Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1891, p. 4

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IN ACADIE BY CHRIST R FRA J.: SEL..~A N S turn It was near twelve and I bad turned candle n hand to go np stall'B bu was a.r ested by fierce whoops and a great uproar o ts de The door was (coNTUIUED) JANUARY 9: It ha been such a busy t me that my wr ng to thee I ath tnniecl Me burst n and Urq I art fell at my feet close fo OWlld by th ee savages They knocked the candle from my J and and me aaa nat the wall but n the dull light of the fire I saw the flash of the r k ee as they s ruck poor Urquhart many t mes By th a t me the screams and no ae had brought our men The savages started away an 1 one of them .au be passed se ed me by the I au and cot off a great I andful It was e th nks was homes ckness t at I fe t when I wn.a wnt D0 last but my me an chol} w ll ne er be confide 1 to thee t was Ur en qu te away by the cheery vo ces of ou f ends L out and M s tress Fraser who h&d walked seventeen m es on snowshoes to spend tl e Cbnat- mas dew thus We decked t e house w tb greeua and trail og v nea unt 1 t bad qn te a fes~ ve appearance but we m ased the bn ht Lolly herr es that a.re wont to make 0 ay the rooms at home a. I over n a few momenta Poor Urquhart was qu te dead h s body was out and hncked n many places It was a 1 error and confus on We Ch stma. day was br gl t nod cold Wlt 1eep s ow In the morn ng Rn.lph bnd us a J assemble m the great k td en and presented the Cbnatwas g ft.s Then he read prn. yers from he I ook as s b s wont somet mea I wvuld tl at Hannah Fox who th nketl th.ere s no ea neatness Jn these pra.; era coull ear as I ba-re heard the pet ttoo G ve peace n our time Oh Lord Meth ake ~he would find no lack of earnestness were much afra 1 of a second attack 11nd securely barncaded tl e house FEBRUARY 8 So day tl e In 1 n.ne I ave left the en ca.mpment \Ve are et ll securely bar ncaded fennng treache y on the r part I have been long upstans w tb the ch ld e they are m ch ternfied a.nd even t e boys would l ave me at With t em nod litt e Flo ence .he d me fast T e ch dren 1 ad JUSt dropped asleep w eo I beard a. loud knock ng and n a.n nstant Gross was at my door say ng someone des red to speak w th me I went lown and JUst os de the door stood Edward Cochrane w th a great gladness ab n ng n h. s eyes and hands o tstretche I to meet me After a ncb and plenteous d nner L ent Frase a took me for a w ulk on .snowshoes It was my first attempt ami when I stood up I could not move an ncb but by dmt of draag ng and persuadinl{ I got a few steps and then floundered down n the deep snow Tl e oboes had to be t;!\keo off before I could ansa I was n a sor y pl gbt but after brual ng and ru.bbmn started nga n L eut Fraser tJ nketb I do FEBRUARY 9 well for a begmner Chnatmas even ng we bad much dis cttsSlon concemmg a name for the estate It was at l!Ult accorded to L eut Fraser wl].o named t Selma Hall from h a favounte poem Oss no Eclwnrd and G osa have wn.Jk d down to he hoi ow a.nd n tl e r absence I w ll wnte to thee t s a glor one w nter a day and I feel so !!lad nod happy that f t were not for poor U qubart ly n n he coffin lownstall"B I won d be a ngmil for ve y JOY M stress Fraser and I ha e beoome last friends we have many mutual WringE She knowelb Copt Coobraoe and eeteeme h m h ghly She spoke many kmd words o b m So as we sat n my room I poured out my tale of sorrow t.o her all tl at I l avo wntten and more mayhap It was hard for her to be eve t was so asrnmst all abe knows of h m She hath ne er heard of Lou ae Caron Someth n she hath told me hath moved me much In leed I am ever too qn ck of speecl nod of times am pumahed sorely for my hast ness It wa.a concern og my rude an swer when he asked to p esent h a friend Madame Donoo Sl e thmketh my answer wns well cnlculntcd to J urt b m as he m ght think I } ad refe ence to his only s ster who marned a F encb mnn much aga.mst t} e -w shes of er family For a time all went happily then a new face canal t b 8 f ncy tl en he treated b 8 wife w th great cruelty and nt last demed the legal ty of theu mamnge and one b tter w nter o oht turned her out of doora It was then that Madame Donon befr ended her at thell' borne she d e 1 before her brotbere reacl ed the town Her I us ban 1 had left ore the snow molted It was a vam search for h m bot before summer was over news en ne of s death n a drnnked b awl It wna n deed a sad story Bnd I n rn so e d sturb ed Ml8tress Fraser who goes to Halifax wtth her bus and w I t y to find out for me the way n wh cl e regarded my unhappy speeoh 81 e carr es no meBSage for me U would not be fit ting as t s more than pose b e tl at the tnle I overheard o th s cnga0 ement s true SELlfA HALL January 27 177a It ~ath boon a U!mbly trymg 1 me and we are much put about A week after Ralph left ther& cnme a me5aennor to say that he was down w th a gnevous rbenmnt em very ll Carolice must noede be wttb him, bot bad a. deep con cern at leaVIng me here alone I am at heart a coward bot assured her there was no cause for worry w tb Gross and wife and the servants as protectors I have many occupat ona among others the arrang10g of my letters nto a long Journal for thee Carolme set out on horse back ac oompan e~~y Urquhart one of the men servants W'bo &akea a sled and w U bnng baok both horses The messenger who oame from Halifax bro ght me a. leiter from Ml81relll Fraser Sbo b .. not Reen Captain Cochrane be be og up the MnS<Inqdobo I hunt og FEBRUARY ) 177 We ho.ve been much d aturbed by U e appearance of many Ind ans n t o I ol low about half a mile from us 'f} e .M c mao ch er Paul w! o s d sposod to he fnendly 9 not w th them They are ill d spm•cd look ng men Se e al have been round tho barns nnd two comely squn we Vl8 ted the house The Indaana have encamped n tl e hollow GroBS dread tb tl e r pilfenng and a quarrel between t1 em and our men Urquhart who 1 na been bel a og strangely 8 nee h e return seems much too fnen lly w h lhom 1 afternoon I esp ~d 1 m wa k n w h one of t} e sqnaws I acq a o ,od G o s w th lhe facl Ho th nkotb wl eo Ur quhart returned from Hal fax he brought w th h m a store of rum wh ch lie hath h dden nnd s us ug as barblr w tb the lnd ans for furs He aayetl Urqnhart who has I ••ya oeomed so qmet and c ril is a pe feet domon when drunk and oareth not for frond or savage FEBRUARY 6 It hath ooowed steadily for lwo lays and methink:a af ll contmues anotl flr we will be well boned n t Tho men had great dillicalty n making a path throngh the groat drills Urqulart who was out late last n ghl has beoo aw&.Y. all day He took oo breakfast I hAve been oonoe.med aa to whether ho mJBht no$ be buned n one of these B"e•t clri&, bnt GroSB lh nketb I e o caro1111111g with the lndi&Ila I ohnddor when I th nk of b&ve to wnte lo thee II B torr ble temble a 101no I pray to forget bot tis ever before my oyeo I tarried late thmldng mayhap Urqoharl would re Edwa d met M stress Fraser n Hall fax on Monda.y She told h m of her converse w th me and he started a.t once for Cobequ d trnve 1 ng on auoe shoes he liked to have penshed n the great snowstorm t makes me tram blc to even th nk of anyth og so dreadfnl LBBt n gl t we sat loog by !be fi o hold og sweet converse With each other It was a sad m sunderatandiog that came near cloud og both -our lives and all throu~h the Jealousy and macl na. t ona of Soph a Go e She confessed t all to M stress F aser It was abe I o erheard at tho bn I twn.a pn posely done so that I eon 1 lear and a.a I look at Edwards noble truthful face I hate myself for be ng so ea.s y ma e her dupe She took aroat pa ns to ap eail. n. report of my eo agement to Ma or Ferrers wl ch I s ben so con t n ally w h s d d muc to confirm Soph n Go e I nth late y come oto a fo tune of many thousands of pounds yet I would not g ve one bour of t l8 day s sweet happ ness fo all he gold To n I t we e pect L cut and M stress Frn.scr who tar J w th us unt 1 Ralpb nod Ca o ne return J ne 28 177 TJ y lov 00 COD& 0 nonOTHY HER OT Ronald F R.Ser "bo tnketl tl a also benreL a 1 ncka e fo bee conta n ng some In all wo k rnoccas ons and snoe sloe ala a goodly n mbor of barks of map o sugar t 6 de c ous T E E D A Btg Whiskey Scra.pe a.t Uxbndge oF s orr HOW LAW THE DACK TOWN ROUND JowelL ALLTHE DOCTORS W~ttb~ QI~romdt1 VICTORY. Bsta.blished 1856 • VICTORY. VICTORY, t1 per &Dtluto m advance ot;herw se tl 60 Subao ptioba a waJB payable •' the o.lliee of publication Advert;. smg rateauu e11a by aonuaot 10 aepta per 1 oe nonpar e .flra naertion r.nd 6 c nte per ne each subae- qnent mueri on Locale 10 oent;a per me The White is King. -REOOMMEND""- King of Kings Conqueror of Conquerors Miller's Emulsion -oF- HBNDBBBON & GRAHAM COD LIVER OIL JOHN STANTON Fol'eman Propnetors IT LEADS THE WORLD. COM NED W TH "' HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA !tgal. lnvtnctble tn Competttton FOR THE CURE OF Sattsfactory "' use COUGHS COLDS BRONCHITIS GENERAL DEBILITY AND THE FIRST STAGE OF CON SUMPTION JOHN E FA.REWELL Q C Barnster Ooun'y C own Atto ney 11nd Oonnty Sol c or Office ~outh W ng Oou t; Honse Wh thy Honol'ed above all competitors at tbe Cen tenn a Expos t on C no onat 1888 n the awa.Td of the Si ver Medal for the Be11t; Fam ly Sew ng Mach ne Abo tr um bt.n Wltb ~ eater bono B at the Expos t ou Un verse e Par a 1889 lbu Go d Mod& forth I tas es ike cream h be gperfectlydisgnised. ANUPACTU ED BY THE liiJLLER EMULSION CO NEW YORK A;'-40 K NGBTON ONT: "-"MES RUTLEDGE I BIIUTla~r &o Ot6oe formerly ooaup ed BEST SEWJNG MACHINE by Farewell & Rutledge next Royal Hotel I Rroek S• Wh tby In the World. For Sale by W B HoWEE Wh tby Ont DAVID ORMiSTON D A 1 The n:perts of Europe and !lind Amenca Atto • ..L B li Oh pronounce t beat of a 1 S"top rD Y a aw o c tol' 1D ancery Be en fio demonetrat on of ta mer tu Conveyancer &o On ca-In the Oflloe Oono us ve ev aence of t& sDper nty aouth of the !'oat Office lD McM llan 81 The most 6 mple the moat dumb 15 and Block Brock Street Wb tby 1 gbteet runDing aew ug m•ch ue n the world Buy no. other G YOUNG SMITH LL B The above SeWlbg Ma.ob ne a sod by me Bal'nB er &-o &o -Money t.f"l Lo1t.ll b OHBAP deJ vered fl'ee of oha ~e &nd fuU euer of Harnage L t"E'DSeR Office tJm u a nat not ona g~ven As I do not; peddle Bock South o Mil ket Brock St Wh tby maoh nea I g ve the purchaser the ad van t;age of tbe aa.v ng Need ea Oil eta for e•le Old mach nos repa red L FAIRBANKS I SCOTT'S !EMULSION Barnster So\ mr.or Conveyancer &c Office over W R Howse s Drug Store Oor Brook and Dund&& Sta Wh tby Money to loan at; 5 and ai 6 1 ~ per cent Gflneral Agent Office 11nd Res dance Dnnda& St Wh thy Ont Farm to Bent Re~~or ba f of Lot No 33 n be 4 h conaes s on of the Townsh p of Wh thy a little over 100 a,cree 90 scree c ea ed Good bouee and barns good water Land m a h gh a tate of on L vat on A pp y to Of Pure Cod Ltver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHI rES .ftltbtcaL ALEX OGSTON Aug 27 b 1890 88- I Wh tby P 0 ' ' s n m s ns pa Rtnh e as m k Far 1 DR W.M McGILLIVRAY ! be n o h so-ca1 ed Emu s one C Phye OJ.an SurgMn and Acoouoheur A w nde D 9 Prod .)lee ( Offioe hours-9 to 11 a m 2 to 4 p m and SCOTTS EJiiULSION l 7 to 9 p m Oflico-flyron Street first door eon h of Gazet;te Office Res denoe at p 4n a AA mm eo or l!m1'JI'er & Office dv 9 &ldbyal rs at {;(k nd Sl Q(} I SCOTT • 801> E II< , Die. i P G MELDRUM M D PbJmcan Su geon and Aocouobeur Offio boura. 8 to 10 a m 9 to 4. and 7 to V p m No a The Terrace .Hyron Street Wh tby BRISTOL'S Sarsa pari II a. The Great P&~rifier BLOOD Auction Sales. The eubaor her bl5gs to nt ma e bat he s prepared to oonduot B!llca aa A not oneer on reasonable t&rme A Book of 11alea w I be founJ at Foy (Queen u Hot ) Wb tby wheu te ms and da.te11 can he fh:ed Aug 21st; 1890 New L FAIRBANKS Auot oneer Wb tby Ont Jewelry! I Phya Cl&.D Su gc:on and Aoeonobeur eto Office a.nd &a dence nut. AI Sawta / Cbu1cb Dundas SL Whir.by N .& - I Dent.al aurgery lD aU ts b a~onobes p owp ly at.tended to I RIGGS & IVORY ~DENJISTS-Best Teeth- n I ~ Robber 18 Celln.lo d 810 Go d &SO Have extracted the teeth f om thouaa.nds of per11ona absolutely pamle111 J by nse of V ta zed A Offic&-B Cor K ng and Yonge ~t11 To onto .£lltsctllantons. SEBERT BROS L very and Ha.le St;ab es B or.k St eet Wh tby Good It gt1 a.nd Good BorBes ~souable FOR SALE IN THB TOWN OF WHITBY Large Sol d Bnok Bes denc w th hollow walls Ten good sued rooms 8 abl n~ at tached Half acre of land &nd a lot of fine frn.d trees Both bard and !loft wate Keys may be hao from Mayor Lon~ and prem uea m!IY be inspected any t me Poe seas on at once Apply to e ther D 0 m P tOnorJ HamerG eenwood Wh tby or NATHAN ARNOLD Mar 6 1888 Brook) P 0 ~ .. ~. n TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY \l ~ SHIRTS COLLARS &lid $ Q C OFFS A SPECIALTY JjJ fFi 1M YORK-Bt., Near KING IU GEO P SHARPE OALL ON OHNSON In Oeuerell s Bloch tor your Appra ser fer the Canada Loan and q!lv n~a Oo and agent fo be Well.ern Auu ance Oo Money to Loan oD' Beal Estate Mo t gage at low rat.e of nt.ernt Offic&-0 e 6-err e u Block Wh t.by FURNITURE I • W E Y ARNOLD D L S Oonnty Snrveyer and Dr& D!l£e Eng near Port Perry Ont A. A POST ORA.WIJ"(G ROOM SUITS D N' NG ROOM SUITS BRDROOM SUITS Arch test l&te w tb Langley Langley & K TCH El'f S U J'f s Burke Toront-o Dee goa for Oburohe1 ~~ ... p~:: .. ~at'i'.~' :.!~d~t~': e!':::g 1 At Pnces thatoetyCompetltron •truoLn ea Or•to• F et fial o e How sea DrugS o e. P 0 Box9051 Wu TBY _ BANK Ot CANADA I Cone On Come ali and see IIVH T Y ONTUI. 0 THOMAS DUW MM.uager ( EO COR!IIA.CK Wholess.le and Retail Lumber Merchant and deale n Latb Bb og 68 Oedll P a&M S -.bA and Ha dwood ll 1 Stnff P ne 110d B ~m ok ont to crcJer on rhort. not oe Offioe oppna te Midland S d on Dundu Bt Wh by u r e ves E J JvH~SON tTNDERTAXING ALSO A FirS CLASS liEARbE PATENTS Everyth og n Complicated Watches Clooks Jewelry 8 lverware and Spec taolea eta •n a~k and made to order Repa1r111g and Engra vmg n all ta branches at pr cea to swt the t mea Old Jewelry made over and remodelled al CARPENTER Caveab and T ade Math oLta n d an~ all Patent buaineu con duo ad fo ... feea n u P. T A YL 0 R '8 The Watchmaker, Oddfellow s Block Whitby Jobb ng Promptly Attended to Rea denoe oaar R!l I way Shod" H okory Blreel Wb lby STUDENT WANTED In Photography Young lady p eferred W B 0 BRIBN Ju y Bl 1890 -a n Whl<by Oor offioe i111 oppo11 e U Webave nosob "f.!E:Dc 11 bene& can trA 1111ct p t me aod at e11p c ,. from WaahJn~ton Send model d aw np sor pt on We adv 88 Jl• free of ob&rJre OQr hf'l' 00 tent 1 eecn ed •mo d 0 p A boolr How &o obtaJn P&t~n • ".i reference to actual o en n }'Otl Ft .. County orTown 118D fre(- "' Addreu 0 A SNOW ~ CO Oppoa t Pa •n Cfti People Wonder WHEN they find how rap dly health is restored by tak ng Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The reason is that tb s preparat on conta ns only the pu est and most powerful a te a ves and tDrue9 To thousands yearly t pro es .a ventable elixir of life )irs Jos Lake Brockway Centre :M cl wr tcs L ver co np a nt and 1.D 1 gest on made my I fe a bu len and came ncar end ng my ex s n e For mo e than four years 1 suffered un told agony I was ed ceU almost to 8 skeleton an 1 hardly had at ength to drag my elf abo t All k nels or food distressed me and only I e. most de cate could be d gestetl at all 'V th n the t me ment oned several phys c ans treated mew tbout g ng rei ef No JDg that I took seemc 1 to do any per mauent good unt l I began tl e use o! Ayers Sa aapa a, wh h 1 as p o- dnced wonde fu eaults Soon af er eommene ng to take the Sarsapari.lla I could see an Improvement fn my cond t on QlY appetite began to return and w th t come the ab lity to digest all the food taken my s ength improved each daf and alter a few months of fru.tl fu attent on to yo r d rections I found myself a well woman able to attend to nll I ousehold dot es The medic ne has gt en me a new lease of llfe and I cannot tba.nk you too much We the unders gp.ed c tizens of Brockway Centre M ch hereby c tify thM the above sta ement made by :Mrs Lake a true w e cry part cular and ent tied to full ere lence ...,. 0 P Chamberlain G W War ng C A. Wells Druggist. Mf brother In England was for a Jan~ tilDe unable to at end to h 8 occn }lation by reason of sores on blS foot 1 sent b m Ayer 8 Almanac and tl e tes- timon al.s it contained mduced 1 m to try Ayer s Sarsapar Ua. Alter us ng t a little while he was cured and is now well man working in a sugar Inlll Brisbane Queensland A strnl a. - Attewell Sharbot Lake Ontario CLABEUONT Uxbndge T meo ) o purpose Next ve rene} OxJord Junction Hero we have to reman ovor n gl t and I would adv Be all who travel never to rema n here very long f there s any way of avo 1 ng t We leave bore u the moru ng for PJ.Qton but to o r d s appo nt nent. tl e steamer Htanley I ad left some I ours bofo o and von d not make a tr p aga n for some days so wo de de to oroas the capos and toke tl e trn n for Tormn.ntme We ar r vod on Sun lay morn ng nt 8 a LD and exr-oot to cross on Sun ln.y morn ng but t e ra u and fog 1 revented us start ng so we rewa ned at tho Sea S de I ot.e a very comfortable spot \Yo we o to take t1 e ce boats to cross to Co1o '1 raverse and expected that the ce boat would be of tho k od seen on Toronto La} Lut tl ey ure tl o ord nary wat.or boat w tb runners seL about IG ncl ea apart Tl ese boats bad etr&} a the use of wh cl I w1ll exp a n obortly We made a start on Monday morn ng A I orae wa~J l tel ed up and we got nto tl e r g 'I he crew and oap ta n got to tl e boat wh ol was 1 tch ed to the slo gh and wo made a start for the oo On reaol ng tho ce we h tol ed ourselves up by putting tl ose straps around our shoulders and com menced our Journey aoroBB tbo atra ta to p E Is a d Noon came after many l ardsl pa We chmbed over mounto. na of oe pull ng the boat On renob og water at t me11 we li(Ould JUmp nto tho boat and ea I to th-e next co field where we would get out of tbe boat and p 111 aga n and so on until we reached tho oppos te 8lde But l ere we meet another foe o the way of loose ce and we could no ther row lbrough oor pull through w lb books Kultum In Panro medc F u teen hu dred men a e b own out of wo k by the clO!! ng down of t e West Cum be land on wo ks. If you are kept awake at n gbt bv that nasyhackngcoughll t ~ botteofMle a E nu s on o Cod L e 0 I and peaceful a eep w 1 fo luw Fo sa e by W R. Howse. P E A settlement of the ongaboremen s str ke LACH ed n Oak s looked fo C8. a..aen pe ahed by the n Au tra aa a.n waters Minard • Llnlm.ont oure• Da.a.drua. Jo n Do v an ag&d. abo e k ad h m 11e f nca 0 nemeo by cu t ng h a tJ roat • tb 1 J&ek kn fe Dtt Low's Sutr EK SoA 11 a dehgbtful 8 b&mpoo It o t1aosua tbtt scalp and darken• g ey ba Sc o o sto m'!l caua ng 6&8el w ecka and lOSB of fo. ba e occu red on the coaata ')( Greooe aod Malta Pllu I PUaa I 1klhlna PUu SntrTOYB-Mo lltu e nteuae tcb ng and et ug Dg mtlllt at. n ght wo ae by scratch ng If allowed to oontmuo tumora form wh cb often bleed and u ce ate beoom ng aoro B YA\'NEH 0 1\TM&h'Tetopethe tchtng and b eed og t eal u ceration and n moet cuoa e no 6lli the tu orB A druggaU o by ma fo lSOa D Swayne & Son Ph a dcJlpb a. M J K Kerr ~ C wa11 nom nated by the Refo mera of Ct!lntre Toronto .A. Oa.rd. To al who are u. "rinR from Lhaerrorl and lndilcrationa ot you \b. uervon•weak neu early deaay loaa of manhood &a I will und • recipe that will oure you PBBB OF OHABGB The groa<remodJ waa dl•oovered bJ • miuloDUJID Booth AmeriC!a Send a telf addre~aed en'Yolope to the Rev Joa•:ra T biU.• B'oUon D. NowYorA:Qdy at London bas Dot yet bean eacbe1 Joa S McLEOD Canon Cre ~ht.on urofessor of Ecc es as tea\ HUitory at Camb dge has race ed the appo nt cent of Btabo~ of Pete boro The tUe 'fl 1 Beau e the twenty first e t tn of tbe Quebec facto v cxploa on died on M(lnday BHILOR S VlfALIZER s what you need fo C nst p& on Loa& of app~:~t to Dt.Za neea and a 1 eympr. m of Dyspepa a P ce 10 and 7o oent.e per bott W B Howee At Pete boro on F day a y ng man n11mod Thomu Benton t eel to lO son h m self w th pane green For I& me b&ch 8 de or oheet. uae Shiloh 11 Poron. Pla11t.er Pr ee 26 cents W B Howse SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of b s Great Cough Core 1.!1 w hou a parallel m be history of med cme \. l drug~ts s are au horized to sell on a pos- ti e guar.m ee a est tha no o her cure can sue cessfu ly stand Tha may become known the Propne ors a an enonnous expense are plac n~ a San e Bo le Free m o every home n e Un ~ S a es and Canada If you have a Cou~h Sore Tl rna o Dronch Is. use for w ll cure you 1£ you ch d has the Croup o Whoop ng Cou~h use promt'tly and rei ef as sure Ir you dread ha mSld Oil! dlSensc Consnmp on use Ask your DrugR fo SJUWH S CURE, Price 1o cts. so cts and f• oo Jf you Lungs are sore o lla k Inn e use Sh oh s Porous Plastc Price 5 cts. Change a P, ne Table to Walnut A Poplar K. tchen Press to Ant que Oak A Cane Rocker to Mahngany 8oe what can be dODCI with a bottle ol. /:!~~:~~N Sold~here.. •'A New Broom sweeps Cleann And so does an old one 1f woru on the square ve pleasure m announcmg to the puL o tu, I have been appomt;..>d to t;be pes t on te y ocoup ed. by Mr John Fu- quti&rson a 11gent lor the two g ea Eug 1 sh F e loan !Woe oompan ee name .) tbe P boou :1t. Fue Ioeun.uee Company aod the Queen both compan ea well ana favorab y known Jl SouLh Ontano for • g ea.t mr.ny yoara I therefore solio1t a continuance of t.be large P"tronage so long evtended t.boae oompan &II by our old pa~ ron1 and mv &e all who WJSh to place their nak n a good safe and honorable company to call on me and get. ratea as oa.r nkla an u Jow u any good and safe oompanJ m Oana.da Ofllce-Oppomte Seberi e Livery Stable. JOHN BURN~. 19----6 moe Whitby $1,500 W 11 bo.y the hon.ae now occup ad by tb andera gned wtt.b i acree ol la.lld attached Tuaaa -1000 down .ad balance t;o IUlt purobaaer Apply to GBO GUMPRIORT on premuea. MONEY TO LOAN Savera\ tbouai!Uid dollar& pnvate fundi at Lowest; B&tea of mtered. W B PRINGLE GeneraliD toranae Agent A NEW IMPROVED-DYE FOR HOllE DYEING. Olll7 ~ requlra4 ill 'D'U,.., loc·- ... - ............ ~~ :=::-w~ ::0~ COTTINGHAM ROBERTSON 6. CO ·~ POB BALB BY w. R HOWSE, WHITRY ONT Ba.ilway Time 'fable GRAND TBUNX AliD IUDLAliD No 4 Dall7 Jlall No 8 Local esoep' BllndayL No 8 Dail.J1 u.oept Mondar• No U •Kb;ed uoepl.BUDda,._ No 5I )(aU exoeep& 811Dda,a. au'rW.au l.lla m S.&Oa m. 1007a m. B&epm 8.66p .. No 1 D.U7 oxoopl Bllll4aJa llallii.U • Ill No a n.u,., e&oep' Buday to 07 a. m "fo 18 •)(heel ezaep& SundaJII.II p m No 7 Looal uoep' Bund•JI 8 41 p m No a Jlall dai!J ezoepiBmdaJaiGip m JliDLANDDIVIBION 601•0 lCO.YB -IO])UWP8'1'.l'IID8 fiGa m 4 oap "' IUpm B CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA PROMOTES DIGESnON. ACTS ON THE BOWW. r-... --N-o_il_M_cN_eD.":""-of--:1-.,;v,:-:-. Oot.. 'Wrltea DJuB Sm&. For :J1IBZ'II au4 yean;I""'uedlromdyspo..,. in Ita worst;; fotnu, aod after trying all means m my power to no purpoeo I wau persuaded by friends to t;ry B.B.B whieh I did. 'IILD.d after ns1ng 6 boW• I wu oomplet;ely ctued. 1lql4 111 c fWJ n..... Smo.-1 ha ... -your B.B.B. wit;h groat IIUcoeM for oonst;ipatiOD. and pa.m. .iD ~ bead. The aeoond m:- iiiiile mo CJnQ"IIo mnch boUer Y:y bowels now move treelJ and the P'ira in my h«** baa left me. and to ev61'J'bodY with the Aa.IDediaeue 1nooolmeb4 DBB ,.. 1diSB F Wtr..LU»B. «5 Bloor Sl. TOI'Ciltio. & Cures BIUOUSNESS Cures BIUOUSNESS. Cul'es BILIOUSNESS. REGULATES THE UVER --Bma. 1 WI& troubled forfhre yoan w tb I.Jver Oomplalnt;.. I need a groat. deal of mealolz. which dia mo no good. aDd I was ll8Uln6t woree all the Ume un&if 1 kfed Jlurdoek Blood B tten.. After &atin,g foar hoWe. I &m. now well I call alsoreoomm.endlt for the cure ofDyspepola. )loy A. B Dlu.OOK: H•wbtone. Old.. B Cures HEAD1CHE. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. ,.----... __ REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. n..... - ..... ""'7 bo4 with b-'oohe and poln In my bMk my banda aod f~ awel.led 80 I coW.d do DO wodt. My aidoMD-law ad'riMd me tD try B. B. B. WUh oae boWo I felt .a much bottor thai I so' one mon. I am now won,., ud ~ work u weD aa e.. Allllm BvBo- Tibonbar&OM. B Cures BAD BLOOD. Cul'fls BAD BLOOD. Cul'fl8 BAD BLOOD. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. :; --e "" ...... .----Bl-ood_may __ • ..u.e--,--- ....,. ....... of- ............ LlYU Kid!le,a aDd Bowela. B B. B.. by -...u.a .,.a ionlna: SbeM orp.u, remov.. the eua.. au4 JD.UM new rlcb blood., nmonnc all blood -- from • plinp>a "' • --

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