Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jul 1940, p. 1

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-~ ' ; ' ~. ., VOL. 77-NO. 4 WHITBY, ONT., CA~~A, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1940 ONTARIO COUNTY'S LEADING WEEKLY. '·: :.~<i W·H·ITBY RESPO·N·DS · fD GALL FO.R · RI .• ;IJI't ,S·., :~ 1 · War Effort Co-mmittees Beport Progr~ss HUNDRE_Q -~ENRQLLfv . · · . . . · ·'FOR S-E·R·v·tcE·· _I · d:·y r ..... ·COMMITTEES ARE AT WORK DEAL-ING WITH SEVERAL PROBLEMS ROT~Y SPEAKER iwHITBYDOINGITsBlriD~~~E:~~~118 ONTAR1o-: · t · In these world-shalung days when our country our · · homes, and our community life are menaced by the. bru- rRUE·L· yo·.- HORSE talitftrian aggreuor, . it i8 ~deed encou,raging to reflect' on " Storm~ Takes A Heavy Toll 01 Audley Farmers tHe :wh~l~-hearted respon~~ ,that is answering the call to service 1n so many Canad1af\ towns. · (luest Children Will Be Harvest Workers Welcome in Several To Be Provided Whitby Homes, Commit- By Gove tee Chairman Reports _ SEND APPUCA TIONS TO HEADQUARTE~S Ontario farmers who desire ~xtra. men to help In harvest operations are requested to ~~ In touch with the nearesi em- ployment office, which for this dlsir:lot Is Oshawa, or write dlreei to /1.. MacLaren, Dlreetor of Farm Training, Department of Labor, Parliament BuUdlnp, Toronto. Whitby has a recordo,tQ b'e proud of, as noted weekly in the Roll of Hon~r appearing in these ·columns where over 1_00 names apjl':ar. ·., _··. It is doubtful if many_ other towns 1n Canada the :nze of:ours have made a larger con- rti~ution to the a~tive se~~e forces in proportion to popu- lation. ApproXImately-·nmety more have volunteered _ , . with the newly recruii:!!d -. sec'ond infantry ba~talion of the Ontario Regiment, non permanent active militia. Scales of pay .and remuneraho~ b~_ve not yet been definitely es- tabliabmf, but.. it is doubt£uf. if any of ~hese volunteers bad an)• f)i'fught for that aspect of the situation. Finance Committee Reveals Plans to Raise ' Money, Including Waste Collec- tion- Two Committees Meet Quietly. but nevertheless effect- ively, the various committees o! Whitby's War Effort Orgmlzatlon are carrying on, making a valuable contribution to what has already been accompllshed by other or- ganlza tions. The Bon. N. 0 . Hlpel, Minis- ter of LabOur, Intimates that his department h&!l malle ar- rancements to re&ister aU worll:ers who are willing to help harvest the crops which are vital to Canada's war ~rrort. He pointed out that there was a scarcity of farm help In the province, and that . -farmers woUld have to use ·laUence In deallng with any Inexperienced workers who have offe&-ed their help. At a meeting of the committee chllirman called by President F. J. Mcintyre, held In The Gazette and Chronicle office on Monday night, FRIENDSHIP IS progress was reported and piAn~ formulated for more aggressive ac- tion. KEY TO BUSINESS To the Ouest Children Committee the iiames o! Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. 4 ROY J. KERBY 3enersl Sales Man&Ker of the Buick and Pontiac division of the Gen- era! Motors of Canada, who was the guest speaker at the weekly luncheon of WJutby Rota17 Club on Tuesday. BROOKLIN MAN IS PRESIDENT OF NEW. HONEr GOUNGIL Wm. Agar Honored by Newly Farmed Canadian Organization R. Carscallen of the Ontario La- SAYS EXErUTIVE Mr. w. Agar, of Brooklin, has dlea' College were mded, as both l · (J . again brought honor to himself and are vitally Interested in this work. his own community In his recent Mrs. s. F . Murdock, chairman o! --- appointment as P realdent , ot the the committee, reported that she How to Get Along With newly formed Canadian Honey had received quite a few appllca- Council. The vote, was taken bY These contributions to the C.A.S.F. and militia by no means represent ·the lacal _war effort. Working day by day are the lo~!ll branch .o~ the Red . Cross and the I.O.D.E:. Whitby bas a special War Effort Committee whichc is rapidly being organized for service. Cifizens both young and old· are giving their time to aid even though some personal ~crifiee and loss may be involved. In an ,_ddress in the House_ of. Commons, Hon. j. D. Ral- ston declared be woul_si . ~9t . . "dishonor the meaning of sacrifice" in relation to worldly goods and more stringent curtailment of pleasure ' which w.e may yet have to under- go while so many of Cariada" a sons in common with Britons the world ovei- are suffering privation,- hardship, and loss· of life itsel~ in ·defeqee of all we hold dear. We may have to tighten our belts still further, but it is little enough to ask wheh our lives and way of life are endangered. . The Town ~f Whitb, . is "doing its bit"'. Ca:ry on, Wh1tby. ROJARIANS GUE'STS OF FI.NE FARMS::I tlons for children from Whitby Othen Important, Says mall wlih Mr. Walter · I : Paterson, famllles.and wa.s turning them~~v~er~i;~~~~R~~iK:~erbi~~~~f~~~~i~~i~~~~~~;~i~i~~ J,._, to, 0 M. Alger, superintendent of ~· ~ Y., ' '. ~the·" ohfidrell;S' .. :¥~-- J~Q!1llltr.)~f City .-Lot Oshawa and .County of ttrrlo;": WhiCh" cSrga~l:fdnC)l1i:s. appointed by the ProViiiclal qov~­ ment to handle all British, cbUdren coming to this C!luntr. Mrs. 1\lur- doclc said that other .!amlli~s had the . Buick and Pontiac division of promised to take cblldren but were . the General Motors of""Canade., de- out of town at the present time, clared thllt the business inan's num- wblle others were dealing with prl- ber one . problem today Is getting vate organizations ·such as lodges along with and being friendly with wd--churches. -The Commit~e de- people-In other words being good clded to look Into the question o! neighbors. The speaker, who was taltlng care locally of a number of Introduced by Col. Frank Chap- children who might be sent to pell, Director of Publlc Relations of Whitby for care In emergency and the General Motors, laid great em- for whom no homes have yet been phasls on the elemeJ!1 of goodwill provided, and It was decided to ap- which, he declared,- heured very proach Miss McKee, of the "Sunny- largely In modern business meth- nook Hospital," on this queatlon. ods, more l&'rgely, he stated, than It was pointed . out that In the the malting of actual sales and event of this action being necesssry, building up o! riches funds would have to be provided 1\lr. Kerby recalled that three and that this would be a matter hundred thousand men of service for the finance committee to look clubs sit down weekly to luncheon Into. meetings, when perhaps they could To Raise Funds . get as good a luncheon at home Peter Dralmln, the new chairman and spend . some tline with their of the Finance Committee, and families.. "What wr..•• the answer?." : Charles King asoscl~l.ed with him, he asked. affirming that these men reported that plans were well un- come together to hear something of 1 der way for the collection of dis· other people's problelllS-rto find-out ! carded articles In the homes of what their fellow men were doing i Whitby ·and vicinity to be sold to to get along In this world of bus!- , raise money. · Mr. Dralmln said that ness, and• also to hear something • be had already ~pproached a num- which perhaps they once lme:w but ber of local truck owners who had had forgotten. He told of a ques- . very kindly yolunteered to place tlonnatre sent out by " group o! , f.helr vehicles at the committee's New York business men to find out disposal !or collection of junk, what people really wanted In Ute. while the question of_ storing It Wl• This questionnaire reached a. . cross- ~ such time as It can be sold Is section of people. and whiie the now engaging the committee's at- flrllt answer was health, . the second Wr1tlon. It was the opinion of 'the expressed the desire for a better .JJieetlng that many hWldreds of understanding and knowledge of doll r..~·s could be realized from the how to get along with people. "Do 'iale of many discarded articles we ever stop md ask ourselves this which people would not only be very question?"• Mr. Kerby lnqulr- l!r.d to get rid ot, but would like ed. "Perhaps -as a business man you to !eel that the money derived trom have seen· people stop at your store their &ale- would be put to good and pass on to that of your com- lise. Further reference to this mat- petltor because perchance they haw *r appears elsewhere In this paper. not Uked your methods of doing Other Committees business," he said. Mr. Kerby coun- . ReV. David Marshall, chairman selled men to cultivate the frlend- ol the welfare committee, and Har- ship of children who come Into • (COntinued on Page 6, Col. 8) <Continued on Page 5, Col. 6> WHITBY FIREMEN· DON:ATE TO RED . CROSS, SALVATION ARMY FOREGO THEIR CONVENTION TRIP ' . . :A commendable petriotlo example has been set by members or the Whitby Fire Company who recently voted the sum of $75.00 to be divid- ed equallY between the Red cross and the Salvation Army tor war work. R&olved to forejlo their annual trli> to the P'lremen!s Convention ll'hich this year Is to be held In Norvelt on Civic Holiday In August. the !lre-flghtera were unanimous thai the annual Council vote, and p5.00 of their own !un<la, mould be devoted to Canada's war effort through local organizations. Ac- cordingly, Secretary L. Northam was authorized to have the cheques made out and forwarded. Th& por- tion ot the p10ney voted from !Ire compeny funds will come directly out of the pockets of each Indivi- dual fireman . "The action o! the flrCJilen Is very commendable." said M&l'or Fred Rowe, and Ohalnnan Lawr- ence Agg, of ~he Fire and Lhrht ~toe. &lao paid hill tribute. Honey · Proaucei's . Llllllltt~:1-'l H1s choice as.. ~!dent of the CouncU was · unanimous, .. -with 1\!fl. J. w. :arslthwalte, ot Brandon, as vlce: presldento' ·The &ecre'tary ·or the Councll wlll be named when Mr. Agar and Mr. Braithwaite meet In conference In the nest: future. The Finance Committee, a fund ral.s.lng branch of Whitby's ·war Effort CommHtee, have announced their decision to Jaunch a scava.nger campaign, to be known as The White Elephant Fund. During the week beginning August 5th, the campaigners will coll)mence their effort to raise money tor the fur- therance of Whitby's war effort. ' This drive will gl ve every house- hold an opportunity to rid the store. rooms of waste ·materla:I and such useful articles as may be claEoSifled as White Elephants. The following article~; are among the things desired : Waste paper of all kinds, Including magazines, card~rd. cement bags and cor- rugated boxes. Old clothes, rags, shoes, felt hats, purses ' •nd~l&4t!ler remnants. Old Iron or metal. use- less pots and pam; all varieties of bottles, old tires, mattresses, pota- to bags_ Everythl,ng will be ac- cepted trom a shOe string to ·a. baby grand plano. · For an ef!lclent campaign we mu.st have the 'co-operation of every hourehold In heeding the following Instructions. Garbage Is of no vai\Je and will not be accepted. It 'Is desired that all was te materials be . arranged -In an orderly fashion to simplify the job of collecting 11nd sorting. It Is also neeessary to have aU con- :rlbutions place:<f In front of houses on the appointed day ot col ~ lei:tlon. Only out of town calLI! ·wm reaelve special attention aa the drll'e will thoroughly canvasa the town. Mr. c. King has been appointed convener with Mr. Redshaw assist- Ing. Thp announcement ot collec- tion dates will be ·published at a la ter date. Watch tor them! Hong Kong. - Several 'hundred British , Canadian anti ·American women and children: acting on th.: government's advice to leave Hon11 Kong during tbe curN! nt tenslbn, S&Ued aboar'd two J.tnera today. . .:~ . . : . Farmer Sent· . ~ JaU For Two Months Without F'me Option ElWOOd Chapman. Pickering town- ship, W.s sentenCed to .serve two months imprisonment without ~he option of a fine after hiS C(lll.vlctlon f~ what lllaglstnate Gordon Long- man termed "one of the most out- rageous cases of cruelty to animals I have ever heard." He appeared In court here Tuesday. Chapman atimttt41d !hooting a horse through the bead In such a manner that the antmal lived on un tU It was destroyell by I011peetor WUUam Wetherston Of the Humane Society. "If the ,Criminal . Oode pennltted the lrifllctlng of tUbes on you 1t might 'bring you to a better appreci- ation of this off~." Magistrate Longman tOld the accuaed. Molller T~led · Chapman's mother, called to the .by provincial offleet W. H. Clark, told tht~ court that her son ha.d continually abused ~he horse prior to the ahootlng iuld had also beaten her cows with trona. The storm which passed over the Audley dlatrict last week did great damage to crops on many farms. HaU acompanled the wind and rain. Hailstones were as large ES 50-cenl pieces and were jagged In shape Uke lee. All R. Hedge's crops . were· cut to pteces:~ .' Geo. Pucll:rin lost a field of osts and all h1s apples, wlille the young tzees were cut and the bam pocJc mar:tea. Bqulre Bros. had to repJ.mt. three .acres or com. Cle- ments, Daniels, Pratt and W1llliun Puckrln's crops IIUffered more . or- less severely. ,-, · WHITBY~S - RELlEr BILL TODAY'IS AT A LOW -EBB Ci-vic Authorities Hope Good Record ·Can IJe "On the day In question m:v aon came running. In . with • gun and said "come ~- aet J(Nr 110-and-so of ·a hor.!e. He pushed me out of ' · the. house. I tried to reason with him and begJJ!d · blm not to shoot the hC~rW, wl}Ic~ bac,t been kept a.s Maintained a familY pet for years," abe stated. "1be 'bone had been abused something terrible ·and · abo my ~Contini!.~ ~Page II, .Col. 8) Anifo . · . Stui. ·;_ Rem.iinai . ury ' .. • · , ~ ... Open ·. silt :&Ualion -· ii I ' " " I : ~ ~ - . •./ Ahout ·Up to ·St&Dith ' it - ,. •;J." • l ia. Almolincecl :, :~ • · { START TRAINING ··. '. t" ): " :• • • HERE:NEXT;iTUESDAYi.~ . .. - - ....

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