Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1940, p. 1

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1- 1 L . --·· ~ · , ' VOL. 76-NO .. 46. Attomey-General Bravery and \;.Oliii'BIJC play Should Be An. ample to Othen . · wn1IDRAW AWARDS DURING THE·WAR '·. " l, Seeks Support . Fot· Planting ol New .Trees TEtLS,ROT ARlDF . · .BIU.TISH 6UIANA Rev. Davic:J Manball ~aa Interesting, Educ:ation&l . Story .· An Jnterest.Jng and educatlemal addreM on British- Gulana bY the· Rev. David Marsball, miniSter' of st. 'Aiu:!rew's P!Ubyterlan· Oburch, Whitby; wbo spent- many .yean -ln that ·part of the Brltlsh --Empire, featured the ·weekly , IUDclieon of wbitby RotalY OIUli, b~ -'Tues- day · at Whitby . . 'l'b,e.IIPII&ker bi . Rotarlan :a .. ~ote FoU... Awarded Prizes ' in Annual-A. I. Terrybei'Q' Competjtiona • I -.......- Some ve-,:y · tlne Or&torkal talent wa8 dlaplayett at the annual Rev. A. r, Terryberry public speall:lnr con- test for pupils at the Ontario lAd- les' COllese held on 'Prlday morning. 'lbe worlr:: - C~f ~ 8!"'en , contes~ta was warmly commeoded by • the Judre:s. while Rev. Mr; 'l'Uryberry, donor of the prlaea, l&id. ln a . brief address that he noted 'tram year to year ~n · improv~q~_eni In. the work or lbe students. The '1udaea were M1ss Eleanor Crook, ot BoWm&nvuie, an- O.L.c . _ , :t , ~ . rraduate; - Rev. David Marahab, From Transi'en ... t To:S ... ~_v_;:_P._ ilofls_ ~~J;~ ~~~-H~~n~= , . f _ . -~ or t!'e Gazette a.nd chroni~ ~d Story of Danish :.·.:lmln_in·,rant ~n:' ~e.::t ~ ~~0= . 1' pr~ winners ~ Shortly. To Becoine ·-~ Minister let, Joan M!'::c:r aubject, "Wo- ' . . m1=n ~canadian Politics." . • ' " , 2P.<'· Roealle H~, subJect, "The ~l"rom Tramlent tO. .~ Pllot" ' ls ~· m~ rrtenda. ~years aro, Prac'\c' l Appllcation of Oompo51- tbe atory or Paul Christemen, Qf teeUpa a atrooc call to the Chrlat- tion Ill Art." Brooklin, who will . be ordained -by lan mlniati)', he Wa.s enabled to ·en- Senior tlle Bay or Qulnte Conference In ter lin a course ln VIctoria and :tm- . lat. Joan campbell, aubject, "The • · • on Sunday, June .Dth,- manyeJ COIJ.eaes, which he: has Jllit Importame of the British cominon- a minister or the JJnlt.ecS. com~ted with cred,lt. The put wealth or Nations." I).I'C a J)Utoral charge In NOr• three,' IUJnmm ha haa. aerved auc· :Ind. H~len Yates, aubject, "Be. them Sa.skatchewan. Born In Den- c~ly· ip Sultat.chewan, on M!,- hlnct the Scenes 1p a MoVie mark, where . h1a puenta 11nd aev- sliln fields of the United Church. Theatre." era!, brothers f:Dd ats~ra are ~w · With' a a~al apti~ude ~o.- . work Other. competitors .were : ·Junior au: ott from RQIJUIIUnleat\on ~y · the . amont chUdren and YOUDI peopl&; -Pagl~a Oervan, "The North Am· Qerman occupatio!!, Paul: .~•. to and a ilwiUat slncerity that alj-. erican,. -In,dlana"; Obr.rlotte Gentles, Canada In 11128, . and ~ent. to Tj-an, ~ to all clauea, he will undQUlJt· ' 'The Arms of Pee.ce"; aenlor _ B.q .. In le31 be bltch-hlted tS on~ 'edl,J relltder fine aervloe as a min- Kat.leeri Glynn, "Iceland." tario, and• worked 9n te.nna, 1~~ ' later of the · Chrlatlan Church: Mr. Durlncr the eyOJIIni a tine mUSl.cal at Ashblln?, and later tor iev~ Cprla.n Ia ~ a talented ' p~ was rl~en. years at Brooltlln, which ha c~~ clan. He addiessed the Whitby • Misa' ,., A. Maxwell, dean, Presld- Canadlan·home, &D4 where Jit.. l~N, LloDa Clilb ' on 'Jrtoilda¥ ev.. ed, ' • • . . .. t -~ I j I ' I \ · ·, , •, ., , . .. ._ .. ~ •.. ._!. "' I $1,20() in Cub Offered. f~r Hones,. ~ttle and Sport. On May 24 Entries are . rePorted to be com- Ilia Well for tbe .ftrloUs qrlcultur- al clam;_es of'·Brooklln Sprlnr ·Pair: to, be ' bekl, at. ·Broo!illn Oommunlty Park on.-_Prlday, _May 24th.:The war IS·~ espected tO rive an ·Impetus to . qrlciultuie ·'an4,'bi1Dr to >the fore m~ vtvidly, lt.s 1mportanee. The dilectora of· the Pair beUeve that tbese · ~tboulhts ' wm be reflected 'ttllli -Year :In · the· quality and num- ber ··cit exblblta. lieadln& horse and cattle ~ wtll• be at the allow, ~:the programiae' of o~er ,a\- ~.,cti9J!a baa · been' J!rePared to be In ' lltie with the &irlcullural exbib· (Tank) we~e the coloi"j)arty ,.,.,,._. .,,r U~eft~jnumt: Major A. L · T-oa- ;:mrouto.· adrnl~ll·tt~~fl1~:dulg to the church. ita, •' ,. ' : I -· "SQmethlnr doing ei ery minute" IS' ;lbe . alOpn. 'lbe directors offer $1~ocpii' " piize! ' tar ~esdatu, PerclieroM.> Bellium. suuoUt anc1 Ll&hf Horses m;f·, reclatered. Short- horns,. beef iflde, Ayreshlres;1 Hoi-· steinsi '·Jersey 'Cattle ·and · ·EPOrts. P:lze fJJsta Can be had by calling 011 and Wrlt.Jng WUnam. ·Manning, aec· . . Whitby. Singers --hi-Si~60LAQ.d.. · ·_ -. : Chu'rch Win .. High _ Hono~s -'~t J~ •. :. :~ Annual:· Dur.hi'm Mil sic: Festival . .. ·. . Pupila of Whitby High School Grade X, and United Church Choir and Glee Club Win Shields- Work Praised by Ad}u- dieat~ ' ' Whitby won its shai-e of musical honors at the annual Durham C,oubty Music ~tlval .whlch closed at Trinity United Oburch. Bowman- ville, on Prlday evenlnr. Two shields were bro111ht to ·the town. a nil. the adJUdicator· ln maklnlr h1a awanta' ln the two COQlpetltlons In Which. thtlll were local entries had no criUcism to , mslte and nothlni but wann commendation for Whit- by talent. . In the mixed ch~ class WUltby United Church choir, assisted by member& of the Glee Club, under the dtercttpn of l\4rs. Rowe. won first place. The test piece was "Calm .Be Thy Sleep," and Whitby WloJs . awarded 80 points; BOWD\an- Ville High School, 89, and cart- wright choir, 85. Citizens who ac· companied the ..sJngar~ are arreed thllt " • very creditable ' performance wu rtven. in the mlxed · cJloNB rrade for chanrlni,.-,olces, nine ch*' com- Petln&. puPfls' of Grade X of · Wliit· liy Hfsh 'Behool won !frat c~iH!~ . with three manville. 'one trom. Port from Manvera,' one from cal:twliliri:L't. arid one from Port Grade II of ·~elt~· tlonally fine piece was and It wu ti vely rende,red or ~- -V~on · , mwlo In Whitby A Board of Education. . · ,wu no small taa1t to transpon 120 chU· dren to Bownm.anvtne; .U.S· Prln· clpal Archibald waa ·able iO ,nllat the qelp of the Ro~: and• .~01}5 otubs. a.s weU u a n'llmber: of private cluRoa. The Whitby "en· tries came early on tlie ~· 1< On Prlday II\'~ the wlnile1a In the various ·• cqmpetit.toD,. , tQOlt part In the •l:On!lert _which marte4 the collrCluakxn,r a moat succeasfl,ll testlvt~l · ·. . ·• · • .,, • : · Incld~ntally, U\1a b ~ t{le &ejl(llld tlme tha~ a ahielil ~·been won by Whitby United Church chOir, ON ACTIVE SERVICE .. \ . . .. . Brief Parurapbs of Whitby and Dia~ Men Who Han • 1 Enliatecl in Service of Kin1 and CoUDtrJt · The Canadian Broadcasting ctlr- pora:lon announces that relatlvea and trien!is of canadians who '!Ire on active l!ellVIce-ln tho Army. Navy or Royal AI~ Force, \ need have no apprehension that, In Ustenlnr .to Cansdlan t>rw news bulletins pre- .sen~ bY the bBC, they may re- cel\'11 the f\rat news-of casualties over the air. No names of casualtl~a are made pubVe through the cana- dian- Press, either In pres.>~ des· patche3 or radio bullet-In! , vntll af- ter relatives have been oUicially' n.otl!lecl. ' ' Whlle It Ia not considered deslr- a bl e that tad,lo ahould be used_ aa a means or publishing aeneral lnfor· matlon reraMIJllr cuual:Jes, there are times when Canadians have loillt tnelr · lives, w ~Suffered IDJI¢es, ~~~~ playlnr a dlstlnruJabed part In some mUitary, nl\val or air en· gaaement. It nan2es ale mentl~ed In such cases,· aa a tlttlnr tribute to tbeli- valour, thla wUl · not .be done until relat.lvJS have been notl· tl~ by the Oovlllllllllll'-_' reta17-~. . . It hu Jleen arranaed to. have· the ever~llOPUlar · parade of - all· prise;, winMiS at,ftve o'clock. The Jlt,rlt 1s In excellent ahape, 'and .maey··lm· ~eats- -~~ve been made 'Since tbe_.I~ ~~:·~- 'l'lii ap«ta' ; .;........,.;.~&-as pUb- llliiict .In Th&' &;u;::aJi4 Chront• cle 1ut wftt, .has always bftD a biJ a'ttracaoii-at ,tbe .PalJ.: -'and ~-~r . will·. be llO exception' to ttle , . n will : IDclude. invitation of lr.cr'osle, eoftball and fciot- ball, wtth-prlaea in &Oodi. chUdreJl'l 'l !'~Cis, : hOme a&Oes, '-with ·1;0, Ptflcl: Hollklay, -•no..- ". Herron before ;1. J ;, •', . . .. . • • I AT ROTARY ·CLUB::· ,;,:I } ' ' i i ! . . '- "· .. . ·-· ..

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