Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1891, 6-7

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Ca.rner Boys Address Tlu Co n~r Bo) s N. =t- Yt"ar Addr~ss to ill' Patrons. oflh~ U h 16) Chron cit' Ja 1uan JSI &; Washington Letter i"rom our regular oorre9poddent. W ASHINOTON D C Deo 26th IS90 Fmancial matters are neanng a cnsts m the Senate an 1 if all the Senators who have pnvately talked free 00 nage are prepared to vote for 1t 0 the Senate notbmg can prevent the adoption of a free co najZo amendment to the finano al b II wb cb bas Just been reported to the Senate from the Fmance committee by Mr Sl erman Th s b1ll 18 a very dif ferent one 1rom that wlich was first mtroduced and the sdver men are mad all through at the oommtttee for Jts aohon m atnking out the seotiOn pro VJdmg for the replacing ol nat onol bank notes by treasury notes Issued on pur cha.ses of silver bullion and msertlng m In Its place one authorunng the Sea retary of the Treasury to Issue 8200 000 000 n 2 per cent bonds and they do not hea•tate to say that they w 11 comb ne out stde of party lines and pass a tree co nnge amendment to the oomm ttee 8 bill Senator Stewart has already 10 traduced a free co nage amendment wh ch Will certa nly reoe ve the support ot all af the republ CliO Senatore who are favorable to s lver but great p'res sure 18 bemg brou ht to bear on South em Senators by the opponents of shver to prevent the r l'"Otlng for t and if they can trade votes ngatnat 1t for votes aQ:ntnst the elect on b ll tbEJy w 11 gladly do so Aet1on on tl s quest on cannot pos B bly be staved off mucli longer how ever much ce rta n gentlemen would I ke to delay t an I t s el:pected that as soon as tl oRe Sen ,tors who went home for Christmas return to the rseats the fig} t w 11 be opened n derul earnest by t1 eta lver men who I)S.y they propose fore ng the fig) t when ont'e t begtns The democrat Senators baVJng nb sented t1 emsolves to brefl,k a quorum n order to prevent the ndoptlon of a reaolut on offered by Mr Hoar roVI 1 mg for a sess1on to beJnn at 8 0 c1ock 10 tl e even ng and be contmnous until the elect on b ll s disposed of. and havmg decl ned to consent to nammg a time to begm vo& ng II on t.hnt measure Sen ator Aldnol I as reported the much talked of eloture rule authonzed by a recent republ can caucus bat reportang t and passmg It and paasmg t are two thmgs TJ e democrata w1ll resort to any and all sorts of ta.r.hes to defeat tt and they are countlDg upon tl e pasmve support of a. number of republicans but I doul t ery much wl ether they get •t The long lrawn out agony 18 over and Mlohlfifan has captured the seat upon tl e bench of the Supreme Court left vacant bv t.be death of t.be late Just ce Mlller the fortunate man bemg Mr Henry B Brown a gentleman who 1s not wtdely known 10 Washtng ton and wbOBe name has never been publicly ment oned m connectiOn Wl&h tl e pos bon M ch ganders here say tl at be 18 an able lawyer and that he wlll credttablv tlll the position Ch1ef Powderly of the Krugbte of Labor was here a few days ago mak ng arrangements for the national labor convention wh ch he proposes call 0 at an early day to meat 10 thiB CI g He lB also mtereated lD the estabh% ment here of the bea.dqua.rtera of th N atlonal Ctt zeus All a nee 8 The motto of the Honse seems to b asRume a <o,:lrtue lf you have tt not I~ took a recess from Tuesday afternoon until to day wl en t knew that thsl'o were n netv n ne chances out of a s b e hundre 1 that t could do no b~~~ ness unt I after the first of lh b e year owmg to a sence of a qnornm The Senate a almost ns bad After an nonnc ng that t would stt nght alon t was compelled to ad ouru from We~ nesday to Saturday liiARE.BAII Mrs Turner aged 76 of Gla a Uxbr dge towns} p fell down sta::eo:n ~on£ayd and was so badly DJtlred that 6 e e a few m nutes afterwards Wm Starry sr of Stouffvdl found dead m the stable F nday ~b~~ er he had gone to lo some chores Heart d sense s supposed to be the ca tse Mr J E Soucb Manager of the On tano Bank Newmarket ent d ttb ere snt aga ns e townshtps of East Gwilhm bury aod Wh tehurch for 92 000 for damages sustamed by hJs family when dnvmg along the townhno between these two townsh pa last fall The horse shu~d and threw the ng down an emba.nkment wh cb WRS not snffio•entl protected The case was settled out t!f court last week 'Vhltchurch and East Gwdillimbury paymg Mr Souol• t200 an costa mcnrred Last Thursday afternoon Frank Sangster hamster of Stouffville and Thomas Wdha.mson money lender of i:e same place wore charged before J L .;mgfield J P w th defraudmg S oover out of &oOO n promlBsor notes and 8175 n cash Accordin ~ the evldence taken Hoover one dal re ce:tly hwas dr v ng through the vlllage w an 18 I orse became unmtmageable and ran over a man named Sellers m JUr ng h m severely Sangster t seems suggested to Sellers that I should demand 8500 damages and ot fered to collect 1t from b m H d t oover agree o the proposal and gave tl e money to Bel ers and notes of Se.n ster but suddenly repented of hts act o~ an l 1 nat toted the present proceed ngs al egmg that tl e notes e.nd moue had been fraudulently obta ned TheyJ p held that no fraud was shown and d a fulSsed the ca.ae The folloWlDg were e counsel N G B gelow for pnvate prosecutor G T Blackstock Q C nod J W MoCullough for Saogeter B 11 of Stouff lie for W ll amson -Econo m st A Love SoDg Jn M: Flat ~ modeat matchless Made 08 i\1 h k my nelod o s n dmght m o.ns ~; may my melt ng mwnc mean V oduJated monoton08 nd Tl II young man 8tayt!d out too ate senm ng h 11 lady love He ca ght. a cold wh cb de elopod nt.o catarrh but he cu;d t w th D Sage'~ Catarrh Remed sovbrc1gn spec fie lor cl un c CABell ~~~ n t e Head Catarrhal Hood ache. It. cor dect8 tl e ta nt.e-d b eath lltop!l the nflens vo scba gea beals the rr ated throat. and noae lea ng t.be I &Vi clea and sme and aste un npa red It coAts b t 00 centA and the rropr et.ora offer n good fa tb fOOO r case they cannot cur~ or a th S r Hector Langev n a go D't t.o move that e whole matter of the Tarte MeG ev scandal 0 Quebec be refo rod to tho c'Jrl mlttee on Pnv leges and Elections Mr J abo Black well f the Bank of Co merce Turon to wr t.eg HaY ng ff :d, for over four yea 8 fro 0 DvRpe d weak atomacl and h3.v 11 po tned po- a aD ~m~_.ea w1tl bu ttle effect I w: at= 1 Vla.:u to g ve Northrop & Lyman 11 V table J) acovery a tr al I did Ho w ~ bapp&o rasult., rece v ng great beneftt from one ttle I then tr ed a second and a tbtrd bottle and now I find my appet te 10 much re~~tored and stomach atrengtb that I can partake of 1\ hea tj meal w :;:~, r.ny ooedf the unpleae•ntn8811 for ner y ex penon yr ~end:!J Lcbl omann the great arch bu:r!! 1812 Be was born n Meckleo eJ Nature 11 reme:ly tor bu ld ng p the wut tiaaoe u. Cod LIVer 0 1 Uao M 1 :.:i..U:bl: fu~! you have that remedy1 1:! A petition u be ng o t'Olllatod .aga nat Lh re adml&e on of the J eeu ta to Germany 0 F'or lame b&ah 11de or ahMl uae Shiloh 11 Poron• Pl.uter Pdae 96 oenta W R Howse The Su tan hu made Prof Clua member of the Ottmanleh Kocl a Jint Order Tl at the dee~.re for more money 11 not confined to the west and north west as baa been mt mated was fnll proven by a resolution offered 1n th~ HoaRe by Mr Blanchard of Louts ana seUmg forth the present remarkable Klllarde .LhlbD.eD.t ouree Dlptborta stringency m the money market and stating that It bu been lmpo881ble LD many places In the. South to obtam ad vances of even 110 a bale on cotton and ordermg that tl e oommtttee on Bankmg and currency be mstru.oted to bnng 10 a bill proV1d1ng for such an m crease of the legal tender currency of the country as nn1kd w1tb the present srpply or money In Oll'OnJ&tion and t at be ng comed under eneting laws Wlll mcrease the volume of money to &50 per cap1t.n of our popnlal10n Senator Voorhees lD the course of a speech agllmst the election bill uttered a sentiment that will tonoh a respon bve chord n the breast of every mem er of the Farman AlliEmce He wd When tl e twentieth century opons t IS my prayer and my behef lbhat the formers of the Nort.b and of t e Soutl and of nll the sections of the oountry wtll have so untted and Crater u:zed m the r councils and polioy that ey will be o control of the govern me;t for t1 e est.a.bh.shment of JUStice ) equahty and for the overthrow of d,!:.h~~remacy and mahgnant. aeo There 18 a rumor here whtoh fa not cnerally oredlted to lhe e!Tect. t.bot. D&tors lngrJls and Farw.U who ...., now m thelJ' respeoLive Btatee seekiog ro el~lion h&d l>een promiaed ano b demoorat.!o ~ow. to eleol them ID ":. :::ll" Cor their ~olea agalnet the election The German e<mnse at 8 am h&~s bee ra 8&d to the dignity of a m10i11ter 0 OATABBH OUBED b 1 br'ath ltiQIUed by shuob :- :?!~~ &-::' •w YR PHrice 60 oentl Nual anJeotor tree OW Itt .A. <Jard. To all •.bo are ,. u. ~r 01 fro \h and lodiaaretion• of youth no~ou~~!:kl neu early deoay lou of mr.nbood 4l I Wlll aeod a recipe tb t 11 c :B'BBB 01' CHABGB a wi oure you Tho greatremecl wa1 diiiClovored by a mlulonuy in 9 ~ Amorloa Send a •elf ~dreued on ia ~theYBe.•0 Joaaru T lx••• StGt::"ope .~,.t~w or,~~~ dv D. Two le~ have been noculated w tb D, Koch • lvmth n Madr d TO INVIGORATE both th• bodfl and tM lwllln U14 tM reb.ablts toniC Mdbtwn' .Aromattc Qtnnttkf w ms TbeFrenah legu~lature baa tbrnwn out th propoaal to tax all tltlM. 1 8LBBPLB88 NIGHTS mode m by that terrible cough Shiloh • ~urable &henmedy lor you W R HowM are 11 c:!~b:ah':..~~~ off thd children 10 BXPEL THE WORMS b lho otJf• """ r•habZ. ""tlo.'l.:';j't Fr"'""'" ' Worm Powdero ALL THE DOCTORS -AEOOIIIMEND- Miller's Emulsion --QF/'" COD LIVER OIL COMB NBD W TH T K HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA, FOR ntE CURE OF COUGHS COLDS BRONCHITIS GENERAL DEBILITY AND THE FIRST STAGE OF CON SUMPTION as es lcecream. beo I be ngpetfectlydlSguised. MANUFACTURED nY THE MUJ.JlR Eli[ULSION CO , NEW YORK AND K NOSTON ONT For Sale by W R Hawn Whltby Ont FOR THE HandkiliChtef, THE Bcwa e 0 Coun melts ~mRRlY 8 LANMAN'S Florida Water. The UllLuersal Je1fume A. G E N T S to canna for ~he •ale WANTED of our Home Grown Moet Liberal or!::_ery Stock o I Unequalled racwuoe and b: o lbe Jugeat oldea&-ea,abllabed Add t ~wn N nner ea 10 the country Bl~:u:hed fa'!'6 SMITH Genna Nnra DOMINION Capital PBJd np, Snrplus Genova N y BANK $1500000 $1300000 Whitby Agency. SA VniOS DEP ARTIIENT ll lniere" &Uowed. d higheli anrrent rate• o nottoe or w:lthdmwal required. W H. HOLLAND, Kanapr New Everyth1n111n Complicated Watcbee Oloob J'ewelry Silverware and Bpeo b.olee etc ID etook and made to order Repamng and Engravmg m all 1te branobea at. prloe' to smt. the timee Old J' owolry made over and remodelled al P. TAYLOR'S The Watchmaker ' Odd(BIIow's Blook Whitby Ul~tlby QI~roniclt1 VICTORY, VICTORY. VICTORY. Zsta.blished 1866 11 per anDum 1n advaoae otherwu!le 1160 BobaoripUona always payable at tho o11loe of pub1iaatiou Advertia10g rake uoleaa by oonuao 10 oeo&a per lme nonpan.el flrat insert.ion oentl per line eaoh aubse- quen~ Jnaer1LOD ala 10 oenta per lma HBNDBBSON II< GRAHA:U: J Proprieton OHN STANTON Foreman !tgal. JOHN E F&REWELL, Q C , B.niater Oounty Orown Atto ney and County Solie tor Offiae South WJnf!: Ooud House Wb tby The White is Kjug .. King of Kings, Conqueror of IT LEADS THE Conquerol'll- WORLD. I nvmc1ble tn Competition, 8at1s{actory m use, Honored above all aompe&iton at the OeD ten01al Expotnhon QinomnaU 1888 11 the award of the Silver Medal for the Bea'l Fao:uly Sewmg Maobme Also Lrinmpban With RJ'8!lier honors at. the Exposition Un JAMES RUTL.El>GE I venelle Par~e 1889 the Gold Medal for ta Ban ot.r &o Oll!o• formerly oooop ed j BEST SEW JNG MACH by Farewell&: Rutledge ne::r.t Royal Hotel I JNE Brook Bt Wh>tby In th e World. DAVID ORMISTON, B A , I Tbe e:r.perie of Europe and and Amenaa. Attorney a~Law Soliottor m Obanoery pronounce It; bee' of all. Conveyancer &o Onio•-ID the omoe I Solentifto demonsUatlon of lb mente south of the p 08' Office in MoMdl&n 11 Conolua•ve endeooe of 1ta auperionty Blook Broak Street Wh1tby I Tbe mod a mple the moat durabJe ana litth\cat runnmg aewmg maahme m tbe G YOUNG SMITH LL B world Buy no other Barr flt81' &a &a -.\Ioney io Lo&ll Is o~APbodeJe!Bewing ldaobme li!II!IOld by me suer ol Marriage Li om 8 nred free of abarge r.nd full Block South of Mart~~8Brock a:e wb1::va Jna~ot.ionis g~veo As I do not peddle <~ mao IDee g1ve the purahaeer tho ad't'aD \age of tbe aavmg Needles Oil etc for a•[e Old maab1nes repaired .JOHN B&LL DOW, Banl8ter at-Law Sol ottor 1n Ohanaery &o Udloe-Deverill a Block Brook 8\ Whitby :Money to Lend-Private Fanda- 10 eums up to 18 000 at low rates of int.ereat Tll£0 A McGILLIVRAY, LL D, Barnst.er Soho1tor (Jonveyanoer &o om.ce over W B Howse a Drng Store Cor Brock and Dundu ate Whitby Money to loan at 6 and at 5 1 g per cent .ftltbtcal. DR Will llloGILLIVRA\ Phy••oian Snrg&On and A.ooouabe~ Oftlae houre--9 to 11 a m g io t p m and 7 to 9 P m Office-Byron Street ftnt door eontb of Guette Office Reatdenoe at Office P 6 MELDRUM ill D , Pbysto an Surgeon and Aocouuheur Offioo boars -8 to 10 a m 5!. to 4 and 7 to 9 p m No ~ Tbe Terraoo Byron Street Whitby D P BOG&RT, Ill D L 0 S Phy11 o an Surgeon and Accoucheur etc Office and &etdence next AI S.unte Church Dundas St W b tby N B _ Deutalenrgery 1n all ita branches promplly attended to RI6GS & IVORY ~DEN1ISTB -Be•t Teeth -On fQll!!!f Rubber $8 Oellulotd 110 Gold ISO Have extracted the teeth from ~boaaands of pereone ab1olutely pamleea Y nae of V1tal ztM! Air om.ce-R Cor K1ng and Yonge Ste Toront.o W ADAMS DENTIST .Rooma over Johu Fergnton e Oloth ng Eatabliahmeni Dnndu Stroot, WbHby Omoe houra from 9 to li a m and from 180 to 6p m Rea dence No 1 Terrace Byron St -- - - - ROBERT HICKII\GDOT10M, h Veternary Surgeon (Gradua&e of the Ont Vet College) Office and ree1deoce PooteHomeetead Brook lin S~eal&latteotlon pa1d to Vrtt Dent1a- iry all• by Telephone or Telearaph promptly attended W Ill C CR&WFORTJI, h Vet.ennary Burgeon graduate Ontano Vetennuy Oolll'lfte To. ronto Ordera by mllll promptly at- tended to OfBoe oppo1nte Newpt'rt a Oar n&~~t~ Worlu Dundas Stret~t Whitby Jllltscdlantons. SEBERT B!lOS Ll't'&ry and Bale 8table1 B:rook Street Whitby Good Rig• and Good Hon&a Termat"euonable MOI'IEY TO LO&N I have any amount of money W lend on good aeaurhy at Lowe.t Batoa of Iut.eree• Apply eitber penonally or by lelt.er THKO A :U:oGlLLIVB.I.Y OfDoe over Howae 1 Drug St.ore Wbltby A A POST, Apprat1erfcr t.he Canada Loan and Saving• Oo and agent for the Wa.tem Aanr&Dao Oo Money t.o Loan 011 J;\eal B•Late :Mod- gage at low nte of lnt.ereat OfDoo--Onr (;J-errie • Bloak Whitby W E YARNOLO, D L S Ooudy Baneyer and Dn.ln&~e Engineer Port Perry Oat & A POST, Arah!IMI late wllb L&ngloy LADgloy II< Barke Torook) DMIP• for Cburobe. Vlllu ud Oot\a«M •a apeoialty Draw IDp propued for romodelillg ulat!Dg atruotnroa Ornn-Fint flat over Bowaea Drag Store. P 0 Bos IOi Wm~•'l WESTERN BANK OF C&N&DA, L FAIBBANKS Gelleral Ageut Ofliae and Res1denoe Dundu t3t Whitby Ont Farm to Bent. Rear half of Lot No 88 in the t Lh oonoee atoo of the Townab1p of Whitby a liUM over 100 acres 90 acre• olea red Good houn and bam11/ good water Land m a h h. sLate of on t1vat.ion Apply to 11 ALEX OGSTON Aug 27th 1890 ~tf Whdby p 0 FOR SALE IN THB TOWN OF WHITBY Large Sobd BT1ok Ree1deDae w1&hhoJiow wall• Ton good 111ndroom1 Stabhog at taobed Half aoreot land aDd a lot of flm.• frui& &reel Bo~ hard and 1oft water Keya may be had from Jlayor Long ani premiaea may be inepeoted any time Poe aeuton at onoe Apply \o elther D Orm•• tonorJ HamerGreenwood Whitb7 or NATHAII ARNOLD Mar 5 1868 BrookliDP 0 ~ .. $.,n TORONTO STEAII lAUMORl $ ~- SHmTB OOLLABBud OUI"FB A SPECIALTY (il [11M YOBK-8L, Roar JUNO GEO P SHARPE OALL ON JOHNSON In Deuere/1 B Block for your FURNITURE I • DRAWll'tO ROOM SUITS DININO ROOM SUITS BBDROOM SUITS KJTCHZN SUITS At Prices thatDefyCompetltloa Corne One Come all and see WBI TBT OIIT&.BJO ror Yuuraelvea THOMAS DOW 14&Dager G.EO COillliACK, Wholeaale and Betail Lumber Merchant and dealer in Lath Bhlofl:l81 Oedar PotU Stab• and Hardwood Bill Stuff Pme and Hemlock out t;o order on lhort notice Oi!lae OJ!pn&ite llidlaucl Station Duoda1 8i Wh1tby E J JvHNSON VNDDTAXING ALSO A FillS CLASS HEABbE ~G. E. HALL,.Jifl p A T E N T s CARPENTER AND· JOINER, ~w:.':n:b!.;!;::~ :u:dub obtaln•d •n• feea aon Dot ad lor moderat Jobbtng Promptly Attended to Beudenoe aeu B .. hray Bbed• Btckory Stroot Wh1lby Our otftoe te oppoeJt U We have noeab-agenci 8 Patent Oflioe beao. O&ll tranaaot pa:: i~ baliDeu diree time and at Jell colt .nth n1iDe111 Jll lee from Wuhlngtoo •ll tho'e rnc. 0 Send model dra ln " IOl'lpU.on We aa.J. ~~or Photo w if h d STUDENT frHof obarp 0 •t patentable o.r uo WANTED leDUoooonred Dr eoo not doe 1111 P Abook Ho'l 1 nlerenoeto ..,,_.'1 obMlD PaitDll wit In PboloppbJ ll'ofiD& l&dJ prolornd JalJI1,1880 -liD W B 0 BBIBR WblllrJ OouDty orTowD 110,.~::: lD 7oa: Stat A44uao 0 A BI!IOW • 00 OppoalloPalotntoe .. , Woaiiiiact•n • • • Sufferers COLUMBUS ANNUAL REPORT. -ooo- The Board of Eduoatwn for the Town of Whttby presents the followtng Report of the town schools for the year 1690 THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Chnstmas h a agam come rem n mg ue of the Hight of t me Not all wlio took part m the festiVIt es of last yea.r were spared tom nu:le Wlth the r fr en 1a thte year \\a may wall rem nd our selves My l•l" re ~~dogs •iftlv by Scarlet fever still holds away 10 Mr Wm Sm1th e family all their cb ldren are hav ng a. turn of •t Dunn!? th s year have been conducted Wlth the same staff of teachers as n 1889 w th the except on of the Aas atant n the Model School All the te11chers 10 these schoo s have worked fa tbful y and Wlth a reasonable measure of success THE MODEL SCHOOL Pr no pal Mr James Brown 1st Ass st.&nt M ss Ann o Barns Sa.\a y 190000 825 00 800 00 2nd Ass st.a.nt Mms Edith Tbomp11on Dunng the attendance of teachers n tn. n ng at th s school the Board was fortunate 10 secor ng the aerv cea of Mr John Graham to take charge of Mr Browns dina on at a sal!lfY of $140 for S months 'M.T Graha.m s ab l ty energy and exper encc have been 'SO wcl d rected that tho IDJ1li'Y to Mr Browns diVts on always ocoae oned by b s disci a.rge of dut ea n conneat on Wltb ~e tnr.ilung of teacben~ h9t8 been m mm 11ed There were but 18 teachers m tra n ng at th "school dur ng tho last term be ng 8 lesa than last year Tbia reduction l8 due to. the fact that only three out of the Colleg ate In at tute J?DP e wl o obtamed Srd Cla8B noilf.rofess anal cert ftcates at tho last De;l;lartmont- al exa.ID.ln&tione attended the Model Schoo 1 18 attend ng at a Toronto Model School 18 remamed n the Collegur.t.o Instit.ute readmg for 1st and 2nd claea cert fi.oatea That so l&rge a number of theae puplls who obta ned non profeaa anal cert fl.cates are at ll.cont nwng the1r studies at the Instifiute a strong evtdence of the thorough and pract1cal work which 1a be10g done by the Pnnc pal and other Masters of the Institute No losa of fees to the town ts being suffered by the teachers pursumg th1a course but the contrary as the pupils are paymg more fees to the Inatttnte than they would have paid if they attende'd. the Model eohool These pupils on obtaimng a higher grade of non profea a anal certifl:catea will doubtless ava l themaelvell next year of the adv&ntagea our Model School often for training teaahers Tho Board lS ple.sed to state that Mr Brown a reputat on bas attracted teachers from distant pllorls of tbe County Tbe total number of pup 18 on the roll of the Model School s 200 w th an average at Tl e Royal Templars concert and pub ho entertamruent last Thursday even mg was qmte a. succes they were areet- ed w th a. full bouse The Raglan Brass Band made the r first exb1b1t m pubhc on that occns on nnd dtd them selves much ored1t. Tl e first part of the entertn nment cons sted of songs a11d nstrumenta.l selecttons contr1bnt ed by Mr \\ A Ho lidoy aod M1se Holliday Mr and Mrs Gilroy of Reach Mr Hayes and others and were much appreo tt.ted Tl e after part of the programme cons ated of a drama entttled Tl e charcoa.l burner a sort ot love and mur ler scene and was very well acted for amateur performances Tbe aloe DJ{ meet ng of the pa rona of tandauce of 120 rr s n a good atate of rep!W' wttb the except on of the roof wh ch Wlll re qu re renew ug: u twoo three ~ears Tb.e walla audce I uga have been thoroughly clean ed and k&laommod dunng tho year The Sa.n•tarr condit on of the bu ld ng a.nd out. buildings leaves nothing to bo desued HENRY ST SCHOOL Geneva cheese factory was held m the town hall here on Tuesday last Mr E Cole pres1d ng the Sec y Treas Mr W H Scott read a report of the aeaeons bustness w I ch shewed there had been made 465 cheese or a total wetgbt of 28 662~ lbs of cheese or eome 12700 m value wh1ch was sold at pnoes ra.ngt.ng from 8! to 10! ots per lb netting t.o the patron 80 for M y 78 for June 62 for July 71 t for Au~uet 82 for September and 88 for October m1lk per hundred of milk The meeting alter expre88loos of satisfact1on With the manarrement passed a vote of thanks to Pnnc pal MT Bobe:rt Will s lst :Asa ataot MtaB C Fraser Salary &700 00 80000 80000 80000 ind A.a8 stani M•as F&DD.le Woodhouse Srd Aes18ta.nt Miss R J Mtt.cbell Th s bu lding was bu1lt BOme 85 years ago and has needed a.nd w 11 cont nually need repaus From the defects n 1te construct on and ats age t a an expeus ve bu ding to heat the Sec y Treas for the effio1ent. man ner he bad done h s work Gt;E MY SPOHGE1 Housew fe Count ng Room. Car age Owrter Th ty Mecl}an c Body ab e to llo d a brush SBOOLD USE E!!JIK-~ON .r::;;:;~~,.~~~g::n 'rltV' ,.,., W 8T ... N OLO & II~- '"'"" TV,.t: t -d w u. 8T& " a .......... o c" .. ,.,.,.,11c Y•r UA W Suo "'T NW ... ftll Gt ' d W 8TA N OUft 0 ID ..... "Cft •0 8 W U.S" N IIAB C;COACH ti, e. Sold tlft'f7Wh.M'8. A. L. ANUKl{::I.VN 6.:. UO. genol"11. agontAI Cor~ L.58 JiinJC ~ W Ioronto. U t. "A New Broom swaeps Clean" And so does an old one lf worn on the square I have pleuure in aooounolDI &o the pablia tbal I have been. appoinW lo \he po1it on latelyooouputcl bJ Mr John P'aa- quta.r~:~ont. •• apnl for Ule LWO grea' Bu1 liab Pue J.D•urance oomp&Die!. namely t.be Pbomh Flltl Inau:ranoe uom~:J aud &he Queen both oomPADlee Well aou favon.bl7 kooWD In Soaih Ontario for a grea' maD1 yean I therefore .oUolt a oontinuooe of the large ~trouce .o lon.c eviended &bou oompaniel by our old J::t;. ron• and invite aU •hn triah to plaoe Ayer',s Pills, PBK!'.a.Jt&D BY Or J C Ayer I< Co. Lowell Masa. Sold by a I Dru~ d Dealen to lledk:tM. The buildinf$ and Its outbu ldmga a.re n as good repa. r a.nd aan tary cond t on as posa ble cons denng theu age The tot.AI number of pup 11 ou \he roll IS 230 the aver age &tteudance 1M DUFFERIN ST SCHOOL Pnno pal Mr John Gale Salary 1000 00 Asfl.lBtant Misa Bowerman 800 00 ThiB building: which IS about 40 yean old baa been repatred cleaned and kalsom n Mes~ s Stott & J ary Chem sta Bowman v lle wnte We would dlr60t attention to No th & Lyman e Vegetab e DISCovery wh ell s g v ng ~rfect sahsfact on to our numeroua euat.orner11 All the preparatton• manufactured by tb a we I known bonae are am on~ tho most rei able 1u the market. Hector Grant, a brakeman wu ktlled In colha on M cblpD Centrsl radroad on Cbmt ma.e n gbt. The Bermu4a cable THE Bermuda cable now complete could e&rTJ" no truer ttdiDKI!I than that Bur dock Blood B ttere e1.cele all other remedtea 1n cunng d •eases of the etomach liver bowel& and blood Known every•here M the perfect blood pun tier cunD.R oven. the worst cuea when all alee fails rbk in. a a:ood eale aDd honorable oompany to call on me and ~· ratee u oa.r ~'UN are u lo• u aDJ' goOd aod aafe oompa.DJ ln. O&DadL om.--Qppoalts So-• LivorJ Stablea 19-6moa IOIIRjBUBN~IhJ B CORES DYSPEPSIA. CORES DYSPEPSIA. CORES DYSI?EPSIA ed and s m a good state of repl.ll' 1J]tBJUDO'&. B enry Our! of Beo~t 19 among t.he many farmers m Una seet1on who be lieve m groWlDg alaike clover On Monday be sold t560 wort.h to H H Biabop recel'nng t9 per bushel for tt. Tho total number of pupils on the roll dur ng the yc&r s 9a The average attendance B0 5 15!. The standing of tb.i1 scboo contlnaes to mprove THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Masten dunng the yean 1890 Pnnc pal & !iodeTD Language Master W W Tamblyn M A Salary 11800 00 Cutbnal G1bbon• a bud10g an 1nftuentlal movement m the Statee to aid the persecuted Jewa n RUI8 a. AGENTS lor DB. TA8:U:.I.GB'8 ~,;;;.;;;.;..;..-..-- Now Book oo"rioR WANTED b!a I!le• work ... a .:.,.;.;..;.;..;.,..;..;;~ lrip To, Tbroqll ..,a From ~· Obrio~L..,a .,uued PROIIOTES m&EmOI. Claaa cal Master W J Greenwood M A 900 00 Matbemat cal Master G H Hogarth B A 900 00 I'ROllll JIUHGU TO 'lJIROBil' He had twetlty ftve aores of alatke wboob will ne~ him about 1650 At that rate farmillg would pay The nro odJonrnod cases of Tbomp aon VB Thompson elUDe np before MagtBU"atee Glendinning Card Tocher Gould and Miller on Thursday last F N Rainea and N F Paterson Q 0 appeared on bobalf of Wm Thompson 'With T W Ohaple for Mrs Thompson After beanng the evtdenee tn both eases whtoh was no~ as good as t nnght ha.ve been the case agamst Mrs Tbompaan was diBID •eed while Wm Thompson was oomm1tt.ed for tnal at the ned &881ZeB bail be ng accepted for 11 600 John Thompson Thos Re d and Thompson htmself farrusbmg 1500 each Sc ence Master C H Waldron B A 800 00 Commercial Drawmg Drill & Oalisib.emo Master A G Henderson F rst ClMa Pro v ne al Ccrtiftca.tc 900 00 Total number of pupils on the roll dunng the year 1890 was 182 Tot.al number of pnpila on the roll dur ng the last year of M.r Embree e Pnnc pal CROUP colds wre throat and many pa nful admentl are euil)' ca~ht m tb s changeable climate The never f• hng remedy R JWit aa eudy obtained lD Hag-- yards Yellow 0 1 wh cb • undoultedly the best. o( all the many remed ea offered for the cure of Col de or pama Bmbroo!Dll • New LIFB of OHBI8T ..,a • et.ory of Paleetloe and ita People, ntu- tra&ecl Wlth oTer 400 wonderful eD«r.•ftuca of toellerJ in bolyla.ud, ooplM of old. mu-- t.en aua tamoUJI ploturea from tbe lall.d and itmll!ll of ~· u.'t'ioar &lao a paua ploture of :Jerusalem on the day of the omat.ftadOllt_ ID lSI. oolora and 10 feel in le~ Thill i.e Dr TAiii!AGB 8 Ulo work ADd blo groatsn bo.>K Orden Ull!l DOW ~uring ln. lrOm. aU f.arW You will ne•er han another Uke 1t A~Dill abou.li drop aU elM and eeoure krritorv Suoh chaneea oome OAly onoe in a Ufet.tme B10lU1ift t.errt&ory-full pro-. teoti.on The most remarkable r.nd won duful of all boob about the L.ud Tlmea --~ ill The Board expect that the attendance of 1891 w U equal the attendance n a.ny other ye"' The attendance n the d f!creni torma a as follows Form 1 41 Form Ill 52. Form II 46 Form IV 22 The Haverhill Bulletin buildmg was dam Nted by fire on luesday 01ght to the eJ:t.ent of 830,000 The attendances n the t1 ree h ghost forms show tbe.t dunng the last two years tho then lower forms have been rccc vwg a proper amount of well d1rected a.ttent on The 22 pnp Is n tho h gheat form are reading for Uwvers ty Ma.trioul&tton for pass and honor 11Ub]ecta and for first and second clAss Cert.iftcatee Dunog the la.st year there were but 8 n this form In tho Form ffi there are rea.d.ing for third class cortiftcatea 25 A FRIENDS face ofton loob 8:)UII' r.nd IJium from the effects of m188ry ma- k ol{ btl uaneaa or l ver compla nt If we tell h m to use Burdock. B ood B t en and be d0011t, the face eoou br ghten1 Wlt.h return 10g health &nd bapp ness. B B B never fails The new llt.at on of the Brte ra lrO&'i at Port J erYlB :N Y waa burned nn Ohriatmaa n~ht r.nd People of lhe Blble Go \o wo:rk now .ua 7ou will m.ake mone1 Territory RObia: Wltb a :ruah .at J)OW' no capital oeodM. Name &erri&ory you want and write at onoe At the Departmental uam nations o June la.at 74. per cent of tbe candidateij were successful at the oxammat.ionll for whtch they wrote The efforts of tho Do&rd to pro'i' de matraction m Commerc &1 and Industrial aub~ects bnve bec>n very sncceadul and for the first t me u the hiStory of the Institute D plo. mas autl onzed by the Bduca.tion Department for succoasful &tudy of these aubJect& have been granted Twenty pup la of the lwsiJtuto have rode ved these D plomas durmg tho THAT RA.CK[NG COUGH oan be ao quickly oured by ~h loh e Oure Wo guar rantee It For sale by W B Howae for partloulan \o WM Threa trampe have been lynched Huntmgton 0 egon by r&llroad men. )(attera mun ctpal have not under gone muc:h change dunng the past -week D M Card and Conn Hunter are m we field for lbe moyoralty wb le Ooun Patterson Wm Hamilton and OhM Gould are spoken of ao probable .oandidates The latter however says he will not be a oandtdate Reeve Harman a.nd Conn Harvey Gould are both after the reevesb p and &re c:an nssmg bord Th10 w II bo a pretty :fight and a very olose one as both gentlemen are bard workers and have numerous {nends For the connell very hUla menbon baa been made as yet, the mtereat apparentlY contenng m ~be light for the larger officee It 1a -es.peoted however that both Coun St .John and Coon Vyvyan will aga1n a\and for the East. Ward J H Buet n ""ould be a. Rood man to take Conn 0 Bnen s rmtion if be could be mduced to stAn Asptnng oand dates 10 the North Word are lytng very low J ea Nokea Chas Goodench T W Chal' pie B B Todd B B Hubbard 0 H N1s, T M Degoer D Dowling, Tbos McGraUAD and M H llroeby are among the many good men who would make ~ oounoil\ora for t.be N ortb Ward lf Conn Hunter ofthe Was~ Word a\and~ for the Mayoralty H H Biabop would be a ~ood man to take his plaoo u oonncillor He wtth (lonna Oroeby and Cordon should be able t.o look iofl,er tho 1ntere•tB of the Wool Ward -Timea present year Tho Commeretal course a taken alone by a large percentage of tbo pup ls In v ew of statements v; h ch bavo been o rculatod question ug lebo flt.neas a.nd usefulnel& of cer ta n members of the ln&titute Staff the Board deems 1t adv aable to g~ve the staudmg of the St.e.fl as set out m the last reports of the 2 Co legtate Institute InspE.ct.ors Now tree trom. palD LJltDUY MR HODGSON S REPORT DtS<JIJ>LlMB -ill to I The dise1pline n the ela811e& of all the maaters save one s oxoellont Mr Waldron a deafneaa renders at very clifiioult for h1m to detect no ao and Mr Frank Palmer of Wmona, Out. say• - I have been troubled with lame back for about au. monthl then tliouabt I would try HaRYa:rd e Yellow Qilii wb1oh our-- f!d me. Am now free from a p&lDil and recammend Yel1ow0il very b~.gbfy. confos on OBG&.NLZA.T oN -n I have suggeatod to tho Head Maater one or two a1 ght changea wb oh wlll I think un.prove the orga.nua,lon. CIL&.'B&.CTB.B or TRa TB&.CB.I.NO JM TIB Dll'PitBKtriT DBPABTIPNTB The grading ranges from 1 tn the bigbeat to IV tn the lowe11t.. (NoTe-IV refers to Mr Waldron s teaching) Eugll8h ill to I lclathematica I S<nenco n Claae c1 U French and German I Com mero all Dnll Caliathemca and Gymnutlca I The rea.ding of the pupd11 m the 'hliher form• l8 exceUeu\ (Non-Ill In English refers to Mr Waldron a teaching) The genen\ tone of the achool-b.M Improved SlllOe my last Vllllt of mspoction and is now I thmk very saUafactory There l8 not so much l,dva.noed work as it is usual to find 1n a CollefP-ate Inatatute Indeed there ta but one pupilm form m but the condition of the classes 1n \be lo•er forma leads me to bel eve that m the course of a yet.r or two tho advanced classes will be ncreased tn number Da.t.o of oapeotton Oct 4th and 22nd 1889 INSPECTOR SBATB S REPORT DtsclPLJM• -1 to IV See general remarks 0BOAM1Z&.T10N -~erally satiafactog OB,l.B..lCTBB o:r ~ 'h,j,amlfO -Bnghab. I tom Mathem~~otica I Science (PbJ111C8 & Cbemtati!f) Ill ClauiC111 ll French and GermiUl I to ill Commorolall Dr-awing L Be&d.i.na genenll7 excellent I have heard better 1'6adiug m no other 1chool in the Pro-rinoe. Tht. wm;k ia ex~~o~ly well dono Writ og generally excellent The re marb I have m.a.de about apply to the wnting also GanJUL lblJUBill -The number of pupila m the semor cla!Bes thoee beyond Form I 18 unnau.Ily amall The JUDtor olaasee ~owever are lt.rp1 and the probab lity 11!1 that In • tear or 10 the aohoot will reaam..e tt& norma\ condition 4.11 matters stand a oonaader- able amount of \he t.eaohon time u devoted to a. few pup a 1 am aorrr to b.aYe \a report tha' o\f'lng to Mr Waldron a defective hoanng, hie order .. very ~r and he faila ~ner;.\ly to 1eoure the attention of hi1 otaaaee. I am for~d reluctantly to add that oW'Ulg to the same causet he 11!1 not an effie ant member ol tho at.a1l MeAt o! the p_up1ll can and do receive l ttte benoflt from his teaching The other memben of the etaft are domg Rood aerv1oe I have much pleaaure m exprenmg a bigb opuuon of the reaulta of the hei.amaster 11 work Date of mapection May 1890 Statement of Rece1pta and Expenditures COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EXPENDITURES Tho Sanborn County Bank at. WoolliOOket, S D b" clooed down. lobn Hay11, Crec:ht P 0 aay1 ll11 shoulder wu an lame for nme montba Uiat he oould not r&lH b1a haDd to bUI bead but by the uae of Dr Tbomu Eclectrio Oil Ule poJn &Dd !&men- d!aapJIO&'"'! r.nd oltboogb three .nonthl bas elapaed be bu not bad AD attack of •t etooo. It w.,. 40 bolo• zero In Lyndonville Ver 1noot, on Cbriltmu day WJLL YOU SUFFBB wltb DJOpoptti& a.ud Ll•er Complalnt? Shllob • Viialller l• guaranteed to cure you W B HoWH Bufl'alo hu juet iMtallod the 1troet car electric motor K u~ton harbour is frozen ouor atad tho toe briGfJ8 aU •loDg" the SL Lawrence to Quebec ta firm 0 0 BI.oa&aus &I Oo Oo•d• -We oood.der MINARD B LINI Jd.BN'f 'be heal In the marko' and obeero- tuUy reaommend It:• aae J :a IUaau M D Bellewe llot~itaL P' u A.KDaJII!IOIIt II D .. BBOBIPTB Governmen' Grant Oount} Granl Feoe Fee~~ Tea.ohen E:x.aminati on )(uruotpa\ Asseaament 11826 91 1926 81 till 60 56 00 Sala.nes Secretary Repaua Fuel Olearung ft92ll 92 6(100 67 26 168 76 190 00 L II 0 S Bolllb~UWh M s. o s s .... t ... cL H D WILIOK )( D Unl of Pen Mn Dandy d ed at K ogaton fro.n &he efl'eota of gr p contracted a year aao. ~1)86 811 Boob Pnnting and Stationary Eqwpmeut Gym.na.eium A NEW lNIPROVEO OYE FOR HOllE DYEING. OD1J Water nqul:e4 m. um.,. loc ~ 1:.-.::n~\-,!,~..: ieocldl:roa\ to lbe ~ CoTTINOJ1.AM R08£R1'SOI' lr. CO 'IIIIO:r.M\7.:9. J.POB BALB BY w.R.HOWSE. WIIITBY, ONT R.UwaJ 'ftllle '!able GBAND TBUNit AND )[lDL.I.liD wa1n.&AD ACTS Oil THE BOWELS. B CUI'fl8 BIUOOSNESS. Cures BIUOOSNESS. Cul'fls BILIOUSNESS. REGULATES THE UVER. B Cures HEADACHE. Cul'fll HEADACHE.. Cul'fls HEADACHE. ~ REGULATES THE KIDIIEYS. B Cul'fl8 BAD BLOOD. Cul'fiB BAD BLOOD. Cul'fll BAD Bf.OOD. ~ PURIFIES THE BLOOO. llr Eali Tamil eon of Mr J J Terrill of Ops (Linden valley P 0 ) baa returned home a{Ler thre& weeks -ltnsnt by Mr Oburoh for stammer mg This was • hereditary cas• and was a dilf1oult one but. 1t surrendered readily to Mr Church o thorough treat ment. Mr Terrill IB a young mon n.onty years oC age and on th•• acoonn~ was oUied more SveedilY ThiB fur nisbea anot.ber proof of the effioacy and tboroughD681 of Mr Oburoh a auto voco method Mr Oburoh baa recetved aonral more applloalions An old man nunod Tbomu Lander Moore d1ed ID the LindsaY gaol on Bun day n1gbl Tbod__.} wea eant from Bobeaygeon to LmdeaY and oommttted && a vOof!l&nt. He was reolly very ill and m eo feeble • cond11ioo bOdily and mentally t.ha~ nothing delin1te oonld be .-rt.ained ofbis autecodants Among biB o!Tocla were two vaUaoe cont.aullng a few arliolea of o othmg a watch a latge p>cturo of the Prince of Wolee 1n Uason•c reRr.lia (wbioh the deceaeed •!!po....,d t.o be aalllng before h1B beollh failed) also a Maeomo apron and a number of looae pape"rB of vr.noua dates and !ocalitiea. The usurJ 1nquesl wu bold by Dr Poole and a vordlot return ed of d1ed from natnrale&\1888 -Poat. lnlu.raDOe Eum•nationa Obom!oale Supphea IJ.& 67 174 011 681111 66 80 51063 150 llo ' 0&117 Jlall• •• ,.~ ••• , ........ a t1a.111 1'1o 8, Loo&l, OSMPI 81!11daJL 8.10 a m No. 81D&IIJ,-p\<KODda1"··· lO.O'h a Ro le •JI{ae4 aoeDt8ud.Q8. a.llp m 1'1o I J1a11 _p,lllllld&Ja. B.ltlp Ill There are a number of vanetiel of ooroa. HoUoway·~ _ von~ Cure will remove any of tboal Ooll on 7our di'UIIIIIato and ~~· bot. Ue at onoe. Tree• and p1•nting s« ~7M~ ~763~ PUBLIC SOHOOLS RECEIPTS EXPBNDITUBES 14218 00 6000 100 00 1104 29 Wb!t.by Deo 116 1800 THOS HUSTON S.caOTun ~200 18 Salanes Secretary Inap9:otor Rep&ll'll Fuol Oleaniug Printing and Stationery Ioaurauae Eleotiona Treee and p anting Supp1 ea 26S 10 849 00 8600 87 50 18 00 lilt 100 ~200 18 JAMES RUTLEDGE Cu•IU•• Re• D' MoYurrop. of tho R•lllu Book room dted at the Rood. otd ace of 80 VIOTORU OARBO!.IO BALVB "' 11 9"•~1 tJid lo .,,1..-...U ttMclumoa .,. tho lr11d,.."1 of aMofuloMI "'"'• ~ ctsre ontl e~b•oeu•• of c:sU lrittc:b One of the tlabermen on Amberfi lalaDd captured o•or 40 wdd duclr:a lut week. SHILOH 8 COUGH &od Oooaumpt!on Cure ls eold bJ us on a 1o.arnra-. U ourea Oooaumption W B Bown Canada only bad SO boolll- la!IIINI !M1 wook against 803111 the United Btaloa. BHILO" 8 VITALIZBB Ia wba' ~~~ Deed for Oon•t\pat.lon LOll ot appaU.~, DlniDe .. and •ll 17mptoma of DJ'I!Pevaia- PrlcolO ua 75 oenlo por botUe w.- B. Bowae '""" ... No 1, D&ll1-P' BanilaJO, Jlal1 B.lla a No I D.U~pt B1111da7 lOO'ra.m No 111. u • eu.pl 8~ 1.11 p a No f Looall-pi8....U,. •• 8 d p m No 8 KoU do.! 7 -P' Band&JO 1.61 p "' -IIIDLAllD D1V1810N ' ... 111 'Olp "' 8Upm

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