ore of th ray circ > of spee © misma erally. er from JTO- talla- min- cents ON" yurth f those yutor C0. INS bbl LL LL LITE he 1 x T I = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917 NKLIN OFFERS A BIG | WOMEN DRIVERS ENROLL © GUARANTEE WITH CARS North Shore Dealer Explains Tire ~ Problem Solved By Company. By C. E. Bridges. The tires on the Franklin car are guaranteed for 10,000 miles. ~ These same tires on other cars are guaranteed for only 3,000 miles, and ometimes they do not even last that ng, while it is a common occurrence r the Franklin to run 20,000 miles on one set of tires. ; As the tires on the Franklin are own to only 35 or 40 pounds pres- re instead of 80 or 90 pounds. as on le heavy water cooled cars, punc- res very seldom occur and blow- its are entirely forgotten. When a re is blown to 80 pounds pressure is almost as hard as a solid tire. e Franklin, being equipped with ord tires and blow to only 40 pounds, low of an elasticity that is not per- ssible with other cars. This is only ne of the many reasons why the anklin cars ride easier than others. ven though a Franklin car didn't ) twice as far on a gallon of gaso- le or overcome water radiator eeze-ups, leaks and overheating by e direct air cooled system, or have uminum fenders, hood and body, prevent both rust and rattle, the 'e problem alone makes the Frank- | car superior to others. Any owner that has taken a car to icago, and spent hours waiting for opportunity to tell the service de- rtment what's the matter with it, then wait days to get it back, be disappointed a few times in ing it when promised, will realize at it means to bring his car here, e the work done immediately, and e right, without any charge what- ATA TO SERVE IN WAR ZONE Obliged to Enlist for Three Months and to Submit to Strict Rules. Between 150 and 200 women soon will be driving military motor cars behind the front in France. Women have tried since the begin- ning of the war to enlist in the auto- mobile service. The Club Feminin Automobile was the center of this group, and it had secured the signa- tures of several hundred of the thou- sand women in Paris who hold licenses to drive motor cars. The passive resistance of the different war bureaus held them back until now. The women are obliged to enlist for three months and to agree to sub- mit scrupulously to military rules and discipline. They will in the be- ginning replace motor ambulance drivers in the foreign sanitary sec- tions who are transferred to other services. Later on they may re- place men in other automobile sec- tions. EE Ey TENTOBED FEATURED AT WINNETKA MOTOR ROOMS The Winnetka Motor company is featuring the Tentobed at their local salesrooms this week. The Tento- bed is a tent and a bed complete in itself, for tourists, campers, or for any purpose where it is necessary or desirable to sleep out of doors. No stakes, ropes nor poles are re- quired, and the makers guarantee it as positively mosquito and insect proof. The outfit folds up so com- pactly that two could easily be placed on the running board of any auto- mobile, giving the motorist complete independence of hotels. Motor Events August 17 -- Track -- Flemington, N:.7T. September 3--Track--Albuquerque, N. M. ? September 3--Speedway, Union- September 3 -- Speedway -- Union- town, Pa. September 3 -- Speedway -- Cincin- nati. : September 6--Track--Red Bank, N. J. September 8 -- Hill climb -- Pike's Peak, Colo. September 15 -- Speedway -- Provi- dence, R. I. : September 22-9 -- Ford accessory show--Chicago. September 28 -- Track -- Trenton, N. J. September 29 -- Speedway -- New York, N.Y. October 6--Speedway--Uniontown, Pa. October 6--Track--Danbury, Conn. October 13--Speedway--Chicago. October 13--Track--Richmond, Va. October 27--Speedway--New York, N.Y. : EE Ee Ey Profitable Tip. An interesting and profitable tip that every motorist should take, but very few think of, is a trip under the car to see the conditions of things there. Inspect brake connections to see if there are any which do not get attention when the car is oiled. See if they are wearing out or weaken- ing. Sometimes one finds grease cups that have been neglected for a long time. Also inspect the universal joint to see if it is'loosening up or needs grease. If You Buy Tires Read This And above all don't for buying a tire. he's got a busted hand. If you need a GOOD You perhaps don't kno we have made in the five has been snapped up in th » | HE public knows TOMMYROT! | guarantee. If myrot about "Sati put it over. There's ONLY MILEAGE. 4 you are STUNG! some dealers get away with stuff that is veritable If he It is buy and pay Whi eedways. and tubes. also an interesting "'Inside Stuff" of the tire business. CHICAGO BRANCH NATIONAL RUBBER C2 OF N. ¥. 2112 MICHIGAN AVE. Central Motor Livery and Express Co. 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette to dodge the issue with a lot of tom- d "Quality" and "Looks" don't let him st walk out and go to a good place. ST of a tire that never fails and that's dealer talk CHEAPNESS as a reason eapness is the dealer's ace of trumps, E we want you to try a SPEEDWAY. That's because every tire ars we have been making Speedways ast where we make them. 3 have doubled our factory capacity and can offer them in the West. SPEEDWAY TIRES are made by hand from the choicest Para Rubber and Sea Island Cotton. other tires are cured for 30 or 45 minutes. TEED for 5,000 miles but we are disappointed if they don't show 10,000 miles or more. We have scores of records of 20,000 to 30,000 miles for our tires. Speedways cost more to make than other tires. So as to be able to sell them at the average list price or lower we opened our own factory branch stores. By cutting out the middlemen's profit we can sell them a little less than you have to pay for good guaranteed tires. TRY A SPEEDWAY. Put it on your car alongside any other tire made, and, if conditions are equal, we will guarantee that the Speedway will outlast and outwear the other tire, no matter what make or what it cost They are cured for 3 hours, Send for price list on Speedway tires We will send it gladly, for. If you don't get it Now we They are GUARAN- story on the Phone Calumet 512 Telephone 40 OVERLAND SPORT MODEL | IS AN IDEAL UTILITY CAR | Country Club Motor Placed Under Classification of Utilities. | One of the easiest things in the | world to prove, according to A. W. Seiglaff, local Willys-Overland deal- er, is the fact that the medium priced motor car comes under the classifica- tion of utilities, instead of luxuries. He refers to the Overland Country Club as a fitting example of the mod- ern utility car. "Scarcely a day passes," said Mr. Seiglaff, "that some new owner does not come in and tell us of the busi- ness advantages of a car, which he never dreamed existed until he had driven his own automobile. "A couple of months ago I sold a Country Club model to a man who said he was buying the car principal- ly for his wife. She wanted a light car, one which was easy to handle and which had a lot of style. Per- sonally, he didn't care much what it was like, as long as it suited her. Yes- terday, he came in and placed an or- der for another one--'for his wife, he added. When I 'asked him what was wrong with the car that he bought for his wife a couple of months ago, he smiled, looked just a little bit sheepish and replied that his wife hadn't had her hands on the steering wheel since the first week-- he had been using it all of the time himself. "'Why, say," he exclaimed, 'that car proved itself to be the best hired man I ever had. It has not only saved about a couple of hours a day for me, in going to and coming from my office, but it has enabled me to personally take care of the best little Liberty garden out in the suburbs; to take a little run out to the golf links late in the afternoon, now and then; and to see from one to five prospects more in a day now than I did in a day and half when I had to depend on street cars. That is why my wife hasn't had a chance to use the car. I've been keeping it going nearly every minute. "That man was an insurance agent. There are hundreds of ether men in the same business who would testify just as enthusiastically concerning the utility advantages of the motor car. Then there are the doctors, the real estate men, the lawyers, the merchants and, in fact, men in every line of endeavor who, having once owned an automobile, find that they cannot get along without one." EE Ee Ey Children in Industry. U. S. Census Bureau states that the number of children under 16 em- ployed in industries decreased from 93,635 in 1909 to 72,870 in 1914. - "LIGHT SIX" $1895 "Ligh 1949 Asbury Avenue and Railroad. PROMPT SERVICE Evanston Tire and Vulcanizing Company Two Stores 522 Dempster Street, near Chicago Avenue. ore « TIRES Phone Evanston 6278 Phone Evanston 4338 Notice to Owners of Heavy Cars ( In the last few day them in on the purch costing $3,600, with $4 (It was just good buy heavy cars and choose 3 o ess sense ranklins. out extravagance, i as in their cessful for similar reaSons. C we'll give you fa long time owners tfink of it. ( You will not b or no s=le. § Dollars [8100.00] C. E. BRIDGES thg/owners of three heavy cars have turned a Franklin. orth of extras. ( These men now demand that their cars deliver them mileage with- ities to try it thoroughly and to find out what argued with to buy--we'll let the car sell itself Pr Price Advances One Hundred A Telephone call--Evanston 5886--is all the trouble you need to take to put youin the way of getting more miles for a dollar and more luxury than you ever thought possible in a motor car Evanston Franklin Car Co. 510 DAVIS ST. TELEPHONE 5886 N La One was a this year's model that made them get rid of their own organizations they are suc- September First AISI LALLA LIA ELI LL ELL A A AAA EEA AAAI AAAI EAI) i -