Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jul 1940, p. 3

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' . I I _I "I I I I j 'I ' I ·I I ! i ' ( TI-lE WHITBY WEDN~DA Y, JULY 1 0, 1940 • •· ! ! I l I OTIC, so·GIAL· COMM·UNITYL ACTIVITIES - Mt. and Mra. Ben Dalby, of &· C: panola, Ont., are spending the sum· mer with relative~ in Whitby. + + + Mrs. Harry Briggs or Toronto, was a guest last week or Miss Gertrude Mcintyre, Brock street. south. + + + Mnl. Dober~ M. Dc\'ereU, b vlstt- !ng with relatives ln Belleville, Ont. + + + \ Mr. Jobn Dalby or Sault Ste. I . ' ' . Karle. spent & few days last week with hb p!torents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dalby, Athol street. He was aeeom- pant.S on J¥s reium trtp on Tbun- day last by Mr. Don Mitchell. Whl) wt1l spend a week ln the north counUy. + + + Miss B. H. Patterson. V.O. Nurse, Jeft last week for a. three weeks hoUday at .. Ced&J;' VUla Lodge", Bat~ Mm Late, Penelon Pal.ls. Mrs Crawford, Brock street south w1ll be f s, In c:hari:e of her work during that . l ' ' ..... Um~ + . + + • Mr. Laurence Kenn, of Ottawa, and Mr. Adam Kean, of Toronto, .pent' Suntia3 with their mother. llrs. Joseph Kean, who has been quite m. Her friends will be glad ~ to legD. that her condition b much 1 lmJB'oVt'd. . ·~ ;;! Oi ~ i . ' + + • Mr. and Mrs. F. Ing have return- ed lrom. a motOr trip to th.e West. The July meeting of the Woman's Institute wW he held on Fnday, June 19,11at the home of the Misses Powell, and wlll take the form of a plcnlc. A cordial invitation 1s gtven to all Interested in woman's work to attend. Meeting opens a' three o'clock. Bring :rom· 'l:ll'o;ket. + + + P~. Harold Huntley, who Is with the 48th Highlanders, 1s in Toronto Hospital, where be underwent an operation laat week. He Is now do- ing nicely, his many town friends will be glad to ler rn . + + + The annual garden party of St. John's Catholic Church will be held on St. Bernard's School Grounds. Dundas street west, Saturday after- noon, August lOth. Supper served from 5:30 to 8:30. + + + At the Tbronta C;mservatory of music examinatlon5 held rec•entlY lin Oshawa, Joan Poster, pupil of Helen Quinn, A.T.C.M., was suceess- ful in passing Grade II Piano with honors. Joan b a niece pf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler, Whitby. + + + Mr. Gordon BradleY. manager of the Domlnlon Store, at Port Hope, with Mrs. Bradley and daughter Shirley, ha\'t returned home arter holldaling for two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley, Brock st~t south. ' ' Plr.ontr 61B·· HEALTIIFULL Y AIR CONDnlOl'm> : , .. .. ' , .. .. .... ~ p,::, ~i. ' f f l ll .. -·-· .. ALL SHOWS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. ' . THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY TWo" at ·7.30 ....t 9.30. So.tarday Matinee-at 1.30 • ' '<. Lut CGmplete Sh- T-.lay ....t W~ at 8.110. lEVER A DlilliOMErn' : ' · . Its hUirlou$, SCitlliiiMtl Nnf HAL ROAOt p,_b ·a TAll . , OLIY&R UUREL &. HARDY Mrs. Baverstoct of Galt. has re- t urned to her home after' spendlDg a week with her mother, Mrs. A. Howard. I. 0. D. E. + + + ~~~;:~;:~~ ~~~::~~~;:::~~~~:;~;;,~ Rifleman Clinton Pascoe, who has 1 ii A "Housewifen was given to enlist-ed with the Queen's Own Jewellery Carter of the R.C.N.V R. Rifles, and who 1s now at Camp may be left·~::=~~·:f:: + + + Borden, spent the week·end in collect.toa. -!" Monday evening, July 15th, wm Whitby. made wlut be theatre night, when many + +, + · Ladles' ooilese theatres wm orrer a special per!orm- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kean and table napkin r1np. ance, the admittance being the pur- daughter Jean, of Toronto, were + + + chue of two war savmg stamps. recent vl.sltors with the · rmmer'.:; ~ Bomber Dance held at Lat:e- Mr. Strathy or the Brock Tileatre mother, Mrs. Jooeph Kean. "flew Pavilion, Oshawa-on·the-Late, has announced there will be a + + + WQ well patronized, t&O.OO being Tilea.tre Night in Whitby on that Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacCar~. added to the fund. date. Details will appear elsewhere Ralph and Nell of Whitby and .Mr. + + · + 1n th1s issue, and stamps may be and Mrs. Gordon ~Law. of Picker- AddiUOD&l subscribers to the purchased from members of the lr:g, spent Sunday wtth Mr. and bomber fund are lin. W. J, Rleh- I.ODE. Help win the war and buy Mrs. C. L. Morcombe, of Omemee. ardson, aDd Mrs. Smith. Saving Stamps. fiJ.tdrJ.inqL BROOKS - WRLIAMS Under a white arch in the par- lour trimmed with orange blossoms Obituary JOHN THOMAS TOMS With the sudden pa.ssin&: on P'rl- day last of John Thomas Burrotlihs Toms, Whitby lost a highly esteem• ed. citizen, and a. member of one of the town's old ramDles. Apparen~ Jy in h1s usual good health, he went down town in the morning, and was on his way home when he collapsed banked with stoandards or peonies and delphiniums at the home of the brldn parents, Nas- sau Street, the marriage ot Mary Eleanor Wllllams and Lloyd New- ton Brooks, both of Oshawa, was solemnized at 3 o'clock on Saturday by Rev. Glen Wardell. The-bride 1s at the east gate oi what for many the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wal· years was known as the Warren ter S. WWiams., and the groom the property, and close to where b\s son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Victor Brooks, I rather, the late Thomas Toms. in Nassau Street. Miss Mildred Morris f partnership with the late Mr. played the 'wedd.lng music. Newport operated a factory. Dr. P. Given in marriage by her rather, A. Cuddy was called, but he was the bride was gowned 1n heavenly beyond help when he arrived. death blue sheer wJth dusty pink trim and closlng a long and 'U.'leful life. He held under the auspice~ ot Star Lodge, I.O:P, llleJI)I>er, whleh attended in. a body. Interl. meni; was later made in St. John'• Cemetery at Port- Whitby:, Thi bearel8 'Were S. L. Trees, chaa. Bar. ton, George Mowat, WWlam Ellb, Wllllam Hoar, and WUllam Thomp. son. Amonr those sending floral trlb· Utes were Eastern Star Lodge, Whit- by Ma.Deable Iron and Brass· Co., Whitby Fire Company, choir and A.Y P .A. of All Saints' Church, the staff or the Ontario -Hosplt:aJ. Junior Alumnae of the Onfarlo Ladies' College, Clvll Service Asso .. elation, •Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, Daughters of England, and othen. + + • Miss J. M. McKee, Reg.N., Js con- ' alesclng at her home "SunnynoOk" Whitby, foUowtng a. serious opera- tion in Toronto General Hospital, ~=======~===~============= I her accessories were whJte. She was in hb 74th year. wore a corsage of roses, sweet peas The dec~sed was born in Whitby. and bachelor buttons. The bride's the son of the lat~ Mr. and Mrs. sister. Laura, attended her, wearing Thomas Toms. the former coming Deceased leaves to mourn his lOSs hla widow, formerly Miss Ro~~e New- some: two sons. Jack, or Whitby, and VIctor of Toronto; and five daughter. Mrs. P. Har~r. of Whit- by Mrs. William Margree, of Toron- . to; Mrs. Helen Starbird, of Whitby; Miss Annie Toms, or Whitby, and Mrs. Cyrus Fields, of Oshawa; and one brother. Albert, of Osba'n. aDd several grandchlldren. June 18th. . + + + ON AUTIVE SERVICE . , Brief P..-.-p!oi, af Whitby ud District Mea Who Have Fntiahof li( Senice of KiDC and Couutry, dellcate pint sheer with white ac- out from Tavl.stock. Cornwall, Eng- cessor1es. Her co~ was :~weet land, and operating an important peas and bachelor buttons. Mr. industry here in the early day3. Charle.s Chin was groomsman. P'or nearly 40 years the deceased Mrs. Frank Goldring, •! Copreol • who has been visltinl her son, Rev. Albert Goldring, at LlndaQ, arrived ln t.own on FrldQ last to 'rislt re- latives at her old home at Port. FolloWing tile wedding ceremony was a valued employee or the Indus- the reception was held at the trial plant today known as the :_-----""-------..,.-------------'lbrlde's home where the room.s were Whitby Malleable Iron and Brass d~rnted with peonies and del- Company. It wa.s the Martin Manu· P ums. Mrs. W1llla.ms rece1ved facturlng Company wnen he start- ~~ guests we:u-l.ng flowered sheer ed. He was foreman of the black· w c~ ol sweet peas, and the smith shop. and can be said to grooms mother also received gown· hRve dl£d In harness. as he was at ed. in dusty rose sheer With White work the dav before he died In :~:s~I.I!IA~!.,~=f~~u~= fraternal clr~les deceased was. one candles. The wedding cake which or the oldest and best known mem- was cut by the bride and groom bers of Ea.stem Star Lodge, I .O.O.F .. waa decorated with sweet peas sent nnd had held on several occasions rrom Vancouver by air mall from all of the important offJ~s. For the cousln of the bride. Mrs. R. many years he served with the Griffin. The parents or both bride Whltbv Fire Company, and was a and groom wore spran or these capable nre fighter. A musician or flowers. no mean ability. he played in the Whitby. + + • Mr. and Mrs. E . Barber, of Tor- onto, &Pent .the week-end with !0'. and Mrs. W. H. Kennedy and Mrs. J . SUner. + + + Krs. Norman Thomas entertained MaJor J. B. Peny. K.c .. of the Ontorto Realment ('l'aDt) :1& taklna a speclal comt1e at the Ropl Mill- tory eon,.., K~Dpton, Private Harold HuitUei, of the 48th Highlanders, .~..;~'· Mr. and Mrs. a.o. Buntiey, •liU• -- an operaUon 1n a .~~ Hospttal. ____;;...:..;- ., runeman Cllnkll:i Pucioe, of the Queen's Own Rifles: ' camp Jlol'd.en, was home on leave over the week• end. Be Ia wieldiDc :u.. ~- &l>d se1ssoni on behalf of .C&Dada'a aot- dtera in camp when 'not, in tnJ.n .. ·-- ' -~· . choir o! the W.pUst Church on Thun;day evening, June 21th, 1n honoi of one of the members. Miss Charlotte Worfolt, a bride of last week. Games were enjoyed. and during tbf! eventng l4l.ss Wortolk was presented with a Kenwood blanket. On Saturcla¥ aftemOOil, June 29th. Mrs. P. Kitchen enter· talned tn•M:is:s Worfolt.'s boDor.at· a kitchen shower, when many lovelY and use[ul gifts were received. + + • :~~=~~~ One of the brjght weekly aoc1a1 a events In town during the summer , maD1' months 1s the afternoon tea served corded at the Whitby Yacht Club evei'J' Douclas Saturday afternoon from .f to 1. Mrs. <Dr.} R. T . MacLaren con- vener and last week Jr4t's. na.dtan Army service Corp and a t- tached to the Canadian ArUllery; pte. Jack Slelghtholm with t.he Prince Edward and Hastlng.s Light Infantry: and Gunners John Han- cock nnd Jas. Crawforth, wlth the art.IUery at Kingston. Word has been received from pte. W. B . Brown of his safe arrival in England. Two more employees of the On- tario Hospital who have joined the colors are Frank Lawrence and Leonard Hoad, who are with the C&.nadbi.n Army Medical Corps. Card of Thanks :Mrs. R. N . Bassett &'Dd fam.Ur wbh to express to their many friends their heartfelt thanks for the tot.ena of sympathy tendered them during their recent bereave- ment. For a wedding trip to M:uskoka old 34th Regiment Band. receiving district, the bride ch06e 8 yellow from the government a medal for suit with whit.e turban and acees- long service. He also played in the sories. Upon their return they wW Citizens' Band under several band llve at 57 Nassau Street. leaders. In religion Mr. Toms waoo; Those who attended the wedding an old member of All Salnf.o>' Angtl- from out-o!-town were: Mr. and can Church. Mrs. D. Peuae, Mr. Percy Wllll:uns, The funenl was held on Monday Mr. and Nn:. A. Walker, and Mrs. afternoon. Following a private ser- Elwood Rabm, Whitby; Mrs. J. vice at the home the body was tat- Hunt, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. en to A11 Saints' Church where B. Barrager, Huntsville. Canon R. N. Allan, or Brampton, a former rector here conducted ser- McBRIDE-WORFOLK LAID TO REST Many Whitby, Oshawa and d.ls· trict friends attended the funeral of the late Richard Norman Bassett which was held at the f£mlly resi- dence on Wednesday afternoon. Ser· vice was conducted by the Rev. Cllf- ford G. Park. pastor of Whitby United Church, or which the de--. ceased had been a member and trustee. The mlnJster referred to the useful IUe of t.b.e late Mr. Bas- sett, and paid tribute to him L.'.> one who had fllled a very important place ln the busmesi, ctvlc, educa- tional and community llfe or the town. He also brought a message or comfort to the bcre~wcd. Inter- ment toot. place In the Union ceme.- tery. and the uet.•.ers were G. M. GoodfeUollo', E. L. Odlum, H . H. Goode, S. Threadgold, D . A. Wilson and Ed. Bowman. A wealth or floral O.eauty sur- rounding the casket pa.ld silent but eloquent tribute to the esteem 1n whkh deceased wa.s held. Freeman presldeoi at the tea tables. + + + The tea h e:d at. tht love}J' and well appointed garden of Mrs. Cor- mack. Dundas street East, netted the Young Women's Group of st. Andrew's Ladles Aid nearlY In a quiet ceremony performed ~~;==~=~~==:±::;;;;;;:;;;;;~. by Rev. H. EJ.mu Green on '1\tes-day, July 2nd, at four o'clock, MI.& Charlotte Ann Worfolk, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Worfolk was united in marriage to A & P LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Mrs. Cormack received the guests at the entrance to the JJaii'd-.111 ens and tea was .served. e11 1&1~"'• 11 conventenUy arrallged In places. Mrs. Connack was .,.I&I<Ml by members of the group ln. reeety ... lng. M_!PY of the visitors wandered through · the fine garden and were much Impressed. BELL TELEPHONE WOBID8 ROLDSBOWEB ~- Fergus D. K'"SJ!"•n (nee Audrey J . Trevalll was honored on Fiiday evening by her co-woreen ·or the Oshawa Bell TelePhone Office a~ a mlacellaneoaa ~r held at the apartment of M1s& Clare RJ.d&ley, King street east, formerly or Whlt.- by. ApprmrlmateJ:y thtrty-ftve I(Ueatl were present. The decon.tiODI were cained out In pint and whlte ; the rueat ot honor' .'.... eecorte4 to • a&lly decoratect table ori whk:b the many gUts were arranged. Follow· IQg the opentni or the pm:els, a. dainty lunch wu served by the hos· tess, .M.Lss Ridgley, &W&ted by 141.Sses Nora Burt. Belen Bauttn- betmer and Mrs. KQ' ~011es. WOM41"11 ASSOC ... TION GAIWEN TEA The beauWuJ lawn at the home or Mr. and Nra. S. P. Murdr,r:h, Brock .street north. waa ideal tor the Gardm Te" on Wedneaday laat, under Uuf auspices of the Woman's AssoclaUon, of the United Church. P"rom. •a Iarae table centred wtth rostJ, MrL W. G. Aupstua and Mn.A.B.Edwardo potiiOd too. Small tables centred with rosea weR ll'J'abBt!d ln the ih1na room, on the vermdah. -.nd. on the lawn. Tbe cue:st.l were aerved b:y groups trun the aoclal commlttee. AlthoUBh ak3 was cl.oudy at tlmea the 5UD clld shine and a moat dellsbUul after- noon was spent. I.O.D.E. GAIWEN PARTY Many attended the prden party h~ at "Inverlyn," the home of Mra. P. H. ll. Irwln, who k1nd)y of- fered her p.rden In place of Nra. ,JOI!I, KIDI', who t.brot~~:h untoneen clrcumatc.."tces wa.s unable to have it. 'l1te Regent, Mra. D. B. Coleman, received with the hoatess. M.ra. G. D. Conan.' and Mrs. R. Sm.lth.~ot o.h· awa, Mn. C. Hatch and lin. :rn.oJe, Whitby, presided at the tea table, which wa.s centred wtUl IUIDIMr fiowcn. DaUihtera ol memberl ~­ alstlna were Barbllra Coleman, .Yvonne Balll1e-, O&therine Sm.lib, Fra.ncls Grobb, Lola Oalne, JlarJ' Anderson, catherine Irwln, Ruth Clemens, and Betty Cardwell, and five group leaders of the I.OD.!:. Glrl Guides. Under tbe difecUon of Mrs. J. B~tt. several culdes dnnced a sJpsy dmce. The general com ener was Mrs. PothUKUl wlth Mrs Clemens 8nd Mn. Freem&n: tickets, Mrs. H. Balllle; table ar- rangements, Mrs. R. Hatch ; ln charge or asslst.anbl, Mrs. P. Marsh; sr.-~e n!(leipbl, Mrs. Forrest. Smlth Rnd Mrs. Balllle. A member wu 1n charee of the war aavtn'a- atamp booUt In connection wlt!]. the theatre nleht at the Brock Tbeatze on July 16th. The proceed& of the garden party wiU go to the wu work of the chapter. The l.O.D.B. wish to thr.•.Jk all who helped, not onl1 on &h1a occ:a.sion but on ot.nera. o' "' ' • " ' I , f t' • '" "Let's .;J.(eep'The Home Fires . · Bt!ming" QYI~IJir.;,. -&faA.q.,. y 31 CORNERS For ~"'nlty Welfare Work "· 'GRAID . . ' STREET PARADE IANI)S, FLOATS 'PA TIUOTiC COSTUMES e :PRIZE AWARD• B4ot o-atod Float, ' . aa Track or c.. .. .................... $8.oo, $4.oo, $2.oo Beat Doconted Car ............................ :. $4.00, $2.00 Beat H- Drawa Veblcle .................... $2.00, $1.00 Beat Pet Dra- Veldcle ........................ $2.00, $1.00 Beat DoD Carriap .................................. $2.00, $1.00 lllqdo, o-ated, 8o)' .. Girl ............ $2.00, $1.00 Cootwowd Girl (c-lc .. Other) ............ $2.00, $1.00 Coolia •• Bo, (Comic- Oth•) .......... $2.00, $1.00 Beat Ciow. COIIIJ!Da .................................... .... $3.00 Beat Hill Bii)J IIMd « Maoical Group .............. $5.00 EVERY CHILD CARRYING A BRI11SH FLAG WILL REc;ElVE A .SOUVENIRI Grand-Prize 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH To Be Sold for $1.00 RED ·CROSS REFRESHMENT BOOTH ON GROUNDS. An Eveni,.g of Fun for A Worthy Cause Gordon Edward McBride, son or Mr. and Mrs. WUllam E. McBride, of Wbltby. The ceremony was performed 1n the garden, at the home of her I stater, Mill. John Parker, with a background of nowering &hrubs 11 ~ atandarda of shell pink peonies and delphinlum. "l'he bride wore a lovely gown o! Rosewood figured sheer, Juae ofl the face leghorn hat and white accessories, and car· rlecl a noae-11a.y or butterfly I'OIIes and forget-me-not.s. She was at- tended by her sister. Miss Ha.zel Wor!olk. The eroom was supported by hal brother. Nr. Colllns H. Mc- Bride, ot H&m.Uton. A reception wu held after the ceremony In the house, which was with plnt. peonies and r delpl.inJuni. Mr. and Mn:. M:cBrde left later on a motor trip to Ea.stem Ontario and Quebec:. Upcm their return they wUl real de In Whitby, where 1llr McBride is on the teacbtna: staff ol the Publlo Bchoot GALE - FLI!:JSCBER Rev. and Mrs. w. W. Pleischer, of Fenelon Palls, wish to announce the marrlqe of their daughter, Audtev Alke P'lef!chft, to Robert John Gale, son of !lr. &nd Mrs. P. J . Gale, WhJUly, Announcement• WB DO REPAIRING AT AGNEW- 6ll.J'1)65a Shoe Store. 1\,,r high class work, try J . Peel. PLAN TO ATI'END THE GARDEN PARTY and. Concert on St. And- rew's Presbyterlan Church lawn. Whitby on tburaday, July 18. Supper aerved from 5:30 and en- tertainment at eJaht, with Fred- erick Dawaon, "ell-known hum• onat. auest lrr't18t. ThJa Ia an event you will not want to mias. SPECIAL ANNOUNOEM!:NT-MR. and Mn. Whltby:-You too can become popular Oft1' night. Con- vert your surplus enerates and idle moment. lDto nluable war work. Don't. allow aUly rumors to destroy your confidence. Every LSJ!,lstance atadly extended. Don't delay, do tt to-day. Town Hall Button Shop, (oppoeJt.e Town Ball). THE WOMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE Guild are pleased to announce that the winner of the quUt draw, htld 1n 00.-operative Com· munlt.y Hall, June 29, was Mr. E Allllon, Brock street North, ticket number 0256. FAIRHOLIIE PLAY OROUNDS- If you wl.ah your child to have a happy, instructive summer dolni the things he hun't time to do at achool and learning new methods of expresalon, try our Orchard Camp. VisJt ua Friday from 3-6 o'cloclr:. Bdria Atkinson. IIPECIAL 0FFER.f WOODBVRT'S PEACHES • • • 2 ·~:- 25· FACIAL SOAP .... 3 c;:;• 23f TOMATO JUICE 3~ 25· 1 .,btn. lor Ia BEANS LIBB~~.::.- 2 ·~ 19< ::.~ 24< ~--::::::: R~ISJIIIS """- SVLTANA 10. 1 0< SPECIAL OPI"DD LARD • .,.,........, ... 8< OXYDOL Ll'· 21 f .... 2 P. & G. SOAP tol' lc OLD CHEESE om.• lb. IIIEW CHEESE ......, lb. 23< n. M!CT .. BUNDKD JNDL& TEA ~30• :=::a ... •C1.•. 0•"""c,=: PU'fi:ED WHEAT ~:59< Pkg. 7< IVORY SOAP BmL\JllfDS 2~: n• 1 E:irt1'a for lc QUICK DilliNER ~ 22· LOBSTER 'l:ill.ttff m 25· ._#f'_a-:-1_8-:::;:< _.TOMATOES 10"• 2~21< A~<P Q:r MEATS STE '"'KS """""· Wino. Cnbo ...,. • Pwtwu .. ROASTS '"'"'";. ,...:t,t::..•- BONELESS ROUND ·~r PORK SHOULDERS =~:! VEAL ROAST _. ... BACK lACON COOKED HAM WEINER$ s ... hd lb. J1c lb. 31< lb. 25< lb. 16< lb. 27c lb. 45< lb. '1<7< · FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES NATIVE ONTA&IO GROWN VBGI:TABUS. RUBBED ,_:<o' DAILY TO AAP FOOD STORES! o;oo BADIBIDS - OBDN ONIONS - BEETS - CARROTS ~TN:._rTJYZOoi!MTSuuo " PO - 10 lbs. 2.7< HA.TIVB ONT&AJO, ftaB, Calli' CILI!RY HEARTS NATIV& ONTAJUO, OIU:II:N CABBAGE CANTALOUPES ORANGES TOMATOES llaod .. Eo. 10c DoL 2.5< ].lb •. 27c AAP A&P COFFEE" BREAD hkar :.!' 37c I O'Clock :.!· 33c Red Circle :.;::- 2. 9c BLJCBD er VNSLJCKD Aaa Pap ..... ko Wbol• WMt.t 2~i1-5c AMMONIA HANDY 3 Pl:gs.13< POWDERS O.K. JEllY 3 Pkg•.11c SOUPS -- 2't:·25c PEANUT BUTrER. ..... .. ... ·21 PAG. ,.. c APPLE JUICE 20-o&. 3 Tin• 25c• PICKLES ROSEDAU ~:-19c THE SALVATION ARMY INDUS- trial department uraently needs clothlng, shoes, furniture, beds, bedding, waste paper and other dt.scarded arUcles for the relief of the dl.!l.tressed, aufferlng and un- employed, Your co-operation Is I w ~ ~-- !if~i~1J~=~!~~:jJ~ 1 ~:nH; •~~ ujf ~' ~~ ~~~ Aaul! !~~l! !. !1 11'0&1 - will rou hel;ll ....,_,._...,_ .,.. __ ,_ _____ _;;;.;,.;;;;;::;.:::.:.::;:.::.:::.::::~J TI-lE WHITBY ' ' . PATRIOTIC, SO AL ·- ·c-o .. -....... ~, repla~e a broken len~e. BAS SEn'S OPTICAL REPAIRS Save tbe.piecea u we take a readina hom them to We alao repair frames. WHITBY, Phone 671 RED CROSS ACTIVITIES Eul of A~one Beads Bed Cross 'Ibe Earl of Atblone, Govemtt- Oeneral of Canada, has accepted the presldencY of the Canadl&n Red croas soc.tety, 1n wccess!on to the late Lord TWeedamulr. Booth at Fair a FlnaDdal Bueoess Much aatJ.sfaetlon 11 felt at the excellent patronage gtven the Red Crou Booth at the LIOIUI Club Fair on Wednesday la.st. As a result the Red Cross realized. the :sum of $132.35 to a1cl Its war wort.. · 'lbe addition of the $10 prize, WOD. tor t.be Red Cro6a float, brlnp the total to $142.35. We beg to expreas our apprecle- tlon of Ute follow1il.g donations re· eeived: Buttermllt from tbe Roblin CreamerY; card'bo&rd cup and nowera for deooratlon from Mr. w. Corznack.: wieners and mustard from Mr. H . Arnold; t cases of ginger ale fi'Om Hambly Bros., Osha.wa.; rolls from Csnada Bread, Ideal Bakery, Tod'a Bakery, Stovers or Brooklln; lira. J4. MarUn and Mrs. A. E. Ohr1stlan. Miss M:. Macdonnell, Mrs. J. K1Da'. a.nd B. H . Goode; chocolate bani from the Ontario r.dlea' Col- lep: nowere from 141M A. Gibson; loan of buntlnl' and flags from the Town of Whitby; loan of tent from Mr. 'Wnl. Roach and of truck from Wood"a Transport. We w1ah to expreM our appreela- tlon t.o the Ltona Club far their cen.eromt:r and co-operation 1n mat- in& aur booth a succesS and to all the helpers who oontrlbuted their -'l'be Bed 0roe1 float, which woo the n.- priJie of •10.00 wu designed b7 ura. o. Brown, and Wfl whh to expnes our tbantl to her, UJ lleiii'L B. Conrlaek m.d Pred Uttle,' iO 'the Bo7 SCouts under ~--~· ?'tO KrL J. WllaoD. Naida Waude, JJm- znJ.eSutherlt.nd, Betty Odium, Wllma ~. Da.vSd. Wa.tts. J&et Spratt; R&lph lofcCarl and dl otbers who helped both on tbe float and 1n usembllne the decora.Uons. Sammer Schedala "nle Red Cross workroom 1a open eftr1 Tburaday aftf!rnoon from 2-&.10 p.m. to &tn out wool and ret- uaee aarmenta and to receive completed .atk:lea. DoDat1ona for the week are ll'J.te- fully acknowledged: I pair of bl&u.· btl and 2 qullt. from the PrJnceu J4a:r I.odp of the Daughter. of Znl:- l&u.d; 1 pair of 80Cb from Mrs. c . Hatch; donatlon of money from Ilia B. WaJlace; pesterS m&'de by Jl1.a I. !lcOleUan; donatl.on of money by 88le of nowen from a "trlend"; 1 pair of bootees for refu- gees from Mrs. 0 . M. Goodfellow. Shoulder Shawll for Sick 8ol4len Shoulder ahawla, u one form of summer knlttinl', an ut.ed for by heli!d.quarters far Canadian' aoldlers convalescin& 1n hospltala 1D. Brltaln. Tiley should be about 30" square, plain knitting, bright colora and any wetaht .soft wool. "'No huge qu&ntlty will be n- qulred," states Mrs. w. R. Oan1JJbell "We think it unnecessary for Red Cross branches to stock wool for th1s pa.rtclular pW"p08e becl.\lle it Is probable that many people w1ll contribute the' .shawls from odds and ends or wool on hand. These shawls are requested by the Hospital VJsl.tors' Comm.Jttee, a Mr· vice provided oversea.a by the Cana- dian Red eroes SOCiety for the com- fort ot C&nadlan troops. Mem- bers of th1! Committee, modJJ Can· adtan women resld1n1 1n Bnlla.nd, are a.s.slgned to hospitals throu1hout the country to see that every cana,_ dJan eoldJer admitted to hoepltal ill as comfortable u pos.stble.~ The hospital vllltor report,~ CID. needs to the SOidlera• comfort! Committee of the Canad!&n ft.ed Croa5 In London. and a parcel to meet the case 1!1 dupatcbed Im- mediately. If the paUent ta unallole to do so himself, the vWtor writes to h1!l relatl.ves ln C&nada, ftepiDf them. informed of his profnJia. -Short tnds of wool may be Utd and knitted lnto these Shawle. Shipment made from the wart:- room to Headqull.ttenl tlrl.!J week. consl.sbed of: 12 arm,. ecat'fte, 2 air torce .......... 2:navy~ u;,~--~-2 heJm·ett •. · --r · 2 waah doll>l, 2f palra of .seamen•.s IOCtt. 1112 ]101m lllDl7 aocka, 14 baby diapers, 8 ]101m Of billy bOOieO!, 2 bonnet&. I bal>y blallll:el, 2 baby neaten, 1 bof'S IIUit aM. t~ater, 12 ]101m pant,s. 10--20-I jii.Wt, I biL]>y'a -t, 1 pair bloomen, 15 surgi.cal Ct.MII. Help Win the W ... , buy War llat· 1np; Certl.ftci.tee and bonda at thi r~ lhow 1D. t.be Brock 'l'beatre oa Monday evenina' next. J'ul1 ta, ~ 8.10. Bee full partJ.Culan on peaea one and ten 1n thJa lsiUe. qet OR·E .Mll-ES . - FOR 1011 Til~ IOLLliS· I • •• e"G-3' ... ii' the tire that hao oet up recorda In performance and popu .. larlty. It lo the moat popular tire Goodyear ever buUt-ftrat choice Qf motorloto acroae Canada. "G-3" lo a balanced t1i'e ••• tread and body are matched to atveloJti endurlnj wear. Make your money ao farther ••• let Ul put thlo tire on your car today I New tlrel deilerve new tubea • • • aet Good;year tubea, at low coot, lor lona tire life I · ' WHI,TBY , MOTORS LIMITED J DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY - . BALVAttON ARMY MAYFA· BEAUTY S'ALON . ' lllA DUNp1\S STREET WEST The Salvvtlon Army wm hold JPe- clal RrVJces cOnducted by -Band- m~ter A. J. Ora.ves on S~day, Ju11' 1t, 1MO, at 11 a.m. Week night 1'-;;;;~:$~~~~~~ services are held on Thursda.y and 1 Tueaday at a p.!h. All are welcome. BAPTIST CBUBCII Next Bund&y alon11nc at the Bap. till Church the ~Pta jnu be "Walt- in& for Juua" and in the ,evening .. JfliUI' Estimate of IUs Advent". Sunday School at 10 aA Pbr.er at 'UO p.m. on Tb1Jr8:d.a.ty. B.Y.P.tJ'. on lofoa.da:r at a p.m. .,. ST. lORN'S, PORT WBJTIIY On Sunday nezt. the 8th after 'l'rlnlt.y, the servtces wlll be Mom- tnr aad !:veniD& Prayer at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. respeetJnly, The Sunday School ahd Girls' Blble Clus wW meet at 10 a.m., the Beanr Boys lmmedlately after the morn.lna' :service, and the Adult Bible Cla.sa at 3 p.m. Da.l.ly lnterc:easton services ror the war wW be held at 10 a.m. on Wed- nesday <to-d.ay), Thursday, Priday, Monday, Tuellday and Wednesda,y. OD 'l'bUl'ld.ay, the 11th l.n.st., the Adult 8lble Olass wW hold. their monthly blmineu devoUonal and &O· meeUat at the Reet«y at 8 p.m. Prlday, a lfOUP w1l1 meet at th~ ~to:y for evanpllatlc study and prayer at I p.m. Od Wed~. tbe 17th lnlt., the annual ccmareca.tJollal and SUnda,y School picnic ,nu be h~d' at · of Barley · Puk, BowmanvUle • Trucb wW atart from the church at 1 p.m. forces othets invite glon Jist a.ddres& and 11&1. ' itmed on land: PUot on~<e>·•~. son. Whitby, August 12, '84. - Havlrig wandered oft to the St. Fn.'ncb valley 1n my last, I must now re- trace my steps and :start afresh with the historical sketch or the Methcd..lat Church 1n Whitby. As alrndy stated, the first building wu erected and opened ~or publlc worship d\U'lng. the Ume U1at Rev. Mr. :M.Wen was circuit :supt.., he be1na' the first resident Met.hodtst mlnlatu 1n the town or Whitby. Tile circuit waa then embraced In the Toronto dbtrict,. Rev. Dr. Wood be- lnr. Presld.ent .of Conference a.ndl R.ev. K . Jcmea. District Chairman. The church may at the time .spoken ot bcil&kl to have got fairlY on lts feet, havin&' lecured an ncellent buUd!D.i, an'd a Iurie and lndteaalnl membership, Rev. Mr. Maden was auoceeded by Rev. W. WUioughby, whoa raUler at.naular cast of coun- · tenance wW be well remembered. He wu ardent and zealous in his effort& u a mln.lster or lhe gospel, Mul hJ.a labora were crowned with. a apec1al tlme ot revival ruultlna 1n o. larte addition to the memberablp. He wu followed 1n the putoral otttce by Rev. J. ·uunt in 18511. 9f Mr. BUilt I have no dlsUnct recol- lecUona, and can therefore say but lltut. Hla name appe&""S on the re· Corda ot ple Whltb)' Branch Bible Soclety u one of the speakers at tbe annuil meeUng held Jan. tl, 1860. I eotLildtr thJa U a mark 1n his tavor, ahowinl ihe posaew:d a cet.holle spkit. a.qd wu ready to unite with ~~V=~~~~~~j:~: 1 mtntatera and people or other de-nomthauons 1n apreMtng t.he scrJp .. ~tantey ture throughout the world. to ti7 to IIeure for The aame will apply to hJs aue- the picnic at LUI front next J:e&l'. Cel501, Rev. L. Warner, whom I flnd Att.for the UIU&l farewells -tiM to have betn an t.cU\'t eneraetle partiCJ-Io tliOD ~ opel tbe, lQCted. · ~ to another worker 1n the ume eood cl'Use. He htpPY n-UD!oa. nut )'e&r.-(Oail- appeara to have followed Mr. Hunt trli:AJtld) 1n 1880 ahowlnl Mr. HUnt'a pastor• · • ate here to have only covered one Bill~ Win tho War. buy War&•· 1nJt Certificates and bond. at: lie !fee mow .111 the ~rock ~Re on ~ondlo)' evOnlnlr nef~ ~~ ·1&, &'t 1,10. 1111 filii parlloulan Ooi ' llllloi year. I recioUec' Mr. Warner u a bJ('d. worklna', ea.t. zealous mlnla~ ter, ever reuly ' batHe for the Lruth. His pulpit iontemporarlea In Whitby In l&Gl were: Rev. o. M.ae .. --------------------1- &114 to Din lhllluul. ot the Old Kltll: Pre:sbyterlan g~·1"'~Riv. H. Lloyd, Baptlit. Rev. or the Free Preab,v~lan and Rev. J . T . Byrne or the OOJlll"tg&tional Chureh, all a:ood. men .nd true, aervtnr under th.e N.me a:J,crJoui OaptaiD, •bU:t 1Ji lflP:' arate departmenti of the Army. "All Saints" Church bad net. I th1nt at that time been orsan!Rd, altbotllh -11tepa· may have been taken 1n that directiOn. Rev. L. Wamer wa.".S suc- ceeded 1n 1863 by Rev. John Shaw, who w1Il perhaps be better ,.,.,. •• ·j bered than any of those menUoned from the fact of hb aec- ond term ot Hrv1ce here at • recent date and the touching and melan- choly 1Dcldenta connected with hls fmilly. 1 ret.aln a very d.Jitlnet re- colleeUon of ·Mr. Shaw durlna hb rtrat Whltb:r putort.te. B1ll ftne, robust frame, and. open. manly eounte.gance st4lnc;t out pr«?UUnentty to vJew while I pen these Unea. He had more than thL.eateem, hfi had the Jove of b1a people, and of au who knew him. H1a lnfiuenee W&4 ·for aOod in all the walb qr 'ure, anrl the church under h1l care marched steadily and pr0$peroualy onward. He wu followed 1n 18e& by Blv. J. a. Slater, a aenUeman at leu phy- alcal vJaor, but ' J)OIIell1na the q ualltles or mind and heart whloh endes..ored him to hll flock. He 'dld a:ood aervlce 1n the dlltereDt deplri- ments of church work and bi B~le Soclety, and other general cbrlatl&n errort..s. He ls atill held tn pleu- lnl remembrance, u 11 also hll iuc- ces:sor Rev. ThOI. Cosf0rd, who loll• sumed the pastoral overlli:ht of the church Jn 1889, and 1n •hOfe heart. S..t[ld on whoae Ups wu " the l&w or klndneS4", Hl• fine, lntell1gent race wlll not soon be foraott.en. Jle did loyal Mrvk:e 1n the cauae ef the Master. and pUfhed forward. t.h.e ln .. .tereat.a of the ohurch wlt.h ,vliOr. I beUeve 1L waa durin&' h1l term .or aervlce that the achoolhouae ...U erected. but I m.uat make t.h.1l a matter·of turtbw mqu1f7. KJ t.lme for WTltln,r tho .,n....t kttOJ; hu been ao'mu~ ocupl.ed.tn. look1na up dates •• tJ:iill; I mUA n'ow alcll, (¥ti an earllir hour, bu\ "Wttb.lbart.er '.mia- aure than Ulilal. ' ~ .-qopt ol D11 iooc1 III~IIOiii, _Aad )loll'" 11!•· ,. _ _ :!~~~~ The tel~phone makes your . vacation mere pleaiant ~ s11 many waye. , You cm me i~ to run all your errands, , . .. , . _ , , it ~~ecta you with friends, and neighbours.- ~ And quid!;. tOng. Distat;~ce aervice keep! you in to,;_ch' witli town. · Sii Y 11:.ir t~l;phone ; . helps yo~ to meet ~aeati~ll!.· eP:~erg~!,c\es_, ~'-~e1 ,your hollday . happier, jud by being withi~ reach of your ha;m, ' Telephone . aervice is widely used because it is c11urteoiu, .efficient, yet surpris- ingly i11expensive. Nothing elae yields 19 mJJch for what it ooetal ' H. M. BLAclC If. ... ~ ' ... - .. \ 1,\ ,. ·- --·---· --- -------~ .- ~ -·~ ·-·--- - I, I --· • .!:·-

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