Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Aug 1940, p. 3

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·" .. ' P.A'CE'FOUR THE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21., 1940 0CIAL ACT IV vlalting the former's mother, Mrs. D. E." CarrUthers, ha\'e returned to their home In Windsor. Mrs. D. E. Car- rUthers returned with them to Windsor tor a sho"!"r visit. week for the wedding of their daughter, Louise Margaret, formerly 0 D E. of the Ontario Hospital staff. I + + + • • e SOMBBODY LOSES, SOMEBODY Pte. A. Bremnl!r, '\";ho bas enl1sted.l~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~:~z~~~~~=~l p~na.. Twenty only unclaimed Announcements + + + Mr. K. Sheppal".t whO has been with · the A. &: P. Store at Barrlt! baa ·been transferred to Sudbury. Mrs. Sheppard and. chlldren are vis- iting for a time w1th her mother, ·:MrB. Akey, Walnu~ Street. + •Jo • i ~ W ·.A_ Or Alj'\Satnll' Church • "" ·~~··an · •Aflemoon Tea .. ;"f· w •~ '•O)Minr· Sale, on the ~- laWn o·t'Mn. wln. llolmie. 300 Mary Mnl. A. Wlgston ·,·islted this week · ..,.. .Street. . . ..,.West. _. :I"auradQ, Aurus! · with Mrs. Gerald Ross, at Brighton, 1 ~ S~e at Tea Hour. Every- Ontario. ..:... , one welcome. • + ·Jo + .. ,. . . + • + Mr. and Mnl. Ford Lindsay, of co-: :. n, Public L1brai,r ls IIOW open bourg, spent the \V~'!"k-end in town. . ' aner . h&'flDc - clooecl for two. + ,,. + ~ ·· ....etl d~ the. vi.catton of the Mrs. Pat Gray recel\·ed the sad 4 illarl•n ··~ ~ .. ~~ • ne·ws on Monda.y, r..1 the death o: -:..: ·,;i · :..::~· F;- ·.r .+_ '! ,. + her mOther. Mrs. Ettznbeth Shannon. .-fi .0. Gertrude &at. hu returned ;~ .home-arter·aPendinl a hol!day wtth, who passed away In Glasgow, Scot- :% ::frleDda.·lii 'Mqne'""-wt.n and TO- land, Btter a lengthy illness. Mrs · ii ·'nil.tci' ·· · . . Gray's many W!Utb} friends wm 3 ···- 1• ·' .• • · :·+ • + sympathize with her In her bereave- g : r•Jiil..· -oeor.e ·Kiner and chlldml, ·DienL ?= ~··-Taraa.to~ "biTe been vls1tlna Mrs. ~ '~,;r-o·i·i>a*J>Oo; · Kr. and >lt!. ~ ·'l'bOidai AD4emrn. for the poa1. t2! ...... .. . . r_: . : + ·+ I+ "idii~1.ieattlc4r lilacLaren waa the 1 ~ ~- at ~tbe •iftemOOD tea or the "' ' Wii!lli>"Yaclit Club ... Satun!Q of- ~ .. temOoa. 'lirbib. ·a loodiJ nUmber en- . "f Jo;iii ' t.he"aoobl hour.· M1Y JI&C- ~ :~;II~ <If II!• OOIIUnlltee :-:' '.~ ~.tuese w~y eTmta. :,;_ .:. t·-~·' ~ - ~ . •• ~ • ~ l(r. "\ aDd )Jirl; .1. B. Abbott aDd r.• . ~· '01 ~t.o, spent_ tb.e wet • ~i:: with lJ!::t, motbu, llrt. Luke, ,.-1 ·. CMitn· 81;rftt Nortb. ?" . ~· .. ·:~ • .. ~ p ·· .. • . •. . . l :')'""" •• ~. ,_ . . '"\ i 111111 ~.JOul· Onnbton · baa been , ·.-.tltljl>l, lllss Doris McKinley at ~.; · ~Iabd. ·~~ . . . .• '• •• Kr.· ~ufllliw: J, E. Carrulhl!l'll and '!""·, ~~""' , wbo ban been • + + Krs. J. Toriis, Ml&; Annie Toms, Mrs. Starbird, daug!tter Marion and son Mark, and Mrs. S. Fields an1 son John, of Oshawa. have returned .from a. holiday spen~ at Little Lake, north of COlbome. + + + Mrs. H. Burns, or Toronto, spent the lfeek-end wUh Mrs. c . A. Good- fellow and her slstt>rs. . + • + Mls:s Ruby P ai...-nn, daughter or Mr. James Palme:- l:las secured 11. pos!Ucm with the Department of Na~ tlonal Defqtce, Ottawa, and lett on Sunday for her n .!W appointment. +, • + Mr. Oren Oamsby. of Orono, was In tOwn on Saturday last renewing okl acqualntr.nces. "!'" + + Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beavo, of Revelltoke, D.O., _ were in town last with the Toren!'> Home Gua.rds, · remnant~-· of dress, blouse And Don&Uoo. of 1 pull of socks tro.-n has been quUe set1oU3ly ill In To· .skin materials, on which deposits Mrs. P. :Matheson ez.a one "house- · ron to Military Hos'lH:a.l where he re- wile .. f1lled by Mra. · Orobb are have beep pakl, now for .sale to cenUy underwent • serious opera· IUlJ' Pet80b. paylnr balance due t 10n. His WhitO·,· friends will be 1e 1er · · - - gratetull:J' aeknowltdled. on each. Think fast for be&t re- A I of ··•PI>J<Ciallon wu re- g:Iad to know that he b now rteO\"- c~ved from Seq. lJ X: Nnb for s. .sults. Thwn Ball Button Shop. ering satlsfactorlly. "housewUe"'~ to hbh.' A veteran 1n town. has helped by Brock Street SOUth, WhitbY. · + ~ + knltt!ng IOCb. Mr Ro H 11 ~. he Ronal Kembenl d-"~- wool .. ·for -• MISS AIJ.CE: SMITH WISHES· TO • Y a au'.l nep w d, -..,.. ... _.. announce that september 1st,.. she of Windsor, have boEen on a. two ::. -:r,d ~o~:~ Soll1tt, 'nlere Ia no aeneral monU:llJ meet- wm tate over the ownership of weeks hollday with :11s parents. Mr. ~ in ~uJU3t:. tha Pa\Sy Beauty Shop. Mrs. and Mrs. Richard HaU. Plorence St~ who has been • ... + . . ~· ~ ,.. ·. . . Lo in partnemh1p, will as.slst Mlss I m:::; =::~·w~u:~to~f~~ ON~.: A \:I liVE . SERVICE :.~Ul wc:s~~ys~~!·~~ Tuesday, on a bU:;ir1ess trip·, gave the · ~;:.. '"~ . · . '· · · to take this opportunity Of thank- Gazette and Chwn:cle a pleuant Brief ~ ai· ~ aad Diotrict MOD Who HaYe Ins all eustomm for their post can. Fnlio~ in 'Soii'tiee ol JCm. and Co..,lrJ. oolr<!nage. +++ ---------- Mrs. David Gorj,m and baby son '----.:...--:---:-----.::.....-------------1 Till!: W. A~ OF ALL SAINTS' nouala.s, of Toro•l!.o. ha& ape:n~ the ~- CUntc:m. PucOe baa. reclttved. Sapper A. c. Brown, ICXJ. Clf Mr. Church are hold.inr an "Afternoon past two weeks vis!~u.g ber mOther, & letter from.~ huib&Dd. · IUfle- and Jim. !ldward Brown, Whitby, "l'u.", and Home Cooking S&le, on man C. Pucoe, Of the Quelin"a Own who has reddecJ. at Bowmanvme for the lawn at the home of Mrs. Wm. .JIIM. E. D. SMITH'S ~~~" 2.3c Mrs. T. W. Bum.etr, Lou1aa Stnet. R1fles, who Ja noti·Wtth ot.ber can ... the put four years. i& aenlnr with Downie, 300 Mary St~t West, Her d.l.ughter "Y '!onn.)" spent part of adian ~ ln , ifewtom:ldiind. A the lat Pioneer Battalion, R.C.P. 1D Oil ThursdaY. August :nnd. Sur- ber holidays with «n rrandmot.b.f"I, number of 'ot.b.er ·Wbitby' "boJI .are .!:Dgl&nd. prtae a~ the Tea hour. Everyone Mrs. Willlam Gordou, Whitby. and rtported to be ataUaDed Jn Ulie ame + • + ftlcome. PORK & 8£111VS AYLMER 3 2~ :Z.3c , CRISCO ;;:. l8c rl!. 47 c : join~ her mother in Osbawa. for place. ,. ·• ~ Joseph Bland, son of Mr. and Mn. Lhe latter part. • · + +···· K. Bland, of P:.rt Whi tby, ia &enlnt THE APTERNOON BRANCH OF tb& Women's AuxiliarY of AU Saints' will hold a summer tea and We of home eooking at. the hOme of Mrs. W. Downie on centre Street Norlb. A surprise ls promised for .:Klme fortunate peraon at the tea. All members and the friends of the W .A. are moat welcome. TUNA l"l~!'J.ABES '::1'!;," i-1~ l3c . BRIDE RECEIVES ·f.NAMELWARE Miss Ruby Sml~, R . R. N. 3, Osh- awa,. wu honOP.d. on Thunday even.J.ng la.st at a shower, when the forty guests pres~nted her with enamelware ln eteam. and red MWes Edna: and. Lula Reason were co-hosteiiea at th~ll home wh1ch waa decorated with. pink atream.eni and bells. '11le alfts were presented in a pink hanitni !lastet. 'lbe even~ 1ng was spent 1n games. Refresh- menta were ser1ed by the M1ases Reeson, assisted by Mrs. .Everett Jackson. HELPING BRITISH CIIILDBEN In addlUon to ~1:!: contrlbutlons already acknowledgl'"d, the Ontario Ladies COllege wis.'les to announee the following addlt;onal contrtbu-" tions to ita War En.cuee Pund. Dr. Mara:aret. Addison ...•••• $ &.00 G. vii. Mason, K .C. . . • . . • • • • • 25.00 Dr. G. L. Kacdoupll • .. .. ... 10.00 Mra. Leo Gray .. .. .. .. .. .. .. &.00 Miss Beth Harrlsnn . . .. , • • • • 2.&o Special Leave Club For Canadian Nunea Oversea• (By' GLADYS ARNOLD) Loo.don.-When _ganadlan nursea with the Porces come qn leave to th117. lUte the ·-. wtll ~· tor them a apeclal leave <. ~ I " onlY th1a b ..... on an Empire aeale. --~ ·The K1na Gearp aDd Queen · Club for aervtoe women of the Em.pire', under the preslden~ cy of IA.c~T Vanalttart, 1w been reallaed through t.be effort. of the Empire SOc.leUea' War Boaptta.llty committee. The Nuffleld Truat tor the tor~ ot the crown hl.a rener- oualy made a conslderable aran~ for the initial coet and the fl.tl~ ,..r.s upkeep. Tbtl house wu t.be former home Plorence . NJ.ahtlnlall! ID.ter- 'nallanal JlloundatJon where nurses country of the world <lolnr poot..rraduate London. tb.e war these nW"IIM hue had to return to thelr own landa, but the :;t2 berc1rooml now available to aervk:e women of eve17 catecorY :still retatn the names written on the door-Caecho-Slovakia, Canada, Hunnry, Auatralla and ao on. Y.l.u B. Colville, a Canadian nurse from Toronto, once occupied the Cana- dian room. "We are Jee.vlng the nam.ea on the dOOl'l because we're confldent that one day they will be coming back from those countrlm apin, .. _,ald. .M1u Sprott u lhe showed ua t.hrou&h the apacloua rooms ao com- fortably fumlohed. IUu Spnrtt 11 well-known to Canadian bualness and profe&!lonal elub women whom she hu met durlne Mr canadian travels. In .lkemoriam PRING-In Iovine memory of Au- drey Prinr. who put:«l away . Aurust Ul. U137. Dear AUdre-y, three 7e&ra qo you left me Prom tbi.s weal)' world of pain, You have journeyed oo. to heaven. Where I shall meet you aptn,, Lite b but a dreary pathway, Nothinr .seems io be worthwhl.le. All I have fett , dee.r AUdrey, Ia plea:!!ant memories of your ...ue. God alone can heal the heartache, It:'a He alone that bears me on, To where I wln meet yoq, dee.r Audrey. On that siorious hapJJ1 morn. My lips cannot apeak bow . I loved you, M y · heart. cannot ten what to a.y, God alone knows bow I ml!.! you AI I Journey on ute·~ way. Lovingly remembered by her Grandmother Town. YOUR PERSONAL APP&AB.ANCZ -FOB WOMJ!:N ONLY An art1cle preJo!n Una a lenathY llat or queaUona Wnlch., when an- swered, enablu -.ny Womt.n to find out how she appe.lJ'IJ to othen., wW bel found in The Ammcan Weekly with the Aurust 2& lalue or The De- troit Sunday Ttmea. 'lbe author o1 th1a fea ture la Judith T. Chue, wcU- qWS expert . Be sure to pt t.bt AUI\15~ 25 Luue ol The Dekolt Bund&r Tlmea. ' \ ' David Pratkln.!.Wno~wu wtth t.b.e with the Midland Regiment.. VIgor aa..· Stillion Cln. Whitby' for + + + somr Ume; is ~~ with the Roy_ AD Whitby c.ltl.zens who haw re- al Canadlan Arimeiy;-'now In · n..,. latins wnh His Majesty'a tore• on ronto. · · land • .sea and air ue requested to + ~ . .;·+ .- flll out the "On AcUve SeJTice" Pee. Allan E. ~rzo~·IOD.· oflb'. coupon on page 5 of thla 1vUe and and. !Ira. 'lbomas .ADderson~ ll5 br1na 1~ or aend U at once to the st. John Street, Whlil)y, bas JO!nell · Ouette and ClllOnlcle olfice. Tbl:s the Dutferin arid Htldtm•nd Blflel: applies also to those whose names statiODec:l at BamiltoU. :· . ~. ' have already prepared. in the Ron-+ + • "';""" ::_ · or Roll, We want to set a complete U&t.. lf poatble, both tor tb.1s paper, Oeo. Hawes. aon ot ,liz. and Kra. and. also for the Town COUncU"s Tb.os. Hawes, has JOined tbe Rofal Book of Remembrance. WUl you Ganldlan Enatneer& ·· · tlDdly till ou~ the coupon today? Recipes come a aallln& enthusl.a.st. Recently at: th~t inter-camp aa1l1na" races be-. -·· tween camp Atmek and 01..mp wa- Do~'t force~ to ·12Ut. &be eansene.: J'Qtneo, Peed and hi.! partner, J'ohn Jam or JellJ <especla]J;r· tf· lb.ey be . ·Balon, ot Montl'eal, w011 the Wilson homemade) on the table. By ~aienlna Trophy, whiCh 1a conaldertd. to be bot bJacutta and Jazia. :w· edauene·. quite a destlQcUon amoar the camp- Jour aJmplc!, econolnlCil lltue meai era. wtll lmpresrr lhe unexP<cteii': lulft u lwvlnr been dl! liD"- . . Plam ccmsene· I qto. pluma 2 lbs. suiar. Palace Will F oregG Ita Annual Cleaning 1 lemon. London.-Por the ftrat Ume In 2 oranaea. . •..• ~~Jean, Buckingham Palate wm % lb. Enallah wallllut meat&. , , :#~ UW1 year Its annual aummer ~ pluma In M om.aJi .U.·~t -~ ~-· · of wRr u pouJble wiw ~.iott. 'JIUb :~. NormalJ.J' cleaners and deeora.t.ars lh,roua:b .trainer and; Kct.:....aap~~,j . ~ anr th!t Palact u 1000 u the fruit lui- and rlnil, ·and,J.\ COWr: :~.&1M!- leaTe for BalmO<al alowlJ for abou~ t haul- or '· ·' · ~~tb.t tmd. Ot Jul.r or the bet1ml1nl Ullck. Whm doo.e ·aCS.i"~' ~ ·A111U&L 'l'ht. 1~ the Pilace wi.U ehopped. nu~ meats anc~:"mi~ ' . ' . olten aU amnm.er u Tbelr st.ertllse4 Jell7 glasRa. cover iriQl f • an · noli . mak1nC thelr paraffin. " •. -,, :" . - to Balmonl. \ ' --~ . + • + · ·1" \ -.. ·•!'" Palace ..m nolao dlrl1. how- Lemon 8bedtt · ·• 1eftl'. lnltead ot • complete ball- 2 cupa suaar 1 .' · meit-to-roof tUm ~ut. It w1.11 be t cups ws;ot.er ".~ ~ .t~ ~cleaDed In parta and IPIC1al ataffa 2 ea whltea .,_ . 1 .._• • • .,U ~ wUb ail the rooms In uaa ~ cup lemoa Juice.. 1 y: -c:-i; .• 4urJ.nc the hoUD tney are \mOCeli• Boll aupr and water for ~...oa. pl_e4. · 10 mlnul<o: cool. Add lomoii ;,.- ActuallT, there II leas worlt lhan to anup and then ..atm_ -.a·· lD. DOI'D1&l tim• alDce \be ~ whltea, folded into ·mlxtun.. ~ room and the at.at.. 41pt.rti:tl.en\ll + + · • h> .: have DDt been Ulld. ow1oa. to oan- Fndt c.-.. - · ·~ ·:. ceUaUcm Of court.& and other Ute 1 cup butter • · "..•'"" flmctlonl. 1% cups btown anpr <: • 1 ------- % cup molaatea W S k 3 ena. wen beaten .. . • omen pea era 3 cups flour At Geneva Park 2 cupa currant& - 1 lop. llnrer Lake OOUclll<:l>q, A ... 18 - Two 1 tsp. clnnarnon ~ women. ahared the apotltaht with a 1 tsp, allspice bi'1Wan~ array or male ceatera at. 1 tap, IOda Ule Dln\b llmlual Canldlan IGIU- 1 cup seeded rabJna. .·. hlte on Ecooainlcs and PoUuCa Cream butt.er, a-Jd .IUIW. areaza.. which opened at. Otneta :P&l't a.t- m. well l<roiether, then ad4 IDOIU- ~ nllh~ Weddings BUTLER - BEAVO The home 01 the groom's parents, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, was the letting for a pretty 5UIDDler 'ftcldlar Saturday evening, Aueust. Ioi, when Loulle Ma.rKa.ret, daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. A. Bea.vo, of Revelatoke, B.c., became the bride of Douglu Ormonde Butler, son of Kr. ancl Mrs. Norman Butler. 'lb.e bride has been a. popular membU of the staff at the On- t.arlo Hoepita.l WlutLy tor .several years. Rev. c: 0 . Puk. Whitby, officlat~ ::ter.D~::e ~:: ~i ~=~ sana "Mornt.nr," e.ccompa.nted by Mr. Jack Hodglm. .'ll&r of Toronto. · 'Ibe brtde, gtven tn marriage by her father, wore a gown of whlte net over taffeta w\U~ a floor-leneth veU. a white rosebud halo, and white lace &loves:. Bbe also wore a dla.mond IUilbunt worn by ht!r mother at her marrtare. and carrl~ a .shower bou~ que\ ot: Swet.heart ro.sea, bouvardla, and.Jweet. peas. · lllaa ,Joy Oalbra.ttb, of Whitby," wbo attended the brl.de, was gown- ed. In Delft blue Clll:ffon wJU:l lace rloTea t.o match and a headdresa: ot Bweetbe&rt • roses and cornflowers. She carried a. ~Y of sweitheart MAY0111nuaiSE ANN PAGE ~~~·· ~~' A & P ."A~~~ MEATS BIJIDE ROAST lb . . l8c SHORT RIB ROAST lb. l9c VEAJ.: ROAST 80NELESS lb. J7c PORK s•OUI.DERS:.n:.~t:.~ lb. 27< . SPARE RIBS CHOICE lb. JO, ' COOKED BAM SLICED lb. 49c NJW SEASON'S SPRINC LAMB AT REAL ATTRACTIVE PRICES Fre11h Fruits and Vegetables BANANAS Golden Ripe 3 lbs . .C.~!; · -J ORANGES Valencia G ... ES Califomia Rod, Sweet APPI.ES Native GJ"OWD DQcb.~• Dome1t1e Grade 6-Qt, Buk, .ONION'S No. 1 Onlerio, Yellow Cooking CARBO'I'S & BEE'I'S Hsm• Grown Frubo TeDder JG-Jb. ... A&P BREAD SU«d or lJDill.c:etl ANN PAGE WHITB WHOLE WIIEAT CRACKED "WBEA.'I' l ...... 1 s ·~.:r« .c YUKON CttiB CINCER ALE (Contents ODIJ) . l'OHa. aweet peu and cornflowen:. A p I" Kr. WUllam Kn!rht Gray, of Tor- & OOD onto wu ~. and·Mr. J . Ar- Owned uul open."'d bJ 1-b.o G_rea.t no14 ~Ulce, ·.:>f Montreal ushered. I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~,, ( A~ the reception atout alxty guests 1· · attended, all from out of town. The Q L k W I 11 bride'l mother receh·ed. towned 1n ueen i es ork ' of tra.1nlnr here myself," the Queen Kfll1 lheer and wearln&' a coraae:e " Of Engineering said ... And what is more 1 really be- of maun and pink sweet peas. The lleve I could manage the wor~.. · l .mother ot the groom abo recetv-- The Queen has become so inter .. C\4 London.-The Queen thinks she In a VJctorlan 101m of Dulce blue e.sted Jn engineerlag .as a result a! could make aood. In e111ineering taffeta and a corat.C"!' or cream roses. numerous vlslt,., to armament factor- • work, Her Majes~y told . Caroline 1 Por trave~ the bride wore a Haslett, President or the women's e.s that she discussed gauges- and dus ... roee crepe .•ult, -· felt hat En In 1 . measur1ng instrumc;:~.ts freely. -. v ........ g eer ng SOciety, durinr a visit and. ll'&Y acee.ssorJ.e:t, with corsage to Ule training achool where women ot prdenlu. 'lbe couple lef~ to are taught munltlona maltlng. tb.elr honeymoon in -the Laur- •·t think the work 1.::- so interesting ~ua.n niountat.m, · and upon tbelr that I &hould like to take a course retum they 1ril1 reatde at Mount Al- ben, ontario. Knitting Record Chop canned or fresh cooked · muahrooms and erve them !D. ac.rambled e&£5 tor a change. ,.., and beaten ena. am 41'J' In• Vn lllchalll Dean, rllroetor of aredlento with nour an1n 111rlllklo , lhe ,_rdt d~t <11 tho some or the mixture crrer will Wlolb- Pt:nJcn .AaiOcl~on of New Yort, ed rmd rtn.ecl CIUI'allll .rmd~ - lhe opeoq -· --- Add nour to tint 'mtzture &Del. Jut ~ • keynote on '"'l'he out- Picton.-A record beileved to ~ B:r. Picton Woman . 1- tor Demoetac7 In .,_,. She - add fruil RoU -lU~ or drOP from will allo «mbibute ltv.al ot.bft unequalled 1n the province ha.s been spoon on rreiMd cc.okle abet~ -.ut _papen 'cturt.na the Jl1nol..4ay COD.~ ~tabll.sheci. by Mra. Jame3 Hediea bake 1n 350 dep-ee aten _UDJ;Il dcXie. terence. ol Picton. Laat. weet~nd abe com~ llAPTIST CIIU&CII 11 a.m.- one ~ Sin." . ' 7 p.m. - "LL.., Groat TblOIJIIl Couraae." • 1 Rev. A. R. Saodenron' ortll ~. ' WINS SAILING T!W;rrrr Pred. Hateb, .an of irr'.' aDd Kra. R....U Hatch, who II opiDdq lhO summer at Taylor statlm.'l camP Atmek, In Alronquln PAm •. baa be- '· Tbo olher woman -"' 11 1 ;,.,,.,.~ 101.1tt!ng 110 pairs or aoclta Madame Gmevteve .-r.boula, aa.e- the put elenn montha. In Ume Prtnch. diplomatic wrtt.er, wbo abe has completed seven wW. a,ppeu later 111 the week. She .awe&ten -and. numeroua an! tOe! In Now Tart receot17, a All lhllml\:"' been ··-pl'·h~ "!flllee "- NUI-occuplecl Prance. -·~ ~ ~ 8und&)"a ~ opened wtth ln ,pite of the tact that Mr;,. Hedaes momin&' chu.n:h m not onl.1 carries on the work in her ~eluded addreaei ;. ~ta~ orr!; bome, but duUea a:s president of 'Pbmtr-; ot otta.wa. 00 "Oreat Brit- tbe Women'l Auxllla.r7, Picton Poat aln and the !(ear Eut." and ~ Can .. u•n Lealon, whteh ha.s been Tb1Dp for Which we Plfht... by acU'e In mt.erlalnlna aoldJers here R.. 8. Lambert., formtr editor of ~e a' aoclal evenlnla, aendSng parcels ~.· Ol'eraea.s and maklnr hospital aup- pUes for II&IUDp and Prtn.ce Ed- waro RQiment and nriolll hoap1- HIGJI.pl and COOLER t.ala. She is now enrared tn making a quilt whicb. wlll bear the names of all men ol Prince Edward County as wen aa all offk:era of HaaUnaa and Prince Edward Rqiment In the oentre :La the rertmental Crcat beauwun. ....-nd. Tbll 11 That'• the way you want to wear your hair theae hot days of oum- merl We'll oet it for you - inlly. m011t becom- sao JIEIIIIQITWAIES r..us IBIS· BEim SALON. BROCK Sf'. S0VnL. • - · PHONE 321 ,... ... . I ,· .., I - IIOid •hen eoaoplolecl to ,..... tor war wort. • 111'1. Hedcea hai 1otten completed a pair of aoct.a in a d&Y but her UIUal tlme b a lOck One day and the otbeT aetup readY for compJe. uan tbe nat · momlne. Wherever ahe aoee. needles and wool ro aloor. and abe 11 ever buslb' knlttlnr. Kra. Heclr•' huabrm4. Q.K.B. Jamea Hed&el, il OYtnleU with H. and P .B. Rertment. He also served In the lut war, with the artilleey, B.B.P. Prkw to enllatment he was Superintendent of Pictoo Armories. Mra. Bedpe was realdlni ln Ene- Jand durlne the ·laat war and saw five ;reara• JIIH'Yiee 1n mll1tary bos- plt,la t:Mre, two at Prol!l&l Hoapl~ tal at 8ktCAlJ, lttllt, bel three In Orptneton Hospital, alro In Kent. Ou.rinJ an air lJold abe was struck in the atde by a piece of 'shrapnel but not. aertouely hurt, Her wort hu been an OQYtandlns' contrlbu· lloo Ill Prli>oe' l!!dw&nl Counl)o. WE HAVE IT ••• AND· IT'S A MONEY-SAVER! e Put new Goodyear Path· finders on your car . , , protect them with new low-cost Goodyear tubea ..... and you'll have a bargain In low-c011t lona-servlcewbeelequlpment: Drive In and aee thla great tire value today I: GOODIVE,\R.'·. PATH F I N D E.R-. .... lh ... 'IVIillty , .. hlr4 ••• ; .... ~ hfYic•. . . 't, e CINUioTIAC"hON TIU.D' }' • TW .. I'I:OTICTOI. CO,ID Pl.ia j· e NEW SUPIITWIST COlD • • MOll IUUII fOI·lONG. ' TlOUILUIU MILIA- ' { 1 WHITBY MOTORS LTD;~>~~· DUNDAS ST. EAST •• I\ ~· ·WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 1940 P·ATRIO·Tte,~ O.M-MUNITY A€$ ~ .. . BILLFOLDS-for plies for · wllh ihe o!flcera cf ··\he CHURCHES ..... . . National RegistTation Certificates forCes. '!be acict.ety studies the sup- piles 1ssuecl irom Government stores to the fore!s. and governs Its own j L--:--;;;;;;;;~~~= appeals and lnst.'"'l!cUons for Red Cross supplies accordingly. Its gen· cral princiPle 1s to accumulate a · large store of suJ)J)Ues at. strategic points accessi.Jtle to 1arle the King ls on September 8th. which co-incides wlt.h ·our Ra.lly Day. We begin to prepare ourselves now this day. Let evecyone see that engagement. interferes wltb ~ 15c and lSc aAssm·s WHITBY RED CROSS ACTIVITIES KNlTTBD NEEDS FOB FALL The following letter has been re-- ceived from Mrs. W. R . Campbell. National Chairman o! Women's War Work : "The late!t information we have received lndl~tes that thousands of patrs of gloves and mittens w1l1 be required. for all brwches of our Armed. Forces, for the comin.e aut.- umn and winter; also all types of cal)3 an,d. ·helmets 1D great numbera. Do nOt forget to have seamen's socks and stoct.lng ln hand at. all times. Pl .:!f ibea. JCI P1 14 ·Pl-'tt ~~me.. . K. D. Downey; md a helme~ from !4rs. CJ. 11. ~ellow. Denatloll froiD Wood's Transpor&. The Red Cross ~ty has re· cel.ved a letter from Mr. Frank P. Woods, tum..lng UVIU a cheque for $4.00, reco)Yod by Woods' Transport from the Rotary-Legian Pair u 2nd priZe lor their float.. This palirlotlc 1:~ture is VUJ much appreciated. IOUDIII , J<.1 P1 \Xl P1 allp 1 lt1 •-(ii(Pjl_:;~ ~l I times. P1 ~ = ~1>1':~ toe. ' . OYerlapplnl. P1 X1 7 Umes. Last round JCI tos 7 tlmeo. Draw wool throueh toopa. Shipmen• 1o H.,......_ The tollowina shipment was aent off, to Toronto th1s week: 3l2 pa.Lra of army aocb. 42 peJrs of ae&JDM.'a .socks; 31 pain of bro&d.cut wrL!Ueta. 2:2 amputation cOftll!. aa acarvea. 5 aweaters. 15 rrurtlcal cues. 14 helme"ta 1 ~ of mitts. Soeb Knli b:r BliDd. K.ni.U.er The worla'oam received a pair of ·socks, th1ll week, tllltted. by J4.lu Ltnett, who ·11 blind. . Donatlc!DS for the W~ 'nle·foUowtna dona.tlona are pte- tully t.eknowledled: 1 aboulder &bawl and 2 paJ.n.."~! lOCks fi.cm. tbe United Cburoh; ! !lain of broadcast wrisUe~ from Mila E. Barnes: do- natton oi le&Cl from Marpret 8\an~ Uc&:: donation ot mone.r from Kra. 1 Dlslrtltatioa' ol IQIJIIkl 'l11e aupplles of the Bed Cl'OII are d11b1buted. ln accordance with cer .. taln prlnc..lplea and UDder i. well-de!. !lnecl - The Red 0nra II · the truotee of auppUe., made by bund- Hda ot arp.n.lal.lona and ·poups, bltended for" the bftletlt ·f:lrat ot our own C&nldll"' .In craJnl.na', ln the war 1011e. ln hospital Orr' in enan,y pr1zlon campt; eeeand. fm- the Brlt.- lah taRe~~; thert. tor our a1UeJ. then f« re~ evacuees and war auf· teren whose need 11:1 tmmeu\uable. AulllarJ M Caaad.lan Gonnmeat The Reel eroaa 11 an aulllar7 to lbe canadian Oovenunent. aulaUna: It wllh supplies ODd adlllllina Itt pollclea and !Uth lda to tboJ1e ot the Government. BecatUt wba~ tbe rov6 emm.ent pi"ovidea for oUr 8okUera a.s paid tor b:r t.axft...WO, lt can onl1 provide the neceWUa.. but tbe YOI~ untary Kt.Yen of tnt Red CrOll mate It . possible to pnrrido more reoer- ou.sly tor those who tiah~ tor them. iletnr lha YO!unt&ry awdllary · ol the rovernment. ' the canadl•n Red On Active Service ; In order to enable Tbe auette &Dd. Cbronlcle to lf:CUJ'I a com~ plete and accurate llat ol the men from Whltbl wbo bave enllated w1th the C.A.S.P., the publlahel'll" request the rel.atln. ot memben of the Olll>dlan fllhtlnr fOI<OII to tW ID \he followtnr fonn and rt~tum to t.bJa otnce: Name in tull ... . .. . .. ••• . . •• , . . •.• , • , . . •...... . .. ·~ .... . . . . , ..... . (Prln~ Surname Pint) Reriln.ental No. . .• . . ....••• .•••• • • · ••• ..•• •• .• .• .. •• .. .. •••• ..•. . . . Rank ... · ... ... . . ...... .... . .. . .... , .... .. ... . ... .. ... .......... . . .. UnJt .. ................. . ... . ... .. ..... . ............ . . .. . . ... .. . .. . Place and date ot enllatment .... . . • . , ... . , ... . • .. .• • . . •• , •• • . ••••.•• . .••• • .. •• Dlrthplace a.nd qe . . .. . . . . . . , , • • : ••..... • • .• • • . .. . • • • • • • • • • • ·~· · · Names and addreaa or J)l.tentl or neJ:t of ltln . .. . . .. ... ... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... , . . ........ . OUler parQculara ....•.•.. •• , •. • •• .• •. • . . •••. .•.. •••• ••. • ••• , • • •.. .. ' ......... .. .. ........ ..... ............. .. ....... .............. ... . . ' • •• • • •• • •• • •• •• • • • ! ••• • •••• • •••• \ ' • ••• •• • • • ••••••••••• • • • •••••• • •• •• ........ ... .. .... .............. .......................... .. : ....... . Lra.Uons of . men In camps ·or hospi- tals. and \ben to uoti(y the officers commanding mllltvy, naval, alr or hospital units that "they may "in- or arequlsltlon" for supplleo..s from the Red Cross tor the benefit of those under tnelr command. These officers give a. receipt tor aU supplies Issued to them and are then responsible for t.bc.11' dlstrlbutsOn. NO RED CROSS" SUPPLIES CAN BE SOLD. Homeo Wanted In Whitby For A Few Dayo For Children Homes lor Britisb clilldftn for about ten days who bave beeD pesta at the Ontario ~ Cellece lor the put lew weeb are SOU«h1 bJ the Whltb7 Guest Ch.ildftn Committee of the Wht~ War EffOrt. OlfpD'isa• Uoa, ol which MrS. S. Murdoch II daalrmaD. The ehlldren are from SL Blld.a's School, of WblU,;r, EJaclaDd, and owiDJ' to the fad ·&hat a lari"e eh..reb flOllffft"llCe opens at the CoHere next week, aoeommod&tJOD. tor Utem II bOt avaDabte. Cltliens wltG woalct llk11 ta take care of an:r of thetr: cblllli-ar are: urred to p!. in lcrach at OUCII with &DJ member of the eommlttelt, or &eleplloDe the . Oueite and ~de otnce. Deaths property where he and bll, . tor· 35 years, tllere an eztenaive garden, and its cul· tlvauea. .· and care· wu tor Mr. Hawes a bobby. He wu a lover of f1owan and had carried OUt IUCCI!S!- ful uperlmeota In tlcnver crowlnr aDd denlopment. The l!li.me applied. to the . rrowtne of fruit. In politics Mr. Hawes W&b & staunch 'Llbt'ral. kindly old aenUeman he had fr!...., - In Whitby 'and .aurrouDdtne country where and hls wtte afl! wen known. . The deceuecl 11 IIUl"tttOcl by hlo wtte: three. sons, Thomas Hawes Jr.r Charles and .~bert. all of \vhttby: two dauahters, !Ira. William. Lawr- ence, Brooklin, and lll'l!l.. Harry Jones, ot Brae, catUornla :. fifteen grand children and a num.~r or rrand chUdren. - lata MRS. CLA.BA 0. JACKSON At her borqe oil Centre street Monday, the death oc- curred of Kra. Clara Orillla Jack· son, widow of the late Reeve Albert W. Jackson, of WhU.by, 1n her 81th year. The deceased had been 1n ftJI .. Jng health for &lx months. Her husb:md, pn'llllne.nt 1n town and c.ount.y, c1.vle and poUUcal arratiS for many years. &nd former warden of t.h.e county, pt't'd~ her in AprU or lut 7ear. The late Mu. Jaclcson waa·. bor:1' ln Whltby, daughter of the '-ate Jamea Holden and Or1Wa H~n. She ma.rrled. the late Reeve Jac~son a~u~ 21 yean ago 1n Whitby, &l,ld bad been a llte long and, very blahi.Y recarded cltl- aen of Whitby. She wu .a . member of and acUve w01·br 1n th& Unlt.ed Church, and tor :lW1l' yean abe was le&der of the K '!Ul'XIllt ·Tabernacle eholr, and an out.st&Dd.lnl so- prano solo4t. She wu a tanner pre.. aident ot C~Ue O!Japter Alumnae ot the Ontario La11&!· CoUeee. Survl\'lnt are ono ~. Albert Hol- den Jactson., ot Wlll\.by ;· two atep- dauahtera, (Helen 1 Mrs. George UaedOupll. of Toronto, and. (Clara> lin. Uu Bell, <If Wllmlnrtott,.Dola- wt.re, U.S.A. She W"lS one ~a ram.l lly of thirteen. <If "hom oi>b' three fWVlve • .lira. Alice. N~~·ot oat, pry.; Ja.m. l". Botden. of Kanau cu~. fOrmer prulden• of tho Kin- .., CIIJIU>d ..-rr Ballwu, Robert A. Holden, of Ollbawa. funerai ~ to be-'beld from the tamlly realdtnf- at ~ :00 o·clock oo. Wed.:" aeaQy, .a.uiualll, followecl bY Inter-'------------------------...! I men\ In lbt ~Cemetery, · . \ ' v I THE Sunday, the union ~·r~c.•;tl on the part St. Andrew's. Whitby . United ""'""" ' TheZ:e wm be no sermOn theme - counU.." Almonds S.S. Church Service at . . · ~ · <leterminltlon to make th1.s a real day of Intercessory . prayer,; R_emember Dun.kJrquel God, our Heaven1y Father, wU always honour sincere pr&yer. ~ ' Members of the congregation are <e~F::ed,mth:::,~at~e:;v•enlng pr-ayer is Ji. aa any or Ul8 1 ~~~:!~;· .. Tbe weather baa hot and our evening hflve been the SDlll!l- bJstoey. We are losing power by our neglect Of prayer. Vlsltora wUl be we}come, ---, ST. JOHN'S, .PORT WHJTiiy On Sunday ~ the 14th after Trln.lty, the ,;ervlce3 at 11 a.m •. and 7 p.m. wUl be M:orq..tng and Eve- ning Prayer IeOJ)Ocllvely, 'Wllh lll- ten:ess.lon for the -war. The cOUrSe on "Signs of , Our J.ofd's Return Never Before Pulfllled" wUl ·be-con. tiD'ued In the evenillg. The Stm- day School and Girls' Bible C1B.ss will meet at 10 a.m., the Beaver Boys at 12:15, and the Adult Bible ClBSS at 3 p.m. I;.~tercwlon Senrleea for the -war wili be held each week day, eRept Saturday, at 10 a.m. . . A group wW meet at the Rectory tor .evanfeUstlc study and prayer at 8 p.m. on ;P.riday. • Co~10ty J.:adiea - 'The Balrmce ~I Our Stock of. · s U,MliEB ·. DBES:SES. . . ., .... 'G.O ~· One Rack of 25 ~ .. priced hom ti.SO to ~·,a~st • $-J.OO; 'l'o . Cl~ al < JACK One Rack of DRESSES ROJliina From· "-$D .•• 5.95- $'1.95 · '1'0 a.. • . ... _IACII ., ··:sJ • . IEBCANnLE Dri .. STDIE ... l " • ~ ' ~ ' \ mentloDahlo . amnrec1 . with wifely care b7 one· tfom. wliom partl.D& 11 lln1thln&' but pleasant. in addiUOD to ample c:optes ot papen, map• clubblnl list& and 1!10 on a~ ~wrr!~<!IY into a satchel too &mall purpooe. With • partlnr kiss to dear utUe Edith, and i. ·waVe of the bru>d In tho dlotanoo I ~­ pait, ,and. .t!nd. awaiting me not .far off a viritable speclmen ot a .. Scott'& O~tt, and mountl.nl, no~· 011 Ita baCk like. pllant .aoldler, ,armour clad. 1n quest. of atrlfe, bu~ atmply into the vehicle pqpular}J known u "Soot~'a l!ltpre,s,•' uriecl for <I.ITJ· In, Her Kaj .. ty'a malla between WbUbJ' and Biouaham, we 800D. find ourselft! wheellnr aton1. alowb' bu~ ~. and In exeeUen~ ·compai\Ji and m· dUe t.lme flnd. .ouriel-.es alt .. tine quietly at the dlnner table of mine host Thoa. Poucher, !:lq., and there are many wone places u I very well know. After a IOOd ~­ ner, and~a-~. I atart n9ftbwa~. lin Paul Pry with mJ umbreUa tn :tiand and my u.tchel In the In tile d.JrecUOD weather, llke mb<turro of ah""""' with aD occu!Onal eliiD)o lrearlna on Ill - .. • premonition of oomq w!Dior, or telllng of lta eeciape from tbe cavea <If the !COl fdnr In . the far noith. Patchea of wOOdland rreet the- eye In almoat e-tery dlrectton. and, . tht lnlenlilnrUnr rrhaclta 01 - nn aoul wtth a tnere ret m.elaa• ·"We all do •ad• u a whlrrperlnr ,_ th~ pare. and Ito truO. aDd cle-eehoocl bJ tho IIOOio ap, lm~ tle1l m the In vlow or the -beo.utl!ul -- of autumn lt d.ON not ID early sprtq of l!lumm~. leaf." Y~ we . It.Sd · tn .·-· _,,_. lnr .,.... ciDe. dearly oe<"""· f~ and - _ .. ,wl)l a&dly mloae!L,_ the· ell'cle or lOY· tnr frlondi 1'lio, .wlll - .herllh her me111017 ln their heart.!. With foellnp lift theoe In< lhe •!""•n¢~~1 I cannot belnl my atetch ot lase of ClareQlont In .tho ·un100••t ltlllr' and wt11 th.,.foro curlaJD &Dr! qy rood Dlrhll -. 'l'RA..va.IliBR I ' ,, .. ', ... .. ,-; The- lh·botll• ~~~~ of !'~a~€oll," is the · . ~ ' ldealwaycoh .. eiefnsli.' , ' ' , meat at hom-. 'I'!Ie cu. • toals eqj:to;buy·anci . . "'"' ,.. ealy c~ . c:~rryi P'lre; . wholetQme,: delldO...,.,.. I>·' , !'Qx:a.CW.'! beloopla. , . ~r ... ~ yoUr iefrlpratoz., .. r - j ·' "" . Aallo- Bollier or .-c....-cU.• · ~ ' . , HAMBLY'S CAIW>NAii'ED. BEVERAGES , :OIBAWA_ , ·• -. ~- ' • . -. · • ' .. 0,.· '111 ~ . ... . . . ;; ... \ . ~

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