Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Mar 1917, p. 6

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{ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1917 oy -] [ Classified Advertisements aa B... per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line l Tuesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore | for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. = --1 EEE SY Bi -- ps re FOR_SALE FOR SALE--USED PIANOS, OVER- hauled; guaranted 5 years. $350.00 Kingingston, $125.00; $400.00 Bauer, $100.00; $350.00 Lyons, $95.00; $350.00 Mansfield, $75.00; $300.00 Kimball, $125.00; A. B. Chase organ, $8.00. Come and see our new pianos. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. 15-123-1tfc SALE--USED SEWING MA- overhauled; guaranted ©§ FOR chines, years. These machines were taken in trade on our New Singer Rotary. Domestic, $6.00; New Home, $5.00; Standard, $7.00; Singer, $8.00; Wheel- er & Wilson, $7.00. Also slightly used Singers, Whites, Standards. We can save you money on a new machine-- any make. Call; it will pay you to see us. We do repairing on all ma- chines. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 15-123-tfc FOR SALE -- MODERN SIX-ROOM house; 2 enclosed porches; lot 100x 150 ft., in Hubbard Woods, $8,500. Phone Winn. 652-W. 2-3-1te RAL ILL LL LIRA AL SRA SRE Sedillo FOR SALE--CHICKEN HOUSE, 8x10; well lined; also quantity of used lum- ber. Phone Winn. 2 or 531-M. 2-1te FOR SALE--NEW COLONIAL HOUSE, with sleeping porch and garden, in Hubbard Woods; owner leaving. Conover, 25 Green Bay-rd. 51-2-3-tfc FOR SALE--GENUINE ANTIQUE MA- hogany four-poster bed and dresser. Enquire Lindwall. Phone Winnetka 145. 2-1tp HATCHING EGGS ALDRICH STRAIN prize winner White Orpington, $2.00 per setting. Delivered. A. W. Evans, 2754 Ewing-av.,, Evanston. Phone 5298. 17-123-8tc FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture; party is leaving town; call mornings. Mrs. C. F. Hogle, 407 Cen- tral-av., Wilmette. Phone 10. 123-1tc FOR SALE--MOLINE 5-PASSENGER touring car; excellent condition, new- ly painted, 2 extra tires, rims and chains. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone Wilmette 1352. 123-1te FOR SALE--MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 enclosed porches, lot 100x150 ft, $8,500. Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 652-W. | 15-123-2tc FOR RENT FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, HOT water heat. 907 Ash-st. Phone Winn. 513-W. 47-2-tfc FOR RENT--FOUR PLEASANT ROOMS, 2nd flat. 180 Chestnut-st. Phone Winn. 1065. 2-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, HOT water heat, 941 Oak-st. Phone Winn. 699-M. 2-tfe FOR RENT--VEGETABLE GARDEN, 100x187, fenced in. Ash-sty west of Rosewood. Tel. 5652-R. __2-tfe TO RENT--STRICTLY MODERN 17- room house, 3 screened and glazed porches; lot 100x150; fine trees, lawn and garden. 1077 Cherry-st. 2-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE--NEW SEVEN- room house, 1324 Asbury-av., Hub- bard Woods. Phone Winn. 1178, it -tfc FOR RENT--STORE AND APART- * ment in Bank building. Small store in Annex on Lincoln-av. Apartment No. 15--5 rooms--545 Lincoln-av. Ayres Boal, 1515 Peoples Gas bldg. 51-2-4tc FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED ROOMS, heated. 1027 Spruce-st. Phone 898. 2-1tp FOR RENT--5-ROOM HOUSE WITH bath. 894 Linden, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 845. 2-1te SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT the house and yard; floors, windows, ete.; hardwood floors and vacuum cleaning my specialty. Jess Clay, 2510 Isabella-st., Evanston. Tele- phones, Evanston 4303 and Winnetka 388. 1-1tfe SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced gardener; good references. Ad- dress C-19 Lake Shore Publishing Co., Wilmette. 52-23-2tc q 7 3% on Savings Deposits Storage for Silver and all Valuables Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Winnetka State Bank LITTLE LLL LIL ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLLLL LIT TIT TZ rr IZ rziirrrirriizzzzizizi LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WANTED -- POSITION BY EXPERI- enced gardener and chauffeur, age 26; white. Address Box 64, Winnetka. 51-23-4tc FINE LAUNDRY WORK DONE AT 992 Ash-st. Refs. 51-2-4tp WANTED -- POSITION BY EXPERI- enced chauffeur; good references; careful driver; private family pre- ferred. Address Winnetka Talk, B-17. 2-1tp WILL CUT AND FIT YOUR DRESS and instruct you in sewing it. Charges $1.00; by appointment only. Phone Winn. 1034. 2-1te HELP WANTED WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with baby. Phone Wilmette 198 te LOST AND FOUND LOST--FEBRUARY 15, BETWEEN 860 Spruce-st. and Christ Church, Win- netka, silver lorgnette. Return to above address or phone Winn. 380. Reward. 2-1tp LOST--SILVER MESH PURSE WITH initials M. F. L., Monday. If found, notify Winnetka Talk. Reward. 1" 2-1te Painters & Decorators }. F. ECKAR 736 Elm St. Phone 484 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. NOTICE Notice of proceedings for the open- ing and extension of a new street, ex- tending from Ridge Avenue to Oak Street, by condemning therefor the following described land, to-wit: That part of lot one (1) in the sub- division of block thirty-six (36) in Winnetka, being a subdivision of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20) and north half of fractional sec- tion twenty-one (21) in township forty-two (42) north, range thirteen (13) east of the third principal merid- ian, in Cook County, Illinois, accord- ing to the plat of said subdivision of block thirty-six (36) as recorded in the office of the recorder of said Cook County, Illinois, in Book 60 of Plats, at page 20, as Document Number 1,842,994, that is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot one (1) and running thence west along the north line of said lot one (1) fifty-nine and fifty-four hun- dredths (59.54) feet; thence south- easterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot of 57 degrees 6 minutes to the southeast, one hundred forty-two and ninety-eight one hundredths (142.98) feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of said lot one (1) which is fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hun- dredths (58.99) feet west of the south- east corner of said lot one (1) as measured along the south line there- of; thence east along the south line of said lot one (1) fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet to the southeast corner of said lot one (1); thence north along the east line of said lot one (1) eighty-five one hundredths (0.85) feet to an angle in the east line of said lot one (1); thence northwesterly along the north- easterly line of said lot one (1) one hundred forty-two (142) feet to the point of beginning; also that part of lot two (2) in the subdivision of block thirty-six (36) aforesaid that is de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot two (2) and running thence west along the north line of said lot two (2) fifty- eight and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot two (2) of 56 degrees 59 minutes to the south- east, fifty-nine and sixty-five one hun- dredths (59.65) feet to a point on the south line of said lot which is twenty- six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet west of the southeast cor- ner of said lot two (2); thence east along the south line of said lot two tracting business. Office: 809 Elm St. Telephone 122 RT ZZ Tr Zr 2 2 2 2 7 2 a Ed EL ZZ LT, Announcement I wish to announce that I have started in the cement con- I was formerly connected with the Burkitt & Wylie Construction company. to give estimates on all kinds of cement work. PAUL RESCHKE & CO. CEMENT CONTRACTORS rT Zi LT 2 La Ld Edd Ld lal eld lle I will be pleased Residence: 899 Willow St. Telephone 1362 ASSIS IIIA IIIS ISS SHAS ASTI LISS SAAS IIIS AISI II SII (2) twenty-six and ninety seven one hundredths (26.97) feet to the south- east corner of said lot two (2); thence north along the east line of said lot two (2) fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning; also that part of lot three (3) in the subdivision of block thirty- six (36) aforesaid that is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot tnree (3) and run- ning thence west along the north line of said lot three (3) twenty-six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot three (3) of 66 degrees 57 minutes to the southeast forty-nine and seven-tenths (49.7) feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of said lot three (3) which is forty-two (42) feet south of the northeast corner of said lot three (3); thence north along the east line of said lot three (3) forty-two (42) feet to the point of beginning, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the pur- pose of making said improvement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Cook, id IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. General No. ys 38825. Village of Winnetka Leonard H. Roach, et al. | In the matter of the petition of the Village of Winnetka for the ascertain- ment of the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the opening and ex- tension of a new street, extending from Ridge Avenue to Oak Street, by condemning therefor the following de- scribed land, to-wit: That part of lot one (1) in the sub- division of block thirty-six (36) in Winnetka, being a subdivision of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20) and north half of fractional sec- tion twenty-one (21) in township forty-two (42) north, range thirteen (13) east of the third principal merid- ian, in Cook County, Illinois, according to the plat of said subdivision of block thirty-six (36) as recorded in the office of the recorder of said Cook County, Illinois, in Book 60 of Plats, at page 20, as Document Number 1,842,994, that is described as follows: Begin- ning at the northeast corner of said lot one (1) and running thence west along the north line of said lot one (1) fifty-nine and fifty-four hundredths (59.54) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot of 57 degrees 6 minutes to the southeast, one hundred forty-two and ninety-eight one hundredths (142.98) feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of said lot one (1) which is fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet west of the southeast corner of said lot one (1), as measured along the south line thereof; thence east along the south line of said lot one (1) fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hun- dredths (58.99) feet to the southeast corner of said lot one (1); thence north along the east line of said lot one (1) eighty-five one hundredths (0.85) feet to an angle in the east line of said lot one (1); thence north- westerly along the northeasterly line of said lot one (1) one hundred forty- two (142) feet to the point of begin- ning; also that part of lot two (2) in the subdivision of block thirty-six (36) aforesaid that is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot two (2) and running thence west along the north line of said lot two (2) fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot two (2) of 56 degrees 59 min- utes to the southeast, fifty-nine and sixty-five one hundredths (59.65) feet to a point on the south line of said lot which is twenty-six and ninety- seven one hundredths (26.97) feet west of the southeast corner of said lot two (2); thence east along the south line of said lot two (2) twenty- six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet to the southeast corner of said lot two (2); thence north along the east line of said lot two (2) fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning; also that part of lot three (3) in the subdivision of block thirty-six (36) aforesaid that is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot three (3) and running thence west along the north line of said lot three (3) twenty-six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot three (3) of 56 degrees 57 minutes to the southeast forty-nine and seven-tenths (49.7) feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of said lot three (3) which is forty-two (42) feet south of the northeast cor- ner of said lot three (3); thence north along the east line of said lot three (3) forty-two (42) feet to the point of beginning, all in the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of making said improvement. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The said Court by order duly en- tered herein, having directed that no- tice be given to the said defendant and to all whom it may concern, by publication as by law required in the Winnetka Weekly Talk, a newspaper published in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Notice is hereby given to All Whom it May Concern, that the Village of Winnetka heretofore filed its petition in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, praying for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the opening and exten- sion of a new street, extending from Ridge Avenue to Oak Street, by con- demning therefor the following de- scribed land, to-wit: That part of lot one (1) in the sub- division of block thirty-six (36) in Winnetka, being a subdivision of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20) and north half of fractional sec- tion twenty-one (21) in township forty- two (42) north, range thirteen (13) east of the third principal meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, according to the plat of said subdivision of block thirty-six (36) as recorded in the of- fice of the recorder of said Cook County, Illinois, in Book 60 of Plats, at page 20, as Document Number 1,842,- 994, that is described as follows: Be- ginning at the northeast corner of said lot one (1) and running thence west along the north line of said lot one (1) fifty-nine and fifty-four hun- dredths (59.54) feet; thence south- easterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot of 57 degrees 6 minutes to the southeast, one hundred forty-two and ninety-eight one hundredths (142.98) feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of said lot one (1) which is fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hun- dredths (58.99) feet west of the south- east corner of said lot one (1) as measured along the south line there- of; thence east along the south line of said lot one (1) fifty-eight' and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet to the southeast corner of said lot one (1); thence north along the east line of said lot ome (1) eighty-five one hundredths (0.85) feet to an angle in the east line of said lot one (1); thence north- westerly along the northeasterly line of said lot one (1) one hundred forty- two (142) feet to the point of begin- ning; also that part of lot two (2) in the subdivision of block thirty-six (36) aforesaid that is described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot two (2) and running thence west along the north line of said lot two (2) fifty-eight and ninety-nine one hundredths (58.99) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot two (2) of 56 degrees 59 minutes to 'the southeast, fifty-nine and sixty-five one hundredths (59.65) feet to a point on the south line of said lot which is twenty-six and ninety- seven hundredths (26.97) feet west of the southeast corner of said lot two (2); thence east along the south line of said lot two (2) twenty-six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet to the southeast corner of said lot two (2); thence north along the east line of said lot two (2) fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning; also that part of lot three (3) in the sub- division of block thirty-six (36) afore- said that is described as follows: Be- ginning at the northeast corner of said lot three (3) and running thence west along the north line of said lot three (3) twenty-six and ninety-seven one hundredths (26.97) feet; thence southeasterly in a straight line which makes an angle with the north line of said lot three (3) of 56 degrees 57 minutes to the southeast forty-nine and seven-tenths (49.7) feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of said lot three (3) which is forty-two (42) feet south of the north- east corner of said lot three (3); thence north along the east line of said lot three (3) forty-two (42) feet to the point of beginning, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, for the purpose of making said improvement, and of what property will be benefited there- by and the amount of such benefit, the estimated cost of such improve- ment being the sum of Five Thousand, Seven Hundred One Dollars and no cents ($5,701.00); that Commissioners were duly appointed by said Court to investigate and report the just com- pensation to be made for private prop- erty to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and also what real es- tate will be benefited by such improve- ment and the amount of such benefits to each parcel of land benefited there- by, and that said Commissioners duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of such improvement, and duly filed their report in the office of the Clerk of the said Court on the twenty-eighth day of February 1917. 3 Thereupon a summons issued ouf said Court against the defend above named and all whom it may ¢ cern, returnable at the County Co House in the City of Chicago, in County, on the second day of i A.D. 1917, as is by law required, Wl proceeding is still pending. Now! less you, the said defendants, de nated as all whom it may conc shall be and appear before thes County Court of Cook County, Illin at the Court House in the City of cago, in said County, on or before second day of April, A. D. 1917, plead, answer or demur to the p tioner's petition, or object to the port of the Commissioners A) the same and the matters and thi therein charged and stated willl taken as confessed, and a judgm entered in accordance with the s port and the prayer of the said] tion. 3 The following is a descripti the lots, blocks, tracts or parcel land sought to be taken or d for the proposed improvement said, viz.: That part of lot one in the subdivision of block thirty (36) in Winnetka, being a subdivi of the northeast quarter of sed twenty (20) and north half of § tional section twenty-one (21) inti | ship forty-two (42) north, mn thirteen (13) east of the third] cipal meridian, in Cook County, nois, according to the plat of{ | subdivision of block thirty-six | i as recorded in the office of the corder of said Cook County, = in Book 60 of Plats, at page | Document Number 1,842,994, thi described as follows: Beginnin the northeast corner of said lot (1) and running thence west d the north line of said lot) (1) fifty-nine and fifty-four hund (59.54) feet; thence southeaste a straight line which makes an with the north line of said lot degrees 6 minutes to the south one hundred forty-two and nit eight one hundredths (142.98) more or less, to a point on thes line of said lot one (1) which is eight and ninety-nine one hund (58.99) feet west of the southeast ner of said lot one (1), as me along the south line thereof; ti east along the south line of one (1) fifty-eight and ninety-ni hundredths (58.99) feet to Teg east corner of said lot one (1); north along the east line of sai one (1) eighty-five one hundrn (0.85) feet to an angle in the eas of said lot one (1); thence d westerly along the northeasterl of said lot one (1) one hundred two (142) feet to the point of ning; also that part of lot t in the subdivision of block t (36) aforesaid that is described & lows: Beginning at the no corner of said lot two (2) and thence west along the north lit said lot two (2) fifty-eight and ni nine one hundredths (58.99) | thence southeasterly in a straigh which makes an angle with thet line of said lot two (2) of 56 de 59 minutes to the southeast, fifty and sixty-five one hundredths (i feet to a point on the south said lot which is twenty-six and seven one hundredths (26.97)! west of the southeast corner lot two (2); thence east alo: south line of said lot two (2) tu six and ninety-seven one hund (26.97) feet to the southeast a of said lot two (2); thence north the east line of said lot two (2) (50) feet to the point of begin also that part of lot three (3) subdivision of block thirty-six aforesaid that is described as fol Beginning at the northeast cor said lot three (3) and running fi west along the north line of sai three (3) twenty-six and ninetys one hundredths (26.97) feet; southeasterly in a straight line! makes an angle with the -- of said lot three (3) of 56 deg minutes to the southeast fort and seven-tenths (49.7) feet, mg less, to a point on the east lit said lot three (3) which is forf (42) feet south of the northeas ner of said lot three (3); thencel along the east line of said | (3) forty-two (42) feet to the 0 beginning, all in the Village of netka, County of Cook and St Illinois. ] Dated at the City of Chicago, ty of Cook and State of Illinoi§ twenty-eighth day of February, 1917. ROBERT M. SWEITZ Clerk of the County of Cook County, I FREDERICK DICKINSON, Attorney for the Village of Winnetka. First insertion March 2. 3 Final insertion March 23.

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