EE EE 2 = WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 BE a BE BN N = Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Avenue, Wilmette, Ill Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1921 Editorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION......... $1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance Address all communications to the Winnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, Ill Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, card of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered in the postoffice at Winnetka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 Our Duty and Privilege. There are certain duties which de- volve upon the people of a com- munity towards the men who have gone from it for training in the can- tonment of the National army now in process of development into a mili- tary body, a sort of personal obliga- tion to undertake whatever is pos- life for the men who are sible to make easier and pleasanter undergoing so many new and diffi- cult experiences. Among these is the little physical comforts which protect the duty to provide those health of the boys and serve to re- mind them that the people back home are not unmindful of their fellow citizens who are taking the city's portion of the nation's duty to do its part towards winning the war against Germany. The provision of the sweaters and other extra garments which are nec- essary to the comfort of the men, the supplying of plenty of suitable read- ing matter, and whatever else is needed to add to the contentment of the boys with their new conditions, should be accepted by the people of the come, as their duty and privilege to supply. community from which they SB 0.0.0 Locating Business Men. The war department is finding it necessary to refuse to go through the list comprising nearly ten million names to find those of missing per- sons whose relatives look upon the military registration as a possible source of information concerning rel- atives of whom they have lost track. It ought to be apparent to anyone that there is neither time nor ma- chinery for such a tremendous piece of work. Whatever the interest in the men who are in charge of the registration lists, the gigantic task before them is not locating men who have, for one reason or another, dis- appeared from their home circles, however such worthy an activity might be. Theirs is the sterner task of protecting the homes from which the men have gone, with the other millions of homes in the country, from the perils of an ineffectively fought war with Germany. The very fact that there is need for refusal of the requests of those who are asking for help in finding missing men, shows a lack of appreci- ation of the magnitude of the task Until there is a realization of the serious- upon which we are entered. ness of the condition of today, we shall not be able to secure full co- operation between the nation and the people who compose it. A LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By FRANCIS J. FLUNO, C. S. D. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. mm Mr. Francis J." Flano, - C.~-S.,-D,, a member of the Board of Lecture- ship of The Mether Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., delivered on Tuesday evening, September 25th, 1917, a free public lecture on Christian Science, under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, in the church edifice. Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, Field, sec- ond reader, introduced the lecturer. Mrs. Field said: Introduction. Friends: Some years ago a lawyér went to Mexico from the United States. He discovered in one of the towns that a neighboring state was exacting a tax or tribute on all the productions and property of the inhabitants of that town. Upon investigation this was proved to be wholly without warrant or process of law. When the people were convinced there was no law or principle sustaining this de- mand, they refused to contribute to the perpetrator of this fraud, and re- alizing their freedom the situation was healed. With the exception of three hundred years after Jesus' time all mankind has been paying tribute to false gods called disease, lack, sorrow, sin, hate, resentment, all claiming to have power over man. It was not until Mary Baker Eddy made the discovery of their false- ness, lawlessness, and powerlessness, and gave this discovery to the world in Christian Science, that man again realized his freedom and refused to be amenable to sin, sickness, and death. Many are yet paying tribute to these false gods not knowing that they are free. We are all especially interested in peace and freedom and it is for this reason that The First Cliurch of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, has invited you here this evening that we may learn of this freedom and peace. and that we may together rejoice with the prophet Isaiah when he said, "How beautiful upon the moun- tains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" The one who brings this message, the truth of which has been demonstrated in Christian Science, is one who, after having been engaged in the practice of medicine for many years. turned with unsatisfied longing for his teaching to the Great Physician "who healeth all thy diseases, who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with loving kind- ness and tender mercies, who satis- fieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the angels." It is my pleasure and privi- lege to welcome you and to intro- duce this loving and beloved mes- senger of Truth who has shown "his faith by his works" and will now address you, Dr. Francis J. Fluno, C. 8S. D,, of Oakland, California, Mem- ber of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass- achusetts. The claims of Christian Science on the modern world are the claims of Christian Science on the prehistoric age, the ancient age, the medieval age, the present age, and the ages to come. The average man, until awakened by Science, is mainly in his swaddling-clothes, and his horizon is marked by the age in which he lives; he sees the way to live and the ways of life only in his own im- mediate business, church, or creed. Christian Science is not a discovery Calumet 424-425-426 DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF INDIVIDUAL AUTOMOBILE BODIES CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Established 1886 General Repairing and Painting Of Exceptional Quality -- 1223 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS of a new truth, but a new discovery of an old truth. Christian Science is the law of eternal Life, divine Principle, and is therefore the Science of sciences, the religion of religions, and the church of all churches. It teaches the scientific fact of a per- fect God and a perfect creation as the basis of every conclusion. What primarily was true, will always be true; is all that is true, or ever will be true. Christian Science makes no unrea- sonable claims on the modern world; its claims are based upon the spirit of Love, and this is reflected in health, kindness, charity, and good will to all. It takes nothing from the world, but gives all to the world. In the place of war we find peace, and universal peace is raised to the dawn of that glad day "when all shall dwell together, one shepherd and one fold." The sick are raised to health, and the healthy are raised to a standard of health far beyond their present conception. Christian Science takes the world where it finds it, and raises the lower to the higher, and the higher still higher. It not only heals mortals of sickness, but it corrects the world of such a thing as sickness. It not only (Continued on page four) After Monday Sept. 10th, I Will Open My Gown Shop At 1402 Chi- cago, Evanston. Where I Will Appreciate Your Future Patronage Madam M. A. Hadlock Phone Evanston 627 For Appoinments Painters & 'Decorat J. F. ECKAR 736 Elm § Phone 48 AASSSISSSLIS SSSI SILAS LSS SL SSIS IIASA SASSI LSI) ZL, T7777. Zs mette, Kenilworth, Evanston or Chicago homes or vacant, 7 EXCHANGE -- Winnetka homes or vacant for Wik Send us what you have to exchange. Write us or tele phone Wilmette 698, or call at the office of ] PAUL SCHROEDER & Company Yiiiiiiriiiiiiriiiiiiaiiiiiiidddddddd KENILWORTH, ILL. The North Shore Montessori Schou will begin its second year MONDAY, OCTOBER FIRST IN THE WINNETKA WOMAN'S CLUB MISS DOROTHY SEARS Directress Telephone 163 Kenilworth Bargain in WANTED 2s house in North Shore Sub urb up to $18,000. Have cash for quick deal, if real bargain. Address 12-C Lake Shore News IELERNONS MAIN 4724 Homes and Vacant for sale in all North Shore Suburbs - - - Exchanges - - - OTIS BUILDING "CHICAGO Zam NORTH SHORE Take a trip along the North Shore. Stop off almost any place and go tramping through the woods and across the fields in search of wild flowers. There is the lake, sky-blue and sparkling in the sunlight. Walk along the bluffs and glimpse the beauties of nature all aglow. North Shore Line Roomy, easy-rid- ing all-steel equip- ment. Parlor and dining- car service. Quick, clean, comfortable, convenient. Thirty limited trains daily; frequent local trains; low rates of fare. Elevated Evanston Express Trains make immediate con- nections with North Shore Line limited trains at Central Street, Evanston. Ask any Elevated ticket agent for descriptive folder and time card. City Ticket Office 137 South Clark Street Phone Central 8280 The Electric Way --TODAY! eB rn Ta EEE EE a CUE A: ) 5 WTR i CEN SR L/CLGYS 9 Db $5 hi Bb) Wh | 4 Nezh / Whi il) WH », il phone, Wilmette Office 6 Eiectric Place 70 TAY EY 0 TO A NON'T fet the grit and dirt in 4 your garments wear them out. J A gorment cleansed by us is a garment saved. A garment saved 18 man, GolLars earned. Just tele- SIX-ONE-NINE DRY CLEANERS Our name is our Telephone Winnetka Ofiic 555 Lincoln Av TITCHING DAR EMBR.OIDERING .& | BRAIDING, COMPANY Room 1122 Stevens Bldng. lf North American Bidng. CAC ACY CY KER Room ©l<4 Hedglin and Norman E. Saxby. Columbia School of Music IClare Osborne Reed, Director 509 Wabash Abenue WINNETKA BRANCH: - New Bank Building ji KATHLEEN AIR, PRINCIPAL Assisted by Willicm G. Hill, Mable Lee, Katherine P || PIANO, VIOLIN, HARMONY and EAR TRAINING Fall Term Opens September 1 7, 1017 REGISTRATION WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 10th Chicago, Illinois PRIVATE and CLASS LESSONS (} : LLL 7277777777777, i i trial next. Monday. D emonstration. LULL LTT 27 2d Ld dd 2777 7 7777 77 77 7 7 7 7 777777 777707 77. LULL Ld 7 27 7 7 2d 22777 LL A A A AA SA AAA A A rr) NOTICE No Payment Down | Easy Vacuum 10 Sheet Capacity for heating or boiling in the machine itself. All Copper, does all the washing and does it quicker and better than other types, give it a Cash or Easy Payments. F. A. DARBY, ELECTRIC SHOP! 2103 Lincoln St., Evanston Also Electric Vacuum Cleaners ET A A AA A FE Ee FE EE A Oo WASHER with Gas attachment Phone to-day for a Phone Evanston 2230