Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 May 1917, p. 8

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mom om om = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1917. gegessesseoopoay § CLASSIFIED ADs QLOORO ERY eRe FOR SALE DAY OLD CHICKS, FRESH EGGS and poultry for sale. Phone Wil- mette 195. Farm, Gross Point. Ld ¥E; ke 26-1-2-3-2tc | FOR SALE--ONE FOLDING BED, Windsor make. Phone 975M Wil- mette. 26-1-2-3-1te USED PIANOS -- EMERSON $45.00; Lyon & Healy, $50.00; Decker, $60.00; Kimball, $%85.00; Schubert, $65.00; Cable, $110.00; Bauers, $135.00. Pay- ments $5.00 per mo. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 25-123tfe FOR SALE--THOR ELECTRIC WASH- ing machines and Electric Ironing machines. We give you the best | proposition and fine service. Try our | payment plan. Patterson Bros, 1522 | Sherman Ave. Evanston. 25-123tfe | FOR SALE--USED SEWING MA-| chines taken in trade on our new Singer. We can save you money on any make sewing machine. Singer, $6.00; New Home, $6.00; Eldredge, Rotary, new style, $12.00. Almost new Singer $18.00: Singer, 66, $17.00; Wilcox & Gibbs, $18.00. Other bar- gains. We do repairing on all ma- chines. Payments. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman Ave. Evanston. 25-123tfe BIRDS EGGS OF OUR CUPS. RIB- bons, sweepstakes winners: guaran- teed. S. C. W.. Leghorn, yards 1030 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette TOSM. 23-123-3te BABY Phone T5-tfe ST. 100 FOR SALE--BROWN REED carriage in good condition. Winn. 1175. FOR SALE--878 CHERRY feet of ground with small cattage. Phone Winn 959. T7-1tp FOR SALE--McCRAY ICE BOX IN good condition: 100 gallop gasoline tank. Phone 1171. T8-1te FOR SALE--STATION WAGON: A bargain. 915 Sheridan Road, Hub- bard Woods. T2<1te FOR SALE--BED STEAD AND OTHER other furniture. 833 Cherry St, Phone Winn. 514-R. TS-1te FOR RENT x FOR RENT--APARTMENT THIRD floor front four rooms and sun par- lor in the beautiful Oakridge Apart- ments. 1615 Ridge Ave. Evanston. Rent $52.00. Concessions to June 1. Care Mason & Smart, telephone Evanston 285. 26-1-2-3-1tdh' FOR RENT-NICE FURNISHED ROOM 903 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. T7-1tp OR RENT--2 BLOCKS FROM HUB- Fon Woods Station for period of from 1 to 3 months: six-room furn- ished home in refined neighborhood: screened or glassed porch: excen- tional yard. Address Winnetits, THE B-15 FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR light housekeeping; 969 Spruce FOR RENT--FINE FURNISHED HOME FOR room, suitable for one, 2 blocks from station. Phone Winn. 388. TS-1tp ENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN PORE home enr transportation. Phone 620-J. TR-1te NT_FIREPROOF GARAGE, FoR a Crd 300 Fairview Ave, Winnetka. TS8-1tp HELP WANTED NTED--TRUSTWORTHY MIDDLE wa lady who will either come to house to care for baby or take baby to their home occasjenal after- noon and evenings to relieve mother. Telephone Wilmette 1647. 26-tf DH TED--FIRST-CLASS CHAMBER ht and laundress, wages $10 a week. Phone Winn. 1363. T8-1te SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT aS house and yard; floors, windows, ete.: hardwood floors my specialty. Jess Clay, 2510 Isabella st., Evanston. Telephones, Evanston 4303 and Win- netka 388. 24-1-2-dh-tf SMAKER FROM TOWN WANTS EA br dhe a en roael- e nnetka 990. ing done. Tel 3% este ET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR RRL and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WE CARE FOR LAWNS AND GAR- dens and do general work around residences. Phone Winn 1376. T7-4tc LADY--MIDDLE AGED, COLLEGE graduate, ex-teacher, seeks position care of children for small renumera- tion. Home is special object. Highest, . references given. Address Winnetka Talk B-29. TR-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--MINK NECK FUR WITH SIX tails, Monday about 3 p. m. on Oak Street, Rosewood Ave, or Elm St Finder please notify 1097 Oak St. or Phone Winn. 692-J. TS-1tf LOST -- CHILD'S GOLD RIMMED glasses. Address 800 Lincoln Ave, Phone Winn. 516-M. TS-1te WANTED TO RENT WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM AND breakfast for married couple, in small private family during summer months. Phone Winn. 320 for in- formation. TS-1te MISCELLANEOUS | WANTED--6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE IN | Winnetka for cash. Must be bar- | gain. Give full particulars. Address Winnetka Talk, R-45. TS8-1tc WANTED--TO BUY HOUSE WHICH can be moved. Phone Glen 682. % TR-2-3-1tp The food speculators are having their innings now, but the American people have two strikes and no balls called on 'em. k kk Ar man who delivered munitions to the enemy would be called a traitor and driven out of the country, while a man who takes away food from ourselves and our allies by boosting prices is still received in the best society. kk *k The Army recruiting officers are making very strict physical examina- tions, but no good man should be rejected merelv because he has a small mole on his left arm. x kK kk WILLIAM A. BAEHR OF GLENCOE WITH GAS C0 Elected Vice-President North Shore Concern at Recent Meeting. IN CHARGE OF OPERATING Reorganization of Service Will Be Made With View To Furnishing Ample and Continued Gas. The president of the North Shore Gas Company, Mr. George F. Good- now, has resigned his office and his son, Mr. Albert C. Goodnow, has also resigned general manager: The company has elected to fill these offices Mr. Everett IL. Millard of Highland Park as its president, and Mr. William A. Baehr of Glencoe as its vice-president in charge of opera- tions and as its consulting engineer. Mr. Millard has been identified with the company as its general counsel for several years, but Mr. Baehr is a new man in the company, although he has been in the public utility business and particularly in the gas business for a great many years and is a consulting engineer and gas man of prominence and long expefience. Mr. Baehr's election brings to the company all the ex- perience which he has gathered in his years of engineering and operat- ing practice and it is felt will be of as material assistance to the North Shore Gas company in providing modern, efficient and courteous serv- ice for its many patrons on the North Shore. He has recently served the Village of Winnetka as its expert gas engineer in reference to the serv- ice furnished by the North Shore Gas Company to that village and the other towns in the territory and to report in general on gas service con- ditions in these communities, so he is already familiar with the plant and system to a very large extent. The North Shore Gas company states that it is the intention of these officials to take all the steps neces- sary to promptly and rapidly bring its plant to the highest state of ef- ficiency and to lay such mains and so safeguard its distribution system that the supply of gas will be not only of constant good quality, but in ample volume and pressure for all consumers at all times. It is the in- tention of these officials to provide the best of gas service to the com- pany's patrons and no stone will be left unturned to accomplish this end. The company is planning to erect in the near future a consider- able addition to its North plant at Waukegan for the purpose of sup- plying sufficient gas for the in- creased demands of the population now and for a considerable period of time to come. This plant will be of the most modern and approved type. mE Ee a Read All the Newspaper. FO EXCHA dala dined GE A two-flat building in Birchwood overlooking the lake. Flats con- tain 6 rooms, 2 baths and sun par- lor and rent for $1440 per year. Owner will exchange for 6 or 7 room house in Wilmette, Kenil- worth or Winnetka or might con- sider good vacant. At several pieces of desirable acreage the present time we have for sale along the North Shore. [ASEYERE OTIS BUILDING -CHICAGO TELEPHONE MAIN 4724 MILAN LUSK'S AMERICAN DEBUT IS MUSICAL EVENT Priemier Violinist of North Shore Captures Hearers At Initial Appearance In Chicago. Sunday afternoon, before an audience that filled Central Music hall, occurred the American debut of Milan Lusk, a young violinist, who, born on the North Shore, has spent the past four years in study and con- cert appearances in Europe. This event, hearalded by a minimum of trumpet-blowing, is an important one in Chicago's musical annals. ' The tall, engaging young player, al- though clearly possessed of individ- uality and temparament, displayed none of the antics of the notoriety- seeker, but devoted himself simply and sincerely to his task. Of his playing it may be said that it is lacking neither in technique, tone nor feeling. Displaying some nervousness in the first number (Bruch's Scotch Fantasie) Mr. Lusk soon found himself, and held the 'audience by sheer beauty of playing, with little display of "fireworks," al- beit of technical facility there was no lack. Mr. Lusk is said to have appeared frequently both with the Prague Philharmonic and with Oscar Hebel's Tonkuenstler (Vienna) Orchestra, and won from the European critics encomiums which seem richly de- served. After the second group--Corelli's La Folia (1653) and Holka Modrooka (Blue-eyed Maiden) the latter ap- parently a variation of a Bohemian song--the young player was forced to give 'an additional number, al- though encores were not the order of the day. At the conclusion of the concert the audience remained to re- call the young player a number of times, and the applause was hearty and prolonged. Mr. Lusk was assisted in his re- cital by Miss Eloise Bedlan, pianist, a talented young miss, who dis- played splendid musicianship and musical feeling for one so young. Her rendition of the Chopin Noc- turne in F was worthy of a far older player, and the Liszt Rhapsody No. 12 was given with assurance and admirable facility. Mr. Roy Shields Lusk with iment. provided Mr. sympathetic accompan- Em eA IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION DUE? L WANTED A small furnished house 'or \bunga- Jow in Glencoe or Hubbard Woods for summer months near Skokie Golf Club. A-150 Lake Shore News rs | "a TO AMERICA ln = By Lee Wilson Dodd =, | of the Vigilantes. |S |= . |= Yes, mother, it is true; = Bad daughters and worse sons we've been to you-- Taking all, giving naught-- Till we have brought You down to this. * * * You need A starker breed To cherish you and guard, Keep watch and ward, Or strike if strike they must! Mother, our shameful heads are in the dust-- Abject-- Before you. * * * Too mild, too patient--yet once more forgive : Our faithless greed, young folly, old neglect! For, though we perish from you, you shall live-- Mother--through humbled daughters who respect, y Through chastened sons who serve you and adore you. 0 8 --JOI0 OLIOX The full 214 1b. Loaf of Milk Bread is the best value in Bread oi inna: wei 25¢ Entire Wheat Bread, not only the most wholesome, but de- licious also; especially good for sandwiches; pain or with nuts; per loaf . 15¢ Crisp Bread Sticks, doz. 20c Puff Pastry Cheese Straws, Parker House Rolls, (lunch and dinner size), doz 24c Bo==----=101g Smart Little French Rolls, per doz, uh sine res sien 20c Vienna Rolls, popular for breakfast, doz. ........05 18c Crisp little Dinner Rolls, per OZ. | sv iiidi invannntensensins 18¢c Finger Rolls, for salad or ten, per doz... sii. tean 24c Almond Filled Coffee Cres- cents, special, doz. Shell Rolls with cinnamon, sugar iced, special, doz..... 20c Cheese Cake--eat this with "THE BEST THATS BAKED' apple pie--each 35¢, per cut 10c Decorated and moulded Ice Cream. ORO EOI O EI OX O == 1005 Davis St. EVANSTON Small cakes of all sorts and novelties for afternoon teas and parties. BEST OF ALL THE DOUGHNUTS-ASK EVERYBODY-Doz. 24c Free delivery North to Glencoe daily, One Sunday THE MISSION TEA SHO DEE ORO EE ORI OE omom====--===101 Cinnamon Bread, loaf .. Rich Little Coffee Squargh, each "Ji ae 1 Whipped Cream Puffs, with chocolate icing, each Chocolate Eclairs with choe- olate filling 5c Napoleon Bars, a delicious and sufficient dessert, 2 for 15¢ | Palm Ieaves, Special, per dOzZen uli sii Svinte 30c | Layer Cakes with rich cream | filling and icing, chocolate, | orange, maple, toi. 55¢ Pineapple and Fresh Cocoa-, nut Filling .65¢ The Rolls are made of the | same cake, fiilling and icing as the larger cakes and are ideal for small families--chocolate, maple, orange and fig ...... 35¢ Fresh Rhubarb and Apple Pes. .....oiivive vise dhmrne 25¢ Lemon Merangue Pies with rich deep filing .......... 40c Chocolate Merangue Pies 40c Salads and Sandwiches of all kinds. Phones Evan, 5070-5071-5381 Fl %* Main Office EVANSTON, ILL. 920 CHURCH STREET Pant Phone Evanston 277 Branch Offices: WH TI Greenwood. EE ET TO THE PUBLIC EVANSTON CARPET CLEANING CO. By L. H. KOSHGARIAN, Mer. EVANSTON CARPET CLEANING COMPANY PHONE EVANSTON 277 Native Repairer and Cleaner of Oriental Rugs CARTON BUILDING, WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 150 10 N. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park Phone Highland Park 920 LL ET CT TO We wish to announce that the EVANSTON CARPET CLEAN- ING COMPANY has but one Evanston Office which is still located at 920 Church St, TELEPHONE EVANSTON 277, and that we have no connection whatever with Evanston Carpet Cleaners at 618 We fine it necessary to make this announcement by reason of the attempt of a competitor to profit by the good will and reputa- tion enjoyed by the undersigned by adopting a name so similar to ours as to inevitably lead to confusion, and one which, (by reason of the alphabetical arrangement of the telephone directory) will be found in the last (March) edition thereof immediately preceding : the name under which we have been doing business for more than four years last past. 7 "s' \ - od 777

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