Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 1

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.c ' . , :-·· . . \ VOL 77-N0.-2 DISCUSS FINANCES . TEIJ»ORANfiEMEN AND GETTING HO~~~ · r~~lHEKITAfiE FOR GUEST CHILDR:EN. . .. . .. : ·.' -· We Owe ·Great Debt to : P~ Declares the Rev. F~ · Committee Plana . Cal1ecticm of DilcanW Articlea m aome. of Whitby to Raise Money ASK ·CITIZENS FOR CO-OPERATION Gu.t CWdrea. Committtle Will Receive . Applica· tioua From Citiaeua - Str.a 'l'hat No Pay ~ 'f'idecl .thlnll haft- - JUrUMr· u.. far, tba\ u.., wouJci lib .to' tiel D...t~tlur. w.n-dollir ·~:.to war ~ .VWT lborUJ ~=~plana wtth . npl'4 tD Ule . 4'11 and · ..... will. be.--r·· IIOUDCid. IN\ m. u. meimUme. u. ~. f ~ uipu.:Ja "keep the JUDk. 1t Ia nlu· ~-.' . able_ aDd-will help to 1fln. the war." ' . · otu.M can nat UIUled the bleb· · ··. '.-·ipnce. will be obtained far all A • Dt' ll 'oo1Jectecl and fitvy .cent of ; .~.::, ~:~CDQ hmded cm:r far patriotic • ' pulpolll. 'AI annoaoec! lllewllere, the auiP eb1J1b:m oommlUee hel4 a meetlnl · .oil the cbalnllan, MIL a. P. Kur· dOck, Jlftlldlul', when lt 11'1.1 decld· ld •to make an appeal to the cltbens l·f' Or·~Whltby to open thelr bomea to . • · .-t chlldrm from the Br1Ush Iales far tbe ,duratlaa of the war. u was Jliade.clear .thllt Jrieent plana mate DD proYllioD far renumeratlon. Pur· _. ~ ol Ule dellberatlona l af·Uala commltt4le wll1 be found else- ..,._. Oil \hla pace and have been 'aliJ'ICIOIDC8d In local churchea and Woap loeal aen1ce clubs and ..... aQmlatlolll. . t>.· Manhall · An ~ plea that canadian peqple mJaht ·appreetate, be worthy of· ind· tbaDt God for their goodly liirl'-le, lnoludlnc that of rellg1oU£ llbtrf.y, ,.._ -made by Rev. David u.rmau·:lD, ·St. Andrew'• Presby· ~ ChUrch SUnday nl&ht. The ~ occUton ~ the visit to the Qhurch. of mtmbera of the Orange onsv··.and . 'l'rUe Blue AssoclaUon, who pVai1ed 'ln a body from their JOdie" room. to the church. · Rev. Mr. Maraball told the Orang- men that their Order . WE bom ln ~ :an.d :blOod, by men and wo- mtia ·wbo·~d courage ln their souls and . wen w1l1lDg to sacrifice their l1Yet -far :t~M eauae ln which they b8Uhed - ·Ule eauae of freedom of .caaacluiO. ·.and -llberly of rellg1on. ~;~~tude ' llaould be expressed to-Ood,•.&Dd to thoae who have sone bifon,· t»J. u11nJ .o:ur enll8htenment, ·oiJr ·.~ .and our Uberty, not iar·aiJII.oin.ocinvenlmice, but for the beuetlt' of oW- leilow men", Rev. Mr. liinhaU .cl4id&red. . . , :Olioos~n~r ,tor hla text Psalm 11-11, . herl\ap", ReV. Mr. C&nada ... 1n material, Do -we oft to the Whitby Rector ·_Impressed .With~ ·. · . ~~ ... ~ · wm ··.:Western Canada;·· Finds· .The; ::Pec)ple · · .~ : .~t:::- . in .·J l Confident And :Hard at· .. work .• -. ·~ ,(~). OODdltlonal- (C). . . . . . .N&I;Il-.' In: alpb~al order. .~~ the Rev. B. RalPh Ad)'e, rec- Of All Balnt.l Church, Whitby, nOw vlalUnc the western ;~~~~dlocellea:; ot AUutbaalta, and ButatoCID ln the t.he Guette and Glli[6k:lll hU reeetved the ttnt of a deecrlpUve articles of t.he tifi~JIIitcl lmpnaalon of the west. fDO!tiUUil Whitby rector Ia on • · .Ait~llla&kl mlulon Under the W1cllffe Col1ece PeUow- JI:nDpllam. and. hilt ftrat wtttteo from OaliarY after weatwaro o'er the v'Ut SOUthern saskatchewan. ~!E~'V'IIl' -westward over ttie of 10uthem SBitatcbe-mlnd Ia 10 !Wed wlUt and new aceo• thllt lt lo wrUe a connected well tha' 110111' parta . or thla ltlnd m\W be taken or one would be qulte wlth the lmmenal~ of . . . TO . G~B vm: - CMhowaltl, there breab upon ODI!'I vlalbn poeat ~:'o.rrett. Blll; Xantmes, ~Ilk and lncre&stnc beautlea cit ciove ahd <c>; M:aeDonakl, .Kenneth: Roua- lnlet, broad reachea or water to Uie ... u. Joan; Spratt,' Janet (h): Sae- hOriaon. thro\llh a · tnme·otrmJibty .lttr;l, .JUillis: · ~. Bernard tnle _eonred rock)' hUll. 'l.'lml l~ (c~; ~. Ralph (c). Ume the enslne. may be ·e ........ :--. • ~· G~B vn~Brown. Betty: - · ...... - G&Uant, . Helen <h>: GaUoctey, from our coach,.- thi ·Jlli• .c:UriU .,,iireen ·ch) LOsty Julia 11ayn ~~~~~~~~.:= =.:<~~~~~~. J~e; ~~ from the· Coach. ~lndqw~ Into 'the • ro GRAl>B VI.-Didych. ROlle; wa~ra !If. ~e Lake where .~~ .~~- ~tt, JCIMPh: · X6ntorea, Bertha; be4 Ia he~ out of• tile ·al4e •of Uie ¥Qn-!'• Til~ (c); · · · • - IOlld rock. Plrat tbe sun . atreama . . . Prtnctpai-Oamllla Steffler. throuah one-aide of th.e c9ach tti.ln . 'fC) ' ~lb\DJC. v.-oamtt, David; t.he other until ,the : tr.v~"' . la lbcDonal<l; .&len . Chl; MacKay, thC!fCU~hly bewUd~ by ~.chanle ~ .·(h); Sadler, Helena; Smith, ot .direction and Ia alven .to ~er JCleanor: : Woropa, Amy. whether he will ever. · ln ~e · ro · GRADB IV. - CSehowslr.l, weetortlnd h~ - JohlJ ' (c!): .oallocley, Oh&rloe; K&n· ln 'I'orqnto or even · ~ W@e'; ~.,cD;onald, Keith (h): It Ia lmpoeible to deecrtbe v'a!iiilm,, X..wrence. the ohenatni blue .of .the . .TO ·.GRADE m.-Dic:lycb, Anne and the P&DOf&l!la. 0~ ~~· -:-. <~>: M:aot, Prances <c>: Rousseau, mlatlna ott Into the ~ io&~ ·, l· · • · · hue of blue ao deep ~-it ·•m• ... tt •l . ,'1!Q·; ~R:AD!l U.-Anderaon, ·Betty; aeema IOlld ~ lta ln~ty • . ~ ~er. Jean; Worqna, Joaepb :_ WOJ'• Tol*lliOlate ., nilb' the we arrtve . Jn ·. Port ;·WUU&Ul· a\ . ~e ~~· ,.;_ Garrett, Doualu; ~~~raJ:: thtoe ftn~ On~Jolf ~~ of the laltes where ~;.li .~ xaiPctNtl; Prank, . Iii pea. - w-.. these -daya. Somew~ !tire Rl with Ua ~ &0.1 they ~re ;l~P8i:Unc &1! ·.~\ ... IOIDe ' <' • , ;reacmer- I& Butl~r. ~each othfti" ~ the l'ef'Dti.Y . ~lncl : ~ -~Jielp ,Wln :tbe, War, buy War BaV· cbaDilnc ri.riety ot con- prlaonera or war and aiMcuJt~ wu lnli qertlflca* and bonds . at tho and ~- Boon Interest rUe ,.'J ~ the location of the.~· '* 'abo.. ill the Brock (l'heatre on untu tbe tra~ be.alns camp. No' doub~ u Will be. ·out m: U:ondaf· evenJnc · nezt, JUly 15, 'a!~ ,....,.. . &J'OW)d the. tbat ~uaaed apd deae.rtftl · cqiJDf.rY ·~· Ike. tun parUculan· on pqes of LUt ~. Here <ContiJiuecf liD Pale. t, . Ooa.· ,, : .au mcl ,&eallll .&hla taaut. ·. Health Whitby Detailed .

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