Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Aug 1940, p. 1

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VOL. 77-NO .. 8 AUGUST 21, 1940 A., ·liN __ .·-a· ··-··-· .. ·., . ' ' ~ '\ ~ .. ~ • 1. . . ' . " . ·. . ·, : ~· : . OTHERS MAKE A FINE SHOWING Girl Geta Six Finta and Two Seconds, While An- other Geb Six Firsts and One Secc)nd In the Upper School examinations ot Whitby High School just re- leued by Principal Arthur Archl- be.ld, It L, noted that Elmah Green, daughter of Rev. H. Elmer Green and Mrs. Green, or '?Vhltb:v. ob- tained 1st class honors In 10 paper!, M did alro LYle Sherwin, of Ash- bum, entering the field for · the carter and several university schol- arships. Yvonne Baillie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baillie, of · Whitby, obtalne:l 6 flr.s!.s and 2 .sec- onds, while Jean Wilkinson, daugh· .ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wllktpson, of Whitby, obtained 6 flrsl6 and 1 RCOnd. The following are the I"'..SUI!.s: 1 -Indicates 75-100%. 11 -Indicates 66-74%. 111-Indicates' 60- 65%. o -Indicates 50-59%. Despite numerous financial calls on the t&xpay era toda:r, It b reported at the · offlee of the tax collector that 63% o(_,th,e ... _ clll'l'flllt tax roll hu been palcL The third Instalment, payabl~ last week, brourh\ $1f,OOO blto the treasuq. U thb pod show- lnr b maintAined wileD the fourth and last lnstalmetlt b due, there wlU not be much out- l&andlnr at the end of the :rear.. Mw Rlchard80n abo reports that tall: arrean on other than 1940 rolb are comlnc In falrl.J wen. C.mpaJcn to collect, how- ever, continues 'llllabated. PAYS TRIBUTE TO RAILWA lSYSTEMS SERVINfi WEST Rev. E. Ralph Adye Com· pletea Articles on Recent Tour G:;;:-~~~c~~~~rPh~1~;1~: ·In., · the fin8I 'artlcl& of a ser1e11 IMPUO~~~-J~: - WISH P'r. A-o. P'r. c-c; ·D. Archibald- glving. hlslmpreas.lonaofhla .~ T. • ·!.\'!·., · · -~~~1· . ~::~~~~~!!~~ti.! OtW>m-lll,' ":rrl.g-1, Phy- .• -~~-. • ... pafa glowing, ,.nbu~ ~ · .• · . : ,. ,,. ~ · · • · ~ P'r. A-1, Fr. C-11; D. AsUey~mp• ways ,for tlialr .eUident . ~n- • _ , -.~ . •;. ••. ·, ·' 1. · lzatlo~, of b'usy. ¢tles, c~ and ~ • ~: ·.• "•... "- ·- • · · •• ,,. P. Bagley,-Comp-C, Lit-1: Y. rolling plaJn3, llnd other sf~ 'NOT.rn·-oy·M· o· H. no.:C~~~~~f~~ Balllie-Geom-11, Tr!g-1, Lat: A-1, llgbt! or the trip. J· L i • i pUbliC,~ tat. C-1, Fr; A-1, Fr. C-1, Ger. A-1, ' iommlt~. howenr, .request Ger. C-11; o. Batty-Lit..C; H . Wlnnlpeg seemed to be stlir!ng it. it lhJiht ..-ve a aooc1 purpose to Beamlsh-Comp-1, Lit-1. with vibrant life M we. strode slowly Testa Taken Weekly--Say• ~eep ·1M'~ 8c:hoOt dOled untn L. courtlce-Chem-C; M. Cowie- up and down the platform to get Venclon Strivi..\ ... for . . • .later elate. . Coinp-1, Llt.-1. some of tl)e traver ldDts out ot our ·- No declaloh 011 ~e 'l'l'1lstlee Bd.- Bowm&n . aald tbe L. Decker-Bot-e; F. Downey- legs. Not only were there crowds Beat Service for the Bllh . ~- · IibOr piobleqilil ·Ontarto WLS Chern-e, P'r. o-111; I. Dutey-Llt- of people· off for hollday· "et-end.! of Whitby 'Will ,be In· Cbla &trict pain c. Trig-C. and longer vacations but the great A continued lmprO\•ement both In Board of Education. un~ a ~uttlng wal( nearlY an dime, and, E . Poster-Comp-11, Lit-11; H. yards and .shops hummed with life. · the quality and cleanuness of the has been received: fro ·ma If weather ·was· favorable, the har- Fowler-Comp-11, Llt-1, Alg-111, Trains &bort and long, engines big milk supply In Whitby Is reported committee !l!t up by the'• Ontarto vest would be throllih by. the end of Trlg-C, Lat. A-C. Lat. 0 _111, Fr. A- and little shuttled .backward and by ·Dr. F. A. CUddy, mecllcal officer government to -deal wlth the ques-. next week. Looting at ·the question 11. Fr 0 1 forward In the maze of tlacka which of health, who ,_ recet ... ~8 weekly tlon of student help for tarmera from this ana!e, and from the sec-• · - · constitute.. one of the rreatest rail- "" ou"' has been recelv,ed from .a _c.ounty Uona1 AlsPect. he couJd iee very llttle J. Goldring-Comp-O; E. Gould· way yards In the world. Well reports from Queen's Park on meet the last week of .A!JIUit to deal tO be tatned· by ·cl~ the schools. bum-Comp-111, Llt-C; E . qreen- might ·all the ralhr&ymen be samples sent tn. with this question. ' · Trustee Dr. "BascOm favored co- Comp-1, Llt-1, Alg-1, Geom-f, Lat. busy for here Is the bottleneck The M.O.H. states that while the nle Board at ita n!,utar ....... lng operatfnr Wtth the government A-1, Lat. C-1. Fr. A-1, Fr. 0~1 , Ger. of · all the travel for the west. tests each week are not .untveraally on Wedneliday evenlnc ·had ·~-;;(. which •had cone Into . this matter A-1, Ger. C-1. The golden stream of grain gOOd, on/ the whole they are fa.lrly flclal communication from the De- fUlly, by opening the IChQOls on the M. KempthOme-Alg-c. Lat. A- would .soon be choking all the satisfactory. an1 . defects are partment of Labor· at Queen's Part da~ suagested. c, Lat. c-c, Fr. A-11, Fr. C-111, facllltll!.!l available and as your re- promptly brought t<~ the attention of setting :forth the proposal made bY Trulllee D. J. Kean oouJd not see Ger. A-11. porter remembers many years ago, the vendors.· This is the most c;llf- Premier · Mitchell P'. Hepburn . that that public .school$ pupilS would be M. LeOard-Lit-1, Alg-C, Trlg-111, every mile of track and every sld- flcult season of :he year In which to cope wlth the labor ahortage on any· good to fanners. Lat. A-C. Fr. A-1, Fr. C-11: D. lng; every plece ·or equlpment,aome to handle milk, Dt. cuddy points the r,.nns publlc '.scboolli remain · Trustee Bowrilan ' thought ; ihat Llck-Hist-11, Alg-1, Trlg-1. Lat. A· thOught obsolete, 'lfOuld be pressed out, particularly m hot weather, and closed upW.september ll:' and' High high school student! would ~ of 11, Lat. C-111, Fr. A-11, Fr. C-11; Into service to transport the bumper extra care on the part both of the Schools ·and Collegia~ I'D&ltutet IIWe- use· unless the:r had been G. Llck-Comp-C, Fr. c-c. crop from th'e west. All honcut to dalrie3 and consumers Is neceasarv: unur Oetobft ·1• · The'commudl:a.Uon bro\llbl lip on the farm. E. McQuay-Comp-O; R. McVey our great railway systelll.! which Many complaint& of sourtna m11lt advised· that the loc;al committees Trultee P'rancls Mcintyre said -Lit-O, Hlst-1, Alg-1, Trlg-11, Phy- oould handle this traftic even with are due to the flct that bottles are had been set up In e&ch counties to that Rn. P'lther ll1ckey e&lllf: to 11: J. Marsh-Comp-11; R. Mor- the extra load of carrying enormous allowed to sit In tht: sun or in the enroll students for the farms. af~ him In conectlon wlth the Separate tl!h-Comp-C. supplies of war equipment and mov- heat before being taken indoors. a atudy of the labor sltu~tlon ln Sohool; .enqulrinr- what the Board H. Pardon - Llt-1; D. Pegg - lng men from place to place. C!\na- their tl temtoriell a1ao to of !lducaUon· wu golng to do. all Comp.1, Llt-1; E. Petty-Oomp-11, dlans may well feel proud of those Nothing will cause bacteria to reapec "" · ·' his SchOol might be guide:! by the Llt-11. Bot-c. P'r. A-1, Fr. C-111. who look after our railway and when multiply than to have milk exposed encouraae girl students tci promote decision. Pat,her Hickey, Rid Trus- W. Rea - Comp-c : M. Riley - one sees how vital they are to the to the eun. ~=lrsa.:~fo~:..!a~e~~ps. or:::. tee Mcintyre, was not In favor or Comp-C, Lit-1, Trlg-1. small places in the prairie provlncC$ There 1s a marked Improvement communication sa.ld that after care- the later o!)enlng. In St. Bemahl's L. Sherwln-Comp-1, Llt-1, Hl!!t-1 , and how little revenue th~y receive In Whltby'a milk supply this year ful surveys made throughout. the there were no 'Children ellalble for Al.g-1, Geom-1. Trlg-1, Phy-1. Chern It explains the necessary advance.! over last year, and 1939 testa were province an acute ahortage of labor rarm·wort, and he thought "that lt •1. Lat. A-1, Lat. C-1 ; M. Somer- made by the government to both better than 1938, Dr. Cuddy stated, on the farms, due largely to.heavY was foollsh to have chUdren run- vllle-l"r. C·O. C.P.R. by way 'of loan and to the adding tbat he il'>lt that the dairy enlistments of men and good ·ciops, nlng the streeta when they shOUld R. Taylor - Alg-111 . Geom-11 , C.N.R. by way of paying deficits. operators were endeavoring to do exl.sted on the result 01 this sii"ey be at. aehool. Jlr. lllcl'ntyre .dld not 'rrlg-11, Phy-11, Chern-e, Fr. A-11, Our citizens, we feel, may consider their best, and welt co-operating th~ Prime Minister ·had. proposed the think that there wu a shortage of P'r. C-11; J. Thomp.son-Chem-C. thllj an Investment in canada'a great with the Board or Health. later opening of the schooL'!. There farm labor ln ' tbla particular dla- W. Wheeler-Lit-e, Phy-1 , Chern. ruture. The milk supply today Is being JvM nothing compulsor:r abOut it. trlct. 111; 0. Wlgston-Oeom-11. Phy-C, Leaving Winnipeg at early eve- handled by four dairies, Pa.ttersqn's, The communication advised that Chairman Donald A. Wllaon quot. Chem-11. Fr. c-c: J. Wilkinson- nlng with a. train of alxteen coaches. HUicrest, Grandy's and the Whitby the local county committee.., are ed Harry Amold as aayJnJf that he Hlst-1, Alg-1, Trlg-1, Lat. A-11, we still continue:! over prairie land Dairy. For a number of years there composed or the agricultural repre~ hnd his twelve-year-old helptng J,at. C-1, P'r. A-1, Fr. C-1: R. Wig- !or manv mlle3 but the fanns t:t-- have been five. .sentatlve. public ' IChOOI Inspectors. him, t-hat there was a labor short- more-Bot-C. <Continued on Page 7, Col. 1) municipal clerks, the warden, and age In the district and that be .superintendents of employment of- wou~:l not get help anywhere; .~.,British Children at the College ·.'~ Sho.wn Canadian Farms and the Country by Local Rotarians , , With members o! Whitby Rotary u chaperones, the pupils and ll.embers of the raculty of st. HO- Bchool. Whitby, Eng!,md, · who now auest.s at the Ontario La- Colleae, were •taken for a rl~ to the country last Prl- af~lrll<lOn, vl.siUng some of the farms in the district Judging the expres.slon.s heard. . both the teachers and their pupOs. trip Was a revelation as well M education, and one which they not eoon forget. the trip a stop WIIS made of Mr. R. s. McLaugh- of O!hawa, where the of fine horses were the att.Jraclt.lon. Across the road. at ot Ray McLaughlin, the were delighted with the ·dotra kept by the a:enlal own. er of the farm,' taking the pupplea In their arms and flndlng It hard to leave them. The Engll!b vtaltora ~re also delighted with the fine · Holstein herd kept on tbla farm. While no stop was made, the can motored through the lovely Beath FarllUi, owned by Lance Death. .some dlatance away. The next atop was made at columbua where thl' vlslt.o!'ll were given a treat, ana then tra veiling north a atop · was made at a. height of land from which a wonderful view. or a wldt- ~~tlon .or the countryside, the city of Oahawa, and the late carl be obtained. The trip lasted for about. two and halt hours and the IUMts were not slow to show their appre. elation for the wonderful afternoon they had enjoyed. 98 Yoear& Young Of Myr;le Satlon, at present Uvln1 In Brookllr., who wlll mark hl1 98th blrthd.'l)' · on Thursday. Young People of Unit~. Church Bay of Quinte Conference ~old Summer· Cam~ .Near · Stirling ... Sttruna. Ont. - Repreaentlni churches In th41 six Iarae ~y­ terles of the Bay of Qulnte confar- enoe or the United Church of C&n- ade, young people Iut week aasem- bled on the plctureaque United Church property on the shores or Oak Lake to combine a happy week of vacation and recreation wlth • week's course In leaderahlp training. Those PTefCnt tq take advantace of the opportunities available were ambltloua young people wno will at a Ia ter date adop~ such duties in exe(:qtlve leaderahip as theae pre· para toey couraea prepare them to fill l!!tll . the P,"eatest amount · of ef!lclency. · Those who a.ttendejl the camp from OshaWL."'were Mlaai!a Dorothy eaww, · Olive Reesor, 1tt.y Ward, Peg Rk:e, .Wyn Rice, hba Roberta, Evelyn a.,, Kitty Warburton, Je&Jl Battle, Jlr. Stephen Ba:rwell. Jlr. Albert Walker, anc:t Rev. Pred Rld- lnr. ~. 8Jdlnl had charre of the dtscusslcm KJ"OUP on "Oltlaenahlp nnd A~Uoo." Chief dlreotor of the camp 'was Jlr. BayweU aulated by .Mr. W&ll!t. Jtev. W. R. Tipton, formerly ot Oihawa . and now of Smith's Palla. waa leader Of v~ This wu Ute lixtp year of the ~nw·s · aotlvttf~' and eaeh paaa1nJ .season linda tile attencS,an~ vuUy lnereastna. Tbe -~ Is directed by flo caretulb' aelecttct group of com- mittee workeJ'II appointed by the governing ~ of the Bay of Quln- <Continl;led on .Pace 7, Col. 6) -WGIIDIIIl' c:roasea.. 'wUh oxen. at three mues &D'hour. -'Tciaay Tram-canada Air llbips CIIJT1 t.belr paaseocm throUBh space at· rate of· three mllei a ·minute,· tb.la ·~ oould be ·excecled· U nee..: esarj. ·lllr. Campbell ll&ld that onlJ llldll- ed men Blld women In the best of health. were employed on thase &1r , . , shipS, and that they were medlcall.7 The Welfare OOmtnlttee will meet e:xamtDed once a nionth. ·The steW· an the tlrrlval ~& of Rev. David ardesa ·Ia first of all a fully trained lllanball, .~& ~· . · • , ~u::: ~~o.~~q=:n~ ANNO.UNrc N .. M. ES DISMISS ·CIWifiE . f ~ lence tor comfort and aafet)' o( ' bL Jl · · , ~~~=cOmt~~i, OF WHimY MEN- · OFREti~llSS~S_·~ ~=~=~'::~u:=; .IN M-ILITIA, U.N .. IT . A6AINSTDRMI· .air radio eontaet, atewardeaa aer . . . . . vice, e!tlelent , personnel and the - . · mocst modem equipment wlth fut __ _ regular dally .aeivtce from cout to coast. Connections are made at dU~ · ferent. polnta wllh the air ablpi of the Imperial Airway!. ·.· Two fli&hta dally. in both . dlrec- tlona between lllonlrtal, ottawa, To- ionto, North Bay, KapnsJrastnr. · <ConUnued on Pap 7, COl. S> Volanteera in ontario . Re,b:Dent, -Infantry,· ¥Battalion 'l'be tollowblc .ta a complete llat ot men on tbe. stren.rth or COIDJI&IIJ', Wbltby, of U\e Beoo!ld •· Ontario Re(lment {Infantry> · u ·NEW TEA~HER IS · ~=· ~. ~~ :=~~- ENr.A· r.E· u· . F. OR TH{ A:!~. pw~~~: ~k:!'u~:. U U R. H .; Allison, E. L.; Anderaon, P. L.; Annan, J. L.; A\llfUStw, B. lllc.; DIIRLJr AlliUStus. L. G. · F~ lJ \Cio~i~ ~~~~at~~.;..~~· --- Borchllk, J.; Bowman, E .; Braa. Gordo McBride G ... s. J.;. Brown, A. w.; Bru~.-W. ; D oes 1. 0 Bl')'a.nt, Z. J.; Br:rant. .w. B . St. Thomu _ Bill of Carlaw, s. lll.: carter, P. o.: _ (OODtlnued on Pap '1, COl. 3) $133.50 fOl' R~paira Accident tb Whitby ,Bo~ Hal Aftermath iti ~ ·, ·• . PoliCe Court . Bdward Baker, chirpd wlth reck· 1eaa clrl,tini·Jh an aatoa~obue I!CC!- • dent wbleh befeU elcb~JIU'..:otd r Toa:y, of Whitby, Oil 11a1 St.ac. waa acquitted by lhat*ate :, s. Ebbli In ~t polite coun)•Oil8r.J day. ' Bakel' -pleaded !'not pll~ to l the count ~ af• bear1q o( 'coo• . siderable .enderic e' for llotlt ildllo the •. chaqe was fln31l)' dtimlt..., . ...;.- The acclctent ~ wl\en the · boy, atm .in oman General Hoi!• pltal, wu crosstnr No. 2 ~ a few hundred yaida east of the D\in- du Street . Publlc .Bch~ Coipora1 Bdwa.M Hepworth, • veteran of the Plrat World War (Continued on Paae 7, Col. II>. Board .. of Education at Its month- ly meeting WednesdaY night ln the Library Board room accep~ the resignation of Gordon Me~e trom the pubUc school staff. In his letter to the BOard asking to be ~llev-ed 'of his contract, 'he stated that he secured a pOsition in st. 'lbomas offering a promotion wlth laraer "Sbldiers of. the Soil" Enrolment Arrang~ ·· for Ontario County to Secure Farm Labor~ Sell Certificates' . . s~lary. - \ The Board voted to engage lllr. J . County Clerk R. DOnald Ruddy, Spean, of_ 'stratford, at a salary of Town Clerk John R. Prol!,t, and $725.00 a year. The new teacher municlpal clerkll throuaout the Is a graduate or Stratfolld Collealate oountry, have received a letter from and or the N'ormal School. and has the Department of lllunlclpal ..At- taurht wlth auccess in !everal rural fairs with recard to the ·~kllerll schools. He Is interestM ln boya' of the Boll" Enrolment, designed to and girls' welfare work, and hu asslat In finding farm labor among other good qualifications. He com~ lchool atudents ln view or the' ap- hlibiY ~ommended M to character. parent lhoitaae, and also the pro- Plaattr Jl'ell DoWD · · IDOtlon of the aale of War Savinra Trustee Stt~art Threadgold. chalr- Certificates. man 'of the Property committee, re- Each clerk has ~lved a supply ported that when the plaster on the of enrolment forms and they are c~lllng In Mr. Bennett'.! room at available at their office.!!. Public Klnr Street achool feU down, an Sohool Jnspe"ctor R. A. Hutchison emeJ'IenO)' Was created. Tend!'n also has a tupply. for thb and other amaUer pluter- Tbe letter points out that while 1.nr Jobs '"re sec,ured and the con~ IDO!t of these registration will be tract awal'ded to Russell U'nder~ l' complet~ld in the local schools, there wood nt a cos~f $133.50. poj!Siblllty tJw,t a number of ,'J;'be Board p~d accounts tatal- useful persona mlaht ba omitted In lln1 $841.82. · · ~ community .. As a co~;~.~equence ' the clerks are asked •' to keep the enrolment forms available and to' .notify the people lp. their respeciJve · munlclpalltles. The registration In each dlatrlo& Is belng · conducted by a local cOm• mlttee which Includes the dlatrlct agricultural repre:;entatlve, who ln Ont&rlo County L~ E. A. InJiea, at Uxbridge; the public and aeparat& , school inspectors, the .superintendent· of employment u"lces, 'and the local reeves. or any alternate elected otflclalll. The completed forms are to be returned to the local committee or to the Department or Labor at Queen's Pa.rk. The result of this enrolment may bJ a. aulde t-o the Whitby Board o( OJqcaUon In determloln¥ when tlle• IChOOb will open. ·

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