Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jul 1904, p. 7

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------------------------------------------------------.! ........................................................................... . : . I . • DR. $. ]. MELLOW m Canadian Bank of Commerce ESTABLISHED 1867 CAPITAL-PAID UP RESERVE $8,700,000 $3,000,000 t t 0 Branches throughout Canada, England and the United States A General Banking Business Transactoo SavlnK• Departmeat-Depoeit11 of one dollar and upwards received in this d .. j>artment, subject to witl>drawal at •nJ time without notice or delay. i lntereat at hi~tbcst current r•tcs. Farmers' tSualaeu-Spcclal 11Uention ~riven to Farnaers, C>~Uie and Hog Oelllera, and to out-of.lown actounta. Farmen' notes discoun&~d. Sale notea . ca5hed or taken lor collection at loweat rates. B!anlt forms free · on application.- . PORT PERRY BRANCH l'DURSDAY, JULY 14th, 100~ llUYIJiiG AJiiD SELLl:\G ·.\Pl'LF.S. Thia bas become a very vexed ques· tion in South Ontario of late ::reaO>, 110 much ,.;; that Ju<4te McCrimmon baa bec!n called upon to determine several clieputra between tbe buyers and IM."llens. A caae hiL'I juat been decided at ~oode Hull, wl>ich bears very much o~pon the local dit:Cerenc:ea in this count.r, nnd U8 this deci..ion ia likely to Corm a ba.sis lor tlle eet· tlement of further disputeos between b!Jyera and ctellers, we · give thu judg· ment in full M followa- l.o.st bi.s ap(llll crop and cannot TC· cover from J>Urchtll!C t'", J utll,!m~nt of divisioUlll court ill Lt.'C v. Culp, :tn action from tbl! Lin;:o\n Count.r Court. Property in llPI•I<'a remain· eel i.n vendor until ~~election mnde. _ ~oode Hall, July &. Hil(h Court of J•stic" - Divi.!lioual Cuurt. Jlc. foro Kcre~i~h, C. J., M...c)(lthon, J .. Teet&el, J. Lee Y, Culp-Juqment C. oa 11ppeal b::r defeadaut from judalment of Ju~ o( C'.uunl'l' Court of Lineoln awordiag plo.intiff &:!00 u tile value o( cert11in apJ•lea :Llieg- ed to han been bargaioed aachold by plnintif[ to defend:tnr. Th~ fol- lowi~~g facts were untli.sput.,d. Pluin- tif[ atcrecd to HCII and delendaot to buy nil tho apples in plaintiU'~t or- . chud of fir:st and s~cond c;ua.lity, the / - apple& then being on the ti'Cill<. at $1 '- ,., - .~H. barrel fnr firsts an<l ia cruts - r. c.;.,_ru.,, ·· · :cl for the second:! ; plaint- d t 101'$-"""Tetain the culls; JtluiutiH to the apples ancl placp. them in p " on the orchard; drfondant lo furni.o;h barrds an.l pack the :lppl.•s; plnintifC to convoy the m to s t ation "·aere barrelled. J.'!ainlif( did pi.ck all the apples, and placed them in 64 pil"" in lhe orchard, and llotifed d efl'ndtLnt that they were C1'ncly [or puckicg. This waa about 1st Nov. ember, J90a. Jlio spt,cifie time W:IB agreed upon wh~n the "l'i>l"" ehoulcl be packed or when pil)·went should be made. Defendant was di" "PIJOint· ed in ~~ecuriog barrel•, and pucked only twelve barrel& o[ 1 he appl .. .a. Thew wore delivered to him. The otb~r:s remained on the !{round, and were frozen nnd de:•troycd "lute ill November. Tbere "'""' conflict of pvjdt•nce as to \Vhe thc r anyt hin:,.! w a.s .sale I; - " · b r:n ! ~1c - l,:t r:::-a in \\:us made, about 11rotecti~ tho apples ll.lf&inst fr011t, o.nd the Judge fount! M a fact that the matter was not import- ed into the b:.lrgain a!l a term there- of. He lllso found tha. dofemLmt Ill no time 81lid tLnything to pl:tint- itr o.bout look of barryls., nor did llo notify plnintiff hi-foro the npples Wei'CI d~troyed that he would not to.ko tbeiu or that pluiulicr might .sell them to <~omcoue el.so ; but on 17th !\ovcwbcr defendant "Cnt his llook- kL'ei'H to plo.int ill to 3-~k plcLinl iff t? co•·~·r tbo npi!Jes thiclo.er, ~nd p1u!n- lttf <IUtd he ha.r-not tho t:>t r o.w,(or it would l rLktl roo much. On :!·lth No· vewllr.r I he .:>:LOlli booi,;.L:ccl>t'r :101kcd plaintiff to 1,:'-'l m e n an<l to put tlw apple.~ in l .h" ct·l lar, but t hi• was not done. The .Judho held th·•l thJ ap- pl~ wcr~ selected :tnd :tjl(lropri :tt~ci by 11I:Lintiff and a(lproVt•<t of by dc- f.,ntlaut , nncl thai .the prop~rty in the unpad;;ccl "I'Pies pa-N~ed to de- 1 feudant , with all the risk' of de- CHAS. BALLARD, Manaler ---212--- Bargains --AT-- Monet's fiOO nne lb. packaget~ N11w Stled- ed Raisins, rtlfCular prictt 15c. Yoa can havll them thiH week for ...... ... .... .............. 10c. NEW PRU:SES NEW CURilA~TS NEW DATES Our New Summer Boots Shoes and Are "II to hllnd nJtd at lpricea that cannot be btlat. W. G. MONET'S / ------ - ---- - -- t<t ruction i>efore actu.tl <IPiivory. lleltl, that tlti" conduMi,>n "'"" not wur ra ntcd. It did not a ppear by the c>·i<lertce that un) thin~ "'"" Hltid "" lo who Hlwuld <~ e l•JC L t he a pples and j.frade them into fi rst• , """oud~ nwl oulla, but it mu"t b o infurr...t, from nil th~ "ireuwat.a-noos, llt~ l dr- ;laD.'tiUU ltD!! !!~ ~~~ra were to do lhia with the <'o·O)oeration or eon- ourr~nce at iowst ol plaincirr, nnd it must also be :l!liUID<!d th'lt P••rm~nt was to bt, made" on .It~ livery of 1 h .. a.pvle.s wht'n p :•c L:.tuJ. Thn ru wc ro ""O ci~c UUl!i l;.•nt· t·~ or "~nn : li t ions in th .. aJ.{re~uaent iA"' IWf'•'n llh~ p u r t i t-!'1 whidt romuin~•l 1 o dcf,•:t t 1•la in ' ifC's ~ont cut iou that th~ ltru1,r•rt y i n th ., a. pl•l l·~ P~·"St:tl to cl r !t•ada •.• • 'h:• rnct lJta t thl! "<Iii• L\".ts O( :t 1>" 1"1' onlr or :t uulk ttllilllti ; y, ltllll the fa <: t that to d..Ct•rtuine th" IIIIIL IIIity , IIU :,I ily :e nd total 1•ric•'· •lt~ ft< llclanl w a:=. tu s rp:tr- a t ll frow th~ hulk :uul da~,;ry th11 ~oocb t o lw t:•k,,n ll\· him. nl t-it.tif· r~ ­ tainiru.r lhn f'ull s ~ nr11l in. thi"' \\ode: 1ilaiutiff wa ::~. In <'U · up • r ,&u~ o r c~uu­ c ur, anrt had tlw ri)l lit 10 in ·H~I IIIIUfl the :;c ltJcliunl\ ht• in...: UI •L' h ! in rtc t:or.t- anc~ with the n•uuluttH-.,t untl.ard • of qun,litr . Ht•ft'ft• ru•u lu Uox v . Prui viuc iul In~. Co .. I!> lir . :en ; IR Gr. :!1'0; Whit ~ v. \\' ilk,.~. 5 T.tuut 1711; :--lu·pi"Y v. Oa vis, ~ 'fa nut . <il7 ; lilt· · llOII I!iL II V . l·:ll iott , ::u II .C . R. :!!J'J ; l.if\6-thiLID V , \o;f'dt!~ l 0 11~. :!";' !\fie- h . ft . :!;!~ ; ll:dtn v. l'r•••h•ri.:io:·t, Jll ~I it:lt . :!JJ ; llhL<·khuru's Coulr.trt< u f Sa lr , J•. UJ. e t ""'I·; lle uj.uu in on "'d~. Ceok, .. Cottaa !.GO!, c:o~ tJr the onl:r ate, n~ regulator on wblcb womaa C4ll depend "In tbe ·hour a.ad time of need." Prepared In two d~ ot at~th. No. 1 nod No. 2. No. 1.-t:or ordinary cn.ea Is by to.r the beat dollar medlclno known. ·No. 2-ll'or RIM!<'Iul coaea-10 ~ ~ree dollara per box. 7t It Am . .,,(., p . JI:J, 1\ l -"' ' 1· Uufur., thun~ CiLU lH• a llar~ .JiU 11 11•1 :ia lti. ol ti eli!". liu~ uh,lu-d fruan ILU c•.\: t'CUlury aJ,:- n ·tHUt·nt , Lh.-, t•:Lr t ic.:s Olla:-.1 h t1 :• :r •~ .~•• a !i to thu ~1•:·e Hic ~ou.J ~ uu \ \' hic h t)h~ t~onl nu· t a~ lu at lat h , ..1ud i• ruuki-,o n o tli!l ~ n· ur ,~ thal lhc g-o .ut" an~ 1'40 fa r u:<o.·c rtninctl thnt lilt' l>arliu.i have u;.rrc~tl tha t tlte}' ,,iuil b,, ta ken ft' "liU ~UIU t': blHK-' ifl ,Hl )ar~.J r s t1"k , 1'1w luw ~ivc~ df<ct tu tim intuution uf 111 :.~ p :ut it•.:i in u ~ tt· nu i u.ug: whcth~r tJt .. l' "oiK'rtr 1'·' ·"-•s. u11 · , in u, .. ub- ~ ... ,·u:· .! o( an U.l " fllllVOC 'II d SJJ I'C~iua .._r i :o: ·ut i. ,n hi h c•th pa rti ..-~" wl.c n• the """' i.< o f an unusce rtaiollu 11a rt or a l•ulk \\hit· lt I"" to h .1 s~[l:lr.tl lld 11nd t· la ., .. l fi ·li h.r one p a 1· ty , with th" con- ~ · u•· r• • Ju .. · o r r u -op•· r a ti o n of th u nthor. n . ft· n· uc~ l o no.-.• V . IIILIIII~ II. 19 S.C . • H. ~:li' ; \\'ilson v. Sltavur, .1 O.J!.Il. 1111 ; Trul"y v . Bate'-", :! fl . & C. 2UO. hptu•a l a lluwctl 1111<1 IL<ltion tli.!Uni.>sed • · ~<"t · pt as to &10 paitl into court by ci..C" '"Ian t, which t~houl.t bo pai<l out' 1 u pi:Linl iH. No CO!il.li o( aetioo or a ppea l. W. K ?.Jiddlc lon tor tle- rc·uclnnl. If. U. Coll ier, K. C., for plaintiff. ! I tlal \ Ladl-.ak your drugJl\at for COOk'a Cottoa Root ()oD>poaad. Tako no other aa all pUla, mtxturea and lmltaUona_ and dan&erous. No. 1 and No. : are sold an recommended bv all druggt.U In the ~ minion -of CanadL Nailed tg any add..- on reeetpC of__Erlcc and tour ..:.·cent poataac IWomllOo t;JIUI ~ Co-aoa.,.. t Wlll4.aor, Oat. , Nos. 1 and 2 are sold in by A. H. Allin and J. E. and in I•ort Perry bf C. H. aod A. J. Davia. Whitby WUii.s., A.lllaou 'I Dunlop .. ~ Reliability You cnn plnco lull rellnnco In Dunlop Dtlt..>ch&blo PnuutuoLLic Tl= -lher will nurur llot.nL7 your tru•t. bunl011t to punc- ture. caotlesL t.o l'tll>alr. \' can1 ut oxcollonL oor\·lce )au. YO UlJA.I.lo lhcm at u.lmost. Ulll· ,-on.W •do~1llon. F. very wbcd with n repu· tallun I• IILWtl wltb them. .b:verr rltlcr ot e s pcr lcnoo i nsii\L-4 on them . Dunlop Tlr<l!l runl.:o t.lcyclo c nlhu.W...ta. Thc7 in croll~ lh~ 1•lcasuro ot whooll .. uv tuul oeluhnl&o tho trout.lc..._ lllorullU¥ Is au &81iUNtlauccc..,. \VIlh lJunlop"- The Dunlop Tire Co. Llmlted • • I • • • • IIVCCSII .. YO DR .CIDO .... LL) PHYSICIAN, SURGKON1 KTC. Office and Restdcnce, Queen St. , rort PetTy : : ~~~ SILK WAISTS THAT FIT 1=: ~.(J~Den.~:~~::~i1.~~n::e~~:~ffi:~~::~~~~~:;~~ m-eted witb.the re-sidence of Dr. G. L. Rob- i I D~!IIY l ~~·' lU.M. I :++++++++++++++++++++ ........... ~ ............ r+++++++++++~++++++++++++ I TEACHER of PIANO, VOICE and : e THEORY. CHOIRMASTER of tile UeCbod!aC Chltteh. PupUe mr.r oommeo"" ac • I : ur time. 'I e Addre.oareot · Jones & Co keep a line of Silk Waists which are guaranteed to fit, which are 1 MRs. FRED.BNITu. · guaranteed as to style, which .are guaranteed as to wear. Port(">t< I The price is $5.00, 5.25, 5.50 I £100~000 · STE .... J~' i. I (BRITI~H MONt.; l 1 i To Lend at 4, 4i 11nd 6 per cent.o~d • 1 =· Summer,~Silk Blq_uses 1 : A~A~"";:;:~s T J -« S'lk Baaker aad linker, • Ask to see the Crescent bra!Dd in this line. hey are made of apa.n TIUlfltta. 1 ' • .......... ~. 1 QtOlon white, cream, and bla.ck, ' i I Price $3.75 j w. :r; •.. !~RRIS i Ladl. e~ s' Skl. rt' s i PO~;~~~: ard Solicito~~T., I e Sucee&!!Or t• and oceupying • , 1 offices of the late .. F. ~. : The naitiost novelties wbiCDh the price Clln buy. Three reasons why you should 1 Yarnotd. I b tfuj lin Call d '11 1 · I Private f•nd& to loan at 4i per cent. • DJ 8 o. &n we "' . oxp &Ul, j DOMINION BANK I Ladies' Underwear· . for i Capital Paid up, s3,ooo,ooo I summer I Surplus, $3,330,000 UXBRIDGE BRANCH. The coolest summer vesta possible to obtain are here for inspection at any _price. I SAVDrGs DEPARTIIEIIT ato:relt allowed at bitltbeat euteat ..U 11............ - • JONES & CO'S, I W. E. CARSWELL, , Manager. I • I • • • • : : . ......................... i • PORT PERRY. i • .................................................. : JNOIW. CROZIER, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEY• ANCER, Etc. Qffice at reaidence, 6tb Con. Reach (one mile west or Port Perry. liW"PRiCis···AIDGODD··:sTYiESl -IN~ I Money to Loan. -,:----- J. A. Mll.RRA Y, DENTIST. PoaT ••••~r ~ All branches or Dentistry, lncludlnK Crown and Bridge W ark successtuliJ practiced. Artilleial Teeth on gold, silver, alliJDo t lnum or rubber olate~~. + Fillings of gold, silver or cement. i Painless extraction when requirecL ~.l,\DY·TO·WEAR t --AND-- DRESS HATS A few pieces o.ppllque i~ black and black and white, also a few pieces of white insertion to clear at · greatly reduced prines ~ .................... . : • l • • • • • : • • • i • • • , BE~TTY & BONGARD ' bnejuat received a choice and YOI'J auperior stock of BUFFALO ROBES, FUR RUGS, HORSE BLANKETS. SLEIGH BELLS, &o For &heir trade which they can aell as cheap aa any in the market. -:o:- They a ..... usual prepared to mllDu- factoreall kinds of h~mess and IU&rantee satisfaction. A c:hoJce stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, COMBS BRUSHES, Etc always on hand. REPAIRIND PROMPTLY DONE • I A1~e Yeu ·Pt•ep.a~ed? i -.............. •• .. • ................... • ....... • • ...... i I. L. & Ja STOUFFER J. Wheeler BUTC:S::ER Have you clothes WESTERN :SANK OF CANADA QUEEN For any demand ? Evening dre~ clotllcs, lllternoon clothe:~, mornhl&' clothes, six- day••· week and good ror Sunday elothea, aud over· coat clotbel that clOM the chapter and cover all ? PORT PERKY AGENCY. A GE.VERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. N'OTES DISCOUNTEE_ STREET, ~ wiab to Inform my man\" euatomen and r.~blic generall.v tlillt J'alw11yslt:eep the argesc stock o( l'r86h and salted meats to be had in Port Perry, All kinds or £ame Jn &eaiiOD. If not pay a visit to Blgbest ciU!h price always p11ld for (O&Arrt1189UKIAVAIL/.IIt.lll AT ALL l'OrNTIIIN CANADA, UNI:TII:D BTATIII8 AND II:UROPIII hideR, Sheepskins and !:II kinds of fat atock. M. F. Lac ell. Maktlr of styliah garmenLs for n1en. Ceo. Jackson ------·-- _ D&ereat allo'IIPd at hlghe&t current rate and credited to uch dep011itor every alx mo~tls. Deposits of $1 and upw11rds r eceived. Tho depositor Is subJect to no tlelay in the withdl'llwal of tho whole or any· port111n a tho deposit. No char .res mlld6 on withdrawing or d11poeitlng money. . 8~teclal Attention given to the collection or Fnrmer'!l Sale~> Notes. H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. Licensed Auetloneer ttttttUtUUUUt++++~ +++++++++-++++++••••••+++++ For tho County of Ontario and the ~ , i T::~e 6 ~ii:t:•:::::·~~~;td blank forma ~ CARNE C IE, S ·~ furnished h·tt~ on a(lplication. + Pllrtics wishin~r to cn~llgll his 101'- ~ + vict!o uu<y conHult thll salll register al + th" STANDAJ.:D or Obticrver OOiccs , Port N R 11 M' t P en\'. for datcH claimer! (or 81\les and e w 0 e r 1.11 s . mttkH arrnnl{OIIltlUlll the1·e, oc write to f i hi,; address. Char~ei moderate. Aa 4 . • usunl, R choice lot or H. R.R's or both lltl lt"" fOI' sale. Prices rea~ouable, t t Cawker & Son ~ IN FULL BLAST. ~ Wish t o announce to the ir CUHtOIDili'B and the public g enerally that thoy have moved Into the PU .RDY ELOOK and aue in a beLter poHition than over to mctJt tbe wauts of their patrons. Fr~sla and t;urcd Heats of the boot quality, alwllyB Oil hand. Game and FIHh in st~aaon Prompt attention to all orders. ~ I l\ke gTet\t plottsnrc in annonncing thnt my New Mills are now f i comple:ed and in full opt'mtion, a.nd that I nm hettc~ than ever pre- .: i pared t1 meet the requirements or my fr iends and the general puhlic 1 :::~::::. ··:;,:::·.:; ::.:·~::.:~ •. :.:~·;:::: .::~,::~:1"~:.::; I i ~re~tmm t may be relied O'l . • ~ i JAMES CARNEGIE. + i i S. T. UA WKER & SON +++~t++ .. ++++++++++++++H++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • : , I. J. WHEELER. LIVERY AND CARTAGE The undersig-ned t~tkes this oppor· I unity of thllnkiug thll inhnbitllnts of Port Perry and surrounding country (!lr the liber~tlllnd ILtill in· c rei\Sing tJAtronage bestowed upon him sincicommAoclng Carting and Livery i ·Port Perry , and now iu tim11tus t llt he Is better than ever prepa~ to suppl~· all requirements in his hne, Having. extemlvely lidded to my tit.ock of hor~es. liB well liS cnnvev· 11 nces or the lAte~~ I t.vpc or construe. lion lor comfort And pleAsure , I am In" posit!on to meet the require· m ents nf the most fastidious as to Rty le nnd tlt~sirllllle equippaJ:'() In evtlry r espect- in C\' cry way ltuit· able (or priv111e drh·ing, weddings, fune rllis , &c Parties wishing r.n arternoon drive CAn haYe their choice or ~ui table double or ILiu ..,.le rigs 11nd cRreful driv~~r~ will a lso bo 1uppiicd whe n required Ha \•ing- ~ood ~prin!l' drR\' 11nd commercial WAgon~. cArtiug 'will at Rll times be attended to with the utmos t care and promptnePs . Suitable conve.v11nces to 11nd from 1111 tminiL, All orders le ft at tho office will r ecel\·e prompt atteution. . TELEPHONE NO. 2. WH. JAmESON. We have been Appolntetlspeelala~ttt olthe Empress ~hoe for Ladies thfl finflllt ~hDfl lll&de In Canada. Be mre and - thl'm. Th .. ,· 1u8 bean ties, r-.w, ~.oo, ta. w, u.oo . ............ ... AbSO FOR MEN We have 16 linea uf tln1 Sovereign Shoe at .S.OO, 18:&'1 11nd 14.00, We haTe bandlfll this line ror two years aad we can gnuAnt~e every pair. OUr stoek of Boota and Shoea Ia IIC)'W wry complete, and can abow ,you &be 1aqeat lelfdioa of the ~at goocla ever abown lb Pon Perry. t C. FORMAN l SOB Marrlatre Lleeale Ofllce. W. A. SANGSTER, 011 .. - the Poet Olllce. ' Ulloa Boon-o to> li Lm.,ll to I p,m Alao opeu ti&'11rdar Enolaco. 0..14 FOUt>p Brldte aD4 c:rew. Werlll a llpeCI&lh'. _.:. _____ - - ------ DO!R'S KIDm PIW ftl Gnlt UlltD..IJoD lltiiJifdl r.r a. em tt an 11411J lllllllddiP lrodltl. lrrt. P. l!la'trallcJ, Jboaeh · :k ...... ·-. Qae.. writa:-1 think It DOthlq bat riftt f• me to let_ you bow wW IM)Alf'S IDDDY PJJ.LS have c1oM f-« me. I'OI'Ift m011tha I was~~ with"& &OIW llaclc, aucl neb ........ ,.W.. Ia D.7 klcbte;p that I could sean!el7 riDr at u-. 1 10t a box or DOAlf'S JDD.. KEY. PII.LS, aacl before I hacl' tbelll halt . takea I ..,.. lftStlT nUend, ... witt! uotlaer boll I was completel1 cuncl I Ctulllot help bnt k{ft them aU the pn1M I CIUI, ud will unr fall to nco.UU.. tbem to Ill ki4Dey auJfenn. DO.Alf'S XIDDY PittS. a!'l SOe. bor, 0!' 3 fO? .1.25 j an dralera .. l'he Dou ltitbteJ Pill Co., TOI'Oilto, Oal Right Now Is the best lime to ~tet a snnp in 11 good 11uit or clothes at lc61 lban coat. No Bluffing .A8 I -nt the space lor aprl~~g g-ooUo I have been enlargln~r 'ltlld llttlq up my front shop 110d am better prep~~red th11n ever to do a first ciRBS up-to-date tailoring business. Sec t>ur New Spring Goods They 11re without que11tion one or the l11rge.'<t 11nd nattlcRt a s110rt menta e\'er 11bown in town IIDd our prlc!'.s a re ri~ht. All work ~llr:tnteed. Prctl>lng and repairing don<~ on lowest tertns and on shortest notice. Wni. Doubt !\ tu .• tO &Jlt<IICJeiO'II ' Dr. Wood's •• Norway Pine Syrup C•re• Ceurfla, Colds, Brenohlll .. Hearaeaeaa, Croup, Aath••• Pela or Tlcht~~.a.aa Ia tlae Cbost, ito. It etopa that tlclrllac Ia the throat. • pleaiiUit to take and aootbhrc and boa). 1111 to the llanp. Mr. E. Bishop Drul. tho well-latow!l Galt. «Udener, writ.eo:- 1 bad a Yrry aevere attack of aore throat and tlgbtneaa in the eheel Some Ume• wben I wanted to cough and ooul<l not I wuuld almoat choke to death. My, wife 1r0t mo a bottle of DR. WOOD'S l'fORWA Y PINE SYRUP,ud to m1 aur- priiMI I found •..-11 relief. I 'WOUia not ba without it If it cost. 81.00 a bot- tle, and I ean recommend lt. to everlQIII llodi.ered :with a cough or cold. _ · •. Price 26 Cent&. .. .-· -

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