Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jul 1941, p. 5

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" OUGH THE .·. E OF ·T· ·.·.H.· E . . . ·- - - - ~ ,_ . CAME.RA· . . . . \ . . ' . . . . . . . ' Wllh r ...... lfall&welch& '"zlac s&or Lew ~ .aJ>owlnr him his SOlliday panch, Left. and ••·ch>mpion lkmQ" Ltourd 1MIDIJID& lab ear. JUaht. former 1J.S. p...tm••*e General .James Farley Is In a tcUrh spot. I& was .d Ill hm. th«MMCh - put ol tbe hlher'a Dar H!ebraUons In the New York Polo Grounds.. Tendler This unnamed Ro)'l.l Air- Fotte pUo& tells a p-oup or · awed men and boys at an Enrlbb eoWer,r how he and fellow-crew . metnben . or t.be U.S.-made scoutlnr · plaile . $0tt.ed the flecinr Nazi baU.Ieshlp, ·the Bls- marrk, and dlrftted Brltim warships whi~h anived on ihe ~ne and a.ad ·. Vk:e-PredaeD.t Henry A. Wallace ·. States cbai . t~ether at tba · Dl .Mr. Kinr. ·Mr. Walla~ and JKd on u. exhlbllioB bMl u pari of earuinl. More than 1 00 Polish \.eaidents Were reported to have been execUted as 11. result of a hrawl in an inn at Wawe in which two German military police ee~eanta were elaiD. In thia pic- ture. Left, smuggled frow Poland, the unfortunate inn keeper is shoWn hanging in his own doorway with a board inscribed ' AIUl ... b ~ French ~nd British forces have llowcd down t.beir drive aa Damas~us ( 1) the faU of th~ ('.apltal of Syria · seems certain. Cap- iue of lklrui wu a.lso Cores-:en as BriUsh Imperial troops tourht their wa1 lnlo ibe old Phoenician db' tc Sldoa (!I, , I riven In York, prior to the bsumonlal sank the Nad ship. the Jlrlndpal apeaRrs ai ihe dinner. · with his "crime11" hung about hi" wai:st. Aa part of the Nazi new otder in Poland, hundted s of Pole:s are gathered t'lgeiher, Right and sh ipped to Germany, where they are used in forced labor. • ANNESI ROYAL LADY 850151 Owned by \V, D. Thomson, Brooklin, · OnLarto. The fln~ Jersey cow to be cluslfled, a.ccordlnc to type, In Canada, From klri to rtrhl aft:-Pror. J . B. Flich St. Paul, ·Mlnne:so&a, Dlrec· ier of ·Datrrlnr for Minnesota; Prof. Ge'Orre Raltbbr; Ontario Acrl• caUaral Collere, Guelph, Ontario; MU. Man:b .Fowler.- Jc8oma Jer· _,. Farm, Milner, B.C.; Prof. A.. R. Nes.. ftlaedeuld CoUere. Qaebeo. .. " ' ' ' \ . } ·' ~- j . 'l ! • · and W. D. Thomson. , · 'Ibis beautiful cow clas.,.ified "Vtry Good'" . . Roya.l Lady hu a record •f 10,'J01 lbs. of mllk, S'JZ lbs, of rat in S05 day I, . ai four ·years of &l't:- Mr. Thomson h1d 20 Jenen da551fied. in hls herd. Flni Offtt.er helps First Broad, leU, Into aa. ra.lntr plane durla.r th.e nnt-nl nan of actiTittes of t.he air iranspori auxWai'J. Both are nperienced ferry pilots and their work for ·Britalj. durinc ihe ' war · lndudes the lu:ue of colledlon and dtU,·ery lnstrucUolllt conuranoe of pUots. and naYiptlonal and Oylnr lndru~tlon. · ~ Ralthby and Ness are oUidal inpe<lt.n under i.be new poUcJ ., lbe Canadian Jerse7 Cattle Clab. Halle Selassle Is ~rreetrd by l .t.-General CunnlnJt: ham chid of ihe East. African forces of the Bri.Us.h lmpe ri.a l Army, U. t the paW.ce In Addi!l Abba. The ceremony took obce fin• ~· ra.rs aftu Sdassie waa forced to fl~ from t.he same palace by ihe llalJana. Four Hlrhway workers narrowiJ eseaped death when a larre traM- pori \ruck toppled on their car and turned over on Hl&hW':IIJ No. Z, just w••I!O:'r, ~ ... :Friday • . ne dr"er of the itan•port, .J.lu'tDU MltcheU, or Tonnto, crawled oui ot tbe cab walnjuftcl. .& broken vehicle out of control and lt .. erash- ed onto the u _r ln ~hith workers were •t1Jir hmcb, A load or aee- tylene . tank!l added , an ezplo.&ft hazard. I'tlitchell WitS rldlnr wltb a student driver In an ar~y vehlcle when It crashrd Mme time nro, aDI bad only recently letL hospital. ADVERTISING Help Wanted ::HELP=::--:.W::AN'I'ED--'=::::0· TO THIN AP• pies. AP:!>ly at Redwlng Orchard! any day this week; work to start at once. wANTED- woMEN AND oiRI..S for mspberty picklnS· _PhOne 861 Whitby. or ··awty 11S7 Bi'Oct street south, WhitbY. lAst LOST-BLACK COOKER . SPMf· iN Yotm. 0U:> T1ltm ·dN lel Puppy, 8 months old, Weai1ng Dunlap FortS. Liberal allow• collar. Strayed June 17. "Ntner" ·bn Old tires. Easy tertns. Childs pet. l.Jbera.l reward. RObert Place, King and DUndas St., MeMutray, c/ o Burkholme FarDl.Sj Whitby. Wanted Clroli.~i'\i~le~~~~~ry : old WANTED-TENT iN GOOD ()()N· i 'Jll~'"~:.c b Tete• <iltlon. Phone 520, WhitbY. pur name and , and you 'lll receiVe our lllustrated catalogue . 1ild j)liD. FAUILEX; 6·tU ..-:~l . alement St., MONTREAL. "-' HOi!sE OR AP.ART• ment, rour adults. carefUl_ tt:mants. :Reply to A. L. WOOd;, Plctet1ng, Oht., c/ o Carter Hall Notltl. NAVIGABLE GUILTY TO WOUNDING; SUSPENDED SENT£N~ . ORDERED PAY COURT COSTS w.tn.. Claims Boys Had Ceuaecl a Lot of Trouble; Judge Wama ~AcCuaecl Dangerous to .• U..-Weapon Auxiliary Holds Delightful· Garden Party ~:--------------~----- Salvation Army Relay : .. · Tei!M W i n a Novel . ' .Knitting Race BAN JAP PAPERS FROM CANADA ·.'· THE CAZl:.TIE AND CHRONICLE, Y, jULY 2, 1941,. JUVENILE SAFETY tLUB IN OSHAWA BEIN6 FOUNDED Addresses on Safety Presented by Police and Fire Chfefa Signs Contract· With Tigers !t~r'll " 1 111111 job if,.. lffttsh ,..~ lflf.'. lljty II #XIJiflf•filtJ Wt~lt# il ~ Dllfril's ldtl11td. TIJ1 mt is ltw • . • wdru ,.. ,,,,,, """ -' 'l6udilll Y«<tiw' lfftn 1 wlit nijiif· -lt-llli /,..Is with o/1 fM Hllw- ""ils _,,oly lfJWIIII/ ,., ,.. • - .. ,.. Jq ,.., f/ffll. - PBOIIJ:S -· These hot summer days your table requirements: th~ orie &tore. phone Us EOr all everyt~iJ\g. &om -,' (0. ••••• AREFFORl Enablu ta..diam Talie P~ in Struaile For ViCtory wen C.A, bulldlnr wh.,. 13 ready ta· complete at.atr. ' , _ _ Prom ottaw& ~~ ~~~ t.be re- port that nearly 2,1100,0110 lnauruoo boob now liave 'been reqUtoltkJQo« by employere under :lbe UDfllllploy• · tnauranco pll.n1 · ' . WIINH ,i., 10/ 1-tiNrr ,_ TlfNfO ,wiifloii_,.-..M,-wis,.l/+.2,_ JI,IH/ ... 1/f.IS. W•~ ot w...,.. _, .... .w "'""'..," ·-~; ..... . "'!" ~ ~ ...... .,.,.., ... "'·~ .. - .Titktts llli 11/tnolliM II (" IIRI. GUT&UDII: DUW •llGIIII: 111 ~·

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