WINNET KA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917 =m Em ME ER fied Ads READY-MADE SUITS FOR We also buy and sell second- Jd clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- or; 4274, 1321 Rmerson, Hvanston. i 31-12-52tc 191 BS "LIGHT SIX," 7 PASS. teuring De Luxe, wi tel top; original ice $2,200; sell for $1, 00 cash. Ad- ress ke Shore News M-89. 50-1123-1tc 19156 SIX-CYLINDER CHALMERS, b- passenger touring, fine mechanical eondition, starter and lights, $400.00; terms or cash. Address Lake Shore News M-S8, 50-123-1te 1917 NATIONAL HIGHWAY 12-CYL., 7-passenger touring, 2 extra tires; very: good condition; might take small car in trade; $1,250.00. Address Lake Shore News M-S7. 50-123-1tc FOR SALI SLIGHTLY USED SEW- ing machines. Singer, style 66, §15,00; Singer, style 66, $20.00; Sing OWT style, $22,00; Singer, box ton, $5.00; new style White Rotary, $15.00 and $20.00, Other bargains, We do re- pairing on all machines, Patterson Bros, 1522 Sherman-av,, Byanston. ; H0-123-1 RARGAIN IN NEW also 60 ft. lot, for Tel. 536-R Winn. WANTED--2 ROCOMS AND T-ROOMN ia, uuick ¢ ash and hoard for the winter; private family. Address Mra, K. Al B innetka, Illinois, ONE SMALI; HEATING STOVE, $4.00; 1 oak dresser, $4.00; 1 gas stove, $2.00; 2 iron beds, $3.00; 1 wooden bed, $1.00, at 9%9 Ash-st, Winnetka, TIL. Ti2-1te FOR OA HEATERS, : and one eoal ronan, Address -st., or Tel, Winnotka 686, T32-1te romwmmy "HR RENT--MODERN -ROOM FLAT, 1458 Lake-av, Call 146% Lake-av. or | phone 573 Wilmette, 50-123-1te | FOR RENT---5 ATATTMENT; | Lineoln-av. TTR RTS TOT | LIER _ T31-2te INDIR D ROOMS. iy 1 a, yoy Drain Boddcic, Cob at 421 Lindel=sw, winnetka. Lhono 1047 or 1484 Win. T32-1te TOR RENT--TWO ROOMS, SLEEPING porch and dressing room. Call Wil. 20561. T32-2tc HELP WANTED WOMAN TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work. Address 272 Poplar-st., Win- netka, or Phone Winnetka 1217. ' 50-123-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework, 2 or 3 hours every morn- ing. Tel. Winn. 543-W. T32-1te SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED TO DO JOB work. Call Lake Shore News office. ee ORE CRG nae 50-1tp SITUATION AS JANITOR. CALL Lake Shore News office. 50-1tp AND SERVING. DINNORY also other work Phone Wilmette 50-12-1te WILL rates] give COOKING and luncheons; bv d=y or hour. 1945 or 1944. WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK. do first-class work. reasonable sheets and shirts a specialty; us a trial; all hand work. Address Luke Shore News B-T1. 50-123-1te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Thone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfe LOST AND FOUND LOST--2 KITTENS, MALTESE AND black and white; also child's rubbers. Phone Winnetka 608, T32-1te MISCELLANEOUS 10C A YARD--HEMSTITCHING AND picot edge work on our new Singer memstitching machine. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 47-123-tfe WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1920. 47-tfdh NOTICE--WE DO REPAIRING ON all makes of talking machines. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. 50-123-tfc U. OF C. MAN WILL TALK HERE FOR SUNDAY CLUB The Sunday Evening club has se- cured Dr. Shailer Mathews of the University of Chicago. for the prin- cipal speaker at their meeting this week. Dr. Mathews will speak on "American Democracy and World Politics." The Chicago man is wide- ly known as a keen analysist of con- ditions, and his description of Amer- ica's place in the new world order will be of decided interest. Miss Marjorie Maxwell of the Ev- anston Congregational church, who has been engaged by Campanini for numerous appearances with the Chi- cago Grand Opera company this win- ter, will feature an attractive musical "program. The other members on the program include vocal sclections by Miss Hazel Huntley, and an or~aa recital by Miss Marie Edwards. The patri- otic choruses will be conducted by Prof. E. I. Walker. i of Pl the Cl on to Milwaukee | fF ") | o n ind road running th end of Lincoln Hel Our Bo [3 and crossing the Pp y Deerfield to 2 The Winnetka Talk, with man-ayv, Tel, i 4 TS9-4tc | | "| 'ook and Lake counties in building ! the Chicago to Milwaukee Post road. DR. BROWN LEAVES PARIS TO ASSIST IN VILLAGES One of a Tootar luncheon and bridge clubs was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Ed Fatch, 711 Washington avenue. (Continued from page 1) patois has brought out many con- fidences today. ~ T dressed a cut finger this morning. This afternoon, as I was standing talking with a group of people, I felt a little hand slip into mine. The child stayed with me for an hour. I wish we could fit up a playground for them--to keep them at play. A French woman teaches-them, and at recess the children all 'sit on the around and receive a, piece of black bread. IT am writing:home for some cereals, the lack of them is very man- ifest--s30 many children in the in- 0 with digestive disturbances. 'ell Polly King to have the Red Cross girls make children's clothes. This morning it was foggy and very cool. I do not know what we will do when it is winter--fuel is bound to be scarce. Germany holds all the coal lands of France. At noon, when the sun was high, it was beautiful and warm, though hazy 10 fact that they may vote on this in the distance. We are on a very . " high hill and see hills all arcund us. Two Johns Hopkins physicians from their unit called on us today and had ~CND ISSUE WILL BE DECIDED IN VILLAGE (Continued from page 1) READY TO SET UP Complete hot water garage The ""WASCO"' is a coal burning garage heating system. Made for private garages holding from 1 to 6 cars. Distributes heat evenly along entire width of radiators-- economically and efficiently at a cost of but 5 centsaday. {'"WAsCO" prices arc: 1-car $65; 2-car $84; 3-car $105; 4-car $126; S-car $140; 6-car $161. '"WASCO" is made in stock sizes. Reg- ulates the heat automatically. Any handy man can install. Steamfitter unnecessary. Catalog Free. D North JOHN B. BOOMER, heating system only $65 ; Wilmette 1304. Ask for list of those who have used the system 2h . Distributor Dr. Alice ht letter "Wibes the r headqu in aviato ire repor ¢ bombs lunch with us. chines. Give my love to all. Yours, Alice Barlow-Brown. the coming election to be 20. The money, if the bond anroved, is to be used to t county's share of the cost the cn-cperntion of parents and > : | ' an, thence east | +h on Sheri- jf ; ! ~3, is going to make it pos- EROTEA | " ; and Keni! Aionotia 4 8 wcting the east | bone hey * yr: sone into th the county ig 7 1 y=! soevice ts keep in touch en weedy anvtar ter n= i wr th lienl conditions. ! Li ctive al cnce, a speeial subscription rate for the Win- netka Talk can be had for any person wearing the uniform of Uncle Sam. This rate will be $0.75 in advance, a substantial decrease over the regular rate. On such subscriptions, the paper will be forwarded weekly to any designated point in the United States or Europe. If you have a son serving in France and you subscribe for the paper for him under this special rate, the paper will go forward directly to him each week. If you have a son or a | friend who will go to Rockford or any other cantonment as a member of the national army, the paper will reach him each week, and if, at a later period, he is transferred to some other point within the country, or even 'Europe, on being notified, The Winnetka Talk will see || that the paper follows him. cre at Cod WORT GEE L ana state auindoriils ve appropriated $400,000 to aid By agreement between the Cook and Lake county roads and bridges com- mittee, Lake county is to have $325, 000 of this and Cook county only $75,- 000. Lake county will lose this fund unless it provides the balance of ap- proximately $200,000 to build its por- tion of this road. It has no way to raise this money except through 2 bond issue. By making the issue $500,000 it can also build the road west from Waukegan through the county. One-half the cost of this east and west road will be returned to the county out of state aid funds ar out of the $60,000,000 state-wide Lond issue, approved by the last legis- 'ature and to be voted on at the No- rember, 1916, general election. Roads of Concrete. These two roads are to be built +i concrete--permanent, all-the-year -round roads. The Post road will serve the immense traffic from Chi-|{{ -~~0 and Waukegan to Fort Sheridan --t Creat Lakes Training station, |= i vhich are so sadly in need B ; ¢ hard road. ; Calumet 424.425.426 for this bond issue means oy DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS bh oef " thn federal-state gift of 1. a vote against means 'for- OF INDIVIDUAL AUTOMOBILE axles St. A vote for it means a "BODIES: Swiriotic vote for, a grave traffic necessity. A vote for it is good busi- ness for the county, in getting two ofits most important roads perma- nently improved now, with the coun- ty paying less than half of the cost. Cook county, which passed a $2,000,- 000 road bond issue two years ago, is submitting another $1,000,000 bond issue to supplement the Lake county $500,000 issue. Will Lake county fail to do its bit for the county, the state and the federal government? CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Established 1886 General Repairing and Painting" Of Exceptional Quality 1223 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BUY A LIBERTY LOAN BOND. 77 27 Fd 22d LZ 7 277d 2a 7a a7 Zr dR 2 rar 7 Ol PO Pal ZZ a Aad dds {HHT SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS FOUR POPULAR ALL YEAR CARS Oldsmobile Sedan, $1,695 Dodge Sedan $1,265 Woods Dual Power Coupe, $2,950 J Franklin Sedan, $2,950 C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Co. 510 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON A earl ZI vs ZT Zr 2 2 ae 24 The program will begin at 7:10 o'clock and everyone is requested to come early, as the committve direct- ing the entertainment plans to close the services at 9 o'elock. . SUBSCRIBE NOW. : Phone 2 5886 | 2 7 777 2 7d ddd Prd ddan iididdddiddid TT ; HE EIB THUTHITE E Dear J-- © " #'This is Whir-e-r--1!) Fer : Sork and . eat dela: on #hil in Fr: Get a quick start every @my'is cc morning this winter. Save #hope wit! your batteries. Save your ill come. starter. Save your arm if geek toni you use a crank. Prevent at has. your radiator from freezing -ghers hav and your lubricating oil get for from soliditying. Work on your car in comfort. In- ir Jane stall a 3 ne 4) © Ee TOSS SEEGER Private Garage Heater p iepital ¢ in your garage. A scuttle of coal a day keeps repair bills ; out, away--makes winter motoring more comfortable. No #rench, w water to freeze--to drain or replenish. ~ @ithem a oo pa, to chi D Self Regulating--Automatic Feed. 3 desired temperature. No extras--mno of stove-pipe. once in 24 hours. than 2 feet square. Guaranteed satisfaction on 30-day trial. see it. SEEGER MFG. CO. CHICAGO, ILL. Room 231 Heat automatically controlled to any stallation expense aside from few lengths Attention necessary only Occupies space less Two Cars, $45.00; Four Cars, $60.00; Six 3 Cars, 75.00. F. O. B. Milwaukee, Wis. = Stop in and 175 W. Jackson Blvd. and bob started ring of | bow to hall be b ave their g their 0 childr ming tc ach day hese chi here the ~&re in the ttle girl hscess 0 octors w bh be fini suggest: gency Op in- i ha abi ENG TEA] ad been urgeons Useful! and Practical for the So diers and Sa'lors qwe have a large line of necessary articles in khaki cases for the comfort of our Soldier and Sailor Boys. © q If you want to send something useful, something that will be appreciated, you will ind here just the article desired. Amone the many khaki-cased articles carried in our stock may be mentioned the following: Trench Mirrors Money Belts Tobacco Pouches Cigarette Cases Shaving Sets : Photo Cases First Aid Kits q And many others. Military Brushes Fitted Toilet Cases Unfitted Toilet Rolls Comfort Kits Sewing Outfits Drinking Cups ALL THE NEV PALL LOOKS LC. McClurg & Co. vii. mit, whi jere, COI t was m) Two + solc there a nined th red thr ptain-s ix fourt! Wo nurs Dr. Sedg "We a ight nigl floor s--s¢ ur chau keven of tarted a glace, tw interrupt which m near--t h out to Se hold! T must tal ll was v out bet ring w went in see the | it for an the sire shall loc any she are the a-search fully sit which g