Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jun 1940, p. 4

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PAGE SIX THE WHITBY GAZE~~ANnGmONICLE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1940 ~...:' · ·· .. -~.,.U., -:::·- : : ' I ! ·I ! ! I I FRENCH FIGHT GESTAPO NOW TRIAL OF PYX X~~~~~·~ . LONDON .PAPERS DECLARE HELD AT MINT ~!¢n~~$-E +--------~-.- .~ ~~);~·.;,~'ttom Not~. ~c:e. _But Form of Ex-, rAR ArriDENTS . . Specimen Coins All .Found ~= ~ p.lp;~~ar,~.::';.~ _ teJ;~tion Worse Than ll (J(J I O.K. Except One Dime; setec~ ' lioln :."~~ • .'::,;"!;-~ ~1in~~t by "Senile WASf.[ MET.US Auayen Report . ·~ ~C$:~'~$i · NEEDED IN WAR Ottawa, June 25.-Now it can be, ::e: : . ~~"1kl~ ~; 29 . London, · ~e 2S.-Mar8hal Henri ~ , told-the t.rlal of the Pyx. tor 1939 . . _ ~ ~~-~-~ - " Petaln, Who two weeks qo Was her· Tbe story b contained in the ver- and, .sald .tb.e Verd.li::.tl~- f;'J';'"·l;e - aided as B· venerable warrior con· diet of federal assay ._commissioners amount or _ Yartation~~at:IIDdafd aC:rlp~ tO.h~p atem:the Nazi tide, lnsuiance Official Says Na• who on May 7, 1940, assayed and or · wefabt .. apecttJed.~~- . . . -_ bore the brunt of bitter castigation tried His MaJesty's :silver coins and_ l.OOOth- of an ormce~ ... ~d In lbo """"for Ills· part in tiona! Resources Weak- reported every coin In the """ witli an ·ano- 'nrtauon of 20'1- tbe' ' cUcU, except one dime. · l,oootba.c¢ .,.._ • •. the opinion ened 'lbe Pyx Is the box at the royal tfe:d ~·t-;-comq·~ were . inelted, l~~t~~~~~·~lore§~for ·Prance, mint where specimen coin···1s kept.· weighed an~ st.mpled i.nd tbe metal was a= Woodstock, June 25.-In a nation D. C. Rose, R. J. Traill and C. granulated •. ~plist anct granules W. Davis, having been duly swam were compared . with · Pure . silver be at far there can be no place for be!ore Judge E. J. Dally, conducted trial plate to lellrn. Whether~ mee '· the inefficiency that produces mote the trials of sUver coin, there bee tal was w1~ , the res:Dedy ·as to ' or ear accidents, B. James 'lbome · acm. claims manager of the Lum· Mutual Camta!ty ~- ~~;:~:::w~~~::'":i .told members ot ~ Rotary · Club. mean no more J,;;m~~~ - are careleaaly, ;~~~~~~~i~~~~~·r·~ and indUferently pWng interrupting prodU(:tlOJi, .-etenlng our national tee 80U!'Cea by every Iqan, woman and chJld they put on the caSualty list. "Let me tell you this," the speat. Tbe ~ lll-· .... lhe ·mild- lllt ·of the thlee -'-. ,-pao· aDd. warned, "a truck with a HVeDe v·~ -. gross load driven at 40 miles &Rer ~~dii!8Cf'fbJDI .Uie Ull*tlce IS • per hour has a striking force equal "betra7al.• .!OUDd -t lu to a 9.2-inch shell fired fl'om a lhe foct ·ti>U "mllUUOia of ~>~a.., de· , __ term1Ded PrPiv:hmm·Ue retualng to cannon hav~ a J;Jtuzzle veloetty accept a· brief reeplte.froat.,;tbe hot- .ot . 3,000 feet .'per second." · rora ot wv at ·'Ule ·Jinoe of t.be- en- Valuable Metal Wasted alaftmellt; of &ib.elr 1aDd." Mr. Thomson pointed out that in c · 1 · J 1937, the last ~ 1n wblch com,. ·;N"l.J:Io·llfs. no•·~TE·· R·. =~~~ -:n=~~~ Jl 111 ~ W . nearly $2,000,000 1n Ontario despite . 18Ms··n·R,o-r.o·aM· S :::::::::.~.: .. ~~ · 11ft .' : Ullfl "'m · that at lea8t twice as muCh · -> ·• · , ., . . aia!J>,,_ may be l!dded to briJ18 our . •. . . • - ·: "Waste ·or Tali:r.able metal and ma- . A\ijj&ltlae .~ Outlay chlnery to around $4,000,000, or . . • . . - · -~. $50.000 a month.~ · AinountaJo $300,- "'n lilt," .the -apeater conUnued, \IQO;OOO . ~- were oaJy 35,357 ·- . / ·,, ,' , ~ . reclstered . In Ontario. By Ull 1. there . were 11 'l.3'76. Last . year the ~"-lhM:Doa . ~ JuDe a:-Aqentt- J;lmes as DliUlY as. when we enteNd. ~~<. '. ·, Da .. and·'.uiuaua:J took tb.e lead Dumber was 882,981 - nearly 20 . ....C:- SOath ~- ~cs &be last World War." . .·. ~'.!1'""'-'!>c;ap ·dofODOO ODd Ho wamed tlu.t lhe Ume may ~ a+r~·~· ,,1 ·• • aoon come "'wben we will be anete -t .... ..--.- ,..,, , • •. COIIImlt- to afford the metal ·fo put on DeW .iiio• ~· an '~ de- fenders, the steel for new tnm.o, (loioOo """""':Do.F iiiUDw'fcinJUtlay the parts for enB!ne i:epoJra, or...., :. of -~.OOOtpea. tallbat· *'®.- a ftaCtion of that ·· medt•n1C.I 0110,000~ ·Baalih ··mmc.a record. equipment that hu become eo a- ·, Dif.f!nni wu'• Pet ciliL ~-· oentlal to our commUDIIJ and._. • 'UWJ. tbft IIIO.OOO.oao· Pe.OI -<AboUt m~lal life. wru we come to t.be -.000.000· ~ OUiod Or con-· point where · wo ·Will .u-.nu. lbo ·I!'- oioiF ""' ·do,jo ·· qo. : car of the ~. drlnr to ·.· One ·- sold this ln......, repair tbe car of hlo Ylctim, and · -~t. be ~ u &a IDdlcaUon turn the rest over for munitions?" of ' -'a ·determination to be . He said that the ..U...ate bJ the Pf'tiPai'ed lzl. a 'world ~":"Where· right Department. of HJghwaya ot the Ia. ""t>ldiT. Plnc way .to JDI&ht.• lnlfflo accident financial !051, not .. ' ID.. ~. Pr '1znt Alfftdo tor car damage alone, but J.nc:lud- ..._:N1clcnlr· -...:..-"..:...ted a· -:- '•w ' -- "~U:.· .. d~ io Jug damage to other property, hOI- • ..._._. - · · ', cr "~' -•- pita! and medlca1 bl&, and- of &u.......,.. ._._. GUUO ,lives and income, has been ·far On· =:.:~: .,:,:::.=; = alone, $25,000,000 In a alnale i!I!Ji:!a ~ · milntama friend- KlDed 851 ' lt,·nla-· ' ·, ., ~ "tnillua.Jan ~ II'OllPS "Yu~ year . we t1Ued 852 men, ~ - 1 ... ;._,..... women and chlldten and. inJured ...... . & ... -- a ..,.._ 11,638," he told hla U.ten- -- - to dlaft - meuurea ~~ ~ ~~ b7 a: PVUameittary · ln· tbe past run~ Yeara deaths ha"ft . ...UC.uon of Nut acttrlUes. ~n over 5,000 and inJuries near- Nine --.,. detained' dUrlno Jy ·90,000. Just now hundroda of tile inquiry were 1Dlderaolnc quea- orpnizations are concerned about IIGidnc· by 111'uaua1ui poUoe; ' Who child l<fug... from Europe and akl1Jte 'or them had· made date- Planiilng to abetter and ~.hoe ~tl Ul;d that ano~er ,... being them. Yet in the .put nine yean '"""mM ~ ))lana _ aald we have tilled 821 of our own tG han been found 1n hla• ))Oael· cb.lldren and injured nearlJ' 15,000, 11oo _ for mWtuT oceune.tl(m of aome or them crippled or m..tmed vru.ua,. · ~ · -~ for life ... '~ A.qmt,2oe . anny and na.,. offl- Ths year, he pointed out ,tbe , elall. had under adlt~Rm.ent tbe · number of aoctdenta ud number · P.m11bJe ' ptm:bue of p1anee 'and at of inJuries were up about 25 per ·...: .,. 1eut ·me heavy crulaer from the · cent.. each in the first four monUQ LmLE ANNIE ROQMEY :pDHed state . & ' • and the number of fa.tallUes !n- """'-- _, , :.J 'l'be deteooe budpt ·u It now creased nearly 35 per cenL . ltaaidi nearJ,y equals .Arpntina'tl .. I have a note of an estimate ClhliDar.r , ~ 8tllt to can.area early 1n 1938 that deaths and in- • IU& ·DIIht by ~t Roberto JL Juries· In Ontario wou~a in ten ortlo, flzinc' ~ent ~ ...,... time amount ', 1105,300, u at t,on,'JOD,ooo Pesae and 1'11lble the ~Ung acc:Jdent rate ·were . ft'lmueo: at ·DU,IOO,oilo -. SJ>e- maintained," he oald. "Tb&t 1a 'In cJal credl.ta are FYJI e cted to be pro. th1s li.nd of peace . among people 11ded for the um&ll\fllltl Pl'OIJ'&m who were shOcked at the ne1n1 ... lfn' nanJ. .untta and. equipment' that the casualtt~ Jn Rotterdam ~ 1!ert1n.t to be tbe heaT- . f~ Nut shells were a mere too •• 1M* lloem '!I -. lnc\u4lnlr con- 000. - ot """"""'-, torpedo bcNilo and ....,_, ~e pro- ...... YIIIoaa &lao · ,ere CUltemplated to ~ -- Sout.h Amerka'a .- J)OW8rtu1 ' air force and to ~,-~. BRITAIN SEEKS CHEESE SDPPL Y BteYiou. Sale by-Canada of 78,400,00o Pouncla Not : Enmiah .. CITIZENSHIP TEST LAST FOR EINSTEIN Scientiat l.amenta Brute Force Dominating So Many Milliona . of Livea Trenton, N.J .. June 25.-Dr. AI· bet~ Einstein took hb flnal euml- naUon for u .s. clt.faenabJp and afterward 1n one of hb rare publlc appearances, expresaed hla faith tn democracy and said that the .. fate of the human race" Js dependent upon America's "moral atren&th." Einstein aald that. he considered tt a "sell--evident" duty to tell hb audience why he ' had choaen a new homeland, although, he added, "I do not thlnt that words alone wW solve. humanity'& present problema." '-rhe sound of bombs now drowns out men's voices. P.ut In times or peace. 1 have great faith 1n the communication of ideas between thinking men, IN\ today I &m afraid the Intellectual way to ap- peal to men t. faa& becomtna of lltUe avail wlUl brute force domi- nating ao many m.UllGDa Ot Uvea.• He said h& 1rto1 ccmwtnced that a federal oraanJa,Uon ot ·..u the _natJon5 waa DIM ~ rPQU.i.ble but. .. an ahsotute ~t71 lt tbt coodl· tiona of our planet &111 not · to bo- • ,..,~e .~~~~· tor mel ' ~.. • -~ '". .. fineness. Variation from Prescrib- MEMBERS UJSE the p~eparation of the unemploy-ed standard wu 2·10,oootha:. It · · . "ment insurance blll. was so clo,se the assayfsts ~ed. 1t , · John Marsh, Hamilton Conserva- . uo'ns· ·E.: _su'TS tlve. who first ente~d parliament even. Then the residue of the coins were weighed to learn 1f they were up to snuff in the matter of straight weight. With the exc::ep-_· • Uon of one 10-ceat ple<:e, ~ey were pretty close to the- mark and judged aS being right on the Jlne. . · U ~-~~ in 1937, 1s now a contract. investl- One 10-cent piece had "a mDesl- mal firieneSs greater than the pre- scribed reme-dy by an amount equal to 4-lOth of a mlliesimal flnene3a, u EseaUoped Tomatoetl 4 cup.'!i tomatoes, I teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pepper, 2 cups dried Cl'll5hed bread crumbs mixed with 2 table- spoon melted butter. · · Mix above Ingredients, reserving _ ~ cup buttered crumbs. Pour mlxture Into oiled baking dish, sprinkle ~2 cup crumbs over top and bake unt-il brown and .'Somewhat finn. B.IJT .. fi.ET.JOBS gator In the Department of Supp<v. Aeeording to the _Parliamentary . Guide, Mr. Marsh has been general manager of the Balnnton Better Buslliess Bureau, a lecturer on - " Llberal, Com., and C.C.F. · Candidates Defeated in El~olia ~ Sllver Linin& . . - Ottawa, June ·.25.-Tb.ere Is a. su- ver ~lng for at leaat three mem- ·bers or the last parliament who were defeated ·at the leneral elec- Uon. They have iot Jobs from thi! aovernment. Nor has the Une been drawn at party. Liberal, Conserva- tive and · C.C.F. are represented. A- A. Heaps:, WtnnJpeg Labortte, who wu member from 1925 to 19i0, has been employed since the elec- tion 1n the Labor department UJ?On sclentlflc subjects from 1928 to 1937, and an organist and choir leader from. 19,20 to 1937. 1be thlrd member of the- 18th parllainent to get a Job fnim the government ts Maloolm Md:.ean, farmer, or· Melfort, Saskatchewan. A Liberal candidate In the eleeUou, Mr. McLean was defeated by a C.C.F. eU!dida.te. Now Mr. Mc- Lean · 1s designated as a special a.sslstant to the Minister of Defense for Ali-.. MI.". McLean's duties will Include· that of acting as a llalson officer between the minister and othir members of the Commons of all groups, providing information on an angles ot the air training plan. ,, . Mr. Marsh's and Mr. McLean'l duties keep them In touch with. their erstwhile coUeagues 1n .tbe House of commons and their ef .. fort.s may soften criticism whiCh might otherwise be directed at the government. Farm Worker Injured In Spill of Motorcycle~ Hastings, June 25.-Eddle Jesse- man, of Toronto, was taken to hOI• pit.al In Peterboro with undeter- mined back and internal injuries suffered v.·hen his motorcycle struck & stone at a comer here and went 75 feet along the d.ibch before throwing him off. Dr. J. A. Macdonald of Hastinga: said swelling on the lad's back made diagnosis of the injuries Impossible. .. Jesseman was a summer worker on Don Be-:~mlsh's farm. BY BRANDON WALSH YES .• AS LONG AS 'THEY SPI<INI<LE AND WEED 'THE GARDEN DAILY IT BELONGS ib 'THEM -AIJOE'IERY- "TIIN& 'THEY RAISE 15 ru..BETCHA ~U WIN A PS<'IZE,CQRA.-'CAU5E ALL. THE KIDS IHINK . YOU'RE SMART-AN' AWFUL NICE, TOO.' WHITBY.GAZEn·c; AND ¢HKONICU:, Wt.DNt::.:ilJAY, jul-<t:: i.o, 1':140 ADVERTISING 60VERNMENT SETS "Fifth Column" .~tecautions in Uru~ay CONANT APrllOV,ES FEDERAtAGTION·. IN TIU to the -·a't• nJgnway. , • 1 .. roomed bllol ue17 modern COD.ftlll· ftter bMUJla, iW'dwood oooc1 collar, lnln:i - - ODd pl L IIIU· T1liO pro ~. will .. rllh• pricO to rlaht . • u;. caD ~ ieeD at. &Ill ume •AJ!veriiSel"', Ou1!1t4 Ill· Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED StrawberJy pickers wanted for the first -t In- July. · ·Apply to C. Daniel, Audley Road, Plckei'J<!g. , Help 'Wanted-Male LOCAL MANAGER WANTED TO take over Watkins business in t.h1s Terrttocy, o<nutne opportuntcy' to rlaht part.y,' Good li>come. Ex- pert.ence UllileC:eSSE'ry, steady work with no lay-offs. fUll or part tlme. Apply Cll;y Sale. Dep~ 2177 Masoon Sine~ Montzeal l9-26:..n...2. liEN WANTED - A GOOP ·BUSI- DliiS pa:ytng income andW!th ru~ pooslbiUUea. Scll1ng Pamllex Pro- ducts men and women all over danad.a. have .found the secret of aucoess. Why don" you ~Ct. 1n -on it. toot NO OBLIGATION. Ask for me catalQIUe deacrlblng 200 -necessity . product5 and plan. PAMU EX PRODUCTS, S70 St. Clem_ent' . ~.. Montreal. · TIRE MEN GLAIM NEWTAX[Sf RULES TO AVOID LABOR DISPIJTES Supports vors Extra Shift& Rather Than Extended Houra ...... June 2l.~llecUve bar· the rll!ht of labor to 1n trade unions, free from control by employers 01' their acents. -were laid down u vltal principles 1n the avoidance of labor unrest In an Order-tn·COU:tcil table ed In the Howse of Oommona laat week. The CJ<nremmen~ cails for there- cognition of . fair and ftuonable wages md wor~ conditions. Where any temporary adjuatment& in remuneration are made, due to war .condi.Uons, lt 1a ' reccumend.- ed that these be 1n tbe form of bonua~en~ Tile GoVernment frowna OD any undue uteriaton of worttng houn and calls for adopttOJ\ o~ addltiOnal shtfts · ~to increiSO outp~;.t. as far as t.hls !& pr&cUcable, · Tbe Order-ID- comcU points ou~ tba\ undu.e u,...., 1a. the bant .r of. lengtbenlDg or lf0rt1nl hours In the o~UoiUI of Nut acmta li:a the last war rUulte:d. 1n excesstre fa.. of cl.cbes Or arms. IDeJadloi ma· tiJUe and a dlminuUon of output.. lntemUJcaUon of 'be connameilt'• rorc1ng the regulations aovem1ng be arenas ot the Nul Gestapo. 'l'"tn . . . . ON - ELECTRIC STOVE, four burner with oveD, In condition. AppJ,y Mrs. w . .I: 214 centre .street north. No penalties are provided for en,.~~~~~E~~~;~;,' about arrest or at least u GenDan labor durlna: the war, but the blli e. a "'«GGdwiQ 'erulae" tn South Amerlcaa p,.;.,. ... l for ·the mobWzatl.on of humln md etdered Into Mob&evldeo. Forecut lnc:reue in u Result of New lm)MIIta Sll.O, DE Toronto. June ~Toronto u:eeu- H. Roberts. Town Line, · tins ot rubber tire and tube mann- P1JL1ZrS POR to 1a;y, lot 10, ~· 9, J . BaDks. M;yrtl<, On- RADIO. new. AP- facturlng companies ·viewed 1n terms of pNI.oUsm Ule Budlet which contained an increase ln tax on Urea and tubes. now 2 and 3 cents a pound respecUvely, to a fla.t • centa. J. I. Simpson, general mana11er or Dunlop Tire and Rubber Goods company, Ltd., said: "'If the Gov- ernment needs the money for our ww effort. and that is the way they hi.ve chosen to ml.se It, I have no complalnt' to make, whatsoeftr • However, there b no question that prtcee of tires and tubee will hllva to be tncreued somewhat..'" · ·a · o. Bertln.sbaw, pneral man- - md-of Goodyear '11re and RUbber Company of Canada, Ltd.. aald: -we all bave to pay our share of the war. Tb1s t.az: lncreaae 1a a '9U'J' substaluaJ. one, and b bound to be felt In tho industry. It Ia dWlcull rllbL now to - what Uuo C1wloleo will be in prleeo of tin! and tubita.'" ~~e~~~~l Q. 0. Wooda, Toronto c l'!netoi1o '11re OD4 R. T. p--· ...... GROVESWE CEMETERY BJNG: '1505 Olftoe. T. caaa. C&rotalo.,, ~ • . • llea&deaoe Ulll 0~ . ·eon....., ... - 8 ... - ·' Ceatral Tail Semce PROD a1 • 1 ma~~ ~~ DOW ~~~-------------~----~------------~---------------­through Parliament prOvtde.s_ ample I· authority under which acuon 1liQ be taken. Ttll PrbiClpl• 1lel out _ The labor rqui&Uona foDow 0&1>- lnet d1seusstoD.s with both labor IM.d lnduat.dal leaders. The mder polnb out that m&intenance of &ood. rela- tions between induaiz7 and labor ls or utmost Importance at this tlme and proceed~ to ll.lt ten tulea to avoid unrest. In acidlUon to the bulo principles mentione-d, the Government cdls for every effort to speed prod\ictloo. To mate certain of no tnterrupt1on. from labor disputes the proy1ston of the Industital Dbputea . Ac\ hal been ezten4ed to apply opeclllcally to .n war;~rt. "lbll makes It com• pull/ory to call fO< a board of con- cillaUon. 'lb.e order urpa rtrert collectl.ve ............. made- m1ployera and tabor lbould provl4e machln011' ··tor the settlement of .dllputea orlaln& out of ' lbo _.,.t, and for tta renewal or rt'r1lloD. and tbat. both parties should~ sene the termS and CODdlttcma." . Warkera an warned tb&L In t.he exerclae of their rllhla to ....,.,... ahould Ullt neither Sacrifice to Survioe B~dg-et ·in a Nutshell Ottawa. JUne 21 • .:.... At-a-1lance picture of the Bu~t aDD~ced by Pinance lii.Dlsber .RalstCI:l yes .. terday . folloW&: New exetse tu on new and un- used. automobUes ranatng tronl 10 cent m. manufacturers• ·value of to 80 per cent on exCesa"over Personal Income tu: rates abarp- J.y Increase-d and - exellll?tiOil! , for siDile and married persooa lOWer· e4. • • '~'-", ~ I eent. of valu!J: ~ ~ lmpoN: acept ~ose eommodl,t:les' entered under a Brltlah pref~tlal tariff: A new tu: ot 10 per cmt on all radios, radio tubee, pbonocrapl>o and Cameras, .. · · . J:zclse tu: on clpreta ralaed trom $5 to M per 1PIM1. . . Bl:ci&e tax on manufactured .t;o.. baceo.n.leed. from 25 .to 35 ~ctnta a pound. mNANt FAVORS . -SUNDAY SHOWS Approves Plan for Sale of War Stamp. ... Baaia of ...,inion Excbe tax ~ etaaret papers and tubea ·ra.iaeq from a to 5 cents per 100. ·-New exc18e tax on raw leat' to- bacco sold lo coa.sumers of 10 eent.s a pound. ' Elclae taz on cigars increaaed from 50 cenbs to t1 per 1,000. , _ Excise tau on mal<hoa ln<IOal• one-third, or from " cent to 1 on boz of 100. 'l'arltf clw!aoa of leclintcat lure. ·'"""to" "•:--·- 'l'u: o1 5 oent. a pound on rubber tJrea and tubes except t.b.<ise on,new can. oom~ wtlh 2 and s · .,~a a pound, · riipecuvely, tinder pr,s- ent scht«uhia. · '·. !-' -:.--- • Dresaed.or- turo ·tued 12 per cent lnttead\ ill the preeent ·8 per cent. • Sales tu: eumpttao. to home canna llmlted.~to to.ooo ,One--pound cam and flower aates tax exemp- tion tor farmif..nort.sts llmtted. to $500. New taxes ~ to · produce $280,000,000 • In •a full )Oar · and tllO,OOO,OOO in ~~ fiscal ~· - . :BIJUI:Qated total J.eveDue $78o, • 000.000. JIQr c:urreilt fllciJ. year, ez .. • -o:--•:· pendlturoa tl ,l(8,000,ocio:· total defi- cit t5SO.OOO,OOO to -.000,000, amendment to lea:lalltJon, Uld that end wtl1 be made to the lllnbter of Juat.l~. In ot the very eommendablO auatr tended and lllr:el,y to cont.rlbute our .....,. eUort. lhe IA8Ial&ture thla Province might meet t.b.e lltuae Uon ar1a1n1 out of &nJ prosecutlon if that were uU.Im.ately llettalarl' ...

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