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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 May 1917, p. 2

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2 mom Em om =| WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917. EE BE KN VOLUNTEERS SIGN 600 TO ASSIST RED CROSS Sunday Afternoon Campaign Boosts Winnetka Membership List. The War Emergency union of Winnetka felt that it was up to the men to see that Winentka did her part in the big campaign for new members now being conducted by the Chicago chapter of the Ameri- can Red Cross. A membership campaign committee was accordingly organized, and a call for volunteers for a Red Cross can- vass was made at the men's drills on Wednesday and Thursday even- ings of last week. Over 40 men en listed for this patriotic service. The Boy Scouts were called upon, and furnished about 25 additional vol- unteers. These men and boys made a house to house canvass of the en- tire village last Sunday afternoon, and notwithstanding that over 400 of our citizens were reported by the canvassers as having previously joined, about 600 new members were enrolled that afternoon. With the applications and dues that have been turned in up to May 16, the figures stand as follows: New members, 667; dues collected, $1093.00. Several lists are still to be turned in, and we are confident that by the end of the week the total enrollment of new members secured as a result of our campaign will exceed 700. Anyone in the village who has not yet joined the Red Cross can leave his application with money for dues at Community house, and it will be promptly forwarded to headquarters in Chicago. Winnetka will be given the credit for your membership if it is sent in to the office of the War Emergency union, at Community house. EE EE RED CROSS NURSE WILL INSTRUCT LOCAL WOMEN Arrange New Hours For Instruc- tions to Accomodate Winnetka Workers. The first class in home nursing will meet and have the first lesson on Tuesday, May 22 at 2 o'clock, at Community House. New and complete equipment has been pro- vided and the instruction is given by Miss Mary (Garretson,, trained Red Cross nurse. Lessons willbe given Tuesdays and Fridays, fifteen in all and the fee is five dollars. All who have not given their names to Miss Garretson are requested to do so before Tuesday. ' An evening class for girls and women employed during the day will begin Tuesday evening, May 29, one week later than the afternoon class, at 8 o'clock. The fee for this class is three dollars. Enrollments for this class also must be sent to Miss Gar- retson before Tuesday, May 29. hE EE Ee HOME CHARITIES You can help the children at Arden Shore 'by giving your old clothing, baby carriages, cribs, shoes, toys, bathing suits, etc. Telephone Win- netka 67 and we will call for any articles you have. CE Es ES ES Ee TALKS IN DULUTH Reverend J. W .F. Davies left Tuesday for Duluth, Minnesota, where he was asked to give an ad- dress at the Morgan Park Presbyter- ian church Wednesday evening on the subject of "The Community Church." EE PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Henri. Delebecque and daughter Pearl have moved from Lincoln avenue to their new apart- ment at 555 Railroad avenue. Mrs. Archibald W. Shaw of 428 Sheridan road has left for California where she will spend a week before joining her family who are at "The Highlands" in Washington, D. C. Mr. Shaw has accepted a position with the government on the Economy Board and expects to remain in Washington until the was is over. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Conable and family of 761 Lincoln avenue have returned from a two months trip in Florida and North Carolina. Mrs. Lorenzo M. Johnson returned last week from Santa Barbara, Cal- ifornia, where she has been spending the winter at her winter home in Montecito. Mrs. Johnson will spend the summer at her home on Sheri- dan road. Mrs. Paul F. Williams, street, entertained informally luncheon today. Mr. M. L. H. Odea and family, 189 Ridge avenue, have taken the house at 601 Ash street formerly occupied by the John C. Mechems. at 487 Ash Girton School HE Field Day exercises of Gir- ton school will be held on Fri- day afternoon, May 25, at two o'clock. The program will in- clude a demonstration of the year's work and field events. The program will be as follows: and field events. be as follows: PART I. " Grand March Wand Drill. Folk Dancing and Games. Athletic Drill. Zouave Drill. "Helen" (Grecian Dance). FIELD EVENTS Baseball Throw. Three Legged Race. High Jump. Basket Ball Throw. Relay Race. Hop, Step and Jump. Feature Race. Base Ball Game. The program will The nineteenth annual commence- ment of Girton school takes place the second week in June. The first of the exercises will be the Bac- calaureat sermon at Christ church, Sunday afternoon, June 10, at 4:30 o'clock by the Reverend E. Ashley Gerhard. On Monday evening the class play will be given in the gymnasium. "The Merchant of Venice" has been chosen this year and will be pre- sented by members of the senior class and others. Tuesday at noon the class break- fast will be served out of doors, if the weather permits, if not in the gymnasium. At this time the class history and the class prophecy and the class poem are read and a gen- eral review of the good times which the class has enjoyed is given. Wednesday evening the seniors have their dance in the gymnasium. Thursday afternoon the commence- ment takes place in the Congrega- tional church at 3:30. John Scholte Nolen will give the address. DriYdafrows from Fraft Housego ve a very interesting talk at Girton school Wednesday morning. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Winnetka Special Assessment Number 242. INTHE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered the improvement of Elm Street from a point in the west line extended of Linden Street six- ty-two (62) feet north of the South line of Elm Street west of the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railway, thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point in the easterly line of the right of way of said railway. and one hundred (100) feet north of the said south line extended to said Fim Street west of said railway, thence easterly in a straight line to a point ten (10) feet east of the west line extended of Lincoln Avenue and thirteen (13)' feet south of the north line extended of Elm Street east of said railway, thence northeasterly along a curved line of ten (10) feet radius, convex southeasterly, ten and seven-tenths (10.7) feet to and tangent to a line twenty (20) feet east of and parallel with the said west line extended of Lincoln Ave- nue, thence north along said twenty foot line to the north line extended of Elm Street east of said railway, thence east along said last mentioned north line of Elm, Street forty (40) feet, thence south three (3) feet thence southeastefly along a curved line of ten (10) fee radius, convex southwesterly, tek and. seven tenths (10.7) feet to and tangent to a line thirteen (13) feef south of and par- allel to the norgh line and the north line extended of Elm Street east of said railway, ence east along said last mentionef\ thirteen (13) foot line two hundded, (200) feet; thence southeasterly a a a curved line of twenty-one and nine tenths (21. ) feet radius, onvex northeasterly sixteen and thgee tenths (16.3) feet; thence southea$terly along a curved line of twenty-bne and nine tenths (219) feet convex south- radius, westerly, sixteep and three tenths (16.3) feet to and'tangent to a line twenty-five (25) feet south of and a So, pC) westerly ten and seven-tenths (10.7) parallel with the north line of Elm Street east of said railway; thence east along said twenty-five (25) foot line eighty-four (84) feet; thence northeasterly along a curved line of ten (10) feet radius, convex south- casterly, ten and seven tenths (10.7) feet to and tangent to a line fourteen (14) feet east of and parallel with the west line of Arbor Vitae Road; thence north on said fourteen (14) foot line five (5) feet to a line ten (10) feet south of and parallel with the north, line extended of Elm Street Ah of said railway; thence east along said last mentioned ten (10) foot line twenty-two (22) feet; thence south five (5) feet; thence southeasterly along a curved line of ten (10) feet radius, convex south- feet to and tangent to a line twenty- five (25) feet south of and parallel with the north line extended of Elm Street east of said railway; thence east along said last mentioned twen- ty-five (25) foot line to the east line extended of said Arbor Vitae Road; thence south along said east line ex- tended of Arbor Vitae Road thirty (30) feet; thence west along a line parallel with the south line of Elm Street east of said railway one hun- dred ten (110) feet; thence south- westerly along a curved line of ten (10) feet radius, convex northwester- ly, ten and seven-tenths (10.7) feet to a point one hundred twenty (120) feet west of said east line extended of Arbor Vitae Road; thence south two (2) feet to a line thirteen (13) feet north of and parallel with the south line of Elm Street east of said railway; thence west along said last mentioned thirteen (13) foot line three hundred seventy-eight (378) feet; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point in the east line extended of Linden Street and ten (10) feet north of the south line extended of Elm Street west of said railway; thence southwesterly along a curved line of eighteen (18) feet radius, convex northwesterly, to the intersection of the south line extend- ed of Elm Street west of said rail- way and a line thirteen (13) feet west of and parallel with the east line of Linden Street; thence west along the south line extended of Flim Street west of said railway to the present west curb in said Lin- den Street; thence northerly and west along the present curb in Elm Street to the west line extended of Linden Strett; thence north to the point of beginning; except a strip of land between a line two (2) feet easterly from and parallel with the most easterly rail of the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railroad, and a line two (2) feet westerly from and parallel with the most westerly rail of said Electric Railroad; and also except a strip of land between a- line two (2) feet easterly from and par- allel with the most easterly rail of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- |, way and a line two (2) feet westerly from and parallely gith the most westerly rail of Sgid€railway; by ex- cavating, gradingi#®¥ubbing, drain- ing, curbing and pavigg with brick, constructing new catch basins and crushed limestone macadam connec- tions, relocating fire hydrant and electric light poles, lowering and ad- justing water' mains and lead water service pipes, adjusting catch basins and manhole covers, water gate valve boxes and concrete walk ap- proaches, including the removal of surplus excavated material, also the back filling of excavations with crushed limestone, in said Elm Street, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the original ordinance and an amend- ing ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having aprlied to the County Coust of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the ben- efits, and an assessment therefor having been made and rethrned to said Court Docket Number 242, the | . Coming Events at Communi ouse Remember motion Bi ures every Friday at Community use at 8:00 p. Mm. May 25th. Marguerite Clark in "Little Lady Eileen." Cartoon. = TTONS COVERED "HEMSTI CHING We guarantee the best work and service to be had a ywhere. Evanston Hemstitching Pleating & Button Shop Phone 5651 © 823 Davis St final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty-eighth day of May A. D. 1917, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Cou will permit. All persons iridg may file objections in 'said fCopft before said day, and may a hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the col- lection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. A.D. 1917. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, Ma Person appéi dent of the Board of Local provements of the Village Winnetka, Cook County, Illin (and such appointment approve and confirmed by the Coun Court, of Cook County, el to make said assessment. Village Attorney. { Tr TTT Tr 7 A EL ZZ raid qr Hn nn HIT 77770 T7777 2277 77 ZZ Zed ddl, do so now! bit. STOTT A LOAN FOR LIBERS E HE NEW "LIBERTY LOAN" has been¥an- i nounced by the Secretary of the Treasury. ann $2,000,000,000 is now offered for subscription. In order that this sum may be subscribed at once and with the least disturbance to the business fabric of the country every loyal citizen must take his or her share of this new "Liberty Loan." It is the first duty of every one who enjoys the liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States to subscribe to this loan, to sub- scribe as liberally as his means will permit, and to The First National Bank of Wilmette will. be pleased to receive application for your share in this "Liberty Loan" and subscriptions placed with us will give Wilmette credit for contributing its THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE THE HOME OF SAVINGS DEPOSITORS OPEN SATURDAYS 7:30 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. rrr 7 7 ZZ EET N77 7772777 7 A 2 2 2a Zr Za ZZ dll beizzzizzzzrizizazzzzzizizaai with A New ELE Safety First throughout. the same time, will wash by hand. Clothes. Special Terms during May. terms and payment plan. washing free. REDUCE THE HIGH COST GTRIC The Federal is neat in design and Most efficient washing principle. © The Federal washes by forcing * the hot suds through the clothes; moving the clothes and water at in less time and better than you can wash Saves Time, Money, Health and Free demonstration and trial and tS Phone or write today for Speci Let a Federal do your next week ance 2103 Lincoln Street ) VACUUM CLEANERS ALL MAKES, SOLD, RENTED The Ohio Electric Suction Cleane "will clean draperies, them free from dirt without any of the hard work that other clea ing methods involve. Your help can do more and bet. ter work with an Electric Cleaner lili A small payment down and ba monthly buys Let me demonstrate and give yo F. A. DARBY, ELECTRIC SHO PHONE EVANSTON 2230 AND REPAIRED your rugs, mattresses, furniture, etc., and keep one. a trial of the New 19ieq Model Ohio. Write todayas for payment plan and spec ial discount for May. Evanston, Illin

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