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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Jan 1917, p. 2

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2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1917 CHILD REN T0 Count Tolstoy SONG FESTIVAL HELD W. C. T. U. TO HOLD POUND LAST WEDNESDAY NIGHT | MEETING NEXT TUESDAY : i Says No Good to ESN i A S S ! S I I 0 A D WHIP obi ins. |, stig "= | Musicale at Scandinavian Church Was | Will Meet for Devotional Exercises AN ANTIY CLARE 9 Come from War Great Success--Splendid with Mrs. W. L. Eisengart, RTH N10) # Le is | N 3 Mov EM ENT Program. ' Tuesday Afternoon. \ fod Tells Story of Green Little : i ol The song festival held, last Wed- The Winnetka-Wilmette Woman's BStick Planting Word That}| nesday night, at the Scandinavian | Christian Temperance union will meet Inexpensive } ef \ wy ng : . . Evangelical church, Elm street, was with Mrs. W. L. BEisengart, 615 Ash : ° Chicago, North Shore and Will Put Out Fire. very successful both in point of at-|street, on Tuesday, January 30, at 2:30 Railroad £0 . s : - tendance as well as in the quality and o'clock. The devotional exercises will ® cas Milwaukee Railroad Be - F rendition of the program. consist of a Bible reading by Rev. Ed- Service 1 the ins Safety Campaign Count Ilya Tolstoy, who resembles| The selections rendered by the| ward Drew, and singing by Rev. Eric : : : E : y bug his father in his stature, blue eyes, ladies' quartet from Chicago were well Fernlund. Mr. Drew, with his sister, is at your service on the new | ga in Two States. nose and beard, and is in the United chosen and still better sung, to the | founded the first Boat Mission of North Shore Electric line. suj States to expound the ideas of the | great satisfaction of the audience. Mr. | South China. The sister is still en- Limited, all-steel trains leave ( ereat Russian novelist, says that the | Fernlund sang the "Holy City" and | gaged in the work, while Mr. Drew 2nd aud ig Milwaukee, | answer his father would give for the| "I love the Lord" with feeling and |is kept at home by ill health. Mr. also Central Street, Evanston, PLAY LECTURE, SERIES solution of the burning problems that understanding. Mrs. Harry Lind-|Fernlund is acting pastor of the hourly. Numerous local trains : vex the world today is in a word of | blom, Mrs. E. Froberg and Mr. Elmer Scandinavian church. Miss Addie throughout the day. Low four letters. Nelson played piano solos, and the | Austin, president of the board of man- | | rates of fare save you money. col children's choir, under the direction | agers of the Bethesda Day Nursery i akers Will Appear At| The failure to comprehend this word Ol i Spe pp ® rai D of Mr. Eric Nelson, sang very beauti- association, will tell of its work. Lo- North Shore i is responsible for the form patriotism nir gra aig Schools and Talk to i takes and the European war. tis a fully. cated at 1902 West Monroe street, with - | m= Pupils. ® 7) word carved on a green little stick,| The people present did splendidly in | its free kindergarten, the nursery Electric pa mr upils. © ¥ 5 {&& | which is said to be buried in the Yas-| pledging themselves to support the| cares for little children while their : . ; : ET i mothers, free from anxiet : is the quick, pleasant way to_go to by naya Polyana, and+ about which the | work of the church during the year. i ' K y concern or from anywhere along the North Count talked in an interview today. This coming Sunday, January 28,|ing them for the time, may go out to Shore--whether for short trip Mr Under the new management of the Count Tolstoy, moved by this word | Rev. Edward Drew will begin a series their work as breadwinners for their just a few miles or for a more ex: tab journey. Secure descriptive ? ! ; ; : : families. The little ones are sure of ded Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee |; ¢ | of Bible studies at the church. The tended J ¢ HERE : 5 and a growing Widlersianding 9 a warm place and two nourishing folder and time card from North railroad, accidents are to be elimin-| America, spoke out In a Way that was meals during each d Shore Electric ticket agents, of ted h ft is hb 1 unusual for a European on American through the week, except Monday, and g each gay. i chet Re] J\ i Rpts oo | soil for the first time. That very a ro Eli Bveree| Mrs. JV. Suxrad will sing Non [| Som SP Ere Sgeui on tls dytann sible, with the officers protecting a bopular question, "What do you think body interested is, therefore, most |wegian folk songs. Each lady who Chicago Elevated. meeting will be held every night roadbed nearly 100 miles in length. of New York?' was not put to the cordially invited. The ladies' quartet attends is asked to bring a pound of d } And the interesting feature of this| Count in that form. His comment will sing, Saturday and Sunday, Feb-| Some 8rocely article for the Beihesds Railroa 4 we: ruary 3 and 4. nursery. They may order their gro- Specially timed expresKer i in answer to another question as to safety first campaign by the road is q cers to deliver packages for this cause that a personal appeal is to be made i Ah Why THander Foil Giahtnl to Mrs. L. C. Norton, 370 Walnut to the school children to assist the "a rah il a : Who nil OS ining street, during this week. road in cutting down avoidable acci- erica, g: sald, 'is young, as ee ¥ IS connie ween young as Russia and equally unso-|two clouds and becomes cramped for trains on the Elevate h make exact connectioft with North Shore Elet tric limited trains ¢ TI Central Streeftain: dents : ; phisticated. Your people are very im-| room it "flashes" and we hear the . Evanston. = part To Give Safety Talks. pressionable, readily moved. It is in |"thunder." The heat generated by the VALERA R | Telephone 1 €2 The road is a member of the Safety | marked contrast with the terrible [electricity really causes violent convul- Central 828! First commission and pamphlets de-| moral decline of old Xurope in all | sions of the air, the noise of which is "The Varnish That Woa't Tura Whisa® h § Ti scribing how preventable accidents | domains of spiritual endeavor, art,|chunder. As light waves move more ; 3 one occur are being distributed in all the | music, literature, which was so | rapidly than sound 'waves, we see the Pai hod a) Kinds of Datnse direc schools between Chicago and Milwau- | prophetic of the present war. In|"flash" before we hear the reverbera- RI ng ing an borwork he kee. To supplement this, lectures are | many ways I feel that Russia and |tion. That also applies to gunfire. RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE TEV ison BL: ay to be delivered in each school by a| America are very close. i S15 da. representative of the road. "1 am here to speak Tow at 4 time | EEE EEE = Mi «I am satisfied the results of this| when the ideas of Christ have been up tl campaign will be far-reaching," said | forgotten. I find it my duty to re- Vita Britton I. Budd, president of the road. | member these ideas and the teachings danc «If we can teach the children to use| of Christ. to si due precaution, their elders naturally "It is too deep a question to con- will follow the good example set bY | sider now whether the men in the : : | Mi the youngsters." war are in their hearts growing tow- sight Warns of Crossings. ard or further away from Christianity. her Here are a few of the warnings But, broadly speaking, one can only Satu sounded in the pamphlets: exclaim that men cannot be Chris- reive ion tians who-are engaged jn killing pth- ers. How can one hold that men who are engaged in killing are Christians when Christianity itself is the prin- ciple of love? The only way to be a Christian would be to refuse to fight. As war is evil I do not believe the war can lead to any good, and I do not look forward to reforms as a re- sult of the war." "~ «when approaching a railroad crossing, one should always stop, look both ways and listen carefully. It is not sufficient only to notice if there is a train approaching in either di- rection, but it should be observed whether or not cars are being switched in the vicinity. Where gates are provided, or a flagman is stationed, never, under any circum- y v Th vas fohn Wed vas I rear. Afric rears oo ---------------------------- --_-------------------- stances, should a pedestrian dodge Count Tolstoy lectures in Winnetka, | tal under the gates or pass the flagman. February 24, at Community house. The siona The gates are left open as long as seats will be on sale February 1 in the rou; it is safe to do so and after they are office. eres lowered, one is taking serious chances F R O M T H I S D A T E \fric of losing his life or limb. An attempt . "nkle to gain a few minutes' time is often WINNETKA LIGHTWEIGHTS eck] regretted during the remainder of a TRIM FAST AUSTIN TE AM P an 3 lifetime and only too frequently, a life L : eav, is lost. oultry eed : 'nd rorn D Many Childben Kitled, Local Boys Win Game, Last Saturday : babi "During the last twenty years more A ' than 25,000 children have been killed Night by Score of ; A ! ; O ! re while trespassing on railroad right of 36 to 26. 'orn illin way. The greatest number of rail- road accidents occur to trespassers, ound and a large number of the persons The Winnetka Lightweight Basket injured are children. Taking short | Ball team defeated the Lacossa A. C. Mr cuts along railroad tracks is a very|of Austin, at the Community house, 'itae ome dangerous practice and though it may | last Saturday night, by the score of onor be engaged in for some time without | 36 to 26. [ack of space, caused by the en- bn: injury, sooner or later the trespasser The Winnetka team showed greaf] is likely to lose his life or be seriously improvement in short passing and crippled." t k. Phal rained his ankle 'Th Rh largement of our Lumber, Coal By BOOST PRICES ON ALL out. The line-up: . . : Cott Cadenhead:.....+. LT iis E nd Eh slime and Material business, has com- ws BIOW. +r siea seninrin vin C. 5, Thomas . 3 : ub, Wilmette Dealer Announces Substan- Tr Lip 8 en Bre pelled us to discontinue our F eed ¥ 2 tial Increase, Effective the Field goals--Cadenhead, 5; Voltz, 3; fue Snow, 1; Erny, 5; Thomas, 4; Sandow, First of February. Phalan, 3; McKinney, 2; Carpenter, 2; Department. a 2 - - - Lo 4. Foul goals--Cadenhead, 2; Phalan, iss J Biwasd T. Welhe lof the Wethe Mo. | 3), EIRY: 4. Referee, Haines; Lmpi-e, i 5 tor Sales company of Wilmette, has Clark; Time, 35 minutes. C. H. Shea- ian made the announcement that, effective han, manager. 4 the first of the month, the Haynes car will be advanced in price more than [] ° 3 a hundred dollars on all models. HEMSTITCHING -- Buttons Covered Qua [ ity -~ Se roice od This is in line with the natural lach tendencies of all motor car manufac- hou turers to raise the prices of their cars to meet the unusual increase in the cost of materials. Mr. Weihe, how- send or come to us. Ad North ° | Che ever, is still filling orders at the pres- Shore Dry Goods Stores take Ver) ent prices till next Thursday. orders for us. Work received one a oa -- um er Ov 'g. day delivered the next. When in need of Hemstitching, Cloth-Covered Buttons, Picot Edge, Pleating, Pinking and Buttonholes, Mail Orders Given Preferred 8, I The European governments argue tte pion: Telephones : 734 and 735 s. that war is an awfully good thing, and Fet then they spend a great deal of prin- EVANSTON HEMSTITCHING Earl Weinstock, Manager ter's ink and valuable paper trying to PLEATING AND BUTTON SHOP Any prove they weren't to blame for this jvm 5651 823 Davis St. An ; rm:

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