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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 May 1917, p. 4

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1 1917. mm om Mm om Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK br form friendships and gain refresh- In view of the great amount of | this ason, The report of the fest =o to 25 thine ment for another day. A good line |land being broken up into gardens, | mate that chickens are running wilc 'ine ome Sit ress ey cuore Publishing Company of movie shows would do a lot to re-|in and around the village, it is a safe | along that thoroughfare leads us to Owner, A-142, LakdiShore News Telephone Winnetka 388 lieve the tedium of this hard working | bet that the production of ragweed, contemplate the sending forth of a SUBSCRIPTION......... $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Winnetka, Ill. Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, card of off steam. But when the day's work is over, they need pleasant recrea- tion tents where they can meet and life. Liquor and women always form a problem in connection with army camps and will need to be dealt with rigorously. If these boys are to be worthy soldiers of Uncle Sam, phys- ically able to meet the tests of army life, the people who have money to make by encouraging vices must be kept at a distance. The churches and Young Men's Christian Associations have a great chance to provide wholesome facilities here for recrea- wormwood, parsley, pigweed and all break all previous records. 24 hour period of time is to travel riots in Berlin, map out a full mili- tary program for all commands, de- cide on just how much food the peo- ple tribute 100,000 iron crosses. and hungry cats lose in nesting sea- son without any bells on them. MY other known weeds will this year ------ ; All the Kaiser has to do in each from the East front to the West front and back again, quell three may eat, and personally dis- Spe though we haven't listened to every chicken story that has been told us scouting party of one, with the hope of effecting a capture. And, in conclusion, the old tub went the e for the non<appearance of the con- ning last Thursday. and a Look Over the Other Pagfs. aking of Sheridan road, al- ! z Riparian Rig! in Kenil Property o - ---- into dry dock last week to have ngines cleaned which accounts tower through the sea of ink, Thanking you one 11. ---- We do Hemstitching 10c per yd. Buy in Evanston where you can get it chea yy the thanks, obituary poetry, notices of en- | tion, so that the boys will not be : EE ; we Er anments or other arairs whevs an driven by dullness to seek diversion Ed. Weihe, who peddles joy collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. in harmful ways. aE eer a a Chances of the Soldiers. When a young man enlists in the wagons for a living, was recently ill for a few days, and was attended by one of the prominent physicians of the North Shore. When Ed. showed (Porsen os i(on SINGER ELECTRIC Over 2 million i 5 3 up at his sales emporium a friend OPTOMETRISTS SINGER ROTARY sold each year ; (cre i 3 tearful time among his re. | 39ked Him if he thought his doctors' | 118 So. Dearborn St Chicago Used machines $5.00 up latives. And yet, the chances are Medicine Si a good. the dives: . Repairing on all machines. Our (kL ante = mhomoron oF ea, 2 | onal Be red Bn RE : : re "And what are the directions?" the ells hat stay 3 home, © °'| "Keep the boul tightly corkee" || pinkins ' > ree ha piven | | PATERSON BROS. C] J " --t "My Country 'Tis of Thee, Sweet Land done as modern warfare seems, The young ladies of the village whe Ain ihe bent ' and 1522 Shernian Av. Evanston » v y : qs ET aoe . : anston 65 of Liserty, Medien SE 3, go in for ip-stiaking [5 she Evanston Hemstitching Pleating & Button Shop PONE: Pronoun, 52 ; : = : Sy young fellows of the neighborhood Phone 5651 83 Davis St. FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1917. Share of fhe from 00e Ionnes oe formes who indulge in excessive "cigarette ios due pl ae oan 5 rolling" are making a decidedly poor DT I Sd ab To Catia tho Tomas oF gy | 7 ME EE) i ardening enthusiasm in May service, there is the fact that tl : N id _in July constitute two different Pro-| boys now enlisting aré going to fee vine Bs a il ome \ S P R | N G C LEA N i NG S EASON \ : positions. The air of a bright spring very healthful lives. They will b e fat men : : day is like electricity and people take drifling and Prati RAL jr Wien thay Se on nisentes and \ od HERS > : \ hold of their first spading and plant-| ores in the wholesoe open air, | 1nd they have lost flesh they im- N\ Let our representative call to give estimates i ing with alacrity. But to bring the They will become physically fitter, medinsely: lash and' shine iso \ on cleaning your Rugs, Curtains, Portieres, crop to fruition is another g 2 StOTY- | able to endure strains, full of good | MUSH about it that they gain flesh Draperies, Upholstered Furniture, Garments, When the sun reaches its zenith and health and courage. For all wit do again, Fic. 1 there is a mess of weeds to be rooted | not actually go into battle, it will : We cle: i d the Upholst | i i yg , Svery. mani n : e clean Auto Slip Covers and the holster { out, many of our garden novices will Every man in the village is at ACE Pp P Y ie REL RE : ; : ernment insists upon conscripting open air. The many men 'who get | us die there. sincle mien frst out and play golf and tennis secure i a JRE g Eo, ( the physical activity that they need. Some people's idea of displaying And that reminds the powder || A Just the same results can be had by | patriotism is hanging out a flag and monkey that it is reported that || IN N hoeing potatoes if one can only leaving it out in stormy weather so rervhod in the village will be D think so: The man who usually that it gets to look like a pink dish- pe stockings b next | i" { spends his days in a stuffy mill or | rag. roa ht hoe ney dL to Il CAPITAL $35,000.00 5 aienl ts " wd y 5 » 4 store ought to feel a physical stimu * foal § ted L Peri higher prices prevail. hone Wilmet : ! = : RD Payers ical Suggeste y Periscope 924 Lind | task will require only half the effort . F. J. Hoffman, Jr re pve ie A el 1 : Observat de y Jha Wilmett . i 11 performed at the coolest time of Setvations "Isken from sist . quit. The old timers had their own wise ideas about garden work. They used to get up at an hour in the morning when it is a pleasure to work. Even on the warmest day the air is cool breathing contaminat : . , SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS : ; g ed air. There SVE: t at the front d i and pleasant in the morning. are always some who give way under Te [ooiis sntonen af the fon! 6 Electric Place Wilmette People who work indoors can read- | these conditions and suffer serous indeod 5 te nile gamble with death 554 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka ily get a lot of physical 'benefit out i of their garden if they would do it right. The sedentary toiler needs some form of active exercise in the lus from an hour or two of daily in the invigorating ozone. If the indoor worker takes his garden stunt at night when he is dull with nervous strain and in a state of lassitude from bad air and a stooping position over a desk or ma- chine, the additional exercise won't do him much good. If he will get up in the morning when it is cool and pleasant, he will feel the better for his exertion. " The gardefiers must expect some lame backs and stiff muscles for a few days. They will have them just work nant tissue has been put to work, the body will improve from the more complete use of its powers. But the day, when the worker is refreshed from his night's sleep. * ok ok Ek Life in Army Camps. As soon as our new volunteer or conscripted armies are mobilized, the problem comes up of the kind of life they are going to live in camps. The first thing to be looked out for is their physical comfort. They need good food, well cooked, and plenty of it. : At the time of the Spanish war there were bitter complaints of the food served to soldier boys. Their Lardships have made it difficult for many years to secure enlistments. On the Mexican border there has been much less complaint. The ab. sence of scandal indicates that the boys were pretty well fed. The big give them reserves of strength and energy for years to come. Meanwhile the boys who stay at home will for the next year or two be living largely indoor lives, work- ing in stooping postures over desks, impairment of vital organs. It's dan- gerous living most anywhere now, and as some humorist said, the bed is the most risky place as most of Uncle Sam having signed up with the Entente Allies ball nine, has been assigned a position out in the field. x ok ok ok x 1 There is a general agreement that weath should pay heavily for the war, and everyone's definition of wealth is about $1000 a year more then he gets. * ok ok ke ok Girls are willing to go out to do- mesg ic service nowadays if there are no children in the" family and the mistress will do the cooking, sweep- ing and laundry work. i . L liberty to tell the government how to run the Army; and the Gevern- ment also is at liberty to put the advice in the Congresional Record, along with the other jokes. which only the bravest men can take | without flinching. the Captain to wonder why the Gov- the modest about showing their socks. | to the sale of high power spectacles. elor brigade will have to invest in moon-gazing the pork cnd beans at the local hash factory, if food stuffs mount much higher. And that causes | men, as they are proverbally ut it will probably give an impetus | Ee Speaking of spectacles, the bach- Reo 4 Our Prices are the same as advertised by Cleaners' Association. in Automobiles or Electrics. need our attention? Does your car Our Name is Our Telephone 22200000) 7, % Z NW telescopes to locate 1 | wim | i And: Necessities of life are so high || that some of 'the poor people living | along Sheridan road can only afford | o eat the luxuries. | Torpedoes Topical and Typ- Get an ESTIMATE for yy -- SPRING HOUSE DECOR from a carcful and thorough mechan Within the Editorial Con- ning Tower. #3 G G TaN: After complaining that there is no business life in the village, many of the residents send money away to SELF LOCKING -- STORM PROOFN} other places to help produce business life somewhere else. ° PERK There is no trouble in geting in- structions about planting the gar- den. Just ask a few friends and you will get just about 167 varieties of conflicting advice. lm There is not. .an amateur gardener in New Trier but what would deny that he would be so unmannerly as to spit on his hands. They all ex- pect to wear gloves. ji FORMERLY BANK OF M. K. MEYER ESTABLISHED 1894 MONEY TO LOAN at 87 on Improved Real Estate. SAVINGS and COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS respectfully solicited L. ee ARTE -- | the same if they took any unac- 29 ei Ee PR AR Si re ae ; customed pleasure .like tennis or | Ere Xr ij | | | il i Il f 5 baseball. But just as soon as stag- | SUBMARINE SLAMS | : . : PEAK as pleas- antly and cour- teously when using the telephone as in a face-to-face conver- = : . g2 armies now to be raised will present -- EE sation. i a greater problem for the quarter- There are some people who im- : master than was ever handled before. It will take a high range of executive ability to provide a wholesome and appetizing table for so many men. Jt will pay to make the boys com- fortable. The less their hardships, the more willingly they will do their bit. Patriotism thrives under diffi- culties, if it means raw food and lumpy beds. agine that the proper way, to sub- scribe to this unexcelled exponent of home journalism- is to run to the next door neighbor's and borrow the current copy. Ea The price of gasoline keeps going up, but anyone in New Trier town- | s ship who ownes an automobile js |! supposed to have a lot of money appearance as well as scientific in con- been carefully arranged with regard to ly- | light and THE SIMPLEX AWNING The Simplex Awning is beautiful in truction. It successfully withstands he severest storms. Everything has air. They in no way inter- ""The Voice with the Smile Wins" Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager . % ' or ri y i i v 0 The boys need pleasant recreations | ing around that he doesn't know Ie Saran venHiation ofa rool BS Telephone 9003 and some home-like surroundings. |what to do with. extends out, takes its position firmly i They will be put through some stir- ---- and locks securely. ring physical stunts, giving them per- After complaining because the haps all the athletics they need. It may not be necessary to organize baseball and football leagues to work - birds are less numerous than former- ly, there are a lot of people in the vilage who will turn their athletic Northwestern Shade Co., Not Inc. Carlton Bldg. Winnetka, 111. PHONE 1125 3

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