WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917 SY Ii al i oN u're hop lier. Lot of your an' the other, ise!" "be in attendance. 24 Social H Al) the or by Ruth Risley & appenInNgs th Shore N announcement of interest is the approaching marriage of Miss Eleanor Marie Serrell to Frank W. Ketchum of Ev- anston, which is to take place on Saturday evening, Sep- tember first, at eight o'clock, at the residence of the bride's Mrs. Wallace L. Serrell, 1011 Chestnut street. will be very simple, and only relatives and very intimate friends will The affair er 4 S yes are ; Optici CHIC! \ at their homes. Everybody is interested in the first real military ball ever given the north shore, which is to take place this coming Saturday eve- g at Exmoor Country club, for it will probably be the most bril- ant affair of the summer season. The proceeds will go to the Red Cross and Naval Relief society. The club is to be gayly decorated or the occasion with colored lights and the flags of the allies. There will be a dancing pavilion on the lawn, about which a umber of boxes will be erected for the evening. A great number of dinner parties have been planned; in fact, there is no more room at th club house, and it has become necessary for many to entertain Nearly all of the debutantes of the past season will be there, in- # cluding Miss Katherine Blossom of Hubbard Woods, Miss Betty 'Hoyt of Winnetka and her guest, Miss Reba Gray of Nashville, B Tenn., and Miss Isabel Gilmore, also of Winnetka. Mrs. George W. avenue. o& Blossom is on the reception com yZittee. i 2 Saturday afternoon, August 18, is the date which has been set for the wedding of Miss Margaret Houghteling, daughter of Mrs. James IL. Houghteling, and Arthur Farwell Tuttle. The ceremony will be performed at Christ church, at four o'clock, followed by a reception at the Houghteling residence, "Overlook," on Prospect gagements is that of Miss Dorothy ilizabeth Wealrt, the daughter of r. and Mrs. James G. Weart, 278 den avenue, to Alden Bertrand member of the United Miss Weart a graduate of the Chicago Kin- dergarten college. Mr. Doyle, who s the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. | Doyle of Cleveland, is at present as- {| sistant paymaster at the Great Lakes aval Training Station. ili he benefit party given last Sat- ay evening at Las Olas, the Win- tka estate of Mrs. Lorenzo John- 'son, proved to be a most delightful success, for the soldiers at the of- ers' training camp at Fort Sheri- lan were there in gallant array, al- though, of course, other men besides 'the soldiers were welcome, as they Fare at all benefit affairs. However, social things along the north shore are mostly military these days, with h the army and navy training ps so near by, and with many s of the fashionable world at- ding both. The tables were spread on the lawn nd the dancing was held in the ball- m of the house. Mrs. Johnson was ssisted by Mrs. Albert Magnus, Irs. Frederick Greeley, Mrs. Heyli- er A. De Windt, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Miss Katherine Arnold, Mrs. Wil- oughby Walling, Mrs. William -C. Joyden, Mrs. Charles I. Sturgis, Mrs. Morris Greley, Mrs. Frederick Cope- land, Mrs. Lowell Copeland, Mrs. { James L. Houghteling, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Mrs. Calvin Fentress, Mrs. ictor Elting and Mrs. A. H. Mont- omery. he proceeds were turned over for purchase of comfort kits for the nen in Gen. Pershing's army rance. ; ia ile! just live) ave going ti ther fools way, show you est you have aluable mem nce in the Cen sake you better ol of Music Blv. wn Bldg. obinson Bld;, B --f-- For several weeks there have been rumors of a Red Cross golf match at f one of the public courses. The ru- or has come to a head and now Saturday afternoon of this week two o'clock the match is to take e at Jackson Park club. Bob Mec- ald of Indian Hill and Jack ichinson of Glen View will p rles Evans, Jr, and. Jim Donald- on of the Chicago Golf club. J : ---- i Mr. and Mrs. Russel Tyson, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Allen Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Houghteling were among those who were in attend- 'ance at the Aldis playhouse, that little building at Lake Forest, when it again opened its doors last Satur- evening. ; tft 'Dr. Frank Blatchford left Thurs- ay evening for Fort Riley, Kan. to nter training with the Medical Of- cers' Reserve camp. He has re- ed the commission of first lieu- Lt. i Ans and Mrs. Jchn Buckingham, 26" n avenue, have as their guests month Mrs. A. K. Newcomer of York and Mrs. H. W. Rockwell Delham Manor, N. Y. in be Among a sheaf of interesting en- Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham of Winnetka announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Harriet, to Ensign John T. Metcalf of the United Statés navy, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Metcalf of Wickford, R. I. Mr. Metcalf is a member of 1917 class of Annapolis. Miss Buckingham was introduced to society last win- ter at a ball at the Blackstone. ; Mi The following announcement has been received from the Sixth Regi- ment, which is stationed at East St. Louis, Ill., of which Sergeant Thomas J. Lynch is a member: "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ilg of 857 Pine street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Dorothy, to Thomas J. Lynch of Winnetka, on Thursday evening, July 26, 1917. "Mr. Lynch is a sergeant in Co. D, 6th 111. Inf, ard one of the most popular non-commissioned officers at Camp Reig. His wedding was the occasion of a great reception given in honor of Mrs. Lynch and him- self, by his devoted comrades. "'Tom' marched away from camp Thursday evening, escorted by the entire company and the battalion hand, to the strains of a wedding march. All were sorry to see him leaving the ranks of single blessed- ness, but they gave him heartiest congratulations, best wishes and good luck for the future." pur Wer Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sidley, 739 Humboldt avenue, Mr. Lowell Cope- 'and and son, Townsend, 180 linden avenue, are spending a month on a ranch near Cody, Wyo. ont $f wi Miss. Marv Louise * ("Torchy') Shepherd of Madison, Wis., spent a 'ew days this week as the guest of Miss Ruth Lieber, 988 Elm ctreet. : EE The employes of the National Bank >f Republic will hold an all-day pic- 1ic at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday, August 18. ---- Mr. Edward Gilman of Hubbard Voods will spend 'August and Sep- ember with his family in the east. SS i Miss Kathryn Blossom of Hub- yard Woods will return tomorrow 'rom a short visit at Geneva Lake. Wis. PE WA Miss 'Betty Hoyt will entertain at linner tomorrow evening at Onwent- sia for her guest, Miss Reba Gray of Nashville, Tenn. mtn re Mrs. Heyliger A. De Windt, 593 'heridan road, is spending a fort- 1'ght at Mackinac Island, Mich. ee en Mrs. Frank Blatchford has re- "rned to her summer home at St 'oe, Mich. a . Mrs. Lowell 'Copeland, 180 Linden venue, will leave August 22 for an xtended visit in the east, stopping '1 Boston and New York. ee We Mrs. Carlton Prouty is sufmmering | | 't Binkley Lodge, near McHenry The Skokie Country club has in- vited the members of the various north shore clubs, and their guests, to participate in a tennis tourna- ment to be held on the club courts |* ry for the benefit of the "Sammies Tobacco Fund, beginning Saturday afternoon, August Z5, at 2 o'clock, in men's single and doubles, women's sinbles and doubles and mixed doubles. Entries will close Tuesday, August 21, at 6 o'clock, and must be accompanied by the entrance fee of $2.00, which may be sent to the ten- nis committee, Skokie Country club. --f-- Mrs. William Spencer Crosby gave the story of "Rhinegold,' 'in words and music, at the Thursday matinee performance at Ravinia park. A con- cert by the Chicago Symphony or- chestra followed. On these after- noons for children, youngsters under 12 year sof age are admitted gratis, and no charge is made to children or adults for reserved seats in the pa- vilion. sm een. Miss Isabel Gilmore, daughter of Mrs. Arnold P. Gilmore, 445 -Sheri- dan road, has returned from an early summer's stay at Hollywood ranch, near Sacramento, Cal, in time to take an active part in the congested social schedule along the north shore, incident to the closing of the first training camp at Fort Sheridan. She will leave the latter part of Septem- ber for Hot Springs, Virginia. tere cae Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guy Bolte, who have been staying in Winnetka for several weeks, are now at the Skokie club for the remainder of the summer. re Ae Mrs. Frank R. Fuller and daughter, Phoebe, are making a visit to Roswell Fuller, who has nearly completed his course in aeronautics at the Army Aviation school at Champaign, Ill I P.- Mrs. Hoyt N. McClain and chil- dren, 258 Ridge avenue, are spend- ing the summer vacation at their camp on Trout. Lake, in northern Wisconsin. are mi Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anning and son, Herbert, 744 Prospect avenue, will leave next Wednesday to spend a month at Rangeley Lakes, Maine. . re William and Asler Deighton of Monticello, Il., are the guests of Mrs. Frank R. Greene, 776 Prospect ave- nue. rey ers Mrs. James Houghteling and daugh- ter, Miss Margaret Houghteling, 131 Prospect avenue, motored to Lock- port on Thursday. ee Ae Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hostnick and baby, 890 Willow street, will move this week to their new home in Pitts- burgh, Pa. ere Mrs. Bertha Abelseth of New York 's visiting with her son, Major A. C. von Zeuner, 648 Elder lane. ems 38 ieee Miss Betty Hoyt, 48 3Sheridan road, has as her guest Miss Reba Gray of Nashville, Tenn. IE Major H. N. McClain, 258 Ridge ave- nue, has been stationed at Fort Oglesthorpe, Ga. 0 Mrs. John Schafhen and son, Har- Hld, 846 Cherry street, spent the week at St. Joe, Mich, with relatives. ---- Mrs. Walter Dean Peck and family, 456 Elder lane, have returned from an outing at Lake Geneva, Wis. A Miss Kathleen Air is spending the nonth of August at Estes Park, Colo. a9: vt Mrs. Paul Schulze and daughter, Helen, left Thursday morning for Fort Sam Houston, Tex., where they will isit Walter Schulze, first lieuten- ant in the third cavalry stationed at hat point. | == Mrs. Mark W. Cresap and daugh- ter, Helen, and. son, Mark, Jr. have zone to Boston for a few weeks. Italian Table d'Hote The Best jn Chicago at Restaurant onroe St., Chica :o 2 lo 2:30 - - 50 cents 0 to 8:39 - - 75 cents ed by the iscriminating r food served anywhere Opposite Fist National Bank Building No bet Kenilworth Mrs. C. G. Darling returned Wed- nesday evening from Waukazoo, Mich., and on Thursday morning she and Mr. Darling left for Walkazoo by motor, where they and the two older children are guests of Mrs. Darling's mother. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Nichols are in New Hampshire for a six weeks' stay. Mrs. Owen T. Reeves will accom- pany Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lambert of Chicago to Atlantic City, N. J., on on September 15, to attend the an- nual bankers' convention. Mr. Victor Schulze is a guest at the Summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Dod- son at South Haven, Mich. Last Sunday, Mrs. Owen T. Reeves gave a surprise birthday dinner for Mr. Reeves, and the following out- of-town guests were in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lambert of Chi- cago, Mr. Charles Fernald of Chicago, Mrs. B. Smucker and.daughter, Eliza- beth, of St. Louis, who are now stay- ing at the Edgewater Beach hotel, and Neill Martin, a nephew, who is a member of the officers' reserve training camp. There is work on the surgical dressings department on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, and on Wednesdays, the regular sewing is taken care of at the Red Cross shop. A petition is being circulated mongg the villagers to cut down some of the shrubbery at the various cor- ners on Melrose avenue and Abbotts- ford road, because of the inability for motorists to look both ways at several of the corners. The grounds surrounding the Dodson, Rountree, Walker, Culbertson and Reichman homes will be affected if the petition goes through. Mr. and Mrs. McCloud have re- turred to their home in Hollywood, Cal., after spending the greater part of the summer with their son and his family, Mr. Bentley McCloud. Mr. Paul Schulze has gone to San Antonio, Tex., to visit his brother, Walter, who is with the cavalry on the border. IN CHICAGO you pay one dollar for marcel wave. We charge 75c, and if you have twa marcel waves eek it only costs you $1.25 for both. We give scientific scalp treatmenty chiropody and body massage. H. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnet Tgl. 822.--Adv. Painters /&/Decorators 736 Elm St. J. F . EC R Phono 484 netka, Ill SUPPLIES. sh Electric Bulbs ~and second hand airing and supplies er grinding and repairs f all kinds. Baby Car- S. LN LS RS PHONE 122 A LIMITED NUMBER OF/ WOMEN WILL BE EMPLOY TAKE CREASE DISTANCE VHILE LEARN- WORK HIGHLY DESI ADVANCEMENT INTO PO AGES OF 16 AND 25 YEARS APPLY TO THE CHIEF OPERATOR WILMETTE. CHICAGO TELE- COMPANY. 728 \ tion. Have them cleaned odorless, guaranteed proce seaside or summer resort. Summer time with its coatless occasion by having your clothes 1 SIX-ONE- Our 1 Wilmette Office 6 Electric Place T0000 00 X Don't take soiled clothes aw nd dainty frocked girls, is the time when your clothes show up and speak up.§f Feel proud of yourself and in tune with the aculately clean before starting out. E DRY CLEANERS me is our Telephone Viz, with 'you on your vaca- to look like new by our and look your best at the Winnetka Office 555 Lincoln Ave. » Conservatio demands on readjust methods. EVERYBODY INVITED Picnic Day of Food places strong istribution of Foods. How and when goods are bought, how they are handled, how they are delivered be- comes a vital question. pense is incurred without "supplying the need," we Retailers are called upon to Co-operation, practically applied, de- creases expenses--increases satisfaction. May we assist in "supplying your need" in the most economical way? Thursday, Aug. 16 Store Closed All Day Whenever ex-