Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jun 1940, p. 1

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I. •. , ounty Home ·Managers · lti~ .. ; ----~~~~~~~~~--------~~~~~~~ ELCOMED. BY TOWN, OUNTY · . ·oFFICIAL~; . DISCUSS~ 'PROBLEMS l I I , ; i. ';·. l ;. I 1 . ' ~ i ·· YREIJOR TO VISIT W~ST .,. • .__ ·of FOur- on Miuion Fellowahip and Evapgeliam the month or; J~ • clef1r¥1Den, led by Rev. Adye, rector of All Saints' Whitby, wUI visit the of At.habasca, Saskatche- Saskatoon In the far under the auaploes ot Wvcll!fe College Fellowship of Leaving Toronto on June 30th, thla team visit Peace RIY'er and ~rowrull!lll points for aervlce8 · flrat Sundaf In July and on week WIU hold a of evangelism ~d by .Bishop of At.habasca, the Rt. ReV. /< • . H. Sovere1gri, D.O., P.R. ! ·• · OB. on the way we· t tbe Arch· t , bishOP of Rupert's Land ha.s ar- ! '\ , , ..,.npc~ a luncheon of clergy and lt,ymen at Wlnn1peg wh1cll wUl dis· C\1111 plana for future work In that • d1Qceae. After leaving Peace River . ~ men wW conduct a further ' ~ool and preach at many centres Ill the , ,Dlocese of Saskatchewan ~~~~~~1~ at Prince Albert. clerJY wW be met at and North B•ttleford In the oroceae· or the cl~men of tate up" their wort In parlahes on the first A~t. Accompanying are canon J. Dourla.s rector of All Saints' Pet.erboro·Q&h; Canon J. w. or Hamuton, and Rev. Bmlnet, of Or1WL • bo)'l . • • '1 & • ··war;:G. II.&N!mfG wiM ... ricelltq' ..... tell Cleft or u.e . TowMblp .r 'WIIUII7. ... c:ee4lq B. w. Mdrieit whe nsf&a- .. -~ IIWI7 ,_ or .me.. . WedDeeclay, July 3, ia _n..;,, It li ~.&: llCMDlCed outs : ... : ............. · Llcll- "J.'amer. . r ..,._ ...,. . • ..._ .. . B.:. .. _· ~ G ..t.'-• . - . Dlieotora 'Two··;e.rs. L. n. ..,~~- .;.....,; . raR& and calcium ehlol'kle,on !'Oed,;. Ale &Dil·DI'. P. A. OUddJ; one year, way and ·<palnt iteei.. ~c Intnc MCBrfen. Ted Humphrey, ·Green__.. 'D~l.:.- cr=- . and Jobural' RilblnsoD. . wuuu --v .,_.. Tblt carnlftl, 1t waa deelded. wU1 earth off noor aDd'opm draiDa . be Jieid -on Brock Siri!et South be- ·In noor . : . ! .... : .. . . . .. . . .. . 4.00 tween Ule .Pouor Oornen. and the. West Storey~- Gplde rt.11 posts on east approach, TOwn HaU, and new and popular wash eon~ ' yJth cement_ 'features wU1 be on the propamme, Ume and ·water tl.CII 'IUIDIDir cam._; 1110.00 doualed: the 'lOcal braocb of the .cm&dlan Red Orou Soclety; $10.00 dOD&ted to the Women'a lllatUiite· ·&o help provide Obrtatmaa treat.' . at the COunty Home: .SO.oo ciootrlbuted to the VIctorian · Order of NurMI, a almllar amolint to· the Boy · scOuts aDd $111.00 to Uie Wbttb:v Oltlleiia' Band; . a crippled boy, wu BeDt !.o the Slct Children's Hllllpltal In To- ronto for. ~tment; ~atre part1 md eandlea provided for achool children. at Chrlatmr.s; mtert.aln· m~t at the Ontario 'county Home; and a tOtal expehJ11t.tre of about $130 for milk for undernourished chUdren In publle and ieparate achools; . co-operated with BOa-d of Education In Provld.!Da tree akatlnc for achool cbUdren;,donate blankets for retugeea, and tranJported COunty. Home Inmates to a tree show ln. the Brock Tbeatre. starUnc with the b1c patriotic par- ' • · • .... :. · • • ade and mdlnc With the dance and -.....:.-------,)--.-..:._•_ · ---.---,:----,~ dra~E-~E~J:!:7U:. Rush To Get'·Naturilized Is· Jhe · :e:s~~~io.:: · Aft_ ·erm~th, :~of._the· War, ·But: Ma.·r.,·; e,econd, $11.00; Inter-town compeU- UO:es':'V::• Cross Ambulance, ftnt Ar.-e' Rejected _in c-o..~ty . c~~: prlae-$10.00; aecood, $11.00. . Prealdent Jack RobUn pve · a <conUnued !)~' Paae ·10, Col. 7) Best Qr;oup, or ten repu&entlng Iritantry. prlae-$10.00. . One United ~tdea Bora Best .Brass Band, flrat pr~15; ' ~~econd prize $10. oE'Italy ia R~ Prlaes for Beat Decorated Bl~les and Doll O&niagea <Patriotic onl1>. Alao ~ ~Boin Tbe entries for tbe parade should . Wi~· ~. , m· the . · . be placed at once In the banda of -:-'1 WUllam naYidlcin;,ehalnnan :of the OtLen . M· ua···t · J&.t::.pl• at Carnival Commltlite. ~ o1 To help the Red Cross. fJ1e local Some Future Tmie <oonpnued oo Pap s. 001. a> Never ~ore. ~ the h1ator,. of "Kingdo~ .Of._ -G~. (rusa,de" Is ::.~:ty ~:::.:.= = L hed Th.- f II B Th file4. ~fore ,. court In th1a cHaVIct To Be aunc ·as -- y . 'e A~ of :14o are to be· beard a\ Oshaw, a-United .Ch. urch Presb_yten. :o=t=~~ •:r half cit these had been conal&ftd. , · . . • . Humor and J!atbo.s were blended A "KIJ11dom of Oocl OI'Uiad41," in Iter meetlnp Jn th1a dlatrli:t. durlnc . 11 ,lolig .at~ 1n whlch the form of a concerted preachJn& Por tht~ or tha ditve, the Ju~ D. ·B.;-rCoieman recommend«< mlaslon, w1li be 11\mobiclln Oahawa preabytery·liii'been ' divided IntO thtltr-nve appgcanta, reJected ten, presbytery of the united Ohlll1lh of aeven aePIII'I!te lfOUl!l." In each of l,dJourned hear1nl on two, &Dd re- Canada th1a ·fall, 1t wu decided at the IJ""!.P.ll tbere baa ~ appoint- commended two' subjects to the p- a aptcw meetlnc of the preabflerY ed a director, and a eerlea ot top1Cs ernment's 1'Ullnc on Ule tact that held 1n st. An4reW'a United Church, hm been lliled up for the aeven they were at ~t on rellet. Osbt.wa, yeatenliiY aftefno9D. ntihts. Tbe nr1oua topka wU1 be "I shall have to tate note ot an.v Tbe meetllll, whiCh wu pres!ded dealt wlth by apeatera who w111 tour appllw~ons from people 1111 over by Rev. Walter Rackham, the dlatrlcts. and . these w111 ~ IUbJect to the Hampton, cha1rman of the ~Y: Directors and lfOUPS are:~ action taken by the aovernmmt." tery, wu attended by represent&- Oshawa and Whltby, Rev. H. G. Judge Coleman announced at the Uvea throurhout the dlatrict. Rev. oro.ler, Wht~. outut of the hearlna. P. L. JuU, Brooltlln, aecret&ry, out- ~toct. Scuaog and Port ,Judie COleman alSO ruled that Uned the ' plan of the mlalon. Perry, Rev. 'D. II. BtinaOil, Black- any appllcatlons from German or Dates for the "Cruaade" we from atook. ( ' ltallru allena would have to be held October 27 to November 1, lnclualve, Brookli.D, .OOiumbua and U)rtle, over for the duration of Ule war. with meet~n~a. t.hroUihout .tne ella- Rev. 0. S. Qervan. U)rtle. , "1 cannot entertain 'suoh appllca- trlct on eaell eventna. 'lbe cam- Plctcr1nc; ·oJ.aremont 'and Green- Uons at thlll staae." declared t.he patan wiU be ]f.unched on 8UMa)o wood, Rev. · R. W. McVey, Gntll· bench: In two exceptional cuea. re- etenlne. October 27, with a Beneral wood. commm<taUOD& .were made wbere It exobanae 01 palpOI !If lllWatera of OfODO, NewcaaUe @ld was clevJ.y. ea~'llllsli'ed that the ap- the Jireab~. ~ of the e11• Rev: John Mc.I•oblan, New\ODVSU.. pl.leants could hp.ve no·poastble aym- chanp ar:9..to 1111 .,.ned out by a Hampton, TJrone and Bl)nllkl"eD, I·11111Wea 'Wl~ the tovenunent of the JPOclal t()mptttM. . ·Rev. W~ter Rackham, Hampton. clay In either 1~ or Oermt.IIY. In addltfcm &o illUfeh!i!l\18 of Oourtlce, and ~YWe, Rn. VIncent O&lderone, Whitby, was ~ten at 'be WII'IDIII cbarpl In W. O. SmiUJ, Col,111ke.. · cranted a recommendation atter the pre&by~. 1' ll ,apected a few A special c:~ttee of the ' pres- the cOurt had clearly est.WUsbed · wut. ~ II8CIInld from To- bytery was appointed to Invest!- that, altbourh or Jtallan parent&re. ~to and . obr fOint,l to 'addreu I _(0041JDU04 on Pale 10. Col. · I) he h&d tletn p6rn 1n Ule United '· . , " . ... ,, "· . JOQ. Gwa 'JIIOIIPSOM - : wtll-bRa. I 'lie PI; ... pM• ... or ...._... N....a. llelieel ~ jel1lll ~ ......... .tan .. Sep·--· . states and had llYed 1D&JU' :rean In canad& . ~x would ftaht ~ Ita!J 1f ne- cess&J')'," d~ ~ when quest.loDed liiJ JudP. Onleln•n Nld¥11U s&lre, ali eJderl7 Olbawa man, waa a1lo pmt&ct 'uturallla- Uon allhou&b bom 'In German,J. sttre told t.he coun that 11e had Uved In caDada IIDce JnriDC:J &Dd had alWQI ,~eel blmae1f m a British aUb~ He · ati~ that his ron had jolnecl .• UIIIJ and waa a member ot tbe1.tUl Bauer,, B.O.A. MI thll:ik Uib 1a oM or tbe few cues wbere an uc:eptkin mlabt be Ulade. I am qu,lte ~ from -,.,.y <contlnuid oo ....,.:10. Cot i) . ·Historic! CKur(h .. At· .Port Whitby · · .. Qpe~ned .94-Year~ .Ago, .To· -Mark . · · .. Anniv~tsa.Y 0" : Sun~~Y Next .. ,1 \ \. ...... \. ' . . .. . ~ ..... · ~ ~ . ' J ( ... • ~I -- E ·:-·' ;._ .

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