They have taken awaytthe Lord:- E ther she had not seen (wh ch s more likely) what convmoed John so qu ckly or elHe she was too be w dered 00 make any mterpreta ton for herself ApparentJy the s gbt of the stone rolled away waa mmediate eVIdence that the ene m es of Jesus had borne li s bod,y of'·•rious,l to some other place extract of v espectally that of 4 They ran-The exc tementr of these followefl of Jesus s wntteD upon the face of the story (com pare Mary 21 runn ng n verse 2) John bcmg a younger man would nat raUy out.tnp But his. exc tement does not nvalidate h s. testimony His stoop ng .and loOk mg n IJ n th·~~te;~m~~pt;•;r~o;f~~:~~;~~-or vapor ful man who m sseB t& I• The 1 ght hat enter ng at w marked