Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1940, p. 4

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Legendary R.A.F. Hero Is Listed As Missing t.oildon, Sept. 11.-The cuualQ list sa,ld simply: "Mlsstng-Lee, PUght·Lleut.enanc: Richard Hugh Anthony. ·- D.S.O .. D.li'.C~ 33208 • • ... IRs i;:t,_ame was Dickie Lee, a _blond. suilllng _kid' of 22 who looked like a coiiar -ad. and new ute tbe deVU. The-sOn of a first Great Wiar air- man. Dickie was a fUght lieutenant ana t.be hero or a hundred new.i !t.ories telegraphed by American cor- ' resPondents who met him at the aJi.IIeid .Dear [JlJe, In ' France, b.st fall. Until now they couldn"t use bl.'> name because of censohhlp. When be new out to fight the Gufnam' and dkln"\ come~ the Royal Air Force lost one- of tt.s mos~ brilliant Pnou. . In) le:5$ ·than a Year he had be· come sotriet.h!Dg or a legend. The.-;.KbJg awarded him .the Dis- . tin~ service Prder and &be Dlstlnaubbed. -PJ.ying Cross in June ·· aftir he had shot down close to fifty '· ·;:·~ Natt 'Piane!{ Eut tbl.~ was onl.Y part of t.he Lee story. A. IOQCI;..natuJ'id youtb, he Ilk• ed to sins "'P'rankle and Johnnie., and "'Casey Jones. .. and other rol- llcklna: S011JS. He was twice- captur- ed. and twice escaped. Once he JOt. away by dlsauising hlm.self as a l"reneh peasant md sllpplna ti:arouah tbe German lines. Tbe second ttme. as he put it. be just wtlked. away "WbDe there was a hell ora sb'afe IOlDI on." Another time be was eom.Lng bact to Enalmd on leave. MldwaJ oVII the Englbb Channel be met two German Helnkeb: on patrol Dickie shot t.bem. bOth down. Be COuld do almost amthlng with a plane. Be tniDed. like a flghter, watched bls weJaht like an actrus and knew oolJ one love-&vtaUm. Tbe laSt Ume I t&lked. to hlm be tiported ""plenty ot f\tn and pmes .. with Germans in battle over Eng~ land. A~ the airport where he .was based they sa::t merely now "'Dickie's rone· But they add bopefUl),y: "'Bell, he's too SOOd to ClUb. U be wasn't kUied. he'D be capturtd. and no prloon camp em bokl blm." Canadian Sailors May Man U.S. ·Destroyers Yiinnlpeg, &pt. 11. -:- Cl,nadl•n some of th~ ships for crosslni to aalloi-s may man· &Om.e of the fllty Britain &bouJd the Britbb Adm.lr- deotroyen.- tnansternd 1o BrtiiJD, ally nqueoi I~ • he aald. l'oll<llllg NavY Mtntst.er Angus Macdonald · tur1ber ttnd.lnas by the joint Amerl- said In an Interview. can...cana.dlan .Defense C!omm11!1M, Decllnlng to comment on the poa-. s.lbllity that 3e'Veral of tbese de- strcyers might be transferred to the Canadian Navy, Mr. Maedonald &old the British United Press that '"these destroyers are needed. in Brithh :e~e~~~~ be!~~ betha~~C: across the Atlantic by Brltl&b Utte- ton crews sent Ol'eneu to plct. them up. ;~c;la wo~ be w11liDC to man Tcmmlo, Sept. 11~1-"' of - Crooi .aupplleo. - .. -helmola,• muttlen ODd boopllal ODd ~ m&terlala, whleta haft beeil' tm:lrardecl 1o I~ tram CoDa· dian Rod Croos -- ID Bill-· land, will be· proridecl direct tram CUWia ln future, lt wai aamounced. • tod&T· by lllra. IL P. PlliaQJI.., ch&1rman of war tj!ttnUM. S1nce C&nada's flnt tmopa ant?- ocr ~ the atrafcqlo nonhem oulipoo\ whleh Britain· assumed after tbe . domiDaUon o1 DoDIIWI< .,. ...... ma.n3', C&leB of neecled auppUee have b<on tonrud.ecl ,...uJ&rl:f tram • the cani.dlall Red Croll stores ln Eoirland. · 'I'Illa work _. ..- on by the ad.Ybory ccmmJ.ttee mer- seas acting 1n close ~tkni with the Canadian army author1.Ues.. Pouowlne diAc:uDiclm wllh lhe Cll· flc.lala ln Cana4a, and the establllb.• ment of arn.npmenb by whieb ablpments could be handled dlrtet from Butem canadian porta. tile London eommlttee baa been notltled that it no lonaer needl &o releue any of U.a atorea. tbua avoldi.D& t.be ci.upUcate mtpments from Canada to England to Icdan.d. P1rst ahlpmen' fl"Om Canada, 1\ 1a undentood,. ll already under way tor Icel&nd. tbe N&YJ ICnbter dec:Uned. · to U• swer queatiolls reprdiD& the poat- bWiy or C.aadlaD _,_ tor d .. --. When adTbed. on tbe transfer of tbe desVOJVs, be aald: "'It bODe of the · most: Yltal taCton in ' fa.ar of Britain' In tbe war tbus far.'" Jhen a fooL when he: holdeth his peace, Js counted 'W'lR.-Plovabs, XVI), E. w, BouJtoa. P..ident; S. H.·W....._ j Acton ia ~Silaa.ll'a· ry-TNUlller Polerboro, ll<pt. 11.-Dol ... \eut... ter&dlbc tbe ftnh ano.J,I&l «.G'fe!ltioa. ol &be Rural Jl.li!U. Oourlera ol can- ada ba.ft •mantmoualy eleded E. W. Boul&ca. ot ~ a.a ptnllld.ent. Other officera elected were~ Pint Tlc:e-pnosldenl. J. 1L Pro ... Nonh· wood; ......, --pnoldent, E. E. R&ndall.. Aylmer; """"'tarr-treaaur- er, 8 . H. Webcter. ActoD. and J. A. carter of- Dominion- meDt orn.;er. Tbe lMl COD.venUon wW be held 1D Wolloncl Coonty. Sealoras wen deYOted to bU&lnua d!.scuss.iolu aod cea.tred aiound four ruoluUooa, aU but ooe of wblcb I c:oncernecl the dbtrlbuUon of mem-DR r. F ROr.ERS berahlp feea and l'Otina by pt'OXJ'. 1 Uo 1 U Tbo olhor resoi~Uon wu IDIIO: NA. MF.D DEPIITY I'!':::!.. ID~ ~= ~~ .. ~~ t =~~t: ~=~: EDUtATION HEAD I~ th~=:: .. e:::::: ~':! . I the proper postal olfklah. --- More than 100 l)frrona were pru- Chie£ lnapector of Second- •nt •• the cloolno bonoue• Jut Ed . . Be A nlaht. T. P. Murpby ol otto-... , ary ucation to .. p- 1 1 pertntendent of equipment. and aup- poinled Today plies, was the autst 5Pt'aktr. Yr. Murphy atressecl the ea:tra effort r- · eatb Can!L"~Ilan mw.t put forth t.o Toronto, sept. 11.-Dr. Oeo~ P. ensure a succe.sstul cl 1 1 th Rogers Chief JMpector ot Second- coo U3 00 0 e ary Educat.lon 1n Ontario, and w~r. widely tnown throUKbout the Prov- "'be tuk ol Wlninl lhrouah • ..., inoe by his worb, hu received the victory is one to which .,.e all, as appointment of Deouty Minister of loyal Cana.diaw, mu:st dedicate our Education. complete effort&, each 1n our respe.::- Dr •. 'Rogers will aSI5ume the past UYt sphere, whether we be mem- Jert vaCant by the elevaUon of Dr. ben of the forces, chll servant;, Duncan McArlhur to tbe C&b.lnet tmplo)·era or emplo)'tea," ht aald. foJiowlnl the death recently or Hon. "Plnt or aU we ~.;e Ca.nadians ana Dr. Leonard J. SlmpsOD. Ylnbter u !IUch, cltlz.ena or no mean eountrv, 01 Ecluc&Uon .since 1934. The form- In the rrandut and noblest empire er princtpal or London collealat.e of tree nations thla WCN"ld baa evet has been chief Inspector alnce the known ; we muaL spare ourselves no Hepburn OoW:mment took offtce effort.. toward wi.nni& this war. and prior to that was Superlnten- .. You han ezceptlonal opportunl- dent of Education. Ues as rural mail courlen to play lll Dr. Rogera, at an early age, .ae- ~tgnilicant. Ptrt. ln this endeavour," cured a wide knowledle of the et."\t- he u.ld. "You can become tht bear- en! part or the Province and see- ers or bll&htntsa and sood cheer, of Uons,of Quebec though havln& been courage and or the ~teadylnl wora a :ocn of a Methodist mlnlat,r. who.. ,ln season, Just because or your m&..on- acco.rd lng to Ule practice of hb If old contacts with the public " h Church. moved from charae to continued. ' t charge every four years. .. He was bom at· Fr&nklln Centre, By teeplng a sUff upper Up, by ln Ule Eulem TowruhJps or Que- encoun.ctnl and sprudlng optlm· be: : . He entered hJah school at lsm, by making it a point to refuse At.1eru:, in Leeds county, and ae- to lbten to alarmbt t(UQOta, un- cured h l.5 :oenlor matrlculatloa at. founded and ft~Ue rumor that cal- HemUton. He gnduated In art.a culatu to upset s.M dt.seouraae, you frcm VIctoria Collep and won the can. become a builder or morale, .an &old medal tor general prollcency. OlPDl&er of Yl.etruy," he eonUnued. Be waa honored by the .Onnnlto' Mr. M\lrpbJ point.ed. ou' tbat u I -, • THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNE~AY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1940 . t - the rural cour.ers go a.bout the I HOLDS:WAR LOANS I con l·fnt te:l (\[ !he Unio.:l nt Clcv~- permitted strikes only after a board country thev could "sO\\' a crop·• .Jl h..~.ld . O llio. ~~ !(\ Lhat there hn.1e of conclliatlon .. ht.•j be~n -set up. · • been :lnTsts or lnmdrcds of work- A. R. Mosller, president or the All- optimlsm. J CRIPPLINfi 1 ABORI ers for {' .• prf'ss in~ their opinion on Canadian Congre.Es or Labor, o! "It Is a pnceless :rop thnt goes 1 con dnion ~ m the country and on v:hich the C.l.O. union Is nn affl1- on sprlnglr,g up ·u~·hind you. It - . .J. thf'ia· :;ttltUd(' toward war." and that late. said th2t the war had had no yields a thousandfold where\er 1: _ C.an:cdJ:lll 1 :~-bor orrrauizatlons had serious effect on labor ·and h~d f&lla, tor I do not think t.ony ground Ottawa. Sept. IO.-A statement on surrrrrrl undfor strike bans nnd other helped r::.o~her than hindered It. L, too barren for it. De term. lne ur d d wr.•. ttnlc lrr:J'i:l.tion. 1 ~ e .ncs ay oy C .S. Jackson, Ct.•.1a. ·· that yot.:. wl.ll .hoxe a free de 1\·er~· daan \'ic:e-preslder.t of the C.I.O. W . ~I Dir:kson. Drpnty Minister of dallY of optJmiSir.. and goon cheC"r, United Electrical, Radio and Ma· Labor. 1':'J :nrd the st :"lt('ments ··mast he said. chine \Vorkers Union, tllat V."ltrtime cxtrJ\·:--:::!111 · ~:1i ct llwrc had been The speaker expressed the best :cgislntion tn canada. has "serious!~ no bJn~ npl n~t strikes i:1 Canada. wbhes of the new Postmast.e1-Gen- crippled" the Canadlr.•.J. labor .nove- and l':lHl t lln ~ the onlr !rl.lor leaders eral, Hon. W. P. Mulock. and th.e 1 ment. rlrew amu:;:ed denials from La- lnlernd :~ 11is knowledge were the members of the Postal Departmcn .. ·bar Jcaders nnd officials in the Capi· I prc,;Jdrnt :1nd s{'rrctJrY of the Can- Postmaster Charles Lf.'.hE'U:" rmd I tal. I adi~n Seam~n·~ Umon. Mayor James Hamilton also spoke Mr. Jackson of Toro:nto, ln an ad· ant ~· r{'st rictwn on stn~es, he said brieflY. dress to the Sl::d~ International v.•as m w.ulime lnd mtncs, which LlnLE ANNIE ROONEY T1-IE NEW LIBRAI<.V 6UIL01t-.!G MUST BE:l'!0-10 mR- "'THE P'INANCIAL REPORT ON:::.t.-1;. .,.. CHILD~ 15 5Pt.ENOtD lHE WAP!5 OVER, 'CAUSE WHOEVER WAS PAYIN' .,-,.4E OUTLAWS TO.,,.....,,.. RANOUTA . Sweet potato covering for ham pie is a splendid way to use up left- overs. Mix in cubed or chopped ham ·with any left.over gravy or sa voq sauce. Pollr It Into a buttered, shal· low pt.".l. ana. CO\'.er with mashed sweet potatoes, thinned a little wlth mUk: or cream. Bake 20 mlnut~!:' and serve. Cobourg's Soldier-Mayor Hands Office to Reeve Cobourg, Sept. 10. - Mayor Jack E\\·art of Cob:mrg, now l'o'itb U1e 3·47th Battery In Kingston presldt'd ow·er Wedn&day night's council mE"eltng. Mayor E\'1art rame up from Kingston h.1 1ormnlly hand o,·er the reins or office to Reeve RO}' Dodge. Ree\·e Dodge lauded the mayor Cor enlisting and council gave threl' hearty cheers for the fighting may- or. CouncU obsened one minute of silence for Pilot Officer Robert Ed- wards or Cobourg, killed last week with the R.CA.F. in England. Port Perry Boat Driver Betters World Record Toronto, Sept. 11.-Harold Archer. Port Perry. Ont .. raisea the world'.; record. tor C1£'5S D runabouts to 44.8 relles per hour ss he ~ his .. nu .. kushae·· over a. measured mile at the c .N.E. waterfront on Saturday; Archer also drove his craft to a. win over Percy BuddeD. Waterloo, OnL in a three-heat. event for that cl&"_.S. In the canadian championship for 135 cubk: inch boats. E. C. Jncn, London, Ont.. brought his "Mllder- na·• down in front of Kellh Gilmore, Picton, Ont., driving "Jitterbug ll." By Brandon Walsh 'COllR5E;SHE 15-'I()U OLO WAR:I'- I-IOG -YOUNEVER5EENAN I!AGLE HERCIN' wm< A Fl.OCI< CF GL0RY05KY. T'I!!:ACHER- 'I COULD HEAR · MR.'K.6..PPY"'.S VOICE HOLLER!""~ "HURR.?~: HURIIIIV.,. IT MAKES ME. F"EEL GLORYO~KV/ t'T'8 A LETTER 'f"ROM MR. HAPPY ..- 1 KIN "TELL 'eY '"THE Et-JVELOPE -rH.ANK G()OON~5S- ~ERE'S TI-t E. CHECK FOR~E DE STILES I CAN MAKE THE FOR ·C.ROWS.!T1\NOULON'T BE OKAY-l'l:LPRO'I'KT .. M A5 La.MiAS HE TAKES CARE OF ME.---rE'LL HIM. "THIS CASE HA!;) GOTTO-I'IXSD- . t:JO MATTER ,Wf-~~}?5- 'IOLJME"AN I'M GQto..INA GO "TO SCHOOL;> 'TODAY. GLA'DALLOVER GEE, ZERO-THA'liSATERR18LE B IG SC>-IOOL- IY LOOKS s ·oR.lTZV IT KINDA SCA..RE5Mt!: 10 THINK ABOUT GOIN' AU. IHE 'RICH KIDS • THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, !940 I - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WESTER N CANADA RESENTS PROBLEMS ·, For Sale POR SALE - NIGHT ROOKED brk:t. howe, aU conveniences, bot water b.eat.tna, cent....,.lly located on Brock Street South. For parttculara, write "ADVERTISER", Whitby Gazette and C;hronlele. LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM. Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns 'actually t.n stock. You o:re tnYI.ted to vlew tne~ at BRADLEYS :rtJRNI.']."'R STORE, 140 Slm.coe stree~ South, Oshawa. POR SALE - THREE RooMS suitable for light housek.P.eplng, In private home. Separate entrance. PO:saesslon October tst. Apply au- ette and Chronicle, Whitby. POR SALE--"NEW EXIDE BAT- terlel ... We have the bat~ :oult t.b.e purse and purpose. Let .t~t your battery on our modem battery teattr. Johns Pls.ce, Dundas and. Kina Streets. POR SALE - NEW AND USED t.llu. We carry a . complete line of good used tires, pr1ced to suit. your poctet boot. "Dunlop Por Quality". Johrul Place, Dundas and King a.,..ts. POR SALI'-SEED WHEAT FOR sale. A"Pply H. MacPhen;on, Kinsale, Ontario. POR SALE--A QUANTITY OP hardwa~ullder.s' supplies, . in- clud.lng ·es. etc. Apply 113, Dun- da.a Street East. POR SALE- sn.VER PLATED '"lONG" . . trombone, tn fkst.·clllo!5 condlUon; reasonable for cash. Ap- ply P.O. BO:t 602, Whltby. Reward .. .00 REWARD--A REWARD OP tlve dollars w1U be paid to the par- ty who;_glves -any :lnformat.lon lead- ing to the recovery of an R.C.A. Vk:tor Radio, frOm the school at No. 5, Pki:ering, on Wednesday even- JDJ, Se,ptember tth. P'. M. Chap- man, BI!!C.·Treas., Pickering. - Wmted WANTED - EGOS. moHEST J)rl~ . .$p:Jpment:.s plet.ed up pezaon- ally. WJ:lte-.fOhn Farmer, 1041 Col- len SL, ·Tofonto. Notic:a NOTICE OF BY·LAW TO TO CLOSE HIGHWAY The Corporation of the Townahlp o1 Whitby will at Jts ne:xt regular mHtlna on Monday, October · 'lth. lHO, at the hour of two o'clOck ln the arttrhoon consider and P.pas a by-law· pipo•tc:Una for tJlt.~ liP ar:.d : clo5ing of the ·nortb.erly portion of the Highway bel....., Lots 32 and 33 1n the Si!lcond.-c,on· cession of the Township of Whitby commencing at the 'lblrd .eonces .. alan atid'· ex~ztdlng 1o. a southerly dlrtct.lon on aaid H1ghway for nve tholllllld. tour hundred and forty· tour (5,-Ht) teet and. the ·ToWnship of Whlt.by propo6eS to COb'ft')' the sald portion to the owners of the prtlper\J' abuttln& on. said · hlibway, or wblch all pen;ons Interested wlll tate due noUoe. Dated. at Brootlln, the Dth day of Sep~ember, A.D. IIKO. Wl\l. 0. MANNINO, 18.2&0ct.2-D Clerk. Fcir Rent p TO ALL CHURCHES STORE POR RENT, NZAR POUR Comeno, Whlti>J. Reual1a!lle. ww Iller lo sui~ Appl:f Boz &U Whitby. HOUSE reR .RXNT--SIX-ROOM- eel ll<nw!. all conveniencea: poaaee- alon October 1. Apply Walter Bunn, Whitby. Telephone 435. POR RENT- SEVEN-ROOMED house, conveniences, at Port Whit.. by ; porase.$1.on. Octobor 1. Apply Ivan Law. R.R. No. 1, Whitby. Tel9. phone 011. Auction Sale Wedneaday, Sept. 18.-.Auctlon aale of household furniture, the~- 'Y of Mra. A. J. Lalley, 1 Perry st. .. Whitby. Sale at 1.30 sharp, D. B. T, Terms ca&h. Wm. Maw, aue· uoneer. If you hue anything to sell, aee auctioneer wm. Maw. saturday, Sept.. 14.-Auctlon sale of household furniture. the properl;y of the &tate of the' laleo M.rs. A. 'W. Jact.son, 300 Centre St. 8., Whitby. Sale at 1.30, DS.T. Tenna cub. wm. Maw, auctioneer. Help Wanted (female) HELP WANTED--A GIRL l"'R general housework. ApplY 3t9 Klnl Street EU:t. Oshawa. Phone Oehawa 218. ___ _... HELP W ANTED-l"'!:MAL&-LA- diM, ogert.te your own -a~r Merchandlte for your own use at cOst and handsome pfOflta c>ii 6est quality .. OI'yday necoMitle.! sold to friend& and nmthboura. PUU 01' part.-tillie. No rt!t. No lnyest... ment neees.ary. Big oP!lOI'Iunlb'. Write promptly; Copt. C. M. a., 2171 M&&.wl St., Montreal Sept. 11-18-... Men Wanted MEN WANTED - l'll'PY DAY carries Its own e~ To cOver thtse, you need r at.eady, -· Willi a PamUez AatnCJ', you pookot CUh prollt.s eveey dOT al1d at any time you ate free to ClYe 11P. and return your UDBOld. IOOda for credit. )'or fn:e det&lls and catfJOIU9, write PAMILElt, aro et. Clemen~ Mont- .... t 15 GERMAN omCERS IN ARGEN'nNE EScAPE ~ (Continued t rom Page 1) other lands. Thus, a. great challenge nadlan church to obligation to sup- onary work 1n the areas In the west. reat prlvlle8e for whom we :tnlnlster pie. Matiy haVe astern provln~s. escendiUits or the comea to the Ca MIUme ln full the port Its own m~ aparsely settled Thb 1a also a. g most of those to are our own peo come from the e many are the d ortatnai set.Uers. maldng: a vJtal c All of them are ontrlbut.lon to the Canada and the resources of land, d lake. development or utmza.Uon ot her mineral, forest an .' Bene L arre Parishes Most of the cl ergy in the west. ver area. are serv- wlth many sman ttered throughout a.nd the Peace Rl 1n& large parl.shes concreeattona aca the dlatricts ass l.gned to ee.ch man. Berwyn, 16 m.lles town, is a tYpical ldnd of parish these women are serv- Tbe parish of trom Peace River example or the ra»ant men and lnf. Set in the mlds t of a fertile area becoming self-sus- tor- or the parish, Which l5 rapidly talnln~r, the rec ~-Gordon E. church bull dings Bratt, has two · where regular and many school- throughout a par· es square. I preach- eentces are held h01.13e8 scattertd 1ah nearlY SO mil td in th1& parish on the first Sun· the church o.t day In July and GrimBhaw la -a atrucUOn. It Is with a small tow gem of recent con- a frame bulldln8 er. The Interior Is h good pews. at- nd reading desk wen equipped wlt tractive pulpit • alid. the chancel and san:tuary, e well furnished. building was met de -by an English rial. The memor- thls ' st. Bathclo- reads as follows: thou;h small, &r 'l'hG coat ot the b'om a alft ina rectllr as a m:~mo Iai inserlptlon of m!W's Qh\lf(!h, "Thl! Church is etog: Goa an:d of cea Geora erected to the In .loving memory ~a GlbSon,daugh· nd George Curry, Chaiterhouse and L Paul'a, and wife ttt of the Revere DD., . Mastet of Pre~ndary or s of ReY. Thomas M:.A. Her love ·o William Gibson, r Oocl and or her wealth or radiant home. Her chll- .call her ble5sed." k:h rendered the obUdren shed a IUDShlne on her dten rlae up and ))ue . lo rain "h roads were slip · pery only -a few to attend the sen-J)eople were able ... \.he Sunda.y Many ot them c t 1'1&ited them. ome mllts to the ureh ia set at a few houses In the and the Roman aenlce. 'nle ch ·crossroids with a vlc1n1ty, a garaa:e C&lbollc an<l United. Churches Buenos Alrel, Sept. 11.-"nle es- cape of 15 tntuned Ofticeu of tqe nearby. ocuiUed OetmaD poclre' liatUOoblp! AL Berwyn Its oral Speci ,from Marlin OOida li• I;Yploal -tetn ' ·land •':1J. 1811eclli.UDch ~ lqe. About two poited on "Aiiilay:~· \lie..,..., ·::· pojiiii&Uan:' lf"li. tine goverumell~ shiPPIDI centre. Detans of thl! ac&Pt traDl tht iU of frame · c · llland, ID the La Plata ealdary,- thedl. well cantd not. lmmedla~ torUiaomina. The wllltt. 'l1le ·mal Mlnlotry o1 the InWior ordcz<d ~-.. « 3!)0 yards apeclal pOll«~ to hunt tor \.he tlill- . UleM are the · u Uvea. iaralu with the .. .'There han· beeD.preYious e~C&pet; a . hatdwa.re sto amoaa lhe ottloln &Dill eniiiiOII ,...., deller; th·e aen · of the Oraf IIJie, ocuWid' ln -10-, ·~···~a Yldeo - JaR Ddmbfr" i.fter. parlt>t and aome :1: .. :n:::: -:..:=."" batll•. now tn the eut., 'lbere an other The output ot Clanid& .. wpr re- _ tered about at the entranCes to the town. '-. ln4Uitr7 .In lht -ted SPEAKER lo. 1,11WS·c _..so. , on .IDcroUe . .• or m ,12t pollllllo onr· 1111. · TELLS OF not come trotn Persia, Kr. Bell tofd his Usteners, bu• lo obtained from the' lt.alacu sheep. Tbe lambs are ' ·FuR· BEARIN6 kWed tor their fur shorUy after . birth. :pte ·•liver lox, he deacrlbed as a. freak 1n nature. Tod.cy lt Is ANI. MA .. 'LS' H 4B .. ITS railed·· coDimerelally and bas been ·~ , · develoPed by careful breedlntr. · A ·l!NDERT AXJNG LEGAL • few year& BIO a pelt aold tor 12,100 P-OFESSIONAL C~RDS WHITBY GHURGHES OBSERVE KIN6'S DAYOFPRA ·SEC conUnutd bls eourse on the signs or OUr Lord'a return. n· was foretol;:i th&t 111en wou14 be ,MJeXIty ·on earth a.ud dlltreu lmlODI the n&• tlooo, Aid lllr. L&Dafcird, "We now tnow tliat ·there Ia nO war to end war.,. declared tbe Rlctor. JeSus comlna '10011, ~ ata.ted; to ~ave world· from race IUldd.e aD« ·tbtn the Klnldcmcl Qo4 will be<omeliie KIDidcm o1 OUr- Lord. . ?raJ'er a.ud "tbe: · Nation• Wft tbll lllb,Ject ol a flt\IDa ...,.on by Bapu.t ChiUoh lltindOT D.oiulnltl ONf. REfilMOO MEN1EAVE mR. NIA6ARA whem .~. JL ~ ~ ~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lo a ~ Woatii&tiOD. Be ltQed hi& reiDarb wiUi th& I!:ID,'>!re ·Da:i' oi l'rQer ,motl'fO. · · · · In · lhe · evm~na. lhci ·Pastor l·lii::iill' ered .,· ~· addreD ... - o1 Qo4 md tile -of ...., 1n Rel&tklli to the Nat.ton•, Tbe rendeled. the anthem ·"Nearer, . Nearer", at the rilorntna -rice and . 1n tlie e'venint iJa.Dg, "SUU. sun with Thee!'· · "l11e Day' of Pn.yer waa obaened wllh 1111 oue· IOiemnltt 1D St. Andnowa' ~lan· Church last llunciOT. Rov. ManbaiJ ,... Ullsled ID tile oinlce IQo.JieV. Samuel Lt.w--. . . . ' .. ~ : ·~ .. ' ...... . .. . . . . ·: . . The Bank of CantJtla u. outhorise4 by ~,~~,!~(~to ~Wd lhe offering of a loan ·to be:inued/or Caah· in ·mef~ (c!.l'/1,11: ~· '.· • . . ·, . . I ; • • . • - • ·.• ' , ,• ' ·,, ' .,_ ' • ' 3 Per £eat~~it ... da~~~~~~-;~tJ.·2 ,, C.Uiihle."" ot after.~...-. ~.1,.,,., '· .. , :c."· ·! ; · . · ___ but today the i.vii-ace price Is ~. .;w, c, TOWN W, ·.J l HARE,; B.A. . (Continuo<! !'tom P••• 1) The plaUnr fox, .. near relative. Ia • P*Daal . b~Ntu . ull , •••rm. ...,...._., 8011cltGr;JtQ~uJ" harems. The breeding season l~t..!l very valua.ble. A· eoat now beln&· .. · ' . ·' . .· . .. . ·w.•-.... ~" • · ·~; ·,':.. .: ,·•.' • . . · : - ,· ' ~':'o f:; .. :""i \ .,1 ..._~ , " \~ : \ ' .• • ... ' • ., ,· , ' . AIU-'=._ a.nto. 1 ~ rot ten WeeD and, belleve it or not, made for Paullne: God4ird irom thls ' -- .,, ~-.- lac~ ·to A. 0. ~ lt.C. tur tha~ wUI cost t100 000 · K"a. ,.. - n•-,jl'· · · · :ate youill Rals have to lea.rn how "· · • ' MARLO. W >rn.i'a : Ut 8ltOOB: ~· ·" · ' '-D ~·.t.bi -eater e.....,.lalned. He Mr. Bell also described for the A.. G.: ,: ' ~h~toi<~'~·-·~··~M:.•.:·*~~· .;:·· ,;'·~-:_-~-~WIIIIt,~~·~ ,,added. that. · the gre£.·~;t .tnler ot cll:lb a number ot lnterestln• ex~ FVMZLU: UitVIIJB, . .uDIULAIICII · - J, M.. ...._ , . . . atals; . ts not" man but tl\e 11:1Uer- .Perlencea which he had while en- DirtnMr, .......,, Berrlot R.. ~~ALD .~UDDY 11tha1e,: t.be ·ahark: "and the octopus. 8a1ed tn tra.pplna '"'a aao. n.a.m • IINIII:&L:._.. - . 1 , . .... ,... ".....,.._ .,.... ... ·OU'lerantmalaareorgreatvalue - · ' omc.,at ·u.;c;;& • .;:',.·..::;dj to·' Ule canadian furrier for their The .speaker .,.·-introduced by IIE iiiGBER'S ....... b &. & autltlu.. pelt.a, Mr. Bell declared. The RotarlanR.O. Orobb,ancla.vot.eof A bevier, emblamaUc of canada, play· thanka w~U~ tendered by ·Rotarian a . f\JNERAL HOME 11..., M Leu. --..a.-: d'd a la.rae par~ In the development w. KeoWen. Mr. Bell brouaht l(l"eet· U1 ltlaa BL liaR. o.Jaawa PH• aat .... __, of the country ln the early days In ln&s to the · vn.ltb• Olub from the L J, ltnwpr, 1', I, ........ the realm.l of trade and ln the deve- •• ,~ # ...._.... Dtreete.r. .....,. DUNCAN B. MciNTYR£ lOPirient of rallroads. Beaver slt.lns Weat Toronto Klwanlt Olub. He wa1 PHONE 107 aane.e.r ......... H..., t:=. were .frequently used 63 legal tender .accompanied bj w. B . . Chtshold . MURRAY .. ROBINSON ~:..., . - IL .... .. In payment or •oocts. particularly ID Another IUest wu R.N. Deverell ol . -~ ~ .., ... _ . ...._...;..;.:_ trE.•Je with U!e Incll.ana. An .t xample Whitby, · ........ otncter .... ~ rheae... . ...,,....,. .ot ' tbli ll ~toulld ln. the hl.stclry of RotarlanJlmCowiereporLed.thllt • Doaltr. INS' ID a .. CE. · • :tile 'il:tidaO!>'o: Bay Compaby, .. 00 had been na!lled by \.he Street I'll ... Me.. I& . _..Be .~u. 0.1. Uft.AI, · '11'-e duCt·bllled platypus . 1s one ~held thll year, ThJs ww an In· ___ ..:::,.;::..:.:..:::.;.:_:..:;;:,._..,;,__l ·ot th~ .,eey tew animals which ja . ereue ·of almo.t tabo over that VETERIN~. - L. w,· DUDLEY hat.cho<ltrom on- alated Mr. Bell. received the P<nloua year. Mr. ..,.....u., · It 11 uiuca.ue hi that. lt haa a spur on -Cowte asked Mr. Deverell to t.ake ~mp• Life ~ Co. ltllf:I•W.hlch can Oxude a polaon llk.e back to the Oanadl&m Lqlon Ute [,.,. Prke::98. 7$% and aecraed IJtteJ ••'···"· · ' Yiel"':.:;. ;J.; 3.1.25% . . ' i "· riaai~•--=f..o· :: :.c .. ·.: -. . u.e-.-e; 0 0 INI~J.t~· ... ,,., , , -· · . ,. , , . · ... ....... :. ' . . :- '· · ·~·t· I' • • ' . ·~ ... ' . ·~ · .. · '-:' : • .... !r · ... . - t · . . ,. DenomiDatloDS otllqrer Boildat ·tlOO, ·MOO; ·tl,OIII· ...... ..... . ., -;,1 , . · : .·, . The proeeeda will be Died by th~ Government tqJi~~~}or warp~ i Payment la to be mad.e ill_ f~ aplnat d~very of'iJlteril!l ~ca~ On or ·~~ 1: ~~ 0 •• · - r • l ·. , ., , ' • • 0 0 • 0 0 ';• .l .:· •.• •• : l • Principal a.nd interest will be payable In lawful .l®,ll" Of _C:"!~dl ' .: ' ·Jn~· wl1! }~1: Jl&f&ble. , withou( Clluge aeini:annually at ADy Qtanch In cani~~ Of w ~~·'!!he Jionda:wnr ·.' be·dated Oei'Aiber 1; 1940. ·• · .... -. · · . .... , ,. ' ... ;· •.; ..i ......._ __ _ .• i· .,..., ·, ',:. D..R, A, s, BLACK v~.;.;....;.., a: s....- aaoosuN ONT.&IUO ftUI'RONII a Dll G: R, BOOTH Aocnidited Vot*louii7 . lo&rse and llm&ll Alilmal' &1rP17 l'enonal ·Atle1ltloD tG All Callo Ill KIDI 8L WooL Ooha .... Telopbo,.. en, Oohawa are · a ailakfl bite and 1s bom'With teetb Rotary•a th&nka for the Lerion's SICKNEBS. n: A'UroiiOBJi.a. but IL"~er ~~s the~. part 1n this actlvlt.J. He preatl\ted AOOIDB!ft', • . , 0110 ot the . most lnt.eresUntr President Don Wllaon 'i.1th two 385 DllDClu at. w .• 'I'IMpbo ..... ·anlmals ls-tbe ottet'. This UtUe tel· chequea tor MOO each, OD.e ot which ..::::..:::.:.:::.:=.:.:;,~~ . .;;,;;~- :.::.:· .:.:,,:· ;;:· J6w will Jl)aJ by the hour by hlmaell 1rU then ·hande<l .over 1o Mr. GORDON F· OSBORNE .., IIi com~ with lte teUowa. This Deverell_. -'----- In czec~ wit.\ eM titotiotmcement ltl4de · br 'eu · Jli.W..•of ~ ~ :A.tcqK~t 11, mo, q.. Huflk of ·CIINII14 MI. bii..i, .furtM.- ii~cn~·~~--liCCI·willbe · · received to 0011118rl Dllllli11ioo&. o{'CIINII14 .4l" Bcm48 duel Sep~ i, 1i.40, w~tci Acl11t·-Mt 11et ba~ pf'!~~ior fJG~; into·'c... oQ1CUI P,.,.~ ~i'·~~ ~ o/ tAt td>"' (IM. · · Tlli 4l"·Borid8 GCUpud'fp,.· cotWer~ (with fitml oovpcm detac~) .ri k .wiul.cit'iilo..fi'l'· · tu!d ·thi H&ult4~t =11' a.clfuatfri4f1ti~ . fuvtt~~.r ot' Uie ; ,.j,jwciio{ti>iif.·~~ .. ~ est tM tim~· ·ot , . tklivt!V of tile. new B&WU, ·~ or·it./":'0•tobw1{19.40, .. ...: ·' · . . ' MEDICAL Dk, R.T, ~ ..,...II ... 81IJ'I'HD -eaee ... Olllol ~ ......... - ,..., 'lfllltlof ' PBONII ~ DR. fREDERICK A. CUDDY • .. PH'I'aJCUN { PBONII tQ . . - ,IIJ•••,- ~ lfti. ; MONUMENTs· , • lJ. Oil• ot the re;, an1ma1s which doe:s DtMrlet .... .., Udl. 1he ttM~aker aald. Its akin, or Empire lJfe Ia &CI Co. ooune, Ll ?ley nluable m oommerce. One ot. the moat vtcloua and dan .. &wertWaa la Ute. .. ._ .... ' proua memben of the anlmal t.lns:- 200 a,r.... St. N. • . Wlolllq - ts the wolverine, u.e ii>euer atatecL a.nd a elole 16001ld comes the 4"WE'...,....'Dd'D weue!. Th.eae animals wnt t.lll at ~·~ tu ·Um.ea, but. the wolverine eats - . only lour meala a month and the Gi\,OVESJD£ CEMITIUtY root ot hlo. iun lo wasted. "I h,ave aucQ1,-.,om-. 1tnown· a wolverlne to come into a ·· •--.-j ~ ~ • ;cAmp aDd' ·W.Olut.eJ.y. wreck the T~ c.,.... . a.nfttrw.. )lloe. ·ec:atter the · cont.ent.a all · ~' .*PP*RDt)J wl\11 .no other mou.ve Ula!l- ~atructton," Kr. Bell told·hl&•llatel!oia. ' • ~ Tbe "racoon, noted.. tOr~ hLs clean habit. Cll IVUblnl hi& f'ltt, an<l the m~l !rblch' lo found In aU aec- U.C.U ~the country, wercdwo' other lmportmt tur-bearera m.ntlono<l by \!16 opealler. .. . " The Peta!an ' lamb actually cloea LACROSSE · .- BroDtlln won th~ Sr. B. orouP ohat~~plqnaj)lp bY deleatlnl Eaat York Wedneeclay eventna, U -9. The flrat ·three perloda were certainly 1n favor or Etat Yorli:. The Brook- lin tearn cUd not bit tta atrkle untU the IOUfUt. period and then It aeem- ed. to have a new teue or Ute. The fourth periOd aaw !JUt York trying &nd tl'Jln1 'to hold Ita thret".Joal lead 0Vf!tf B1'00kll,n, but BroOklin PUt forth lt.a ""tea' effort and tJnany won the r&me; 'the score by periods wu: Brpol<lln ..... .... : · .. 1 1 2 7-11 1!:~. York ,. ; .. ..... I I I :1-- 9 vwen· Sound. wW be at Brooklin on 'i\'edJiOocs&y oven!nr. Owen Sound ~ the Winner ol Ita IIOUP cham .. plonShtp; .... , . . . '• ' ., . . ,. ; . ·: . ... ,. . ' ' . 1 • > '1'. \ • .,; 'J.; • . ' • '. • ' • l.;.. ~· r~ • • .. Caah suliwiptio~ and to11veralon appllcatlona Jill)'·~ .11114!1: tllrOqp '11111 1ppro~ In- -vestment dealer' or atoek )lroker or through any'bra~~ch 'in Cinll'•·at &rr/. ~ b&Iik, from whOill copiea of the official proapect\18 contahi'uia · cimi~ '~ ·iif "tl!• ~JM Jill)' be obtained. ~ · ·· ·~·: · · . ·· · · · .,· --"":· ···1. .,. . •! • ,: • The Minlater of Finance !UerV8a the rl&ht to allot .cP:Ii,'~iltl9•·fil fllll ~r in part. • )'>; .... , ·· .,f ' ~~- . ~.: ' •• ~ Tlli. li* /of' ciopll. aubac:riptiom lilld COII11trrioll ·-~· toill ··opett est -tlli BPI! of • • ' ; • \. - • r q .. C.,lla.clG, Ott4~~~~<, est~ ~m., E.D.T,, Oll 'j!OIId4JI, .Sop~ej' 'l•. 11-'0,, cuul ,M be cmfll est ""II time ut tlli cl~cretilm of til• Minister. o/ .Finance, toitll (w •. ~ ttO!Wf. . . ' ; '. I ' "• ' ' ., • •. .• . '· ' . ' .. , '· ' ' :.· · .. .. .• l , ·- ·: · ~, . ··~ . ,..; ·. ., •. ' ' ..

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