Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 May 1940, p. 4

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0 • ,. ~ ~ PAGE SIX Five-Man War ·· Cabinet . Excluding n;fe~se Chiefs Cliurchill' s New Set-Up Chamberlain and Halifax limer Group- Navy Air Poots Go to OP1110-I sition LOnd.on, May 14.:--Prlme Mlnbiter Ohurcb1ll, 1n a series of api>olnt'- menta· 1n whlch he· combiried fresh blood and e'xperlence, set up a nve .. man war Cabinet sa.turdaY and nu~ ed Dloet of tb.e top jobs Of bi.!1 gov- .ePllfllen.t· Sunde.y. The new Prime Minister reached Into ~ pollttea.J- parties for ·the men ·he 'wanted. · All members or the War Cabinet Jrill,be' fl'ftd. tlom departmental re- apOmibtuttit to ooncehtrate on the IU.Jor t&sk ot drafting war strategy . ~i;niey are: . . PrlDie Mlnbter and M1n1ster of Defense: Mr. Churchlll. Lord. · Preaklent of the Counc.ll: Nevtlle Chamberlain. Provincial Chairman 'Lord Privy. Seal: Clement AWee, R. V. L!!SUEUR X..bor Pa.rllam~ntary leader. who bas been appointed by Hon. J. ,Porelan secretary: V.lacout Ball· L. Ralston, J\Unlster of Finance, as fax. . chairman of the Ontario CoDllD.it- ~Wl~t port.CoUo, Arthur Green- tee of the War Savings Committee ~~'1'11., 0·~~~~ht.ln Leadler. ~" b , to launch the sale of War Savings , . ~ MU.ve .. r 11erv ces ....... e Certificates. . adlli.JDJ.It,ered. by new men, not 1n~ .~·m &he W&r ca~inet. A. v. Alliand.er retums to 'the Adm.lralty :POl!&:~· .held Jrl the lallt Labor ltOl'- ellimmt. Slr Arob.ibald SinclalT, wlio . ieado tho Liberal party, ,.., -~· Slr samuel Hoare as A1r sec- retary. Anthony Eden steps from -U:uf Dctm1n1ona Office to the War Olflu, Sbaoa a- to Loftis ~urchW named. Slr John · Simon to .the position of Lord Chancellor, which carrtes witb: it the Speaker· ah1p of the Bouse of Lords. Sir Klllp1eJ WoOd suoceeded. Sir John . u Chancellor of the Exchequer. ~ DU1'l COOper, & former eonaervatiVe llin1ater, became Min- ister of Infprmation, and Herbert Morrtson. Labor's "Prime Mln.1ster of. LoDdoD," became Supply Minis- lor. Slr Jclm •.Andenon ·wu reappoint,.. 04-·Be<ftltary &lid M1n1ater of llom8 -Bee1!ritr. . . Loid Iday4 -becal!lo Oololllal B«· ·- -~ 81r· .AadreW DtiDcan WU--ft&P- polnjed jli'ooldoo~ of the Board ol Tnde. ' . . - _.mtm- wW be ... ~ llOll-4 'lrillbln thO na~. few da.vo. 4hree men - Lord ~~;,8~~::: .. -=ttl-= - . I OR6ANlZIN6 FOR SAVINfiS PR06RAM Prov. War Savings Commit· tee Chairmen Announced By Hon. J. L. Ralston Organization or the war Savings Corrunittee moved one step_ ntiare;,· completion today with the appoint- ment of nine provincial chairmen. Hon. j_ L. Ralston, Minister of Fin- ance, 1n making th~ announcement, sa.l.d organization of provincial com- mittees, representative of agricul- ture, _labor, industry, finance, edu~ ca.Uon and the professions, will be completed bmned.iately . . ' Provincial War savings Commit· tee chairmen named today by Mr. Ralston are: B.O.-Oh.rlstopher Spencer, Van- couver; Alta.-John Burns, Calgary; Saak.-W. 0. Yule, Regina; Man.- E, J. Te,r_.r, K.C., Wllnnlpeg;. Ont.'- R. V. r.es·aeur. Toronto; Que.-Na~ poleon Charest, Montreal; N.B.- George E. Barbour, Saint. John; N. S.- W. K. M~ean, Hal11'ax; p .E. He Ls a fOrmer Secretary of State for Scotland. · Lord Lloyd enters the Govern~ inent tor the first Ume. He- has a. long reCord for getting things; done in '!- mult.itude of public offices, par- tJcularly in the Near· and Middle Eaat . . · He is. a Conservative Peer. Herbert Morrison b the Labor leBder of·the London County Coun- cil He wa.s Minister of Transport the l.ut Labor Government and has beeni' a Critic or Leslle Burgin's a.dminlatratton of the Supply Min- paru ... ilstry which wa,., 11et up when war brOke out. "Two-Gun Winston" A thoroughly plea.sed. press praLs- ed Chlll'Qhlll's Cabinet. "'Two-'Kuh Whiston" was described by the Dally E:icpress as having greater power than any Prime Min- ll!ter 1n British history. ChW"ChJll gOt the wlld-west nick- name in 'a cartoon by the Dally MaU'11 Illlngworth showing hlm complete with - aii.ps, a 10-gallon -hat and a cigar In the comer of his mouth, swaegerlng throush tho, · awt.nglng door-s of an old-time- llaloon, brandl.shing two cocked pis .. tbe Chamberlain toll!, one labelled "Premier" and the leti 'wlt.bo~t appoint- other1 ~Defense." 4\lekokn "l4acDonald, The pOllUcaJ commentator of the Leal1e Bui-a:ln, Dtdly Mall emphaalzed the tmpor- . lnforma.. tant feature or qh~hill's having a1ri Ollver vmted hlmseU with the otnee or '{5~:t: Oald.ecote, Lord defen.se minister, which he described Lord Hankey, min~ as a vJteJ one 1n the' n.dm1nistratlon. portfOUo. alnce lt made him respolltllble fof ,. ·Foqbi Wllb cane the strength af the fighting · forces. · .&mODI tbe DeWCODler& to the call- The Dally Mall 1\ked. the Cablrtet, met. Olemeiit · AtUee, 17, was a con- polnUng out that It was not a mer~ MlitmlOUI objector 1n the· lut wa.r, reshuWe, and described. the a.p· but nevert.beleaa joined the ahny polntment of Herbert Morrison, a.s aDdled h1a command int.o action Labor leader, as .supply mlnlster, as bnNY•b'nc a~ Instead of & gun. parUcularly welcome. _ Bt .uoc:eeded to the leaderBhlp of "Thlnken And WarJOI"da" the Labor Party ln ParUament when · 'The Daily Expres.s said that "Brit- Oeorp .Lane bury refused to support aln 1s to be governed by Mr . ADCtion. a.pimt Italy for her ln- Chw-chlll a.s.slsted by four thinkers .ni.lo:n of ~ He denounced and three warlords . . Mr. Churchill Bitler'• 1030 peace propopls as provides t.he link between the think- "utterlJ' worthleae" and supported era and the defeme ch1efa. ~ Brit&ln'a w&r effort albhough often Prime Minister he pre11ldes over the eriUcal of the W&y the Chamberlain war Cabinet. As minister of defense Oonminent. conducted it. He was he 1.s lord of the war lords. So he Pc.tmuter-Oeneralln the second Is a greater power than any Prime ~ Oovenunent. Minister in history." Arthur Greenwood, MiniBtcr News Chronicle: "We a.re con- Wltbout Portfolio, 1s a proponent fldent tho.t together they -ttlllrutlll of .octal l~lon and a hard, frel!lh energy into our war effort. " p&Uent worker. He wu seldom in Dally Herald : "Labor has met promlnence .unW be became acting the nation's need. Now, althoush leader of the Opposition last year many a day must pass and many when At.tlee was W. A former econ.. a deed be done before our anxiety a:Wca u.cher. he waa once Under- give~ place to satisfaction, we may 8eeretary, tot"Bealth. teel the elements of victory again A. V. Alexander, l'lrst Lord of the within our grasp." Adrl11ialty, J"!tuma to the po&t he 'The Times said thaL . "a great - beld Jn 1~·31. A lay Baptl.st change of U1lo~ kind has · rcpen::us- preacher and artlu.n enstneer, he slons Jar beyond the appointment of II 16, but .Joolu younaer. He repre- new mmlsters . It Is an obvious aented Britain at the 1930 naval occasion f'lr other changes- among conterenee, ~ pte .... ~vy was 'highly placed otficen;, civil or mut- 8CUWed to pleue the Pac1!14Ls. 1 tary, among experts and ndvl.:!ers )Jiu:ula'omeA. LeaClei and organizer~ of aU kinds-If am• ) Sir Archlbald ~lnclalr. .~e new change should be deemed desirable Alr Secretary, fa tall, dar~ a,nd call- by th%e who h n\'e worked wl tll , ed ~e h~C!IBt party .. . ~~er t!:Jcm and there fore k.now th~1~· liQce' the Gr;eat ,W~. He 1&;. ~t- capacity L'i the public ca.nnot know tUh baronet, and OWDI 100,000 ,acleS. I 1t." / THE_ WHITBY GAZETTE AN{t§.!:!~ONICLEo WEDN~DAY, MAY 15, _:_19:::4~0 __ ......, ____ _.:_ ____ ;--------- . .," i- • . . ... I .-Edmund T. Higgs, Charlotte- the shell_ tha.t brings ~::\~.'!' · ~ustry, finance, education and the town. said Mr. Balaton. . >~.•~:.,. -Prof_esslons "Our fight for freedom brings "It is intended that ~ •"'"'·, ~-~;.. · ertl t to · President of Intern.aUonal Petro- leum Company, L1mlted. Mr. LeSueur began his active as- · o~nl··tlons · -• up "-,~ -!-IU!j, ·' .. ~War_ s. avlngs c flea es, . ;:)e wlth it added responsibllltles for ·o- ,_ .,.,. !9• .- ·o1 f d I ed I tl ~th th U b In h vlncJal Commltt:.eeG w~·- ~~ ·•· • ~• d in multiples o $5, are es gn sOC a on .. ~ e o us ess w en every Cnnadtnn," declared Mr. RaJ.· c"'tlilcates ~ ·w- ill e've·n ~;~ .. , ~. ;to glve everyone, Including school he went to England in connection ston. ' 'It augurs well for this under- i.·M..~ cll!ld t It t sha.re taking that u1ese nine men. who arc t-heir way Into eveiy -homa.Jia.\'lli.D~ ·· .. ren, an oppor un Y 0 with the purchase of _productns Undoub. ted Ieade•s 1•• the!• •espec- ado. •• Mr Ralston said ~~~·~ •·-:· ._, -: ~~Jhe war effort In Ca,.na.da's fight fields tn Peru for International ' • • - ' • •. >,.;-· ';, ;t ... /._or freedom. In addition to making ..-· tive provinces, have accepted en:: · Plans for the sale Of War ·ea'l'llllii ,& very effective contribution to the Petroleum Company, Lim.Ued. Sub- thuslastlcally "the responsibility and Certificates a.nd the wld~'".o.:. · ~mObWzation of canadian resourcE'::I!I, seqllently, he took charge of nego· added burden of this task," said Mr. ceptance of · individu~l tl:iritt jRO:;":! ~War Savings cert!Ocntes provide tiation.s with the Peruvian Govern- Ralston. · ?rams as a war_ effort ~ pow:i: .,. !an opportunity bY which every "The Provincial Chninnen will mg organized. Bon. J. L. ltaJiica·" danadlan old and young may build ment. now surround themselves wit-h other \\'illlrig and representat.ive 'Yorkers. who understand that this war mus~ be fought through to the finish with every force at our command. The issue . or War Savlngs Cert.lflcde.s will prO\o'lde a means of enlistptent on the economic front. No mite Is too small, and In the ·a!$'8'rega.te, a widespread rcspon.se to· t'li.e effort-s ot these men may well produce the shtp, the .supplies, the gun or even Minister of Finance, has~ . . ' ' In addition to a number of D1r~ the n.ppolntmen~ of w,. &~Somer- up a reserve of pl.ll'Chasing power. ectorates which he holds, Mr. Le- ville, of Waterloo, Ont., . aDd . dif ·.; The Onta.rlo Ohalrman of the sueur alro takes an active interest Gaspe Beaubien, of Mca~il.' u - ·wa.r Savings Committee, Mr. Le- natlonal chairmen of ~-~~ 'SUeur, Ls a native of Samla and a in public affairs and In philn.nthro- _war Savings Committee."'·"- .:; ~ .. ·. graduate of the University of To- pie matters. R. V. LeSueur, of 'l'orciato, ·:t&u r~nto and of Osgoode Hall. Mr. Le- ------- been appointed _ OntarlO:·.~· bto \ Open air meetings, rts • of the war ···sa'!lngs ~ .~IM.; Sueur represented West Lem n n spo even<S Provincial committees, .Jo "-.·*-' the House of Commons 1921-25. In or other gatherings have been pro- nounced 1n the near tu~~~ .be 1933. he .was elooted Vice-President h1bited tor an ~definite period by representative or agrl~-1 JiJN::ir, or: Imperial on Limited, and Vice- t.he French Interior Mlnl.st.ry. . . ,_ ~>~ ""{:•. LlnLE ANNIE ROONEY BEFORE HIS IllNESS, MR. H.ALLEE SAID THAT ALL APPLICANT5 FUR ARTF.SfAt.l WEllS SHOU.O BE FEO AT 1HE CORPOI<ATION'.S EXPENSE- WHILE THEY WERE WAITING _ _,__ IN HALLELU)'A - I . , ' • r TORONTO MAN IS SIJGGESSFUI. WITH "U-235" Toronto, May 14.-A graduate of the University of Toronto,_now on the staff of the General Electric Re· search Laboratory &t Schenectady, N.Y., is one of the scientists who have succeeded _in Jsol&ting U-235, the rare form of uranium whleh Ls reputed to have aS much energy in one pound as Is derivable from 5,- 000,000 pounds or coal, or 3,000,000 gallons of gasoline. Dr. Kenneth H. Kingdon, son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. L. Kingdon. ot 111 Lauder A venue, Toronto. 1n eol .. labon>t!OD with ossoclates, .... Jus: published a report on the rese&n:bea he has conducted 1n hb lal);9ratory. He pol.nb out that the problem or quantity separation of '0' -235 "lOOks very- difficult." The quantity wbleh he and hia asaoclates ·were able to isolo.te amounted to no more than a hundred-mJ.llionth of a gram, or one thirty-billionth of a po~. or. Kingdon was born in Jamaica in 1894. Coming to Toronto With his parents in 1908, he later entered. the University of Toronto. His studies there _were 1nternJpted by the Great War, imd he went ·over ... seas with a signals unit. In Eng- land, however, he was drafted. to serve Under Profeasor John McLen- nan, or the University of TorOnto ph)'&ics department, who was en- gaged in antl-.rubm~ ft5ea.reb. for .the Admiralty. BY ·"BRANDON WALSH REGIMENT COMMITTS COLORS TO CHURCH UNTIL AFTER WAR of other years, which recalls foc Ul you Uld thea& are ~e colon of their featS, their loyalty on4 li!Ye thO Rerlmm~ • . on whloh Ore Obi• for their COUntry, In that tlme of !TaDI<), I i;,.Vt tht bliioJ' 10 !nlomi natiOD&l need they raJUed. . to the blazOned the- aWe iloDbra ot thi. colors and ga.ve all th&t Diortel man !16th- 'D•ttalloo c.:s:r.. the' uDit could give and you are now foDow~ .- tng bhelr glorious example," MaJor which~ ·thls RelliD.enL PM-Petuat.es, J~tt said. "In a rew minutes you whloh are a.trudJ' -11:1, YOW' custoci,y. will deposit for oate teepq 1n B~ I therefore 'requeot quo~ .,tb ... 001· UNITED COUNTIES OR6ANIZE TO SAVE FOREST RESOURtES Chorae'• Ohureh the ret]lmental · · colors whk::h have been for ye&ni ora be depOaltelt here ror aafe teep- -.:- Tho da W'tn Mill' e •~ u~,~-on ° 0 • ment retutns f1'0D1 Aclive oerv!ce .. """"""""' the pr1d :.. •--N-~ f th aol. IIlli untll .~ .t'me ali the liOal·l North---L..I--~ and uaan 1 eu • Uon by the Officer Commanding. dlers, a·nd on one of those flags Js a token of faith_ In Almli_. -hty Goct, ham Leaden Spo!W« tary S I Ena ed b Lt. Col E P--- •· Lt c 1 emblazoned the battle honors of the ,-... pectac e ct y • . . ·-~ll. - . .· o b1 Wb<iill alone vto-, Ia eecured, New Se-:..~ Pearson wended his way .Up and 116th. and 1n ma rrtctoua beneClictlon a ... _ Ontario R e g i m e n t down the eolumn.s oi erect .soldier., A BOIJ Cnllade upon the men who lli.~e raWed (Tank) On Three Points standing ohau14or to .shoulder 1n "I want evecy one of you mm to under the<~! 0o1ora to thil defeoce Cobour!!. J.l&y lf.-()rpniJe<l for the lJ'IllP(1ISe of ·conaert1.nl tJJe na- tural re80\II'cf3 of the countlea ot Northumberland. aDd Durham, de- veloping the foreat &nd. water re-· aourcu, combating eroetcm and un· dortoll!hg- woi-k 111- With ita ~. tile Nor\h.umber~ land """ Pumom oonaem.t~oo Servk:e, Inc., wu·formect at a meet .. Ina 1n the 8r!tloh 11ote1 llt.>)lrday !lloht. lD • Ct'ty .straight llnes by companies, he was tate a joy · and new prlde lD ihe of King liLD.d CountrY. In 10 actlnl accompanied by Company Ser- colore of our unit. And I want you they alsO desire . to affOrd, for all gea.nta. G:eaming buttons, polished to believe this ciusad.e 1s & holy ODO time \o coDie, t.t1 lmplratlon to CHAPLAIN DECLARES boots, black berets and spotless and there is no need foi- any m&n in plli.trlbtlc urilce t.o thOR Who may khaki unUorm.s met the eyes · of the the Kb.g's uniform to be ashamed worship· here." CRUSADE HOLy ONE Inspector an~ not on<:e dld he hesl- bu• to glory tn tha' nnlform the The Rector annrered oa foUo,..: tate 1n. his round. most sacred of all un.lforms In the ' The inspection over the ordei to world," the regimental padNI stated. "In Ute falt.h of Jeeu.a .Chrtst, 1ft', Unit Presents Exceptional "qukt march" came without delay U there 1s any cau.,e for shame tt the rector and church1rardllll8 ot Precision and Smartness and the tramp, tramp, t.ra.mp of ls not for you but for those· who thiS church ~. 8t ... ~e at Olh· over six hundred men to str&lns of hide behind a pacifist attitude but. aw&o do herew.~.Ul _.,... Uld 1flll in lns......fu..n and Parade u1 b who would not n.ll!e a f!nser to aa.e teep ·In all aecurlty lhooe Colon, to .-~•"'"" a pop ar march y the band of th·e rlory of ...._.., 111 the ...,.. Dr. J. B. ReYilOMs,fo!Ulei']J'O.A.C.- F f Da • Pro- the -!me • -· ht and democracy or keep lt. Let. them uvu. b •• ch ·- eo -· eaL·-- 0 y 1 ·-.. n.., was a :ug a .... UIO Of -·-· --~ -··-,-ln·con· • e-.., Wall &•nuiiJL AboUt .na&'" • ....,.. ·0 .. ~ that 111 1 b b h- their h..W 1n mame, not you. - - - -• d •- ·of· ... s w.J.U w ane e remem er- 'fidence that they will afford. ·m~ enw; wrc two oounUM, most. gram ed by those who had the privilege Let us remember that God 111 our all them reeV"ea and deputy reeYM Of An unique and colorful event, im~ pressive 8nd indeed solemn 1n all Its Inipllcatlons, was the act.ivitY engaged 1n by the Ontario Regl- ment (T&nk) on Sunday afternoon in Qshawa. In fact it included a setias of eventa presenting: a m1U- t.ary ISPOOtacle seen only seldom tn any mUltary centre wOOe regimen- tal headquarters are estab'UP1led. and probably wUl not be &een. here again tor many year.s. The highlight of the program was the depositing of the ColOl'S of the Reg~ent 1n the safe keeping of St aeozwe·a Memorial Church. This was accompanied. by the BOlemn ritual of the Church of England alld a moet ·appropriate a3aress by the rector, the Rev. D. M. Rose, asalst- ed bY the Chapi.nin of the Tc.etlment, :Major the Rev .. 8. C. Jarrett. offl .. cera of t.he .Regiment and church wardens. Thl.!. cereaum.y was pre- eeded by a drumhead aervice In Mem.orlal. Park, & parade to the mem.crr1al. ~d Ml J.nspect1on of tb.e entire rectment ·by Lt.--cot E. PeaT- eon, officer commanding. to see and hear thLs part. of the refure, and strength and a very splration to 'W11a may beb.old the!'t'ariO'Ul-munklpaHUes, atteftd.ed program. present. help in time or trouble," them. In token whereof we l&y the meeting t.od. were -.elCOmed b)' Made GoOd Imt~ressiOD Ma.jar Jarrett said 1n concluslon. them upon the Lord'& T8.ble, ln. the ~or Jack_ Ewart ol Cobourt. The n d1d not need a practiced eye to FolloWing the observance of two name of tb.e Pather-, an4 of the bo8td. of dlrileto:rl wu . elected. te· tl th mlnut.ea silence 1n memory of the Son, and Q(_ the Holy Of;lost. Amen." co-·•·t of w. •.· ~-~·. of ~-no ce e precLston of step, the easy · ~ "" .u..~,.. ... uo """' swing of a trained soldier and the cornr&des of other ye&rll. the chap- nte Colors Wen! then h~ to bOut&'; Wal'den W. K. Morrow. Of straight line of "dT£.15" with which ' lain prmounced the benediction. the Majora whereupon rthe~t Ortf.n- Murr&y To'WII!hlp; Reete w. Roll, t.he&e boys, mast of them ra.w re- Trooptnc ihe C.lon 1st, Ma~t. Ooul~bum. pl~Jed "God of l!leymouf; neputy Reeft J. J'at. cruttB when they came to Qshawa, TG the stral.nl!l Of "0 Canada," Save tb.e 'Xlne· POlknr1D1 thla:_.tb& ton, of Clai'ke Townlbip; 0. Kereer. had acquired -lng their t.ra1nlng played by the baoo of the rer!ment maJora hanlled the colora to; lho 'II.P.P.; w. A. PrMer. K.P. and here under capable and etnclent a.t a tempo to harmontze with the Commandlnc Officer who ln turn. MAJor E. 1,. X&CNMbtlm. officers. '1\ie "awkward ¥JUad." ot ~Slow Meps of the color party, the banded each (l]_e aeparatel;r to . ·Northumberland and DlutWii a. rew month! previom were D011{ on colors were taken around the tbree cbutchwardens, COl. Prank Ch~pPBn counties la(Jed brell1nd other coun~ their nmt dress parade and they &ides of the hollow square ln front and. Mr. Chu. A. Lamon and. they .Uee- ln it.! retOI'fllltaUOD adi.Yl\t, certalnly made a good lmpres.sl.on of the entire regiment. as officers tn turn pre:sen~ tb':JU ~~eparateQI lta\ed o. y:, Unt.m of the orooo on tl1Ls appearance. stood at the salute. Oarryln&' the to the Rector WbO aeccmpanier! by POreatr:r Brancb.; tn an addrel. \ell colors weri iJ.eUtenant H. E. Irwin, the Regimental Ob.a.platn, COD.l'e)'ed \b.lf meet~n~. He pointed. out thai Parading south on Simcoe to bearlng the King's Color; Lieut. L. them to the lloly Table. tht .u~...;. output ot King, wast on King to Centre e.nd ._._ ... _.......,. tho•. branc:b I thence to Memorial Park, the regl- A. Gerry bearing the Regimental Addreta of At~ce at Orono hacl increue from ln IID- ment fanned 1nt.o 8 hollow .square Color. Escorting them were Comp- · ID. his adcli'e!B of acceptance. the nU&l output of oue-halt m1ll1on to facing the we:;tern end. of the park. a.ny Sergeants-Major P. M. Craw- Rector lilled the won:la of the llz and three quarter mUUort. trees. OUtside of this roped-oft square, ford, .J. Barket and 0. Wrlaht. fourth veree of JiJ&).ai 80, ;"Ibou 'lbe eounUM, however.- were not t.houaands of people gathered to Por the ".March Paat" the Ool<J1'1: But Given a Bimler to Tbem that PWnc on l'erJ qUickly ln refcn.s· participate ln the drumhead service were taken to the northeast comer rear Thee, that it Jq.i.y be displayed tattoo and were outdistanced by and perhaps to witness tor the tlrat of Metcalfe and centre streets, because of the t.ruth," M Ule bt.s1s Slmooe ()jUbty, as ooe lDatance, and lut t.ime the entire :restment whUe the band wu at&tioned on tor h.l& temarD. "ln aocePUnc the where tbe county COUDC1l spent.. •- at. one pl&ce' and ·for one purpoee. the west aide of Centre atree\ lac- custody of the Colora Or 'tbe On· 000_ a y-.r tor &be purpo&e or buJ• A\ the western e'nd of Ule "0' tonn- inJ the colors. Prom there the real· t.&rio Regbnm\ "<Tank> uzrtU .-IUCh iDI kDd for nfDI'IIta"m ed. by tbe regiment, \he drums were men~ and the colora proceeded to St Ume u )'011 return from act.l:n aer- 8pea..lr:1Dc co "P1ooci and Drolllbt." J)lled. up and draped with red.. white Oeorae's Church where the eolorfu1, vice we und.eriako it .'Witb. & eente P. B. Primd. c:h&lrmm of Port Hope sol'emn and 1mpl"M8lve service of of prt·••,.. ·--' -~bill~ ...... _ Bo&rd of Trade. at&ted that be bad and blue bunting and acrciM. the ".u -.uw. ·-......- Y ,lUI top were Iald the colon of the regi- de~ition took place, a detailed. re- .solemn deposttloa. lmpoees on us 1 aeen clrouatU In tbe .~ aDd had ment. placed there by the eh&plaln port of which appeared 1n Jut tnwt tb.&t we IUIJ'd. 'them. . !tom wltMued plent)' of 1looCII in lbl of the reglment, Major the Rev. 8. ThAurad~~ wc:;f o'?:e~eea:.u harm and. preserve them. in ill t.helr :'.:': ~Um!ope .:.~ :: ::: c. Jarrett, who directed the service distributed in the pews for tbe guld- manifold ~uty. 'l'b.e!r . presence .--. and also gave a &hort address. He her-e cre&tfs another 1.ink between _ .. ance of the soldJer.s and · a large 'l11e town hac1 enquired tram Ill• was uslsted. by Rev. D. M. Rase, umber f t.s Th church th1s church and the Reatm~t." tbe lin rector of St. George's ChUI'Ch; n ° guas · e wu rector said. ..It ta :near11 r~ eer&· aa to the ooei of operr t'caa filled to ita utmost capacity, space oa. Ule rlter to prnent 'floodl aud. Sacre4 Memorla beh!c reserved 1n the trancept. on . yean aco thai: the· old col~ wmt ha4 beiD 1Dfozmed. tb&t 1t wouJd ""lbe:re are aacred mem ...... u the south r _ _. mmaod.l- of 1a1d up. AM 'Wilen tbe colors are -~· or..- co .... • 1n a aplrltuol -.,oflbelleolment. - *'11.000. of wb1ch ,,_ about us u we gather UDder tbe ftcera of the rqlment a.n4 thelr "lbe homesta,yJric .iDfmben ot the waukl be 1ihe town'l COI't. Stud;J or ea.nopy of Kea.ven in thb Gal-den ladles lneludlng Honorary Colonel the flood chlnoteriltka at the lal"n 22.7% Mo·~• thaa· in · 1'83~9 This 22. 7'l'o increase in earnings' Per liom; of DomiaiorrTexti.le , pbht 'employees bas betia. made although ~elling f.»*es me 16,2tf0 lowft.. Reduced raw material ~ and improved · manufacturing methods have made the lower se_lling prices possible. The U.S. and Canadian teXtile industries are bracketed by the Ioternational f.ahour Office at Geoeva as paying higher wage$ than those of any other i:Ountties. Texli!es employ 21% of all. Canadim industrial workcrs-.-one in c:YerY. five. They provide 13% qf Caniida's-wcal~ industrial production. ~ JldeN Of CIOftOit ;tltll'ltll ., /at .... . -, ·-· :.y Dominion Textile· C~lilpuy ·. 'Ibe 'JII'OII'&Dl of mtlltary activi- ties tor the regiment, which were wttnested. by thQ'IJ.S&Z1(b of clt.izena. opened at 1:30 o'clock on Bond street west where the entire regi- ment ot well over 600 officers and men l1ned. up 1n collllllD! of three, the rows of khaki men 1n unifonn ezteDdinS from Simcoe street. weet- watd to Ohuieb atreet. The band. of 'the Ont.a.rlo Realment <Tank>. tn 8CIIol'let tun1es, under the dlrectlon of Bandmaster J. Broadbent. gate • color to tb.e proceedJngs and tb.etr ~derlng of marshal music on the -parade and at the tn.spectlon. added -• touch of mllltary preclsl<ln and barm.onY that completed. the pic- of the Untoraotten and we are re- R. S. McLaughlin and Mrs. :Me- Ohureb wW tem,ember you t.ncl pray nnr nv- tbat a ..__.:~u-for you· and "the·'JOng'l aioldters.~' ~"--... mlnded of the lmmorlal love and LalllhWlo and rellittves of member.> prop'lm would remcrt"e fiood dan.. bll d.eecrlbed. u b&..mi beta. In I Whipped up soap jelly is nne far uourance of God'• divine cere for of the rertment. :Mr. Rose polnte4 out that the pra and 11> 1n 'Oilb !be paera1 "DOrmal" CODdltlon, &lid 10 -~ ·•-·•-· palnt.Od walls. . Dboo1Ye uS. • Major. Jarrett S&ld 1n hla "-" The Colon Oepoolled presence of tho 9oiore In the chun:b c:omern.llol1 ICbome. - Jlr. ~-- - loS remarks. •t want everyone of Pollowtng· the entrance ot tbe would be a . ~ aballeap to PrleD!l. of 1be f&tal1ttel. octwted when m1ld .soap or IOI.P powd.er-.lD tvre. ~-... The enUre regiment, faclng e.ist you to belleve thlo at>d .... u.e tho color -'Y and their escor> Into" all 1ri>o wonb!p. li>j the.' Ohwcll. DocUi>o Ill the n-.<II tlood -!her ,aDd - ~ ,_I water,-., one: tlwn ..,~~ 11. !DID a glorious truth wherever you are, the church where they paused at They Ieptwen,•\.. wluntiMn 1th~ ~ ll\l'!l!liDI !"'8 ,ctu8_..;to~ &be~ ~ ldM1, l'DipeatOt cadwell aJd. latller. A~ with a 8IIODP; ' on BaDd. atreet, came to attention a~ t.b:e,aound. of the bugle and orcStin from ~or offjcera and at a word of command faced DOfth and tb.e col\unD3 aeparated for tb.e ~pee~ whr.tev..- i'ou do,ln the oew exper· the chaocel s- ihe COmmanding flaht for .Juotlce" ~ fl'eOd"'D wiC" mcinl a(' _ _ 1rllhau' --·tor ' .. •· · - ·- ' - tences whiCh awilt · you, itb.e ever- omeer E. Peanon, addresslns the out .fillougl;l~~ ot ~~ -~- , :: new ·" ~-ted w. J" :sartD.a. wt~ns """" ot-God - ·unttJltntr. .-.o~<>rr Rev. David ... Rose. ilald: !;el"""'Tbey will . . · '"" . . e i>ei>O!W'mt'ofc'iomo.aD&(lrllhliiea. ~;;~;;~-;,~~~~[~@~ •In th1l G&rden of1the Unforiot~ "Blr: On behalf .of the Officers, llve \broUgh a Uberty p.lDed by the Prt.Ct~Cai.~,- ·an tiJPM ot ..U ten is erected • shrine in lov1nl Non-Comml5.sloned Officers & n d .n.crtnoe of oth~ '"!'or you tb.eif enJikm. were' W be tOUDd ill ){or ... memory of the comrade.s-1n-arms Yen of the Ontarlo Reclment have · a h1Cher ~ ,'-nd. ·tb.umberlaDd." &Dd Dloi1!1,mCCI'""lU.,I meaning for ln. the~!>. ·~ em~ Pror- OC>nD>r1 the cherlll!od .lrad!\li>nO you . !MJ14 att.J ot TanDto, dear. Althourh thOn! )a not a - w. 1t. Ba--, Torolito, also _TOWN OF WHI·TBY "Who's Who" _In tho~~-- who wu ~Ytt f!ft.J ~·-.-" !&,tho ..... ~, meid In 'eoitii ~or II!An:r chanl<io far . ·. - . eoion ' iltliot" .tho oonlbi' wtr &lid -.ii:ar.u.a. UD!l" · In 111,, tba "1'•!1ii/MmteJ OoJon :r~r;J;.::== bey &lid came non in order. to'·lhe 3tth Rer!ment, lbo. olcl f1aC ., Ol wblab :JOU tmr 1M CD your left; tbe remnants ot which c:ODDec~ you DRIVIN6 TESTS 6ROW STIFFER fOR, -A- Auto Agenciea &: Dealen DEVERELL . MOTORS ROIIBST DEVDUILL. PROP. Stl o...- street. w .• n- us -8- Bakeriea RAINBOW ~KE SHOP CharJCI ~ .. l'np. JENNY LIND OANDD8 CITY DAIRY 101!: CREAM III'OCk SLreet. Norlb. • Pbue ..,. llna4·11oU· Cai<•·Pieo·- Beauty Parlora HELEN'S IEAQTY SALON HELD TllL\NBKY lit - 8-l N..UO • PloOilO IH PATSY BEAUTY SHOP UlooBa!U.·IIro.-Bt...- ltl lliiOCK ST. N. • PRONE 115 IJOdal 1a Tb....-.• a-- ....... , W&tbtr. -C- Confectioners - -D- Dairiea HILLCREST DAIRY E. A. Wakefield :rt-oJ. SIB BJTOD. Streei Souib. PHONE SOl Yn ,tan cu.'t beai milk trem 11Uloreol4Wr)'. Plumbinc &: Hea~ CEO .. MAMERS 1St - a-. North PboDo, Office HI • Nlahb HI Sbeei llelaJ Wotk .. l'1ln:aa.No Afr C4uld!U- • PIUibiDo: with the o14 Ibcl"'•lthno-quart- Conatantly Makina It Mon! era of a CODWr7 'oco. tbe ,...;tOr ""'""cult to Get Ucen ea. pointed out. '1'lli _...,...,.! 0o1on uun now em.blucinecf with.~ ·the battle R • trar ., __ hono:o won 1n the Gnat War opealt till ....,., of couroce, explolte &lid deedo. 'be 'I'I<Onto, xa-;-a:-Wh!le a Cbfoa· •Pirlt ·of wblolt ore to bt emlllatoiL · '1'lli n- 1a the -bol of ,__ ·. 110 report IDcltca .. · lha• - - drlnn• ezamlnatlont1 in· IlUDo1l are W the.co-tpK&!ln IUe enJoyed bJ aktlnl entoreemmt of tbe drl1'81'1" tho aelf·110t011>1na na110111 ot the llc,..e .law,. J. P . Blclr.eU, ontario Brltlab ZmP!re, 'l'hlo .,..i.t exporl~ Reflltnr of Motor Veblcleo. bO!dl ment 1n delnocraUc ~-·.Ia .. that 4Utb atrtct epmtn8~ are & mlabty buJ.wuk .II&IDit Ult ft'f'e c&nied out bent too. _ R _ of op- that IIIOotlntr "' ,... · "We approcla,. the ·ftluo rrf lbo _____ _;_ _____ ,lulf tho 'Worid, Kr.- ald. No-, """"" enm!nalion." oal4 Mr. Blclr.· Reatauranta WHITBY DAIRY DIANA SWEETS J. Cowie. Prep. 101 DIIIUiu lltree& w. - P'beae 111 In Snlllllll hlalo<:t haft men 101111 eli. "And. n'ro lilh- forth on a more uraent m1al1oa. and the t~me in matlna' lt more never a t1me 1Vben 'ftotol7 wu more eult to obt&tn l1ceDieL" needed. · )- As eridmoe. ot t.bJa, Jlr. Bickell 'nlo colon ere lha - ot ,oUr said that In Tot<>tlto the nte of r<l• loyalty. The trlple ctOiiel recaD. ule jeet.lon 011 ~t enm'n•tkm .. c:m• poUUc&I. ua1on Ot l!niJ•nil Irelt.D.d 1n tin. In tbe lftriDce tbe rate .Sa WDIU>duS-Wesl PHONE 770 "'We Tt7 io Pl.,... .. -L- ~~~&:Fuel WHITBY LUMIU 6. co.-L CO. LTD. 1!. II. ....... ~. IU PIM 1- • Plooao Ul x... .... -. B..,U. Cloal • Cob • Weo4 , F. L. · BEECROFT LUMBER rNB'DL&TION BA.UlWOOD I'LOOBINO Eo-- _.., .-P-. Painter& &: Decorators Tl7 _ev tnalt --...es. fresh s&raw- berr7, plaeapple - Sodu a St>ee· loH)o. DREW'S LUNCH S. J. BASCOIBIE · A SONS ... Cenln llllnet •• • ft... t&s "'I ..... ..,....._ ... all ......... ....na..• -S- . ·- JOHN'S. PLACE 1 ... -- . llllq at Padali •- w..t ·· PboM ·UI B.A. P&OPIICTB &side Bat.&en. . ~.ullp TINiea UQ, ~naa • aillh>\Y' lower. _11,.. motor11te and Sootlud.. "nle cr.M ~ art deoJJned permlta for lack of a- St. ~. lit. Andlow and B~ perlonoe In manlpulaUon o1 tile ear, ""Irick mnlnol' uo o1 anolher"Cft!\1 aJI!I rw no1 ~ famiUar wltb &lid ot tho lllllt.J - IIWI ..MI drltlnl or 'lritb tho Ia..,._ . Ood. On • wooden CI'OIII. 1100 ,..,. Tb.e DUnola Jaw, 1\ wu -•tat.d. - Obrla~ 4lod to become tho BaY• bad - aldie! tluouah a -- lour of all mankind and. ~te eida prohibitin, the dritet be1nl liHQ to God and to eocb oli<er, Ret. 11if a pennlt If tho car II not 1n IIOOd - aald. , . . , . 'meoban1cal COIId!Uon. 'Iblo Ia olio When the ooiDIO ...,. nn• - folloWed 1n Olltarlo, -· llr. aented to JOU thO)" ...... -- - 1&14, a _ .. to drlte to God. and are the outward I4Al ~ DeTer alten ~- tbe car .La In vlslbl ""'• ~· •-·· In H!Di.' IIOOd CODd!tloll.. Tbere .wu alao e IJDl""'t- ..... 70UZ' w u-t . .. alltborltl tOr poUoe to n•m1ne a AI you ao for:Ul ~bU' that w; oar at aDJ tJme and order t ~~-ott dl.7 70U. han W!tDIIIId to JOW' cor· tbe road, be said/ - P<>n'" fallh In Blm. • may overy In the 0.11. a reporl llho1rod lbd m&D take that "faltb ·and truat with ·$:bUe were aG'moN deatha 1n tnf .. hlm. In c:1oo4lc Rev. llr. ,_, oald• 'ftc occldente durin&' 1140'0 first "God bleaa JOU and brine you home q,..rter tb&n ·tar the ame. pldod with untblnned. ranks and. to a vtc.. llolt ,ear. 'rbSa II a 7 per· ctni. 1n· torloua oeaee... creue. cau.elni worTJ to the If a· The Retim~t&J. Chaplain, Major Uoaa1 S&fetJ' ooundl. V~ the Rev. a. c. Jarrett. aulsted lp m.ontbl wltb h•1'7 tr&tel tielnl the aervlce and accompanied toM' abe&d causes conoerp. but. COI\IOla- ,rector to ·and. from the chan.eel. The tlon. II t~ )11 tl:M faet ~t 011 • leuoo, Bmduo, I? :1·11; wu rood br m!leor• bUie the traffic ~~ tor the ohaplatn' as ftll ia tbe pnYera. Ule tint . t1ro monthl wu 1 J)tl' DONALD SJOCKILL'S , CONFECTIONERY Jlloli A. . II. BMoklll, Prop. L. H. DILLINC 30i BIIOLIP STaDT • PRONE Stl Raft 7eV worl!: dODO DOW at wla&er Apat f• Eatea'a Wallpopen ~ ..-. - CORRELL'S ' SERVICE STATION . 814 c.n.u. .Prop. Por tbt bepertt of tb'e ·hundledl 1 =~ below Lbt u.m.e period Jut who waited. outalde the church at -'l,~ a small tractkll or the pubUc ~ £YSt.em carrit:d the nUmber of fatal ace14entl in, ()a .. entire aervke to loud .apeakers set\ {tiaJ1o are at.trUNtabl&· to mecbl.nt- up at convenleo~ potnt.l. · Ampllfieh . cil deteet.a. J. :ao,. Oaciwen. inapec. ~re alao ~a~~ ~e&d. aer· iir ~ot ooron.. Ia. the AttomeJ· vloe 1n tho pari<. DuriDa ·the ,..,. ~'0 ~-~. laid a• a OUNDAS siJu:ET EAST vlee the chotr . uncler tht· d1recUQO Cllrmor 'fw Bam11tdl.. ~ Wtn~· of Matt. Gouldblini, orpnl&t and" w1lolh --- bold In Hamlltbn. ch~ter, presented the antbeiD-1 SllhtJ-ilte per eint.. ol the ctrl.,~ '" a.- s-1 s .. u. • r~ .... 111 ee· ere .. - Sor& Ddab -llapaiDc:s "' ~:=-o:. N:rt' Ia:::• 151 Aa Low Aa ~11 1 "Jerusal..., • · , en/ lnYCind In fatel _.,to - ' ' . , , ,./ • , • ' - SEE YO UR N EAREST BUI CK DEALER --· . l. .. '· ' . '. : .-.,. .,/ .. WHriaY

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