8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1913. CHILD DELINQUENCY _ON NORTH SHORE More Serious Cases Found on the North Shore Than in the Crowded Chicago Districts. Frankly, at first we questioned what the work of the Juvenile Pro. tective association would be on this beautiful shore. Before coming here, Mr. Moore had charge of a district fifty' square miles in extent and con- taining more than 500,000 people. HE HAS HAD MORE SERIOUS CASES HERE IN THE SAME LENGTH OF TIME THAN HE HAD IN THE LARGER, MORE CONGEST- ED TERRITORY. That seems an emphatic answer to the query. Naturally the association working on a sort of substratum of life does not make a great stir on the surface, but if you want to know more inti- mately the workings of the organiza- tion and what employs time, call any morning on the superintendent, who will be glad to confer with you. Following is a list of names of the 176 Winnetka members of the associ- ation. There should be 300 members in Winnetka in order that the work can be carried on properly. Will you not join in with this movement by sending your application in to the superintendent? Mrs. Cuthburt Adams, Mrs. J. B. Al- 'ton, N. H. Blatchford, ir L. Ballenger, Ad allenger :d B. Burling Mrs. Edward B. a Dr. Frank 'W. Blatchford, Mrs. Frank Blatchford, Mrs. L. L. Buchanan, Mrs. Charles S. Buell, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, Mrs. Charles D. Boyles, Charles D. 'Boyles, Mrs. John T. Boddie, F. W. Burling- ham, Mrs. F. W. Burlingham, William Burry, Mrs. Breck, Dr. Alice Browr, Mrs. F. R. Bissell, Mrs. Ayres Boal, Mr. Ayres Boal, C. C. Boyles, Mrs. H. D. Boyles, Mrs. O. C. Butz, W. C. Boy- den, Mrs. W. C. Boyden, Mrs. W. E Beach, Miss Katherine Beebe, Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin, Mrs. John M. Curran, Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter, Mr. Benja- min Carpenter, Mrs. H. P. Crowell, Mrs. Stanley Clague, William W. Case, Mrs. William W. Case, Mr. Edwin H. Clarke, Mrs. Edwin H. Clark, F. K. Copeland, Ethel M. Copeland, Francis King Cooke, Victor L. Cunningham, Mancell T. Clark, Mrs. M. T. Clark, Mrs. H. A. DeWindt, John R. Dickinson, Mrs. John R. Dickinson, Ruth C. Dinsmoor, W. P. J. Dins- moor, W. Harry Davis, Mrs. C. L. Elmes, Mr. C. L. Elmes, Mr. tor Elting, Mrs. Victor Elting, Mrs. S J. Eisendrath, Mr. E. 8S. Eisen- drath, Mr. E. S. Fechheimer, Mrs. E. S. Fechheimer, Mrs. G. A. Follansbee, Mrs. I. K. Friedman, Frank R. Fuller, Mrs. Christian Fenger, George W. Gor- don, Mrs. Lena M. Gilmore, Miss Mary Gillespie, Mrs. Frederick Greeley, Sam- uel A. Greeley, Morris L. Greeley, Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, Mrs. W. S. Hamm, Mrs. H. L. Hollis, Mrs. John H. Har- din, Mrs. Victor Harding, William Healy, Mary Tenney Healy, Mr. Geo. Higginson, Jr.,, Mrs. Geo. Higginson, Jr., Mrs. J. L. Houghteling, Norman S. Hope, John Jameson, Mrs. John Jameson, W. H. King, Mrs. G. A. Ed Kohler, Mrs. L. B. Kuppenheimer, Mrs. M. R. Kultchar, Mr. Eugene Kultchar, Mrs. W. L. Kroeschell, Mrs. Cornelius Lynde, John R. Leonard, Mrs. John R. Leonard, Roswell B. Mason, Mrs. Roswell B. Mason, Mrs. Wm. H. Mar- tin, John R. Montgomery, Marion V. Montgomery, Mrs. Alfred E. McCordle, Wm. D. McKenzie, L.. Harrison Met- tier, M. D., F. O. Magie, Mrs. A. C. Magnus, Mr. A. C. Magnus, Wm. S. Vie- Miller, Murry Nelson, Jr., Mrs. Murry Nelson, Jr., Mrs. W. H. Nicholls, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Francis Payne Mason, Mrs. Francis Payne Mason, Wm. A. Otis, Elizabeth L. 8. Otis, Mrs. J. F. Porter, Mrs. E. C. Porter, H. W. Paul- son, Mr. Augustus Peabody, Mrs. Au- gustus Peabody, Mrs. Philip S. Post, Strotz, Mrs. W. E. Seatree, Wm. E. Sea- tree, W. P. Sidley, Mrs. W. P. Sidley, Frederick S. Tyrrell, Henry F. Tenney, Mr. H. K. Tenney, Mrs. H. K. Tenney, Miss Elizabeth Tenney; Horace K. Ten- ney, Jr., Mrs. Gertrude Thurston, Mrs. Geo. A. Thorne, Charles H. Thorne, Mrs. Charles H. Thorne, Mr. Lyman T. Walker, Mrs. Lyman T. Walker, Mrs. I. C. Wood, G. L. Walters, J. C. Winship, Mrs. J. C. Winship, Mr. Willoughby Walling, Mrs. W illoughby Walling, Mrs. C. C. Wortley, Lloyd C. Whitman, Mrs. Lloyd C. Whitman, Winnetka Drug & Merchandise com- pany, Mrs. Edward Yeomans, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Max K. Meyer, Mrs. Louis F. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Mcllvaine, Mrs. Law- rence M. Stein, Mrs. Chas. G. Bolte, Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller, Mrs. Archibald Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. John E. May. CUTS PRICE ON BREAD. Mr. F. Dabisch, proprietor of the Sanitary Home Bakery, is offering to the public a new one pound loaf of bread "called New England Hearth bread, which he sells for four cents a loaf. This bread is novel in that it is baked on the hearth of the oven instead of in pans in the inside of the oven. Mr. Dabisch bakes all of his Mrs. Carrie' B. Prouty, Eugene A. Rummler, Mrs. Th. F. Rhuland, Mrs. Franklin Rudolph, John W. Scott,]| Mrs. John W. Scott, Mrs. Roger Sherman, Mrs. Harry C. Seymour, Frederick H. Scott, Helen Ww. Scott, Douglas Smith, Mr. Chas. I. Sturgis, Mrs. Chas. I. 'Sturgis, Charles N. Strotz, Mrs. Charles N. own bread, and he expects that by of- I" fering this new bread at a low price -------- er ------ Our Terms: WINNETKA WOMAN ON COUNTY COMMITTEE Mrs. Ira Couch Wood Appointed by MeCormick to Assist in In- vestigating County Finances. Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, superinten- dent of the Juvenile Detention Home, was appointed Tuesday by. President A. A. McCormick of the county board a member of the committee to investi- gate the county's finances. The pur- pose of the inquiry is to discover means of completing the new county bospital, Other members of the committee are A. C. Bartlett, David R. Forgan, John Smulski, Robert M. Sweitzer, county clerk, and Commissioners Mit- chell, Moriarity, Anderson, Nowak, and Board. President McCormick is chairman of the committee, which holds its initial meeting next week. The county board's new hospital committee reported that $700,000, in addition to the $3,000,000 bond issue, would be needed to finish the hospi- tal as a result of the failure of the specifications of the former architect to keep within the financial limit. he will soon create an enormous de- mand for it. The bread is baked fresh every day and is only handled once from the oven to the customer. Miss Etta Ellison is slowly recover- ing from a long illness. Mrs. Frances P. Mason and c hild- ren are at Saugatuck, Mich. a CARLTON PROUTY LAWYER Prouty Building, Winnetka, II. Abstracts Examined. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases. Wills and all other legal papers prepared. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Phone 145 508 Linden P. O. Box 164 H. A. Lindwall HIGH CLASS UPHOLSTERING ---- AND CABINET WORK --_ Opposite Depot PHONE 12 Edward C.Weissenberg Dealer in COAL: COKE : FEED 813 Elm St., Winnetka, Il. Printing HANSEN p=Xu ; ; U BBARD Quality Printer %0928: SHOES of all kinds for men, wom- en and children. Best fitted electric repair shop in Win- netka All work guaranteed OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8:30 WINNETKA SHOE STORE Hh. LKUENSMAN, PROPRIETOR "804 Elm Street Phone 694 pd HOURS RONING = WITH ---- The "Iwantu® COMFORT GAS IRON A Boon to Everyone Who Does Iron PAY NO MONEY DOWN Our demonstrators will call upon you and ask permission to demonstrate the Comfort Gas Iron 50c with first gas bill 75c with next 4 months gas bills WINNETKA Waukegan N or th Shore Gas Co. Highland Park Lake Forest Libertyville