Whitby This Week, 24 Mar 2022, p. 20

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durhamregion.com This Week | Thursday, March 24, 2022 | 20 WINNERS BEST OF THE PRESENTING YOUR OFFICIAL CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR WINNERS! TO VIEW ONLINE, VISIT www.durhamregion.com/readerschoice AL Gathering our Diamond Winners from selected premier categories in the Oshawa/Whitby, Clarington, Ajax/Pickering, Port Perry and Uxbridge 2021 Readers Choice Awards, we asked you, our readers, to vote for your choice of business or professional service that best represents what Durham Region has to offer. Automotive Auto Collision & RepAiR ..............niCk oRAm Auto Body Auto detAiling..............................the detAil doCtoR Auto glAss RepAiR........................seleCt Auto glAss poRt peRRy Auto glAss & tRim AkeRs Auto glAss Auto pARts & ACCessoRies ..........CARquest Auto RustpRoofing......................RAy hoBBs gARAge Auto seRviCe CentRe....................AutowoRks seRviCe CentRe inC. Auto wReCking / ReCyCling.........dom's Auto pARts Body shop .....................................niCk oRAm Auto Body BRAke seRviCe & RepAiR................RAy hoBBs gARAge CAR Audio.......................................ultimAte CAR Audio CAR wAsh.......................................poRt peRRy Auto spA domestiC CAR deAleRship ...........vAndusen ChevRolet BuiCk gmC gAs stAtion ...................................CostCo wholesAle - oshAwA impoRted CAR deAleRship ...........ClARington toyotA independent Auto seRviCes........RAy hoBBs gARAge luxuRy CAR deAleRship ...............endRAs infiniti meChAniC shop .............................RAy hoBBs gARAge motoRCyCle / Atv / snowmoBiles .....gp Bikes duRhAm hARley-dAvidson muffleR & exhAust seRviCes......RAy hoBBs gARAge new CAR deAleRship ....................ClARington toyotA oil / luBe ChAnge .........................RAy hoBBs gARAge ReCReAtionAl vehiCles ................uxBRidge motoRspoRts CAmpkin's Rv CentRe tiRe sAles & seRviCe ....................RAy hoBBs gARAge towing seRviCe.............................CAA - piCkeRing BRiAn's towing tRAnsmission seRviCe & RepAiR ......RAy hoBBs gARAge used CAR deAleRship ...................south sCugog Auto sAles entertAinment Adult ACtivity pRogRAm ..............kAlsAmRit mARtiAl ARts Community CARe duRhAm - Adult dAy pRogRAm ARt gAlleRy ..................................the fRAmeR's gAlleRy BAnquet fACility ..........................deeR CReek golf & BAnquet fACility BilliARd / pool lounge................petRinA BilliARds Bowling.........................................neB's fun woRld CAmpgRound.................................dARlington pRovinCiAl pARk CAsino / slots ..............................gReAt Blue heRon CAsino ChildRen's enteRtAinment .........yoRk duRhAm heRitAge RAilwAy kAlsAmRit mARtiAl ARts ConCeRt venue..............................the seCond wedge BRewing Co st. fRAnCis CentRe foR Community, ARts And CultuRe CuRling CluB ................................oshAwA golf And CuRling CluB dAy tRip destinAtions..................uxBRidge fARmeRs' mARket fAmily ACtivities ...........................sopeR CReek wildlife ResCue duRhAm esCApe Rooms golf CouRse .................................deeR CReek golf & BAnquet fACility indooR event ................................piCkeRing CAsino heRoes 4 wildlife - enviRonmentAl AwAReness festivAl indooR touRist AttRACtion.........sCugog shoRes museum piCkeRing CAsino kids ACtivities...............................kAlsAmRit mARtiAl ARts kids CAmps....................................kAlsAmRit mARtiAl ARts live enteRtAinment fACility .......the seCond wedge BRewing Co st. fRAnCis CentRe foR Community, ARts And CultuRe live theAtRe ..................................uxBRidge musiC hAll loCAl event ..................................uxBRidge optimist fAntAsy of lights loCAl festivAl..............................poRt peRRy fAiR loCAl spoRts teAm / AssoCiAtions ....kAlsAmRit mARtiAl ARts mini putt........................................piCkeRing plAying fields movie theAtRe...............................Roxy theAtRe museum .........................................piCkeRing museum villAge ClARington museums & ARChives outdooR touRist AttRACtion .....sopeR CReek wildlife ResCue AjAx wAteRfRont pARk ReCReAtion fACility......................ABilities CentRe duRhAm ski ResoRt .....................................lAkeRidge ski ResoRt BRimAComBe Food / drink / Grocery BBAkeRy .........................................CRAve doughnuts BRew youR own BeeR / CideR ......mAnAntleR CRAft BRewing Co. Bulk food stoRe ..........................Bulk BARn - oshAwA (Ritson Rd) Bulk BARn - AjAx ButCheR / meAt shop ...................hAlendA's meAts - oshAwA (nelson st) CAkes / CupCAkes .........................CheeseCAkes ARe kindA eveRything CAteRing CompAny........................stutteRing john's smokehouse CRAft BReweRy / distilleRy ........old flAme BRewing Co. BRoCk stReet BRewing CompAny deliCAtessen ................................hAlendA's meAts - oshAwA (nelson st) doughnuts....................................CRAve doughnuts fARm mARket.................................willowtRee fARm fish & seAfood stoRe..................loBsteR BARon fResh pRoduCe .............................vinCe's mARket fRozen food stoRe......................tRAding post quAlity foods gRoCeRy piCk-up And deliveRy....hAlendA's meAts - oshAwA (nelson st) gRoCeRy stoRe .............................vinCe's mARket ReAl CAnAdiAn supeRstoRe - oshAwA hAlendA's meAts - oshAwA (nelson st) heAlth food stoRe ......................heAlthy plAnet independent gRoCeRy stoRe ......sAl's gRoCeRy stoRe oRChARd / fRuit piCking ..............wAtson fARm mARket oRgAniC food stoRe ....................tiAno's oRgAniCs speCiAlty food stoRe..................CRAve doughnuts wineRy ...........................................ARChiBAld oRChARds & wineRy HeAltH / Wellness / Fitness / BeAuty ACupunCtuRe ................................Axis ChiRopRACtiC AlteRnAtive mediCine / heAling ....ki's kitChen ARomAtheRApy..............................ABundAnCe essentiAls Audiology seRviCes .....................AdvAnCed heARing ontARio BARBeR shop .................................the kingsmen - BARBeRs on king RosARio gReCo styles nAtuRe's ACColAde sAlon & spA Boot CAmp.....................................keepfit women ChiRopRACtiC CliniC .....................ClARington totAl wellness Axis ChiRopRACtiC CRoss fit gym...............................CRossfit - oshAwA dAnCe studios..............................poRt peRRy dAnCe ACAdemy jACqueline's sChool of dAnCe dentAl seRviCes ...........................dentistRy on dundAs dentuRe CliniC..............................dentistRy on dundAs dRug stoRe / phARmACy ..............phARmAsAve uxBRidge mediCAl phARmACy phARmACy AssoCiAtes of poRt peRRy CouRtiCe townline guARdiAn phARmACy fACiAl seRviCes.............................BRoCk stReet BeAuty BAR fitness CluB .................................nRg 4 life fitness fitness CluB - women's only .....noRth end fitness & tRAining eveRy Buddies fitness foot CARe CliniC...........................AjAx foot CliniC & oRthotiC CentRe hAiR / BARBeR seRviCes ................six thiRty BARBeRs nAtuRe's ACColAde sAlon & spA eRin melindA hAiR studio hAiR sAlon.....................................vAlentino's gRAnde sAlon john miChAel hAiR design & BARBeRing holistiC heAlth / heAling............ki's kitChen home heAlth CARe........................duRhAm mediCAl hypnosis........................................ABundAnCe essentiAls mAniCuRe / pediCuRe ....................vip nAils & spA mAssAge & wellness CentRe .....CReekside wellness mAssAge theRApy .........................CReekside wellness mediCAl CliniC ..............................AjAx foot CliniC & oRthotiC CentRe nutRitionAl seRviCes...................ki's kitChen optiCAl stoRe...............................poRt peRRy optiCAl optometRy seRviCes ....................dR. Ron mCmullen optometRist dR. hAdden & AssoCiAtes BRooklin optometRiC CentRe dentistRy on dundAs oRthotiC seRviCes........................AjAx foot CliniC & oRthotiC CentRe peRsonAl tRAining .......................noRth end fitness & tRAining physiotheRApy CliniC / seRviCes ...... noRth whitBy physiotheRApy & spoRts injuRy CliniC podiAtRist offiCe .........................AjAx foot CliniC & oRthotiC CentRe Reflexology .................................nAtuRe's ACColAde sAlon & spA spAs / esthetiC seRviCes .............BRoCk stReet BeAuty BAR yogA CentRe..................................life time AthletiC zumBA ............................................life time AthletiC Home / Home improvement AppliAnCe RepAiR ..........................pAddy's mARket BAth & Bedding stoRe .................Bed BAth & Beyond BAthRoom design / RenovAtion....mAlion ContRACting inC dRywAll seRviCes ........................kimBAll dRywAll & tAping duCt CleAning seRviCes ..............douBle diAmond duCt CleAning fiReplACe CentRe / stoRe............some like it hot flooRing - hARdwood / lAminAte..... oshAwA CARpet one flooR & home gARden CentRe - nuRseRy...........RekkeR's gARden CentRe geneRAl ContRACting seRviCes .....white RenovAtions mAlion ContRACting inC hARdwARe stoRe ..........................CAnAdiAn tiRe - uxBRidge AjAx home hARdwARe hvAC seRviCes ...............................RodmAn's heAting & AiR Conditioning kitChen design / RenovAtions ....jACkie sChAgen design lAndsCApe CompAny ....................vAndeRmeeR nuRseRy & gARden CentRe lighting CentRe............................eldon lighting pool / spA mAintenAnCe ..............tAunton pools & spAs pool CompAny ..............................ewing pools And seRviCes vACuum CleAneR sAles / seRviCe..... duRhAm vACuum plus ltd wAteR tReAtment.........................wAteR depot - poRt peRRy wAteR depot - CouRtiCe window CoveRings & dRApeRy....sunshAde Blinds & dRApeRy windows & dooRs ........................AlBeRn windows & dooRs proFessionAl services ACCounting ...................................dAwn flett And AssoCiAtes Adult eduCAtion...........................ClARington puBliC liBRARy AdveRtising / mARketing AgenCy.....AjAxpiCkeRing.CA AnimAl hospitAl ...........................uxBRidge veteRinARy hospitAl CARteR veteRinARy hospitAl AjAx AnimAl hospitAl AnimAl ResCue..............................teAm ChelseA AuCtion..........................................stApleton AuCtions AuCtion..........................................mACgRegoR AuCtion seRviCe BAnk / tRust CompAny.................td CAnAdA tRust - uxBRidge Business Consulting seRviCe .....iguides CAnAdA hunt solutions gRoup Business thAt gives to Community ... ABundAnCe essentiAls CAR insuRAnCe CompAny .............jAmes insuRAnCe BRokeR CAReeR tRAining / development.....duRhAm Region unemployed help CentRe CemeteRy.......................................thoRnton CemeteRy, CRemAtion And funeRAl CentRes P 21 | durhamregion.com This Week | Thursday, March 24, 2022

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