Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1941, p. 1

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i . . ' .. ' .WAR COMES FIRST MAYOR DECLAREs· · Improvement. Recom· -mended mt935·T~ .: eci ~wn, It ia Rec:alled m FUll Dreu Debate . ~ . ( . · )icil: Gets Complaints Galore# P.lans To Cover · A -Dirty Floor . ' . ' MI am aWl aett.lni · com~ts had . th~ht of a llnbleum, but abel:lt the coodltlon of the~flocir ~ when he lnqulrel\ Into the prices he Ult ataae 1D the town hall." OOUn· found that this cover-up method ' crlUOf Joe Sbleldl, ohaltman or~ town u1d be ....... · ~Committee, told the·'~wn wo •-• u expenstv~. It not CI!IUDCll KO!ida1 nlaht u he •ua· more eo. than' iayil}l ~ .n~w n~. - ·.u.a !aylnt of a new 'fOOcte!t Mayor Rowe ti.ld that . after the u a IOlut.IIID or the .~ operetta in the nan the other nlaht It waa demonatrat.ec:l that aomethlna · At the l&a~ meet.lni; It wW ~ rt• should be done. Ope of actors. HI• cia1led. It wu reveatett that the • baUds on the ata1elhave apttad. Ml Worah_lp G&id, fell on the ataae dur• -~ ' .o~t that the oracb ba\'8 be• q t.h~ ·J!el'!Ol'~, _and When he · · ' ,.~lled up wltlllllft thi~ It cot tO lila fMt he could not b've IIJlpoulble to clo tonY· been .!llrtte~ ha~ . he fallen oa the e realm of cJeanlnr, :I\ atr_eet. . ; . ' '~,aleS that ·t.hl'famo~ Tor,ma~ a·, IC\IIi story mOtt! mtDtecl -.' ~ Co~Ol' ~·'!!~& wu lnatruc~, \a . • ' lnJ and'tO ~~em~ !he~~ \ t no avail In thiS cet prlcea on. vadoqa ~ of flaor- elda l&ld that he ell< for" . ~deraUon: - · l ,. :r.cz~~:'liiDdei · the law, ~vldes:- tbat· DO ciui ~rematp..'a,~ D:iember . oi ulel cempaziy after he :b&a ·ruched age of 'lO wlthout~the 1)9UDCll'a. inlsslon. The repO,it Was lield · tor tuitber ccmald~ilon u moth· er:· reeommendaUtm: m· It win' ~ dil!cusaed, M~Y. RUMORS , · ABOUT~· INDUSTRY ·- .. -:, l ' • Received from Whitby Wu Ettori Cemmlttee · renew of· work aecompUsbed_ since orpul- uUo~ and paaed resolaUon ~­ .~talaUon. . Held ran dftss debate 011 -the queStion ol lmilro-vementa to the : Ton Ball buiJdlilc. Aathortud - the Streeta Com· mUM to men' wHb Uae Pab- Uc 'Uwlty Oamndaaon to .U.C.. the·Stataa Ill' the Town Enctneer· B~+~ . Report~ tbeJ~~-~~~~1~ · ·. Erd·i. c a t i O·Di'.~~,n...-;,;o.t--.1 : Re.lt.l Ket~te~~~r,nL\!it:i'l l Highway CoaatrUCtion 'Toronto 'Ma,iatrate wor~canc~ ~r· . . '..,_·1.-~ Will Speak Here Einplo~~t in ~~Y. WedneailaY. Night. r1acea.Given ai 1\iuoD·', - · ·"-· - , . Pop~tion · ."Since · Under the auspices of the Men'a 1938 H · ·Jn~~ , ~atton of tlle U.njted Church, Ill ~ ~ls~r.ate Robert J. Brown, ~o- 1,000 ' 1 • l' ' ', .1;'01\to, wUI spea:~: tonight <W oes· . . · 1 - . (lay) at a Supper Meeting. He The'_To,rn of Whlti)f la . wff~ will be intr~uced by his friend or today fi'Qm a Vf fY acu~ il~ many years standing, Chief W. J. ~'· the worst' in to 'i Zlllptt. ,Magtstrote Brown I! ltnown hbtory .•. There ill 'no~ ~~~- ~ not only.as an e>u tstandlog l!.dmlnl!· or i.P&rlmeat to rent, .:.aDd i oeal traiN or justice, bu~. a,~o L'l an real estate offices are.::caal~uY tiJIII llcan !_&yman, au thor, and auth- reoelv1Jii enQIJIQea ~ ~ or.tl' on ,,ymn~ . away prospeouve· ne'llt cltlaM. A large turnout t9 hear Ma&l!· ,M. ~ 'Ouette ·Uti. .CitrqDlclt :o~- . trate ·Brown ts expected. flee the l&lllt 1toJ'7 ;" ' ~ 'f~ · . people na,turally • caine to a newii- there ~~ore not sol'"' peop~~ ID the paper OUk:e to~Cllllie U there ~ ofrtce home-hunting. IIU' \lei~ , or,~~ •to Pili.. • With the corr.ln& of spring the 8caroel,y " day ~ Ill whlcb • (Continued on Pace ·a) . .. :·. --.- ... Announcement ill uiade of ·the &P· polntment of A:l JSros;.' WallltnoW!l loc:al .crocery. ftult ud meat mer- chailts, of thelr ·appoihtment u th) excluatve aellln! annts, ror Whitbr. ancl dbtriet !>~r ~e ~ Poods, Jnod~n equt~ot · foa the handlih& Of Whl.!h hu DOw beeD In• stalled In the atore. The Blrd.leye 11De ·1Dcludea ·over 4Q varle~les ot .frult, vep~b}es. ~d fbh, &Jld ~e or the.,e are· berrlea, peaches, corn 'On"4le cob, uParalua. oysteta and fUle ~& ~ ~ture 14 kept at zero :r.. 'the lat.es~ .QIIe re- fr!leratecl show cue ud lt' ls Point- ed out that th~ foods C{intalh the vltamtna which are equ~ and IIi aome cases· m-1re econ~\liail the fresh art-Icle. " '· , •• ·~ added ' c:t~nveolence .tOr -the b\Q'.t.nc pubUo nr Whitby u~, dlltrlc~ IS. another .tndlcaUoo of th.e pOllciy of prcig~ss whl=b has marUcl the firm of AU .Bro.\.. sin~~-~ ed bustneai here' few~~-.., )_

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