Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1940, p. 1

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l: I . Deplores· . •' ·"' .. - Good Citizen Will Help the · · · r ,. . Poli~e in Securing E•i- KClO~~e,~ellt IS ~:~in Cuea Before Ag'in ~,.~i.d~nt" MORE JUVENILES NOW OFFENDERS Commends Work of Whit- by's Chief Constable in Law Enforcemeat Cues Well Prepared .An earnest _and eloquent plea tha~ canadians might develop a pw.ter sense of social responalbll· ley-&. sense of duty to othera-:-ln Ol'Cler that law enforcement may be made 'easier ~ . more effective, and the great prlnelples of our de- lilocracy and British admlnlstratlon or JustiCe upbeld, was made by Al- lan F. Annis, Crown Attorney for of Ontario, addre.sslng iiV'..,.ta.J"' Club at Its noon """"'""'v at Hotel Whit- ... ·_· ·Uuittd, .Stat_. · .. ·. At an early· . bou; tbie <~.~~~~Y >· ... .iiioMing· . : the · r~eleetion ·of F ranlt- · . lin D. :Roo~el~ : .. PrHi- · dent·. ohlie·United States : · . . ... . . ( • . for a thlr.d teim · of • !our.- . ' . .. . . . . . ~ ~ ,. . yeaf&. · w:u c:On.c~f:d.: The atandins of> the two candi- d-at~:· .at tb~t ho~r w .. given u folloW.: ' · Roci~evelt- .: •• . i 4,8.19~9l0 Wintie ........ H;980;49,9:· The electio~ ' · ·retbml were foll~,;,ed with • • great ' . . deal of ·interest •:. by-:, .tlu!;: · citiZeno of ·Whitby, - ~~o . . 'd~ ~0 ' lheii ; . . 't ' -.; A. F . .oons . .-~ Attorney for U!e_. .90un~ of Ontario, who ,spoke on law en- fq:tcemenl at Rotary . luncheon' On Tu~ay. . Council Endone• . .·The ·observance of ·· Remembrance· Da~ The Town Ocnmcl1 DD M~y . t!welllnr,authorbed tbe _,... te biue a P,roc:lamatlon . ,e.-uuc· -ants 10 et.e tbelr store. on··MDild&y; NoYember U, rr- lo.st -to 11.30 a.m., ln .... te ' permit an who eaD to &UetMI 1M · Bemelilbnm~ Day serdce. .At Ute -taph at. eleYeD o'clOCk. TJ!e. prec"-tlcm .... aab ·tiae cltbells to ~ the·Rnke ln' tbl! _Tcnm.Rat• 81111Claj alter-. DOilll at 1:31. The proeb.matloa ~~~~=mr.n:. ap~ Oil pice 'or Ibis ._ of the Guette ud Chnmkle.: · for::the slterstkms made aome ttme ' ago. to the Brock atlllrtmmta • ihoct Street SOUtb, and . tbiB cot!~eftd bY ' tbe councll to ··• :•._,....,. . sen!!Us sltua~ tn tbe tQWD bulldlna bY-law. Ward's eontUltloo, 'It 'wU m that ·Jiad ·a ,perml~ . •'"(lor.;. · who, It Is will take the asl- ute or .t!Je Secolid Battallo!l Ontario Restment. when It paradea ln Whit- by on S:..rilday. gpe~.S that· bugle baid IDilHbJ"US baiid ·wm aocomp&ni. ~e (ec!mt~t, toaether -With the lllth · .bloei&Ubn sCout BUate and'· Wu.t mate a fine ahow- 'lbe Pan.cse· train :tbe · tOwn tp · thel service will be . head~ ~ and the eiYU gual-d, and· CUbs will ' be Included. ~:.;;~~~~~ ~ ·.:· SATURDAl.NEXT i.o.i).E. to ~ Make Ann~al ~ ·c.n ... for'I.oeal Branch ' . ~~Legion '-· .. '·'T'. ~ . .. P!JRIY DII.Y will be held ln Whltlly on .'~turda.f, Noveumer· 9th. 'lbe Vlacount Qreenwood Ob&pter or tbe r .Ol>I,' under &hit .: Jeadenblp ol &be ~t, ·Kri. D. B. cOleman, lws ~ W)d~en tbe.eanvua or tbe toWil 'and ~ dlreCUon of the whole nit 'bi· tbe cnStrtct. Miss M. Rudaj Is tPe canvus ·c:on~er and bas a.s-' aembl~ .an shle band · ~f. cspta~ Ultf. worker3 to cover the .town eom- ~~>v • • . • ~ . . . r1:tM need of tbe unfortunate ex- ~ man· of the' oreaL .war ls ~ ~t wlt.h ils and a generous ~ la a.sk~ for. to meet ~ls need. .• 'lbe prlYlleges .ol the Fund have. been · extended to the .needy tix....e"•lee men of. the present war Wblle n~ great need exists ·at moment lt ls certain that It wl11 ~~. . . lb', 1w, P. Ashton ls In cha!'le of the-,a\lppllea ~d wreath orders and ha.s ~· !IP. hea~quarters In th!! bond ~- of the po$t offlce. 'The stor~ ~ecl'.by Mr. H. :Nei.l h11:3 bcien loened for a display ot ~aths' and pt;ppy ~lemJ . . All material .used for tbe Poppy _Day and Rem~m­ branct q..y observance are ntada by ~-ex.-aervloe men I\} ·vetcrstt Shops .of.Em.plre. ma.t.erlals. 'lbe m~y r~~ved ~ used to l}elp needy vetFana t home and . to provide ser\·lces wher!lbY t.l~e.lr pel_l!llon rl h ts mu be protected and their' cases p:eaaed. Although a complaint. waa .lo;1~ several week& aao ~~ QM: WhltbJ PUb1te Utlllty" Ooilmi1talon With' the Board of Tranaport; OpmmlM!bnera at ottr.wa ~ radlo lntllrfer- ence ln the Town of ·Whttby, 110 acUon. ha.s Yilt been t.alien · It ,n. revealed .at ttto 'l'Own f'..ounru "eet- lng ·on Monday ·eventna. PUrther- mOJ'e. Deput,y-Reeve ~ :'Jbldd· gold old that he bad• w:Utcm re• l antlnc the same matter and bad received no replJ. - "'Tb_o_so.rd or 'l'ranspprt, lf was show!). ha~ repllej to )lr.' Prlntle'a l~tt~r . rererr lnt the matter· l!' the Dl;>trlc~ , Superv¥;or ·.at · 1 TW~to. Thb, however, was two weeu ·aao ~n· ,. as yet. no . ·ac,t\on ha.~ been t~ken and the lnt~= rrerence whk:h cccura at nlaht and descr!~ a.s ·a

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