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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 28 Sep 1917, p. 4

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mom Em Em WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 Ba = EN | Classified Ads FOR SALE MEN'S READY MADE SUITS FOR sale; we also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tels. 1128, 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52tc FOR SALE--USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer. Domestic, $5.00; Wheeler & Wilson, $6.00; Singer, $5.00; Singer 9227, almost new, $24 00; Wheeler & Wilson Cabinet, $15.00; Wilcox & Gibbs, $18.00; other bargains. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. 44-123-tfc FOR SALE--$1,200.00 VOSE & SONS Parlor Grand Piano, mahogany; left with us to sell, bargain, $250.00. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. 44-123-tfe FOR SALE -- ENTIRE MAHOGANY bedroom suite and 2 large Oriental rugs. 800 Lincoln-av. Phone Win- netka 516-M. 28-1tc FOR SALE--HORSE AND WAGON, grass mower, plow, buggy, 'chaff- cutter, etc. Wm. Topple, 173 Ridge- av. Phone Winn. 280. T28-tfe FOR SALE--DEROIT ELECTRIC, FINE condition; good for many years' serv- ice. Price $150.00. Phone Bolte, Glencoe 41. T28-2te FOR RENT FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished modern 7-room house, 2 baths, furnace heat, gas and electricity. Possession Oetober 1; $45.00. Phone Evanston 2757. 46-123-1tc FOR RENT--3 OR 4 ROOM FLAT, OR 7 rooms combined. 180 Chestnut-st. _ Phone Winn. 1065. 24-tfe FOR RENT--5 ROOM APARTMENT; sleeping porch, 545 Lincoln-av. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan-av. Harrison _ 1043. © 25-4tc FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, $40.00 per month; Pine-st., Winnetka; Oct. 1st to May 1st, or by the year if de- sired; deep lot; chicken house and run. Phone (afternoons) Win. 794. , T25-tfe FOR RENT--FOR WINTER, FUR- nished house in' Hubbard Woods. Four bedrooms, garage. Win. 327. 27-2te FOR RENT--6-ROOM FLAT, HOT water heat, $35.00 without heat. Cor- nér of Pine and Birch, Winnetka. Sellman. Phone Winnetka 1005. T28-1tec FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM bungalow with attic, electric light. 973 Cherry-st.,, Winnetka. 28-1tc For RENT -- FURNISHED 5-ROOM bungalow. 796 Pine-st. Winnetka. 4 T28-1tc "FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT--MOD- ern, light, pleasant, reasonable. 1624 Elmwood-av.,, Wilmette. T28-1tp FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT--MOD- ern, light, pleasant, reasonable. 1624 Elmwood-av.,, Wilmette. 47-1tp FOR RENT--7-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE lot, chicken run and barn; good lo- cation; bargain at $35.00; 7 months', 1 year or 19 months' lease. Posses- sion Oct. 1. Phone Winnetka 648. ; 28-23-1te NICE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 910 Spruce-st. Phone Wipnetiia, 1415, -1te ROOM FOR RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping, furnished. Phone after 6 o'clock Win. 1387. T28-1te FOR RENT--12-ROOM HOUSE IN Winnetka; on large lot; beautiful shade trees; 38 blocks from station; exceptionally desirable place, in ex- cellent shape; possession October 1st or 15th. Rent $115.00. Phone Win- netka 1114. T28-1te HELP WANTED WANTED--BOY TO RUN ERRANDS and make himself useful about print- ing office. Apply 1222 Central-av., Wilmette. Telephone 1920. 43-123-dh WANTED-- WHITE PROTESTANT laundress, two days a week: electric washing machine. Address Winnetka Talk A-24. Phone Winnetka 364 after October 1. 46-12-1tp WANTED--EXPERIENCED GENERAL girl; $10. Tel. Winnetka 447. 46-123-1tc WANTED -- STRONG WOMAN FOR housework part days, home evenings. Write 787 Foxdale-av., or phone 143% Winnetka. T28-1te A GOOD POSITION For a young man who is ambitious, honest and willing to start at bottom to gain advancement. One living in Wilmette preferred. Address Lake Shore News O.:'B. 12. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--POSITION AS GARDENER and houseman, and care of automo- bile; best of references; nine years at last place in Winnetka. Address Winnetka Talk B-30. 27-2tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winn. 911 before 8:00 a. m. 39-2-tfe WORK WANTED--CARE OF FUR- nace, house cleaning and general work; gardening also. Call Winn. 1386. T28-3tc SITUATION WANTED BY CHILDREN'S trained nurse for middle of October. Address Winnetka Talk A-25. T28-2tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--COLLIE DOG YELLOW AND black, answering to 'Laddy." Re- ward for return. 100 Green Bay-rd., Hubbard Woods. T28-1tc MISCELLANEOUS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWING machines sold by agents. We have no door to door agents. Our prices are always lower and we carry the best makes of new and used ma- chines. We cannot afford to misrep- resent. It will pay you to come to our store. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 44-123-tfc CALL AND SEE OUR NEW THOR Electric Washing Machine, with new gas heater attachment. If you have . an old electric machine, have a heat- er installed; they work wonders. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 44-123-tfc 10C. A YARD--HEMSTITCHING AND picot edge work on our new Singer hemstitching machine. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. iti 44-123-tfc - OLD VIOLIN or trade it in, IF YOU HAVE and want to sell we make yoa a fine ~~ oposition. See our repair man. Ope.. Thursday and Saturday evenings. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av.,, Evanston. : 44-123-tfc WANTED--USED GIRL'S BICYCLE; age 9 years. Price reasonable. Phone Winnetka 1141. 28-1te WANTED -- GIRL'S BICYCLE. 910 Spruce-st. Phone Winnetka 1514. T28-1te WANTED--Clean white rags for wiping machinery. Will pay 5c a pound. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central avenue, or phone 1920. Rileys Move. The Thomas Rileys have moved in- to their new home on Blackthorne road. = EEE (Continued from page two) heals individuals of sin and iniquity, but it corrects the world of such a thing as sin and iniquity. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." As the problem in mathematics is found after the solu- tion to be not only perfect and cor- rect, but always to have been perfect and correct, likewise man in Chris- tian Science is found after the solu- tion of the problem not only to be perfect like the Father, but always to have been perfect; that the errors of human belief never were true any more than the errors of the mathe- matical problem were true. Christian Science is not essentially iconoclasm. It does not break images, tear down altars, and break up churches, clans, and societies; neither does it use the old as a foundation upon which to construct the new. It educates out of the old into the new; out of the lower into the higher; out of the false into the true. The Sci- ence of Truth, like the garment of Christ, is a seamless robe, woven throughout from top to bottom; com- plete in itself. Nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it; and nothing can be true that is not in- cluded in it. In it mankind and the world will find all their needs sup- plied, and all their real desires ful- filled. But the laws of God are not the iaws of mortal mind or of matter. The so-called laws of health are no more the laws of God than the laws of evil are the laws of good, or the law of wrong is the law of right. The so-called laws of health which civili- zation makes and breaks, and yet builds upon, are as changeable and unreliable as the wind that blows. They are all built upon the shifting sands of physical observation, conjec- ture, doubt, and fear, having no prin- ciple or foundation in fact. The di- vine law of health, which is the law of Life, that is the law of God, is as changeless, mmutable, pure, and per- fect as the eternal God Himself. Christian Science shows that the error of the ages is in having two powers, one of good and the other of evil; and this belief beclouds the eye of reason, shuts out the true sense of being, and seemingly robs man of his God-given inheritance. This belief, in belief, makes man mortal instead of spiritual; makes man subordinate to every beast of the field, every fowl of the air, and every thing that springs out of the earth; makes man a slave instead of a master. When man begins to see himself as a child of God, a child of Spirit rather than a child of the dust, then he begins to take possession of him- self in the name of Almighty God, and to claim his birthright of health, happiness. harmony, and immortality. He then begins to take dominion over the beast of the field, and over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, and over every thing that "creepeth upon the earth;" but this dominion is not expressed in the power of might, of physical strength and mor- tal cruelty, but in the power of love, kindness, gentleness and helpfulness to all that is below him. Christian Science, ever loving, ever gentle, and ever. kind, will never take away one single thing that you hold dear without returning more than it took away, and that which you love better. Christian Science turns the searchlight on animal magnetism, mesmerism, hypnotism, and mental suggestion, and shows them to be dealing entirely with the mortal or finite mind, so called, which is but the negative of the divine Mind, or God, and has no more existence, com- pared with the divine Mind, than darkness has, compared with light. Christian Science is the wonder of the finite world, and the light of the ages; it is the grandest gift of the nineteenth century to the twentieth. Its donor, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, whom we lovingly call "our Leader," was indeed a most wonder- ful woman. To write such a book as "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and write it in the darksome days of the world's history, when heaven was a far-away place, and God a tyrannical personality, sit- ting on a throne in some unknown and unknowable locality, and the dark abyss of hell was yawning for the souls of men, and when matter and mortality, sin, sickness, and death, the devil and even damnation itself were all the works of a great and good God,--to write such a book at such a time, and under such condi- tions is the wonder more and more of all who love its teachings. Wilmette 195 Chicago Central 948 "TELEPHONE McLaughlin & Kerwin Producers of SAND and GRAVEL Pits at Gross Point, Ill. Morter and Washed Torpedo Sand 29 S. Lasalle St. : CHICAGO Winnetka State Bank Capital $25,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 3% on Savings Deposits . Officers and Directors HENRY P. CROWELL, President of Quaker Oats Company. VICTOR ELTING, Attorney. LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER of B. Kuppenheimer & Company Wholesale Clothing JOHN R. LEONARD of Bridge and Leonard Grain Commission Merchants. CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney. WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capitalist HENRY R. HALE. Cashier. N N N \ N \ \ 3 > TALL II LAI LIAL IAI IAS F IAAL ALLIS AIA AAAI AAAI). 7 he dng ht Bl di 1 ig! ORR ISIE RA A gn gn di" . our Custom! originations, ESCHIN eee Inc: 318-320 SoMichiganAvenue First in Style end Service ggg FOF 1 nO FRI gh gg Announcing Department YY may select from unusual models that anticipate the advance dictates of fashion, showing the strictly tailored tight sleeves and narrow shoulders. Or we will be pleased to execute your own Out-of-Town Charge Accounts Solicited TNT o TT a (IE a LIL THTLILY MOTE TRIE NEPEAN (ERT milf anna Sentafrmalbroe Pm wom 1; LLY LILLLLLISLLLILII LILIA LAS LL LISS ALLIS SSL L SSIS L LS SLI SLL LSS LLL SASS 111 As time goes on and the great facts of eternal Life as taught in Chris- tian Science are more clearly seen and more perfectly demonstrated, and Christian Science, the Science of Life, is better understood and com- prehended, the name of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, will. stand out in the world's great history like a star of the first magnitude; and she herself will be honored and loved for Hardware and Paints J. F. ECKART cEms Phone 484 OPENS CHICAGO AUDITORIUM FRIDAY SEPT.2! 16 DAYS ONLY PRICES 25-1% Rg 28 to 32 No. 5th Ave. Near Madison Street, Chicago Ten Course Table d"Hote Dinner Sun- days and Holidays. Popular Price Restaurant Vocal and Instrumental Music Our Amber fw GLASSES Protect Your Eyes from Sun's Glare BORSH & CO., Optician 181 South Dearborn St. CHICAGO EMB ROIDERY--PLEATING--BUTTONS HEMSTITCHING BRING 30 2 yard--all colors WORK IN BEFORE SHOP PING, READY WHEN YOU GO HOME. i ail Orders Given Prom at Attention LOUIS J. WROBLE 135 So. State St., corner Adams, over Peacock's PHONE RANDOLPH 6975 what she has done for mank for the world. * m The Countess h m Alice Brady in Betsy Ross gli, LAST TIMES - To-Day STRAND and To-Morrow MATS. 2 &4 NIGHTS 7&9 Mary Pickford in hert Latest and Greatest Success Rebecca of be Sunnybrook Farm pose of German Secret Police in America-----How = the Kaiser Operates and Secures Information. There are 10,000 Foreign Enemy Secret Police A Lurking and Scheming in the United States Some ®JH<: claim American Citizenship. DO YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR? "js NEXT WEEK 2 Changes of Program JHa MON., TUES., and WED. tr to fii | ---- glath of A SENSATION! &uica panes fo offic: DUSTIN FARNUM THE AMERICAN FAVORITE IN THE SPY The Greatest Impersonator of Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Double Program JULIAN ELTINGE Women in the World. IN Charming also ho LADIES TAILOR 11] VELVETS and SILKS. F. ARENDT IMPORTER & FURRIER 402-3-4 Heyworth Bldg. 29 E. Madison St. CHICAGO Is now showing the LatestModels for FALL &WINTER Our selection consists of ENGLISH, FRENCH CLOTHES, We are making{Smart Fancy and Plain Tailored Suits. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED LTTE ER I CAPITAL $35,000.00 FORMERLY BANK OF M. K. MEYER ESTABLISHED 1894 MONEY TO LOAN at 6% on Improved Real Estate. SAVINGS and COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS respectfully solicited And Why? facts before you: 510 Davis Street RANKL IN| The Experienced Motorist Deliber- ately Chooses the Franklin Sedan for Every-Day-in-the-Year Motoring --- When seeking a car that you intend to keep on the road twelve months a year, hold these . The Franklin Sedan owner is an He has had intimate knowledge of other fine cars. And based on that knowledge, he deliberately chooses the Franklin Sedan for all-year use. C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Company Phone Evanston 5886 experienced motorist. MB Se, ee

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