and 1 think it is a difficult matter a sleigh-~~ad of young people w8nt to provo my posltlon. Before doing 80 through the tee. The Peterboro' E...-.;!- 1 will simply aMort that the hard times am mer says that Mr. Char lea Harria, Por tllo Babloll. It Ul not. necesury to boy corn cures. Men and women ebould remember that Putnam'a Pamlese Com Extractor 1.11 the only aafe, aure, and patoleea com remover extant. Jt does ila work quickly and with certaibt.y. See that the signature :K C. Polson &I: Co ap-pears on bltt.le. Btlware of poi-wooua For COLI€; an4 d f d Gore's Landing, whQ reached the scene aro due largely to ba arouog ao poor of the '"""dent •hortly after the death economy. Thera Is too muchextenatve of MASS.lohnson, atates that that yoiink and not enough mtenstve farmmg In Other words two or three acres are taken lady died a minute or two after being easil be t.nkon from the water, and the young imtt.atlons up w•th what ought Y to grown men who rescued her were compelled on one. As the soil det:.erioratcs the The Intercolonial ra1lwav b&gp~e room at farmer must bring more bmws mto the to leave the body lymg on the lCO wrap· Lew1a, Quebec. was gutted by fire on Chrtst- bW:DileSS. He must doublefthe p~uc- ped w fur robes while they went to the mas mornmg. tiv.nessj!f ls ac~• or f·•l. To illua- shore and built on a fire of brush to d' -~ - 1 f f to d th There is not. a more danJrel'OU8 class of Ul tra~ tht mt. A good catholic once keep themse ves rom reezmg ea ' order& than those wh1ch affect tho breatbmg ed h t to o over his farm while WtUting for 8 sletgh to come for organs'"• Nulhfv tbts danger wtt.h Dr. employ t e pnes g the body of ~·1,.. Johnson. The rc· E 1 ' 0 1 1 I --• and bless the different fields. Commg JJ Thomas' e ectric 1 -a pa moniC o ,.._... ed \..~-1 fi ld malUing ladies of the party were taken ncwledged efficacy. It co~s lamenee.' and to a once hard cropp u;.u ey e ' now toa~acant house whtch forlunately con soren088 when apphed externally. u w~ll aa 1trugghng w1th wb1te beans, tho pnest tained a stove, but very ahortlv after- t•••c~•~ neck and cnck tn the back; and as said up8 t Its no use to pray hure, this an mward spoc•fie, pos.'€6Ses moat. sub:atan- fiold needs manure" wards removed to Mr. Fl. \Yard's, tial clatma to pubhe coatir:leoce God 18 all r~ght, 1\lr Hunt The whose family did all that ay •n their f the .uaero- g•vmg them •- Tho rumor IS renved t.hat Mgr. LabeHe ta .hiftless farm.- a- entirely respon- power or w ~ .. , o.u1 th •• •• 1 th d b od th h about to seve.r b111 political coooOC:UI)n "'I atble for •·these hard t1mes." Self- c 0 mg an sue rem tesas e ouso the Quebec Government. bmders on many farms have supplanted afforded. A messenger had meanwhile the thmtle book and tho spud. It ts too humed to Dr. Sanda, of Harwood, who much trouble now to cutdown the lusty at once repaired to ~lr. Ward's, and d1d thtstle bearing 1ta ten thousa.nd aceds. all that medical skill could suggest. .All Lot ua 800 what is tho result. "The were badly exhausted and chilled, tho soul of the aluggard desireth aod bath worat berng M180 Johnson, Blotor of the nothmg _ but the sool of the deligent young lady that bad died. Her foot ehal1 be made fat... "Seest thou a man are badly frozen and lt 18 feared that dehgent in hia buaineao j he aha!! stand amputation will have to be resorted to before kings ; he shall not stand before Miss Whalley waa also severely frost- mean men . ., Solomon doea not say b1tten, a.nd bemg of weak constitutton, "keep no flocks nor herds. ahoep don't will feel the expoauJ::O severely. bat little you The men, bemg more warmly clad A auoceaful llllaldoll. The medtcal missmn of Burdock Blood B1t.tera tn cunull conttttpat.too, has been markedly suooeMtul No other remetiy poe seaaee euOb pecuhar power O\'er t.h1e dieeue Was very bad w1tb coati'\:eD~ and one bottle of B B. B. cured me, would not. be wttbcut. 1t. aaya MBB Will FINLKT, JB 1 of Bobcaygeon, OnL A valuable gas well, y1eld1ng tea m.lllion feet. in 24 houf8, baa been etruck on the Caoad1an IUde ot tbe N~ARV& Fa.l~. OO&USPONDBHCE. Acd Items StolenftoiT our Excban es -o~o-- RAGL.t.R- Mr. Hunt, m laat week•a CHRONICLB, B&)'B "Thm life ia a checkered ac~me " Ten montba ago this man was out wtth a br&nd new revela~on from God, to the effect that the real Stmon Pore Aal&tic Cholera "would depopulate many cities and towns dunng the sum- mer of 1890 " When he found that the cholera had failed to oonne<t, he pub- li.lhed a oounter-blaat that "eotne Jllllll of Jdiminutive mmd" had predicted a auper6uity of Aaiatio cholera. That waa rather a "checkered scone" too. A trifle too checkered for one who has ao much to say about uthe dispensations of God in Providence." One u111tinc· tively entertalna a holy hoi'I'Or of those Phonaaical mdiVldoala who lay every- tluog to the Almighty_ If they get a boil on their stiff necka-mate&d of buy- Jog a bottle of Ayer'o Sarsaparilla or Burdock Blood B1ttero, to clenae the1r vitiated blood, they talk about Job till the boll leaves them from pure d.i.a,;tuat. Aa 1f God was huntiog around Plaat- erin~ people w•th boils ! Such people will'lgllOI'B the pnnctple that "cleanli- nou ia next to Godbnea" while they go howling about. the "diapeneation. of God in Providence" when they ooght to be cleantng out the well aud the eta- tern. Etl'ect must follow cauae. The fever comes on apace, and then, 1nat.ead ol talking about their own ahift.leaa, procraatinatmg tendencies, they abuffie all the blame onto the Almighty, and rattle ofl' to you how God took poor John and they had rather !oat the boot cow m the yard than John, and the harv611t juat coming on. About aa aen- aJble as a man I will aay I haard of, who was g~ven to appetite- He always par- took ofa hearty breakfast. Theo about 10 L m., a v1.g0roua lunch of aaodw1ch and rioh putry w1th a half dozen applea thrown m. For dinner a leg of mutton half a pook of potat.JM, and a ~on of green "champton of Englancr' peaa, foUr cu~ of tea and other etceteras m proportion, followed by aoet pudding and a little wme' for h11 aake. Then at four o'clock another haarty lunoh followed at 7 P- m. by • qu1et dinne~ that ecbpaed the midday meal entirely Then at 9 p. m., JUit before retiring he invanably drank a quart of warm oatmeal gruel and ate two platn baked appl611. Whenever hl.S stomach rebelled and went out on strike, and the dootor had to be baotlly summoned, he would gravely relate how the whole trouble was brought on by two small baked apples. I say that mao waa a Solomon compared to what he would have been if he had attnbuted ha coho La~~ r:;, trure;~,ergy w and more mured to cold, aufferod less .. Bow &o Cure .W 8ktD Dllleaaea.'" "Be thou diligent to know the atate severely, and 1t was fortunate that It 81mply apply •sw~YHa'a OrNT .. NY." No of thv flocka and look well to thy was ao, for bad they suffered and sue- h11terual medtoine requtred Cures tetter, 1, 1 d h ll combed •• did the ladies, it ia probable ecaea:aa, 1tob, all ero~tions ou the f~~ooe, herds. • uae that tilleth hia an 8 a -- h.nde, nose, &o, leavmg tho akin olearl have plenty of broad; but be that fol- that tho whole party would have pensh- whlte and bealt.hy. Its great healinFJ: an<l loweth vam persons (Ottawa no doubt ed. Aa it was, when tho party reached onn.t.1ve powers are poseeeeed by no other meant) shall have poverty enough." ed the rostdence of Mr. Ward,- the men remedy A.ak your druggiRt. for SwJ.TNB'B "Go to the ant, thou aluggard, con- were prettv well exhausted wtth the OmT .. ttT. alder her ways and be WJSe." "He that labor of c&rrymg two ladiea from the Mr. Ss.muel Phmeoll, the seamen's fnend, lS slothful m hlB work lS brother to him shore, and ?tlr. Wark's appearance was is bemg feted m .Montreal. He bas come to that lB a great master... uslothfulneas most welcome Without WaJ.ting to put Canada to study t.b.e cattle sblpp1ng ques· casteth into a deep aleep i and an 1dle on a amglo garment Mr. Ward rush ad tion. aoul shall suffer hunger." "The slug- out at the cry of distress and dragged I hl Brief. A.D4 To The PolllL ll 1 b f th ld into the house the two ladies, who had gard Wl not p ow y reason o e co been --ed to the house, more hke Dya~~·• JB dreadful. . Dllorderecl liver therefore shall he beg in harvest aod -·· ·-•- 1 ood have nothing." "Love not aleep lest logs than human beings, their limbs be- ia m1eery l.ndlg&ation 18 • 06 t.o 8 thou come to poverty." "Open thme tng chilled and thorr dalup clothmg na~beb.uman dtgeaUn appantual• one of eyes and thou shalt be satisfied Wlth frozen stiff Mr. Ward then, still un- tbemoaioomplitiUedaud wonderfulthinp bread ,. "1 went by the field of the clothed, two trips to the shore, in e:deience. It. 1a eas•ly put oo.t; of order. slothful and by the vmeyard of the man about so: rods, and brought in the Greasy food, toqh food,alopp:y food, b&d 'd f d ~ di nd lo 1t was other ladtes. The sad calamity baa aookery,mentalworry,lateho~t~0 "! VOl o un ors-n ng a • cut deep gloom over the whole com- hahlta, and many othert;hia:ap wCllOD ughpl. all grown over Wlth thorns, and nettles th ~ ll noi w be, have made ib.e Amenoan peo e had covered the face thel"'Of and tho where 0 euueren are we • an.Uon of dyapeptioa. fence (atone wall) was broken down." known. But. Green'• AuguR Flower hu done "Then 1 pow and conatdered 1t well, I OR"' 16 "- a wonderful work in reformiDg lhia Pd looked U~n it and received 1natruc- James Forrester, a young fanner bualneaa and mak:ing ib.e Am.enoan people Orill k eo healihy thM theJ' oan en)O:J their meab tton." u ah&ll thy poverty come as from tho notghborhood of 1..8., struc and be happy. one that travelleth ; and thy want as the c1ty last Thursday and proceeded to Bemember:-No bappme• wit;honi Ul armed man." SO much slothfuln8111 have a good time. On FriCla.y rught he health. Bnt Green'• Agguat Plower brinRa the building decayeth and through ulle- attended the theatre, aod there became health and hoppln ... to tho dyapopUo · Au ness of the banda the house droppoth acquamted w1th a young man, who took your dra~et tor a bot\lo. Seventy-tin through." "H ye will .oot work neith- h1m to his rooms, somewhere on Kmg oenta. e.r shall ye eat." street west, and after loading h1m up The CWJtom House at Lockport, Nova "We hear that there are some wh1ch w1th wh1skey, unloaded his pockets of Scotia. wu borned. down peet.erday. - 1k among you dieorderly ; that are all the money he had and a s1lver w~ • th COlla1UllPOloa 8~ Cnre4; busy-bodies. Now them that are auch watch. On$ up tn e mormng we corqmand and exhort by our Jeaus Forrester found himself at his hotel, To TD BDITOa .- Chnst that w1th qutetness they work and on ascertru.nmg the at.ate of hm Pla ... e inform 7our read.en thltt I have a and eat thetr own bread. They learn finances, he notified the detecllves poaiiive remedy for the abon named cli•- to be ldlo wandeMna about fonn houae Hta deacnpt10n, however, was so ugue eue. Bv ita limely ue thou•aDde of bope- -~ 1 d btf 1 f h leae auaea have been perm&tLenUy ouftd, I to house, and not only 1dle but tatt ers that 1t 18 very ou u 1 e eYer re- ehaU be glad to eead two bot;Uea of my re- and bUBy-bodies, spoak1rg thmgs covers hm property .-Empll'C. m.edy •n• to &tLY of your naderawho have which they ought not " A local sowmg ma.chme agent WJshmg oonsump'Lion if ibey will eend m.e Uuur Ex- These but a few of the many to bnghten up a. b1t for the hohdays preeaaod P. 0 . addreca. Mr H t Th h rd t os h th t Beapeadully,Da.T. A. SLOCUM, symptoms., . un o a tm and enter t e new year Wl a c ear 164 Wea\\aide n, Toronto, Ont. are merely the natural leglt1mate out- scm-e last week, ts reportc'a. ......_~ have growth. brought mto requ181taon an oli!"ll~r or l111tead of talkmg so glib1y about the ram barrel for the purpose of bkmg dispensations of f'J"Od m Prondenca you the proposed dtp. Havmg got the should understand that tho very fBA;.t barrel well tilled wtth warm ltater, the of the prevalence of hard times 18 proot good man undressed and got mto tho to every thoughtful person that we, aa a tlmd and everythmg went well tho natton, are not liVIng nearly up to the acrubbmg brush and some sand pa(Wir standard God bas set up. bemg at hand. But alas ! the best bud The Quebec Government 11 RUIDR' to> ask authonty to borrow 110,000.000. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH anu Bronob1ti8 immediately relieved by ShiJohe Oure W. B Howee. T.o. Let. Two am.U-abed Houa81. Apply to W. J. THOIIPBON, Bu&ober \Vere 1t othennse what would bo the plans aomet1mes gang aglee and the I result V There ia nothmg more clear thought of partmg w1th so much whtch and explic1t than the promtses made to had stuck to him so well 1s surmtsed to the Christian in reference to hta tem- have overcome the washee whose poral support. So that while he 111 dill- nervous tunston requtrod tho servJces gent m busmess and conducts hta buai- of two docton to get safely out of the neu with prudence and d.iscrmaon (not barrel and over the effects of the wash like tho man WJth the thtvtlov and net The patten"t we behove lB now domg tles "vmd of underatandmg' ) he need very well and the aftur offocts of a good never harrasa hia mmd Wlth &DXIOtta cleanmg we trust will be benoficaal. thougbta about future aubs1stence. He On Thursday afternoon OeoJRe \Vwn- need not 11t like aatoten bottle or a wall man and htl wtfo Frances Wamman flower m his pew on Sunday and throw were brought up m tho pohco court cold glances on the contribution plate beforo Measra Armatrong and Miller tn heu of the firvt fruita of hu increue. on a charge of aelhng hq uor to Indians He can cheerfully contribute yearly to on the 29th of Novet.Dber,lndian Agent Whitby, JonH s.taoo.-U. ftOllle church at leut as much aa hia McPhee, of Brochm, waa tho proae- t.axes ~'The hbet'al aoul 1hall be made cutor, and Mr. W . T. Bannerman ap- fat and he that watoreth ahall be water- peared for him. J uat as a bench war- ed also himself. ' rant waa a.bout to tsaue the aocuaed put I in an appearance and entered a. ploa of Auction Sales. The aabaoriber bop to laUmat.e tha' he iJ &o opnduat .. lea u Auadoneer on nuonable t.erma. A Book of NlM will be foa.a-3. •' Poy'• (Quoon'• HoMl) Whi\b7, wbu t.erma aadda&ea caD bo bed, L. PAIJWANKB A.ualioneer Wbeu the blood ts tmpure, tb.ich. aad not guilty. Chief Navtg&llhkonge was aluqtsh, or thm anti 1mpoveriahed1 then I preeent to hear the proceedinga, aa waa can be no health, With \beae oondtticma. 'a.lAo Rev. Mr. Taylor, James Jonaa, all the ruuct\one nf the body are impaired, Peter York and John Anderson, three aud the l'elllul' Ul a variety of daaproua com- reaidenta o~ the. reae~e, swore that phcationa. The best remedy .. Ayer'• Su- they were lD Wamman a on Nov 29th, Aug. illl. 1890 11 and that they pa1d lor and receiVed WbllbJ, OnL aapan a. whiakey from Mn. Wunman The defence tried to ahow , that the a.bon- ASBBUJLN. gmoa had hquor in -a bottle, and that Who owns the pig which forages for they were undM the 1nfiuence when 1ta hv1ng among the b&ck-kttchena and entering the preD111611. The maglBtrate gardeDJ of the village t It u a nuat&Dee fined Mn. Wainman 1100 or 3 months' &nd 114 owner ahouiil take care of 1t. impriaonment, the charge agamst the $1,500 Will bUJ' \he hoUBO DOW OCIOnpied b1 lb.e andeniped, wuh I acre• of land attaabecl. T•ua.-1600 down, &tLd bal.aaoe to auit; purobuer. .lpply to GBO. GUia!l'BlOBT, The collectoro are out, I believe, husband falling through. Mra. Wun- trymg to get enough money to purchue man &aid aha would go down for 90 a lJbrary for the Sunclay School. A days Theoe pe<ple seem to be moor- or Olllowa P 0 .-116-U. l'Bry worthy object and we hope that ngable in reference to breakmg the e.,;e body 1rill give a bttlo, a little law agamat illi~1t hquor aellmg and f ry ve one Will aoon make a suffic1- they deserve little constdoratlon or on premia••· rotm e ry I apmpathy when brought w1thm the MONEY TO LOAN. 00 eum. tb . 1 It for Mr A grup of justice \Vo behove Lhero Grea.t ~mpa { 18 te be · nL &re two or three other tlhctt d1vae in Senn.l thooa.aand dol.l&n, printo fuudt, Smtth lD hia ~n grea mem.i town which should be rooatod out.- "' LowOiti Ba&el of Lniered. To have )oat hta put~er ~ e News-Letter. aoorcely ,., year of marned life ,. surely --------- a very heavy allliotion. W. B. PBINGLB, A«ent;. to God. How much better it would be if the choira In all of our churohe~~ would Bing a hymn tun~ at le ut on~ at ev~ry aervioe m which all the oongregution could JOID. There 1& always a ory among choll'l for a new tune at every aervtce It ia a great miat.ake, the old tunes ~re the onea that etir our hearta and till our minds with devouonal feel- m~ I remember of once bemg ln Dr. \Vild'e churoll in Toronto, and waa very agreeably surprised to hear nothing but good old ehurch tunes, in which all were able to ]OlD. It lB well for the cho1r to have a new, bngbt ..,.oluntary, othorwtae smg something the congre- gation can JOlll m 11nging. E . W. Let us go further. Ooe mtdnight thia glutton happened to lie on ha back in a oound eleep. The K""'t weight of food he bad cotllumed rested, of oourae, on hia vitala- The flow of bloqd from the heart into the "Aorta" (the largest blood veaael in the body) became weak- er aod weaker, till it ceased to flow. That was death. Noxt clay at the m- queat the uaual "ling aong,. verd1ct heart diaeaae wu recorded, aod all the Hunta in the neighborhood were mean enough to inainua~ that God had ~· moved him. Nothtog of the aort, 1t waa a clear ...., of hog. When thou aitteth to eaf ooJWder what ,. before thee : aod pub a knife to thy throat if thou be a IWlD'given to appetite, eto. POB.T BOP• I bawe the bM&. ooo1r. lD t.he l.owor . Wboae bread Ul dolicioii.B and wlUte; Her oo«oe ill fi'ICI'ftO\ and brown, Hor ~ty a porfec:t dehRht.. But aha daJir complatna of the worry they bnDjf- Sbe'a my OWD darlinK Wife, but a fidpty thipal Your Wife lA worn out, and neoda Dr. Pterce'a Favonte Pteee~"lphna, the only medicine gua.raateed to cut8 debiht.ated women· How maay overworked Amerioaa lad• we eee w1th. lack luatl'8 eye~ and bafr- pnl f&CM, gr«_)WlDR' old before Lheu lime, &om thneo e:r.hUtatina ~lmenta that meo noLhin.tC of. They cau be pe.nnanea.'- 11 cured by lh11 remedy, u numberll!lll ~ul women .... u aU.eet.. Pnoe refun1ed 1f 1t fails to l(IVO aabafacLillU ID every cue. See guara'Dtee prmted on bottle wra1Jar Farms for Sale, I han a Da.mber of fUtDI for aale lD dla- eren' pam of Oa.t;ario. .A.a ynu an aware tuma ware nenr 10 oheap_ in thil pro"rinoe u at; the preaea' Um.e, and it 100.. want; a farm I would reoomm.end JOU to buy now If your meana ue tlm.lMd I oan Hll you a fum oa a...U OMh pe.Jmea.t;, ld'Yint: you plaott of time to paJ blllonoo of puntbMe money at; a low nlie of IDM.lelt, &hu enab- llna :JOU to aoqolre • home of JOur OW'Il motl...Uy. If)oa. h&Yemeanaanddo nal nqube oredU I CWL Pn J'OU u cood w.lue for yoa.r 111011181 u JOQ oan ~Jet elHwhue I will slatdly aao4 r.:" dOMriplio•• of farm• for aale ln any ooality on hearing from :JOU. The ROYontmeot steamer Napoleon IV i1 JOHN 1. PATON, Nor do I agree with )\lr. Hunt about the "hard time~:" being a diapenaation More detailod p&rticulara are _now h a total wreck. 84. K.l..q are.• eu,, Toronto. The ~f~ _purtiy of Imperial Cream J'an. ii,lst0-7-lJ. all Bowel Troubles, use PERRY D \.VIS' 1-kllllR u~oo. b~.,; :.h tatemlllly aad e:r.tomallr: Itn cts qui ~h 1>' . fl ff.,lfling ~lmo3t tii3tAll r~h~£ froDI lilO ~C\Oi\l.:lt plio Q B& SURE to GET THE GENUtNf 25c per-t '-- JIEDICINE and. FOOD r - TAMARAC 1 f. 'r Jaa. H. Gilmour. of T. Gilmore& Oo., Wboleaale Grocore, Brookville, r.lliyli: I have need "Tamarac Elixir" f r a RB'Vl'lff_ cold uul ou~b wbichtt. 1mmedla.te)yrelleven andcmred 0 H •'m Baker Lumber ~~.nd Oheeae Lr I fiT d" .. er, Nortb Augusta, Ont. sa.:.y8 amK- &.. ~· "<' Eh:r.1r,"lA a wnnderfol medtolnt'fcrcoughl ,ud colds, 'l broat and Lung Complamte U 1& w1thoat doubt. the best med1ome I eyer used and never fails to g1ve immediate reti&l. We ~onstder 1t a hot188hold neceuUy · - -- SOAP • :m· ~i e Datb, T(ltlet or , ~ ...~ m.;- the ScW.p or Sktn. , BRBY'S ~JAP lriiOWii- PrH:c 2 5o. .,A P'bsictana strongly recommend Wyeth's Malt Extract, (Liqo1d) To patients &nffe:ouur from Jw.T .. ou • ~:t~l\;lt tion; t.otmpro"' the A rp~ttt~, \v llt· ...,.uon.aww.oabto Iu •. ~; 40 ~nt.e ~r bottle. Tho m""~ aathdacton ELOOD PUR! .F:!3R a Channlftg's Scr .., 11 is a Grand HEALTH RESTORE :!t. Will eure tba .... orfll form. f'fPkln d1!1easa; m.U cure }Uummatism; wtll con~ tialt ltheWiloo La.~ Bottlo&. $1 QO. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For CONSUliPTION, Coucftll, nelllected. Coltl~ T'roneh tb, Althma and c.1t duse.~os or the Lu l!l&. In 1hroe ai&ed bottla 25c, :!Oc, 01nd $1 00. For Lam~ Scblk:a. .. Criclcs. • T1 ... ith~un.t ti c l';llns aru! Chf'Coii.IC Rh~unuu-.m .._ ... ctl O"lastor 1n an .ur-llaht It oax. - WYE'TX'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE. For ?allor, Weakness, Palp1tabon or the Heart. v 3 l u"'l 'l" <les!C'Int[ve for Con•a!e~tconta. ._.~taJ 1e~ Nu nmenl wllb 5tu:~.nlus ~17 l 1 ~ .,fr..\\~1!11' 3 lha.:~•l)<...hNUINIL t:=:....:-.: ..""jl .... -r-r DAV!S& LAWRENCE CO. Lim., MONTREAL, Propri'!tors or General Agents I' ""\ ~ r o i'" -IIEPUI't:Ur. p,..pr1at:::.ry or f'har, o1c1.Ct:tU 1 1Cal Msd1cm ... T01let At-tiel~# a.?d PM>fumtJ/"y. (T-DC •aiiK K&DIDTiliiiCD ) Sold fg1:Jil drtuDdsta. Solo Proprietor, B. BCHOF 8ch011eld'a ~Store. ELK BT .. TOllOh"'I'O. Tho anly Remedy which wUl per manenUycureGonorrbma,.Gleet..,andall Private dlleasM,no matt.o:rhcnrlangat.a.odlng. Waaloog and auccoeatully u!Mid in French and Eogllafi boepit&la. Two bo\111111 gu&raDteed SO cure Ute wontoaae. Prlce,ll per bo>Uo.dfi!c~EYOry bottle hu • my •i£ :~at;ure on . the la .. 'H!I None • other cenulne. Tho•e y h o have tried o- :.hor remodiel wit.hout avall•Ul not bo d.lap- poln<ed ... &IJlo. Farm to Rent. The oJ the late Hu\t.on Starr, con. tainlng 90 aorea, part of Lot; ii, 2od oon WhitibJ, will be leued ~ ao1U.ble kD&tL' for a U.rm. .A.pp17 \0 as.u. J B DOW. INSURANCE. The undenJn,ed Dow repreHiltil followiag Anl-clau oompanlea .- Tbe Lanoaahire, of England. The Monaroh Union, of Loudon, Eng. The Fire Insurance AB80. " " The ,Etna, of Hartford, Conn. The Wat.erloo, of Waterloo, On\. The Ctti.lena, of Montreal. The London and Lanoash1tre life. BRONCHITIS 1liii~A-.e.,_ Nett York C1ty, ~tv, t8IB. I hue uted tbe Flu-Seed Eml1lsioo bl lle't"eN1 cases of Chrome BronchiUS. &Dd the early stacesal l'bt..bisis,ud bave bcco well p}eucd WJththenSab. .jAMES K- CROOK, II.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyu. N.Y., Feb. 14th.~- 1 ha~ used your Emulsioa In a cue of :l'b.thisil (eonsumpuon) 11'1tb beneficial ~Its, wbc:re pa1:iCIK coca1d DOt UK Cod Liver- 0•1 1n any: form. D. J. H. DROG&,IL IIERWUS PROSTRA1101 -,... N. Y" Dee-lllllL 18111. I ta~t stroogfJ: recoouDend Flaz Seed EmubiOo • hdpful to tbe relief and posgblr the~of all l.mJ& BroDChial and Nervous Aff~ctlOOS, and a good PD" craltom~:tnpb~dtbiiJ~. ILD. JOHN F. TAUIAGE. GEHERAL DEBILITY 11n>o1a1vaL N.Y .. 0...101!1. JIIIB. I ftrard Flu Seed EDiW5loit. as~ s:uperg-• tbcCod Lmr OUXmatlskms., ...,on~~Y 111- D. A. GORTON, Y. D. WASTING DISEASES tlll'W..,Nth!L Now Yori<, Aq. 8,18111. 1 bYe used J'O:tl" Flu-Seed Emulsion 0:mtKIUIIII inascveRt;&SeDf Mal-nutntlon and the rault- more thMl hoped f01'-rt .... u mAn eloos, ar.d coao- lmaotl$. J recommend It cheerfully to the pro(I:Sidl. I&DdbWD&Dltf at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold bJ Druggists, Price" .00. FLAX•SEED EMULSION CO. SIS Liberty St., New York. Aggregate Capital and Aaoeta aboul 60 MILLIONS of DollU8- W. B. PRINOLB, Notary Publio and Conveyancer f P.rdvideDCO over which we have no hand regard the unfortunate aocldent. at :Ontrol. 1 hold that we ha;ro oontroll Rtce Lake on Chraetmu mommg when I Tartar Bakiq Powder te acknowledged by loodn>a Phyo!ciona and Choouato. Children Cry for Pitcher'• Casto ria. ~' I . ' ' The issue '~1"1"""w,•-_r were two eons, one, Graham, ia living. Deceued waa one of the exammera in Trimty College, and about a year 11g<1 ,.,.,.v_ -·~-' was appointed Roral -Dean of East York.' -Standard. ~~ Dr. J. C Aye~ & Co., Lowe\, Mass. J ~ &ld r,y DniKRlalfl zUid Pt ffumHa .nth ~~~~~~~~~~~.:! - Do~"'wao ahire~ England, 18t6 While )Ct a more was dro\\ netl Has mothor, "hen he thirty feet from the wM ahout four years of age, mnrncd poles Ill the busmess centre be put .John Coates, and the famtly moved out up sUbjuct to the aaprO\al of t.he street C eo tl t all h 1 of 70 years lhe blood tra'ele 4 .. Lo what was theu Up~r ana.da, a few mmlSSioners, an "' sue po os ~~!'3.4~ ~;il.;: f d b--• h ,- r- be -· I d r· 1 Impure an Ult ualt y lt. n:annthi!l sft.enn.rds They settled on pamtl:u tnJm t 10 groun ten foet up. w1th 1t. Pur1fy your blood the banks of the Rtvor Humber, wh1le The restgnabon of Mr. Roberts, en Toronto v.:s.s yejt Muddy York They gmecr of steam fire cngmo, waa accept- here about four years, when ed a.s won as lus succ68Sor be appowt- they packed all thotr worldly offocts ed. .A comm1ttee was appomWd to •pon an ox-cart and started for what make alterntlons and repairs ID the fire we now call the Townsh1p of Reach, but hall and have the two hand engtnes put what was then a dense w1ldorness Tho •n proper shnpe and placed lD tho hall ht;tJe party settled m the south-oast and attend to any other nect"..sAry bnai· corner on a p1ece of land whtch st111 ness m connection \\ 1th the tm.: dc1 a.rt· bean the name of tho Coates' Home mont. stead When Mr Dobson had attnuwd On !\fonday afternoon ln."!.t the start wu up ma-ht and day wttb a bad vm, and coui>J Hn.::t no cure from doctors' medt cane, 80 I took two bot.t.les of B B B 1 whioh oured. me. M.lGM GERTIE CHURon, Alymer, Ont Suit baA been entered agame\ Thomas Deery, ot llontreal1 for penalties amount\ag to $68.000 f(lr o:~porllnll daer, ~dge, woodcock, pod other game 1.o the U ott.ed Sta""- hts twenty-first year, he shoultlerod hts hug ne1h fta.ahed through the tmvn that KiD&rd .. Llntmea.t curea C.lda, et;o. a1e and struck out for huu-;elf, tnkm:-t the Rev Dr Can-y had dropped dea.d 1 d C ht T 1 th t t t to 0 Cl ' The colrl, foggy t~easho 10 London baa u.p an m ~rtwng mvns up. on e s ree ; JUB oppos• r. emen~ sent Lhe deatb rate up trom 18 to 26 per Hero he marned hts fir·st wtfe :\un res1donce. He was seen fall b) a lady thousand Moffatt, by whom he had f•Jur cluldren who gave the alann when he Wa.:5 tm- to cheer h1s backwoods home Mllry, medtately earned mOO Dr Cleme11B of- now wtfo of ~fr.John Holt by, .md J ohn 6ce. but he never rall1ed, Hu was pas- v.·~tea Bab) .-as ~,"'k "'., bBTt~ her CastorU\.. When abe was a Child she cnt..'tl for C'utorJL When abe ~ MiSA. she cluns to Cutoria.. now a mimstor in Mtch1gan, are the sed all earthl;r help Tho burstmg of llnly ones of hta fint family hvtng a blood vossel1s supposed llo havu been Tho other two, Ell?AbOth and Robert. the cause of hlB sudden death. Thu do· havmg gono to the1r last rosttng places cer.aed had not been m the beat of Ha first w1fe dtcd tn 1857 A few health lat.ely, but h1s ternble sudden Wbe.n llheba.d Chlklren, aba g&Te them Cutoria. JO&l'l ofterwarda he ma.rnod Charlotte departure was so unexpuct.ud that 1t 'rhompson whose 1uddon doceaae some cast a gloom over the town that haa Rocbelort'• liet of dnels up to date nom- ben twenty three, m <Jeveo of whtch he w.u wounded. 6U. yeara ago ta still remembered wtth seldom boon eo um~y felt. De· regret. She must mdeed have been a[ ·"'"'"'"' WM atroogly iilidearod to h,. model wife and mother_ Her mtB.!Iilon congregation, who are especially gnev- seemed to be to tend the mck and needy, ed over tho sad event. The sorrowmg and right well dtd ahe perform her w1dow is proetrate w•th gnef, and ta the lmaBion. Anme, now Mrs Wm , Real reciptentrof unfmgned. sympathy Jrom of Greenbank, Thomas, Wtlham and tho ontiro commuruty. The followtng NeUy are the members of his socond sketch of deceaaed ia from the Empire famtly About 1870, 1\fr. Dobson "Deceased waa born m tho County of moved to Manche~tor where be hu Ltmanck, Ireland, on the3rdof!tlarch, amce reatded, buildina for hunaelf one 1824. In 1840 he came to Canada w1th and ohoked wUh ~ h ough\ not to be there, yonr of the finest homos m the townahtp tafather, who eettled near OttAwa, tn lungaaaDDolh&Udolhei.rwork. And what Here his latter yoa.ra been cheered tho county of Carlton. At an early age 'hey do they oanno\ dn well. and rendered happy bl the fwthfulneu ho expressed a deairu for the numatry Call It cold, cough, croup, raeumonla, and attentivoneu of Ltzz:ie, his wife, and de,·oted hta enenciea to fitting him· cr.bnh,oounmpU.on or any o the family daughter of Mr. John Holtby, ar., of self for that holy calling. He entered ofthroat. aod noM &tLd bead aad lung o~ th1s pulCe For the nA.Jt.t yoar Mr. Lonnoxv1llo College, 10 the Prov. of •tntchon•, all ate bad. All OQ~tht t;o be got r- rid of. Thoro I• jnai ODe mre way &;a; get Dobson's health had been raptdly fad· Quebec, and on St. Mattlnaa Day, 1800 rid of lbem. That ia \Q take Bo.ahee•1 mg, and about two weeks ago h1a phy- he was adm1tted to Deacons Ordeq. Gerawa Syrap, which UIJ clruaiat wilhell stcume were forced to admtt that his 1'hree months later he WM ordained you at '75 oeut.e a boUle. B'Yen if e'YBIJ'- end was a matter of days In 1876 ?tlr prtast Later on he obtained the de- thing et.e had f.Ued 1ou, you may depend Dobson was elected councilman, rema111- gree of B D., from hts ahn.a m4ter, apon thla foraert.ain. 10g m the council until 1887, and hold and in 1883 becatne Doctor of Divinitr. An moend1ary fire at. Nashville on Tuee mg all of the officea mcluding the }i'or forty yean ho faithfully labored m day iligbt deab:o~ Stellbena' dietillery and recveah•p Ho has had somo aptnted t.lte vmeyard of h,. }bator, the last ton 7150 barrela of ortH'by, [qootlJO,OOO. con testa The prmctple one be•og hta years m Port Perry, and at the moment Conaumption Onred. defeat of the now notonous JamOf!l of bus death he waa n. route to a.dmm •• • "' - D-'~ 1n '0 ' for the reeveahlp, by a Istor the Ho~ Commumon to a 11ck An. old Pi~, retired from practice, .I.JoaUU o-.. h• \ mg had placed In hill hltnda br .. EM t handsome maJonty In '87, when the panahtonar e WM one of tho m011t lodta mwioury the tormula 0 a simple Scott Act agtt.atton wa.a to the front, learned dtvmea 1D this country and waa veget.ab,Je remedy for the ~tpeedy and perm- Jir. Dobeon, acting m accordance wtth continually betng appealed to by other aneut cure of Coneumptlnl1 llrouohit.ia, hts ohara.ctor, alhed him~lf clergy for mformat1011 He pouosaed a Catarrh. Aatbma and aU Tlu •nt 11 ••d Luog fi 1 b 1 1 Affect.ion.a., ••• • poentive au ~a:J.1cal eure wtth that part.y, and aa a consequence m~m cent • rary, every vo ume o for Nuvoua Debility and all , •noua Com auft'ered his only defeat, bemg left at wh1ch had bean read and re-read by plaint., after haYing teated. u.a wonderful the polls by Mr D McKay, the pres- h1m, and ICIU'Cely a page but the mar- curati.we powen in t.houeaoda of CMOII, hu ent County Treasurer He would, un- gma of wluch cont.ama notoa and oom- felt hia duty to make 1t known t.o hlaaWfer- doubtedly, have occup1ed ha old place menta by him. He wu a thorough bag followa. Actuated by thLB mo&tvo aud a m the Reeve'• chaU' for next year, had Hebrew and Greek echolar, an able and deelre to relieve hun•an aullering, I Wllltenof h lif bee pared I l •t• h tone wn• - r on any and every aubiect free of charge. to all who dealre i~ t.hia re 11 e n s • n po I lOIS e """ ., cnpe. in German, Freuob or En&hab, wttb waa a L1ben.l Conservative, bemg for he ventured to dliOuaa, ever havang the full dileatioua forprepariaa aad osi~. many yean preatdent of the Lib.-Con. oouragt~ of hUJ conv1ctlona aa tuamfeated Sea\ ~ mail by addNIIiq with stamp. A.aeootati.on 'Of th11 toWlllhip H1B m hll never havtng adopted a M.,. de meotioa~thia:a:l::, W • .&J .. Noua, ~ eminentiy christian character 18 lhown plut'IN in all hia correapopdence. Ilia Po,..'l , oeter, N. Y • from the faet th>,t he bas been the prop was ono of the moot J>romment figurea Ro.'-Aain boo l'Oilianed his ollloo u da- and pillar of the Methodist Ohurch and 10 the annual meetinga of the Synod of - of lho Mlllieal Oo"-"•torr of BL Sabbath School henl ever since the1r tho Toronto Dioceao, whilot he was a P-.burg. -bliahmont. For yean upon yeant moat zealous worker among the oom- NATIONAL PILLS AN • .,;u ho DeYer pUaed a aervioo. . Many .a mitteea. By hia death the church bas £""""';... ...,.,.. "" ~~ s-r.. timowhantho p.-her'o aalary woold loatonoofit.ableatmenandmoateam- i- ...C Bo-lo,.........,..., All ••- be twanty, thirt7 or fort7 dollan abort, eat worken. A blaok bas heeD left, •-l;.u. •oc..a.rtalamwelladaptaltochndnDthM I reoommeDd lLumpericlrtoa:q~ptioa. kncrwu to me " H. A.. A.ama, K. D., 111 So. <n:fard BL, .ltrooklp, H. T. .. l'or aeYenl ~I ba.e 1 "!llllded 7QUr. Culorio.. Udoholl---"' ao., as~~- lnftrfabl,;rpt c 7 , I 0 I I _ .. EDwnt F. p....._ IL D.. "'Die Winthrop, "115t.b. 8tree& uc1 Tth.A.ft., New Y 01'11: CHit- I CURE FITS ' THDUSAHDS IJF BOTTI.EJ , , , · CIYEN AWAY YWI.Y, • When 1 aar ouve I do Ml: - m~re!J' to atop the• far a~ aa4 U.. ..... themrdDnt ...m. I MEAN A RADIOALOURB. I haft madetbe:...._ef .... ap1.._.. or P'allln .. Slckn- a llfe-laq atudr. I wanant m,-~ to-OW. u. W'Orlte&HL 8eaue Other. baY~e; llllkd ia DOieUOD.fOI"DOtDOW ~--cue. s-lat .-co lOr a lnlatbe aDd a .. ,... Bottle or m,. l~llltle ~. Gne a..- ... Pan 06oe. It msta J'Otl JI1Cithia.r ror a ttW. &ad It will cure 'tOft A.d4n. ~ .. ~. II..Or.t ~ OlftOe,- WUT ADDAI" aTIIUT. •DIITO. Purifr U.O Blood, ...- .U Dioonlon of the LIVBR, ISTO.AOB, J[[DifBYB ABD BOWELS. - They ID\ig:orate and ~.,. to bealt;h DebilltMed Ooutl.tu.&ioD&, and &l't• iuvalu•blc mall C..mpl"ttbllttctdeetal to Femal• or all agoo. Foo cbildnm and tho aged _ the.)' ue ,priool_==--='--- - )l :tlll\hctu•<:d onl) 11 t ;s. ;:-.; tiW OX P'ORD BTRJ.:BT (ht.o US, OXPORD 8TIU:a::f), LOZ\OOX lllld .oiQ b) all Medicine VondOhllb.l~li;bOut t.ho World. t1 J."urcliir.Mtn ...U.ll\lld look to the J.ba1 oo l;be 8oJ~;M~~.;t4l'QW.. U U..lddreu 11 DuCl33, OdordHt.Not., Luudq,n, tl•• an: 'J"Lrk•u• Children CI'J for Pitcher's Casto ria. 4-JtKI"C. POWDER~ PUREST,STRONCEST.BES~, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA. LIME. PHOSPH~·ES. er anr in....-. c•t0t11ta. E. w. GILLETT. TOBg~~~G~NTU:... IID'"t~ WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, E. ARMSTRONG'S, DEVERELL'S NEW BLOCK, .DVIm.&a s~ .. WB11'111'. DUNN'S BAKI'N.C - POWDER THE COOk'S BEST FRIEND BREADMAKERS' YEASt.