Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1941, p. 3

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I fJ~O)iFOUR THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONI(;i..E, 'Wtr>NESDAY, MAY 14, 1941 Social ·and Personal When frleilds visit you, or you "'fiS!t trtend.s· at a distance: it you " lte entertained. or 11 you enter- ~.otaln; · Tbe Gazette and Chronicle -wm be pleased. to record the fact · Ill t,be ·•'SOCial and Personal" col~ .umn. Please telephone 703, or, ~~r . hours., 636. ,., ....... ·~ :~ 'on Friday evening ol tl1ts weeil:, May 16t.h, Miss Thomasint" Arnold, mcnologlst, a..."'-Sisted by i\l r. P. Bull . t-ennr, will give a programme at the ·Ontario Ladles' Colleg~. Miss Am- old is the talent-ed dnu'3,hter of Mr. and Mrs. Ham· Arnold o! Plcke:- irig, and was hesrd to excellent ad~ vantage nt n recent concert in Whitby sponsored by the Whitby War Effort Committee for the Bri- ti!:h War ylct-ims' Fund. Ill'. w. R . Crandell, of New ~orlro Citi?, L! spending ·a few days \ wt~hls- abter, Mr:s. Rcb t.. To~n. and with Mr. and Mr.s. W . C. -. ·-· J + + + Mrs. E . L. McDonald (nee Helen Bandel( left on Thursday to joln h er husband, Opl. 1\.lcDonald, in Portage La. Pralrie, Manitoba. ·. ~ . .. .. + . - + * + M.r .and Mrs. W . P . Spence, Mrs. 1ft. and Mrs. P. H . Todd, of Co- balt •• ODtario, have returned hom e &her zitlldna: a Vb:lt with Mrs. D. B. Beat, DUndu st. East. J . H. Haigh n.nd ehlldren, of Battle I, Cr:oek, Mich., Mr .and Mrs. E. - + + + I Spence and ::?tlldren. of Toronto. 1'be . _Wqman'.s Au."Cillary of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Spence and On~ , Re&t. (Tank> have plans I son. o! s t.ouffvUle Mrs .. Slack nnd • l(~etect for • garden party to he chUdren. of Bl?amsvUle, were Wt'ek- b8ld oil WedDmda.y, Ma.y 21st. from end guests or Mr. and Mrs. W. '1. p:Jn: ·.·to . 1!1 p.m. &t "'Inverl~·nn". Spenc('. Colbcrne Street. '!b_)~ ~~ Invited. ..:. + + ·, r -..l'1.f" :t . .._,~ . "' <!> + I At a meeting of th~ WomiUl's • . lllis ~~Ofl' '"P. Ruddy left on Co-Qperati\•e Guild held l11~t Wei!k ~ ~or Kingston ~h.ere . s!le n:e dra w for the Iove~ y quilt was _11M ·~ a. pooit1on m photo- ~ made. Mi!U Munns on tic-:<ct No. ~- ·~·od:: . 65, was the lu::ky winner. The .: ;.. : .· .. , . • , + .+ p.-oceeds amounting to $1-1.00 will 1 'l'be . .Att.efboon Brandh of u ,c be gh•en to th~ Briti&l War Vic .. W.A: of 'All Salnts' invite their t.}ms' Fund. fdiDda to cune to the monthlJ' + + + ...:. . ·: ;meeting on Thursda.y and Rc-ss Harris .son Or Mr. and Mrs. _ ~ . i:b!i ~~lt t« the Indian child Snml. H!l.Trls. has jolned U1e Royal . ,,_..\,~· be on display a.t that ca.ne.dlan Air Fo~ and left last Miss Beth Mcintyn, left lll.St. week for Montreal, where she ha.& accepted a. position, wtth the Cana- dian Indtatr1es Ltd. + + • Mr Robert Annett and sOD. Bo!J, of Toronto. and Miss Betty-lllller and Mr. Payne, of Trent.oo. wert" guests on sunday with Mr. and Mrs. JM. H. Onnbton, Centre atree~ north. • • • Jack K~an . son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kean, Brock st. SOUth, has been r,uccessful in pa.Mlng hls second year at the School of Applied set• enoe and -Engineerln& and has se- cured a posUloo. with the EnlfnHr• 1ng .st.atf at P1cterln& we.r Ind\11!1- trleo. • + • Donald Bell, of the R.C.A.P'., Tren- ton, and Mrs. Bell, spent the week end In town with their parent~ bert • • • Mrs. J. Mcintyre, Brock street south, receh"ed word this week of the sate arrival 1n England, of her grandson, Sgt. Obsener. Jack J. Mcintyre, of the R.C.A.P. on aetive service. Sgt. Mcintyre 1s an only son of Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Mcin- tyre, Toronto. • • • Rev. John Lindsay, ,secretary of the Synod ol. Toronto and lttnpton of the presbyterian Church 1n Can- ada, attended the synod sesa1ona In K:ltcllener Iut. week. Rev. Mr. Lindsay is also Secr!'tary or the Pensions Board of the Church. . :..,;;~~s·n-. outfit Is a.· complete week !cor St. Hubert. ·'- .... ~ ~ for one or the pupils + + + WOMEN'S INSTJTCTE :~ •• .,. .• an· lrld1aD S':hool under the 'nle M&.Y mettlnC of the Women'• __ V' , ..e.:, ,SOclety of the churct. H•lwnrd Hazell, B.A .. of Taranto 1 lnstituf.IIJ will be held 1n the IJ:)... .. ·.AD. l~" ' weloome. Uni\·ersitr. wUI ha~·e c.ltaf'!?,l! of the rary, on Prldl.:f,afternooa,ll&y 18th, , . + + ChlU'C"h of the Eptphan:,-, s.t Scar- at. 3 o'clock. w:ra. Robert& wW. gbe + boro. for the .s•unm ~r months. Mr. a report of th~ aummary day, beld · ~~hdal constable Haro~d W. Hazell began his new d : 1':.lc..~ this in Galt. and plans wW be MAde fOI' 'QanttUI, who ha:;; been stationed week. the WOI'k. to be undertaan tbJs ·on di:ity at Toronto, h a!! ~en + + + yeu. A oonba.l invitatiOn 11 u. .. ·~ to the Whlthj•-PickerR Mrs. B::ulah Washbwn, of wor- tented to all ladJGS of the town. "lbc .ftlstdct WUh headquar ters at cester. Mass., W"BS a guest. 196~ week .. t:be CoUrt HOUse In Whitby. Con- or ML'<'S Dorothy Houtdar. Byron Ab1e Qlant:.rl.Jl is a former Jlo1lce street norUt. Mts!\ ttollid!ly n!• ,_,,,_,. _ . ,"~Of Whitby and 1s :n!liC.nJ" good, turned v.-!Lh her guest to Worce!:er, tD. -tbe prtwlnclal serv!ce. 1 to ~d a few days. SCHOOLS TO GIVE CONCDTR Citizens o! WhUby interested. 1D the work beinlf done in \be publle schools In the dnelopnent and euJ. .. ;~~;=:~~~;~~~~======~;:;;;;;;; tivatlon af a Ion far mualc are to bP given an opparluDity or h•<IDir I and oeelnr . the _....beiDa-.. Announcement b made by Pr-lDepial R. A. Bennett that the annuai oaal· Phone 618 AIR-CONDITIONED In TBE BE'IUIN 01' PIIUIJDIES wllh GENE TIERNEY JACKIE COOPER HENRY HULL JOIN CAIIADIIIE • J. EIWAII •aoM•E 10 • DOIIALD •••• JDDII COI.UMI • C&IOila .._. .. ____ _ MONDAY • TUESDAY • Wl'..DNESDA y LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8.40. COMING NEXT THURSDAY FRIDAY. SATURDAY "VIRCINIA" With Maddeine Carroll, Fred MacMurray I certs by tbt IChoo1 ehlldren are to be held In Ute Town Ball" 011 llo1 ODOI:IIIb,uncler\hedlloaUGD Mrl. Vem.on ROn, d1nctar of music In the publlc aM hllh achooll. 'Ib.e PfOil&Dl each ww lack not.b..lna ln tb.e --··-·- variety loDd. 1Dterelt. and will what can be dolle both 1n lDdbi· dual and. oo-operat.I."N effort. PLAN MAY COUilT FESTIVAL The Pacult.y and atudent. of the Ontario Ladtee· CoUep have out invltaUon:s for the annual May Court PesU\tal at the CoUeae oo Vi-ctoria Day, May :Nth. The Quean at the May, elected by tbe student body before that date, wUl be !01'• mally crowned on the lawn followlna the usual 1at.hertns in the wu.tc Hall. z:Jhe wtu be attended bJ her CouncWon, aJso to be tlt'C;ted, and members of her suite. •nd a popU• la.r programme wUI be carrltd out. 1D her honor. The teeUval Ls the tin' ot a .erles at eventa at. the CoU'-e leading up to the Commencement. Day exercises. I.O.D.E. IN WHITBY NEWS · OF VISCOVN:l' GJIUNwooD cllAJ'TBa The public :Ls n!!mtnded 'ot ' • · ~. Wool and dlrecuons can be I.O.D.E. 38le of home bakJ.n4. • Gbtamtd from the work room Friday of thia week, in the C9-"~~ llt.L R. Deverell. Hospital ' atJve Room, Brock st. South.,;~-"' llbl.pPed bY the order are variety of delleacles wlll be foi- G ;a ctYutan hospitals for air raid vie·· from 10 a.m. Advertisement ap~· ·w., and there 1s a request for mr- clsewhere ln thia issue. . rre0o1 gowns and. hospital gowns for -.. ~ and adults. There b netd Tbe general montllly meetm,. WW, · of. -.ntl! for bon up to 12 yea::n. be held Monday aftemOOD, MQ "J,I." wum clot-hing tor children from Ill the U.brary room. PJans , fCR" -lhe. ~·I JH.ra, atMf und•r clothing of all Navy League Tae' O.y, JUn-e: .t.-·lrtn· ~ for aU agea~ Used clothing 11 be completed. lt Ls lmportant ..... tlu!:t" .,_ acceptable, owing to Umlted. an 1n charge of df.o;tr1cts be :rn.iito boN shipment. · . . ...:, .· ;--.·,. In· a cable .received from. X.d1. Tweedamulr, I.o.o.z. rePl'Qell,t.atlvf ln London, was stnsaed tlit ·tmpor .. ~-anoe of regular ahipmente ot rtetd oomrorta. and that ·the qlllllty ot wart. .eht waa ot exc:ept.tonally hllb standard. lnformrttion frOm Headqu&rten; stated the neeu of ateel helmet CaPI which .are not a IO'Vernm.ent 1ssu,: are used In an branche.s or the roroes. aDd. there oe.nnoc. be too Girl Guide• Boolu and maaulne.s are belt.lg aorted. and counted thl.s week at the BOnd Room in the P.O .. by the Olrl ,qwdeJ!I. The camps -want a umttleu ~IY ot reading matter. Bl'ln& 1n aU yw can, or have them called for. . The toUowtng dooauons are IJ'&tefully aclmoweld(td: 2 knitted OUOltlcolo, I pr, bedr. al!JYP<O"S, Milo K. .lbedoonell; money, M1as E. llboclo:nnell ; qullt top, M1M MWlll8. A Romewtfe bas been sent to Sr&p- per Ju. Bremner. Obituary Exciting Hat1 Keep Step With Late•t Hair-Do'• '!:ou see oluml)rl ot tlowel'!. in the hair-hair mo'finl: folward. oio Ute .hti~nas popular-white borse- -batr evellinl halibcnn apriakled. wJtb dlamonde. CGD1'tiat.lori•p1tte prlnll, with lnleresflna buttoos ..:.. .veen and m.,anta. plnb u acoentcs In prints and hats. Muffin bertt.s very amart. petdle4 on. the bact of head, lholrtna the new· bane colf- ture. women ar~ mad. abOut ... en-- Loretta ~OUDI .u,.. Vella are ·mOlt flatterlnc acceuoey known to ·wo .. m-.n. Lots of flower hats. lAc:e ?try popular-tlera, rufnea, 1Dftrts of it- llttle lace hata, ptt.c:hlna tornrd.- shlny. 11ew~ hair and lace 11 a comblnl.tloa. hltd to beat for loot.• 11:11 , ;pour prettlelt. :even "plain Janea" can bloaom out tbil aeaaon! "Snuff rutflM'" and .ruchlnga brllliJ bact. temlninltY with IUCb a rum that we wondtr If caner Women all suddenly have the Victorian "vap· ora;' I 'lbey. uy-tha.t tbe present. t.rend to tuck ttny •·rata .. t,"l pqlnpadours 11 ucellent. for hiili"drel.terl' bull· ness. "RAta" 10 popular tn ~~ H1ne· Uea are one or the worst enlmlu ot htaU.hy h&lr-brlna on dandrUff, peraplration toxlm that dull hllr and evdl batdntu. Batter to 1et the necessary "bodJ" tn your hair bJ proph' ear,. Sulta &re tallorecl to a. fare·tb.ee- •ell thla Sprlna". J4ctt buatnesa wo· men should toften thtlr Wlleurs -, Iota or nutty white jabot. and aon dre&am.Ker toUChes. Ta1lored clothes can be JMde lntiDltelf mou flat~ tertnc :with the rllht. hairdo, band on· fluffy, well·cartd for hair. We'll wacer that after a t.houan4 1fll'& atouy balr wm auu 'be tn. •tJlel1 Da"tO.IIaU.. on U;).e Avenue_ 1rt1 ue 1oun1 bual- neu 1trll looklnl u tetehi.DI u the DlOit 11amonn11 "Lad) ln. the Dark". Glrla who 10 haUIII mt.1 diiJIIleUI tb* YOUDI me~DJ la4a 11&1 they don't Ute 'tO co ou~ with bat-- less alrl&-mU;ea theat comptcuoua. Halrdreum aay tb1t hatlelmlll Annoancem.entt ammn Tllti1IBDAY IIVJIIIINO, May lSLb., tor pi&J" ..,UWe womm" P'"""ted b7 nramallo ClUb 0( the Ontario Ll.dtljl' Callep·, for the WhltbJ War J:f!ort "OOm!D.It- ,.., Tooni Ball, I p.m, oenta. Ch1ldrtm. 211 CID\L now sellin1. carried to the extreme is no good !or t.eeping hair at lts beat. A little fresh air and sunshine are excel- lent but not to gather dUllt from bWI; citY streets. One young lady's daahlng new blue costume is a knockout! She wears her tong, misty veU tied under her chln, or loosely knotted around. her shoulders. She 1a a eonnotsseur of fre!!h flower cor .. sqes-whlch she selects dally [rom the nower shop, Jessica wears only one lovely piece of jewelry at a ttme -usually close to her throat. Just; now n-s a &mart red-white-and-blue American eagle. We vislte"' a young miss in· her room recently, and ad· mired her wise selection or house- coat& tn a. special shade of "blue- for-redheads." An Interesting char- act-er atdelight here-tbts miss cling., tct certain pieces ot fumltun!//"be- cause they are old frlendJ." ln tune with a practical world, women lrnlt madly at the gayest partie.!! Speaking of kllllng two birds with one stone, ever suggest tO your friends that theY can massage t-heir scalps and brush their hair while tl3ten1ng to their favotite sym- phony on the radio at home? It really works out very well. . Did you know Ulat scalp treatment helps lick ratlgue, ' ·choses cobwebs !rom your brain-and make.! you feel u if 1you were v.•a.lklng on clouds? Fashion people ha.,·e been haunt- Inc the Mt!t.ropoUtan Museum for ideu during the marvellous exhibit of French Art of the la!!t century. How Toulow;e-Laut.reo loved to paint red~ha.lred ladiea with his vi- vacious Preneh coloring! (]f one removed. hair from the lflOTious 11.r' of the world, how un-glamoroll.8 a would all beD ---- Whitby Flier Listed As Seriously Hurt Word was received from. Ottawa. Tuesday bY The Gazette and Chron .. icle in a Canadian Press des- patch. that Flt.~Lt. Roy Hll.rtnell Bishop, wh05e wife and two aons 11 ve on what i.s known aa t.he Lynde Farm, on the 4th Concession, Whitby Township, wu U8ted a.s !lerlousJY injured in an autom.obllre accident. IJeut. Bishop t!Dll.ated at Toronto and Mra. Bl.shop came to Whitby about a l'eBII' ago and later went to the fa.rm. No detalls a.s to hb l.nJurles or the ntt.ture of the accident 1JU given in the report fl'am Ottawa today, other than to say Utat his name appertred in the casualty ust Issued to&ey. HLs wUe, listed as next o! kin, has been advtaed. The couple have two aoiUI. Esther is the only book in the Bible In whloh •God's ne.me ~ not round. The first book printed in tht! Western Ht!mlsphere waa a Mexi- can voluma. The Treat of the Season "LITTLE WOMEN" Play prHented by DRAMATIC CLUB OF THE ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE In the WHITBY TOWN HALL on Thurs. Evening, May 15, l941, 8 p.m. Undt!r dlre<~Uon of Miss Edith HW for 'he beneft\ of WHITBY WAR EFFORT COMMITTEE 'nlb pb.J, dn.maUsed by Rorer WbMler, wu stared at the Collt~te a hw wee.b aro and made a bll bit. Requuts ror Jts HJH!tltlon han ~teeD many. Tbls II ,-our chance. ADMISSION: ADULTS SOc -- CHILDREN 25c BINGO - W&IHWY,: llAY 1;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :11111, UDdtr Ute a\IIIIIOIIi ot 11'-· l1 en'a DlltUuWI lD oo-OperaUn • • lWI. -lr. -t -til. Part protO«<I ,.,. BriUib· war Vlotlma' Plmd. II:NTII:BTAilfKIIIN'i' TAL :aNT - llar1aD :c 7 ·, ..... ,.rWt ~ Ontario Oenedll'D wtnna:r . Clll Nn bt 1\adlo ~. · · tolDI ... COnoel* Orand phoae.~ ~ ... !lelia, -tliDJ*Dlod WbltlleJ ~. . Slni'er. Addlllon& li&IIDI - vl<lod 'll""' ""1.-, . - .... ,. NO TAX OK 311'1'1'01111, B'OCKLII8. RemlW>tc, QuUt Pal<l>-. '1._,., Lace, u 7011 ..... t • liOrpln, maka II )'OIIllllf, U lOI1 mab II youraelf, you mow tt. it. ~ Ruab In 1114 a- for -· ·IIIDIO. 'IOWN HAU. BU'M'ON ~~. (TOUDO"Wheft). RII!IIRvi: 11A Y IG'l'll, POR. SALB of hc.ne Oooklnl, ~ Co CS~t~•~•e Rooma, aroet urtt~ 10\Ub, UD41r auoploN ot ......U.,. -. W.A. AIIIIOiniiOburoh. like FRE-SH. Asparagus? . . You can have it all next winter if you use the "Locker Plant." Easy and economical. Aak us about it today. ••••• COMMUNITY FROSTED LOCKER SERVICE, Ltd. BROCK STRHT NORTH - WHITBY - TILIPHONI 664 CASH SAVINGS EVERYDAY AT A&P ·.TOMATOES IONA ':."::' lie TOMATO JUICE AYLMER •:~·- l3c IECTAR TEA 81..:~~· ·~•":. 30, ~~:: 59, FLOUR SUNNYFIELD PASTRY ·~~ l4c ".;!' 67c FLOUR GILT EDGE BREAD 'Iii:· ps 't":· z.aa A .. P CORNED BEEF U • Oit l&c Tlo liD CIRCLE Domestic Sho<tonino 2 ••L 27c C Q f fEE OLD CHEESE I>, 24c MILD CHEESE ,., l9c 1~ 31 C SAJ.MOlf ~igor Cohoo ,:;;, 25c :=====::~ P&G SOAP 5 .... l8c Red Rose Tea am LAIII!I. BL&CI< 'lo':.' J9c AMH PAO& OLD FASHIONED COOKIES 21n.25c POUND CAKE b.1 9c MOFF£fS Quakor 2 ... , )7c BEANS ':~t~~" ~~· 7 c PRUNES A&P largo ~: )3c mw Portubou1e, Wln11 31 _ Sirloin or Cube lb ROASTS PorterbOUM, Wlnt. Sirloin a or Fllee Rump l'b BONELESS BOUIID "\::.".~ . lb. :ttc BLADE BOAST ..,,!~·'i,., lb, lie SBOIT m ROAST Primo 8Hf lb.l9c PlUME BIB BOAST Primo 8Hf lb, :ilc R·A·M·S TENDER COOKED I Smoke(!, Royal Rl!:o\DY TO SERVB Brand, Ttndertnd Whole or lb 3J Whole or •7 Elthu Hall · c Elthu tr.ll lb. A C FU8H, liiU.X. F.ID ' VEAL LEGS lb. :lSc :.-:.~1: lb. :&9c BONELESS VEAL BOAST lb, 17c MAC. & CHEESE LOAF Sliced lb, :&Sc DUTCH LOAF Roosl, Sliced lb, :&Sc SPICD BAM Ho•mol's Sliced lb. :&9c DILL PICIJ.ES Hoinz largo 3 for IOc Fruita and Vegetablea -A'I'OES N•• c"" 6 "'5 FV A Selected QuaJU:r lba. A C PINEJIIIPLES Extra Lcugo Size ECL l9c CI'PP071 r.~T:ia~1:u;ck:!•• B~ch 7c C'....... New Ort:eu~ ~ 9 :..._ ua Lart• rtrm Hea ds A lba. c CUC1JIIIIEBS 0~:!: ~t::• Z for :&Ia APPI.J:I g::~~~:n:~~~~~ Lcuge Size 6 for i9c ASit FOR ONTARIO GROWH VEGETABLES DELIVERED F&EBH DAILY TO A & p sTOR&S .bp.arq1u. H. II. Cucumbt!n, Green Onions. Rhubarb. Bplnach, H. H. Tomatoes, Leaf LeUuee. Badbhe• -- ---- ---- A& P FOOD STORES ' • I , I , \ I , , • 0 1 THE. WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14. 1941 Red Cross ACTIVITIES A Weekly Review of Work · in Whitby, in Canada, and Abroad "In· canada's war effort. nothing has been finer than the work of canada's women for British bomb vlcttms through their nation-wide dynamic and smoothly organized 2,500 branches of the Red ." -The Toronto DallY Star. En.rlllh Warehouse Bombed Word was received last week that the m03t northerly of the Red CrOISS wa.rehOWlleiS 1n England had been bombed and &11 wpplles destroyed. Mr!l. w. R. Campbell, chairman of the women's National Wru Work committee, Immediately wired the nine Red. CroSII divl.sons givJng th"em their quota to replace the destroyed goods. The wires wer~ !f!nt out on Tuesday and by wednesday word was back from the nine dlvl!lons that the quota would be supplied. Already reserve supplies have been to Brlt.a.in and these wlll :soon be re~ placed by the work of canadian &ed Cross women. Hitler may bomb the warehouses but he eannot stop Crtnadhm women rrom sending more &nd more supplies to contribute to his defeat. Donations of the Week The following donrtUow for th~ week are grat-efully acknowledged: tinfoil sorted, packed and wt!ighed by- t.he Girl Guide:~; &fghan made and donated bY Miss F. Hertrd's class or Dundas St. S<:hool; 4. skeins of yarn from MlS! Harper; 8 pairs of socks from the Almonds Auxlllary : a fghan wool and. old unen from Mrs. G. M. Goodfellow; donlltiOn of money from Mrs. L. Michael: 3 baby vests from Mrs. Donald Wilson; 78 cents from mite-box in public li- brary; $1.00 trom mite-box at 0. L. C.; donation of money fOl' E\tnlng Auxiliary frqm Miss J. Gal- braith; 1 baby's sweater and bOnnt!t rrom MlM R. Higgins; 2 flannelette n ightgowns from M.lss H. Pringle; 1 qui! t rrom the Benevolent Rebekah Ledge: afghan from Mrs. N. Thom- as ; 3 baby vests and crib blanket from Ml&!l E. Macdonell; afghan from Mra. Arohbe.ld; baby's Jac.ket from Mrll. Geo. Cormack: la.probe made by Port Whitby ladies; dona- tion or money trom Mr. D. T. CamP· bell, Chicago; 2 girls' sUps froiD. Mr&. 0. Grobb; 2 baby's coats, 1 pair of bootees, 1 bonnet and 1 pa.lr of panties trom tbe Junior Red Cross or st. Bernard's School. Worlr. Done b;r Glrl Guldet Two large cartons of tln!oU were brought to the workroom .. th1a week, all neatly eort.ed.. packed and welSh· ed. ready to be sold. This work was done for the Red Cross by the Whit- by ·ofrt Guide& under their captain, Mrs. Blck. lt repre.senLed many hours or patient and eX$Cting labor, but showed that the Guides are being taught the practical appllca~ tloa of third law, "A GUide's du~y Is to be wetul and help others." The :Red Cross appreciate& thls co-opera- tion from the Girl Guides. Thia wae atg:han week at the Red cross womoom, no less than 1ln lovely afgh~ being broua:ht in tor Britain. one of the prettJest was one brouaht In by Mlss Plorence Heard, made Up of nearly lMl brtcht colored t.nlttt!d. woollen squ&res, the work: or her pupils. Boya and girLs alike ahared. in the work, the blue and ora.n&e squares belnK knitted by the boys and red, grey, white, ro&e and sreen squares by the rtrl.!J. These children and their teacher are to be congratulated on their tndus· try. Reoonl Moa.ib for QuUt The bllaeat mont.h.ty ahipment ot <Continued rrom Page 1> Magistrate ~bs refused to date McGillivray'A jail term back to the date or hla tncarcer~t1on. quJlta yet reached was sent from our Workroonl tn April. n co:nalat- ed or 21 quilts, 2 crib qUilt& and 6 laprobes, all o! most attractive ma- terials and patterns, Old (Jnen Nt!edecl In each layette sent out by the Red CrOSII a piece of old Unen must . be enclosed·, Our sup,ly or this linen 11 running Very low. Howe~ keepers who ha.ve aome pleeea of clean. old lUlen are asked to help out by leavina: such donations a.L the Workroom. Knlttinc Departm.eut b Hummlnl Wt.-81111 Drlnr Fined Louis Train, was flr\ed $25. and co.sta on a charge of falllng to re· main at the soene- or an aecldent. Traln pleaded not guilty. The bulk or the Crown's evidence had been heard at Jut week's court. outlining the case In hls evidence Chief El- liott stated ··f.ba.t Train, prooeedlng weat alonlf No. 2 h.lahwa.y west of Whitby had pulled out of the _ traf- flc tine. cut in front or another westbound ear driven by snas Brooks, and thU6 thrown the Brooka car out. of control. Joaeph Antosh, bicycling west, waa thus thrown into -the dlteh and. &uffel'N. severe lnJur!••· Train clalmea that he was not the driver In questlon and. that mark& on hla car were not eaused by rtny Impact . 1'0nly a limited number ot even ·old Jaloplea traYel around with mls· cellaneoua marks on them," the crown rema.rked. "l am satbfied lt waa your truck that ~ame Into con~ taet with tbe Brooka oar," Magis· of trate Db~ told Train. A reckless drlving chai'ge W&! withdrawn. Pred Janes, O&hawa. formerly or WhlU)y, wu given the option or paying a Pft, fine with coats or go- inc to ja:\1 for one month. Janea pleaded gullty to talllng to remain at tht! eeene or · an accident and. caraleM driving. So bUJY 13 our tm1tUns depart· ment. that our purchase or wool during the month of Aprll _amounL- ed to m lbs. We now h&'Ve wool on hand. for all artkle.s need.ed. !or the Services a.nd our tnstructon will tell you which articles are most. ur- gently needed. tJ.S. IUd CrOY Lolses Chalrman Norman H. oavll the American Red Cross baa an· nounced that supplies amouutlnl to $1,056,000 destined for Britain have been lost. out ot con311t1JD.ent5 aboa.rd 200 ships, ca.rgoes on eleven shlpa have been lost, amountlnc tO about 9% of the total ahJ.pmeuta. One shipment to Greece, vtJu~ at $l,QOO,OOO, previously reported l01t. 1s now aaft! tn a Medlterrantan·por\. Salllnp lo - 8ioppe4 Increasing d.IItloulty ln. American Red Cross Neaoti&UDDI with the French government 1a developUll and until thi.!lla amoothed out .t.hert wm be no more aatllngs of Red. Orosi shlpe to France. Chief Elllott stated Ulat H. Paton, OUtftrln ab'et!t., Trenton, had re.- po:zted that hla ear wu sideswiped by Jane&' car which crossed tht! white Une. Janes waa proceedinl W!llt · and. Paton eut at the tune, the Chief aa.td. ' 'The accuaed flrat uld. he had. not stopped beeause tt Wall the other ·car tha.t hit him,'• the Chle.f related. He &aid Janea' car had been found on a Whitby street and the accuaed "KnOckln' eYUJ' roo4 thbtl' dOwa" hlmaelr arrested. in a locaJ. hotel. Do you know there'a lots of people attUn' round. in every town, Orowlln' lite a broody chicken- Knoekin' e~ry good. thing down 'l Don't you be that kind. o' people, 'C&u.se they a.ln't no use on earth. You juat be a boOster rooster - crow an' 'oOolt for all )'0\l'n wort.h. If your town needs boolt.ln, bOolt •er Don't sit bB.clt ~· walt to let If some other feller'a wUUn' · sai> rtghltn- ·- eountrJ'a nee. lf you see some feller aatllD.' Towards the tceberp o' d.latreu, Chop on steam an' go a runnln.' · "FOre he sounds h1a SOB. If you know &eme teller'• fall\11111, Just toraet •em, ca\15e you knOW nat !aiDe tellu'a got JOme ·.IQOd. polnts': Them's tht! ones you want to abow. Hand yer bOuquet. to the uvtn·, Do it now before we part; Smllln' faoea often cover Up a tired an' achln' heart. Cast yer loaves upon the wat.en. They'll come baCk, that aayin'l t.rue: :Ma~ so they'll come back buttered When IOille feller boOst. lot )'OU. SALVA6E DRIVE IN WHITBY TWP. The Paton ca.r waa damased to the extent or •100. Janes wu "fairly in- toxicated," when a.rrested, the court was told. "Fellowa like you get 1nto thts kind of trouble and then can't pay for It," the cadi. told Janes who was aliO liven tb.e option or $10. or ten daJB oa: the carele&a drlvlng charge. His lioeose was ordered suspended. for-One -year •. . ·· · • . . !liD)'. l!lllldme wu flnod tiS , and cOsta for CU'elesa: · d.rlY'In&' ·arw a charge of fa.lllna' to remain at acme ot an aock:Jent had· been withdrawn. B·uldne pleaded guilty to carele.sa dr!Tinr aDO! not rull'Y Cl1 Ute olhor oounL . Albert Hull, Plckerlnl toWilBhlp. a county con.ittable, wu given IUS- pended. sentence on a eharve ot ob· talnlna: ~90.93 !rom Conrad Black. Whitby, by false pretences. Hull pleaded rullly lo the thorp and deferwe counsel R. o. Ruddy points ed out that reatJ.tut1on of tsOO. had ·been made bY the accUHd. · . '-rhe &oCU3ed. wu hired as f«e- man ln alterlnc a bouse. J)Urlna .tht! time or hls" fonmianahlp be had to mate out Ume sheets. He increased them to aPJ)I'O:dml.teb' $100 .. " Chid J, w, l!llllott told tho court. "You have 11ripoud. a penaltJ on younelf more aeveH than any 1 could 1lve lf I ant ;p0\1 to jail," Vaclatre.te :r. a. told. Bull. The cadi aa.ld. be would. taU·. th6 previous good record. of the accueed. tn to eonslderatlon. HUll wu uaeseed tht (Oontinued from Paa• n court cost.a. sh!p g1vl.n& the ctet.&Us of tbe collee· .. . tl~: ~~~ worldna wtUt lh· OFFER $1 -200-IN federal government Ul coanecUon . ' . :~~chtn::·::~s::::':tg:m..,:r. PRIZES AT SPRINr. erable &Uoceu· · thrOUihout , . t.he U ·~~1: ~~ ::i~oih:!;:' fAIR AT BROOKLIN :::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;::;;;;;;;:;;::::;;.~.:;.1 COOnUnued. trom Pace 1) ~ .ftln.t month~ and under u. to be ARE YOU.' IH THE MARKET FOR B.UILDING . MATEIIALS .. We Have in Stock SHEETROCK, ROCKLA. TH, INSULATION, UME, BRICK .aDd CEMEHT We will be pleaoerl to quote prlcM on T-10 lupholt Shlnrleo ia Yorioua weiPta end oolo •• DIAL 52.4 J•es Sawdoa ' Sou led by a boy or -• rtrl 12 years and under, abo the muaieal chair com~ petM.ion open t.o bOY& and 1lrb under 18 yean. An Innovation In tbe Une of mUilc iJ beln1 tnt:oduci<t t.hl.s year wtth, the pruenee of the boya band. fNm fJtoynUle. Thl•. band hu won . $llldorable tam• aDO! will bO heard in a pt"'Of"JlUU1e of popular mualc played beloto tho IT"ld&land, Durl~ the · att..ernoon there wll! be a luneh and t6freshment booth on the·around.J. If there ts anythln& 111 the eve111ni' .no announce:ment has 111 1>0m IJllld• rer....U.. ~~ ona. Prealdent ot tht Pair ts R.-11 Rlchard&oD: l1ie secretary· "rtMiurer W1lUam G. Mr.u.ninl", and the . .AIIJJtant seoretary 'nlomu Hall, NORMAN HURDMAN LOSES ON DECISION Oor\lua ObrJtU, May lS. <AP>- a..tul l!l5!>oria It:!, Kexlco OtiY. punched hLI W'f to an ea.sy decl- &ion. o""r Norman Hurdman, us, Toronto, In a .10-rouDd mtJn event ot • · tlaht card here lut nt~rbt. , flbe only k.Dolj::kdo~ came in the open1nc round when a ahcrt left uppercut nOOI'ed the canadian, but be wu up before the count at.arled. The riotory wu the 19trh for the Wexlco' Oit.Y belt«. PUBLIG UTILITY ~OMMISSION TO QUIT GAMPAI6N (Continued from Pase ll constructed from the comer of King &Dd Ontario streets to Jtlng and st. John. ln that neighborhood eeceral new homes are now under construc· tion. One extenslon is to the hew home of Mr. B. C. Metcalfe. An~ other house being buUt lis that of Mayor Rowe, jUlit. south o! his pre- sent one, recenUy_ sold. Five appllcatlo~ for lrtterals are No one gets Into the doldruml more quickly than the cook. "What shall I glve them tor dinner today?" she moans, and begs for something new under the cooking sun. But luckily, no one ean get out of the doldrums more quicklY than the same cook. A new reclpe does it, an old d ish tricked out in a new way, a hint on new food products to tJ'Y, ·tan give the cook a marvellous lift. Oshawa's Cooking School opellll Wednesday, May 14th, at Marks Theatre. HUndreds of women are planning to attend. They are going to hear Mrs. Madeline Day's llvell Ieeture.s. They ~re going with the pleasant expectation that they'll ptck up some sound cooking advice nnd some cookery tricks that should make them decidedly popular witt1 the family. REV. ~. V. MeNEEL'I' minister of Klnr Street "Vallet Church who was eleeted. of Oaba.wa. Presbytery at. the meetinc recentl7. CANADA CALLS Canada has reason to count her blessings in theee da:J'I o!·~ :. ,' . "- . Canada is three thousand miles away from the .OUDCI ef p.. which are dev88tating Europe. · The broad Atlantic;, Oceaq roils between ua aDd die f th ·· c~....,.an. Armiee. , , ,. · ; .-", ..,,.::~"- ,·'""~-.-"' savageryA 9. ~ · "' '- ~~,, -: ·· - ~ .. :: ··· · -·';'·,; · " ... . . I d. B ··•-b, .. _ .c. . . The strongest · fteets in ~e worl - n.... JUUerteaa Canadian-patrol the sea between us and ~e,e~y. :_' ' ·(· We have a great friendly natimi, p~bably the Hehell ~~ lli.ii& powerful in the world., at o-.r side. CANADA CAN AffORD H:ER SACRifiCE$' • • . ~ ... . This war is a mechanized war. We have the nickel • ', , copper •.• lead ••• zinc and ~er }~.-f'~~ the war industries . need. We have acce88 to the iroiL . W • - ·· make the steeL . . . We have the organized ~c\1iBtries to fabricate thf!!!e: u:a~· ~ c · . make the trucks, and ianksi iuid guus, and p .. nee, · an~ the illdJ*. • . i ' We have skilled workers l9:~d ·the plants for mUe p~aed- Cauada hu the whea~ and the footlsnppliee. · · ' !· .. '· . Let us count our blesainge,l imd tijh~n our belts. . , . • • • • I ., • ' • I Canada is rich-one ofthe'richest countriesperheatlof .~ .- tion in the world. Let us lend oilr strength to th~'.·~~~-04 of~·; •' . . . power. Our nationai ·future depends upon Viciory. We must win to live. THERE WILL BE FURTHER CALl_$ I, There have be~n m~ny cillt( upon the people of thll CCMbllrf. ' for money since Canada. entered the war at the llde ·of / Great Britain. There will be .further callll. Let us face the futnre unafraid. . Canada can carry the load. But ,e~ery Camadian most shoulder his and her share. This is the most critical hour in our history. Let ~e lilt~ hi!ltorians say of Canada, Ill! they will say of our Mother Coanll'1' "This was their finest hour." ' .. \ ' I ' .:: ·._ J. l ; ' . , .(' . ._ .... ·; :,··.:. .. ' - . .. ' ' . ;

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