Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jun 1940, p. 2

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- ' I .,." "" PAGE TWO 1HE EDIT .THE witttBY.-WrnE -.AND CHRONICLE Omuto Comt .... IAadiDc W- ~every Widneod&y mOmms bY Tlmoa I'D- : Jlobln& · Company or Qshawa Llml- c. II. 111md1. President; ~ R. Allawa:v~ vtce-Prest.denc.;_ . Ora:rdon. ll. ·Goodfellow, Director. . life of the country as a whole on an even keel,' 90 that the real savings of the people are not impaired. . ' ' I 'anywhere In caoaila $2.00 a year In adv&Dce; $2.50 a year to au~ tn the U'DJte4 ' states or · other foreign countries.· Tbe date to wb1cb. tb.e IIUbscrtptton 1a paid Is Indicated en &he ad.drelll label. Aclveru.q rata on appUoatloD. J. R. ORMISTON, l!lcllto< and B._ ll..,_; Oplce Telephones: 703 ~d .U6. AP. m011t Canadians now realize, our govel'llllient has only two methOds of fin- ancing this war. The first ie by taxation. The second Ia by borrowing from the real - eavings of the people, afteJ taxation has gone aa far aa it can· without crippling the induatrlal structUre of th~ country. ' . ' WHITBY, WliiDNlCSDAY, .niNE :18, Jtlll,· • . Whitby Welcome• ,Worthy' r ~- . ' . .~· ' .. ·h -6lic Servant• .; ~ " ... · · . 'rb, Town of Whitby this week· extenda :.a moot cordial wei Caine ~ dejegat"!! to the · tWenty:flrst amiual convention .o~ the ~o­ ,cJation of Milhagera.of the .Homea for the · Aiea ;...d Iiifirm.of Ontario which ia beina held in the Courity Council Chamben. 'r{.The .vls.it<!.l'8 ~ men and women wh011e · ·.work'· in their reepective communities is ~8e!dom heard of, but, which, neverthelw, ·fa, >vitally ·important. . To give thoughtful · and. effective care· tO the men and women ·who thh>'ukh force of clftumstances ue :,~ed ~~ to' i.peD.a, their deeUning years ·fit, eounty h<imea li wi>rk that Ia human!-. tarian .in Itt truest sense and niqulris men ·aud·'wmnen: oh~xact ability, bzoad 8}'111- ; p&t\17 ·mid a-k~ 11J!derStaiidi~ of human .:life; These men• and women work long hours : and' we know fQI" a fact that in moat eom- .' mimltles the -:fiilancia! remuneration ~ ·. to them is not In k~ing with. the value of the ·servicee they render. · · ' . lit ·Whitby there sianda one of the flnl!llt : ·County Homes to' be .found in th_e pro~e -~-one whlch baa time and again merif*l -!; the Warin commendation · at prOvincial of. . ;>flclali This very . satlafactory a tate of ' aff8irs Is due Iargeb- to. the 'splendid work .l.Qf ~r and ilfra. James Read, who, .1.,... feel · 8nre, are trUe ·nipre_sentat~,ves. ~ -~the ulaJorlty of mim and wamen-~ · : fa'.!!linDar work in this ~ce. · . J ~w• trust. that _the -vls!tors wfll enJOT .1f!ielr JltaT In Whitby, and that as the result . ';trr their dellberatlontl they Will 1!0 Nck' to '.itletr- re~opeel:lve . e0untlea.' refreahed and· •V . • & DeW 'fis!OD. of lervfce. .. · . .._ ," ~'!::C~:caniiCI~·. M~eta Fall' Strenpla. ' ' ,t,,_-,.,._, lo' . .J , ... , ... 1 "'"'··'H:. · r·, ,, ~ .. . ~~r .. baa now been given the 'j?•itill!l; ,rif the new budget brought down 'Ralston. 'Steep addition&! tax- "·al~cin was inevii:ab!e, wlth special attention 'to luxnrles.~'As 'the mltiister nmarlted · .a group· q; ·~di the otherw: '"rhere wiD llkely:be a tax on every butWn of YOU!' coat." But'there is no doubt ·.that the P&nadian people -~ a .. ept thelf new financial obligatlcma/w:lth the same patriO. ilc undmtan~'~t,,;na In evidence Ia8t . week when coDl~Crlit.!on - was annolmced. . ~..: • ""'~':+- . · It Ia very piocib&tile· . that the ·United States may soon hi~e to' resort to conscrip- tion for home iletencef how much more Is • • !,. ,: · - '• I conscription ~~~~ In Canada since we are na'tiona!Jy inVolftClln the· war and direCtlY dependent upon &no Ail!ed victory for the preservation of 00.. · eX!aienee ~ a free people! How much more serious the altua- ilon 'Ia since the home detenae conl!criptlon law was passed oDly a few days ago. 7ime to Forget Fooliahneaa Referring to the Indubitable faet that · some ·sections of the populace "don't take the wilr ~er.toUsly,u a proll!inent dapy news. ~'&Per laat week had thls to a&y In Ito eilttorial <:Oi~m~Ds, "lite dance.ttaUs, con- tributing largely to adolescent lrreaponsi· billty, Are still paclted. • • ." Few people would be In favor of banning ~- It baa. become recognbed aa a · social grace alo111r with iruch other activitieS u ·brldge·and Ol)tdoor sports. The old days 'of mfd. V:lctolianism wheit dancing was re- prded as "improper" have disappeared, . &!Ill for many years "tripping the light fan- 1Utic" baa been accorded Ita prop8i: 'place ; In 'the ll<hema of thlngs. · · of dancing or Germany ·~ ....., • • ••• ~~(. Q l ;g· ~~~r~~1~~~~-too~~··'=_q . 7~ aeiuri!'lon. 'T!I!! "jltterb1ifs" "alliptors'~ or what-havll'you, are de.velop.. ~·a Dlnr phn~hy-of adolescent foolillh- 1f&9 nec8esary for . . the ' ' • of the laat war, It Ia ten times ·more- lleceaaary. for the .winning of the ·\~'war wb,en we ma,. have to deffllld_ ·. our owit country against mvul011. In fact, .: there are th0118 who are now convinced ~ that the Governm:ent should have enacted ~ eonacriptlon when the War first started. lf ' the rematance' of Britain, with li'rance in ; the-west out of ·the picture, weJe to eo!· ~. lapae, Cari~da W4\Uld be absolutalY-defflllce- : leas.. Our . undefended territory would • . JlftHIIt an opei,. invitation to Hitler to ecme over. and annex this Dominion u . part ~ of the spoilll of war. That Ia a dark pros- pect, · but it lJo a POIISibllity whlch Cana- l diana must face and prepare for without . further delay. We cannot look for: auf•" flclent aid from the United Stlltes, ' and wh_~ we have no · riglit to eXJl"Ct .Uch aid , . . ,when we are fully capable of org&nlzilllr for our·o?m defence. "An assurance that these new powers· , wiD be used only when it ia neceslljley to · lil'voke them in the interests of the national . safety· of Cal)&da is, I am sure, all that is required to allay any excitement or ,appre- hension," Col. Ralston, Minister of Defence, said when the legislation was introduced · ;;, the House. "That assurance J give m011t emphatically,:• he 'added. . · Interpreted fffi!l~ the situation In Cans- ":" da now may be summed up In this fashion: - Under a continuation of vollintary en- . listment, aome 25,000 additional trtops are · being rushed to aid Great Britain on her , own territory, and an army of 150,000, ful- ly equipped for war, will be on guard with- In the Dominion. And for further home defense, there will be forty divisions of the .,lion;perntanent militia in part-time train- and in the background the ·military of every able-bodied man betWeen of 18 and 451 for a period of six two months·eaeh year, this under conscription .Jegislatlon. economic side, there will be a '~::~~~s~upe~;rv~~ision of war Industries ili There- will be heavier But moat important will be the effort to keep the Industrial neu that' Ia very tryina' to more adult minds. The ·Bight of you~~~r people lndulg- ina. In snake-like movements and wiggling of the-head from aide to. aide at any pretext be It j&lll music from the neighbor'a radio · or ' eomriJet;ely withQut accompaniment, mal<ea one wonder If such young people realise that these are tremendous times in whleh we are llving and that it Ia too much folly and too little sacrifice that endanger us all today. France's Marshall Petal!) eaya: "We have been too pleasure-loving, too long." This new fad, when carrled to such lengths, becomes leas a form of pleasure than a stupid: manifestation of undisciplin- ed folly and while ten-yeal'Oid youths drill with riflee In Nazi Germany and democracy bleeds from the soil of France, we find some young people here who know very 1ittie about -vital matters, but can tell you · the whole Ufe history of any given swing b&ild leader. With the majority of Cana- dian youth, we can thank Heaven this Ia not the case, but to th011e others who still want·to live In blissful ignorance we would ll&f! "How about a little leu Benny Good- man and more 'Land of Hope and Glory.'" Extra.$115.00Seema Unecel8ary It coat the County of Ontario $115.00 . ' Iaat week . to decide that Whitby ministers should be paid for conducting . Sunday services at the Ontario County Home, ·and the' Salvation Army services at the County Jail. The Finance Committee; in the final report of .the session brought In a l'ecom- mendation that the p11yments cease at 'the end of the quartsr, and when an objection was raised by Reeve 'A. M. Irwin, of Whit- by, Council waa put into Committee of the whole, by the motion of another member, • an adjournment until after supper bt:ing moved In the meantime which meant an evening session and five dollars each for 28 members. Prior to the presentation of the finance report, which waa shortly before 6 o'clock, It had been a~d by Council to suspend t) -<r - - 26, 1940 POINT OF VIEW . : . . the watdlm to "ind to carry on until with. Jntlilentai- the mlniatars waa although later ill ' lncrealed the local man who has at the Collhty Home services r ~~~~f:= without remunera· tion, and r! felt tht.t he should be paid ail Without · or not local clergy aervlcee rendered at th.e and Jail, we honestlY believe that .: question whlch to the average l&yman may not seem so import- ant .after ... ,U. . mlaht have been settled without coetlng · the county $105.00 at a se!ialon at which vet'f right!f the keynote was eeonoiri,y to . conserve the county's .money during the .. War. Aa It was, the contentious ctause i.rthe finance report was struck out, and '!t was dealded · to con- tinue payment for ' miniaterial aervicee. True, m011t mem.beri.· Of Council said that the...!!ight, waa woi-tlnvhile as it gave them some Information which they did not JlO!ISess befofe, information whleh con- vinced them payments should continue. But. worlh $115.007 Many of the· brought down JatJ~'JI ed, as everyone carried ;'()n~ ~:~~~ place the K! are from· thai per cent. on rather steep; u ' . . ' of C&l'll that are'~ federal budget were expect- cannot be the only the funds Taxes oil ~:f:t:i:~: mlaht well be but . per cent. tax on $600 incomes· Ia ou~ of PlOjlOI tlon . to other taXes! It meana either"a lowered standard of livina" 01' a aentiialincreue in wages with reaultlnc . lncreue of ' every commodity Pf!l(luced In the !=!M~Dtry. There will be a vadua!' riedjustm~t as the in- creased taxes come.into. effect. However, we mdat all ~;lip our minds, aa has been pointed 'out prevJOua!:r, to make sacrifices, learn to do wlth~,luXurl.- and keep out of debt, indivlduAI.fy and natloo- ally. The coat of the warjJIU to be· paid, and It looks as If you and . J wiD have to do our ahara of the paylnt. · Stricter Replation•lor Firearm• ' .. --.· A new regulation decrees. that no Ger- man or t~an cltlun, who baa become naturaHIIed since the beginnllllr of the war ehall be allowed to PO!JieU, flreanns. Thl• Is a wl"" precaution. But It d- not 10 far enough. Why not lian &.nne to every civilian, Canadians ,inclucled1 lf ,a man thinks he oua-ht to ha~e a fUll to shoot Invaders with, or sabalellfllo let him join the Home Guards. Following the death of Piovfaclal Officer Dent at Navan, Ont., lu\ weelr, Attorney- General Conant stated that imm~ate action w~uld be taken tbwards 1tricter control of firearms. "I W\11 for111ulate and make recommendations to the MinlateJ of Justice . without delay,~ l be laid. We heartily agree with Mr. Conant'• view that there is too much latitude in reprd to fire- arms in this province, eapecl•lly revolven and automatic pistols. ' When compulsory rea-litlatlon of fire- arms was put into effect, there waa the belief that this would to eome extent ham· per their use by criminai.a. But,crim~a lj1 which revolvers are used has not dlmlnlah· ed, and usually it tumil out that the ~n was not registered. We can I!H li~tle if any need for revolvers in the poUession of any except pollee officers. To j)ur way of think· ing the whole control Of, firearms In the province should be vea.~ in the pollee dll' partment, each municlpe\lt¥ ~ rtapon· ' alble. Unless good and sufficient reason Ia pi"odll!!ed for the retention of fireai'Jils by illlyone, they should be confiscated or at least flied . with the police department in each municipality and any sale or transfer should !J.av.e _the· apJiroval of the police de.. partment. The police should have the legal right to hearch any premises at any time If they. have auspicion that fireanne are being kept, and a heavy fine or prison term impoeed on those who are guilty of keep- ing unregietered f'IrOarms. A reward might be offered to citizens who gave in- formation following which an arreet is made for illegal POIISession of firearms. Osbawa ~d· County Make Start In Organizing For Fast Action lf the Attorney-General . is to formulate such an enactment, let .him .see to it that It has plenty of teeth ·in · it. All citizens are not trlistwotth,. in respect to the pos- session of firearms. A perusal of the evi- llence at the trial of the alleged Fascists at Montreal should bear this out. Home• for Refugee Children The Children's Aid Society has been given the_ important teak of placing refu- a-ees from Enlrland into Canadian homes, and preparations. are well under way to receive a large nUDiber. The latest report · from Great Britain ill that upwards of 10,oo0 will be sent to Canada within the next two or three weeks. • Ontario's .plan for the refugee children, according to a rewrt from Toronto, is to establlloh a clearing houee or central depot in Toronto, where the children will receive a complete physical examination and what- ever Immedllite care they may need. Trans- portation from Toronto to Ontario centres and other detalla for their delivery and re- ception Into homea have not been an- nounced. No · more than two children will be allotted to a home. All the homes are to be inapaeted accordina- to the usual pro- cedure of the Children's Aid Society, So far aa pOIISible~ ;-Children will be placed In homes of relatives or friends and cor- respondence to this end has been carried out, a London report stated yesterday. The placement .. of children In priva1!' family hQIIIIIIi Ia a apecialised w.ork which the Children's Aid Society Ia qul~!l. competent -~·,.. and under oidfnary circum- oM.. ·1•'·· .;,-, ' iirht fii;..,;:.:...1Jn the . preaelii" ' · maybe 11.!· ens)'~'& tiJ,e whoR' ri~itU:! and· ass1at the Ald make application to 0. M. AJirer. tendent, Box 821, Oahawa. tho' parenls, '~E~ or chOdreD, and. tbetr · • 'l'h1ll ln!ormatlon wlll be made out I r ln dupllcate, one Copy retained here r:o ..JI•*'orial Nota and the other forwarded to lhe cen· .cdl- "' Ual clearina otrlee • ---------------.. 100 Otfe10 Beoehe4 We often wonder If the girls who can eo ably operata a car in heavy traffic can operate a sewing machlne. · c Full of l)uekahot, perhaps. "Anyone . . found near my cb(clten•h011118 at night Will be found there next morning," statee a warning In a weekly news{l&per. Nearly 100 offers to take c:hUdren lnto local home;, had been received up to th1s morning, Mr. Alger atat- ed. The wort o1 placing the chU- dren will be the duty of the local committee and Ita workera. Unc:Jer t.he rules of the Society eveT, home offering to take- chUdren muat be Inspected and thb will requJre a caretully selected personnel. .&!ready many otters to help have been re- ceived from tho.1e who are not ln a pa,U.ion to t{llke refugw. One local teacher hM volunteered her sum- mer hoJ,ldaya to aid the :society. A 11&1 may nominate tllem far In the maas movement, aM· t!Je,, wm be pl&oed 1n relattv•' hCJateB . on arrival. Such nomtnattcma abCiuld be sent to us throuah your d~ ment. The only war to keep tbia Brltl.!h movement wtthln tbe lbiUta agreed upon between the Brl'U.sh and Dominion Government. ia + to handle It In the above deacri~ manner. ~)Vhlle appreclatJnr deolre of service clubs and other orpnla.' .. tlon, to engage ln thla wort. ~ co-operation so far u home find' and placement are concerried, be with the ProYin<:ee tn. or- to prevent Ultimate contualOD. and disaster." The Reds In Estonia, who might be called subversives, seized government buildings and hoisted the red hammer and sickle flag under the protection of Russian troops last Friday night. RuMia seems to be following the tact! .. used by Hitler in his German expansion program. Attorney-General Approves Sunday Movies as War Aid j Declareo The Legionary, with perfect truth: "One has to turn the clock back seven centuries to find a parallel for the modern Naai German. HitleJ's complex Ia the complex of Genghls Khan : and his are the methode of the ancient Mongol. Both orpnlzed efficientlY, treacherously and malignantly, and the aims of the two do not deviate. The Mongol was a destroyer, and 90 Ia Hitler. The Mimaol waa a butcher, ao Ia HltleJ. The Mo~irol'a methods were the methode of a liar and a aavage. Thus also Hitler." ' What the Timmins Dally Press herein- after says rea-anillllr subversive elements In Its territory goes for the cowardly gentry In every l~lty: "Every c'lfizen of the Poreupine ahould re.olve to wa~h for the slinking anali:ee who crawl In the night to distribute their printed poison. When one of theae creatures Ia seen, there should be an immediate call to the local police deparlment. There Ia a jail cell, and a penitentiary or a concentration camp wait- llllr for these enemy agents, and every cltlun should be on the aler.t, that they may be lodged in those placee at the earliest moment. • .~ I Toronto, June 21 - A propoeal of the Canadian Motlon Picture In- dw:try to hold Sunday night movi~ throughout Canada to rabe 'a mU- Jion dollars for the Dominion's war effort hu the approval of Attorney- General Conant, but b opposed by Ule Lord's Day Alliance . "That's noL patrlot.i.!lm," &aid Oeorse Webber, general secretary of the Alllanoe. "Let them devote a pe~entage of reoelpU from week- nlaht allows to Canada's war effort. To bold Sunday night movlea 1a aa:llnat the Lord'a Day Act. War savm,. atamPI!I pay a. &ood return Cor money loaned. t wa.s approached by the moving picture rep~enta­ Uvea on the que,tlon and told theDl! their plan 11 tllegaJ." "Outalde La"" Under the proi>QMll adm.IS5Ion to the show& woUld be by purchue or war uvlng stamp.s and certiC!catea, but Mr. Webber irulsted Ontario m one of the provinces where moving picture aho,.,•.s on Sunday are mesal. Any move to hold them Ia out.slde the law, he 1n.st.st.s • OfficiaLs or the Motion Picture rn. dwtry con lend HollYWOOd acreen .stara would appear at .some or the propo,ed Sunday night. shows, while speglal features would be olfered tor these performance~. Canadian authorities jolned with Hollywood picture officiaLs in pre.s-entlna thf'l proposal, Won't Interfere "Nothing .should be allowed to In- terfere with .so splendid a gesture;• Attorney-General Conant. .said ot the prope.sa l to hold .!peclal Sunday night ahOWI to,a14 Canada'& war et .. - .. TilE WHITBY 'AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAy • SHEPHARD~S MEAT MARKET MEATS, FISH, POULTRY, FRurr PBONB .tH WHITBY :BETTEft I ,:U.SINESS ASIICIA Joining . M..erchants In tlnit!ld EHort To Make Whitby A Shoppi1)8 Ceii~.;.-.Cash PriZes QUEEN OLlVES 10-o.. . ' ~9 Jar Spe<iol jl. C Domestkr or Snow. :Whtte ' SHOR TENI._.C 2, for 2Sc $NI.LDS'. CROOERY Pho.riea ;s 8·3-We Deliver ~ • t ' • • . 'MIXED . PICKLES ~"' Special 2.5 C CRAPE JUICE WELCHES ~1 1~ ~ c a-. D111r7 or' Pod P0117 BunER. ' iot Grade ~-5 POUND ~ C DURING JUNE. .iu:LY-~d AUGUST NO DELIVERIES WJU, BE · MADEON:~TURDAY ~NOONS JAMES SA.WD'ON &. SONS FUEL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES - WILSON'S M·EAT MARKET • ·~·O.oice Meats, Groceriea,Fruita- Always die Best at Loweal Price&. Shop here, save money. Ask for Coupono. JUST PHOME 669 - WE DB.IVER MERCANTILE. DEPT; STORE WHITBY· you Can Help the Ro~ary Club in Their Service Work for Children u _g· . w- .. 4 , n~ ~ - . With every $5.00 purchase' at our atore you get a ticket on the:.Car we give a~y at the Rotary Fair Wednesday, July 31at. Our atock ia completi; in the line you require at thla, season. "Satisfied Customers Return~' . . . .~:' ; -- We cf.n yOu more ror, the Iaiiie Maner. or &he same for lal liner. A. G. MARLOW W. C. TOWN F...ut.e !pacialo E....;. s.ti.dat· ABE YOU Authorked. Weti~DP~ YOU are first judpC .,. ,.;. appeuaaa. ~ To att ~c JOOd appeuu.e~ can at- MILI.:ARD'S BARBERSHOP IU .Jii.dt IC. IIOIID. HOTEL ROYAL • THEREPCAP 0(>...,• ~- ... - Sbo 'in Whitby ~ -. nmn'?_l• ..... _ .... _ ~·.~~: .......... D ..... ··-·--· --' .... wtU. ::: ~ •aa:- Btop Oil Bo,.i. WbDo ID ~ , ~,. - •1o~._ ·. RAINBOW CAKE SHOP 'l'rJ . Bettr Cakes ADd Palti'te. ll!'rosh llalq PHONE I'll We R-a- AN"rffiliN'c ._.. • ..;.J~.- .. BASsETi"s .·:WHITBY BETTER .. ' BUS·.IN.ES6 · . ·- 171 SPRAY T HAND .SPRAYERS, USc, 40c, 75c, 85c, POWER SPRAYER to .... 00.· 21,l, plloa iiae .................... , ..... $3.76 ap - . :A FULL LINE OF JNSEC11CIDES, ~WAYS. IN STOCK ANIMALSPRAYS-"Staclraid,"t28oa. HouSE SPRAYS ·- FLY' DED ....!. tina ............................ ; ............ , ...... $1.00 'FLY. TOX, .,ib tino, WHIZ FLY SPRAY Clwmel in bulk, imporial plloa .... $1.00 . . in bulr, any quantity. W ... A. -liQ .. LID:4Y·:. co. Plloae 511 . ' ' . .. SHOP AT .. · · _ · - :. ·, ./~ · s·u P E.R l_,o -.R,····.$;TO R E For (lriality ~'d :S..ro~" . ' J, H. DA~ · PHONE &67 B.LL'S · D . . . . • \J • • ' • • • ' • ' ' You'D Waill A lew DieU ·for lhe; Holiday, . - . Come to BEU.'S imd lee th~ l~vely Dr~-~~;'are eho>yina-. ~Mr •. Bell goea to the market evei:y Week, there io~ ~~yo ~lil,thinir new ·~d mtereating _to - - and low overhead inourea Y:ou F~cet tha:! c:anr(et J:le. duphcated ,even 1n thll city. Our apccial Crepe Hoee . .at ,1.00 '"tafido the otr&JI'• . Try them._ "You'll Lik'e Shopp~ at'Bell's" EMPIRE ·PAIIT . SA~E -· A Product of BENJAMIN MOORE CO. LTD. . ·- • EMPIRE HOUSE PAJNI: $2.·.7 9 • e EMPIRE PORCH PAINT quu;_.. e EMPIRE VARNISH . 79~ . qET YOUR~ ,N,UDI· 'NOW : :' F. J. Mcii:TYRE HQDWARE . . . ':' . ill Whit~ tile ........ A-. w.,. . Platiosiq "' for the $-TAXI. SOFT DRINKS CIGARETIES TOBACCO dciAR:S L ·•· -- .. , : ~ .. For Q,J.ality and SertJi~e . WHITBY DAIRY MILK I ~ttOH.E 770 . ' .llGG r .. BROS~.: PBOIE 328"- * WEDEUID Boaiul Steak Sldela$teak Ptrterlutise Steak WillgSteak Homemade Sausage z-.101" 2.9c ·A·GG ·aaos. ~BOCEBIJS • .ZA,'I'S • rBVI'I' . . PBOD 3aa . . . At lit llnek Str-eet SeuUt., llep 'lul4 .. Qe& • eea.,.. &Dd take, • rt,de. . To ahep In Wh.l&by and eq.Jo7 ."a:_lllde. BQAR'S TAXI · NO. 610 John's ~I» lac~ PHONE4Z7 PARE JUST OUTSWII s.A. SERVICE .& PRPQuczts DUNLOP TIREs·· ON. TIME PAYMENTS ,usE-D FOWLER .. ~~l~-·~'·w~ • :,~G :~~Gs TABLE ·· .. . --- INVisiBLE SOLEING; NO NA.Jl.S .• . . ALL IS 0 N-' S ~H()E . ·STORE . ·~at to Au Bros.) ' • · t t •' ~ ' r~ ·I . ~CUS CLO~G-, · Men'• and. Women's.' · · at LOw ·. ...

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