llementa for the ~-a~ 50th annJveraa.ry or the laying or '"T.iiUi:Y 1 tbl comer atone of St. John's ~ ·ChurCh. W.B.IOIUII, ..... , Br 7 • ~ 1111 Oatarte TAXIS Ceatral Tui semce DON. J. BRYANT Phone 384 For Da,. aDd Niaht .Senke PIIOIIII lit, WIII'Dir The llotben' DJY aervtce neJ~t 8\mdl,y wU1 be a combined .servic!! or Sunday School and Church at :J p.m. Ktu Marjory Hamllton b home from Hoop!t.&l and p~ssing aat· tafactortly. Her touain, ll1aa Coral ROBle of Columbua vl.sU.ed her dur· Ina t.be week. lira. H. Malcolm an d T . c. Brown spent Prlday wit.h the R. 'Yaloo!m IIUilll)'. Yen's Ding • . at · the d&y. 10 THE / ""0 Lord, how lone Vrilt not h~ar! Even. .r vioJen"- and n.ou - WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 19411 BUYAMftiAC , .. • . . ' "A lot ol -tO look u Panloc'l .U.I!>d~lhopria- ol tliei< reub." . . . I T'S human oature to let your frimdi in on a good tbiog. That's why 1940 Pyatiac owners ""' advising so many of their mends to buy • .Pontiac. Pontiac deserves this kind of \'ria>dSJup. y.,. . day, there's a POntiac for ~-7 niodeb ... in 5 new series of Sixes and Ei priui ,,. surtwiihth<lotllllst/They're tbigcarswith ~- longwhet!hases-wid..... and roomy-with power-pocked engines tha! .dWionile the g&sOo line economy of the ....Utsl cars. And Pontiac is . en~ to cut repair ol!d Riviao hills almost io a ...mshing point. VISit your l'ODtiac-dealer: · I • ~ .. , tell tbeafPooriac prices start with the lowest- to cbef:k up and see. Aad lhoy do!" Sp.tci4l Six 4-Door Tomnx Scda DONALD · MOTOR SALES DUNDAS STREET EAST Bra!ich on Tue.!day eve-- A.Y~A of AD Saints' wm :Monday evJ!nlnsl at 8.15 :pr':'!":a"'"n." has been plan~ mm~bel:! are a.sted to occ~ at an ln· when the automobile by Mr. HUnter -terly nn Blah,._,. No. 2 collided with an au· iOmobue driven 30\ltbedy on a aide· ~, by Prank Tranrna, Trmtoii. Tbe' Impact. was 10 areat both ears were hurled into the ditch. Mr. wu a pas.wnger In the OSHAWA tHURGH WINS THREE tUPS IN A.Y.P.A:WORK Christ O.urch Comes Fmt in Debating, Dramatic:o and Efficiency The Home, the Church and the School are the three foundation s tones or modem elvll&atlon , and they must be mailltatned and up. held 'by the young people or the count.ey through cooat.ant vigilance tr democracy i.s to be re"tal.Qed, d e-;- clared w . .J. Dunlop. Director or Bxtemlon, university of TOronto, lfhea. he add.retsed. the annual ban- Quet of, t.be But York ·Deanery lAQI' · Coundl of the Anollean You.nf ~e's AssoclaUon Jn Cbr1lt. Church/ Scarboro, )(Oiiday ·-· . '"'nle young peiZOn Who cuta an- chor beside the Church appears to have a greater adnntaee In hb ou.Uoc:*. on life," Mr. Dunlop .slid, when be made a Nrooc plea for BTftter par-UclpaUon. In church We and aeU"ittls by the A.Y.P.A. mem- ber:s aDd all J0UD1 people. "We go to church ta worabJp God, not just to bear a aermon,.. be de- clared. The ~ of load clthemhlp was .started 1n the home, and nurtured In the church aDd t.he achool, the opeaker slated. He -ted the readln.g or good literature a.s a means of becomln&' a better clt:l.r;en. " Do not becOme just a "drifter" but be a "'planner" for Jt ls the "planners" in t.h1s Ufe who tnate a success or It," be deelared In eon· cluslan. , Mr. Dunlop wu Introduced by President Self Bradley of Scarb.lro and wa.s tendered the appreclat1on or the gathertna 'b.J' Mrs. MUdred Roberts of Christ Church, Oshawa. All three cballena<l eupo ,offe.-.cl annuaUJ by the Local COUDctl ror branch aeUritles 1!_01• eap~od t.hb ,ear by Chriat c.nurch branch, nmawa. These were tbe DebaUnr, DramaUc and Bftic1eney eu~ Thi.s was the' tblrd ,ear that thi.s braneh had won the Debratlnt cup and the ' eecoad aeatOD tor the Effleleney cup. Al. EftDa. Pb.U PbW.Ips and Rev. W . R . Strtnae:r" accented Ute awards respecU.ftly on behalf or their branch, recelvln.g at the same time the plaucllb and commenda· tton of ·the various convene!"$, Preoldenl &.dley and t.b<loe -- enl. The banquet li"U one of the m~t successful evenb ot the put several ye&ra with approximatelY lOCI YOUD& people olttln& down to <be attrae- Uv<ly docaraled tables propued by the l"'Wll peo~e or Chr1at Chun:b, WHITBY scarboro. branch of the A.Y.P.A.I Local ·Council Ex :!cuth·e were ln· The hall, too, was becomingly dee- <:-cd'..lced to ;:t~ b:-anch~s pre::ent. orated In blll':! and whl~. the As~o- ~ B.:3ldes the dea:-l'!ry brs.nch-::; of elation's ·colors. Christ C h u r ch. Q :; hn\\"2.: St. Preskl ent B~f Bradley acted as George·r. o~t: aw~. nr.d Chrtst master of c~rr.monles. One minute's - 1 Church , !:::"! : ".Jr .:-: : :r ~ :-e w:--e a s11ence wns obs;erved ror those v.-ho I number or {;ucots from the br:tnch had giv::!n thclr lives In the can~ --. on · ~ • i!l:- ts wt=ll as a st~on1 met.. after which the Rural Dean. I r epre-: n t1li-:n f :--om S ;. J ohn'.s, Rev. E. R'll!)h Adye, of All S aint!;" '1 30\\"T.l:l !~Yiilc. Church, Whitby, offered the r;rayer R~ t!rit: :;.- P :-~ 3id:>nt. Belt Bra:Uey, ror HJ.s Majesty'.!; rorc~. The tcast 1 • bespcke t~ (' ::up;:ort or the brar..c!le;s to the A.Y :P.A. and the Chur.::h for the r. ~w cx:cuU\"C n:td Mr.:. M. was splendidly proposed by Al n.o:-:er t; ..- :~ ;:::·.: ::;sed a ser:~ral appre- Evan.s ol Christ Church. Osha.wa. clatlon to an who had con tributed and 'Was res!)Onded to by Rev. E . R. l ::. ; ~~ .successful cv:nt. Adye. The~ was Ule toaEt to the At the conclusion of t-he b~nquet King and a sing--song led by Miss an-i programme. dmcing W!:.:. en .. Queenie Dumbleton of Wood· joyed. bridge. Rev. Mr. Colclough and Rev. Mr. Bonus expressed their Most da iry her~ gh•e t.wl~ e M pleasure at belng pre&ent. 'nle n~ mueb milk in spring as in fall. The Sunday School Lesson B7 NEWB1AJi CA!VBELL I to be. much the same as' thos~ of <'I'be Int.emational ' pb1fonn today, when many are asking the Lesson on the above topic ror May ~eu ·same quesUon. -, . . _, 12 is Habat.kuk, t.he Golden Teli:L "'0 Lord, how long .shall I cry, being Hab. 2:,, ""llle righteous &nd 'Ihou wUt not hear! even err .shaD ll\"e by His Pait.h.") · out. 1.mto 'lbec cr vlol-::onoc, :md THE BOOK or Habakkuk is one Tttou wnt not ~3.ve! of the shortest in th e Old T-~ta- '""Why dost Thou sbow ~ iniquity, ment. 'Ibe name Habakkuk comes and cause m~ to behold grhrv::.no::e? frOm a Hebrew root, we are told. ror spoiling and violence are })e. and means "to e::nbrnce.'"' LltUe 1s rore me; and thelle ~ that ra!.se tncnrn of thJs prophet. and he is up strife and eontent1on. not me-nUoned ln any other part of th'! Old Testament. Hh liter- ary power Is oonslderable; It Is full or force, with graphic . and powerful descriptions . I t" I!: thought Habakkuk wrote tn tbe r-eign of Jeholaklm. arC'UDd 609~597 B .C. The Chaldeans w-c:re the conquering nation of the tim-:!: . and Habakkuk fore tells the con~ quest or Jerum.Iem by them tn these words: "For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans. that. bltt!r and h asty n ntion. whtch shall march through the breadth of the land, tO pos.se.ss the dwcillng ntaces that are not theirs. '-nley are terrible an~ dresdfnl : their Judgment an~ tbelr dignity aball prooeed or themselves. '-rbdr hors!s also are swilter than the leopards, nnd a re more f!eroe than the evening wolve~: and their horsemen shall come from far; .they shall fly RS the eqle that huteth to ea t ." Why Do Wldo.ed Pl'cspu":" In the book of H&b&kkuk is the flnt menUon In the Bible of Uut Jlroblem that hu perttl.exed peo- ple from th:::! earliest Ume CYC:"l t :l now: how b it that evil people prosper whp.e the righteous and just .suffe r all sorts of Ul.s? God is. all powerful an d all thlr.-3~ j:ro~ ceecl from Him. Whr. then. should ~ good be poor and distressed and the unrighteous gain the c:KM:t th ings or the world . Hnb:t.kkul; nnswera the qu:!Sllon satlshcto:-~ Uy for him. In the end . he :states. the good. !hall win. It is Ood'~ plan. The tlmu h~ d es::rlbc:s f ~rm -naererore the 1::-.w Is slao::~:d, and 'udgment doth ne\·cr go f:lrth: tor the wicked doth -comni'! ss rt bcut. the righteous; th : r efoi-e w:;:nc judgmen\1 proceedetl~." •And tbe l -or:l answ~reth m~.· u.ys Habakkuk . "and said : Wrlte tbe ..-Lston . and m ate It plain ur.on . th e hble:;. and that h e m2y nm. tbat. noade ~h lt. ~or tht" vlslcn is yet lor an appointed Ume, but c.l. t -!v~ <:l!U It .sh aH sp~a k. and not l ie ; t.houe;h It tnrry. wait for it: b('caus.e it win surely come. It l"'.1ll net tarry. "Behold , hi.<; .s ~U] wh lch Is liC\ed up b not upright in h lm: bu~ t ile jus t sh nll live by fait h." .. Art Thou nnt. rrcm c;;.•('rle: ;t.i:l ll', 0 Lord my GOO . min e h oly o:r : i" asks Hablkkuk, th'!!re!ore "\"\·:: ~~ ::ill l~C ! di::.·• A favorl~ tmd verv beat.:tiful st'rit-ence concludes the ::;~ .=ond chapter of H abkkuk:: •·But. the l ord i r. In His l1oly t~millc: l:t all the ea.rt.b lr.~n :!: ilence b~ fore Eim." To keep faith that right ~;Ul e\·entuAlly co~~ might and w:ck-<-dnw; Js ty."l lesson Hnb i-;:l:uk has for us In t l'is kok. Til ~ lu t two paragra phs of the hcc:: · ot Habakkuk rea::l t r lum~hanUy : "Yet. I wUI r tjolee in th~ t..cm!. I wUl joy In tho God of my sal• va tlon. --rhe Lord Ge .:l Is m_y stren lfth. an1 He will IT'ake rn.v feet -llite hind~.' ! :: : : , and He will mo.k: me v.•allt upon min ~ high pl i.C':!I'i. To the ehlef singe:- on my stringed lns trum~:nb ." ,, l:lonta &lao are awitter than the ~- and are more fterae tban tbe ~~·-wol~u,-~ ~d ot_~a_QaJ~~ , "( wDI a~ upon my watch. and set . ··aut the Lord La ln lUI holy temple : let me upon the tower. and will watch to aU the earth keep alMnce befor. Him. :J . · ..._Ht ~~~ ~ UD:~O~~ - ~--..:;_- _tGOLQEN T~-Hab. 2:t) ....-L._ / (. .. THE WHITBY .GAZETIE .-AND CH~ONICLE, WEDNESDAY, 8, 1940 Total Elimination of Waste And Long-~ange Planning .... ..;-_ Is Aim at New Bata Plant Workers at Frankford Shoe Factory Are Encouraged to Think for Themselves and Get Away from Be- ing Like a Machine Frankford, May 7.-In the lee or the westernmost foothills or the llmestone ridge, a long, four~storey factory iS rlsplg w:ith its new smoke- s tacks. The soU oi the field about i t 1s Upturned and rOugb; tractors, rollers and giant diggers work tbere ·at extra. speed. It is the new· plant where new and old Canadians ar(' tl-ying to make good at the chance granted them. · .J. Gakota, second in command, a man with .20 years of experience "in tbe .shoe industry, showed the old plant 'aD.d the Dew. -~--Tbe··6ld""one is i_tself an infant lil· . ~- d"ustry: ·It was a deserted. paper mill -- by .the Trent R tver,.right in the vii- ·.· lge_l)f ~ord. Nine months ago Thomas Bata bought it and· hls~anadian · On tb<c dj;. the piatlt · · 1i1g . t:o almost bulldl.rlg two mlles out or the vii· Jage. At the moment there are 600 penons being employed at the fac- tory-500 or these not Czechs or foreigners but Canadians. When the ractary ts eompleted t-hey hope to employ rome 1,000 people. 'lbe new one 1s built after the plans of Bata architects a nd has eounterpa.rts ln 15 countries. The window space in it makes the plant look transparent from a distance. Mo.st of the wa Ds are glass.. The wide lntertor, a.s a result , 1s ·wen lighted. - -Some lJnHs al Wqrk 'lb.ere are· some units at work al~ ready. Shoe--making machines a re set 1n their rows ; inspectors keep an eye on the unf1nished shoe part.,; the engines hum.. "'Our wages are not a.s high yet as we .should like to h ave them," Mr. Bata explains. "We have a mlnlmum for E::ven the men work- era - I th1nk we are the only .shoe factory 1n Ontario who ha.s that. We also have a ten hour shorter ---"'Oftr" and above the minlmum -we pay tor piece wort so that any- one can n1se h1s wages by his own endeavor. Ot course, an are .still 'tell lnel:per!Oil<>ed. It t..tes tlu'ee yean~ · to mate any kind or a shoe- . mater and these people have never -worked at a .shoe factory before. Tbi:!re Ia much 5polllng ·or goods ' &tm. ADd. It 1& the saving ot such that my father baaed the on. We do· not believe 1n _wa,ge:$-"\M - beU&\re - tn the goods." j By · wort.efs• tableS are their . wor1r llheell whiCh earrj>_q>e figure>_ ·or a normal-outpUt,. the price, the i wic& and the worker's ·own score. , Each one ftlls out his O'ltn: l~t daily · I .. '"\" and sees where he has [&iled or bettered the average. There 1s R Czech lad, .:bsef Valchar. who web.t through the Bata Vocational School ir. ~lin. who makes out of his cut- · ting an average of $35 a week. A Canadia n boy who h as bad no training, seldom gets over $15, yet. a t the same ·job. "Some of the girls h ere seem Vet!' young," we asked; "Are you em· playing any under 16?'" "Definitely not," Mr. Bata answer· ed. "We try to check CarerulJ.y be-- fore we employ them. :rtieY have to bring their birth certificates with their application, Some~es their parenL'i send noteS begging .pe;mis-: slon for them to •be employed: Blit v.-e do not take them -urider. -16." .; San Plaru.tnc k ,~ . "When I Iir_st went to~ ZUn,•: J . Cakota .declared. '"it was~ llt.e ·pninkford ·now 1s: But, Qh, -hOW it grew. The· method is economll:"_&nd sociological, u . triQS .to ...:ellmlnate all element or chance. Everything is planned six months ahead; that is the main Jlroblem·. with most b_risinesses, people · do DOt . thtnk_ ·ahead. do not e-stimate · and · pre~ pare. '"Then the other thing b that we prefer an individual worltlngman to a machlne~like one. We like to have our· employees thing of themselves as men in their own business ruther than as clerks ·employed. That is the reason ror this wage sheet they fill out themselves each (\lay. It gives them the realization of their own work. "We llke to h~ive our different de- partments niake their own plans. The management is as flexible &s the management of a state - men sUU keep their rlghbl and lndlvld- uallsm. The best workers share in the profit: everything ts ealculated to work with profit so all have a fair chance. When.. everyone sees bow things are planned they are more willing to help 1n the plan· ning. ·A good workman naturaUy p.rospers and an indifferent one does not get anywhere. It b simple - It Ls self· government." 'nle greatest need at t.h& factory today, ThOlilas Bata Wd, was for Canadian foremen. "'We do not want to take them from the outside, we want them to develop and be promoted In the factory," he asserted. "Because of the .shortness ot the time to train any, the lack of them 1a very dire. This Is Canada and we are graterul to cimada for allowing \11 to come here, so we would prefer .to 14.: vance_ -the Canadian ·""~" or IJfe:" "Life b real, llfe b arnest And the sky Is not our goal; Dust thou art. to dust retirement Ha.st been spoken of the soul."· During the aentces 'the chOir and organist rendered appropriate mu· sle. Birthday Celebrated· 8 Girlaln T •• . y .. . rammg Po-. !by membera c.nodlon braled <be of the . . "Who's ·w· -. _ _ h ___ ,, . < .· ·o -A-. Auto Ageoci'!S & Dealen DEVERELL MOTORS ROBEilT DEVERELL. t ROF; :311 Dalldas Street W. - Phone U9 -B- Bakeries RAINBOW CAKE SHOP c..a- Asln>p. ...... JENNY LIND · CANDIES .. OlTY DAmY ICE CREAM Bncir Street North • Phone ~no -.. •Ietty CU..- Pies - Pulries Beauty Parl<!n HELEN'S BEAUTY ' SALON BBLBN TVllANSKY 111 ai.ok·sw.& N~ • Ph~e 111 '• ·-c- Confectionen STOCKILi.'S CONFICTIONERY - ·A. L St.ektn, Prop. Ill ~: Street ioalb .. Phone 91tt Joe C'relu:ll ~ &en Driab • Map&lne. - -D- Dairies HILLCREST DAIRY E. A. Wakeftell ...... SOl Byron Street. Saatb PHONE SOl "" ·YOU Jud can.' l beal mOll: from Blnerat Dahy. Pl!JIDh!nlr & Heatijlg CEO. HAMERs 1M 'line!! 8~ Norill ....... Offloo ,.. - Nlahla-111 --w ...... -..... Air Colldl~ -~ -R- WHITBY DAIRY D.IA.~A J . Cowie, Prej,. IN -.o s-..:w. • .._ ltf U3 D11Ddaa s-. "Weol PHONE 770 -t- Lumber & Fuel WHITBY LUMBER &' COAL CO. LTD: F. E. Smith, ~- UI PIDG Street - Pbooe '-11 Lu'mbel-.. ~ Ballder'a Sapplla ..... - CHe - .Wood . ' -P--. . ~int_en & Decor:at'!"8 L. H. DILLING: 307 E VCLID STJI,EET - PBO.NB .,. ftaVCII )'OIU' .. wotll; dooe DOW at wia.lft Aa'ent lor Eaton's· W..atpapen· Jltleoo. '1'17 ... fnlh, "P'd'tw. lreab .... bel'rJ. p}-.rple - s.dM a s.-. lolty. DRf.W'S LUI.CH w ·n-.. s-. w. - .._ .,, We ~-·- Ia - Coolla&. ADDle J.urte CIN~ Ia'• b 7 4te1J. S. J. GASQQIGIE . a: SONS 11101 c...~re s-. s. - .. _ "' "31 ..... -- ... all- ., ,...,....... . -5- J.OHN'S . PLACE . J. B. )llodMio ~ . , ' XJaa al Dtuoo!Ur- tW..-" ·l!lleoe tiT n ~ · ~ 11.A.' P!!QD'I!!;Tfl : hiM ......... . Dalop Tireo ...... - · · .. roRiuiL•s - ~~ON . • Itt ~-8'-' Norill - Plooae 1111. ooonuca 114"rniiDB i ................ . .Tnxllo Hotel~ · . Assured HoteiAe<ommodatiorl. 2 Admis;i0(11 1o Fair GI'QIIndl. fl;~·.~d•mi•llon 1o .5 Coneesilons. ' · Sightseeing Touriol New York and. _tho fair G"""'ds. Tour of R.C.A. Development. • Chinatown and Harlem Tour. 3·Hour Boat Trip around Manhattan Island • to .Weit Pol~t. choices of several other featur ... ~ POLICE COURr NEWS :finest -You Named to ranae Detaila for Din- . ner Late in Ma,. . ~illl ot .an -••-1 buill "'I the Roman 'BinPifOr Olt.udhu b&Ye teen found ll:r ~ WOIDltQ. ·IHV I Naplll. ' , , .: • ..; :1. -·ol· ;-· • · r ..., 1 ., r .. Jaiowl .•• :T~~- berm thiA fi111r; ·...d ·n~' ·-' •u .. .-tial!l •• ; That'~ ..,~, ;we .~ yW, U.:~;, . ~MnH~rh-10;,1 ~lllio•'rille;, C'-rtiht fiw '40., - • • > ' :-.., •• • - • ' \l!u'll lind ,_ cu't equal Chnrolet drPing ease- Becaose "Chevrolet has the I•,..,.;i y..;,;,. Po;, . S61ft, ...blc!> oupplles ao~ ~f c1>e ~ <fl\>lt ~~~- ·. . . ~1· ~9r~,__mgandpull&l!!idn.~ ., . "·>the.wodc~fl . :.- " , , ., ' ,,,. And,_ can~ :~ Olev_toler riding- ej"'"':...' ., "- Because oaly cbmolec has •no: iude· Royaf',_ wbkb c:omhi..., Pa~teci . ~-Actioni';- Sdeoti6~r -Bal-_ ......t sprinp o.Dd ~utomadc~cie $ .. bm.a.111 ~ lbe lltiOqlbest, .aafest ride boWD I · , - ' \ ., WlU ,_ make die, t0$t.-to.Uj? TheR's ' car ~t~og-· ~ ,_ at ow: showlOOIDS ri&;bt "9~/ . . , , . ~ . ' . ~.. .h ")' ·DONALD MOTOR 'SALF;s.· oum>A.s ~ f:ASr. ,.. - -~ .','.·- . . .. . ' •

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