mom =m = 4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1917 mom Em Em = | | Classified Ads FOR SALE MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-52te FOR SALE -- USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer. White Drop Head, $12.00; White Rotary, $15.00; White, almost new, $20.00; Singer, Style 66, $15.00; Standard, $12.00; Singer, 66, latest model, slightly used, $29.50. Big Sale this month. Payments. We sell you a new or used machine far cheaper than any door to door agent. Patter- son Bros. 1522 Sherman-av. Evans- ton. 1-123-tfc FOR SALE--9 ROOM HOUSE OVER- looking Indian Hill Golf Grounds; modern improvements. Address Lake Shore News, Wilmette, IIL T34-5tc FOR RENT--5-ROOM APARTMENT; sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln-av. T33-4tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE TABLE AND davenport, $50.00 each. Call Glencoe 741. T35-23-1tc FOR SALE--9 ROOM HOUSE OVER- | looking Indian Hill Golf Grounds in | Winnetka; modern improvements. | Address Lake Shore News, Wilmette, 111. T34-5tc ster; FOR RENT FOR RENT--S8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, new, with garage. Call Winnetka | 581-W. T34-2tc | FOR RENT--MODERN FIVE ROOM | flat, 1458 Lake-av. Call 1466 Lake- | av. or phone 573 Wilmette. 2 Lo 1-128-1te ROOMS FOR RENT-- hot water heat. Stickney, 2nd Apt, | 872° Pine-st. A T35-1tc| FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 969 | Spruce-st.,, Winnetka. Phone 1455. ! Ln aoTan-lte| FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR | gentleman. Call or phone after 6 o'clock. Address 520 Linden-st., or FURNISHED phone Winnetka 1387 T35-1te FOUR _ROOMS--ONE ROOM WITH housekeeping privileges; one single Phone Win. 893. T35-1tc ® furnished room. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work by the day. Phone Evanston 2331. 52-123-4tc LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Phone Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. T29-tfc WANTED--LIGHT HOUSEWORK PER hour out, or plain sewing and mend- ing at home. 922 Ash-st. T34-3tp WANTED--LIGHT HOUSEWORK PER hour out, or plain sewing and mend- ing at home. 992 Ash-st. T34-3tp LOST AND FOUND TOST -- LADY'S BLACK LEATHER pocketbood; contained money, tele- grams, one 3-carat diamond ring; reward $250.00. Dowd, Randolph 163. 1-123-1tp LOST--BLACK PATENT LEATHER pocketbook containing money and train ticket, on Ridge-av. or in front of postoffice. Return to L. D. Kel- logg, 90 0Willow-st.,, Winnetka. Re- ward. T35-1te MISCELLANEOUS WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1920. 47-tfdh IF YOU HAVE AN OLD VIOLIN AND want to sell it or trade it in, we make you a fine proposition. Repairing on all musical instruments. Open Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday eve- nings. Patterson Bros, 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 51-123-tfc HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED THIS month; your furnace is on and your piano needs tuning. Wilmette, $2.00; Winnetka and Glencoe, $2.50. Pat- terson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Ev- anston. Tel. Wilmette 526. 51-123-tfc NOTICE--WE DO REPAIRING ON all makes of talking machines. Pat- terson Bros. 1522 Sherman-av. Ev- __anston. 50-123-tfc WILL MAKE EXCEPTIONAL OFFER on old pianos, players or square pianes in exchange on new grands, players or upright pianos. Seeley 4615 53-123-3tc VOICE LESSONS BY EXPERIENCED teacher from Chicago. For informa- tion call Miss Schwartz. Phone Glen- coe 273. 9-1te 13 ACRES OF JACKIES FORM AMERICAN FLAG Thirteen acres of humanity formed an American flag at the Great Lakes station last week. Nine thousand jackies in blue 'and white uniforms stretched out over the parade ground in the Stars and Stripes. The forma- tion was photographed to be used in the Christmas edition of the Great Lakes Recruit. PERSHING TAKES WAR POLICY FOR $10,000 General Pershing has taken a $10,- 000 war insurance policy. Applica- tions from Pershing men for $2,200,- 000 in war insurance have been re- ceived. Pershing, in a letter to Sec- retary McAdoo, said he hoped every man will avail himself of "this gen- erous offer." Union to Meet. The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will meet at the home of Mrs. J. S. Norris, 1314 Forest avenue, on Monday, November 19, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Catherine Barry, coun- ty superintendent of evangelistic work in the prisons and jails, will speak. $--$--$--$--$--$--$--$--3 $ MONEY IN OUR WANT ADS § 4 NORTH SHORE FOOD OFFICIAL New Shop Here. PLANS TO SETTLE MILK RATES TR The North Shore Electric Shop, | formerly the Korsgren Electric Shop, The first official act of Carroll S. Gridley, Libertyville banker named is now open for business, and Mr. jag ohn - C. h i i Lake county food administrator by John Welter, the proprietor, is Mes Wop li» Hardware and Paints J. F. ECKART Hines Phone 484 BUY XMAS CARDS NOW. Mrs. Ira Couch Wood is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Daniel A. Loring, Jr., at Locust Valley, N. Y. She will return to Winnetka December 1. | 4 : very enthusiastic about the future ; a eee Tl Deas prospects of thls new shop... Ms Ba i : r forth ? ¢ Welter is also proprietor of the John |g HEMSTITCHING - = £59 ors in the county for the purpose of | « 'yeter Sales Co. of Chicago B DRS settling the problem of milk prices. : LL BUTTONS COVERED - BA y The Sift milk situation is NE Be PLEATINGS - "L so EM BRO) RING . I N 8 . | Winnetka | nal EMBRODERING- "522 Ro oy St ns Bldg AND POLICE ESCORT WOMEN; \ N ®"s| BRAIDING - BEADS - oo yi Re bi Eid rear 'NeepLE Man' |N State Bank Ri Room i orth Awerican Bldg \ \ mn Had your materials tous. We will fie CABO a i i i i \ Capital $25,000.00 N| SW snake thom up ard reburn to pou CnTraL ioss -ce0s- 4304-5839 Police met all incoming trains at |N apita ' . N Hy by parcel post --or you carn call. 3 oy etka Peo Highland Park last night and offered |N Surplus. 5,000.00 ML VE TAME -- Send for a Button Chart aud Price List ~THANKS ice for 1 to escort women to their homes to |N 3 Savi D . N| = - a safeguard against a mysterious N Po on savings epostts N his Mornin "needle man," who last Tuesday night N Officers and Directors N - : - : - accosted Miss Agnes Enmark and |N HENRY P. CROWELL, N 1 i . ' N reside: k y N [| plunged a needle into her hip. He \ VICTOR BLING. Attorney TY" \ | DO YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE your | ORIAL fled when she screamed. Raa RR \ Property, your Home, your Vacant for Chicago, AEE . 1] . . . 5 NY msn sls Clothing N | Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka or Evanston or do you metha Con N Benoa d in Ja inC ssi N'|| want to Rent a Home. Do you want a Loan or Insurance or buy a j THE HOUSE OF N Eg Iam oT N [ll Home, If so let us know. Fill out this blank and mail to us. old Servic IRCHBER N CARLTON PROUTY, Attorney. Nil : : N WILLOUGHBY G. WALLING, Capitalist Xl Name... cco ihe erica naslov ninssnen sits se slieie sree DIAMONDS N HENRY R. HALE. Cashier. N | Ee ee : at Founded 1867. Buy your Christm as gifts now N Winnetka State Bank will be open on \ | | Tel. No : a St. No : ev. Edwin | Fifty years of honest merchandising is your guar N Saturda ing § 7 N | J he FRA Sh ght 10 SLUG HE SC Liam A ALY A BARR fen Bl A SE Sg 3 nnetka Cc as : N y evening from 7 to 9 to take sub- NI} ' - antee. Wedding rings and diamond engagement N scriptions for Liberty Loans N | LOW. act wis ais iviecahe as Aw tin stunk onli iiete ab ss iis ve oe Sui gee vis a ance Juné, 19 rings. 104 N. STATE ST., CHICAGO, one block | N x N { - w bh in t north of Washington St., opposite "Fields" 2 ddd ddd: N PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. od iE | 414 LINDE . , . | Nooo lol : kt fruitless | _ uttered heal poo a a -- | E" SNC, 8 ee SN Crm s » | Ws were hel = cr = 0 - Se] 77 0 2 Zr "ls morning, / Personal Greelin Cards This is the very best time to select your Christmas and New Year Greet- ing Cards because the lines we are 4 ( \i { a] | showing are complete. Later it may be impossible to get the very card you want. 2 i! Distinctive, individual cards, exclu- sively your own, are a specialty of ours. These are made up in our own shop and the cost is often even less than you would pay for the ordinary kind. Cards selected now will be delivered at any time desired. Stationery and Engraving Main Floor A.C. McClurg & Co. 218-224 S. Wabash Ave. A Million and a Half Miles of New Telephone Wire! oue THE past year, in order to meet the rapidly increasing require- ments for telephone service, the Bell System has added to its wire facilities alone a mil- lion and a half miles of wire! THIS NEW WIRE represents an investment of more than thirty-five million dollars and is sufficient to encircle the earth at the Equator more than fifty times! TraE AppITION Of this telephone wire rep- resents but part of a tremendous amount of work this company has done to prepare oy. your telephone system for war-time service. Your co-operation in the care of your tele- phone apparatus will help to conserve equip- ment difficult to replace at the present time. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY $§--$--$--5--3--$--$---8%5--35 A = "oonsocket, k aves a wife io will cont t. 243 r. Snell al setts until was born : 8 Puritan st YOUNG CQUPLES WHO SAVE money instead of spending all on tuxuries are providing them- selves for a comfortable and happy old age. Those who spend as they go are sure to of the B: suffer in years to come. This business in bank opens joint accounts under st of a p which either wife or husband ch he alwa; can draw money if needed. Any ction, he of our officers will gladly tell essions wh a Nr you of their advantages. ~Surse of his Stbachelor of WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL $35 00.000 FORMERLY BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 L] nied. Short eparatory ci wton Theol ithe Baptist Mass., wl U don't have to have a frozen radiator and engine this winter. YO Ny x You don't have to use an anti-freeze. RE You don't have to have radiator covers. N M Your garage need not be heated. je directly The air-cooled Franklin relieves you of The = Wing . s 1C all water cooling troubles. rch and More real pleasure and efficiency than N onal, erew . if bu a ring Mr. Sn you ever thought possible, if you buy a N Suis views Franklin. Bh: lhl i Sar ldlom heard Franklin Woods Dual Power urban villa ir, merely a on the perso bd . Ire communit Dodge Bros. Oldsmobile C. E. BRIDGES Evanston Franklin Car Company 510 DAVIS STREET PHONE 5886 T7777 77 7 ddl aed ddd TTA iis ealth must h rm for man veral years, inroads car prise to hi flock to his ople of the {absence wa rch, but h g in recqgn 77727277777 rrZarzirzzzrzrrzriziiiizsd 2 LOST WE HAVE LOST every hope of finding ¥ 24 fo of ends, went sent at the be a mc rch next (dort time ag t Mr. Sne active wor ommittee t a dissatisfied Haynes owner. Seek far gist ¥ S . . uliar place and wide. Try it yourself, Then phone neration wl us for a demonstration of the car that makes your ideals come true. NNETKA SERVIC me. Lucie French at f ed her ser e recent re; village. | to volun Mme. ILoud | fer father is Phone Wilmette 587 or 1883 Meet he meeti 's club, w Communi 621 W. RAILROAD AVE., WILMETTE i 3