In working their talent fund in connection with the Baptist Church Mrs. L. T. Barclay and Miss N. Ray succeeded on Friday night last (April 9) in giving the people of the town one of the most cheerful entertainments for many a day. Twenty years ago Johnny Bengough used to amuse his playmates and adult friends by drawing pictures of the prominent men of the town, and it became apparent to all that he had the faculty of doing big things in that line.
Friday last (Apr. 9) he came back to his native town to again draw the town celebrities and to amuse and entertain his old friends with other developments of his extraordinary genius. His mimicry in words is not second to his imitations with the crayon. His voice can be made to do service in any dialect that is known to him. He can weave side – splitting yarns, every now and again, hitting off political or social matters with apt puns. He can take off elocution, operatic singing, stage-struck performers, in fact anything that is open to merry criticism. Bengough is a man of the world, who understands the whole of the vanities of life, and it is hard to say whether he excels in drawing pen pictures or word pictures. The ladies who thus secured Mr. B. for a night’s entertainment have laid the town under an obligation.