Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jul 1904, p. 3

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sion o! E:LSt \\"hitby nn<i. o'ier the 11 ,.;bricl.,;" ro:>d iu tb!l 9th conct•>~Sion 0 ( l"ickt..· rin~, null :d:;o a::~ to tiK" t.lau~,·rous natu rt~ of the ct·o.s.;in~ o( 1 h·~ t: raml 'i'runk Hail way :1 t Urock s1 r ,'<.·t in th~ 'fuwn o( li ,.;bri•lg-c. C:Lr- ried. M .-. Baiw:.rt.ls, .snconlll!d by Mr. l!rown, ruov~1l that the Cl.,rk notify th,, Council of th" Tm,·n u( \Yhitby t h:\t it wuul<i. add very much to l he ;qap,•ar:>noo o£ the grounds :don;,: the [runt of th·.• Huust or tt,•(uge to h:LVe th:\l part of lli~h · street o;t·;ulcd and tb·.' gn•"" <'Ul. Carried. Th,, Clct·k ·r.,:>al a \lommunir.:otion {rum l\lcs.o;t·:~. llow· & Mc'-'illi\' ruY with r ,•f<· reucc to ll•c e;;•lary o£ th" matron f of t h~ g:wl. . Olle ~at "~nt of youth and beat!tY at Mr. llroomfi.-ld, SQ(Oonded b}• Mr. tile youn~ woman_ or tbe moth~r ts the . prn~r nnder.;tandtn~ of bu womanly sys- j Cil ru,•gic, moved that the. coutmunt- tcmand .. -dl-beiar. Every woman, younc c:ction wilh rdcr.-ncc to the , mat- o~old,should lmo:l) 'An·.rdfan'd her_pbJ• run's e;:.lan· w laid over till thene.xt ical make up. A cood way to am~ at . . -ui1-c'tinl; -oC this· cuunc,il on account this )<nowled&:e ia to r;et a rood doc:tot uf not being prc~ntecl in :tccorclnn·::c book. ~uch, fur iostantt,.,._the;r~pk'• ,,,-,,, tit·.· rtll"'" uf thi.:i c-ouncil. Common ~ose M~dtcal Advtser, by R. V. ~ Piene, M. D .. which can r~adily ~pro- )lr. · G1hlos, e~condl,ld by Mr. H:ndy, CDnd by sendinc thirtyo<~o<: cents 10 one• wo\',•d m ;uuen•.hueot that the com- «nt stamps for pa~r-bound Yolumr, or mllni<-al ion in rderence to the j;aol fifty •tamp" for. cloth-bound copy. addre,.,.. mal ron's _,.alar} be not cnto>rt.Lincd inll Dr. R. V. Ptertt, at Buffalo, N. V. at tl.ti:; ,;_,,;:,ion uf the counoil. The chance: from maidenhood to woman- hood is one that involvc:s the: whole body. Ur. Kiliser muYc<l in amendment to Tbe s.train at tbis time: upoa the bl~ 1 h.· am<"mhneot .seconded .. by .Mr. forminc 1\lructuru maybet<?O~eat .. J:?t5o Gihl.ts, tlmt tho. coommunic:tlion of ordeno of the fuactioas peculiarly femtnlne Uuw ,\. .MeG illin·ay ju-'ll re:ld be (;J- ~ nea.rly al,.•ay• ll<:~nd~nt upon de- >"' (ecti\'e autritioa. In al_l ~uch_ e&;~~ Dr. <>d. · Pirttr's Favorite Pr~Knpuon 11 JUst tbe Ur. J~n.isl! r·~ •uutiou wa:i then put veg<:table tonic ror the female &ystem. ;\1\11 lost. •I caaDot ~xpr~s..' m:v tba~k~ f~r t~e ~~~&t ~ )lJ·. l; iiJlJ .... • mol iou wa.:; th ~"u llllt and llaTe R"ttiY«l (rom Ur. Pa~T'C"C' • "'."'11nnr-s. I write-a )Ira. Ju11u• 'W~hrlv, o( Ca~hndJ!:r". ~r· O~l . cllestn co.. Md. •I took •Fa...,nte l~p- Th,• original owl ion uf Mr. lln>Om- tio11' aa\1 frtl that • ~f«t c:ttTt ha..,. ~ fi ~·l1l w a:-. then pu l 0111d car ri~tl. decl<:d I feel like thaakiac ,.ou rortltrltinll Th .. c·uum· il " '"Ill into Cflnlnlittee pd fatl~crJy letter& which you WTOte." Here's n Snap. WHITBY'S DOINGS. This i." lhP la r~c-st loe:U npwsrm- ~r pnhli~hcd in Canada. bl'iftP: twel\"c t b:trgllins call at the pnges wceklv, and the J.o'.-.mily Uenld If lOU wan . 1 11nd Wrel<ly Star of Montreal, is the u.ew store. II. Uredho. li\CJre.st provineinl newspaper. issued flomember Momhy, Au~. 1st. Tl•ere in Cnnad:t. A limite•l num~r c.-.n will oo skalillg at Ul~ b k~. , get thc:!P ' two whoppers from us Try w. M. Priogle':s tin.-mith 'in- ' from .. l!ow until lhe enrl. of the pre- and plnmber. He will du you a finltt St>nt year for 5U,. J.o'irst . eoml', class job. first oserv.,cl. ~ow run your orders Muro :Stw Walk:!. Th~ ~ra.uulithic UICII .;n .. ooct to towu a;.:aiu fo la-y muro n :·w Wiillr.s. 1'h" (ulluwin~-: •"'"' ui.,ccs :trc to be put down - Uuodas :St. u.•t "~en Ce~­ tr.: iltul Kent .nr.,cts, north s11lc: Gtl- bcrt strc~t uctwccn Uro<"k and Athol st r .. -cts ,.oul b side; llick()ry 11treel !rum ' uuudas to llary, ea.st aide: M:u·y str.:ct, hom I.> rock to t•erry stroot..s, north sid" ; Uu111.hs street, from p ,•ny lu As h «ill'<'l, north .si..t"- Centre street, from Coll\'ine to Uuuiuv. ~a.st ~ide; Uyrun ~trt'cl fl"om. Gilwrt street south. FnL•y-Jl:>mil toe\ ~upl ials. Th~ marria;.:c of lli,;.,; A::n•·~ Ham- ilton of Collt•~c str.,el, Turuuto, tu q\'il'k or you will bo too lnte. : Tl,,• Bintler Tl',.tt>d. The Do:~.rd or llin-elors or the Far· mf!ra' Cu-opcrlltive Harvesti~ ~b­ ehlno Company m et at the h~tory offieis in Wlutby on ::;,,, urday l:tsl. In the o.fternoon -ole directors drove out into tbl! eountry, where one of th<>ir nc wsprin~t J!lt~el hin•ler.~ wn" \ at .. -ork on the hrm ur Mr. John l'ttt>rill, all expre.~~in;: l hem~lve~ n~ dl'lighte cl with th':' fitoe t<bo·.,·m~ m:ul., h~- IlK: m:t<:hinr. One •o! t hr. directors, ?ttr. S. M . ::'antlerl', of f:l<eter will rPJR:lin nt the work.~ for n f~.,.- 'days to· [amiharire him,... If ,.·ilh th•• cll'l:l.ils of the bn~•m·s.~. l'r<'- pantory to his _ Ukim: <'h:tr~l' o( the ('Offip:l.nJ'" C'Xhihil ·tl lltt• 11'?~11- inion Kxlubiliol1;-..r b e• b(,•d :ll "on- oip.,g [rom .1 uly z;th tu Augm•t 5th. Tri\Yellrrs. Mr. : K n. nlow, A!!rnl C. P. n., h:\S ticltetcol the , followiiU! P"""'t•n;rcrs ll•t" wc~l< .. ~lr. H:trry L:tmlP ~. (\.•h- nw:t tu nrO<·k,·iJie; ?olr. Wm. A. Coad. <hhaw:> to nr""k"ill ... ; 1\lr. · :~net )Irs. Btalon, 1\lrs. l.ittle :tncl"o" 'O.•haw" lo Mnl\trt'nl ~nd return; all D~. Pierce'• FaYorite Prescrip~iou waa of tit ' " ·Jwic "" tfl" ,-,dnntors' re- th<: first <:ll:clusivdy woman's toniC ~n tbe pon. mark<:t. Jt has sold more lar~ly 10 tbe 'fh ,• c·ummilt<'<' reportr..t !hat they past third o( a century than aDJ otht-r Wt• n: unahi,• to agree as to it.ti o.HIO()-. medicine for women. Uo not let the dru~- 1 ion or rc.i<:Clion. ""st persuade you to try M>me ~mpound I b ibat-has not bad the tc:st o( so many years' .:\lr. Canh~}!i(: tuuv~,L ~:e<"C'ntlt· t y au.~ss. )lr. )luwbraJ, thal tl1,. n ·pnrt be Dr. Pi<:ne'• Plea.<ant Pell~ts- &'h~uld be adoptt.'d. . .' · ........................... , ................. ..... . , . • • THROUGH 'IC TDJ:-: WOULD'~ l~AIR' ·: WHEN ·: e e ST. LOUIS.. i YOU HAVE COMPANY' AT YOUR ! • • ! HOME ! • • • h' · r h bl a h • 1 you want somet mg mce 10r t a ta e to·ouer t em. : I Try our Special Sugar Cured I • • ! HAMS, BACKS, BACON, SHOULDERS, ! I ROLLS and COOKED MEATS. I • • • • F.-.~t l':t.:press , t'rnins lea.-e 51 . Louis L\\·iee d11ily, e:urying tbrouJ; h Pull- m=>n f>l~pers.. 'four ioe:tl ogent will m:tke rel'H• v:>tioo.s.. $~0.20 ROU~D TniP. Witl: nn opportnnitr o( ..-i,.iting in (;h;.-a)!o. Urtr:~it 11nd at lnlermed- ia•e C:m'ldi;tn &ta.lions. Note -· On applk:ttico to .T. D . Me- . Donal<!, --D . P. A., Toronto, etK'Iosing ·four t'enb in ost:tmp:o. b•nrl'-omr il- lu.st ratrd booklet .. -ill h:: fnrni.-hed. i : ~~PEXD YOt;R VACATI0.:-1 IX niGfl-1 LA.:-ID5 Olo' 0;'\t"T.t.RIO. I When you want the best quality in FRUITS, • Mu..<tkolt:!. Pxpross tr:tins make di- • • rect connection far all parts ou : BISCUITS and CONFECTIONERY try us. : Georgi:oo Da.}', Muskoka L."kc~ 3Dd e e Lake oC Bay1<,. l'ourist tiel.:('!~ oo .«nl" • : do.ily. i THE NEW CASH· GROCERY. i • •• • 1 I • I Jno. E. WATERHOUSE ! • WHITBY. • : PHONE l.l.. : I ~ We deliver to all oarts ef the town. ~ I • • .................................................. c HOME ~EEKERS' EXCURSl0:-1', $30 to $!0.50. To points in C."nndi:tn N~rth \Yeorl, ~mod f!oing Joly 18th, returning 1111~ til &opt. :!Oth. For tiekct.., illlll! .. tro.ted litcrnture nad foil in[orma .. tion :~.pply to E. STEPHENSON, Town Agent Expwess. Tick<:t and Teleanph ollir:e (opposite post ollice.l Whitby. ued with •a:avoritc Prucnptton wheD- ~It-. llruwn, """on·l~.t by ::Ur. :\Iii- ' c...u a laulive is ~uir<:d. lard, lU()\ ~d in .uncndmo·ot tJ;at thl! n·port b:.· not now adopa•tl Lut that it Lh· rer~t-rct.l to a • .$pC~ial conuui~- Mr . .J. Joseph Fuluy, !al L• of Arrow- belld, U. C., took place in tit. Put- rick's Church, on Tucsal:ly uJUrning, n~v. Fatl.ter L'rban. C .. s.s.tt., offi,- ciati~. Her brotl·er·lll-l:t"· · Mr. 1::. 0. McCrohan, of Oshawa, ~a\'e tile bridl! away, and th~~ lai•h~~ulait.l wa.a Mi..,. Allllii' Hamilton, hc1· youngest sistt>r. Miss ll:uniltun wore gr11y l'rCl'l' de chenc o\·c•· whiln ta~feta t riwm" d with Iri:>h l:tcr.. Th~ bride<~­ waid \\"3.$ in bisque vuih' with an ••xquisite pictun• hal. Mr. l::<.lwnrd Crothy a<'t~.! "" ~~~sr man, and Kr. and Mrs. t'ol ·.·y l!'ft for \)wo•n Souad on an ,•xlcncll·d w " ddiu;; trit> to Bri- t ish Columbi:l. A w., •Jdi~ break- [a.st \\·u.s J!iv,•n lU aUout fif~crn - or twentv Cricuels. at \ht· n·-.. ~clct~rt of Mrs . . 1'.-t<'r lJ ;uuiltuu. i\{ r. l>'ul~)' "l'"nt l:l-<t winu·r at \\'hituy, while tk: brill" is a !urm .. r \\'hitl>yite, tiO w,• t•Xlt"nll guud \\&.::.lit·~ to both. vi.-. tht• Ricll<'lit'n ~ Onr:trio '-'""ig:•- lion Co .!'t!~:>mcrs. ~~ r. lll'rbo•rt \\'oodholl~r :Lntl t"'O fr:l'nolS, .. \. hifl>~· to ;liias::nra F.-.ll" nod return via !'i- ·~:.r:' H.i\"!'r Line from Toronto; ~tt~~ J::u<'l:t•· Wl•ithy to Wnk<'fi<'hl, Qur., ancl r••turn; ;\Jr". W . • r. lL Richanbun Whithv to )lilt on :tnrl rrturn; the Mi~f'~· (.i;tmhle. ~trandau~rhtrrs of M.-... GPo. ?tkGiUivrn;, Whitby to Wnkf'field, Qur.,; Mr. W. C. Smith, Whitby to !"ault :=;te. Marie and Fort WilliAm, Ont.; 'u- llenjamin Wil- li:>miiOn. Whitby to Tnntollon, .\.<..."11.; MiM )),.long, Brooklin to Indian fle:t tl, A!<.~n.; l'li!:i D. K. Watson nnd Mi!!S Brrnn:Ln, Toronto to Syracusr. :S.Y. ; Geo. H. llam. Whitby to Man- Ina!; Mr. ~orman Uum . Whitby to I THE WHITBY BARGAIN HOUSE / 4 'tlil'HSUA\:, JUl.\ 'lith, 1~0 -1. ==================== COUNTY COUNCIL DOINGS. Th~ County Rcfu!>t.'ti to Endorse WIJil· b)·'s Ucb.,nlurftll - Th<! Vaha:.t.t- orA' llcport Sot Allere~. tbo~h th:~ro Was a Big A.• .:tnpt to t;b;""'" ll - ){r. l.intnn G rnnlt>•l :::;lllU - Cl.:r\.: l'a,-cw.-\1 G.,ts no locreasc. . J 0 . The n · ~~n u! the coun· ~.:-;--~. · k t~uocil "~C..u<oullc d 1"-'>l wee . _,i .• ' .r'in;>uciul Matte rs. \ Tb" fin:.nre comwitt._.e, : through Mr. Carnt•gic, m;.ulc lht!~ '.... reco•n- IUtltldatiOtt.!>- . \ . Your committ~o h:oVr cpn.sulercd lbe Application uf tl~- l'oli.ue C~m­ mia.iunPn& o( lhl! Vuhttt: lo~ :S~n­ derltuul lor ll I! nwt l<) '-'""'-"l ID butld- illlf u l()C•·up '(or blli•\ v;.'l"~"· •nd do nut adv"'-' Ll.to giving ' aC u ~trant Dl tlci3 Li~o. I Ynur cc.mwiltoo have ""'""idcred t.h" applicntiuu of th.: ' CII!rk for an increa::tO of aalar.\·~od rttcontmt!ttt.l thilt ~0 as a retainer bo gi•·.,u him ~ 110licitur, ai\IIUilU)'. Your commit t~ have r.ut~'<i<lurcd the petition of the towns or Osbawa and Whitby to havo their d .. l>antun-.s' for water•• orks cnolu~c.t l>r thi" (A)uncil. :tml r>JCommcD•l that thi.:i Council .J.- nul uu<.lur:kl th~ wntur- \\'ork.s. \\',• l\ .l.VC t•X.lll\iOI,I\ the b)·-t\W to the nl.)' , au~.! (iutliu~- tlu.• o:;:;:>-..c ..am!! Oil fu--seb,.~uJc. w• rucumm.·nd its third r~ndinp:. · Your conupitt'.lC haVe cot...,..lorod th" atl(llication of th•• retirin~ carl!- tal<e r for a ~rra.tuit)', :111•l n .. -c01umend & gn.nt to him uf :;~lUll in cun:oit.l.,r:t- tiun of his lun~ ami. l.1ith£ul l!"r- \'ict.•:\. 'fhat ~10 ~~ t>aid to the SuuLh On· tarlu \\"ouacn's ln.:illtul~. Tb••t :;;:!5 1•ai•t loy Uoi.>at ;\clson fur ;ut uuctiull~er·,. licl!n~e, w re- funded tu his. brothel'., \\lm. Nelson, [or tbl! C.StiL:"• = tSaia llo>l>ort 1\cl- ...,n ,jj.,d o;uou afl·~ r havin~ paid for tiaill liCllO:OC. . Tlu•t Wtl hUVll ~on.sidered lhc report of thu co>u11ty valua.tur:l, uwl n:cuw- w~ u..J. tho lldO!'tion of thu .r>amtl. Sine" th~ F~ lo.-u:>ry llll't•till;; of this cuuncll we have h oul UIM b..JU.tlr~c.l atu.l (ifly h :ct u( hUS<! llttuctm•l tu th-> wa- t\lr La nk '" a co:11. o( :;;JU tur h_"-:;-'• ~:!.til cuuplin~,;..-. and qt.z .. lc, - ::;;1-:- ul ; fur CUIII1t'tliun.-; tU tank_, l;;t.\la, ¥Ja.5ti. \\'~ la:>Ve hud two druw.s 1•ut in lu Lll\.! wc.:it c~ l.tOo\, oL-:t lhu uvcr- Uuw (rum Lh ,, al>ovc ko·pt lhl!~tl·ound v~ry w.:t. l..abu•· Iur do~u~; liU ~u..t ~~~. til<!, .):l.l!a-¥1:1.85. \\·c recetved two t..:ndcr" fu r tit" Yl!ruvdah" and 1\W:\r<I·Jd tiD coulnl"l 10 W. Mall..-<, 111., ~>.,in.:; tl"' Jowe:>t tenJcru r, awouut ' t~I00.5U. 'fhi" incluo\ld two , . ., .. , ... . 1 dah:s. the (runt und ul:<o tiJJ t:a:tt_; jlhis ul:oo illtOI\ldoJll ll dour .. ud parll- . tion at the bvHum o( tbc ., .... ~ t..t .... twent .. tairway. We llaYe nut a-n law., tu ll"t tl><l fira C>JOCa~. t>ut _up 1 - )' llt, but arc aow ne~otual&Dg ·~-•lOb IN'rtiM w have that dnnl!. Jll"- Car· ~~ie, \\. ,J, '-11>0:1, I.A)WmuiJtiOnc.t·,. Mr. l:lroowfiuld, ..,..-und•·ti by Mr. llenry, moved that ufl of clau,.., 4 rt'luti~ to the buildiu;; .,( llw \'e r a n- tlab ou the wc,;t t1itlo u( the If un:IC o( Rnfuge be at ruck out of llllid rl!· vorl, and t h:~ t it bo amended ac- corditl6(ly. Cat rillll Mi,.,,· pam·uu:. u'~siiH!~~- .Mr. Onui~wu, 11ocotulcd tu Mr. l'uucb.,,·, wovcd that tho Chl\;irm:>n of thu Cuwwittt:e un County .Pro- " "rty llntl <.:lurk U.S uutllori&ed to DII J" nd n t&ru.nll t1UW in pnwuriul{ dc- cumtiow< fur th·~ county buil•liu~..-. cluri•~ ll.tc jubilee celcbraliun uC O.,h;oWII 7.;!;1 a . 111. l.IU 1.7f> th~ 50th rear of tltu o'<ej>.lntliou frum lhl" unltnct cuuntit•!i of \."ork anti PHCL Th\! wol iun wa.'i tu .... l . 'l'lu.! IUt"UJ.Ocn• of lh<! CUUIII'ii l' ili!>C<l .I liUlUll fund liy ..-.ub.:;criptiun put·;.~oually Cue· lllat p1Hllo.:>l'. 1'hc Clot·k >~latt!tl that th11 Uuwiniun lt.nilway GuuuDiMionvr~ a•uquNHl vin- ilintt the Co.-l><• tt'.>~ l'uiut cr~>--<.~iul{ uf 1h.• Gru cul Trunk lln ilwa y in the Towt..,.hijl uf 1\ hit by. 'l'bu Hai•l en"'· bit~ buin~ on<~ "hic h \I as fra•<tUI!Utl)' cnlatw•l L)· laq . .,"'C picnil.!. paflit~:i anti wa'i <'U tlani[<' I'UU:I that this c ounc il ha.tl u•~·•nurali ~ud th~ railway cuua ... anith .. "t' u( lht, Privy Counoll tu n ,tluin, th., Urnnd 'l'runk li.J•ilwuy tu put the ttnW t3 iu "u(c c uuctltiuu. JL wu; ~tal­ ed that other hi~-:bwnys iu thu nei~-:h­ borho"':: la ;•ll by r"n:Wn uf thu noi .. ing 1111tl w iilunilliC u( tho CUWJ>any'" lin,· l""'"' maclll imt"'""ulole ' or d-.n~rc rou:~ . 'l'lu• War<lcll .aud Cuuuty Ch11·k nn<l :;olicilor W\\ ftl - J.tiVtlD lua vc uf uh- "" n"" to \n<cl the 11nid comwi•~ion- cr.'i, M r. Ui!Jl.t,., ,;,•condcocl b.v !Ur. Mow- bray, uw\'cd tloat thu \Vu rdtm 1111<1 Clerk llf"l'/ll'tl nud "ign n WllWuri;cl to tlh\ .sai,t curntnis..iion tw.~tliug out 1 h t! tlnug"t' fOU:i nalurt> of thu or~i n,.;::t or th~ C:uanclian nociric llnilway nvor th~ lle11l'h Uoad in the U• h conc~..s- 1 ·."(0 ("iUJU(toS~ti u! tht' loilowiu~. na.me- Jy, M.t:s..~ r:,. llowUra.) , Ur,,~i;:,lun, Car- m·~ic. Mtllard, liiblk>, K"is~r a1ltl tbe IU0\"\!1" wath n \·iew u( r. .. rrl'lillt:{ nt an nmicabl~ .:;ctllewent iv order to av- oi<l I it i~ation. Ca 1 ric d. Ur. Kui:,~ r, t=-t·-.'olhlt-d i.>v ~Ia·. Ut.•nry, ruov.:<l in atncu<iwenL tllat the ~~aid rcpurt ju.st rec~i ,·eti b.· not now nd- ovted, but Uu rderred back to tiM> committt>e of the whole vlilh instruc- tion:> tu aw.:ud the .saw:· lly rec.-"Ul· meodinl( the atlovtion t~f I b~ :;cbedule rl!fcrred lu in the former motion in lieu of lbc clauSc recotumcudin;: lt~e adoption of the v.olul\tur·~ reporl. Th<l yeas nn..J. n.a~·,; b;wing bt-cn <1<'· mand~d tltcrl! WHc !or Dr. Kaiscr'a mot ion iu a~l~nduu•uL, M~rs. Hrn- ry, Hardy. l\.a~r and Mtll:lrd - -l; Naya - .M.;.ssrs. llroom(ield, llrown, Caroe~ie, (;hristie, l::tiward,, l.:ibb:<, .Mowbr;oy, Ormiston un<.l. t•oucltcr-!1. Th1, mol ion wns dccla.refl lo.lt. Mr. Caroc.;ic'.-. motion for tl>e ad- option ot tltu report Wll» then pul ont\ en.I"Tit.d.. ltfr. Ormio;ton, seconded b)- Kr. Gibbs, mu•-.,d that tl•" Ward"n and Mr. blowbr.1y wuit upun llr. \\'urro:n, gaol .>~u rgcon, with a view o! '•"·in;: th~ woman uow "-" gaoi ~upp~d to b u u l'un~otic, t-eufu\'ed tu the a.:<ylum for th~ tn.:>ane. Carried. Mr. Brown, .seconded hy Mr. Chris- tie. moved that lJonald :M.cKa,-, ~oun­ ty tr,:~Surcr, and J. F:. .l:!'nrewell, county cl~rk, be granted ou" month'.>~ leave uf a.b:!eoce. · th,,· appointing sou~t• competent pe nmn to act in their tllacc d"ring guch abs.,oce unci l):q ln ~th~ pcr.$011 ,;o actinJ!. Carri~cJ. :u1•• ~ ,...,Wfl......_ hy 4lr. Puu~l.teu, ·.wo>;c~ t11'aL'l' l~ll . tuUo-r.iO¥ eowruunic:~tions llu1u tbe Hon. .John llryden re -... upport of :><>or and dt\Stitute pe~Dil in their muoicipnl- ill·-'-" u.s me'lloriali~ed by thi.s council, l!'rotu C .• \ . l•atl!r-"'>n, Clerk of tbe Vill•~" of &averton re composition uf County Councils, nlso from John .MeArtbut·, Cl~•·k of thu Towo:<bip of Thorah . n· compoi ition n{ County Council b., pl11ccd un fil.,, Cnrri.,d. Mr. llowumy, sceondtd by Mr. Gibbs, moved that Ll. Col. liarow.-11, County Clerk, be at•poinllal delcga.te (row tbi>~ Couucil tu the C;ma•lian Conferenc" ol Charitie,. nn.t Cor- ructions. Canied. Moved by Ur. Kilisor, secon•led by II[ r . li<Lrcly, tho.t tl.t<~ r"port of th., School ln.-;pcutor iu tho .!Sorthcrn il>"(lL'Clora.tu ·prc.st~nto•l at tbi.s se>~­ Hion br ln,pcctor JaJD\!3 Mcllri.-n nna the n •purt of Ur. \\'auj;lt ju.st rnCLd oo rtoCeivcd by this council, and \IIILt W\l ltcruby ext•rc"" o"r ple;"'ure nt the gcol!ral ~>ati.:ifuclor;,- cun•lition of our DC1tools, and \hat th""" re- pur lli be printecl with tit" wiuut8:! of th\l se>.~Sion. Carried. Mr. t:dward:i, ll\lComic•l by. Mr. Han.iy. moved that Mi.so.t H11y be paid tho Hum of 55 f!lr typewriting the r~porlli :~.od by-la w:s cf thi,. >~e'l:.ion (or t•r"-""· uf county, Carried. Mr. Urown, >lt.OCon<l c d liy .Mr. Chri:o- tj,,, moved that the War.lcn be nnd i" l1·.H-eliy CLutltoriz~•l tu j:r:>nt hi:< order on the Trensu rer in favor or )(,,. ..... Geurl{e Pll.rur, W . 1>'. Weir and Charloa :ruokia for tbe •Wil of two huDdred clollara eaeh fur tbeir sen·"'- u county valuator><. Ca.r- ri•-..1 . .5fr. Kth\ ards, 8econd..rl by Mr. Pou- ch<'r, moved tlmt the membe.-,. of l he eonunitloe on the con~olicllltion of t!J,, liy-IILW.:I be p:ii•l ior tlu,ir .. er- \' icus in and a bout the bllmto us fol- lows.- :Ur. ll~nry. :! •hy_., 10 miles, ~;7. llr. Ch•·i.>till, :! li~l"• 18 milq, ':;7.1!11; also lhll cldu~:utt'd tu the \\",,..:tprn Onl;u·lo Gocui Uo:\tl:-- · A.5;~ ~: i .-.. iun - :\Ir. 11-: nry, J tla)·.-; au<.l rail· \\'a)' fnre, ~111.:.: •. Mr. Gibb3, :1 day .. aad railwuy f .or J , $11 .10. CtHic<t. Mr. Chri.sti ·· , &;ccuHit·tl hy Dr. Kalst! l' , 1uovcel that lhe cuun~il n :- &OIYtl itt!Cif into u cuwmillntl u( Ute wholl! Oil tlct! thin! n •jlOT! or I h e ~tandin).( co1uuail too uu nxub nnd uriolj.\c.-;, Cani.,d. Mr. 8tlwanls, .,,,conclcd br Mr. Gibt>s, muvo<.l in am~ndwrnt thnt t h01 n•porl JUSt rt-c~ iVetl Lu no[ nu\v nd- opt•·•l bu~ be rdtl rr,,d b.a..:l.; to the commitloo oC lhn whule wtlb irt:!lruc- liun.s to "trike out that [>3rt ofclause which rucomweuds tllat no uction bci tako•n ""' to lhu nssumin~ by thi• council of rh•' Canuin~ttou IJri<l~te m eutiotlCLI thcrc1in, ao.~l to iu:~erf in liuu tll('r~ur lh" ' r<JCommoodatiou tbot I hi:1 cuuncil ussuwu tl.tc s;u<.l Cun- uinll ton liridgll, Th~ yea.. uutl na y.; h<LVin~ ~>.!en de- IDILntleol br two muwbers, tbere W dre Cor lh" lltnethlm.,ut Mo.."-'""· 1-:d- w .. rds ILIUI Gibl"', :.!. zo..·uy:t -lbssr:L llruomfi••ld, Urown, Cnrne~rir, Cbri.s- ti.,, ll<•nry , ltarciy, Ka;,.,r, Mu\\ bray, Millar<l, Ormi.:iloo, l'ou;;l.tcr, 11. 'l'be •ua<•mlmcnt Wll4 l01.1t. Boy w .. ntCKI. To lnrn priutinv. otCice. Appi) af thia 'hron:o Old Boys Heturn Tllanks. 'foront:>, Ont ., J ul~· lith, 190•. Cb:·irm::n of th•· General Commit:ee Jubilt"e Cdebration. Dear Sit,-At a meeti~· o! the Whitby Ohl Bn,s. h~ld in the T emple Building la.st ni~bt, it w:.s moved by Ma_j()r A., G. Hendcnsoo, t~e<>onded by Me3:irs. \\i m. Epplelt and Ja.-.. Humphrey und ~.-­ solved - Firstly, tb:.t .-. cordu1.l ovo\\! ot \\\:o.n\i.'!'. \Je \~n<i~~d. t~ ~p­ tiqn cowmitti'C and the r:itizeM of Whitby 4!•·rn·rally, for tl.tn hearty •n•lcomc .,,:ton•h·d to thu \Vbitby 01<1 IJuYs ;ond f,;rt .. on tbe occasion of tllt•i;. rcc~nt vi:oit. Secondly, that ""' do h<· c·,·by I!XI'rc""' uur npplecia- tion or th" "" rcuuoW! e(!orls put forth by all the comtnittc"" to make our \'isit mos t pleasant, nnd the jubih'<• Cf'lebration su.:h a ~naat success. Thinly. tbat we llo here- by declare uur fideli1y to Lhe Old Town, :>n•i a·~•'r""" thl' hope that it Ill:\)" MOOn renlize its de,tiuy uf 1><•- wmi.~ \~e re:sid<:ntia.l town for the busint!&'l comwuoity of tlus great city of Totonto. · E. ~·. D. Ueadersutl, .-\.S.:Oi~t:l.Dtt ;Sec'y, W. (). .t). Chkoutimi. Qui'. Il:lilwa; Commission :.t \\' hitby. The Dominion B:\ilway Corumi.ssion came to Whitby last weet to •eon- Aider our three nilw~y et'O!OS'iDff'l. Nr. RPrnit'r \\-:ls aLJ.oMont. TM! eom- mistoion Arrivt"d by speel!ll train, ar:- eompAoied by Superintendent M~­ Gu~lln and other Gmnd Trunk orft- eilll8. The lo•..-n nuthorili<'-~ m et th~'m with ~~~rri~{zN• at the junc- tion l'l:ttion, ~ncl drovo the p:trty to the ee\"eral ero."SiOJ:~. The Tery daagerous one :.t the hot<e liD!', just wf!St of wbcrP the olcl "l:ltion was, h:ts thrPC main linP I mck,., .-.nd is a·t nn ll<lntc an~tlt'. In lit'u of 11 sub- way the Grand Trunk np,reed to open 1\ . new ro:tc\ north or their lint'S nnd (rom just east of t b., <'ros"ing, '"hieh will lx- cl03C•I to Brock "tred, ju!lt norl h or tho brrU."C. by the nl'w. station. Mr. Em:m11el S:eep's cros- Mr. G<·o. McClellan Honored. illlf i" to be put in orcl"r n~:tin, nnd Abuut 7;, bnsinc:-s men u! Bow- eompenl':ttion ~ti.-cn for rl:tnt:tsrPR. mun•·illP, nod friends of Mr. Gaorae Corbell'>< crossing, leaclin;; to a. ta- n. lkCI,•ll:~n, a_,mulecl u t the moua olol-t ime pienic r:round on the B<'nnct r House tu atluncl " banquet !llkl! ..hore eo.~t of the' ~own. in plnoe gi,·cn in hiS:! honor. !!'or tho pa•t of having n eubw:ty, il to be made Bl"'en yetHti he has been u~oci.ated 1!..!\(~r M to ftpproll~hi'~ ::tnd an elec- with th•· branch uf Lb3 Slandnrd trio bell in5t:Uied. A vpry l:tr~e :.nd Haul.:. ll\llcrly us teller, but has re- nprcBentntlve gAtberi~ of county .sigoe•l to :orc<'pl a mana~;•rship in A'Dd townsh\t> eoancilloR nnd neigh- Lite Cro"n Jl;•uk uC Can.o•la. M,ayor ~ fnrm~.,...J;tt"'·r• fle<'Unod by ~-A: Jum~ll>!>i•l.,d, aud W. B. -:!liT • .J.-1' •. 1"£'_,... ::lr J:rM·werW&d \rjr Couch, on h.!hnlf of tile citizens, pre- the (A)r~tt ~~ Gen<'r:tl llpproval ~nted M.r. McClellan with n 110ld wM exp~""erl nt I he decisions ot the watch and c:h11.rru. .\ very flatteriag eommifl<!lion, an•l ••lmirntion 11l thr letter """' re:~d !rom \\', J. Jonea, routth .-.nd .-.ndy •le"P."lch with which mana&<'r of the b:tuk, who WllS un- they met<>d ont long-delayed justl<'e. nlll~ to be present. and t1hort speecl.t- 1'.3 followacl from D. lJ. Simpson, K. C. J . R. Young, C. l'. Clair, W:. 'F. All•n. K. C., William Cunu, Ll. D. M. Galbraith, llr. Colville, li. S. Uij:nam, Juhn J.yl~ . J. H. McMurtry and others.. Gee. 1'. J.o' rpeland •. 11:. C. Southey and A. Jlunly contributod liOD~tB. Mr . McCldl:on h :LS been nppoint.>d man~~;cr o( the branch of tb11 Crown Rant.: at Cumoor, Om, and i.s n son or Mr. ancl Mrs. Jnmll!l :Mo- Ciclluo, o! the ""uth wnru. It af- fords u.s much ple"-'!uro lo congratu- 1:\t., onr former townsman, who waa in town ovur Sunday. Town Council lloings. Til\' t"wn counci l ffi('[ 1:\st week, .-.11 tlw tbembcrs being preseot 61'Cept Mr. Culwill. A . letter ro:td from .Mr. Toole y • to tb,, c:ruSMillg oppo:litc the .:rindiog mill which h" inter1<b "tartin~t in tb~ buil•lin~ P<':\t to O'Connvr':s bliWlk- &llil h ,;hoJI, and a 1olter from lfr. c. n ....... "'l io.icll( for a cro:s:~in.t op- JlOSito hi.; cottage on Cent fll :11 .-t .;outh w.•ru r..-Ccrred to tho street. Do:trd o! F.due:tlioo Uoing.!<. Thn n>Jnllar Mf'rlin~: Gf thr bnnrd of pduention w:ts htld on "'ednest\."y t•Venin~r. ThPl'f' mrm'Or.rs "'"rc prl'- 1\l!nt - M,..._ • ..,._ U:trpPr, eh:tirm••n, Fl't'lltlf!On, o\Jcuillivn:r. Goldring, ~c­ Clelll\n. J.o'mc and llus::~ard. The I'IChool l't'port.. for .lunr show- ed 1\n avcrA~e ntbn<lanre " " !ollow"- .MoOel School - Form.i 1 nnd!!., 49 ; Corm 3, 26 ; form (, :!0. Henry St n-rt N:hool - form ~ 17 ; Corm ~ :!;; ; Dufff'Tin 81 ref't School 27: form 2. :!fi. Fonn l,:lll; form 4, 33, - Form 1, 'l'ht' finl\n('(' commiftf'e rw,eommend- ,.d th•t the appli<:~tioll'l of the c:ol- 1 •lfi.-.t .. in~tilnt11 lP>eiiC'no Rn•l c::>re· tnll:.'t for in<""'"~ 3{ .._,lnry be not ~rrnnte<l. This wn• a!(r-eed to by llll ~rd. . n:r t hi' :tclopr ion of II~ rf'port tb') fina.nr., l'ommiltPe, th<'-'<Ct a~. oount.s were p:tss~<l -· J. H. Downey &:. Co •• c:oal, 813.:.!0; 1\Ir"- Allin, l't:t- tioDery, SJ:.!t; printinl! truancy liees, 51 . cumtr.itt.'t!. Mr. HnrpPr "'"ll•tl lh:>t it hntl i>l'en Mr. Hobson """ured th« adoption .ntim:>ted to h :m lhllt ~h'"-n wM uf 'th" n lpurl of the finan<'o · eom- tUlttl Anxiou,. tlo~t the morlpl ..chool mittoo, reeowmeu•ti~ tho t•ayment of t.honld continue to be locueol nt pt.IO to S . ll. :Sewton for extn Wbltbr. nn•l ~lllliCNted the p~~L•nl:f! printing, awl lhn followilli{ amounts of f motion <':tllintt Uj)On the eecrp- for aerviooa na coostableo; durinv the tnry to write the O><hlt'Wa Behool jubil,-... .. xhiloataun - t: . .A. l.luutl .. y bol\rd il_tvitin~: -~_oU_i<'i:tl_ co-o(lCr- SG. H. Bra.veoor tW;, w y f6, atlon wtth lh:tt ob.>:.-t 111 vccw. On s. Va•toue on Job '!';_ coalql -. motion o( Me~~l":". FugU!>OD 1\Dd Gold- - 0 .-...- ar ~.. ·- this <' u t It H. l'hlSI.;t!tt St. 'I hi! rl'J)Qrt ul:so re- rt.._, ~ n.e Wl" - " . en. cuwmended tha t tlw trc"-"urur pre- Kr. GoldnOR IL'llt~ lf 1t would not (l:lrll nnd ha vo prioteJ a citcul;lr for bo ,....,u t~ adverf~-~e . for a. m~l dlst ributiou ;•mong l.truk llr~ and roc>hool """'"lnnt, in VI~W o.f .M'"" monetary iu~titution.:~ u.-;kin.,; for len- Vaa V~l~enbursr • . •n apphc:nnt Cor t.lur.-. for tbu purcha.sll u( the SG3,000 the poo<thon, h:tvoog n~ptetl the wat .. r an•l li~;ht dobt•tllurf>~ of tliia Greeawood ii!Chool. On mottun o( Mr. 1u" •. """' l ·.•u<lo·r:o 10 " " iu nn ll'ri- .-:\'r,lU"'n. ••MHlllclPcl b,· ~Jr. Gold- d.t)' , 15th 111 .. 1_ ut ~ o'clock nn,c, ~h·· :<•·n-ta•y "'"" m"truel etllo . . • IUD- nch'ertlf!C n~ lllll!~"~ted . On, mouon of llr. M_itclu•ll, it .• ·aa Dr. McGillivr:.r brought up th .. <l<'<'luctl Ill buill \\ lutlo_1· -• ct\'t" huh•l47 QU&I'tion of rcJ•"i"' , 0 the vnriou,. uu 1h" ;;am c d ;ty u<~ l 'uruutu'.-.. ~~Choola.. lC 1111y nnt to oo m:tdr., hi' Mr. !IOoltl" ..-;c..•ur,.•l th~ l'"""n!<e of ""id. thry llhoulcl h•l(in nt o~c~ , nnd a hy ·law {t\.ill.; l:hi·~ ! Cnn>tlllJIC Uell'• not lea•·e it IO ttl¥ ,-,.rge of the :.t;<lury at l;3UU l'"r annum, 1111 inc reaae I'IChool n•·n(>"nin~. l'h., m e mb.,,.,. uf t;IUU, in ac~o•·<ln11~o with the de- ,....,med to h.> oC thr opinioo th,.t-. Dl'W cisiun r,·achml ut .1 former IUeetiQil wort coul<l b<o dispnn"l'd wi• h this of thll cuunci l. yeAr if onlin:try retnir" Wf're m:tde, Brock St. south Next door to New Armstrong Hotel. A~other Saturday Morning List. ll'a eMy t'o print B;ngaiM in big type. poBitive 'proof. • ETerybody ia doing it', but we baek it op witb It is our purpose, our desire that evoery cuatomer eball be BO pie Med a.nd eatiafied with the price paid and 'the nttention ~eeiv-ed that be or abe will &l•va.:re think of thia tt-tore of ~­ pendable hesdqua.rters for inspection of men:band~. and a Jll:U:e where e-rer.r dolafr !!pent W1ll return ita fullest worth. Our prices are considered very low, and especia.lly this weelr.. HURRAH. Inspect our windows a.nd wonder how little our prioe.s are. ·- For Women I Ladies' lluil!! in navy blue serge, aod homespun and bl:.ck cheviot, made op in the .lateat etyles, eM.t lined with taffeta .ailt, eises from 32 to t2. Regula.r price 8lll lo S1.5. - Bargain Day $11.90 ' ( Cre.-.m lustre blous .. s, tnokcd front, back and &eeve.s. Our 11pecial prioo is 12 .. • ........ B:~.rgaio Day ,1.49 Silk m:t.ntle drapes. good large RiZM.. with fringe and nice patterns. Regular $3.50, ..... "' ...... ...... ...... ---- .. J·on 82.25. Curtain Mnslins -~- -···· Speeial 7 1~ ·. . ,,..~ ~ .. ¥~~­ L:tee Curt .Una, 3 yards in length; Yery nice dasign, naaular f! FOR~.25 GirLs' &ilor DreBSeS, sizes !rom t to 14, ...... .................. _.Speci:tl $1.19 ·For Men No.vy blue nergo 11uils, single bre- asted, r..~r antin lined. the latest cut, guaranteed best tweed. -·- ...... __ Special $12 ;· Navy blue worabed in Jlght --weight. nncl comfort, for bot weatluor, o;.in~rlc o.nd double brell.!lted, lined with far- mer tS:ttin. ei:zes from St.l to 42. ---· ...... ... - · On Bargain d:>y S9 Our S(l.OO euits al'1! well known. They :.re a. great sn:tp. hilt thi" week we reduce our prices oepeci3lly for home comers.. There are ei.x d iffer- ent lines. and they can be ecen in our window. Bargain Dny price SG .. ~lrn's hot we:t.tber unde~nr • ...... .................. Special $1 au it Keu'a waterproofa in a dart gny color, nlTet oolla.r, ~iated: euffa oa elNYea, aenms are aowa l.a tape; ~y are IJUa.-aateed fro1111 the faotory. ...... ...... _ Specinl $!). Men's blnct C:lfihiiMire 110ek9, regu- lar price 25c. --- f:OR 20e. All nre corcli:Uty invited to the New Bargain Store, as it is no trouble for our ~oodll and pricee. It g.,W,. are not eatidaetory, money re:unded. us to ehow LOCAL IMPfiOVF.MR~TS. - Tl\lte notice that the Municijt:tl Counr.il oC tho Corpor:>tion oC the Town oC Whit- by intenil1.1 to eonst ruct upon t be followilll{ ... 1 r!'CI~. vi•.- l)untlll.s :51. h • .o t \\'llPR C"nt re nnd K .. nt streets X. side , "~' im:tt~d CO-'< I. &170. Gilbert St. hcl w~en llro<'k nnrt Athol St."·• S. ~iel t•, c~ tinullt.•d co~t. f.100. Ui~knry Sl. from Dunala." to Mary E. eide, c.o;tim:~.trtl co.~~ l}~!!O. Mary St. from nruck to P e r.,. Sts., N. eidc, ""timalt•<l co.~l- ~140. Dun<lns St. from 1\l rr.- to A" h St. N. Bi<le, «~~<limatrd co:tt • Sl75. Centro St., (rom Collvine to Ilun· lop, E . eidc, c.~timalPd c os t, ~105. Byron St. from Gilheri ~l. south, eetimatcd c i>O!t, SlOOO. PI. BRESLIN. COAL GRAIN I ) SEEDS J. :H:. DO'W'NEY & CO. by tho Court. J. D. Mitebell, Cb:>ir- m:tn of t:treeta. Jo.,.eph \Yl.tite, Town Clert.-12-t. • ' Mr. Miteh~ll :<ecurl'd thtl ~ tto, on motion uf llr. !Mt'Gillivray,Pe- uf th.! .>~trccts report, wl.tic4 reoom- cooded hy Mr. H~l!itllnl. t~ f!('hool m t!nt.lc<.l thu fulluwinl{ necouiiU (or mAft"8f'menl eomm11tf'e wa" tnslrucl - I"'YIUent - John MacCurl work til_ ed to Ill Oll<'e malt• :til r ea,.onabte· nl- G7; lloltt. l'l; .. ~kdt, w~rk, fl .. !lli; paira, but to 811bmit _ _ nn utim:ttc of \\'111. Uarri;.~, work, ~l.~U; u~nr;- Law- the . ell.~pnsM of r<ll"llrln;t t_he ttym- r~noe, wurl.;, 7'oc.; Juhn IJruveoer, DN!ItUm b,,(~re thr work 1.• be~un. t eaming, ~1J, Jno. Sonlcy, lcamiq, Tbla " 'ork •~ D;>CA'!I'I:trv OJ\ o.c count s~.90; l',•rer Underwood, teatDiOII, 0~ the Gov .. rnmf'lll thuatenin« to $G.5U; S . Van>itonu, tc nwinv, $8.~; Wll~holcl_ th~ ~r.tnt un:.,,._~ l h~ ll)'m- J . l\'. K=tun, town 4ull e lectric light, n;t~hiiD.'" rnn<le w:u-mer. . ~:!.50. · Mr l'ux thu1111ht 11 w;l" nbout ltmo Tho walle r of building 11 o-polol l th ~ bollrtl lldcccl fur tPn<h•r.o for co:tl Ill Nuwj>urt't< corner w.u l~fl in t ·b Air. _M<Cl~IJ.-.n th>ll~tht ,.u, too, ~ nd han<.~.< of lltu "troel oo>uo11Jillt>ll tu .lea~ :tu" Wit: Jlroh:tbly "'"" to ton•l~r~ lae- with,• <l..'i Chuirmun Mitd.>ull roport"d 1011 ' '-"k<'tl !or. thnt llr. A<l.Jm>l clain.ucl to hav., puid . fo(r_ llul{~nrcl brot.~h_t up o. Q~lll 'l· fu1· th" tile u.:.t~d io tho old drain. lton "~· tu . huw l'trlnu_• pr~m~t 1oos o.n<l to nMt•s~ 60 p~ r c••nt. of 1 hfl finn! cosl t h r n.uf up:>n t h" proj>l\rly nbutli~ lh·J rc un, a nti tu br henefil· IA<I lherehy ami th;~ l n t<tntement abowiot-~ the hncL~ li ;lhle tu p:>y the enid llt\Sn.•><mcnl, and thP name~ of the owne rs 'tlKirrn(, so C:tr a.-, tbey ean i)fl ~>st'Crlaint•<l frum thfl lal!.t ru\'i"<<<l AMeSSili<O III Holl, is now f ifNI in' lhe ofrkc of tho Cle rk of th9 Municipal- ity, nnd ;,. uuw open Cor i~~peelion durirll( of! icc hour:.. FOR S ,\LE on TO HE.ST. -92 nc- r"" beint' part of lot 13, coo: I, in the Toi·nsbip of fle:tcll, mil-3 ond " half frofn Myrtlll Station. Good com- modious house "nd 8 roums with well .-.od c:istnrn, l11rge bnnk bllrn,etone b.-.semrnl, horse stnble, :!6 x 50, im- plement boose :!t x 50. Thie fnrm i" w ull fenced nnd in 1\ r:ood state of cultivation. J.o'or pnrticulru'8 up- ply to James Gilroy, Little Britain, or Arthur Gilror, Myrtle Stntion.-I2tf. LAW OFFICES CLOSIKG. - The uoder6igned b."rrislers nod s olicitors beg ~pectful17 to inform the pub- lie toot their several o!Uices will not be open After 12 o'doclt on l>'ritla)'3 :aocl ~'lurdnys during July And Aug- ust. .J. E. Farewe ll, G. Y. Smith, llow & McGillivray, D . Onnis ton, .J:>mP" Hutlodge. Dated July 6th, 1904--11-4. Lsarn Short~and at Ho~ns Tho w:~tter of optlning up t be .str-eet !muting from tho w .. .st end oC 'tbe Dew 14tatiuu wa~ di..:tcu~t!tl, i)ut u• tJao m ember" ""'""'"I to t bink the .-.. Wl\a a tlatlt{cr in tr.Ldiull ott the ~ro11nd, a moliun WitS adottttO<.l to lldk tbe towa .:IC.Ilicitor tu rt~purt urun quC~~ttioa.. wore 1n:uh' 10 thfll t'OIIn~ aat~ lR.!i5llt u tt-. Tbf! m.1ttco r wa" h•ft on lhfl t:>lllu for (nrth<' r c-:.nsidcration . if dremed no- Cf'NI\r~- . A T:JCTION SALES. 8EXHLL IIOU~EIIOLD DYES The&e Dy611 will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or 1\llxed GO<K\alu ooe bath- they are the latest And moat lmpro\·ed Dye io the world. Try a packag1l. All by correspondence. 10 WIMikly los- SOIIB will m:>te you perfed. OBTAIN niGHER SALARY. Mr. John Smith hu an lldYertisc- lll••nt in tbi.:i i.:iduea :s10ying h11 is pre- pared to buv &Crap iron, bmd!l, lead, <'LJ•th•r, ·zinc. llont)o:i, rui.Jbera, r..lg:t, L•l••., to ho weiHlted on tho town lltlU.les. S .lC him nt J tu. Long'" .-.Lore. Thn water t'ommis.sion~ra ad"reu- ed· too c:oun.,il re.spel'tiu~r the ale ot th,, wat,,rwork.s d~bentur.., by ;.. guilllt a circular to wouied indirid- S..turrl:ty, July ltith. -r El<tl'n~ive crrdit s;tlt• of hare~•' awl holl s~­ ho)d eClect"' the pre&)erty nl \\" .• r. CoAkw~ll. Urough11to. Salo at 5 o'clock 10h11rp. l'oucl.tc r .S. Po., tltl, 1\UCition~rs. The ...stim11tr•l cost o! ~he work is lj21@0.00, of whil'h ::OJ.iii.UO is to he vrovitl.•d for by the .MuMipality. A Court o! Rovi,.ion will be h e ld on Mondny. tho 15th dnr or Augrl.'lt, A. D .. 190{, :>t tho ho11r of '-'<'Vf'n i n thl' .,v.,ninft in th" Couur.il Chnmllt'lr Lor tha purpo.'IO of h t>:t riiU! complnint~ a~tnia'lt t lw proposml ns~rssmt"nl, or nct.Url\cy of lh,, frontn~rn m,.n,.u rr- m e nU.. or nny oth<'r compl:tint whir.h opersons inlcr<'.-.t<'•l m11y cl .. s iro io make, ancl which i'< h_,. Ia w I'OHili•able colounat . W. J . H. RICHARDSON'S Faocy Geods Storn. CireuJAlion is what adverti.sera Shorthand ia oowadna lndispen- Bible to e•e.rybodr. Utili•e 11paro tim~. Very 'mOderate fee. We pro- cure positionrs, "-' rite fo>r free book- let. Cenlral (A)rreapondeme C-ollt"ge, 2l5 Temple Cbambere, uals. Tbi;.~ wus agreo.t . to. w-ant. .We )lave ~t. 7-26. Templo AYeaue, Loudon, E.O~

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