Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jul 1904, p. 8

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_\' I \ • • • ............... •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ........................... , ............. pr~y. tr:tnsforrn<'!l inl'> l.),>:~utitul • • · e tne:ulow;t; JH'Outi,;iu~; fu:lt.ls of gntin, ++4-+++++++++•tttt+++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++'++++++4> I• \ :- :. thrivinv on:lmnl :11111 cow modiou>< :+ · j buihling-", :'u11l W:l-'1 sur rut.lt•lcd with i. BLACK o' RE·ss GOODS· ~ ~~~:~i!;:~F~:;.~~ .. :~7~;~:~:~~~.;.:~:~~~~~~:~:~:~ 1 NEW ·NECKWEAR i • e inviling occupatwn. Supper over, +! ~ I :. musio and t<on~. and many ·~oo:t byt"i with :J.S many \rishc!! for auother rc- rt:- ............................. ~ ................................... ~.~ ............................................... ~ tJitHERE is a. great demand for Bla.ok Dress Goods this summer. : . Jl.- Our range of Hll the popular weaves is complete with Silicians, a· TORONTO and i '!! • Mohairs, Crerolines, Panama ~loths, Voiles, Crispines, Grenadines, A splendid rnnge of new silks in Flowing Erids, 50 inch reversible Derbys, Strings, ! Eto. Every lady wants these light, clinging, sheer finished goods. i NIAGARA fALLS J Bows,. Etc. Prices 25o. and 50c. _i THEY MAKE UP STYLISHLY THEY SHED THE DUST I Mon. (f;}y, 18 i I ! 'July : : THEY ARE VERY COOL : \\"hitby Jd., Toronto anJ return fl.lO : e • Niagara l!' alh• and return ~1.~ ~ • e Children half fare. : • • The Durham Old lloy.s invite the i A .c.ew specl· al pnces of a . .c.eW specl· a1 1 r.ublic to join io tbi.s ~rand n:eur- • J.~ J.~ e aion- . Monday, July 18th. Arr~~.qe- + • mt'nb O:re comt>letetl fur n n•ooJt en- : • 1 joyoule time. Special tr:1iu to Tu.- 1 i • weaves : ron•o leave& " ' hitby Jet. 7.J9 a m. i • / At Toronto the Durh:tm Old Do:ra' i • I City A.sbOCiatioo will meet the p&rt:r I I ~nd all will take the magnificent ate- i !Uiler.s Chicora and Chippcwn to Lew-laton 11nd from tbere the \\"orld re- • Fine 8111ck llbhllir Drt'&ll Goods, e'llrA tine qu•lity and fiuiab, makes a lovely 50C I nowned Gorl!o route to the Falla. : 1 fir""'• M hacbCII widtl, (IIOW thtl width} llllllCtlll poor yard .. ;............... ........ • e Tbia takee io some of tbe fioMt,scen-~ I : ery oa tbe American continent. No one abould millS it. Take your t:u- Fine Black :'llobair Drl'llll Gnnd- with fine hPm~tltch, good quality, wilhmalte f!t! I keta and get your friends to join • a lo~eiy cool hbirt w-i.~t suit or !le(J'tratu waillt, S7 iu. wid!!, special per yard.... tJUC. • you prrp:~.rcd for a grand day'a out- 1 iog. Thoae d-iring to o;top off at + e Toronto can buy apecial ·ro~nto tick- .:! • Fino Black AI pliCA Dre~~-t Goods wath fancy ~rot, li~bt weight, 43 Inches wide, 5QC : ets, ,uo. ~ l e tipecial per yard ............ ·~ ·· . .. ... . ..... ••• • ••• • •••• ...... •. • ••• .... ...... • e Speoial Train oorvice. '+ • Time. Toronto. l!"alla. l I • . N i.ag:ua '+ • Bl11ck Mnhair Gr~nadine, extra fine tlni~<lt, make a lovely oeool dress or 35 O.s.b;l-W'\ 7.:!9 a. m. 1·10 l.75 'i •e · •~<> I b 'd · I d Q e Whitby 7. 39 a . m . 1.10 Uli : Eeparate wattit·, :.0 nc 611 WI e, &pecaa pt'r J&r •• .. · • • • · • • • • •• • • • ...... · · · • · .. · • I Children hull faro. 1 •: i• Arrivi~ in Toronto io time to .. ·:·1 catch 9 a.m. alcamer. Jo'iue Black D"'J<S Good.!, eilk atrlpe crispine, all wool, sheer fiuish, will &ht!d the dust, U inchee 65C Niagnrn J:o'all" 1 ickct,. will bo good wid!!, &pt!cial per yard .......... . .............. . ................ . ..................... ••••..... ... • • retu ruing tln)' tirue TurNiuy, 18th. I Torortto li<'k~L" 4:00d Monday only. Spt'<'inl tro.ip lt:;lYe"' 'Ioronto, re- FiDe Bla..:k Drt>SR Goods in crepoline wea•e. all wool, French dye and tlnlab, a eon lilht clin~ng 65C I turoiag Jluoclay, II p.w., or oa ar- fabric ford~ or ~pu-te wal~t¥, apeelal ptll' Janl... ... . .. . .. ...... .••• •• ... •• . ••• ... •• . ••• •••• • rinl of st~Utmcr. Tt.o-. Yellowle ... , &,.,. , llanoilllt Ar- cade, &iJIII' St. Weat, Turonto, Oot. :Ji:C~c~l~::!~~ ~~ :.~~~~ ~~~. ~~~. ~~~. ~~~~.~·. ~~~-~~~. ~~~.~~: .~~~·t· ~-~~~. -~-~~~-t: 1. 00 I THE CLOK\,;Y FlltST L'\ THE e ~'lELU. I A. Ross & Sons 1 1 a .... ~:?.ffi:i~,t¥:£'£f~~ .i Clokl'y" biqder, m11de thi.s t<euson, by + SUSPENDERS A large shipment of the celebrate.i Trade D Mark Suspenders in the new American · webbings just received to sell at 25c •• 35o. and 50c. STRAW HATS We have the•new approved styles iil Split Straw Fedoras, Senator and hook- . abonts. Prices ranging from 5oc. to $2.00. · FANC~ HALF .HOSE /l Some splendid patterns iQ Men's Half Hose in greys. !browns, pearls figured blacks at 25c., 35o., 60o. and fancy , Also several new lines of Summ~; Cbllars in the low up and down shapes. I I •••;••····················· ............................. ······"····· ..... .... A. · F. CARNEGIE THE HABERDASHER PORT PERRY ! PORT PERRyr. Th~ first riuld u:hibitioo of "The : · • the }'armers' Cu-o...,ratiYe Harvc-.. ling + I : M:~.daiD~ Company, tool.: pluce on thf! + , ••••••••• ................ ••••• .. •• .. ••••••••••• .... eeeeeeeMe••••••••• ... • farm o( John l'herill, ncar Whitby, ·: · , . ' · _ on l:iaturoi;.y last. Th11 uhibi.tioo t • t t U t t t t t • t ......... t t t t t t .t t t tt+ t t t U t t + + t t t + ++ +++++ +++++4-++t ++ t t ++ t+ tt t t U t t 1 took pia~" in a ficirl of gr~o!n r)·e, "' THCRSDAY, JL'LY Hth, JlJOI. l L~twn Party. . I K~arly Local F<re. • Tbe lawn party hold oo the l>eau- What m~ht b nve proved n very --================= tiful ttround.s uC Mrtr. A. W. Allin serious contl~raliou- ua·ote out in under the au.spice.!i of tb8 l.adiea' Aid the St. Charlos ilutel o;hWes on PORT PERRY TOPIC~. of tbe Metbutli"t church wna " de- \\'etloesdny evening o( )n3t week nt cided 11uc~. Th~ .,venin!( wn:~ on about 9.3U. Tit~ huilcliog WIIS cover- • idcui one, nnd the laq;e crowd pre- ed with .she .. t met:d, and hnd it not s unt dill llWJ•Ie justio~ to tbe good U..Ou (or that and. tb.o .(act-tnal •here C&r~gic [or ShirU. thi~a provldt>d. i•roee~d:s nu1uunt- was lit tlt• or no wint.l a very ti~rious cu to alxlut ~Jtl. fire w~ht Lave o ccura·col, a"' it l>tl\l't- St. Cbarie.s liotol ~-ire .• 0 .:" ~ rc;:.. t n~u~ity is some mcnns o{ a.larUliU~ \ IJ ~ llC&JiLfLWeDL in CU.Iit! of fire. r~ithcr a po"'o!rfUI bell ceutrully locu.lctl, or 11 much strO'.'l-t- er wbi..stle than. i" now iu conueet1u.n with tire puwjJing bou:~e . Al"o thll bo<~e ahould l>c •• orlld iu u. wore <'CD- I r.1l Jto.~iliou . Peraonal Maotlon. St. Chllrlos Ho.tf!l Fire. Mr. Mllrshall hereby tander-" hi.!i hearty thank~ lo tlto>!e \\·ho 110 nobly """U..tctl. in kccl'ing th8 fire oecur- ri~ in hi" lltllulcs h•:ot \\'.,tlne,.day n~ht under eontl'ol - llWUiting the :.rrival of th~ Ci ru deJ>arLment, who uncl~r the direction,. uf Chie( IJcn- nisou · aoon !Jati it drowned uut. Th:~.nb ug:tin to nil. - ~i:s:o nos~ rduroca on Saturday !Lore's ll Soap. bat from u trip to OltllWa. :M r. L. ltobcrts has been spen•l- ing "' f.,w dn)'.'i at hi3 home heru: }Jisl; Hos:aline Webb, of Toronto, i:o a gucst o( :Mi:cs Alicu Buroh:a.w . !lrt1. Gco. Uke o.uu daughter Irene, ore gue-"'-" at Mr. \\ . H. Lc'lchcr'll. Mrs • .Uruct• Uryun.s, of Tol-onto, i:o tho l!UeSl of her molb~r, Mr11. M. Druce. Thi.:< i.:~ the la rl(llSt IOi':tl D~ l\·;p·t­ pu r pullli~lwtl in Cauatla, being twelvo I"'MCS weekly, nnd }h8 ~'umily Horal!l :uad W ..ck ly Star of Montreal, is the la rgest provincial new:;paper i:osuf!d in Cllundu . A limitud numoor c:au gel tht•se two whopper" from us (rum uow until the cot!. of lho p r"- ~· · nt year for :JOe. ~·irst com.,, fi rst twrvcJ . Sow rush your urtle..,. quic k or you will be lUO blc. Mr. ll. D. Clemcs anti bride return- .,d from their wuddiog tri1• on Sut- urtl:~.y ill:it. Brief Local.s. ed right io th<> centre ·of -a number or woucll\n ~tructu.-. A bucket bri~rutl" held it in ::hl'ck ttll the hose reel,. llrri•·ed. Thi:i is the (i..,.t fire that our new waterworks B)'Jitem· baa bad n clannc" at, and thoso who had 11ny doubt,. "" to ita erticiency mu:•t now bt! firwly convinced. that it lucll:.s nothing, aJUI that tho moocy .ex- pentlt:tl in ~ iustlllla.tiou waa the ....,.l invt>Slment l"ort Perry ever m ade. Our new fire bril!:J.de 11.Lso recein.-1 it"' initilltion that ni~ht, and they certainly de:ierVc creJit for the wanner in which th~y acquitted f'la'eD.l.s<\lY<'-~. ln les3 Lhan tt:n ruin- ut.,s from lh«> Lim" the alarm l'>OUtlfl- ecl two .. trcutn~ were (>lq·ing oo the flalllC.'i, UUII in :IOoUt five nliDUtL'6 mort1 no fire wn~ to ba seen. \\'e co~ratu"•l~ our firu urigndc oo !.heir work. .\ horse bt!lolll{io~ to Mr. Ed. 1\:ilpatrick wa.-. in tbctitabl., when the fire wn~ di~~ove rcd, and Willi 110 badly injured IJy the fire nnd IIIJloL:., thnt it clit! tl the ue :d day. The caUBe o! tho fire i:o unknown. Mi:io~' Ada Hlll!b"-' and her little s ili- "Revelation Shoe" (or women nt tcr 1\:orma, o[ KingsLou, ure Vi.o!iti~ Carnegie's. Jo' nmily Gutl•ering. j\li:iol l.leare. Kr.oc:J.ubout huts in f~lt llntl straw, The houutifnl furm o{ Mr. \\'hit- Miss Bl11DChe Tumrnon:.l~:~;··of l'ort all llhnp~. nt Carnogie's. Cie ld Tennyson, lol 11, concession 5, lluro11, Mtch., i:i vi:oitiug her cou~in, Civic holid:~.y, Aug. 2. l:!'i remcn'.s Hench TuwDtibip, wa.s ou Juuu :!9da Mi."" J\urin<l U:tcbu. excun•ion tu l'oilll!'nrll ~·ull~. the ti«'ll~ uf a ve ry lan~c family, .Mi:iol Bcnrdoo, 'of 'foronto, hll-" pur- 'fl-u t r us t•·"" of !\ ~o~ . t Head•, :are f!:tlhorin!-' o! children, ;,;ranrlchildrou •· ha-ft~d Mr. Jn~. lf;uuhly 's l•I'OJOCt·•y on at!vo•rlisiog for a teacher in anoaber and great l(raoclc bildrcn of the late Alva ontl Mujor o;Lrccts. coluwu. M.r. anti Yra.. John TeDDJIIOO. ··who Hi:ta }'lort<nce Drowo rlllur-ned tu Don't forge t tbe lil'ewen's excur- l"J.:•· t ber wer~ amolll! the firat pion- Toronto on Saturday hull after II(Jentl- sion to the Falb oo tb~ civic holi- l~f'·' of tbis proSP8rOUli agricultural illf! a •WI.'ek· u ber home ·be,.._ dD.y, Aug. ~ n~igbborhund and who ht!WI!d from Roove l'urc.t;r llltended the openi~ Mr. Wm. B\lare, of Rt•ach, r~c<J nlly thu primeYal Coreat the rich berit;l8e o( lh8 li!l luekOA at J.'I:Lllrboroua;lr on aold a driYer to ll Toroul o l!CUllllll¥lU wltich hn.s bMn 110 worthily garden- SaturtlllS laSt, at lb., invitlllioo of for about ~l!OU. ed hy th:. son ~<i oce the' (1'\r(\ot.:o' de- f · misc. J "" t t e o 3bort Jenr.o bnd .,1- lhc wuyor 0 thut City. lllr. U. M. :Juck.soo, of Port Perry, · ll()Slltl sirx·u the same orHir.llred lllwn .Mn:1. b'. H .Liltlc 11nd tlaugbtor huvc rulverti..sert aomu farm implements Cor luul witnc .... <cti the celc t>ra tioo of the ret urned to Torunlo afler au .,ojoy- aalo among our new. advertiaoment.a. golden wc 1Jding of the t\IO wnn laad abl" three week,.· visit " ·ith l'elat tVCf! M r . \Vartl All iliOn, o! l'ort Perry, so """c~s,fully h~a 11t iti .. ct it" s ur- iu und around l'orl l'~rq~ who ' nt present holds u pn:tition - nt rouucl ings , llntl \\hooe swct't memory Jilt':;. 11. Rol>crtll h d.!i llecn on a Ottllwn, IVIU> onu ot Lh:> fe w c .. nadi;'""' i:i 11till clter;sbocl uy ;t)1 who knew vi:;it to h~r daughter, :Mn1. A. \V'Itl- sucCL'o!l!:ofu l in tho r ecent cxumin:a tions tltem iu life. ~0011 nrri•·ing found luc~:, wh.::. ba.li l>;,., n vury ,.;ok. We of tb·J l.la·iti~b lo!ititul<> ot Ac lun1·ie". rH JI~Ilt:tliv.,. from Drayton, Lon- «re •J!Ict!-"~d to 1.18 ablc'to any ll.Le i:o Uivis ion Cou r t was hchl in the town cion, South Hivcr, Stoutrvillc, Ux- uuw impri\' ir:~. ... 1 lull I on lfonclay lns t, J ut~He ~fc- llrid~~. Y in!iuia antl mnny other \\'alt~r llill, who hllti the wl3for- C.-iuuuon p ru.sitlinl( . '1'1"' •luc k,, l 1•oints of the l't·uvincu, "net frotn n.s tunu to fruc~u ro a uuwb.;r u( hi.:< was lil:ht, consi!itin):" o( ll (~ •·· ju•lll- far n ~ lu11·a, U.S.A .. wltc n M r. and 1·&b:; lty :;l ivlJiug of[ u :t l t:p ludd:.: r, au c nl ouw u.auu~:s of uu p.t rtic ul.t r J\1.-...... Tl·unv~on, \\husu tli:i t iu t{ uis hiug ~l rikit~ ou h i.s 1u h :;ide . i::t itUllfUVing. luh•(et;t . ,·\har;u ·turi:,t ic (HU\' t•tl lo lJt, the wu arc 1•lc a ... o<l to o;ay. A <!bU.IIl,!tl uf liWB h :~-. I,•L• Iy l•ccn pol\,•r to (I I"U(Ic rl r :tntl ·ulllurully Hr. UuU, o~ Luo•lon, On•., (or- u1ado in tile, arrival ,tot! ti··p., ·nure gracu ·' ""h a u orcasiun s umwoA&d the Ultdy of t!oe !Junk or Cowu•~ ·"'" . ol th~ Ullli.t .. a t the ;:,_:ugol( )HJ< I uf - r~unilctl " ""'t!llthly ~0 a rllJl>t.St \Vhich .. taft here, h •t.; UJ!lU fCjjCWil.lfr tt.ld lico. 'file wail i.:l IIUW iil ~t•!l ll!r!'!.: would du c r,•tlit tu' a ny :;rudualll of 1..rqullintunc.,.. iu town " "'l "- u at II a .'ru., on Tulllidu)'ll llntl l"ritlays, •lom~s•k N: icru:o·. 'When the time l{UC:Jt at the rt:si•lencc o( Ur . t•,·octor. aDd will <&rrivu the r e .: btl liU Die duy at fur •l~!lt· rt ani\·,.,) the fruit · IICirYed Kr. J. Goldring, who WPD• . to the 1.30 p.m. I )Ho\'o<l to !.;., <>umc of the f~uit pre- " T · - 1 k , h , c pur~tl hy the tal" M. rs. Juo: 'l't:uny-l~i'"'"tou wwtar)· cawp to J•lay with ho •II"> zut w-'• o. t o ~t . ,bur- .., u '·I d son (or b .. r !fuldcn Wlldtlin;( jus t tlln tit~ Lintbay band, rclut·netl llonw ou I"" aOICI s t a u rs tiWOJL~Lnllcd Ll•e d . ~ )" l'l\ l":t. t•nur, an•l ltruu" ht tu wiut.J, ::;11 turtluy evening lus t . Uur b.utdl ..:rcal usu a n n..c~:il> ILY o. uu r . watt:r ·r wa:. at tit~ tmio to mu~t hiw, lJutl:c worlc.!i. ll ;~tl f•ru b ( oke n o11t au the 1 po.:.., il•lc, 11111 ~" vividly IJow often l> 1 ld · tL!i ruotltt•r, g randmuthur· and ne it-fl.t-fail~d to pu t in on U(.l)lCarunce. He :wwc .niltling u~tdor l ~ ~ o . rei(IWe , l>or :;IJL, ha ci h~ ne the Iov in~ metlium urrlv.,d " :;burt tlmo uftHr on the thur'tl "' 1(0 telltng where ll would of many .>uch ~un.l thin.;.s. 'l' lt <! uf- .st u:uuc r Coru. Un Tutl'ltiuy lnsl lau havu l>ce n " tOI'I'"'I, "" u hudy ., ,·w ·y t ernoou " '"' ttJ•~ Ilt in " ""v com- again """i!stod the Lintbay uuncl ut lJuiltlit~ in that Yluiuily is ur 1\'0od. mon 111111 uutuntl to tl•u tuslc" of thu l:!th of July cc lcurutiun at Ur. Uoruc~ DtlSCOUI, ut Uxuridgc, :;uda 11 fumily r" · llniuu _ vis itill4f tbe l'c tct·l>oro. You cnn'l )(e••P u !fOod (lli)'IDI..,.t,· r oC the Jtth re:;iment, bn::1 beautiful plot,. in the u.nr- by c~rue- tlliUl t..luwn. been ulee tod rotH~iC IILILliV~ on lh6 t~ry u ntl 1,laciu 1{ witb tho-SH l.llrcatly Mr. \\' . .\. I' I~Ul iu~; , who lm~ b8on m edica l coum·il of Oul ario Cor the t lwr"CJ sonll• '"' "' " " 'cut t ok~n on : hu Jll iiii~C I' u{ Lho dry lJ OO<I:I tl.cptrt- Counties of Yurk, Uuturio untl Vic- r""lil..: ... .... ., or loV<d hlle:.-\'bi t~ to Ill""' uf M,.,.,. ,.~. A. Ho;,s ,:,\. Suus for t qria, to IIUCCclJtl the lut e . llr. J . H. lhe · dmll· ultl haunt>~ of c hiltlboo•l- tho 11a.st 11\'o ycurs , oas gone lo :;'"IG" t ,•r. lie "' '"" tho una u inlou" r t•mini.:ot·•·n rr<l u( c.•rlr )linncor tit6 l'or·a~u Ia l'r~iriu, Whlll'" he hllli c hoic u or the. I'W r eprcSCIIlatiVu3 or lllllt woul<l (il l ll Yui•llDC ye t c her- """ua·eu a l.rcrutivu IIUoition. !;iuco thll J>rof.-ion in t hei r cuuotie~. is ho•l .,,. tlou,.., wlw \\'urc fam iliar comirl4{ to l'utt l'.,a-ry, .Mr. ~' lcm- For thu li n t liwu in IUilnY .•···um ll'ith the oircum"l a m"'" aad .,0 joyed irl4( h ~ tu.ltlu u h o.:s t of Cricudli, who LL tJe uccu().d.:) ha:; Ur.:cu onJuiHoU in S l . l.Jy thV.""»l " tu wJ1u~Ju tlu.~y \o" l\ rt~ new - will very muc h a"grut b a;. dcparturc. Jttul~,.· Mctltollht c h\l r l'la, Montrc.•l . truditio u ' l!U ioJ·•· · :d l o C which · hut! a H e will al.'io be aui . ..sutl in tl• e ::0.1utho- Mi~>S Loltlu E. llllt'tt, of 'l'orouto, w~"' h•allhful tu ... t.· u~y tu itu l> ruS>l tho olis t c hoir and in the t~itll(i lll! unci tl,ro eamlitlnto. Mi"" llu r d w.-•" f .. r . l\OIIIjlll ll )' wi th tbc hnnbltaps ttlld d.Jln- lllll.!iicul circl011 o( thu tO\IIl nn<l by mur resident o{ l'ort l'erry, in f11c t ~-t •·• ·s t<unourulin.: ear ly suttiewent 00 010106 or tile young )uoi ~s. llt!ill!f .. Ontario Couut)' i~ hor olltl\'e liOUUt y, thu \ 'C I')' "[lOt < where ni)IY ula:aod yourJG mau of u.~.:cc lleul bu~ine:o:; 11b· und the youul( lutly )IUII.:IUII~Il• the re· ~ \'c ry ,;i~; n o[ comfort aod t•rosper- ili~ . w~ pre dict !ur h1w :a brillilrnt qui:iito ltUulificatiullll to aucceu1l in ily. ~our corrCliJioodt:ot amid tbet~e futur 13 in the Wt'bt, anti join wi th he r cboioo of c-a llinga. Mi.awo Hunt is l roci\ulA I>UW t!Ju )lrimtlYILI forest hi>< 111unr friend" iu wi.obiug bimnll s i:.tH ot Mr11. A. W. \\'illitllllll, oC wlte~o . but a fuw 1dtort year>~ ugo th6 l<.iuti.!J o( tiUCOC85. tbilo JllUCtl, 1• I uhoCI,f&IUtl blulJ.cd in 1Jll£ti ui t of hill nnd the rebult "'"-" all that could l>e d61iin:d. The wachiu.! worked• per- EST..A.BLIS:::S:ED 1847 _ fectly - a!i timooth ··~ a watch, and Holman. DraYton &. Slaght without put tin~r the lca,..t l!trnin on ~~~ •. .,:~Ont:lf, wllich furnish~d t~f ~!£r:7~:!..:!i:;x.c.. Great Sacrifice Shle af "Thut," .sa.id. Jo.••·J.•h Strl' t(onl, ~ l llarrtot .. -.lk>llcito,.... Not&rleo,l'ro<ltontfnAd· FURNI·TURE . -··· btl wntr.heti the utntll'r ut wort. mln.l&J, C.mmioRiooera for Qoebeo, et.c~ "mnrlc.!i ~ v,:;tli~lllion of 'bo{>No wh;o.. :all TO~ONTO STIU!ET, r ha,·c cnfi:dainert for sc•cnt<"Cn yeara • TOROMTO:' ..__....,.._...,_.-e-niidemaea· wilt' sell 'a" latae~uantitJ of "first-olus l"'~t. \\'lltll 1 (i rol Grl(unizetl th" Beet- eabl~ ft.,.,,.,.., "Hotmo11. Toronto.• Cl "1 .1 lo'r.rmer.s' ) !i nlier Twine Cuwp>oy mJ Loq dlotaace LeiO\IbODO OODDecUon. furniture consisting of parlor I dining room and bedroom itlen Wfl.!i that tho b inder t\.-ine waa --- - - sets. Give me a oall. Cash or approved c.redit. to l>e a nmru gide·linc. to 11 l!~:ttM industry \>·i:·ta the manutnr.ture of 1111 • A fine lot of Pictures and Gilt Mouldings suitable for the kin.t .. of agrlculturnl mi\~J.ino ry ae trade. it.a ohjL'CI. ThorA h.ls hen 11 ~ood de11l of delay · i11 c;u·r·yinl{ tbat itl~n into e ffect, but it iiS being eo.rried out now. TlHirc ipointing to t h.- binder, tll<' o1hibilion o{ which h:ad just bfflu c:iwpl.t ~tl ) is lltu finis hcd product, a'nd · w e 1\re all l.)rnud c.! it." "One Lhitlif' lll~lutely certain," :ld- tled :r . .1:'. Mc[.au~thlin, \ oho or~;anizcd tho H~trve.sti~ :Uacltino CuurJI<lll)', "i" thnt oth~r manufncturt: r~< ol af!ri- eultornl macltln.,ry will hav" to rec- kon with th~ Clokoy t.incter in futun- . \\'be n · r:.rmtors fir11l th.ll "'" hav~ a machioo, Cl{llal in ;d• rcspe~t>< to other hinders, IIUIIl'rior 10 thl'm in ronny ro•.spoct~. on: l with •oo puumls h~-ws Wt"'i~ht, tlu•y ar~ .;,tnin.,r to h csi- tllte befon• l...11rin:.: the oltl- timn ma- chine. \\' hy ;~houlcl a m.tn bu nion' lris t unru for fDit~·tecn ye~r" in llaul- ing nrountl 400 Jlaunds mom wci!(bt lht1n i~ D\"C<' .. 'iSa r )· ?" ".o\nothcr itn(IOrtaot point," )lUL in Mr. Cloko•y, "io f:lvor ol tbi" binder, is t h:l lH: rfect bnlauce;,. Th~ro i.tt nlmo.st no we i~ht cur rit\tl Ola the tOI\tfUO, nntl it i" t be W~ i,tht on the toJII;Ut: t1 ha l counts. A hor"C will s tatui a v,•ry hc.tV) puliinJ.: llrt!"Sure ~uinsl th~ shouldun>, bu• the irri- tatint;l caWiod. by dml(gin~ down oo top of lh~ neck will tire at out quick- er Lh"n a voud dr.n l ,,( hard work." U lfL'!I\!IiliiiD .II Lllllllil jllt'l1 Dllllll:d llu; folliii'rntJ tlirector>L of tbo comp:ony w.-re pn>Hnt at t hf! tust - \V. H. \\'ellin6rton, Lt.-Col. J . A. l\lcGilli- vr:~.y, MuJor T . A. Mcl:illivroy, S. II. Snnder.s aud " ' ua. Uync.;, ex-M.f .. A • Thl'~ wen• als o prcs.ml n nuutlM!r of furm~r.:> from the imwc<liut~ nei- ~;hborhouol, ,\uti all w~ ro mGrc limn 11leu~d with llu• tlemotl!itnrtion nude. Anti w c ll th"Y mi!l'ht h e. Evct·y• hinJt work,•d l"'decll)' - can-i<'r, knot· tin~r attuchm•· ul, :onrl uvcrylhiuj;' c llle, und t h .• nanc l&ir)c w as a t a II t ith ~~ up ... d .. r )hl r[L'Ct COU[JO) u( th6 ope rator, A ll ra llll Ci~ld dc tuonsl ra tion will hu g iVen us soon n~ the ~n'lio rilh•ns, a nct JLrran;..; l!tucut s art~ bc;n l£ u1adt..~ to haVJ a lar~c lli i iUhcr uf f ·l r Ut•.: rA (rom th,, aJ<· i ~hl>ot·hooti iu attc1ulauce. lndi1estion and Sleepf.essness t.re aymptoma o~ nervous ea- hau•tlon whloh dl-ppcar wtth the uae or Dr. Oh ... e'e NervG P'ood. Plcnly or people wbp have a honor or ntnotll pr05tration and P!U;alysis, sutrer (rom irulice>lioe, alecpleuntlS, and otbtr oymploms of n<notaa e•b&u.saion qot realizine lhc dancer ahey ""' in. Ncn.>u.s dileaic d .. clops alowly and by reotorioc Yicor to abc wulcd nerve t.-db by tbc usc of 0.., aue·a NciTO l 'ood lu QUI prc\'<:111 KOCIUII rcsulu.. . . .sa. MA'ITJftW W Tl, a reti~ Canner, · llvine at Gl Elcin !il .• St. • ·rbomas, O nt., s\llles :- " For some: years I ...... auffct<:d m oce 0(.-lc:>s rr- illdi&~tlon and ncncau. dyspcpia, and as. a raa&ll 1 have been 5Ubjloct &a diuy apclls and discoaaCoot after I w.cd ~. Food, aA4 it lruprovcd •1 dieesuon, Readied •1 nerves, and lllllde me nit and sleep -r muc:b a... 1 w. 1 can ' t.rutbCully .... wmTa commend the Ncrtc f'OCMI to anyone who •ull'cn rrom tbe above aa-w. Dr. Oh-• 111....,. Pooct IOQ. a .._ To pro1cc1 you apinst irnitatloos the porVak and . SII(Jlature of Dr. A. W. Chuc, tltc eu.. ~k alllboro IR OUYCQ' hell. WOOD WANTED. I AM AGENT FOR MONUMENTS JOHN NOTT. -· / Ware-rooms one door west o~ the St. Charles' Hotel. ~ort Perrv • . - . · Turns Bad Blood Into ltlch Red Blood. This spring you will n=l eometbing to take away that tired. listless feeling brought on by the system being clogged with impunttes which have accumulated during the winter. Burdock Blood Bitters is the remedy you require. It has no equal as a spring medicine. It has been used by thousands for a quarter of a century with unequalled success. HERE IS PROOF. lire. J. T. Slcine or Ship wake, Que., writa 1 "I have used Burdocl! IUood Bitten u a apring- medicine for tka.paat ro.r ,_,-and don't think there is its equal. W1Ma I reel drowsy, ti~ anrt haYe DO deair-. 10 eat I ret a bottle of B. B. B. II poori&e. the blood and builds "P tbe coo- lltit•doa better thAD U7 other nmecl7." SOMETHING TO EAT At pricl's that willnltrAct the care. ful llu,·ur clln be found at all times in our· btock or Stnple and Fancy Groceries I Our II ~!'Ortmont ·of ndibleR cons ls tR 4'ntin·iv or hi;:-h ciA&.~ good6 ; uoth · lnJr of inlnrlor <)U•lity is over pllr· rnittud to e nter our store. Perfect Fitting Garments .·· TALK ABOUT STYLE. We have the Yer,- f'UIJil!l( llae of Scotch Twaeda, wbieb we wrii mak. up into : j SUITS AT $15.00. L ' ' .. W o guarantee the quality, fit and s tyle t o equal, if not IIDt'(MIM, aJl1: SSuiit you can get made coetiug twice tbe money, etc. _ .. I Pressing .and Repairing done on shortest notice. -H. H : STONE. OVRPRIGES CHAPTER VI FACTS AND FIGURES tell eYery tlmn In huslnP.BII thr.Pe dAys. P e rsons In Port Perry and vicinity who should know whlll they are ~alklng about b e fore making p08ltlve aBSerllons hll,.A tAlu •n gre11t pAins-we h111ve the f11cts -11nd prools ln plain bl11ck 111nd white 110 til At we know what we •re .R&Yif!g- tn the past to t ell 111nd to toprelld !alee reports th11t beciiUAe wo hRVfl tne fine"' FUNERAL EQUIPMENT ever seen in this town llDd turn out thfl best. work, thAt we have overcharg-ed th0118 lor whom we furnishfd funer•l orders. 1'wo orders that were verv fine 11nd expensive were take n as ex11mples to mAke sueb statements. One or two In Jlllrlicular where every thing 'IIIIlS the beet of Its · ciU!I1 ·we were rbported by th011e who knew they were circulating lies that we hall m11de such A high and ridlculons char~re that to get our flAY we hAd to make a very' large reduction on the order. The ActUAl facts were that there never was an nve rch111r11:e nl evPn one dollAr. Elich bill Willi p11id 11nd the friends interested Bllid they wllre PERFECTLY SATISFJ.ED In every partieuiu 11l!tn llllid ~ were the ONLY UNDERTAKERS in Port 'l'erry who could FURNISH A FIRST. CLASS O lJTFIT. T his was proof positive th11t those \oiling such YARNS AND LI ES h11d uo foundation for their statements. ThoRe reports were told not only in Port Perry but In the adjacent townships 'llrhe rever It WAA thought the reports ~ wC'uld do us tho most harm. Some more proofs that we are lower aod alwa.ys we re lower In prices than any other undert11.kers in this town &ltd surrouodlnc country. I 1 • · We asked tW.OO what wll& Bllld could not be d one le1111 than 1711.00 u 35 ()() u It H . U U tt H I I U 5().()() " ss:t.o .. .. •• .. · " " " " " 60.00 I I 27 .()() U U U U II U ll It U 40.00 U 80 00 II &I U II .. II II U U 100.00 In the 1A1tt three ~on the we furnished !M'veral funer11l or~ ...... that were from. · 118.00 to 1211 less on Mch order th11n was ~vflr lurnlshed by ll?;;tber undertaker · In Port PArry. They were not only less In prico, but the service was far better "nd rputpmtint fu su perior In e\·ery particulu. We turnish 111 fine cloth C&llket comJllete . trimmed llnd upholstered for ISt .OO that othors cb~~r~ret411.00 and 1110 00 W e furnish a nice c loth coffin, well trimmed and complete for 127.00 that othere c harge S.'ls.oo to 1(0.00. ~Tbe lowest In prices and the best service for the 101\Bt mone.J.~ E. H. PURDY, Jessop Furniture Co, ' · W. J. Nq.TT, MIUlager. GROCER, PORT PERRY. -

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