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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 May 1917, p. 8

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Bm ER ER RE Es WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1917 mE EER = Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--5 PASS. BUICK; EXTRA winter top. Fine condtion mechani- cally: 1249 Hill-st.,, Wilmette. 28-123-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS, OVER- hauled; guaranteed. Emerson, $45.00; Schubert, $60.00; Kingsbury, $110.00; Boasman, $95.00; Lyon & Healy, $85.00, and other bargains. We can sell you a piano far cheaper than Chi- cago. $5.00 per month. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sheman-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfc FOR SALE--NEW SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer. We have no agents. Come to the store. Domestic, $5.00; Stan- dard, $6.00; Singer, $8.00; Singer with electric motor, $12.00; new style White, $18.00. Bargains in slightly used Singers. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfe FOR SALE--FUMED OAK BOOKCASE, couch and chair; bargain if taken at once. Phone Winnetka 1029. 28-123-1tc FOR SALE--BABY'S OUTFIT, BUGGY, sulky, crib, nursery chair, bath tub; bargain. Phone Win. 1029. 28-123-1te FOR SALE--OAK DINING ROOM SET with 4 chairs, serving table and china cabinet. Phone Winn. 517-R. T10-1tp FOR SALE --HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture, bedroom set, dining set, etc. 985 Elm-st. Phone Winnetka 570. T10-2te FOR SALE--PADDLING CANOE, EN- quire 1181 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 266. T9-2-3-3tc FOR RENT FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room; board if desired. Phone Winn. 557. T10-2te FOR RENT--PLEASANT.: FURNISHED room in private family. 932 Oak-st. T10-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN new house, near transportation. Phone Wnn. 620-J. T10-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE, SOUTHEAST corner Willow and Poplar-st., Win- netka. Phone Winnetka 509-R. T10-1tp FOR RENT--STORE, 557 LINCOLN- av.; b-room apartment, 545 Lincoln- av. Ayres Boal, 1515 People's Gas Building. T-10-4tc FOR RENT--FINE FURNISHED, light room, suitable for one; 2 blocks from station. IPhone Winn. 388. » T10-1tp FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS FOR housekeeping, 180 Chestnut St, Phone Winn. 1065. Totfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM 2nd apartment 872 Pine, S. W. corner of Birch and Pine. T9-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR light housekeeping; 969 Spruce = T8-2t SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT the house and yard; floors, windows, ete.: hardwnod floors my specialty. Jess Clay, 2510 Isabella st, Evanston. Telephones, Evanston 4303 and Win- netka 388. 24-1-2-dh-tf DRESSMAKER FROM TOWN WANTS appointments by the day; remodel- ing done. Tel. Winnetka 990. 19-123-tfc CHAUFFEUR--SITUATION WANTED as chauffeur by man with 8 years' experience, six years in city, two years on north shore; best of ref- erences. Herman Richter, 155 Prairie- av., Wilmette, Ill. 28-123-1tc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR . dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 Before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WE CARE FOR LAWNS AND GAR- .dens and do general work around residences. Phone Winn 1376. TT7-4tc STENOGRAPHER DESIRES WORK evenings. Phone Winnetka 927. after 6 p. m. T9-2te MISCELLANEOUS TEN CENTS PER YARD--HEM stitching and picot edge work on our new Singer hemstitching ma- chine. Patterson 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 28-123-tfe WANT ED GOOD HOME FOR BOARD of nine-year-old or near Wil- Bros. mette. Address Lake Shore News C-25. 28-12-1tp HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND furniture repairing done at your home by expert. Formerly with John M. Smythe and Tobeys. Best refer- ences. Call or write M. Okman, 1402 Greenleaf-st., Evanston. Phone Evan. 5676. 28-12-tfe DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR PIANO-- Have it tuned, $2.50, this month. Pat- terson Bros. Piano House, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. T10123-4tc A. VOLLMAN WISHES TO AN- nounce that he is no longer con- necte dwith the Winnetka Auto Re- pair Co. T10-1te WANTED FOR SUMMER--ROOM AND board for self and wife. Want one large or two smaller bedrooms. Will- ing to pay good price. C. J. Bolte, 125 S. Racine-av., Chicago. T10-1te L. Orphan Benefit. The all-day sewing meeting for the French orphans will be held under the auspices of the Lincoln Avenue circle on Thursday, May 31, at the Community house, at 9 o'clock. Box luncheon served. All are urged to attend. EEE EE, Guild Meeting. The next meeting of the guild of the Congregational church will be held at the home of the Misses Nash on Tuesday, May 29, at 3 o'clock. EE Ey : Miss Grace McKey wishes to an- nounce that starting on Friday, June 1st, her blouses will be sold at the ale price. Terms cash, including no alterations. It is a closing out sale and the blouses, neckwear, etc. will go for much less than the regular selling price. 557 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka.--Adv. VETERAN OFFICER TO AID MEN AFTER COMMISSION Information on the Second Training Camp Given By Lathrop Collins. Lathrop Collins of Hubbard Woods, a veteran officer of the First in- fantry, is chairman of the Military Training Camps association of the United States, for Winnetka and Hubbard Woods, Central Depart- ment ,and is prepared to give all in- formation concerning enlistments in this organization. The first Officers Training camp, now at Fort Sheri- dan, is complete, but the forming of a new camp in the near future will undoubtedly take place. This will give an opportunity to those disap- pointed in entering the first camp to soon prepare for enlistment in the second camp. Announcement of the opening of the second camp will be made in these columns as soon as authorized by the war department. | =0 0B. -0. WINNETKA WOMEN BILL WAR ECONOMY PROGRAM Food Experts to Speak at Horace Mann School on Monday. Mrs. D. W. Redfield of Evanston and Miss Miller of the School of Domestic Science of the University of Chicago will repeat the interesting program which they gave last week before the Chicago Woman's club, at the Horace Mann school on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the domestic science room. Mrs. Redfield will bring the mill which she has used for seventeen years to demonstrate the home grind- ing of flour. Miss Miller will give practical recipes for the use of healthful and economical substitutes for white flour, illustrated by bread made in the domestic science depart- ment of the university. This demon- stration is given under the auspices of the Conservation and Economy unit of the War Emergency fund. All women are urged to attend. SEND YOUR OLD BOOKS TO AMUSE THE CADETS Sailors at Great Lakes Station Ap- preciate Old Magazines. Have you any magazines to spare for the jackies at the naval training station? <There are 8000 of them there now and more coming in all the time and they appreciate reading matter. They do not want fashion magazines, such as some kindly folk have sent, but Popular Mechanics, Outing, the World's Work, stories of adventure, everything of the red blooded kind. It need not matter that the maga- zine be old to you. It will be new to some lad who wants to find some- thin gto occupy his leisure time. If you bring such magazines to the recruiting office in the city hall they will be taken to the Great Lakes sta- tion, where the newly established Y. M. C. A. gives the ideal method of distribution among the men. = Personals One of the most successful social benefits of this season was given Fri- day afterncon at the Winnetka Wo- man's club, when the Navy league, of which Mrs. William H. Martin is chairman, gave a bridge. party for the benefit of the naval recruits at Lake Bluff. There were forty tables, appropriately decorated with the American and navy flags. Seven jackies from the Great Lakes enter- tained the guests with songs and played on stringed instruments. Mrs. William S. Bishop was the winner of the first prize at cards. The proceeds of $200 will be used to purchase art- icles necessary for filling the comfort bags which have been made by this league. BET] The directors of the Anti-Cruelty society have arranged a charity bridge party to be given at the Black- stone hotel on Monday afternoon, June 4. Mrs. Normal Pierce is chair- man of the benefit, and others on her committee are Mrs. R. Hall Mec- Cormick, Mrs. William R. Linn, Mrs. Hathaway Watson, Mrs. Hamilton McCormick, Mrs. H. H. Shearson, Mrs. George Wisner, Mrs. R. R. Mec- Cormick, Mrs. M. M. Sheriff, Mrs. Lawrence Dudley and Mrs. Jacob Baur. CARRE Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morse of 433 Provident avenue spent the week-end at Pelican Lake, Wisconsin, where they are building a summer home and expect to spend a greater part of the season. Mrs. Arthur F. Durand of Hubbard Woods entertained the Alternate club | of Chicago at luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. George B. Carpenter gave the pro- gram, which consisted of a cycle of flower songs which she composed herself and which were sung by Mrs. Holme of Evanston, accompanied by Mrs. Everet tof Highland Park. The songs composed by Mrs. Carpenter were set to music by Miss Julie Wil- kins. ------ Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Jr., is one of the members of the reception com- mittee for the visitors to the pageant which is to be given on the dunes of Indiana, at the foot of Lake Mich- igan, south of Chicago, on Memorial Day and the following Sunday. MER Madame Augusta Lenska, formerly of the Century Opera company, gave a recital Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Alfred S. Alschuler, 795 Lin- coln avenue. Hd Mrs. William R. Page of Hubbard Woods has taken the Augustus Pea- body residence on Prospect avenue. ee Mr. and Mrs. Delano de Windt of New Bedford announce the recent birth of a .daughter. tits Dr. J. I. Ralston went to Galesburg, Tuesday, to attend the annual meet- ciation. a rs Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Marble, 664 Lincoln avenue, have returned from the south, where they have been spending the winter. ' ing of the Illinois Osteopathic asso- | Mrs. J. Parker Gowing's mother, Mrs. Brice, has returned from the Presbyterian hospital. ip IN CHICAGO you pay one dollar for marcel wave. We charge 75¢c, and if you have two marcel waves a week it only costs you $1.25 for both. We give scientific scalp treatment, chiropody and body massage. H. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. 822.--Adv. EE Ey Mrs. E. C. Trowbridge of Oak street has gone to Washington, D. C., where she attended the 'meeting of the sub-committee on women in industry, of which Mrs. Borden Har- riman is chairman. Mrs. W. A. Hair, 425 Provident ave- nue, has as a guest her mother, Mrs. Megs, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Hinton of Chicago are occupying their new home on Fig street. OPTOMETRISTS 118 So. Dearborn St. Chicago PHONE 145 P. O. Box 164 H. A. LINDWALL HIGH-CLASS UPHOLSTERING and CABINET WORK 508 LINDEN STREET OPPOSITE DEPOT 74 GLENCOE PHONE 730 Furnaces taken care of LT LT Ta ZZ Za a a Za ZT a 2 a ZZ Zl. LL 2 EE a 2 77 2277, N."J. BROSTED HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. HUBBARD WOODS GARDEN -HOUSE AND REPAIR WORKS- LANDSCAPE GARDENING , Reliable and Experienced Help Furnished Want Ads Are Busy Wor HariWare and Pai J. F. ECKART #ne' Phone 48 FOR EXCHANG A two-flat building in Birchwoo Flats c tain 6 rooms, 2 baths and sun par; overlooking the lake. lor and rent for $1440 per year Owner will exchange for 6 or room house in Wilmette, Keni worth or Winnetka or mighf con sider good vacant. At the present time we ha several pieces of desirable acreag for sale along the North Shore. ERIE he OTIS BUILDING - CHICAGI TELEPHONE MAIN 472 ; > 7 Z% TT 2%, I April 6. 1917. N/ \ TT ed ¥ Sie cently been bitten by dogs rabies have been reported in this vicinity, and Whereas, it is the judgment of the of the Village of Winnetka that it is necessary for the safety of the inhabitants of said Village that all dogs running at large in said village shall be uz ted, and 7 vii PROCLAMATION Dogs must be Muzzled Whereas, a number of persons in Winnetka have re- and a number of cases of Whereas, the Trustees of the Village of Winnetka by resolution passed on March 20, 1917, have instructed the Village President to issue a procl amation in accordance with Section 204 of Chapter 14 of the Muncipal Code of the Village of Winnetka; I therefore declare from the first day of June until the last day of September, 1917, all dogs found running at large within the Village of W jnetic shall be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Winnetka, difless such dogs are securely muzzled. EUGENE A. RUMMLER, i A This proclamation will be enforced by the Police De- partment without further notice. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, a Board of Trustees President. a I

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