Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 1

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i s rent- led lie te, Z~ i lo etetil oç thieex Lie imto. F. FA Barrlster, Èouaty Count) O&= 4e>uth wing Office#, rk , lAM ES BLJTLEDI Money ta Loi- Oilce4immediatei) 6. VOUNG1 Barrister, Etc. -Mi DIU Byron > e., Whitby JASa., I .or to L., Fairban datas apply tomelf Li CENSEl) AND VA Ail kinds ofomli te. Arangemenit eie, ai-thie Gazeti D.i1 sud Indepea, j.- HOWE >- Carpeiter, Buihd Plans-drawn and1 Repairu, Altera lOpposite a BOX 467 WilI Imai Tofaru Coir ,%( WtisMm require - - Superintegmdat Every woa aaked o explan te'esimte, htcilhohedid- WILLIS Tbeestimatea colhtained a 1sum of WI8diI~*J $650 for fane>' Iglting thie mein mmnd Optielan streeOtistwo blOok a ch adivaf rom Laie AL HALLý main com'ner, and a btg uinu for ex- Wbitby. tenig thie fm6iiis. Prlngle's goamer oDundas Street eust ma eatt ______________ MLaren', reitlece. Thee4 main, pro- posed ýta te 'run WeSt La Wellington noX c uida street vASas a turinch pipe. pipe on Dflndas alret, icir vouid BI A. .5b -te0 bM aili*la c ase D u nd a s tr t i sbould be buili Up. , M vlew was ItEWELLO K.CI ibat aniy. essontia voisaudb Crown Attorney and Undertakesi ti"layear owlng ta thie y' Salicitor. tight- ccýnition e1ofthtae money mar- Çourt Hanuse, Whitby. bat. ktf. Iateman argued that the ex- HBiSTiANtensions* ut taie vater mains vas - r. Notm"w Pubili. Etc sehtial, as te people were clamaoring Opp: Standard Biîtnk. for water,-and Éented firteArotection. y to oan.Mr. Aunes said thiere vote màny1 'tO places in a similar condition. 7y BEBa.ritor, <, Mr. Moore bail drAwinmgs of taie or- Inl an eyt ermas. nameatal"lamp brqckets propose t ta y sqth oyalHot ai e ereoted. He "a& le voula't liae, ta tby sOnt ayHt el, $&54)upon ^thein altitougai aec oyOn.. ~ wouli lUce tao sec tbe central portion. IMITa 7- ofLthe towA mare Wlliantly.Igt. DnetoLan.Isser oÙlouaiIvor -spenduig balt thie1 Block :-Wieby, -Ont. Mayor Wlia a -ait! we voffld get na reiffroin debentnre paymeuts -uatil: ~TLD1925. 'Taie on»' relief wt.Iii betitrougli NTALincreased, asseiments mul b> -tea kteretion af neïv'buildings.. no. 4, 44 Ternes, Mr. -Moare reportied "itlie haitme r, Phs.N. c eivedfIve tenders for wateriig-tae ie streets. The Taie rechid !hait asked, for 100'tact p MyrW. lit thougait taie tip E eIsHOP sltould buy 150- teet of new hase eachi b AuctianMe. - Bw yeam. Thé committe were autitorizeit ka. For terga@ and ta purchase lliO teet of new hase. l 1 or G. -Robb, WWkt Thie chie! also nuse that- a tele- iphione be lnatalled ln taie Port Wltltby 1 -tre station.- NA W Tai& Streets Committee reported tep ALJÇTIONEER followinge accounts :1; %LJATOR. Wm. Bailey, sb9v. snow $l.25ý Wpromaptlyaittended John Cag cleaning crossings .501 ,te ffle. W an L.Comr., tree Ilhts133.33 te ofice - -W. andt L. Comrs. towu hall ,. 5.86 idetpuna.Taie streets committées ere author-t BY,.. ponT. ized ta advemtise for a teain for ýsevene montais. Taie Council wili extend îtae credfto IACTORS of thie- W. andt L. Coinre. at the, Stand-t LL JAtMES arcI Banito taie amaunt of $2,000. Tah ielrk was ganteit leave to at- der snd Contmactor. tend taie Librar>' Association meeting estimates furnished. la Toronta on Ensier Merda>' and tiûns and Jobbing. Tuesta>'. jColwill-Moore-TlIat taie merciants ______________places of business durlng taie turne of - the funeral of taie laie Gea. Cormack. ,LIuenîses. rom 3.30 ta 5 p.m. Carrieci. ILLX' -Mr. Stepaienson reportait as ta e- rrîag r.i ~ - leaie b ad glven. me rugotore. wbithv Taie meeting then adjourneci. SPRNGTERM from -Marcai :5th following Easter, merges into our Summer Terin in 'ail departments cf "SHAW'S SCHOOLS". i oronto-Cen trai Busineêss Cdilcge with Four City *Branch Sçhools. Thej Central "Telegrapha d Railroad Schoolq and Shaw's Civil Service School. "-FEree catalogue explains courses anud advantages. We invite you ~t write for it. W. H. sbhaw, -Prestdent, Head offices, Yonge & SGerrard Sts., Toronto. 4MNUMENrfs- (O»4iSad Ëlat erlKPt 10StOck - i»pa>' ym o SU b eil ur works isotfor yourmeIf. d , DSpi be niIsed bqagents, wvsd et emplo>' theng;, eoiequefllY ve@a ad do ïjil th*. agent'a oMmission, m O pt Pu *Licb yu iWi cotainly ave hy porehalil fm us. 0" ceand Works 1irittg, power viing, andi supplies,-am i tiransforMeil. mtus'cal1 ns at aOur SCe.t. Ltd The Milliaery Opeanins. MISSES FOWELL. Taie displa>'of atEster aid sprlntg Milliner>' at taie MissesPawell's pan- 'lors on Monday last and <ollowiug days, vas mpst attractive, andi large numbers of, ladies eujoyed visltuug threse up-to-date artiats, and maiing their caioice of taie daiuty and stylisai beadwear ina al l is reshuessa sud beaut>'. Taie profusion o!f foyers of daintiesi bues to deepest toues, bleud- ed witit malines, braits, iions andi noveit>' trimmingesboved bath aste and skill lintoir attractive combina- tlons. Thére are bats a! various sizes and sitapep to, suit ever>' venrer, ne matter bei' fasilidiaus. -A.pretty aid information' Ap whue; Gin JaqueMinot, re04 John J1,opper, 'pink ;- Madan Piaitier'D-. white ;'Marsam- p. Wilder, carinè; Mm. ~ ~ ~ ~ a Je aupn;MgAChar- ta, -pink; Margaret Dickacu, white; Pauleyron,, 6ablug. rose;, Per0Am YelIow, yellow; Ulricai Brùuner, te Priucê Camille de Rohai, velvekt crini.. Son. OPTION, 2.(Cliibers-cboice eot 3> -Criimson Baby. Rambler; Doroti>' Perkins, Pink; Yellaw Ramier White Ramtbier,' Baltilmoàre Bèel var- iegated. OPTION 3-(PeoMîes-cboice of ) -ellowli, Scia.rlet, 'Whiite, Red. OPTION 4.-(Haýrdy -Vlne-diioîoe OC -3)ý-mpelapsis Velit tPostan -Ivy), ýDutchman's Pipe, Trumpet Vine,. Clematis Panicuata,. Hall's Ja- pan- Honeysuekie, - Wisterla, blue, white, Euonymus'-Raodicau. OPTION 5.-(Srubs-chio1eë af 8)- Altaica, blue, red, Pink; Berterus,- Purpura; Cornus Mascula ;.Cydouma Japon1ca; 'Duetzig, Roses, Crenata; Hydrangea -Pùnijýu1ata; Prunus- Pissardî - Spirea-..Van Houte. OPTION 0.--(Hardy .Perennals - choice of 3.).- Anemane, Japonica,- Prince ]Henry; Aquiléeassorted; Camnpanula Peruistolla, asrted Delphlum HybrdUm, <snge); Jarke- pur <double);Î Digitails (Fozgiove) ; Hibiscus, Crimuan'Eye ; Iris,. aaoçt çd ; Oriental Poppy, nssarted; Hardy Garden Phlo:, asaorted; Dalias, as- sorted. OPTION 7-,'Sweet -PfAns- pacitet escl).- Dorothy> Ecktord, white ; Stelîn' Moos, cream; Dbeas -of Sutherland, binait ; Sybli EcUord, piai; ard Roaeberry, rome ph*,; ýPtmoumalwbue-t1Ued, lavecnder; Enri Cramer, scêarlet; -Lord Neison, OPTION 8-20 Bulbs,, Groil's choice mlxed Gladloll. OPTION 9.- 12 _Plants, Kes farnous Herbert Raspberry. OPTION 10.-(Vegetable &S a- 1 packtet eac.)-Beets (CrMtby's Egypi- fan), Garrots (Obantena>'), Ijttues (N4onpariel), Onions, YelIow Globe Danvers ; Oyster Plant (Sandwich Is- land), Parsnlps (Guemnsey), Pesa (GraIuO)..l.-(BiIbs for FaU Plant-. ing)-Slx Hyacln±Iis, elght Naroissu, eigliten tuips, thirty Crocus. You can't afford ta dem>' becoming a member snd belping tb beautif>' aur towi. Joîn to-day. M. V. POWELL, Ba4 Roada. Net lu years bave taie ronds- basa la such a bad condition as tie>'- are at the present tinte. Those vite hava. te travel titent, declame titat lu m"It places taie>' areannot impassible. Thre rend betveen Wiitboy snd Oshava has been ge bad that taie HaUlden stage, viticit usuail> stops for notit- ing, basu net ventureditotafacCe lsJour- ne>' for severai daYs. Tint tira hlghr va>', four miles lu lengiai, betweeit tva important tovis sitould beain sucir a condition, etecte little creit upon taie roadmntuiig systeln 0ot tbi coutry. Thte conditions o! thre ronds beading ita these two bovIls preseita a stro<tg argumnlt in laver Of a gooti oandas Ystein. A few years aga viren taie Cauntl> good ods l-nprOveiuteni sebente vas consitereci, min>' farmiers sait taie ronds were good enongir. Would taie>'a>'taie saine tring ta- day, after bedng minet la tic ao-enlied "ogoodti -roads ? It la certibti>'time for anu mproveinent In taie metaiOd 0t road-makiii. Thle Big StOrm. ùrtistic combmation of cerise anud navy blne yltb toucaies o! pAbe blue Taie neanesl approacir te a torado anit meseda, vas- ver>' natt>'. Smart tant tAis district bas expertenceit for tailoneit bats, business bats anui dress a long tinte vas ltaI o! Good Pmi- bats, lnalml laie1 lcading styles anud day. 'Taie ini aýtained a velocitY Of toue, vers ta aie seen. Sonae o! taie fi!t>' miles aindtboum,anid for a tai' colore sitava, *vu-"ki are meut pop- moments mare than tiraI. Couaiter- ular, are Neil Rase, Cerise, Porcaline ng te streggtbl of the gale vemy 1Wi blue, Mustard, and varions shadeg of tle damage vas doue lnn ibis neigit- greys, and tans. Black snd wvine la boriroot so -ar as could ie jearnet. suI attractive and stylisit. Fencas vere-bou ivgtes -andi THE ISSS SCTT. doars of out-buIldii ternutram thiru A H MrbîuISEctceS Sd. T. binges, si-gus. came itumbling dovu, A brllintspetacl wa th milsad lgait mnterial,4ucir as sitingleR, huner> o! theirs iisee Scotit at'their, andmi emî -boards, vwcâver 1000, spring openiag laI Weduesday, w tE ]ers -tiravu about. A thirmty-tap Jarge crovité vwitueseMe'itr-iasae- section a! roof ou the Bravan fae vitcb4ýng it-Vile modela, no two haIsKingston Road -West, vas tara off abike, la thOsebigat coloriIlgs viric an sd throwa over, tlim etg e 10otit- tashiiOn ondaius shaUh be venu .ti er aide of taie barn-. Thie sterm w as sprig. -Pumplés, blues, cerise nL»d genffl al aven Onàtarlo snd lu inu> tirat uçw coq, 'de roche, bras liparis immepse damage vas -doua, brîgiri tan iake precdeuoe Oven -tihe both aiy fioordand viu'd. la this pot- atier colora. Tire ghapes, vitha few tien ao! Ota0oa vs are tavared.it l exceptions are sinail, the loy dom greater modemitIin a! elentiutal rge creva pevailing, anui neani>' ah t1etitan lu man>' aier places. A teriffle Medels bMye a'turneti up brim, ofteh ternàdo aept aVen gaverai c f ltsê arrugedi- lun.teeai taorpeda slrupe, AntranuSa~ alcbgtaat mila , h ,$aget and benp strava, -ans damage ta property andigrea oitof ic , Biatinaiz CIr oovleil .etlie PaT >' zy--eu ,au w te- cen j Ubut ë oone monuiu - ego" làre. M lailcui pSaturd«y t' iAt taie age, eDJOY'ed perfÇt icalit ani vak ever o! 82 ypars,,sitar su IlIssu of about taie Yauugast, et vatcver comýpas> liv mulu, ie 4uetl1>sme aay.518 as 'In. Hem paren tEastu William OctaviùsSetwod wu-Hoaanad-lits vite, ryhsWil- born, la Littie.,Tomai, -Toroato, In 1881. cal, vhten siteW va cbld, the young- Tle receivesi biis duStiq laà bat -est of a fainl>'61 tï tvabrothers, andi ..cityi, and gradua ted, viii à B.A. det saven aitera, moved ta ibis cnty,' gree front Tarante Unlvegdt>'-before settlng ýou taie arm next eu, t of begning the tdy -o! medieie. Att- vhat a! terwands -, became taie count>' er ýobtalnlng â ladplom lie pactIced tova, overvailch sud taie vbole'sur- bis profession, for a couple of yeans ln roundlng countryr lt commands a. mag- Piduce Albert, Ont., and-lien came .-uiicent outlooi. Prom tbirir active ta WblItby. FQr over- 11i>' >ears hie social life taie famlly became videl>' lias beau a praitIone,, bore, and eïý and tavorably known. MarrylnRo6bt. joyed a ver>' large pracftife. n b le1 lne, vbo tauglit achoc nI taihe Bay bundreda mIa otaie vorîti, adti le vas1andt later becamea aprominlent ainsi- taie hope nnd comfort of multitudes ln1 neas man in Hamiliton. Mme. Mine, taie iour o! sicknes-orsunfférlng. For! durlng many subsequent visite ta, a long- perli! eof time behlil thtai peiWbtby, alvnys iept np ber interest tin as coroner for thie towu and la an extesideit circle of' acquailutan-' tovnship, andi lvnys conductet 11te ces. O! ber ébldmen, tva survive, came - comlng before htm ;vith - credit. . Mrs. Adamns, and a son, Mm. Hoaad Sr atad, adt IsMt f , eDetroit. Irs. H.W. Annes, ~garet Grmc Bravi, or Port. Penry. Whltby. and- Tirs. ~David J., 4dams, Of the tam!)>' valci groW up nil biut Part Perry, are sies. ac survive, namal lâ't ae Dr. Wmn._______ Eastwood, of Claremont. Tho* living are Di. Joan Eastwoodoet Peter- Hs 'wr bonougli; Tir. Cbas. '.AAtwoo-til 1.Aet u8 W tUP Fessrton; Tir. lUchaMt!Gonrla>', B. A., of Torobon Mm,. StsuhRv4 fB. Hie Lerarcsp, Sir John Boyd, pre- A.,.o! Exeter; suad »MUse HifrE"t. uld4t thre spring& sittings of tire vend At hoane. H11gh, Caurtiiere on Tuesday. ' His du- Taie laie Dr. lEssivooti vua mm- tUn' eto tremel>' ligit, usaidtnot .tem cf 1the Wbleby Tiaonla Letge, sud @ccpy an bour of bis time. tu religion su AnlIcan.' Thora vere three cases on taie dock- Taie tuneral-s! vilu qon dav ta et, but titrS oft tem vere settled Ies cw einetar>'. l!v. D1-Aa 1oa ut o! court. There itad been. sevemal ani flev. RNW. Allen- taklng part fa 1otier casesuthtae Court, saine-of thée servie. -The'be larce attendance themjury cases, but they-were set- vas an Indication orttu respect fa tîsit last yack, la turne for taie sireriti whlcai decenseti vus bleu. I to natMfy.many of the lurorsns alt EDNA LAVERNA HODGE. Woatt hba aabus>' viii lhe aged tbis spring, but bas notpassed.thtae yonnig, tom a bright young girl' va qulekl>' calleit on Sunda>' nigit lutL, tu lte persan aof EdsaiLaverna, cml> danghter of Mm. anuitMme. Charle Hodge, a1 tiis. tova. Venus, as see vas calait, hait been III for a coupla of montais, or pemitape langer. Tvlce site bid su attack cf pueumairia, sud ber iteart became greatl>'veakened.' For thie past cou ple aof eelsite bai been st Urnes ver>' clame to lte bar- ,derland, but aîicit again and again On Sunda>' eventng, about 9.80,/ site bati beam caverslng brigity t>viiber parentW, and tam s montnt uva it- ting up - l ed, vitandmta ddenly <vs ap aie 1.1 >Ck deat!.The bouses feu' moments before, Mid baid expreesedthlie hope tirai ais patient nmght yet recaver, taiaugai hem tenre 0 et itevasver> ender. Taihe att irai!, bowver, SudiWYCal'colpse. missHo04e vas Bot yst agirbee yeare o! age, &M wuvaaver>' bright andi Iliable youngvma& Saswuva member c!fbthe Bapihi cb'rch mand et taie B.Y.P.U., snd lad beauàsmOm- ber of the, choit. A large iDien o! bbautltul Lav- era ver Mét b>' fifeni. TMe Bàp- tist churcli and B.Y.PAJ. cach urni biken o! regard. Tire tunerai vas hbit on WuadaY attemnoon ta st. Jointis (Bnay) but>'- lng grounit, Rev. G, A. MIeLamca- ductlig taie servic. LAiD TO REST. - Thie frierai o! thre haLe Geo. Con- mank vas heliton Thumpita> atter- noan lust, *nuit as lar9ely attenddt, not only b>' citizeus of WiitbY, but .by persans tramoutside places@as corne. Havaver, six jurymen front ta extreme nntir of the count>' came dova, but vere not requireit. Th aieon> case vhioli occupried Hia Lordsliip's attention vastal af. Campbiell vs. Campbiell, Mm.. Elizabeth Campbell asieci alimon>' tram ber husbanci, Edward Campbell, of. Plerlng. Taie couple vere married -lu Febniiamy, 1879, and bave sevemal of a famil>'. Taie plain- tiRf claineci sie coulit not ive vitai lier huaband. Taie>' lived on a t arm boyards thie payment aofvItichit Mrs. Campbell had contributed $850. Thre tarin vas nov rentei, te ental bd*u $150 per annuin. ]Kr. Farevell appeared tom tac plain- tiff, thre defendant belng absent and nrepresented.' R1s Londshlp entemeit jugment for lte plaintiff, declarlng ber lInemeet te 11e 8850 lu taie tarin, and allovlng lber haifth tre met as lmon>', atter taeienl- tereet on an $800, morigage bad been paît. As taie Interest la $40, taie bamI of taie remalnder af the ent, -855, vîi net afford'a ver> 'fat living for cter busband or vite. Milik Wagon Lost in on Rampage. 0& Monda', Tir. -Udenler, bnc a very perlece, besides austait probabi>' $150. Mr. Ha MuWi bis de liver>' for, vas golng itome. Goini fig frein ais tarin ae tairouga te creai vbic] Ington strée, taicra be In taie mormng thre wal but vas considersaif> h aud vaien ascendlng tai crosng taie'streant ont well. el m lu, mw Tire floral tbais aof- syrnpmtiry 0am siRth ie vagon vi resppect vere numeraus and vory beau. hg MUIa cana, miliibat titul. it. HallaLI clantitssd Taie funemal service vas oondtidt edd t taunitthe Ii b>'. Rev. Dr. Abahiam, vito pait a laie tracesof tire standi higi r Iibute te tire charoer 01tire vrentaie farce 0! thec deoeaed' - taie va an ad otite Tite-pall bearers vers Meus. D. strean. Taie bore vas Galbraith, j. p. PurIon, AH. &ilMa -teS roda,. andi thé wagon W.J.H. Richardson, GO. A. R , ose pIkc, ua nbit af JeB. King. covemet. Ite horse bi Taie ronds vers iu suait a bai! -wu- bath recoveireOits'aîta itition tant sevéral of thre - leavy et- but vas preti>' ncnlyg niagea caulit scarcel>' gsitirrouigai. itlk-t@itie bock vas an, Tic tollovlug Tomante people vo s pi.-aid thin le preseni ai tirefunmal Mr. and lire.'peMt, lu eie nlice. Jas. Oliver, Mm. and .Irs. Mouroe, Mr. HEiett hifl Mn. T.G. Hollovýa>, Dr. Wtlu, Mm. nevedb>'tire episde, W. Noom, Mrs. (Dm.) Jondan, Mn. .tire lcecf hb oubûtI b B.- Reid, Mn. J.- B. Laldilaw. - - 111. Many lettons sait telegram er coa- Doubtlm a sbridge. doleace vene 'recelved b>' &s. Cor- Oi5t titisstncam ftanmi inacai tram, frIens and acquais- Mr~. iailet'eao tances lua£il paratielte provinc. It hexpe t t raIM. Ernest Cet- Tr oe' nllu meai,~vit vas Cenmtral Amèrctie pelus o ai thie-eda! titis vaeek. H.evas Obleppaes i o Ia O hmdlatbel>' enaita steamner for Womenit AilvoU New OrleauS Som - aftO! reevig tais comm l.m.GA.E câble qp hie stirer's deett. -IMMiIr Bi m m .Sm*o Creek1 W. J. Hallett, yunpleasait ex- aining a boa of fallett hait ft- taie day, aud ng toan nutcom- ehas to drive Ch crosses Well- wing no bri 'dge. atem vas bigit, riglier at nooxi ce amuialter me of te Veia ithe struggles aip..t, t1mev- NIas, etc., out. 1 Mt aud pro- bornes. He itad ,Ing. borse 1oose eurreaii camnicit Dr hamac davi La carrisitBorne )l wui umasaie )fit rii e- at lhmdgaitira md gSltasirore, a gomer. Taie da l t irte Mey ta cause *ws muci un- andi o! course lan Mg eue ton reul- d ebulit nu* l toa ia iris Qudsln. 1meet in day ailt_ L. Tvo a s ai&m amèa i- -l4 fmi diocgy"ico f dis. WHITBDY B R A N'-I Get your Bicycqle repalred here!1 d4 sit on, yau can give aven taie most expert rider an inferior wheel. a good run. Came and prove what we-say. IAT .J. LU%3&SON LST. a WHIT3Y, eNVT. EASY ,EASY ,~ ~. It is easy to make Marmaiade your bitter orangea at Lawlers'. when you-buy WE LOAN Aý SLIeER wiih each purchase and marmalade making becom«s a pleasant and profitable pautimeï- Seville Oranges Grape Fruit Granulated Sugat --25c per doz. $t $1,009 18 îlb& $i.oo Au T. LAWLERmý Phono 47. WHIlTBY, ONT. Prompt C? livery "RE-NU-ALL" > WGOD POLISI GOLOIWATCN 'FREE The pension buying ai 2ge. hottle *of Rei-Nni-A1--Wood Pol"i and guessing the neareat te tire languir 6f lime tir. watch vHii run ujiti ane winding, will become thre oWuere See South Wiadowofui lesHrwr tc lacir 25e. puncirase of Be-Nu-kil- enatities the -pumohemr lé t ans gnose Contest, Closes, Marohi 3lst- tMr. IR. N. Basseit viii vind tire vatlOir egiser tire lime-anti- A eoide 111e vinnen. SPunchase a bottie and registon yun guées to-day. e l~u- -- SÀ&PrLà vil d drY. it any' smrith- t. EASY NS~ $l -t I - - wu'M,*1ý

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