~ .................... ..... Boy Wanted, To lnrn priu l ing, ofiice. .Appi:t at tbia Th11 Popular Houle to World'& Fair. Sale Still On, ,. ~·" i Whitby ! + + : i l 5 o i Boy Wr1ntetl. Apprentice !Joy wanted nl the new shoa store, M. W. Culliu.:;, Now thnt Ure \\'o rltl'.:> !!'air i.s in complete running o rde r, the Grand Trunk H11ilway l:lyst .. ru lmvo inaug- urated " double da ily through car ""rvice, Montreal to St. Louis, •vhich give.:; the pulJlic un excep- lionnl routtl to the Ivory City. In addition, patrons nre o!fered •tor•· OVI!r at any point in "Canada, Detroot, a nd Port Huron, or Chicago, Ill., without ~l:tra charge, Do not make u mist:rkc, !Jut ti<!l' 1 h:tt your ti«'.Jteu read via the G mnrl Trunk-the great doubla truck ro11te to St_ Ldui.<t. Tho ~rc:tt Aalo of hootA and shoes fltill continues at the :rrt•at shoe Btore. Jlarguin tnblc in full Rwing, $! nn•l S:l oout.s !or lk :&1. W. Col· liiVI, nonp-IJt n ~ew Business. 1\lr.' Thomas Green, Cormnl)· of \\"hitby, haA j ust l>ou~ll t n new busi ness, one o! the IJr:qt hotel pro- p., rtie« outside of New Yo rk, it i11 el:timr.d, at Concnut, Ol•io, thr ll n- i tetl Stales tumin nl port o r tllP. rail- wn,· lake ferry, who.~e Canadian port iA llondenu. The city is on r. of the moM pru.;p~rons bclw~en .Uufr:tlo and Clevdand. lllr. Gree n w ill now be much n rarr.r his old hom" her~ than hA hn.'< ~rn for Aorne Y<nr~ nt ~:trf')y, \\'i,.,, n~b-we~t o( Chicago. : 1 Milk for Sale, I will brio~ a can oC milk to my llbop every morning, and will Mil it out ther.e at fuur cen t s a qu.art. Send for some. J ame.s llloore, bu t - cher, Dunda.. .street, Money in Poultry. Brief Locab, Hay Wnnted. Five hundred toD.'I timoth7 h:ty wanted (or J une nnd Julr shil>tnent. AllWl ml'n tO oporat11 hoy pre-+.!. \\'ri~e H. L Breen, H Cottio.:ban• t>rrt>e t , Toronto.-&·:!. tv. Olhf'r.• S .1o Vs. i UVE $' I Now ia the time to plan for it. Se- cure ttood settin~,:e and the reby h:r.ve large quantities of good early chick- eM and turkeyll fear next fall to Bell to Dundaa ok :b'lavello Br011., Lindsay. Mr. Ch1trl~,. Smit h, of Ott awrt, ia boru~ for a twu \\et•k>< holiday, Mr, C. \\', l\lacdona lof, o~ DPpol Harbor, Ont., wrllf'.~ •H "Must S.'\)" nm plrn,._~,J wi t h l.ho• Chronicle, (t is jul<t lik ~ ~,, ttin~t n IPtt t'r from home. lt U. s o imtim•·•••'- A1 lon!(' n~ il itt M J.,roud :tnd nrw:H ' tt~ at prr. .. ~nnt you n1:t."· a I w :tyA c ou.nt to~ :tln"na vuur HUh .. cribe r~.·· Plumbins and Furlloce \\'urk. In ortle!' to meet the henVj de- mands o( their trarle, Hallitt &. Brnd. le:r b llVe ~SeCured the eervicell of~~ev e ral more oC the be"t plumbeM aD<t tinsm ithA of the Dominion, n od are In a pooilion to b.'lodle, n rth promp~ Df'M, !nrtlrer cont racts .o r plum~ lng. bot wnter or s team he·ttin~r .nnd Cnrrmce w ork. They a lso do pitch nnd gravel and met.r l roo!in(,!. La~t ye:n thex iMt alled " eonrplete "'Y"t~m of plumbing rn ' t hP. 05hnwn Hitrh s~bool buiitlin;;, li ft<:! i n N Veral oC the I>Mt residen.-e!l in that town. . : • N • : + Rem~>mber the lawn <>OCi:tl at Mr. n. Mcllrady',. this Tilur•dav e'nln- iug_ . I : j R. I The Ba.rg.lin HouSP, Our readcu; wi ' ! do w~l t · ;; rend U&o~ :! in 1 tihOO pol i_;h, fur sale at th o New Cub Grocery_ J. E. \\'ater• house. ' .. _r- --.._~0::- - i -g: . : f Neat and natty Brooches, j Pins, Souvenir Spoons,~ with outs of the most prominent buildings, eto. for : THE HOME COMERS I , NO~~~~],~~~~TT ~ H. llres:en ·,. adVel·tisemt:nt each W<'Ok. E'"ery week .Ji!Lerent pr<, i<~ are quoted, 1!'0 that you kaow just what yeu are going ·after. JJy r~adilll{ h is advertistmleot froru , week to w<.-et.r you can l'l!Ve money, MOGnligilt E.~:cur:;iollll. The Osbawa citizeua;' band hav~ complet.ctl arrangements with the atea.mer Argyll', whercb!' tlrt'y will run n mooolight e~cursion from \'fhitby, thhu\\·,. and llowmt~n\· illeev ery Fridny night. Tho 0-<hnwa or- chMtra :.nd b.'\nd will oo ,. !Jon rei to furni&l music. 'IIrese aro the only moonlight ex<'ur,ious tlr:ll will be run this Hrwwer. 'fil'l .. et<~ :!ii cent'!. Time Tnhlc Ch:tngf', Our studio w ill b, open every day for the old i>o)".:>' re-union. O'Jlrien & Stedham, Par~hed .snrinD:!a, th~ new break- tn.st food, at the Nuw C:u~lr Grocery, J. R Waterhotu~e. Tht~ l.etll(ue Wt!eting~ nro drawn !or th" ,;uwm"r moutL.s, to •. .,. .suruc in September. With- Mr. 11. IJ. lluwplrrtly arul fatnil y, o( Toruntu, ar~ the ~u"-"1" u( Mr. J . Trull over t ll<l jubill'e. A. \\'. Jackson is ~ent rur the z;tt'H.Wilr Arg yl<'. See him or caU phoue 1~ fot· inforruatioa. .\Ye have somdhing extra to offer in smoked m •·at nt tb" New Ca.sh G roc.!ry. J. E. \\"aterhoww. Mr.:;, ~- H. :;r u\1 h;ul n~w potat._ on tlu: :!!It h uf .I uru-_ This t!D:LUltld ht•r t o a)(ain t:tke (ir,.t filace. Mr. J-'_ H.odh•, of Turunt u, wa>< in For Sale. A Great Dar~rnio. StnOO will bn7 t h !! solid brick Shr~w ~ltage, frrtmto l'tt~oble, an<l nearly ::-a e re of Jo.nd, jw.t north of Whitby ndry. Im- me<liate PDMI'S.~ion. l ?rly ~ E. st .. pbeMOn, opp010i te 1'~ CicP, Wllltl.y, He aL'\0 h :tS a t - b<~gs of choice pot~~otoes_ ..J 'T""" lntf'I'CI'lt lo the Trnvell~ \ P u blic. llr. K R. Blow h :" JJP~h'>i!.JIIIO i ntrd n~tt~nt for t 1m llny of I ,., rout P, St,.,.mor North Kinj!. ;,~tte ,lopn to Rodr!'8ter. nod nil J>Oift • in U nitf'd · Stntf'A, Hr. nho Ita.• t h~ ll ichrli"n & Ontario Navil(n liuu Cu., anrl' ;\ ia- unra Rivr r Lifl<'. Tlorou~h ti.-J.: ,. t__,. to nil f'Ort .. o( c:11l on 1'akL"" and St_ T.nwrllfi«' Jlil'f'r, Ca nada and l lnitPd StntM. Call or \\"rill• him for nil informntion. i Brock St. , South, Whitby ~ ~ Succ«aor to Richardson & Co. : ~························· ll you intend tra•·cl lillt!', .s<'an your e)OO OV!>r tLts ra ilway time tahlc, puh- lis.hed iu a1u1t ber cotumo, Cur tbPre have IJco•u further l'h:\nj!es ia t<Owe of the trains_ The early m ot·nir)J; train for tl,te wc:>L (;OI"S :r t G.:!!l in· stead of at 5.4:!, the uflernuott train Cor thP. wu.~t leave.~ at :!.05 ill!l l<!ad of ut :!.U!J. arul tht~ CVt>ll ing trnin for lht' W<'..,;t ~o~s at 7.55 iuste:ul of 8. 1;1, TraiD« ~oing ea.<. t will rcmaiu the Mme except tlrat tile mornin.: train leavoo ot 8.59 ins tea d oC 9.04. The morning train from th~ north :~r rivc.-; at Whitby two minutes ea·rlia-at 8.0&. town on 'fiiMclay in the int~rtl-'St of G i rt.. "'anted. tbt~ Con."iC rYnti Vt~ A.cs:toci a t ion. THCRSDAY,_ JU~i,; 30th, 190t WHITBY'S DOINGS. Don't m iss this c hance i( you wnnt !re.o;.h turnip rsced . Try the new ca&i grocHy. J . E. WuterhOWie, I( you wnnt a nic"' col lection in flo- w en> nor! phtnr.< g ive lht> new Ca:Jh sroccry a call. J . K Wr~terhOI.ISIS,. Brier Local11. Gf\ t your lnwn mow~r ebarpf'n~d nt \\', J. Lute"& repair l!!bov for onry 25c. The Whitby old hoy"' Bnd ~ i rl111' re-union i" going to be one of the bi,:rge.o;t events in Whi tby's hi!otor r . Thi" i11 the largest loea.l pnper pu b- lished in Cnnndn. In our combina- tion eirculalioo, t oo, """' bnvc the IRrgea t. .lllr. John Sm ith h:u< :tn IHIVerli~- m,.nt in th i" issue saying h ., i" prf'· p:tl'f'd to bn-" ACrap iron, br.1~~. lr:td, c-e,pJwr, zinc, horlc..'.(. rnbhC' rs, r:~g,. , r k., to oo w eig h f'J l on the to\\n sea lUll. Sen h im " t Jn". I.oog'e i.tore. Pitiful H elpl{Wiof"'s, \'ictiJn~ o( Mr. \\"m. Hailey, northwc.st of the town, "hu m~t Wllh au accident a f~\\' 1\'t!e ks :\(::U , rPJU:Li~~ aOOul the tS.Jtrrll ·-n<•it h.-r btlt ter our wor6e, 'lh,• . .\l i:,;,._"C..~ llllyWn ni 1\Prf\ in to\\n On our laat page nppeo r.s n o :rdvcr- ti~~emeot o( the_ &holi~lrl Woollen Co .• o( 0 ->h n w a. ' 'TI.C::·'-_.'!)lt {rirU., 1\Ad are prepared to pay tJi-3 highest wagNo, By their ne'" 117stem be- gifU!era can earn good pay ·aDd from ~ to 89 per week aftor Ienning. Goocl boarding: plBc"" " " " he obtBlned !or any who desire to aYail them· MIYee o! tmee .. posltio~~.s. Wrlht tlae compaay and .. a what the,. will do ror 700, nArvous di.!le:.aes nr 11 mo~t to be pit- iN\ ~:tU:<r their ailmrnt U!tUBIIy ter- min:~t e" in mental or ;>hysical lrf'lp- l"""flC.!l". Pllrnlysis, loeomotor atnx- in A.nd illllaoity oan only be avoided b7 huildi1J8 ap the nervous •YBtem nt the first lli«M ot trouble and there i" Do preparation 110 well 11uited !or Ibis pUl'pose as Dr. Chue's NerYe Food, the great- nerve restorative. Tb" Ilfflt Li nime nt_ "I h:rve de- "iOD bltel'Mting Newa from Every Part. ot the Town -Picked Up by BustliDg Beport8l'8. Printing SnaJltl. How about your printing auppli1111 r Here are a lew ol our IUlllPII- on ~:llnnla"y_ 'l'h".f "'"' now living in Droukliu, owing tu the~ ill health Anolller Turbine of Mi,.. Minnie Ht~yw ... nl. Ste~mer f rh·e•l great benefit from the use of Cb:trr.bcrlnin'.s Pain Baim for r beum- alis.m and lumbngo," a:ry.s Mr>~. Ann:t Hn~e1t;a M, of Tueknhoc, N.J. ".My h u,;bnncl used it for a :\pn incd bac k an•l wn~ nll!o q uick ly relieved. In fo..- t i~ is the best (a:~~ilv liniment ( havo e'"er uaed. I woulq not think of bdng with.:-ut il. r have rc-com- ml"hcl" d it to nlllO)' liD•! th"y :t[\\"IIYR 11penk: \'4' ry h igh ly of i r anrt •1•-chre it." ID!'rite :ue wunriurCut." I•or An i!' b7 A. ll Allin .. Found. A band bracele t, with !; ucld to Vir- gie . upon it. A pply at th~ oHicc. Giving up Bw;intlB.'I. 1 S:,tearing :;a le o1 the t1tuc~ next to cidvei"ie r·'! sho;r~. SalOl be,:~ tos _ on S:Uurday e~eniu.g, and wtlt contrnue nll next week. 1000 envelupea and 7our bul!in883 printed thereon {or 99c. 1000 letterhead& and your business prir:rted thereon !or $l.50. 10110 notebcadl,i oad your busines!t p rinted therooa for 99c. 1000 statement headings und yo u r business printed tbereoa for 99c. 1000 hand!Jilt.. w ith any k ind or printing thereon !or 99e. 100() tags and your "busines:~ prin t- ed thereon fo r 09c. 1000 quarltlr billheads a nd your 'l'he Grangcr.:r held " Vt"ty l:'UCC<!S~ (ul lawn suci;LI at t he hurue or llr. fi. 1'. l'hilp, ua,.., liue , last \\".,Jnca- dny e\'(! n i ngo. Au t'XCt'lU c nt vro· g n.,lumc W;L::) rendt!l·..-,( by the loihlw- iug -- Calvo•rley'::< or<'b~"' ru, ><UIO:i b,y • \I i.s..'i Etina Phil I•· Hnl~au1; rceltation!J by Ali,_, 1\"illi•uns, G l t· n .M:dor; se- lect ion::< br th" Ha rru<>nic :L Orcile,;t ra of ~-. l:l. !\o. I. l'n JCt•c•lli :LWUt lj~. \YiU thPre l>t' anothor turbine ete- am~t· runni n J,t out or Turon t.., next ·~on t .~t•roJu a p1•· .••·n~.-~·. it. 1' not improb,l hlr•_ A vcrr .-IPn rly de- finPd r umo r ;,. l)(•i nJ! <'io·c•1latrd n molltl mariu r m•n , . .,.~ llrnt .. cr.,ct_ . It i" t<:ti cl t hn·l i\l r . ~;·lrnnnd'<o n, w ho l'ontrol.-. t h •1 p:trk a ll•a<- tinn'< nt O:oh • . nwn. i" not sn t i,.f ird 11 itlr tho l r~at mrnt h" h:t '\ rt>crivrol (rom t he Ar- ' tL Yif' mann ~orc::nr n t, lri~ <ttmt>hint be- ;~ lh:tt Olcott i" J,.in~e unol uly hoom- rrl for rx~rr r>tion purpow,., and t hn t ho• ha.'\ a nnuu uc~d tlrot h~ w ill plt~re liOc. to End ot th'l Year;. Either The Chconicle or tho _ G~t zette will be Bejlt to ne1v l!ubltcrrbor" rrom now. untif the end o f tbe pre· aent yo~~or tor :iOc, Send the money per poat oUice order. busint!6s printed thereon for 99o. 50 calling corda a nd your name nicely printad thereoa in new type for 30c, ·Prices for other w ork p roport ion- ately low. Tlu•rc is t alk of the li r:rn.t Trunk g ettirll( o\'l'r l h .. t.li( l ruu~y o r cliwb- illl! t;carlror" llt'ib lrts l1)' !Juihlint,t " tra<'k on tile lak:. s hu r••- It i>:~ e>~ li rnntetl tlw t, u .-~ the ,,.al t· r i::! on):)"' !lOme (our feel tlo:t·t• ru•ar rh.- short\, 11 road- ~d, co'it i t'-:! a uai ll iuu ,! ul l :t J"~, c o u l d W buill , whil· l, \\ Ut&ld -.,,,,. a 1nr 1 :uuu unt , ,( i u .·l a r t I u tI t•r wurki J HXItelLS~.li autl fu l l) \~ ·•r raut tl.Ju ou lily, : n. tu r hinl! ·"'teamt•r on t he l'ou te in I or>J•Ollition to l111' Arl!'.l"lc. pruvidrd port" of cnllinJ.C aloo,c tht~ north Phore will ll!('rne to rontrihorte $~.-0110 n~ n· 'bruol~- " Rn o lhnt',. jn,.l · • · h;t ,.. h C.Of7!~L ...:!. m!'frine Lru!t Sundny hc- i!Hl Tl.rv. Mr. .Em- ory'.-. l:t.• l liP. r vi<:c,. prPviou~ 10 ll' :rv- ir-.c on Tue"<lny mornyt~ for a two months' l rip t o };u rope. hr AI ntrd Urnt h~ wa., not laking the trip tor Ir is own piP.:t.'lll ro. no r for his hPa It h, blrt for the lH•t lf'r e clnraf i on of him- "Pif. He pr~acb Pcl v.,ry i mpr"-"" ivft RP. rmont< on th" t!' :oc: r , "1\"lr;r l U1ink ,-., of Ch ri•ll" A t l hf' cltr.<r• or lh r TheBe very great boriJaina are !or cash only, Brief Loca ls. I Ohi li irb L~ l u r fruuo .\I r·.;_ Lug l on.' M rs. J. I rving, of Toronto, i~ v is:t- it~ !H,r mothe r, Mrs. Hatch. Mr·. Uuw .. s, of M illon, is vt'}ting hi~ Sa.nl iL Cru~ .• Cali. IJ ,•ar t i azettt· ,· l pruwiS<!d wauy u{ ruy fridrHL b< fo rd 1 )<! It \rtr ~l hy tlocot 1 woul . - . .. , \\'. . II .I w ri lt· lu 1 II ·111 •. :, ; I . ' }" .\. tJ "'npTavC""Uout..ld n[ \\"oriels ""'lr_ _ Gordon. .-..;t. 8.l ll\l( . S LonJ .... c U\Rtfl,•\11, rnr•· • you on ' t\' ~ 1 u• . , 1 u u cl.;'l o ,:,h ll lut.-.u "'"d : .. . ·~·l,or-.:. u .• . ·, h·i n g- c; ut t• it tu lu)· Ill·&;.;. . . . ... I 1 )o' "' 1 [ th· l.iraolul Apply t o a n)· "~cu~ . ~ . > ,J. d~- lt: Rail,way (or ttd.ut an _ ""'~~\n J~~·';~·l .. o t wt...Ak l u(k1ng up old fri~nch. up in lll i h om.- tu\\ " · ~ '""' . wuol.J anal rtt· \·:r \\U~ahJ. ha\'1! I t" "'~ - o~ly tlla l t tJ rc.ulctl l he co 'Irt~n. <Lill •lrle t e ntitle•l " A F ,(ty D<>rl!lltVu I' 1 p bl 01 " E.l.p<r.>ition Million Dolt•u- _ro 11 Hedoood ratee now iu lull tiW tD~t' Cbic·wo Detroit , Mr. nnd ll•-"· McAddi.,, o! 0-<hawa, ;,. villiti~ _ .Mt. anu .M.rs- J ~~~~ Tw~ie. u.gol~b r cuwiUM on. _\t·con.Jin~ '\~ ..;:,ou m:;, 1 \\ .• ~ \"c l')" fu rtun:t ~o ~al"' i t. :;, v.,ral I iwc::< wilau WIL.:> read in..-t about th ' "de ~eo.s__, b. lOi\\'." } WlL~ ~itli~ i n . lll ~_ lMJn..~.1• cuYt·rcd wilb , . .,_,...,. rluul>rng ovllr •· · n l!'cbruan- a n •l .lla tl'lo, anti com_ ~ared lUll clim:tta willt Canurla . ~u\ no w 1 " oultl n llht• r I>-; how e. wn( . 11 tha dca t· uld fri<·ntk ull l'ooVOim ~.- csp~cia lly a s l r•a•l o ( thu rc· uni ~n of Ol<l Jloy.-t I hal i~ to t~ 11 v..· nto~, ovor a . o • . " 0 d" t e Cau.1dian l!>lattous. r1nd Inturmc ra Try w_ M. Pringle'.:> lin.~mitb ~in- and plumbor. He w ill du you 11 ft·r-t!ot clu.ti>~i job. . - to Rocbe,.t e r :M r l!"rllnlc Smith, o( Toronto, 1B Excurston . to {•ort of Ro- l' isi ti~ h is tm.rent~ a t Port \\'h i tby _ Cbco.p excur::<IOII S ll y -u be r un via. tr. lie i" nQt very we • chestebr, ,~:n,. ;,' ~~~w l 'ort llope a.udl Uunting flags, w reaths nod res- " Sort ~•-· · " .._- Port - · ' · 11 f - d whilu and - bour~ to S ummerv,lle, •' - •-· , toontn~ot 111 ba ·" o te • C~ Roell ::<ter good 11oin:,; ,] une 30th, IJiue at Ro:J.:> D ros. I . lui•· How I \\ oultl Ilk · 1, ace 111 • "· . h - t to l_(r~<!L them 1\' rlh a hr :ort.y an• et 2.30, • ret~ruing up to ~uly 2nd, Mi,;..~ Gn«>nwoud. ::;ul' r.rinlt•rll lcnt ~f " 1 rn {a re ~:!. Gootl ~::oru g Jl:'ne tire J c llis h llu; pita l, Ctncrr1ua tr , rs • e u ~ t " 30 retu r nmg h 1"·' • 3Dtb or July :!n"• u w , • To home (or he r o rull)S. - - Jl to J uly 5th, return faro $3. M 5 \\' m Ua ile" is :rdvcrtt.st nl,t htH u - · Cobourg ex- r · - J f t1 :<lril k~ , :IIIII h a \'c a c h al awu t th - dt~)'.:> of '4:), II • l ~~~ olrl 11\IIN! J'S >IIIJ )l ~rc_ l L '"'-" in lh~ year tl!l ~ _tlutt 1 w ent with w y fat he r to \ \ httby, My mother ancl IWU s rstt• rs f~llow- reach Port llo(le o r . ~ o( mill pro(ll!rty, north Wt'-"' t o rc cu r:~ionists cAn t ok~ "!IVIlndtag'T unlt town (,Jr sale in ruwlhcr colnmu. f the uran r • f holiday r:t t OS 0 tl fur five If you want u n o.s.tra g oo•l cup o u. · l · wh1ch nre g uo 0 0 bl r1 t the ~-1 wa) ' ;!Otb lnroriDI\Lion coff ee try tho - - un a d. -s from •Junu · . It -- J t,; W11ter· a) _ r lh" comrn1tt<'e- . new cash ~roccr ). · · and t rc ltot s r omt Gray , 11 . U. ltad· house, A. Mulholland, C- d 'l W J G r ecnwo o•l lc!t l ' !f d Thll'l. Long. Mr. 1111 ., rs. · · . _ . t' l au lhi::< \\'N! k t o s pend th llrr V.l<'. tlton Ill Mitchell, Ont. A plc :L-<~n t l!o li tlny Drief Locals. 11. ll n·:;ti n 'o set bar~nin.'i. i.;i tire ~ t ure where you t o thum. ,-i:,itin~ a t Mr. Wm. Gailey '.;_ . _ 1-1~ Plci.L'il! leave say .... h e c omc.s tlus wa~ ~o . ,;sr.;~~~~ work. IJciu~ !1 h ard \\ ur kaue rll:.ck :; ilk !Jel t lost. n t thi.; o (!ice. Circulation i.; what odverti.se u lo-w. thi.; t>l'C Ul.S "trllugc. ' Mr. T h o:<. i\lallda!urd, uf til e 1 ost want. We bave it. • H ) Oil w :urt barg:t in.s ca ll Ill the (urm, o u t h e J..:iua;.ston r~atl . ~as l , aheared a sheep whoae Llee.-o yrcldotl 6eventeen pound.~ of was b wooL M r . only \\' . lliUD touk the fleece oU. aew " lore . U . Urellhr:r. , R..d, whit e a nd btu" bunt m~. be. ~cr Y~>T~ a\ l\oaA Bro•- Two houaell for aa le. ReCer tbe 11<lvert U!timent in another Mr. Alt~L Whildi\W i.l !Qill!t'!!d I~ umn. to the old Dlow cool olfi~Je, wh~re he I.S col- '*lllin repairin g 11nd sh ... t1'2 Din~_ lllw.n mower.~. If you r lawn ~UII Cr "'out o! n•rmir, ca ll u ud :~ec htut. G " t you r dt•l'omtiou,. at ll~.,;s .!l t·o~. for tire Ol.t !loy_;' a rul Old G rrl" l ie · union. Mr" - lloU.· r t Kelly , . o f th11 nor th wan!, is a tlvc rt i.:; irlg rn :wuth~r col- umn (u r bo11rd~rs. A hott>o a nd [ol.'i on E uc lid ~trr.e l tHe llt.!Vcrti:;,J. for "'-' 10 IIUIOIII; OliC "'~ "'"' (llo·:tse•l t o l~u:t r t h ,tt M r. E: ~ostlt.•y i.!' ~tiU on tllc ~••l.c u! IIUJi fUVt~ ~ IU t• fll , hut is very I~ U .X.IO lU lU l{t! l huult~ . 'l'hc ductvr~ au.:u~t on kco p- ing hun in lh ~ ho!ip. tal , b o w c Vt• r , un - til !J ,, i.; wore fll ll )' rocov~ n••l. A Jm t c ut utct.liciu~ lll;ln ou thll' (our ' ..., llllW 11d,-~ 1· t isomunts. '"'\ W, M. l'ri!lll lu h:l-" '--t in.srnith a nd plumber, eel t o do a ll k.i ud• u[ l ine c orncrli ~.a.L unlay cv~nan~. l.~:uJ tho a tlr~l\ c la :i !i u~ua l t;ra ud uac t.l tc iuc w luc h woultl unt.l i!' prcp.tr- r~toru lll' IHl tll t! ll to life. 0! cuur~ wo r k in that il<l \'i.-, i t'otl o u r •·ci t y ·• m•• rc l,· fur tloc O' Dric n & Ste <l luuu'::< phot o I{:•Uury .-U ()~ ol'c n I!VIl r)' T ul>'id<Ly, I• rrduy ~'~,[ S atu r <l:ty during tho s u m mer month'!. 1' Tlly lor h ll.:> aocu rod tire llerVica!l f ~ f ir::.L' cl u.s.:! w11 tc htllll k~ r to. luke : h iii'I(O of h is l>usinc&~ dunu~t h 1.1 ab· Cicncc.-7~~ . Oh , fu r S t. Loui:~, Worlo.l'" .l>'nir, I 1 d Scot lnntl, any-l:: llg lau•l r~ :rn ' ' - f r ·•i'- wbc rc, t• Ye r yw hc4o. t.;hotCil u , , w uy ruaH cs a nti all o cean :'\ l _e.u u:i l•alJ 'i n,·s. ~<• t • S t e llbcns on, OllliU!'!.&lo I.J O~L ofl ic~, W l•ithr, (or ,111 th rou f{ h ltc.k - c t • - ~iug lc round t r ip or p rcp·ll•l. Also hu y ~lt· p lrcr.,;on's th ~·ou~ lr ex· c u r:.iuu t id:.·t~ to .n .. ru to!Ja nrul c,.n:llli:rn :\or thwr.!lt .,rn l"OiltC!I, J uno :l8 a nd .Jul )' i!l. Good (or GO· d~II Y-" to n ' t urn viu Nor th Uuy aurl . C. I .lt. s~c Sto· t·b~ r~."un l.ocfore tmve Utn;! . 1'oo GrLa t a lli.sk. Jn u l:n os':: ov~ ry uuigb !Jo rl,o.Jtl :;ow couo lt :l.'l dtod w tlh u uttul'k o! colic or c l..rolcra mor!Jus, ~flen t.cfuru ur t~ tl icin" cuultl oo pro- c u rc cl or a phys icia n suutwonc~. A rdi3hlo reu wd y Cu r tlcs.J dt::IOO~cs c;.houltl be k•·pt :Lt lrau t.l. T hu rtsk i" too l(run t (or unyun<l I <> lake. C b a tnbc rlaiu':i Co lic, Clt,J I,~ r~\ unci Diu r rbucu U.crue <ly hll>~ u nduu b l e dl y oo.vcd tiro liv1'~ o( wu ro JYlop~e un<l r&- l iln·e •1 mon•· pai11 und :iufte nm~ l hlln uny other ruc t.l ici no in uStl. l.t cn n alway:i ba dcpu ntled Ui>OU. I! or Bil le by A. II. A ll in. lJU flH.).:sc u( i\tl vc r ti :-- i no Lu~ \\' untl :· r s. 1' hc 3H ir rc,).( irnrnt r lltu r uccl o il ~al u r LI •IY mu rnin~-t t.y tlru l;anlc n Cny. Tht~ ttil!c r~n t c uuqti \U tn .. -; 1ua rchc d lllJ to w n t o tlh~ c u uut y anuonc~. II l1a:, hoou tho c=lum in {"rtuer yc11r~ lor tllt~ vulunlct•r:t. to lakd L .hc ~ r urlllil houH• with thorn, bu t uow It .,. llt'Cil.i· .:i..'\1' ) ' t o l t!t.IV:.! LlJ cJU. at cou nt y. •tH •lr ~ 1 ~.-"- Tho !Joy~ 11ll l ouko•l " ~1 1 nf- t cr the ir o u t ing. T hn bC r vic,·~ a l t lat~ 'l'u·OOrn iH: lc l.on Suod11y wi ll 1> •. 1 of a n "~cetJ tionl ~ll y rn · t e r .,...t inH c lu•ractt•r. T h e put r:rt wtll u., uct·u pic d l>y 1 he Hev_ ll r . lierw c~ n, of Yungc S t_ MothO<ll::<t l'hurcb, 'lu- ron to, a fonucr a ahl 1n uc t! ust~t· •u~d p11s t ur o{ t ho 'f<~b .. , rna<:l~ . f lr u <:l rurr , ,.__.,;_,t ~• l !Jy u nurul>cr r>f _ (o rm ~,. m~ml>"rs rurcl old !Joys au t.! g rrls, wrl! fu r ois h a lin" pro~: ro ru '!'e or m u,. tc. Orw o( the mo" t u., ..C ul i ns titutio ns o( th is count ry promis e:! to IJc 'f h e Ui111h•t ic lti.St itute of London, c" tu!J- I ~>hctl fu r M' icut i! ic r~ searclr into lh~ o rigi n, ca u.su UIHL tnm l iUtHil or Uiabcto..~ uml thu ::.econcla ry sy rupt - oms, - goul. r b t! umuti.::i lU, curUu~cl().':t e tc _ llarrlly un)' oii->oa:l~ is Ko hltlo unders t ood, :111cl ut t he !l:llllll ttll\ll so i n.>hlio u:< 11 11Ll dun~:cruus n~ Dial.oclt•s , wh ic h . 1\Cco nHng 1 o tlu• h i~ lu~t Juoll- eru p, u tborit ic.•, i• C ll r:tbl t~ nftor nll, wh on t rer1lo•t" in t ime_ lf inl<' rc.::<l!•d, w ri t e ta tlw Ui~tlhtltc lns ti tul o, S t. Dun.s t a u·,.. Hi ll , Lon•lou, E ,C., fur f ree inCurmnlion,- i - 13. <l the Y•"r aft•r, :uul nett le t.! rn thu ~• lac~ now knu wu .~ ~ s. lJauw•:'~-; Cor.: -;:~ tht!D call ,••l h:t~t \\ w<lsor, 11~ 1 ' 'fl t uf(to., wiberc tlu· y tl ir t.l. ,.. po::. ' • """"in th:ot part at th .tl tllllt'-. fbe li:Lroor "'"" the n ,-aile.! "\\'r.n<lsor ll 'l' " a !Ill t he Tu\1 n uf \\ tut by w~' eall~·l '"J',•rry's l'uru~rs." l hope to llec> 11· l i.<t ul tlh• u :u ue" o[ lllt thu ol.t !Ju)'-1 a nti ol .t ~; • rls who ru- UH· tub;jl' tht! lny in6 uf ~ In! coroor :sluuc uf Llu.• c uuuly l.Ju l lth u l!s. ~t w;~ lhe g nLnth·~ l t u r u uu l thal the phlCt.! hall SL~U a l th:al LilU :.· . ~ul W;L~l.)' retfi"' tl tOU tha t it wa'< built KO ~.t r out of tuw u, an•l Ill I h~ \\ o o>d:< a l· mUOll. 1 nm out Vt!ry ll•~<! u l .!"":"• ~l !' \.\!_\~~ it ""'-" ell h••r lU ti ll' )1' . \'C '51 or 'at, a n•l J_ wnc< pi<'<'-"Cd tu """ tiro cpu nty !Juilclir)J;a, Uuw \\ ull tht•y looked (or thdr n).(e when I we nt back in t JOU. I \\ c rll tu a ).(r. rrnl a ffn ir o n Jun e l ~ll h , u l•.!lug: ~~tu .ov- t• n i n )..:" of :-;,,ul.t t!r u " Beach l.huhl na.,;, tho Caruuu~ wall~rin); ll·~u rt, &Ult.l th l:i ) ' t: :\l· t ln! ft• fl a ..... hct! U fu n.): ll_'ou - "" ml Julia r:< ,. :>:p~u•k•l iu , ~~~ rl ·h~ll{<l urul o tht• r i Ju pruVt· uu·nt :--. ll 1 ~ fu·c- work!; were \' ,•ry ~ r :tu tl, aud t Lt! ~t! fh.:c t ioll.'i o n th ~ \\ H tt· r, lu~ t· t ht: l' •\' llh th~ suarc hli it l&l .:J tl1 ruwu Cruua th~ v~L" \ \ ' tH' tJ in•h ~ ... crih:t Ule . Uut azuo1~ t h t• t hu us.uub u[ 1wup l ~ n u l unto! r .. cc clid I k u uw t:.\:C I! f J l t l ~ e: pHr~ t ies I \\ l'U l widt a :-- a n IUV Ll ~ •t l!.LhJ..-. \. 1 t•Jij or•••l t h~ t~\'t•n i n).! m uc h . Uut l cu ul•l uu t h el p thrtrkin~ bow ol i!fc rc rtt it wuulcl lnv~ btw u if 1 h :ut bee n at lla•• u pt"'uin::; o ! ll:•.yden- :>horu l'n rk, where I wuul•l h uv., k.11oWn uvurr Ulld, a ud where 1 q;t~nt .,0 Ul!Lil)' l!nppy •lay.; la~t :< urum "r. I a 1n now c aWIJing on " canc h uwo"d IJ}' ruy bU u- in· l llw, in tho ~·urta Crua Muultt~tin"' u mu..t rowllnllc t1110t, und wl1idr I nln enjoyi t~t:~ w uch. My vriiAd· cl;i ld ron willjoin ill" rn 11 f e w ll:":ra. 1111d wu c .l(pecl tu havu u t~ lortous time. " '" s hall h :rvu two horae& untl c ur riuKt•s , anil HI'C OUI}' U f~W mile" ( rom t ho """""· r\ t u plucu cal l- e d Ca pitula. uls o a .:::n.uuwu r n~!iul't , hllt no t quit u so fa>:~luuuablu "" th" forw~r. l'cuplc " '"' u•l <IO muc h timo 11 n<l won~)' hure on pl llu~u re , 11Ud a.rs thu ro i" " " li ttle c lmn)lll in lllll aea- oonr:r, 1 prc!llllUe t bcy no•ud chol ~e in r•l :tct'<l. T here u r" t culoi un.t c_ot- l ""lllS to rent. n11<l a f r~t~ ca roptng .:ro un<l a t each rU>:~url , _ 1\Ud a!l one l\L! Ve f (~IL I":i a bl!OW~f Ill ~ UQla:ler h~rc, v~ry littlll 11 he l tn r is _ nll&ded. ~ow, hoping t[r ., re - union wrll be A l( rnru l ~>ucc.,..,., a n rl tll ut u Vr r Y one will onjoy thutu~t· l V••!I, n.ntl u~:ju ru~ thurn tl 1a1 I s h.tll t,,. w ilh llh•Jil ID thu l'illil'it, 1 hu u)!'h al> ... ·rr l in bo~y , nrul h~pi ng- 1 haVto nul t uJ.:,~ n UJ• too mu<'h o( yuu r \'cdu.rl>l,, li (lll ~-t! , I nm you rs, et c., Mrs . A. Lug ton, Glen E& ho Cump, ~:h ula Cru:!, Cali. '--"' Oriel Locals_ ·~· .__ ... . "" .... .... .. -· . . llir:<_ ('h,•nuwd h an•! cb u t:h tr.r, of l'oronlu, n n • \' i •i li n $!; \\ l•ith.\· fo r n \\' f ('k 0 1' 60, All ki ncl" of ll••corntion,. now to hnntl . Wrtoall18, plu!IIM . nnrl_ fM· t ooniott of thl" Q<!Wn:•t desriCtiS rn red, white rtnd blu:l llt ROM Bro,._ An Oltl Do~· Bncl t,;i rl•' Rc~t i~t ~nt- ' Officii nh•l lnt~ll i~enc" Hu re.tu lt ron b._..,n ~"t:thl i,.lrr <l >t Al l in '" C~r-tns ~· 1 nr r Uru ~o: Storr. t:vrryho< y re~tts- t e~h. for St .Louis, \\!'rlcl'H Fni r , E ng lnnrl, I ro lancl, &otl flnd , nn~· " ·herc, p\·o r r \1 hr.m. Cnooce o f ra t_l- way roull'-'\ nn•l n ll ~an str_.tmshtp linM. s~r. S l epho'nsoo, oppus tto p~<t officP, \\'ll ithy, for . nll through tr.e - krt :<. Sir~ll'. rou nrl fi1v· (IT prl'pa rd. g...., ~t~ tthP nson l>::! o re tr1l"elhu~. An ,\~~;r:tvutin :{ Cmr;th Cu r<'cl. A ouslnnr t" r of tii HS who lr:!.•l bJcn s u .t- fe ri ns.: !rom n ~~vern cou~h for tux month.". bon~ lot twa bottles of Chnm- U.Hl a in'" Goug h Rnm<"tlJ froru u~ n nd WI'L.~ nntin•ly cur~•l b.r onll nod " h:~lf bolt:•'-" u f it. I t l!i'"-' p~ r[oct s al- h h('lioh with a n r tr:t•'<'- - l l:trn;-;- Parkrr "'\:. Cu., Llooviilr., Ala. tor &'ll >l In- A. · IL All in. A l :: wn 11odal will 1.., h olt! :tl ~rr. Jl. :Ut:llrao!y',•, Dnurb_; • tn·~ t _ w •·~t. unrlf"!r thf' nu~p ir ··~ or thn l tu lm~ of "i t , ,Tohn:-" .-hnrc h • hi, Thu ~~~~ ' ' " rv. nni~ .. lu nn :lOt h_ Tho• atl yll."-• ro'l f r o will h r t :o:·_ fnr nolul t• a,-.1 lllc. fo r r hi l•lr rn. J.i ~ l ll n , Cr.- !>hm ••ntN . :\ n cl a JII'OI(rarnlll " by 1 h· ~-honl .-J, dol re n. Th""' w i ll nl !io h ·• 1r t' c rr :un. Oh ; for :::1. l.o u i". En~o: l a n cl , l rr · l n n tl, Srull:l ntl, any·,,:hrr·r., l'Vory- whr"' . l.n n•l, lnk•• o r o<-cu n . O n ly 84:1,7f>, \\'h ithy o•' Toronto to L ivre- pool n ru l r nl urn. Clrurrt' ht•s t S . S. line!!. \\"h ithy t o S t. J.on ls nnd m · tu r n, S20.20. S,.., S t•phetl-<on, op- poeltc po.~t oUi.-~. Whit by, f or nil t h rou~t h tickrts. n l.•o chrnp c•xc u r - l'ion t icke t >< to !\lanitol~t . .T ul y I ll, '04, jlOOI! for (ill t!a y::< to r • t llrll . s_.,. S t n- phrn><O n , hr(om l ra.-ollin,: . ;\[ r .• . T . G .• ln~kson .,-.. ~ t h ~ l .. adr·r n l 1 ho T n lw,rnac iR t•:pwor l It L r:tJZIIr. on Monell\\' ni~ h t. an•l ~:avo an inl rr- c•s ling.., t n lk o n thn pvonJ.Celis tic .w~ rk ..,. ·ti~r'rie<l o n nt thn Chrn lu mL'<-~ron in Chinn. A tl••,... r ip l ion o( tho ~un <lay nntl wrck <lay l<f'rv i~M wn:. t:rvcn. T hr prop lo• arp ~"oply i nterc!'ltnd, nnrl t hPre :trn rvnr rni:J rjlillll opport un r- 1 iNI f o r I<Orv ir~ nrnor111 thPm. Tht' J,Irnnl Jtc('t l i~ fo r tnnrH wor k(~ rM.: nrul n n npr•~n l i-• m .u l11 fo r a douhltnl( of fh 11 (or<"n thrrr w i l '•in th rrn ) "f'<\f>t, Mi..,. ll~tn·•·r unci i\[is• llnrr"r~n ·,,. Rk•,trhN4 o( rn i ~"'io n rl.r}' lt•t 1 flf~ r~ r.ri Ynd from t h " Chi na mi"-•ionn rir~t , "" Cuuru l in th .. ;\! i<Sio unry ll ull•· f · in." n <111:rrtorly pu hlirnl ion of the Jt"o t·wa r•l' i\[ nVt• IHftnt, wh ir. h nn ont• into•n-s\r<l in ou r m i·•sron>< <n n afCnrr! t o b<o ll' ithou.t. : I V<>ning "f'n ·ice t h" rlro ir :u ul ~ou. rP~n.tion joineti in Hiu:li n c; thr :rp- rnp rrn f !' hy mn, · " t ;ncl lJC with y ou II we meet a~11in." Nothing Like .E:~:pcri<'nce. "One r uth ln:trned by actual ll:Cpt! rle nce _,. .... m ore good thnn ton e l.pcriellee! .•e henr" nbout_" Te.J; n man th:rt -~..,t-:~-!u;r; .. ,.~1":1\; ... t•r. ·~ t lu: thy. l\; h im t.n.Yt• n Rf":V"er" ;~ . t r. !.c nf t l•at '-~F.,, f re l that lm i~ ' a bon t tf') el l,., "" thi" romeoly an•l lr .1 r n fr·om lr i." l.l•~rirN!<' h:... '~ qukkh· it ~~v~~ rc- •<' r. Bn<l he will n·m ~mhcr i t all lr i.s c f~. F or .~ale !Jy A. II. A liin. IEXHLL · IIOUSEHOI,D DYES ' T hrRc• D\'P.R will <h ~>Wonl, Cotton, lllk, Jutll or i\li:oc:t·d Good•lu nne bll th- hPv llre the ln tt•s t Allll most rmpro\'rd >ye In the world . Try B pack11gc. All '.Oinunat W. J . H. RICHARDSON'S Fancy ~.0011 Store. Turnip Seed. Ou~ rrpulnlion f o r e ecol!l i :~ Cound<"d on ycn·u Mt fiC"d e ell i nst:. Thny nh•·a.)ls grow and nre a l woy..: tr:ue l o na.m<". Olbnr:< f in•t it pays to bu y bc re; It w ill pay you . Our price.s th i~ yrnr t nr (r~sh , new f'C~d>< nre as follow~- CHAM PION S W EUE SIORVI NG'S 5 \\" t::DE DhN GHOI.l\f S \\' EDE CL YDE EL I-'l'll A!'T HART J,t,;Y'S UIIO~ZE TO P 15c. lb. MAG;-; UM oo:-; Ui\1 Ahead of oil ollll'r ltinds in re - pe:t tcd t~st.s nt Model Fnrm. 25c. lb. M.G. LAWLER PHONE 4 7 - FOR- OG• ·ou "ed .nd The Old Boys Re-Union July 1 to 1~:.~ . ·~ We have something Charming an-i Cheap in Clothing fot~-~ every 01<1 Boy that retnroR. The above cut demonstrates our views of your need!! hPfore returning to your home--fl'Om the Good Old Town of Whitby. ·~A Charming Store full of "W'nrm Weather old'-str>:.: ~ -~~re we are still doing business. Wear, at the EATON C o. L IMITED OSHAWA FACTORY. "Standaid"' Blue Flame Oil StoY.es. We have them in one, '\TO li11Q 5nft!~ liUlUtao, E n !ry sto,-e we sell is guuranleed to give per- fect sntisfnction or yonr money refunded. \Vhy suffer );itchen when purchnse n in n b ot you cnn Standard Blue Flame Wiokless Oil Stove nt tlr e following prices 1 Burner $5.50, 3 Burners 2 Burners $8.00. $10 00. w. · M. PRINGLE CORNER H ARD'\YARE STORE. WHITBY. . ' . . . ~ . . ·.; .. . '"'. , . ·:.· .... .. · ) SEEDS. We n r e .!!Cllioe Gnrd~n nnt.l Flowe r Seeds ot Cineet qualities a t close prioee - two papers !or 5 contll. The quo.lity n[ olsike that protluc&S tbe high priootl crop is tbey are sclllng. l t t he approval of l~ best farm· Thei r timothy and ret! cover m ,.e efll. Canndion Baauty Pee.a of Cn ir quality Ce red. The S ug a r M angel, n cr068 IX' I ween proved a g ene ral lavorite wherever tried . fe eding qulll ilic.s, t?eller tbnn 11ny othe r in limited q uan1i ties 11re or- sug :r.r boet a nd mangel, h:l.ft Kecpimg qualit ies, excellent manse!, y ield equal to :ony, w I B. PRINGLE & co. Grocers, Whitby.