| EB Em mm WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917 3 -- 4 ocial Happenings (2) on y (tA . om North Shore by Ruth Risley " NE of the charming weddings of the season was that of Miss Dorothy Bartholf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Bartholf, and Ralph Cushman, which was solemnized Sat- urday evening of last week at the home of the bride's par- ents, 535 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. Miss Bartholf was attended by her sister, Miss Winnifred, as maid of honor, and the Misses Beatrice King, Alice Woolley, Florelle Gore and Margaret McMillen served as bridesmaids. Six little flower girls, friends of the youngest sister, Miss Beatrice Bartholf, namely, Ruth Thomas, Mary Lathrop, Eugenia Moore, Florence and Rebeccah Wheelock, were also in at- tendance. Mr. Cushman was assisted by his brother, Lieutenant Clifford Cushman, and Lieutenants Fred Foote and Charles Budd, and Marvin Miner and Louis Bruch acted as ushers. The bridal gown was fashioned of white satin and rose point lace, and the bridal veil, one worn by her mother. The shower bouquet was composed of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor and bridesmaids wore bewitching costumes of pink shading to old rose, and carried huge bouquets of Killarney roses. Rev. Douglas Cornell performed the ceremony, preceding which Miss Ruth Breytspraak and Miss Jane Watts presented several musical numbers. The couple left for an extended honeymoon amidst a shower of rose petals and leaves, and will be at home after February first in Highland Park. Among other brides of Saturday was Miss Hazel West, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. West of Hubbard Woods, who was wedded to Captain Norman M. Stineman in the evening at Christ church, Winnetka, after which a small reception was held in the family residence, 1337 Asbury avenue. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard. The bride's attendants were Miss Florence Cook of Chicago as maid of honor and Miss Ruth Hodgson of Wilmette and Miss Marjorie West, sisters of the bride, as brides- maids. The best man was Albert W. Dilling of Chicago, and acting as ushers were Edwin M. West, brother of the bride ; Kenneth Mec- Lain, Robert J. Watson and Edgar Bloomster. Miss Rosalie Wacker, Miss Katherine Blossom, Miss Betty Hoyt, and a number of other girls had a loyalty candy party at the residence of Miss Wacker last night. A mysterious chemist friend of the Wacker family, whose name is withheld, assisted at the party by bringing to light a certain chemical which made the candy stick together and otherwise behave as good candy should. The recipe is to be entered in the woman's committee contest. v A cablegram from Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson announced their arrival in Costa Rica. Instead of going via New Orleans, as planned, the couple went direct to New York, sailing to Havana, where they spent two days. Mrs. Johnson formerly was Miss Catherine Re Qua, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haven Re Qua of Grand boulevard. & by The Winnetka unit of the Infant Welfare society met with the retir- Mrs. Frank R. Fuller of Hawthorne lane has for some weeks been aiding The next meeting of the McDowell club will be held at the home of Mrs. Warner Robinson on December 10. Mrs. Tyrell Cheney will read a paper on "French Classics, Old and New." Mrs. Clifford Ewart will play a group of 18th century pieces for piano. Miss Katherine Greene will sing a group Won Doubleheader. The New Trier High school basket- ball team won a doubleheader last Friday evening at the school gym- nasium. The heavyweights won from the alumni and the lightweights won from the ineligibles. " HEMSTITCHING 10¢ a yard--all colors BRING YOUR WORK IN BEFORE SHOP- PING, READY WHEN YOU GO HOME Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention LOUIS J. WROBLE EMBROIDERY, PLEATING, BUTTONS 135 So. State St., corner Adams Over Peacocks Phone Randolnh G975 of modern French songs, accompa- nied by Mrs. Dean. Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Orcutt will render the "Caesar Franck" sonata for violin and piano. RE Stanley Martin, 1040 Cherry street, a member of Battery E, 122nd F. A. Camp Logan, has been promoted to sergeant orderly under Brig. Gen. Todd. Mrs. James Martin has 'just returned from a two weeks' visit with her son in Houston, Tex. i 12 Ny Writing Portfolios in all the light and dark colors. Jewel Boxes in all sizes ; and colors. Roswell H. Fuller has received a commission as first lieutenant in the aviation branch of the Signal Corps of the U. S. Army, and has gone to Mineola en route to "somewhere." One no longer says to France, as our aviators are now in Italy and Eng- land, as well, and rumor says that winter training quarters are estab- lished in Honolulu and Egypt. Mrs. Wm. H. Proetz of St. Louis, who has been visiting in Winnetka, left for the east on Monday to visit her daughter at Vassar. ---- Countess Adriene de Coritche, who Photo Frames for travel- ing and at home. Fitted Suit WT TT ee HE RT 2 AL LL A 3 a fe £ LEATHER GOODS In our Leather Department you will find a splendid assortment of novelties, as well as practical pieces, for men and women. Bags for men and women. The assortment of Hand Bags is large and choice, French Velvets and Chinese Velvet Brocades, beautifully' mounted, many of which cannot be duplicated. CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS Madison and Wabash, CHICAGO. 1 2 RL ee LE F 2 SSA Trench and Traveling Cases. Trench Mirrors in Leather Cases. Bill'Folds and Card Cases, plain or gold trimmed. Cases and including LAL ddd rrr has been doing Red Cross work in the city, was the guest of Mrs. Anita Willetts Burnham at her home, "But- terfly Cottage," in Hubbard Woods, last week-end. ---- The special committee of the Par- ent-Teachers' association will enter- tain the teachers at a tea on Wed- nesday, ecember 12, at four o'clock, at the Winnetka Woman's club. Miss Hetzil is to be the guest of honor. pli Sim, ATT EEE TTT Mrs. Alfred Burnham entertained in honor of Mrs. Marcus Richards, who leaves soon for Texas, on Wed- nesday afternoon. REY Toh The Dorcas sqciety of the Scandi- navian church of Winnetka will hold its Xmas sale Tuesday evening, De- cember 11, at 7:30 o'clock. L ---- Mrs. B. F. Philbrook of Sioux City, Ia., who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Forest Lowry of Walnut street, has gone to the Blackstone hotel in the city while she does her Xmas shopping prior to her return to her home. Electric Irons Electric Toasters Electric Percolators Electric Heating Pads Electric Table Lamps Electric Floor Lamps Electric Radiant Heaters JESSE D, PAYNE, M. D. Give Practical, Useful Christmas Gifts The joyous Christmas Season is again approaching--the season when the spirit of giving is abroad in the land. And if the gift that is given be both useful and pleasing--some- thing that can be used every day or week for years--a con- stant reminder of the giver, it will be a Gift Supreme WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS: Electric Sewing Machines Electric Sewing Machine Motors Electric Xmas Tree Outfits Electric Trains Electric Flashlights Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Washing Machines RE Hn (Eureka) (Eden) / ing president, Mrs. Roswell Mason. A new board of directors for 1918 was elected: Mrs. Donald Dallas, president; Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, first vice-president; Mrs. Howard 'Walsh, second vice-president; Mrs. William France Anderson, secretary, and Mrs. C. T. Mordoch, treasurer. Plans were made for the annual Christmas party to be held at Chi- cago Commons, Saturday, December 22. It was decided to give the party this year as usual, in spite of war time conditions, as the festivity means much to the little guests from the slums and their families. Any contribution of toys or clothing will be gratefully received. If notified, Mrs. Henry Gardner will call for donations. The Winnetka unit hopes that Winnetka people in their gene- rosity to the suffering abroad will not forget their patriotic duty to future American citizens at home. a The Parent-Teachers' association will combine its December meeting with the food conservation commit- tee. They will give an interesting program in the domestic science room of the Horace Mann school, Monday, December 10, at four o'clock. The subject will be "Our Great Food Products, Their History, Source and Use." 1. Vegetables--Miss Daniels, kinder- garten. 2. Grains -- Miss Glenda Griffith, first grade. 3. Fruits and Nuts--Miss Griffith, second grade. 4. Dairy Products--Miss Ballenger, third grade. 5. Groceries (sugar, Hetzil, fourth grade. 5. U. S. Imports and Exports--Miss Vail, general geography. Everyone is urged to attend this meeting, and a special invitation is issued by Mrs. C. S. Buell and Mrs. Willoughy Walling. fy There will be a meeting of the Win- netka Woman's club on Thursday, December 13. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Alfred Alschuler, chairman of the educational commit- tee. Miss Katherine M. Porter, rep- resentative of the Illinois Equal Suf- frage association, will speak on the etc.) -- Miss "Need of a Constitutional Convention in Illinois. the War Department in its organiza- tion work, and is at present holding a confidential position at the experi- mental field at Dayton, O., where she will remain until the new system of filing and handling the mails is thoroughly established. Mrs. Fuller is something of an expert along these lines, having had some years' experi- ence in'the Government service, both in the pension and internal revenue departments. Mrs. Charles Summers, 896 Elm street, entertained at Thanksgiving dinner, in honor of Miss Kao Lraza and Mr. Bruce Stearnes of Chicago. Among the out-of-town guests were John Donigan of Great Lakes Train- ing station, William Bowden and Mrs. Blanche Bowden. lr I Jean Hopkins of Hubbard Woods, one of last season's most popular debutantes, is now doing nursing at the Evanston hospital, in connection with her recruiting work. Miss Specialist--Diseases of women, children, ob- stetrics and electric treatment. Office and Residence, - 741 Prospect Avenue Phone Winnetka 1537 Hardware and Paints J. F. ECKART %5ims: Phone 484 E. S. PARR 809 Elm St. Winnetka, Ill ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, AND REPAIRING Bryan Marsh Electric Bulbs Bicycles new cand second hand Bicycle repairing and supplies Lawn Mower grinding and repairs Grinding of all kinds, Baby Car- riage Tires, Bu 3 i PHONE 122 EE | KEEP THE DUST OFF 60c White. 75¢ Figured. Beads Initialing 17 N. State St. $1.00 Figured. $1.25 for X Size- 32 in- | wide x 65 in. long. Laundry Bags to match, $1.00 One Initial 35¢c extra. Two Initials, 55¢ extra. THE REAL XMAS GIFT Parker Embroidering & Braiding Co. Room 614 North American Bldg., State and M. Street: Room 1122 Stevens Bldg., above Chas. A. rere a br as and Chicago, III, RENEE RENEE NEEEEEEEEnR SAVE YOUR CLOTHES BUY A DRESS BAG Stamping 1000 Designs 16 North Wabash Ave, -- EEE EBRERNER :] New Hotel rates a specialty. 530 State Street Soldiers' Families Attention When visiting CAMP GRANT, stop at the Large, beautiful outside rooms, single or ensuite, Weekly Chicago Office, 849 Otis Building, Phone Franklin 4584 Blackhawk Never crowded. Rockford, III. | ~ North Shore Electric Shop 554 RAILROAD AVE. LT TT TET LTE AA ELLE EE EE CL CL LL ET ANY ONE OF THESE GIFTS CANNOT FAIL TO TOUCH THE CHORD YOU WISH TO STRIKE JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor WINNETKA TELEPHONE WINNETKA 44 If Electrical and Good We Have It NN Z Zizi #2 % & 7 Z 22 A Truly Great Car The YY INE Tue is a degree of motor car performance beyond which inprovement is at present un- purchasable. That degree is enjoyed to the full by the owner of a Haynes Car. Zizézzz222 222% In fluidity of operation, in percussive instancy of pick-up, in sustained and imperious command of every motoring situation this car has no counter- part in the industry. Its lines and its appointment are of an excellence to match its prowess. Its price falls fair between extravagance and unwise thrift. A demonstration will make motor car performance take on a new meaning to you. 7 % Phone Wilmette 587 or 1883 WEIHE MOTOR SALES (0. 621 W. RAILROAD AVENUE WILMETTE 7 7 X % 77 7 7 77 T0 »