' I ' ' ' y ~·· VOL. 78-1"\o. 6 F. J. Mcintyre, Cham- ber of Commerce Head Seea Harbor Dredging Paving the Way· for Further Development. Whitby . Harbor One of Finest on Great Lakes COMMEND PART PLAYED BY W. H. MOORE, M. P. Federal Membet- Hu Mul- tiplied Succesaful Ef. forts Begun Two Yean Ago. Port Formerly Dormant Now Very Buay P'I'B. VIOI.ET .MAY nBST OI'JI'ENDD r Lcodoo, Aug. ~(CP)-Printe V1oiet Mai lllacll:ley, .urea~ ~Y dvtl pollee fl!f . bCln4r abamt without let.ft, ~ ~er place ,in ~ .- t.he flnst . member of the Awdllai':v Tmitorlal Bentcc to eome under the reautatton whlch Plt,oes lhe . -.n's army on the same footliiS u the reruiar army. ,.mW!ment far bem. abient wtthoot lea'fe ln<:ludes atoppap of 1l'Y' fatigue duttea, eanccllatlon of lcaft, and confinement to barra.cll:a. J Former Citizen Sends $10.00 For Soldiers' Smokea Da't'ld T. Campbell, aa otcl Whitby boy, D-~ ID Chl- eqo, pliDols, a iew daJI aco baacled to ·Charlie ~ an Am.crlcua Sll lllll with lhe re- ,aest that I& 'lie lheD &o lhe ~ f1IDd for Whl~ bO;JII •- Wllh lhe prfti!Dl nte of · exebaDre. lhe money Is a em of S1UO. NeedJHS &o .. ,., Mr. KI.Dc tiaallke4 Mr. Cam.p- llcll yery mach.fer his 4onatlon. Brooklin District Aroused By ln.digni'ty Q·ffered Flag • Brooklin, . A\Ji'. i-IndlaDlty ot- fercd bY a penon or persona un- ....... ,-... to a larcc ·UDion Jacll: erect- Everett Bborb1dle'a atore <·t dilrtlur Saturday Digbt has tl\la 1·-.;~:::u:~ tborouabl1. arouaed. ' l have been notutcd aDd ef- underway to apprehend 8h()l'tr1dJre. better known aa mayor," recently had iarce painted on his store buUdtq the all-out war effort at- ,..,...·-··- . ·- the pe,ople In thb vUlqe. erected a UDion ·Jack, but. ·~111ettm, Saturday nlabt. 1t waa down. · lnvestlpt.l<m lbowed . , that the national at&ndard was Uterally ripped away from Its pole • ttoUce of the flag desecration bu been Rnt to pollee throu&hout U:.e dlatrtct and e-very effort will be IDIIde to brtns the offendens ~ justloe. . Under the Defence ot canada reaulatlona, It b bellevcd loeally that olfertnc Insult to tbe Impcrtal flq, whlcb 1.s &lao Canada';; fkg. can be aeV'Ol'Cl:v punlsbed. The guilty persons may have lmaatned they were perpetrating a prank, but Broolo.'ID rcstdents : 1 t-bat an , Incident of thla ltlnd lbould be thorouably IDveatlpt.ed. .... . ._, ..... , ... . Le- on WedMI- 13, Ww. be .: whlc:li Wm be • ':.~H!~~!!!:~~ one dollar cub to lhe 061l&1lra_ •• ·lhc• nisi ~· with· CaD for Volunteen to Make Unita of ~ dren'a Clotbing- Wbitby. Sweater for Bomb ·R~ Sufferen . Bean "V" for V~ -Reel Ciosa wni 0.,. : en.te Booth at Legion- Rotary Street Fair '· aborts ri-om -~A. a: wll.son; _do-: nation of clgarct~ · from llrs. .':W. ~; . 2'~ of ~tees and 2_ ba., by Jacll:ets trom. Mrs. A. B. ild-. ward!; • pair -of socll:a, ·'1 jialr1 or mitts a~d 1· ~~ ~JIFl frOm Mns. G. 111. QOOdfcllow; 10 P,la'\ nJshtctitsess mel- 32, palm ol IIOCb fl'cim . .Almond& · AUlllll&iJ.; .. 1 .JIUk,a from .JIIIjl ~ool .. Jimiar ,Red cross; ; f helmet and '1 pa1r of from Mbs 'H. ·Prlnale . . SewfDc ~ fw.~.U.. Units of children's clothiDa lD ,_ year siZe; cOn.!tstlng· fir coat, lllouae. Alt-houeb th 1 1 Rrd cross Jumper .and bloomer~> . arc ·now cut e oca out and rcndy for lll&li:lD&. Ladles -.."'J'II:room . bas been closrd through. willing to underta)te tbe matlDc· of t.be month of .July, the work_ bas one or'· more unlts arc requested. becD carried on by the women of oolnw 1 Whitby ID Uletr bomea. resulting in . phone , M~s. J. Herre.~, 815. the followlns articles being turned Vldory " · on .Swatet: • ID at the end of the month. A no,vel· l~ea has been intiocluCcd P'l;lr the Amly:...233 palns or socb. by Mfzi. ·A. E. Sturaea lD embroktr _ -•- f rtn 1,._ 5 sleeveless .erlng the letter v, !~ -V~tor:v. oo - _.. .. o e m ...., a sweater -destined tor •a BrWab aweatens, 3 army acarves, 2 belmets. bomb vi~Um. "l'ht. kiU. 11 Well l'br the Navy-18 ~Irs or ae~- . worth ~ csrrylns out on artlclM or boot stocli:1nls. 3t pain of seamen 5 clot-h~ - to help promote the "'V aocll:.s, 1~ IICa~, 5 alccveless :;weat- for v t'ctory" campaian now ll1n1Dr ens, 12 helmets, t turtle neck the world. · sweaters. II patra of mltts. · · . Civlll&n Xnlttln&~ pairs of 15oc· Booth at Lcpoa-Jlolu7 ralr kces 1 ahOOldcr abawl, 1 pair of The Red ~ Will wcrate ~ mitt;., 1 parka. booth at the Street ~ on Wrd- Civlllan clotbtng-8 units or a- neroay, Aus11st 13. Ice-cream and year slle, conststlnr of jumper, candy wUI be for .sale. All members coat, blouse and bloomers, and also are .asked to patronlae tbe booth 5 extra blouses and jumpers, and and l;!rlng your fl'lenda. 10 rtrls' nightdresses. ·· Candy . Wan&ccl . DonauotuJ Received 1\_ connection With the WhltiiY The following donnUons arc Red Cr06S booth at Ule street Pair rratefully acll:nowle<lged: donv.tlon on AUJUSt "13th, donations of or $10.00 from st. John's R. c . gar- home-made cMdl~s are · aoUc1ted. den party; 1 pair of socks from TbOIIe williiiS to man d0111.tlelos Mrs. c. Park; 1 pair of aoolrB from are isll:ed to call Mrs. E. Bowman, Miss M . Mcintosh; 1 R~lr of socks telephone 503. from Mrs. R. N. Bassett; 1 pair of Candles made tor the Red Cross socks ' from Mrs. wm. Downie; 1 Booth .should be delivered .t . the ~lr of socks !rom lllrs. J . Brllnt; 2 Red Oroi5S Work Room after J p.m. c:aps, 2 sun auita and 1 pilr of 'On WcdnMclay, Ausuat . l3th . "Biabft.Y . ·traffiC: -~ a.~ waa tbe - r-~· i .• . ,mr am paaslq . ~' Whltby .. . ··Oblef Constable BlliOtt 'ata~- :~.· ~ ~. thbii"' . ...... . lba : t&• ~JUt mui: ot · ~ita:v- · :motc1rt11a were ~ -'at· ~e-eoollOIDJ' speeds, and-ntnei7•iin:· per cent (or tbetn at leut. ;me cberiDc :tratne lu'a to the. le&ter.... ~ . ~ ~ Trafftc 'W.. ; ~..,j:. all Saturday af~ and ,enntq:~ it ~la' .' sernttftly •Um•t&f ~t ,~n oftr ten tbouaDd_.:p1:ra~ ~~ed 1110- to'r ftblclm JJUM,d ~· WhltbJ, in one direction or.. I.IIOUler. · Ai Umes It· 8!elll'tld~ tftat-e&ia nat of Wbi~ rom:~~ m...un- broa!n m.ua.ewr:~ 110 nm-: ·- A_.. .te ~· p;· A. .cwHs; Jletlcal . ome.r ... ....... •. --~-.-...-...... ~·'. .·~ ~:-~~ ... ~ .... WMII . tile ftlid tlaa& . ._ -an. .... ,......__ ... ......... : lk~ " C...,. all tbat II 0.·..._.; ........... : ........... .. ., ........... : .... ~,; ... .! ......... ...... fabn: te ..:. )llri .a _;... ,L is~_.....- .. J. ... :_... ...... :·-... ':u-· · r..11o Beahil Aet. , .. 'I'M.JI.p.JL' ... tlaa&. ~.i.aft.'~,--!:. '·"'-· _ _ .,'II!......., ....... ····-···""'-' ..... ' .... ;;;.';t bi' .-..~ ........... . w..._ ...... r•l•rW-· .:, ;· · · .. - ':' .