mom om mm WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1917 CC mom om mm 3 to Cly de Marton Joice, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Joice of Chi- | HAL == Miss Hazel West, daughter of Mr. | there is no assurance that donations ways be furnished through recog- | * J and Mrs. George E. West, 1337 As-|in response to any chain letters will [nized channels, if the donor wishes i OCI al H oO e Nl IAN is bury avenue, will become the bride | reach the Red Cross treasury, and|to be assured that his gift is to reach Ly , of Captain Norman M. Stineman of |are urged to pay no attention to such jthe object intended. it Chicago on Saturday evening, at|appeals, whose sincerity is always BE h! | on the Christ Church Chapel, the ceremony | open to doubt. SAVE AND SERVE. 5 ort 0) re to be performed by Rev. E. Ashley| Aid to the Red Cross should al- BUY XMAS CARDS NOW. i | Gerhart. J Miss West will 'have as her attend- oH by Boy Risle b4 ] ants Miss Florence Cook as maid of I oO CC K i honor, and the Misses Ruth Hodg- it: | he son of Wilmette and Marjorie West, The Soldier Boys are sending letters home begging for CHOCOLATE if VERY pretty wedding, to be solemnized on Saturday after- her sister, as bridesmaids. Albert CANDY --every mail brings a plea-- i! noon of this week, is that of Miss Grace Reardon and Lieut. Ding Chisazn WH serve Dest : : _ THE SHOP OF QUALITY { Gerald Poole, son of Mrs. C. C. Poole of Evanston. The Mel ain Water : A i Bi daily, pure, fresh, home-made candy. We make a | ceremony will be performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |p oo "0 0 fvin West, A re- 5 ¥ CHOCOLATES AND BONBONS i falter Wallace on Mount Pleasant road, at four o'clock, by Rev. | oi tion for relatives and close friends Just the thing to send to the "BOYS AT THE FRONT." i J . G. Budlong, rector of St..Peter's church, Chicago. Mr. Poole re-| will be held after the ceremony at Yhen buying your own candy, remember to buy one box for some ] - ived his commission on Tuesday at the training camp at Fort|the home of the bride's parents. : $ i Rive an. Mrs. Bertram Doyle, formerly Miss Dorothy Weart of rf 558 RAILROAD AYENUE ii Winnetka, will serve as matron of honor. ais M. Lillian Smedley of Las THE WINNETKA CANDY SHO Tel. Winnetka 1336 for Prompt Delivery i : 2 2 eneva, Wis, is the guest of Mrs. i ~All women who desire to assist in the work of making over used | M. H. Lieber for the week-end. i tothing for French children are invited to the Parish house from 9 The Tir Street circle willmeetnext "EE EEE EEN IEE EE EEE EEE EEEENN h ~ fo 12 on Monday of each week. This work has grown rapidly during Tuesday with Mrs. AT Rechtchim x Bou 3 » i he past three weeks and, in addition to the tes made to be | Wetmor. 565 Tir street. 0% SAVE YOUR C T.LOTHIES il hipped to France, the committee in charge of the work is sending, RI 8 KEEP THE DUST OFF BUY A DRESS BAG RB | Pl A rough the French Shop of Chicago, sample outfits and atterns | Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Strotz |B 60c White. 75c Figured. $1.00 Figured. $1.25 for X Size- 32 in. Hl - 1 I I 60c Whit : | 0 other organizations in Illinois. of 365 Sheridan road entertained at | wide x 65 in. long. Laundry Bags to match, $1.00 = i L A request is being made for all the old clothing, especially ja Thanksgiving, a family party |p | Beads | One Initial JPeesa, Jwo Initials, 85¢ extra. Stamping | | 'woolens, that can be spared from the various households. A com-!of thirty-five. aa a ah Parker Embroldering & Braiding\ Ca: {0h - i mittee under Mrs. F. D. Fulton will be on hand each day to receive mpd Initialing | Byes 013 Hocbn A sci Phd Svs l op ids on? | plol) | re : 1 ioht b brou ht in. | : Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lord, 515|H | Room 1122 Stevens Bldg., above Chas. A. Stevens & Bros., Store 18 m {1 any clothing that mig e g . : : io 1 4 i o Central avenue, spent Thanksgiving ™ 17 N. State St. Chicago, IIL 16 North Wabash Ave. ---------- ma i$ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, 352 Linden avenue, Win- a) fends Sy souh Sie, Wil UE REE EEEEENEEEEEEENRREERNREER i ~ netka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebekah Hazel, business trip in the east. A cago. No definite date has been set for the wedding, but it willl The Fortnightly Bridge club met -- probably take place during the sesly winter. Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Ed- ) ward Kirchberg at her home on Lin- § The Thanksgiving exercises at EL | Mrs. J. V. Stixrud, 607 Willow | den avenue. Mrs. Charles E. Lord Tiot school were celebrated Wednes-| street ,had as her guests Mr. and | will be the next hostess. A & { day morning, in the form of a|Mrs. Bye and family and Mrs. H. : pret ly me Spegren ompany pageant. Lindsay Field took the part Hanson and son of Chicago, on Mr. and Mrs. Frank IL. Koontz of of Democracy and was assisted by the | Thanksgiving Day. 1121 Ashland avenue will leave Sat- TEL. WILMETTE 420 ollowing, who respresented the vari- A urday for Ivy, Va. where they will EVANSTON 466 ous nations : Rosalind Seatree, Mrs. H. S. Fuller of Crete, Neb.,|be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James ' Emily Scott, Barbara Scott, Jeanette |is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. |D. Colt, former residents of Wilmette. Reynolds, Catherine Bersac, Elea-| Arthur Dear, 441 Willow street. They will also visit in Richmond, nore McGiven, Leslie Dickinson and ---- White Sulphur Springs and Virginia 'Margaret Mercer. The part each na- : Misses Edith an dMildred Light Hot Springs before their return. PL RR CAT sai | j i resignation. The club will be in tion, and many copies of them have charge of a committee until next|jeen forwarded to nchional head- YW J February. ber 6, at 2:30 o'clock. A good pro- "gram will be furnished for the oc- " casion: violin selections by Profes- quarters for explanation. sor August Uhe, accompanied by Al- The American Red Cross reiterates fred Tilroe; Mrs. Albert R. Frawley, Mrs. E. 5S. Fechheimer, 822 Bryant | that no chain letter project has its soloist, and a lecture on "Chicago |avenue, is to have three "at homes" | approval. While some of these fd and Her Children," illustrated with for the teachers in the Winnetka |schemes have been started in good stereopticon by Mrs. Albert E. Web- schools. The dates are the 4th, 11th | faith, mention of the Red Cross is not ster. 'The hostesses are Mesdames|and 18th of December. warranted. Red Cross members, and | Petersen, Harkness and pow sg the public in general, are warned that edhe 7777777 nmi ing 72?d2g 2) "America's First Car" HAr~NES 3c per mile--the average for gasoline, tires, oil and repairs ! Mehren, ~ Pearson. \ Last Saturday night Company : har di of the Officers' Training Camp at| 3 ers te | ET of the renowned Polish actress, etka Woman's club |. it the See arith ile ae : OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Henry Jewett Players at the Copely| Mrs. March Chase is visiting in St. ||Roem 15 New Bank Bldg. WINNETKA theater, in Boston. It has long been Louis over Thanksgiving. PHONES WIN 482 3 predicted that Miss Modjeskt would = Trearents by appoinimins follow in the footsteps of her grand- Mrs. McNie of Winona, Minn., is mother. but her recent success in|@ guest at the home of he rson, "The Man Who Stayed at Home" | Charles McNie and family, of Forest © comes as a surprise to her many avenue. © Winnetka friends. ie i EAT, Mr. and Mrs. Langley of Merrill, Wis., are the guests of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Edward Smart. ---- There will be an all-day meeting of the Woman's society of the Con- gregational church, December 5. Dr. Graham Taylor of Chicago Commons will speak at 11 o'clock. There will! ; : . | be a business m fey aide to Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown, is €eting at one o'clock. | a | expected to be resent Mid GW. Gordon. 24 North ave. go nue, gave the last of her "at homes" 4 The "movie benefit," given under | io, the teachers in the Winnetka the auspices of the comfort commit-| schools. on Tuesday ' y ; ~ tion played 2 the Ser, was progam are spending their Thanksgiving va- Miss Hel Ploy tertaiged at 48 N'lout by speeches, Others who par-|.,.;,y 4¢ Leaf River, Ill. iss Helen, a MET e/terlAInGd 8 OOD DISTRIBUTION is expensive at best. A 'ticipated in the program were Cath- Po dinner 08 Vednsscay evening at her a | eri ro > 'ook, Beatri 2 ¥ . 1 +21132 'Forest av oF h 5 RE Ln oro wie vou Wigs 08 0 Contos HE Popes Song or' Ber Ploaty of fond ab nelnkemen cont ls satlon's \ Rogers and Teroy Kellogg. avenue left last Wednesday EVENING | has just returned from the training ideal. To "do our bit"' we must help to attain 8 N\ 2 itd to spend a month in Fargo, N. D. camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. j Eo A A \ mie Tt this ideal. Consumer can assist merchants i \ Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barnum of Mrs. John Boddie of 848 North) yr. nd Mrs Poul SB irocder and 4 : ' : i \i gas Wealden Toad Are being Sorular (avenue, Hubbard Woods, Is enters, SR R00 in [RE Brander ard greatly by intelligent co-operation. Systematic A N la upon the birth of a son, nr RI : WE yg \< » Marg , ; a | . 5 3 i 3 : H N iy Monday, November 20, at tne ye LD. Winton and per avenue, left yesterday for a few planning in ordering of necessities, consideration he \ the Presbyterian hospita lin Chicago. Wi Rugiters gina, at er days' trip to Quincy, St. Louis and How loi t . . Li wo Nig 4 : C ' 2 orien YL . n bi: \ ~ Mrs. Barnum was formerly Miss Kansas City. allowing ample time to economize on expense in [i \ Edith Beach ol Winastes. Rev. Robert Holmes, curate for Dr. The ladies of the Birthday club putting up and delivering order will help. i] NN : ? 2; Rodger of St. Mark's, Evanston,|were eniertained at luncheon and iy \ Mrs. Ayres Bony ns Tose Bes preached the sermon last Sunday at bridge at the home of Mrs. J. C. i \ home a i Phe gad a ae Christ church in the absence of the | Mannerud, 904 Oakwood avenue, last a N\ Wincor monthsiana nas 20 Rev. E. Ashley Gerhart. Friday : PRE : i N house at Wardour, Annapolis, Md, gi 2 | f 1S our leasure in istri ut- f \ until February first, to be near her The North Shore D : rh og _ Our du Y Pp o? ] AN hasband, who is taking a four} thE: he Ore Lancing CU 124 IN spite of previous announce- | y { / 3 a \B months' training course at Annapolis. is Thankeghving Pov a jhe W if» fs tents that thee Amarican Bed ng High Grade Groceries, Meats, N 2 ee -- Deter omens ox y; ednesday chain letter system of raising money, . d V. bl ] \ Illinois and Winnetka Day will be word 2 Y | 'nd that it has never authorized any | Fruits an egela eS. i N\ observed by the North Shore Catho- - ; : : 'hain lette rpromoters to use the| ? ik : N lic Woman's leagne at its regular The MacDowell! club sro run with- name of the Red Cross in any way, | i \ monthly meeting Thursday, Decem- out a president, owing to Mrs. Snell's | letters of this nature are in circula- 4 N bt \ \ \ ¢ I W222 7 kh vvuvugg Factory claims do not enter into these figures. They repre- sent the actual experiences of 1,200 Haynes owners, two-thirds of whom have driven their cars for one, two or three years. Many had exceeded 30,000 miles---12,835,000 miles was the total. 3V4c per mile----over 28 miles for $1!---the average cost for driving a luxurious, high-powered Haynes! Remarkably low up- keep, considering that many of these cars had been in use for three years and longer. E. S. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new and second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds. Baby Car- riage Tires Sa Sa LN PHONE 122 Mrs. Anita Willets Burnham is pre- paring a group of her sketches and some work of other local artists for an exhibit, which is to be held on the | afternoon of Wednesday, December 12, at the residence of Mrs. Douglas Smith, 915 Sheridan road. Miss Yates, "who is being' sent to France as an No wonder nearly 95 out of each 100 Haynes owners---when asked "Has the performance of your car justified the purchase of ano her Haynes? '---replied "YES!" The same low upkeep---the same bigness, beauty and high power---the same continued satisfaction---awail you. tee of the Winnetka Navy league at --ta Exchange Your Propert the Winnetka Woman's club, Thurs-| fis Kay Strotz, who is attending g Troperly N a day night. was very successful. De-|the University of Wisconsin, is at ||| Your home, if too large for a smaller \ Phone Wilmette 587 or 1883 1 spite the rain, there were more than|pome for Thanksgiving and the home. Your small home for a larger \ : 4 \ a hundred people present. After the week-end. Miss Constance Noyes, one. Your vacant for a home. Your N\ io \ ' gmovie the Zyssis danced a classmate, is a guest at her home. vacant or hom for a farm or an apart- \ ° ia \ 4 ; Tk ment building. We make exchanges in \ | N\ Marcus D. Richards and family of | Mr. Charles Smythe of Delafield, all parts of the country. That's way see X 621 W. RAILROAD AVE., WILMETTE \ Lo \ 1376. Ashbury avenue Hubbard Woods, | Wis., who is attending the Univ ersity \ \ i \ have rented their house and expect |of Chicago, spent Thanksgiving with PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. \ WILMETTE \ i NN to leave within a few days for San|his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. WILMETTE \ \ al \ Antonio, Tex., where Mr. Richards | Charles M. Strotz. \ 7 7 2 2 iy \ has enlisted in an aviation corps. SL 700 mmmmmmum505005550m0 20