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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 24 Aug 1917, p. 8

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1917 Classified Ads FOR SALE MEN'S READY MADE SUITS FOR sale; we also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tels. 1128, 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52te FOR SALE -- USED SEWING MA- chines: Domestic, $5; Wheeler & J ilzon, $6; Singer, $9; White, drop hgad, $10; shop worn 66, latest style, jz other bargains. Patterson ros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfe . SPECIAL AUGUST TERMS PROPOSI- tion on Thor electric washing ma- chines. Before buying see this ma- chine. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- __man-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfc FOR SALE -- HORSE AND WAGON, grass mower, hay rake, plow, buggy, chaff cutter, etc. Wm. Topple, 173 Ridge-av. Phone Winn. 280. T21-tfe FOR RENT--5 ROOM APARTMENT, 545 Lincoln-av. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan-av. Harrison 1043. 21-4tc FOR SALE--DOUBLE BED, INVALID table, dining room furniture. Inquire J. A. Odh, 939 Linden-av., Hubbard Woods. ~ 22-2dh FOR SALE WEATHERED OAK sideboard, 58 inches long; price $20, worth $45; also sanitary couch b. Phone Winn. 411. 23-1te FOR SALE--1916 BUICK LIGHT SIX cabriolet. Dr. B. M. Conley. Phone Wil. 128. - 23-23-1tp FOR RENT FOR RT EL TASANT FURNISHED room. 932 Oak-st. 23-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED room, with private family. 910 Spruce-st. Phone Winn. 1047. 23-1te FOR RENT--SPLENDID LOCATION for gentleman, $15.00 per month. Call at Delebecque's, 747 Elm-st. Phone Winn 822 23-1tc FOR RENT FOR__ WINTER--FUR- nished house in Hubbard Woods, 4 bedrooms, garage. Phone Wind, A: -2tc WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE room and board with private family for September and October; sleeping porch preferred, not essential; mod- erate. Address Lake Shore News A-200. 23-1tc WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR boy of 14 in nice family. Phone _ Wilmette 837-M 23-1te HELP WANTED WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework and care of two children. Must sleep at home; $5.00 a week. Phone Winn. 1114, 23-1te EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A salesman in Winnetka district to sell Ford cars. Apply R. D. Cunningham, 1629 Orrington-av., Evanston. rhone 4884. 23-2tp 42-2tp SITUATION WANTED--GARDENER, 15 years experience in greenhouse and garden. Best of references; mar- ried; no children; age 33 years. Nick Rataizvk, 621 Spruee-ave., Like F or- est, I 23-1tp vm GARDENER AND will take care of place in general; ood references; single. Address Charlie Campion, 908 mest Nin- -1tp __netka. Phone Winn. 1035. TT SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION WANTED AS GENERAL man with private family. Address David Lobel 934 Elm-st., Winnetka. Tel. 689 Winnetka. 23-1tp WANTED--GENERAL WORK ABOUT | the house and yard; floors, windows, etc. Roy Watson. Telephones Ev- anston 3687 and Winnetka LS wht MISCELLANEOUS TUNING ON PTANO, IN AUGUST, WIL- mette, $2.00; Winnetka and Glencoe, $2.50. Have your player-piano over- hauled. We do fine work. Patter- son Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evans- ton. Tel. Wilmette 526. 39-123-tfe NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWING machines sold by agents. We have no door to door agents. Our prices are always lower and we carry the best makes of new and used ma- chines. We cannot afford to misrep- resent. It will pay you to come to our store. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfe 10C A YARD--HEMSTITCHING AND icot edge work on our new Singer Rh machine 10c a yard. Patterson Bros.,, 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 40-123-tfe IF YOU HAVE AN OLD VIOLIN and want to sell it or trade it in, we make vou a fine proposition. We do repairing. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av.,, Evanston. 39-123-tfc HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND furniture repairing done at your home by expert. Formerly with John M. Smythe and Tobeys. Best refer- ences. Call or write M. Okman, 1402 Greenleaf-st.,, Evanston. Phone Evan. 5676. 28-12-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WANTED--ENTRANCE TICKETS TO Ravinia, to be used for picnic of young Chicago girls, August 25th. Kindly send to Mrs. Robert B. Greg- ory, 1219 South Sheridan-rd., High- land Park, IlL 22-2tc HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR cast off autos. Also household goods bought and sold. 1644 Maple-av. Phone Evanston 103. 41-4tc 23-3tc WANTED TO BUY--FIVE OR SIX room bungalow or house. Give full particulars. Donald Ross, Box 101, Winnetka. 23-1tc Italy Holds Fuel. * Motor fuels cannot be secured in Italy through government decree. This situation is due to inability to import fuels from the United States. No new licenses for passenger cars are being issued and those who have paid licenses will be entitled to buy but eighteen gallons of fuel yearly. Automobiles engaged in mail and passenger service will be allowed slightly more than eighteen gallons and unless the situation improves all motor traffic except war work will cease within a few months. 'of the south li | per cent (5%) per! (5) feet four (4) on six (6) inche all excavation, g and filling, along nches in width, laid of cinders, including ading, embankments 'both sides of Wash- the present walk I] inches south of tlie north line extend- ed of Windes Sfreet; on both sides of said Washingt@n Street from a line seven (7) feet fdur (4) inches north extended of said Windes Street, suth to a line seven (7) feet four (4) inches south of the north line extended of Mr. Pléasant Street; on both} sides of Windes' Street from the pfoposed walk along the west side of Washington Street west to the wes line extended of Renaud's Subdivision; on both sides of said Windes Sfreet from the pro- posed walk along the east side of said Washington §Street east to the east line extended of said Renaud's Subdivision; along the north side of Mt. Pleasant Str@et from the pro- posed walk along} the west side of said Washington Street, west to the west line extended of said Renaud's Subdivision; on thé north side of Mt. Pleasant Street ffom the proposed walk along the éast line of said Washington Street! east to the east line extended of said Renaud's Sub- division, in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illi- nois, said improvenie wise known as Winfietka Special As- sessment No. 267, in accordance with the ordinance hegetofore passed therefor, will be geceived by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the fourth day of September, A. D. 1917, {at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Coun- cil Chamber of. the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois.' The specifications ment are on file in Clerk of said Villag Contractors will b bearing interest at said improve, e office of the of Winnetka. paid in bonds the rate of five annum for all the Board of in the sum of estimates approved Local Improvements (Continued from page one) follow one man. No single machine goes out alone. Now, if you're lost, you're usually shot to death by the "comic circus," as we call the Boche formation against us. They have killed four of us and we have got seven of them. We all keep about eight men together. . Fly in Circle. When their eight flyers see us they circle and when we dive on one ma- chine the Hun behind him is under the tail of one of our planes. so we all circle. The man upstairs has the advantage, of course, so six of us dive and two of us climb up from un- derneath, all picking § man. We use tracer bullets and you can see them fly and hit. We carry 500. The "Archies" or anti-air craft, shoot at us always and come darned near, as almost all of us have holes in our machines. They also drop bombs at night on our field and barracks. Three Years to Win. The red and white cards--in Ger- man--I am inclosing are the ones we have been dropping in Germany and the German soldiers have been com- ing in with them in their hands. It will take us three years more but we shall win--win! Write me often and send tobacco. Send it well wrapped. They are play- ing Hawaiian music and I am smok- ing and writing. Our mascots are two African lions. EEE Commission for Thayer. Bruce Thayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thayer, 514 Washington ave- nue, received the commission of sec- ond lieutenant corps of the officers' reserve. Lieut. Thayer has been stationed at Fort Leavenworth. 24th, 1917. in the enginering| One Hundrgd Dollars ($100.00) and over and when the amount of bal- ance due on fany estimate is less than the sum off One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), thd& same will be paid by time warrangs. In addition to the usual bond §for construction and mairtenance in the sum equal to the amount of t bid accepted by the Board of Ldgal Improvements, the successful bidfler will be required to furnish an ihdemnity and defense reliable company, in- Village of Winnetka om liability for dam- age on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the perform- ance of the wprk required to be per- formed by t said contractor, by any person or persons, including such liability impo§ed under the employ- ers' liability ahd workmen's compen- sation law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments thereof, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). against loss M. D. McKENZIE, President the Board of Local Improvenjents of the Village of = ES STATE OF ILLIN COUNTY OF COO J IN THE COUN % COURT OF COOK COUNTY. In the matter of the assessment of the cost of the cdnstruction of a brick pavement in Lincoln Avenue, from Elm Street tof Pine Street, in the Village of Winngtka, County of Cook and State of Ill§nois. NOTICE is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Lo- cal Improvements of fhe said Village of Winnetka has herktofore filed in said Court in said caufie, a certificate showing the cost of §he work pro- vided for in said cause, the amount reserved for interest,jand showing also that the improvement has been constructed in substantfal conformity to the requirements off the original ordinance therefor. THe hearing to consider and determinefthe facts as stated in said certificate re true, will | be held in said Court' the tenth day of September, A. D.}1917, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soog thereafter as the business of the Codrt will per- mit. All persons desiri may file objections in said cause b¥ or before said -time, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. +» DATED, Winnetka, Illindis, August BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS OF THE VILIAGE OF WINNETKA, By WM. D. McKENZIE, FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. EE Winnetka Spe No. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) COUNTY OF CO IN THE ' COU COOK COUNTY. In the matter off the assessment of the cost of the @onstruction of an asphaltic concretefpavement in Pros- pect Avenue, Ligcoln Avenue and Humboldt Avenud in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. NOTICE is herdby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Lo- cal Improvementsfof the said Village of Winnetka hasfheretofore filed in said Court in said cause, a certificate showing the cos of the work pro- vided for in saidf cause, the amount reserved for intgrest, and showing also that the img@irovement has been constructed in supstantial conformity to the requiremdgnts of the original ordinance theref@r. The hearing to consider and detgrmine whether the facts as stated if said certificate are true, will be heldfin said Court on the tenth 'day of Seftember, A. D. 1917, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon there- after as the buginess of the Court will permit. 1 persons desiring may file objectidns in said cause by or before said tine ,and may appear on the hearing find make their de- fense. DATED, Winn#tka, Illinois, August 24th, 1917. BOARD OF CAL IMPROVE- MENTS OF HE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, By WM. D. McKENZIE, (TY 'COURT OF y President. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorfiey. T23-2tc EERENR VILLAGE OF WINNETKA No. 225. Ash Stree netka, Cou Illinois. NOTICE in the Village of Win- ty of Cook and State of s hereby given to all per- ted that the Board of Lo- ments of the said Village a has heretofore filed in n said cause, a certificate cost of the work pro- said cause, the amount r interest, and showing e improvement has been in substantial conformity irements of the original erefor. The hearing to said Court showing t vided for to the req ed in said certificate are tenth day at ten o'clo after as t September, A. D. 1917, A. M.,, or as soon there- business of the Court All persons desiring ctions in said cause by fense. DATED, Winnetka, Illinois, August 24th, 1917 BOARD O LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS QF THE VILLAGE OF WM. D. McKENZIE, President. FREDERIC DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T23-2tc = VILLAGE OF WINNETKA nected system of vi sanitary. sewers, i masonry manholes, vitrified tile pipe junctions closed with iiscs, and con- nection to the manhofe of the North Shore Intercepting Sefer of the San- itary District of Chicdgo, in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, C@unty of Cook and State of Illinois. NOTICE is hereby sons interested that tle Board of Lo- cal Improvements of he said Village of Winnetka has her@tofore filed in said Court in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of fthe work pro- vided for in said cauBe, the amount reserved for interest§ and showing also that the improvdment has been constructed in substartial conformity to the requirements $f the original ordinance therefor. he hearing to consider and determifle whether the facts as stated in said§certificate are true, will be held in sa tenth day of Septembgr, A. D. 1917, at ten o'clock A. M., ors soon there- after as the business §of the Court will permit. All perfons desiring may file objections in §aid cause by or before said time ,an§ may appear on the hearing and make their de- fense. DATED, Winnetka, Il 24th, 1917. BOARD OF LOCAL MENTS OF THE V WINNETKA, By WM. D. M@GKENZIE, President. ven to all per- ois, August IMPROVE- FREDERICK DICKINSO Village Attorney. 8-0-0. VILLAGE WINNETKA ! ' T23-2tc cial Assessment 232. COUNTY OF C IN THE COOK COUNT In the matter the cost of t Woodland Aver f the assessment of e improvement of e and Essex Road on therein of a six water pipe, includ- drants, valves, valve ctions, in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illigois. NOTICE is herby given to all per- sons interested tHat the Board of Lo- cal Improvementsiof the said Village of Winnetka hastheretofore filed in said Court in saidficause, a certificate showing the costfof the work pro- ing all fittings, h vaults and con determine whether the | Court on the" LAGE OF vided for in sai reserved for in also that the i constructed in s to the require and s facts as stated true, will be hel tenth day of at ten o'clock DATED, Wingetka, Illinois, A 24th, 1917. or BOARD OF OCAL IMPROV] MENTS OF THE VILLAGE 0 WINNETKA By WM. D. McKENZIE, Presi T23- FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Atforney. EEEEn VILLAGE OF ,WINNE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTIC Court of In the Superio 0 General Numb County, Illinois. 331496. 3 Notice is hereby} given to all p the west of Elm line extended of cluding all street asthe street line roadway to be p Street not includ: a line forty-seve and parallel with extended of Elm south line exten shall be forty (40) feet; 1 south line extended of Oak § the width of the roadway to be p in said Linden Street, not inc the curbing, shall narrow gr in a distance of thirty (30) f measured along the center li said Linden Street (south Street) to a width of twenty- (27) feet, and the width of said way shall then continue to twenty-seven ori? to the sou (47) feet south he said south ls Street to th line extended of said Willow § That portion of said roadway improved from said line for (47) feet south and parallel wi said south line | extended of Street and said south line Street extended shall be bounded the east by the westerly line of right of way of the Chica, Northwestern Railway Compa on the west by a line thirtee feet east of and parallel wi west line of Linden Street. A corners, said roadway shall | widened along curved lines havi radii of thirty (30) feet. The si Linden Street as above des shall be improved by grading, ing, constructing' new catch ba with connections, constructing inlets with connections, adj present catch basins, adjusting ent manhole covers, adjusting pr ent concrete walk approaches, nishing new catch basin covers ing fire hydrants and paving with rified brick on a Portland cem concrete base with a grout filler: asphaltic felt joints, and coveri brick wearing surface with a one inch layer of earth, all in the Vil of Winnetka, County of Cool State of Illinois, the ordinan the same being on file in the of the Village Clerk of said Vi and the said village having aj to the Superior Court of Cook Co ty, Illinois, for an assessment of § i cost of said improvement accord to the benefits, and an assessm therefor having been made and turned to said Court, General Num 331496, the final hearing thereon be held on the tenth day of Septd ber, A. D. 1917, or as soon thereat as the business of the said Courty permit. All persons desiring may objections in said Court before s day, and may appear on the hear and make TE pn Said or nance provides for the collection: said assessment! in ten (10) ann installments with interest thereon Dated, Winnetkd 24, A. D. 1917. : Person appoidt ments of th Cook County, appointment firmed by th Cook Count said assessm Illinois, (and s pproved 2d y

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